(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION SEPT. 16-8, 2022) — Idle thoughts while wondering if the long-suffering Buffalo Bills will finally win the Super Bowl this year.
Things We Don’t Want to See — Lauren Hutton, 78, posing in her underwear huckstering for a new bra called Cupps … Watching Joe Biden turn into an octogenarian Haley Joel Osmet … a floundering, incompetent Karine Jean-Pierre, Syracuse Joe’s clueless press secretary; she’s young, black, female, and lesbian, in a “relationship” with a CNN reporter. Talk about job security … the city council doing Mayor Flat’s dirty work by shutting down free speech and wearing those ridiculous “Love Pittsfield baseball caps.” THE PLANET saw all this on Tuesday. It right near put us off our toast.
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First Draft Finds Its Way Into The Fortress — THE PLANET obtained the first draft submitted by the Eggspensiff PR firm that came up with its plan to capitalize upon all the “dynamism” in the city. We hope to post it soon. It’s titled “F**k Pittsfield.” The report released to the council Tuesday was the, uh, edited version.
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Her Daily Constitutional — Jean-Pierre blasted The Supremes for the Dobbs ruling. She told the fawning D.C. press corps the court had performed “an unconstitutional action.” This is what America has come to. The White House’s chief flack not knowing what’s in (more pointedly, what isn’t in) the U.S. Constitution.
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Mammy — FYI, Jean-Pierre is sooo woke that she’s still sound asleep. How woke? She’s in “a committed relationship” with a female CNN “reporter.” Their baby has two moms. Actually, four if you do the math and change the spelling.
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The Celebrated Mr. K Shines Once More — Ward 2 councilor Charles Kronick introduced a petition wanting his colleagues to discuss the growing homeless crisis in “vibrant and dynamic” Pittsfield. The council shot it down, 8-3 (Warren, Kalinowski). Council president Pee Pee, though, did announce that Kevin Sherman is so boring, his preferred pronouns are “ho/hum.”
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A PIX THEY WILL COME TO REGRET: Councilors wear their dunce caps during the city’s latest PR push, themed “Love Pittsfield.” (Photo by iBerkshires)
Garivaltis Calls Council Out on Strikes — Former city councilor, school committeeman, parks commissioner, mayoral candidate, and — with Chuck Vincelette — one of our last remaining elders, told THE PLANET: “Kronick’s petition was to “talk about “the problem of homeless people sleeping outdoors, with winter around the corner. This petition to address a serious community problem. It was decided not to talk about it. I know this is Pittsfield ,and it is important to receive 10 to 12 thousand a year what is often a no-show job [of city councilor]. I understand this. But when it comes to the health and well-being of homeless families we should, at least, talk about it. [Councilors]: How in the world do you ever deny Councilor Kronick’s petition to talk about this issue?” Thanks, CG, for your wisdom, and right you are. The council won’t discuss “houselessness” but it will waste valuable time and $$$ on a mickey-mouse PR campaign meant to pretend all is A-OK..
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HE PUT A SPELL ON YOU: East Street road work in front of PHS, courtesy of Rickey’s Rumpass. It’s sooooooo Pittsfield!
Questions for Trisha — Kathy Mickle, one of the county’s true Citizens, sent Pittsfield state rep. Tricia County-Buffet (D-Illegal Immigrants) a comment then question. Kathy writes: “First no ‘big money’ arranged and argued to get this question on the ballot, but 100,000 + citizens/registered voters — democrats, unenrolled and republicans. Every day concerned citizens. Question 1: Why shouldn’t citizens get a voice on this decision? Question 2: Why is handing out licenses without driver’s ed or testing that citizens have to accomplish, a good idea? Question 3: If someone who is NOT a citizen, gets a license, are they automatically registered to vote? Question 4: If a license for under age driver can be designated by a strip of color, why can’t a noncitizen be identified as such? We were told it would be too much for the registry??? Question 5: Do citizens have any advantage anymore? “We the people” want to know. I will share my answer/questions with others who are interested. We are ” mad as hell.” THE PLANET, Kath, can answer your final question: “No.” That said, this November, voters statewide will get a chance to vote on this illegal giveaway to criminals. VOTE NO ON DRIVERS’ LICENSES FOR ILLEGALS.
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IRA Irate — Since Congress approved Biden’s evil-named “Inflation Reduction Act,” the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in the past month, eggs are up 39.8%, flour 23.3%, milk 17%, bread 16.2%, chicken 16.6%, fruits and veggies 9.4%. Since the start of the year, your money has lost almost 12% of its value.
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Scohol’s Out — That’s how the crack crew of DP(e)W chief Ricky’s Rumpas spelled “SCHOOL” on the new pavement fronting PHS. How? That’s all. How did it all come to this in our once-great city? Was it deliberate, meant to mimic the spelling of “alCOHOL.” Could it be Ricky’s crew expressing an editorial comment about their boss?
Have a great weekend, everybody!
“Yer shittin’ me, right?” — Joe Kapanski after learning about Pittsfield’s vibrant, dynamic PR campaign, “Love Pittsfield.”
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Hey Dan you really need to cover the crap and dig into the mess in Monterey. Have a great weekend my friend.
Not in my YARD.
Kavey’s hat was a beanie.
Did it have a propeller?
Kavey’ is a joke as a ward councilor. He doesn’t return phone calls unless pressured to, and then was so disinterested and annoyed during our conversation that I briefly considered moving to a different ward, except, y’know, clowncilors gonna clown no matter what ward you’re in.
Kronick is a breath of fresh air. He’s bringing the Democratic process back to CC, and that is no small thing in this town.
It’s safe to say we have Chronix back on the planet. P s I was NOT the one and did not spell school wrong.
He lives with his mommy and daddy on Spadina kind of like jimmy who moved with his mommy on Spadina when he ran for mayor and put his mommy into a nursing home. mama mia.
Yeah,real big shot. And did nothing for his go to Saint Joseph’s when they went out of business. His Rolodex must’ve been dead.
“bringing the Democratic process back to CC, and that is no small thing in this town”
That was my campaign promise. It may be all that I accomplish which actually is bigger than approving/rejecting sick proposals. Emergency auth. for $750,000 because the DPW couldn’t plan a bid process? I have a saying, “failure to plan on your part does not constitute a crisis on mine.”
I ran promising to promote the talent of the individual which is ignored by the City. And look, now a fresh new opportunity has been awarded us. Stay tuned!
We WILL stay tuned!
Ward councilors don’t do ward work.They are all running for Mayor…..Have all of them fix the cuts in the road by sewar diggers and utilities….They must make roads like new when they finnish….Ward councilors are to important to cut tree limbs on 1st street and turn up street lights in the hood
was thinking you could change your screen to Scohol Commitea ?
He was better than J Lo……just sayin
Everything in this column is so completely crazy, that any rational person would think this entire column is satire, capped off with the photo of the misspelled “SCOHOL”, but us Kapanskis’ know better. The country has gone down the shitter, as well as Pittsfield.
What does our own “The Scohol Committee “ have to say about this? Does he work a paint machine for the city?
Now Biden wants hate sights shut down.Dan,he says the moderator cannot keep up with what’s said on such sites?
Agree with him. Speeches by Brandon should be prohibited.
TSC: All Trumps fault because of J6 Off meds.
TSC: All Trumps fault because of J6. On meds.
I don’t know about that , but I’m pretty sure we see the effects of him breathing in paint fumes.
Forever from now, it shall be called “The Pittsfield Sochol Committee.”
Change the S to an A
Yup. You are the man.
Don’t worry Dan they’ll get that money back for redoing it,trust me
They are saying, “we need more money for our scohols”. They play that on a loop. Bizarrely, it seems the more money they pour into the Pittsfield, Ma scohol system the worse the scohols get. And that is a proven fact.
Ironically Massachusetts is ranked near the top in the nation for public school systems. It might be number one if it did not have Pittsfield’s scohols dragging it down. Can we get some more money over here please? Mo Money Mo Money fixeded up da scohols….
The person who painted that won the local Spelling Bee contest. The person beat out many other locals educated right here in Pittsfield.
But he thought it was a spelling G
Only about 20 percent of the students would have known the spelling was wrong unless it was pointed out. But given the deplorable and fast declining state of the city, does it even matter anymore if anyone knows how to spell?
All you really need to know in Pittsfield is how to make out a check to mayor tyer to pay your taxes. No one is ever going to ask you to spell anything and if they do tell them you just got off an immigrant bus from Texas and are still learning the language. In fact, that story might get you some free food, lodging and a drivers license and maybe a bone for yer doggie.
Yo, Joe, Welcome to Shittfield. Vibrant, dynamic, full of bums, junkies, hookers, and hucksters.
Andrea will be hosting a culinary show called “How to cook your own goose.”
Appetizer: Spill the beens.
Goose to be served with word salad.
Palette cleanser: Sure bit.
After-dinner drink: Sour grapes.
The audience for her show will be ham sandwiches, laughing their asses off.
No need to go whole hog here with the HAM. nipple’s audience will only consist of Canned SPAM laughing till it cries its salty butt off.
Sarcasm: I did an online search of the Lovely Linda’s new tagline called “Love Pittsfield”. This is what I found. GE’s two postindustrial toxic waste dumps that are called leaky landfills, including one that abuts an elementary school that is full of children. Could GE’s capped PCBs and the other possible capped industrial chemicals have anything to do with Pittsfield’s Level 5 public schools? Decades of population loss and decades of lost living wage jobs that is blamed on the late Jack Welch, who left Pittsfield well over 40 years ago and then made Pittsfield into GE’s dump decades later in return for the Good Old Boys receiving 30 pieces of silver. Predictable Pittsfield politics always screwing over the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Decades of excessively high state and local taxes. Overpriced Level 5 public schools. Matt Kerwood’s “Creative Accounting” scams and slush funds. A dangerous downtown – with daily shootings by the over 1,000 gang members who call Pittsfield home – that is also known as “Social Services Alley” and the inner-city neighborhoods that surround North Street’s empty storefronts called “The Ring of Poverty”. A growing underclass and homeless population. Mayor Linda Tyer living in a mansion in an elitist Gated Community with her third and richest husband yet: multimillionaire CPA Barry Clairmont, who says that he patrols inner-city Pittsfield at 3am. Marijuana odors stinking up residential neighborhoods with no action taken by City Hall. Backbencher useless State Representatives who do nothing in Boston in return for 6-figure public pay plus perks. PAC Man Richie Neal always cashing in at K Street’s corporate lobbyist firms. Maryland Markey spewing his HOT AIR in the Swamp about the Democrats’ Green New Deal propaganda while he openly supports GE’s plan to put a toxic waste dump that is also known as a leaky landfill inside of a watershed in the polluted Housatonic River in Lee. Elizabeth Warren doing nothing for Main Street USA, while she strongly supports the sitting U.S. President who took in more campaign donation cash from Wall Street in 2020 than any politician in U.S. history. Joe Biden charging the Kapanski family 41-year high U.S. inflation so he can eat more cake. The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle)’s fourth rate yellow journalism that says all of this failed leadership is progress.
In addition to being the cute sweet heart you are Melle your also very funny. Melle and the dirty bird are a dangerous combo.
Thanks for the baseball hat tip off Dan, Instead of going woke we need to wake Up The effort titled “Love Pittsfield” — was allocated about $340,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and has spent about 40 percent of it. I can buy the same hat on Amazon for $6 bucks
Shove $hittsfield
Stooge needs to get some sun. The milk film above his upper lip Is not a good look.
I saw a baseball cap that said : “Non-Bidenary”
Advice to Dina…..take your hat and jacket off.
Yes, RK. Another waste, this time $340,000, of the ARPA Bux.
Believe me somebody got payola.
But – for whom was the waste spent?
Forensic will answer that Sir Chuck
ask lindy. this city’s corruption makes Boss Tweed look like a saint. right “little lindy”. HOW did you get to the top? oh that’s right you were the city clerk appointed by ruberto and in charge of the voting machines when you were ran for mayor and you were elected. Coincidence I don’t think so.
The answer was actually in the presentation.
NYC hipsters are going to jump upon an Amtrak, disembark at Pittsfield for a drink. Interesting.
doing that dem dance!!
SCOHOL. That is about as close as you are going to get with level 5 schools. They got the first two letters in the right order though which probably surprised even the mayor.
“Morales said the contractor was a good sport about it” and would be paying for the proper spelling redo.
That sure was nice of them huh?
Well as long as the contractor was a good sport. LMAO
Waiting for JM, TDS, Fuzzie and the rest to check in on the white supremist sitting on the Pittsfield City Council…just look at that picture, all those evil MAGA’s waiting to pounce and steal from the little Kapanski’s of the city. Oh wait, they all be those dumbocrats earning their enormous salaries(kickbacks) by spending all the anti-inflationary ARPA $$. Crazy is as crazy does and this world is very, very crazy. One where our government is stating borrowing money and spending it is lowering inflation???? Do they have any idea about economics??? Crazy is as Crazy does I guess…try to hold on to your money and have a great weekend. Just stay of North St I was hit up several times for “change” from our walking zombies when I was up there this week.
The majority of the council didn’t even want to discuss the homeless problem in Pittsfield? Maybe because that would lead to the subject of the illegal immigrants being brought into Pittsfield and that is a place they don’t want to go. What city doesn’t want to discuss its homeless problem and try to make the situation better? The councilors that voted for no discussion on this issue are not good for this city and no citizen should vote for them again.
The mayor has the final say. Councilors should not object. That’s the philosophy of these idiots. Then don’t even have a silly Clowncil.
You would think “Houseless Pete” would be front and center on this issue since that’s all he has spoken about for sometime now. Appears he only speaks and talks about it right before he and others vote for tax incentives for those who are supplying market rate apartments. Then he and others want to talk about it.
Maybe it was shut down to save the mayor and the Pete duet from serious embarrassment. They have no core foundation for personal shame. They have blocked out the job they were elected to do and are now full focus on the mayors wish list.
If I were a kid of any of these bozos I would be too embarrassed to bring my friends home. “This is my Mom. She sold out the people who elected her” “This is my dad, he sold out the people who trusted him and the elected him.”
Move away kids. These guys are going to embarrass you for the rest of your life/
just wait until all the Immigrants arrive into Flat Tyers “Sanctuary City”, they will be taught the ins and outs of the best spots to Panhandle and given a fresh , new “Love Pittsfield Hat” ,meanwhile , some of our life long residents , now are part of the Homeless Encampents , remember being poor is not criminal and therefore not punishable. sidenote. our hard working Beat Cops ,come across an individual Driving on a Suspended License , the outcome , someone in the vehicle that was valid got to drive and said individual was given a warning! just shows that theyhavent the bother for paperwork or the D.A. letting them off anyhow. up until her reign , that was /is an arrestable Offense………..SMH. PPD
They look like a B-Team in their baseball hats. Photo caption: Put me in, Coach!
Baseball caps, $500 Tyler St trash cans, greenhouse dining pods – boy can Linda spend money! Poor Barry!
where are those greenhouses that were bought during covid
Check Flat Tyer’s friends homes.
Governor DeSantis has spread the criminal alien open border joy to Marthas Vineyard, delivering two planes full (50).
The woke jokes are unhappy, and no offers from Sotero to house them in his mostly empty mansion. Why aren’t they celebrating their new “diversity”? A new “woke” name has been proposed: “Migrants Vineyard”
Not to be outdone, Governor Abbott sent several busloads of the criminals to VP Kamala Harris’s home in Washington DC
“Kamala told reporters over the weekend “The border is secure.”
These people (Kamala) just can’t stop lying.”
“Secret Service Agents Protect Kamala’s Home from the Illegal Aliens – Tell People to Keep Away From HER FENCE”
“They entered the U.S. by wading across the Rio Grande, they said.”
““Vice President Harris said that the border is closed. Is the border closed? Do you believe that the border is closed or is it open?” Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins queried.
“It’s open, not closed. The border is open…everybody believes that the border is open. It’s open because we enter. We come in, free, no problem,” he said.
“Yeah, we came illegally, not legal,” he said.
Kamala Harris briskly walked past a reporter asking if she had comment on the illegals dumped on her lawn.”
So much for this huh? Guess the right just picks and chooses what they like from the bible.
“When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not wrong him. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Lev. 19:33-34)
Play that for the NIMBY woke liberals on MV.
As MT says, would you so no to a free flight to Martha’s Vineyard with all expenses paid? Who is being inhospitable?
looks like the Governor’s did love them. They sent them to the higher educated wealthier places so they could be taken care of, glad you kind of recognized that fact
Breaking …
Martha’s Vineyard now leads the nation in the deportation of criminal illegal aliens, at 100%!!!
And the “woke” “inclusive” “diverse” LIBERAL MV NIBYS also showed, it’s A O.K. to use the military to remove criminal aliens.
Trish Farley doesn’t want Americans to have a say on what happens in this country anymore especially with the illegal immigrants. She has learned her lessons well from the far left authoritarians.
Govs DeSantis and Abbott, will deliver as many criminal aliens as she can house and feed, free!!!
As well they should. I don’t remember TSC or Fizz complaining when Xiden was flying the illegal aliens all over the country, under the cover of darkness. No outrage then.
But now that TX, FL, and AZ, are sending them to all the blue led sanctuary states and cities, now it’s “xenophobic,” “racist,” a “political pawn?” Not when Xiden was doing it to FL.
I don’t understand why the people along The Cape are mad? A MA State Rep, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal immigrants), championed legislation to give illegal aliens free driver’s licenses in MA.
I don’t recall all the complaints then? Tricia wanted them, now Tricia is getting them. Unfortunately, so are we in the “VIRBANT and DNYAMIC” city.
I had to laugh about even having a homeless shelter on MV ! Really for whom ? Maybe the shelter is for those with only have a couple million who can’t afford to buy on MV?
The rich people need to start caring about the illegals that they want so many of in this country. Homeless shelters are not needed. Obama has a ton of acreage on the Vineyard not being used…perfect for tent cities.
Obama’s excuse for wanting the migrants out immediately is because of climate change and he doesn’t want them drowning when the sea rises in 100 years.All for their safety says O. Otherwise he has no issues with them being their.
Pretty sure I read where that guy that sells the red hats had a ton of illegals working for him at several of his properties. Lots of talk about it when he ran the first time. Should I find it and post it or will that initiate another batch of coronaries?
I’m more concerned with the 2 million+ unscreened criminal aliens Biden let invade America this year, in dereliction of his duty as IM-POTUS. And the VP lying this week that “the border is secure”.
Thanks, TRAP. Folks, think about that number. Two million undocumented, unchecked criminals, allowed to spit in the face of our immigration laws and the many WELCOME immigrants who entered LEGALLY. That’s nearly 200,000 a month, nearly 7,000 a day, 300 a day — 24/7/365. For the VP to say “the border is secure” is a lie, an impeachable offense.
Mike Berry (?) had clips from the 70s from a Democrat talking about how all immigrants need to be channeled legally into the country…what happened to them?
A lot of those encounters result in expulsion, do we know how many actually stay?
The Martha’s Vineyard woman was saying, “They have to leave and they have to leave immediately. We have no room for them here.” Now we find they are going to be moved to military bases. Most of the tourists have moved on from Martha’s Vineyard so there must be lots of room for tent cities. The rich elites don’t want the upheaval and all of the messiness that the illegals will cause. They don’t want to have them there at all. It spoils their pristine image. Texas and the border states must handle all of them or be called racist.
Would Faker Rino Baker call out the Guard to remove illegals from Pittsfield?
Nah. He’s probably getting ready to ship the 50 Venezuelans TO Pittsfield. Please someone call him & give him SJW Linda’s Pheasant Way address. She’s got a large backyard.
Indeed she does
TFBilvot can take them all!!!
Marthas (Migrants) Vineyard has plenty of beaches and this is less expensive than flying them from Florida.
Central America has plenty of beaches too
The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth:
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Fall Leaves Fall
Emily Bronte
Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorted day;
Every leaf speaks bliss to me,
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
I shall smile when wreaths of snow
Blossom where the rose should grow;
I shall sing when night’s decay
Ushers in a drearier day.
And now I can comment to your criticism of Lauren Hutton. We should all be as lucky as Lauren Hutton. She is graceful, confident and a natural beauty. She has inner beauty which radiates.
Unlike those two Ogresses, Karine and Kamala, obviously both of them were beaten with the ugly stick, along with Ogresses Linda Tyer and Andrea Harrington. They ooze ugly!
Maybe you didn’t see pct this morning
Dan, with the exception of Kenny Warren, that picture perfectly encapsulates, “there’s nothing to see here, look away.”
Imagine a forensic auditor going through all of the fraud, waste, and abuse, his/her firm has uncovered in Flat Tyer’s administration. While this is going on CK is actively studying the numbers, while the rest watch mindless Tom and Jerry cartoons that Flat Tyer is showing on a screen behind the auditors presentation.
Flat had promised them it was from Barry Tyer’s favorite collection. Said Flat, “Tom and Jerry inspire Barry to work his Cumby’s shift. If PPD won’t keep it safe, Barry will.”
Kronick looks like he is trying to figure out where the ARPA monies went because Flat Tyer doesn’t know. Dina looks like she is praying to Flat Tyer to give her a job. Sherman is day dreaming about getting his next beer at the Sideline Saloon. Conant is either high on lawn fertilizer or over ate to the point of falling asleep. Kenny looks like he is analyzing whether or not it is legal that these crappy lying hats were paid for by ARPA funds. Bottom line this picture shows the lack of interest and waste of money the CC is. Would love each and everyone one of the useless 8 councilors and Flat Tyer to tell us taxpayers just one item they have accomplished in their terms except waste money.
You are Brilliant. Right on. PALOOKVILLE.
M an B isn’t brilliant, just tells the truth.
Excellent! Again!
Maybe Bare Bare can do the honest audit and check on the voting machines that lindy was in charge of when she was elected mayor? Then a coffee at Cumby’s where the latest city shooting took place at the corner of First and Adams Streets.
Barry stated right in this blog that he was very much against Pittsfield having a forensic audit because they serve no real purpose. Which is kind of an odd thing for a CPA to say isn’t it?
Barry and I sat down earlier this year, and he gave me a course in AUDITS 101. I took notes like a good student and amateur economist (I have been interested in how money works ever since my mom sat me down as a wee lad as a first grader and opened a bank account at Berkshire County Savings Bank; every week, I received a 25-cent allowance [later bumped to 50 cents!] to deposit into the account). The only point I questioned what Prof. Clairmont’s declaration that there is no such thing as a forensic audit. Investopedia (and many other accounting sources) disagree. Investopedia tells us that a forensic audit “is an examination and evaluation of a firm’s or individual’s financial records. During a forensic audit, an auditor seeks to derive evidence that could potentially be used in court. A forensic audit is used to uncover criminal behavior such as fraud or embezzlement.” It begins with a suspicion that criminal financial behavior may have occurred. Fact: There is a suspicion that such is the case in Pittsfield, especially (though not limited to) the distribution of the ARPA money. We have heard unverified reports that certain parties on the receiving end of APRA Bux and other grant-handouts have been doing a lot of paper shredding. You want to know who becomes the next mayor in next year’s muni elections: The candidate to, after putting together a SERIOUS bid (organizationally, financially, and energetically), promises and pledges on life itself to conduct such as audit as his/her first official act.
The State offers free forensic audits for taxpayers. They will come in and do an entire city for free!
Beacon Hill has an interest (pun!) in city financing and a good part of MGL is devoted to the subject. I stole Kufflinks’ Big Blue Book, and I bet it’s in there too.
A good accountant keeps lots of books. Some can’t be audited at all.
My gut tells me that the city of Pittsfield is comfortable that no one from Boston is ever going to look at their books. There may be some communal hand washing going on from one end of the pike to the other. There is no way in hell a mayor would be allowed to toss money into the wind like tyer has if there was legitimate oversight. Just a weird feeling based on the absurdity of the expenditures
How do you make it happen if the Mayor won’t ask? Can you ask as a City Councilor and make it happen?
Only a CPA who has his “hands in the cookie jar,” would say a thing like that.
It’s par for the course with Barry. He was the only CPA in the US that couldn’t work from home during the pandemic.
Pittsfield’s “vigilante” took out PPP loans to cover his “losses” because he could not perform the work of a CPA, unless he was in an office-type setting.
Does Barry have any clients that aren’t non profit?
and has he ever audited any of them?
If only everyone on this thread went to each council meeting and read aloud their responses… would be entertaining, would it change anything?
“You’re Changing this World with your Love”.
Why would Andrea Harrington pursue criminal charges in a civil contract case? Imagine if she did that in her own fraud case? She owed her credit card company way more that this guy owed his customer.
Andrea belongs in jail
prolly had a Shugrue lawn sign in his front yard
Speaking of soon to be ex DA Andrea, what happened to the murder case involving the two brothers? It seems to have disappeared? Anyone know why, did she and Karen Bell screw it up, did they drop the charges? It seems strange there was one article in the Eagle and then the coverage stopped?
Good questions what is the status of this trial- mistrial?
Martha’s Vineyard has now described their situation as a “humanitarian crisis” after 50 illegals showed up there. They aren’t equipped, no homeless shelters. Take a lesson from California and Texas and make some tent cities. No homeless shelters required. Most will be moved to military bases now according to the latest from the Vineyard. The rich Democrat elites just can’t handle the noise and stress.
Hopefully Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott keep them coming.
Dan? After Investigating the school misspelling. It was determined that they had extra paint and knew what they were spelling, but they were in the middle of a game called, ready? SCRABBLE.
Thanks for investigating, BP!
In addition to the misspelling didja notice all the paint splattered in the road for a quarter mile down East street in front of the school etc? Were they “good sports” about that as well? Willl the mayor be hiring them for the rest of the city line painting and will there be “cost overruns? Are there any “connected” names involved with this company?
When the phone doesn’t ring, we’ll know it’s Rickey Rumpus not getting back to you, FIZZ.
Kufflinks responded, it was an oversight on his part
Aka Little Eddy Munster
If Ron DeSantis is an evil genius, I want more of them
No, we will have no freedom left, guy is a Naploeon Bonaparte wannabee
Check this out! Great!
Martha’s Vineyard is only one example of many across the country who are so pro-illegal immigrant, but don’t want them in their area. Muriel Bowser saying today that “We can’t handle the immigrants here like they can in Texas”. “We aren’t a border state like they are”. Can somebody please explain her thinking because it makes zero sense. The far left is just trying to flip many of these border states to blue so that is their political motivation and they are using the illegals as pawns. Everything they accuse the Republicans of doing, they are doing.
Maybe Pittsfield should open a military base to solve our housing crisis.
Where can I get one of those snappy looking hats?
You can have ours. Just look in The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich (c) (TM) (Marcas Registradas) (U) (P).
Lol. Too bad you couldn’t get a picture of the Duke of Earl and PP junior and senior. Pretty sure they didn’t have the cap size. To Joe Kopanski. The whole country including Pittsfield is going to hell, how did this happen? Well,consider how few people go to a city Council meeting and speak to an incompetent mayor and council. Actually only a handful of people attend any city Council meetings, and there in lies the problem.
Dan and the G-man have been banging their heads trying to convince people to partake in local city government,and Charles also. Their pleas have fallen on deaf ears.I was at the September 13 City Council meeting and listened to the G-man invite DPW commissioner Roberto Morales,aka sokcol to a debate,in front of the full city Council. If we had 10 or 15 more people like G-man we would have some control. Instead it seems like all we have is a bunch of ass hats.
The council needs to wake up. There is no one in the city who knows more about the water plants than Gaetani but the city seems willing to squander millions on work that doesn’t need to be done. Why not let the guy have a look and give a report to Morales, the council and the rate payers. We have nothing to lose and millions to save. Linda, think of the slush fund you could build up for your useless projects.
“Actually only a handful of people attend any city Council meetings, and there in lies the problem.”
Let’s fix that. I’m returning your call tonight.
And the current leadership is ok with less participation by the citizens. They have worked hard to minimize citizens input because their agenda(s) faces less scrutiny.
Unless of course Earl “Dumpster” Persip got to the dumpster first. If he did, you’ll soon see the upstanding Persip family adorned in PTITSFIELD hats.
Can we get some that say “love Pittsfield can’t stand Tyer”?
I lost mine already. was looking to see what country they were made in. Maybe Warren took it.
Did you look in The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich (c) ™ (marcas registradas) etc. etc. etc.?
It may be in Sherman’s desk drawer. If you find it, please return it to the corner office for use in marketing.
It should be a city ordinance for all homeless and pan handlers to wear these hats. They could hold them out for donations to be put into. As part of the city vibrancy they should be willing to give back to their city by promoting it. Does the mayor feel that these people are less human than others and do not deserve hats? Does she? Does Pete White feel they do not deserve hats like he and his friends wear?
What does an ASShat Clowncilor deserve?
He deserves for someone to shit in his hat.
Great idea, PITTS. The bums holding “Love Pittsfield” caps. How fitting!
Enough bums/beggarsto hold hands and encircle the roundabout!!!
Another cap slogan idea for the bums:
It’s Bummed Out!!!
Seen at the McKay Street parking deck loaded with crap.
Warren took my MAGA hat
SCOHOL only in a Ricky Rumpus led DPW does this happen. No oversight to check for accuracy prior to applying the paint?
Is Ricky’s correct name Ricky Rumpus or Ricky Rumpass? Both names fit. I just don’t want to be accused of being racist, xenophobic, or non-inclusive, by misspelling Ricky’s last name, is why I ask.
Did anyone notice it looks like they tried to correct the spelling with black spray paint?????
Yes. channel 13 showed it. They tried to correct it with spray paint and still had it spelled wrong.
If the company/contractor that fucked this up, TWICE, was a reputable business, they would completely remove their mistake, start over again, do it right, at their own expense, and forfeit all compensation they originally contracted the job for, IF, they were reputable business.
I’m surprised Morales didn’t use a Sharpie
This mistake is pale in comparison to the gunk up at the water-sewer plant. Another Ricardo nightmare.
He did
Call the FBI and DOJ, they have lots of experience deleting and retracting printed materials.
sfield SentinelDavid Engel · r
From the Pittsfield Commissioner of Public Works.
Ricardo Yamil Morales Badui
I think that word was the kind of light hearted thing that we needed to escape out of the mundane daily grind we are so stuck with. At least that’s what first came to mind when I saw the social media reactions to a typo on asphalt.
Lately I’ve been thinking of the person tasked with that job. I don’t know if this was their tenth marking or their thousand one. I don’t know if they were able to get rest during the day and had their mind clear for their long night work. I don’t know if they were fluent in English either. Maybe they did not get enough rest between jobs in this incredibly busy time with increasing human resource shortages. There is only one thing I’m certain of and that is that we all make mistakes, we all face challenges at work caused by our personal and unique circumstances. Actually there’s something else I’m sure of, that the contractor owns up to their mistakes! They fixed the typo the next night.
That is why when something like this happens, I need to think and focus on what I’m laughing about. SCOHOL is a funny typo and probably makes for a funny sticker or shirt, although with some context. But I also feel the need to avoid making fun of the people who made it.
I hope you can also find that balance.
The city contracts this work to K5 Corp. and performs quality control and meets with the crew before the start of every shift in Pittsfield.
Here’s my slogan submission:
Who wants to join THE PLANET’s slogan contest? Most thumbs up wins!
Dickwad Reject Ricky is a fucking moron! SCOHOL sums up Pittsfield and the rejects taxpayers are forced to support, perfectly. The fact that REJECT RICKY considerers this fuck-up a lighthearted escape from the mundane daily grind of his daily usual fuckups is another insult to Pittsfield taxpayers. Reject ricky, REJECT linda, REJECT wynn, the BIG DUMP REJECT persip, REJECT kavey, REJECT PEEPEE marchetti, REJECT gimpy simpleton peepee white, REJECTS sherman, warren, lesbo dina squeal, coNUT, REJECT DIRTY SCARY barry, REJECT vicki smith, house mother to the filthy houseless, REJECT CHARLATANS shirley-warren-roberta-dennis SHARPTON-powell-dews-edgerton, REJECT aka deanna ruffer et al, are all as lighthearted as a case of double pneumonia.
A veritable work of art!
Thanks for mentioning and/or looking out for our hundreds of Students that cross near those road layer signs and warn drivers of students present in the area. It’s no joke, it’s not funny to look back on, just more of Ricardos’ horrible leadership! and just another of Flat Tyers’ incompetent Department heads and all those in the know letting her get away with all kinds of wrong, crooked decisions, not speaking up and turning blind eye and deaf ear and not a single “sorry” from Flat Tyer about her husband’s, ”actions” and “bullying”. Please leave the Bar-A-Linda estate, as soon as every resident votes you out!!
How much does it cost to send a street painter to summer scohol?
Better question: How much will it cost the Kapanski’s to pay for the consultant to decide if our street painters need summer scohol?
The biggest joke was posted above Dean’s photo shows spelling wrong but they actually tried to correct it with black spray paint as shown on channel 13 and they couldn’t even do that right.
An undisputable fact: Both Joe Biden and John Kerry (and Hillary Clinton, too) voted for George W. Bush’s second Iraq War twenty years ago. Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world second only to Saudi Arabia. Guess who made a controversial visit to see Crown Prince MBS in Saudi Arabia on July 15th, 2022? The answer is the sitting U.S. President Joe Biden. Two months later, gas prices are over $1 lower than their $5 per gallon high mark three months ago. Less than two months from now on November 8th, 2022, the midterm elections will decide which political party will control the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Sarcasm: It must have been a coincidence that Joe Biden broke his 2020 campaign promises and blistering criticisms of then U.S. President Trump about Saudi Arabia! ….and Pigs have Wings and Fly!
John, Traitor Joseph Stolen shut down the largest oil reserves in the world, Permian Basin West Texas/New Mexico.
“In 2016, independent oil and gas consulting firm Rystad Energy released data that revealed Texas held 60 billion barrels of shale oil, more recoverable oil than in Saudi Arabia.”
“Christmas came a few weeks early this year,” said U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke. “American strength flows from American energy, and as it turns out, we have a lot of American energy. Before this assessment came down, I was bullish on oil and gas production in the United States. Now, I know for a fact that American energy dominance is within our grasp as a nation.” -USGS
Oil and heating fuel, for Americans should be ~ $1.50/gal. Think about that when you vote Nov 2022, and Nov 2024
Long post, but CK has them talking! Even though the article mentions CK’s perspective on the homeless as an enforcement one they should realize it was a way to get a conversation moving on the issue. The issue those who claim to be so concerned about and want to talk about only when they are ready to on their terms.
Berkshire Eagle:
Our Opinion: Pittsfield’s persistent homelessness problem demands the attention of our community’s open hearts and minds
It’s a topic before the City Council. It’s on the minds of readers who write us letters to the editor. And it’s certainly a relevant topic for those who live the issue every day on the streets. Pittsfield’s homelessness problem appears to be getting worse.
While it’s hard to get reliable and exact data on the problem, the Three County Continuum of Care estimates the homeless population in Berkshire County has nearly doubled over the last two years. Given the county’s demographics, it’s not surprising that such a trend would be particularly and disproportionately visible in Pittsfield. And it is — from the controversy-attracting encampments in Springside Park to an apparent increase in the number of folks living on or around the downtown streets to the noted increase in panhandling throughout Pittsfield.
This should distress everyone. First and foremost, it signals that more and more of our neighbors are struggling to make ends meet and, for whatever combination of reasons, are forced to live in extreme vulnerability. Aside from these folks’ experiences, there is also the residual effect on the entire community’s quality of life. Real public health risks emerge when people living amid public spaces don’t have access to basic amenities like medical care, bathrooms or sanitary products. Then there is the impact on the adjacent private properties, such as business-owners worried about the potential effects on attracting clientele and particularly tourists.
Some will downplay the suffering of our fellow human beings, merely regarding the issue as an inconvenience or obstacle to commerce and public order. Others will rightly acknowledge the humanity of people clearly in need of assistance, but assert that it is problematic to acknowledge community stakeholders’ real concerns, from public health and safety to socio-economic trends, as this issue seems to worsen. Yet the issue of homelessness demands not just our full attention but our open hearts and minds as well. Needless to say, it’s a complicated problem; that also means any workable solutions will be similarly complex and multifaceted, just like the systemic factors exacerbating the problem.
Yes, we have a housing crisis and stubborn inflation, but beyond economic matters our region and nation continue to grapple with an appallingly underequipped mental health system, a brutal opioid epidemic and myriad other forces outside of individual control that have complicated the lives of so many in our Pittsfield and broader Berkshire community. With job openings becoming more plentiful in the greater Pittsfield area, it stands to reason that targeted work placement and skills training programs could give some of these folks a bit more economic security and fill a regional labor vacuum in one fell swoop. Still, this or any one-track solution must confront the fact that there are often individual and institutional barriers between the ladder of upward mobility and those who need it most — whether that’s addiction and mental health crisis or lack of internet access and mailing address.
That doesn’t mean we should discard potential solutions like job placement, but it does mean we need a more holistic approach to match the breadth of a problem that is obviously outstripping the current services model. We must continue to think big about a future with systemic solutions to those persistent problems, but we also must think small, in the here and now, about what alternatives we can provide in the immediate future to folks facing deep struggles that have put them out on our streets. That demands our joint attention as a community. It will likely take some creativity. It will certainly not be cheap. Still, the costs of the status quo shouldn’t be acceptable to anyone.
Earlier this year, a community hub initiative debuted, aiming to bring together public safety, advocacy and service agencies for a multidisciplinary, more responsive approach to helping high-risk folks in the community — from the homeless to those experiencing housing instability before they become homeless. We’d like to hear from those involved in the hub effort on how their perspective of the problem and how a broader community response might evolve along with the problem.
At the most recent Pittsfield City Council meeting, Councilor Charles Kronick petitioned the council to hold a public hearing to address the impact of homelessness on the Pittsfield community. The petition was shelved, but we appreciate the councilor raising the issue. We note, however, that Councilor Kronick’s petition largely characterized pervasive homelessness and potential solutions as a matters of “enforcement,” which leaves out discussion of so many factors mentioned above that should be central to any conversation seeking to address this complex problem.
Perhaps there should be a public forum in Pittsfield, as Councilor Kronick suggested, but one that lets all perspectives speak: residents (both the housed and homeless alike), public safety agents, service agency workers, public health officials, business owners, community leaders — everyone. In fact, it could also be an opportunity to let the hub coalition better introduce its collaborative approach to the public while lifting up the substantive perspectives of specific organizations represented within the hub. Neither this nor any approach is going to suddenly highlight an easy, cheap, convenient solution to the problem of homelessness, but we owe it to our most vulnerable neighbors and our entire community to find the solutions worth pursuing. A day after the Pittsfield City Council saw the issue of homelessness on its agenda, an Eagle news story by reporter Matt Martinez gave readers an up-close-and-personal look at the daily realities faced by those experiencing homelessness in Pittsfield. He interviewed a couple who will soon celebrate their one-year anniversary with each other while living on the street. The woman is three months pregnant and has a urinary tract infection. They do not have regular access to clean bathrooms, and she cannot afford the medication she was prescribed to treat her UTI, which is not covered by her MassHealth insurance. Whatever disagreements and suppositions we might begin with in trying to tackle the homelessness problem, hopefully we would all agree that these folks need help, and that we can do more to provide a floor of dignity and amenity that might improve the quality of life for our entire community. Perhaps we won’t all agree on exactly what that help looks like or where it’s offered or how much it costs, but if we can at least agree on the morally necessary task of taking up that conversation together, we might get closer to the elusive solutions.
Welll,let’s explore the nonsense from the DPW commish alone. Will start with two.
Roundabout on Tyler
Three, unneeded curb bump outs.
Parklets over the top of the only Handicapped parking, Ricky Rumpas solution, take the Handicapped signs on the pole down……..
Ricky Rumpus strikes again! This guy has gotta go.
Failed water sewer system
Higher water rates.
It’s Pittsfield Tonight
Bird E-Scooters are very close to being removed from the NYSE. The company has already started massive layoffs in June and it is not looking promising at all. Their stock closed Friday at 42 cents a share, this should be no surprise to many of you. I pointed out early in the year, around the same time Mayor Tyer and Commissioner Morales made the deal with them locally, that this was not going to work and it was a bad business deal for the city. I was called negative and afraid of change and progress. The reality is that these are dangerous and the business model never made sense.
See my comment below. I have a guess on this matter.
Oh come on, the City makes a whopping .15 per use. We appreciate you and your insight @Its, Pittsfield Tonight !
The mayor will take any grant offered, shortchange them and put the left-over proceeds in some sort of fund she can make hers on her way out, with help from her crooked ,bully,P.O.S. husband Barry Tyer C.P.A. An audit must be performed before she leaves office. I have personally written a quite extensive letter to the I.G., hoping for her and his exposure. i would encourage you all to do the same!
Good article OP.
If you ask any police officer or social worker who’s been on the job for five years or longer, they will tell you, it’s not affordable housing, loss of job, and/or lack of jobs, that keeps most of these people “houseless.” It’s drug addiction. I know some will say mental health is the reason and I will agree, in small part. Usually it’s the continued drug use (addiction) that exacerbates the mental health condition. A drug addict will spend their money on drugs, rather than medication to help with the mental health issues.
In the day when Barton’s Crossing took in “houseless” for the night, they would not allow alcohol and drug use. The “houseless” would rather get high or drunk, than have a place to sleep.
Chaz, keep up the pressure on Flat Tyer. If she has $1,200,000 of ARPA money to give to the Pittsfield Public School’s Cultural Competency Coach, Shirley Edgerton, she has ARPA money for the “houseless.”
Flat doesn’t want to waste money on the “houseless,” because she knows that all of that money is needed and there is no money on the back end of it for her.
City Council VP Pete “Food Critic” White, you have been on some form of a “houseless” committees since 9/26/2018, according to this article. That’s almost four years ago. What is your solution or ideas?
Pittsfield Forms Homeless Prevention Committee /
Your right on the money! The biggest cause is the drug addiction issue. Also some choose to live like this even when offered help to get off the streets, why I don’t know. Houseless Pete is not helping the situation as much as he would like everyone to believe. He spends more time trying to rub elbow with the people with the dough.
We would be better off giving all the funds available to the Brien Center and of course go back to prosecuting the hell out of drug traffickers. Make the Berkshires a very unfriendly place for drug predators (again) and the best treatment in Mass fo.r people of all econmic abilities. But where to put the treatment centers and halfway houses? South County voted for pro-criminal “justice” yet they nimbyed a proposed treatment house at the Williamsville inn out of there faster than a progressive politician in a tub full of cops.
A commercial pot farmer was the chief nimby. You can’t make this shitup.
Barry his biggest customer?
They couldn’t get rid of him at the Bousquet ski area after they opened after it was completed. Guy can eat.
Article mentioned that the homeless problem has doubled but did they leave out what number it doubled from and if so why? If they figured it doubled they had to have had a number to double from? Is it 500 or 750? I would love a number.
This article rambles and as I would think Dan, as an English Comp teacher, would suggest cutting it down by one half to two thirds. Lotsa wasted words there.
Did the writer mention anything like, “sometimes homelessness is exacerbated by high rents such as those found all over Pittsfield?” Betcha that morsel would have come up if Charles had a conversation about homelessness. But maybe that is why Pete and his stooges shut the conversation down. Does he have landlord buddies he was running cover for?
Good catch on what were the numbers used to state the homeless doubled. I imagine they change often, but not enough where all those leaders, organizations, etc.. involved with the issue couldn’t come up a more solid number. with a little more communication.
PP: Thank you. Pay no attention to percentages when actual figures aren’t given.
Homeless in the Berkshires doubled/tripled, why? Because Liberals in the Eastern part of the State shipped them here and housed them in the then vacant hotels/motels, as part of the “scamdemic”. They did other things too, like house the Covid infected in nursing homes, with the population most vulnerable to Covid, the elderly.
In NYS, Cuomo the killer was grabbing fannies, while killing off grannies
In the Bizerkshires, shortly thereafter the bum dumpoff, while still put up in the hotels, the bums/bumettes began to appear at every intersection begging for dollars. These “eastern houseless” beggars found the new venue more appealing than their old tin pan alleys.
Rumor has it shitty city hall Pimps, Jen and Roger, have hired the SCOHOL company to paint welcome banners for all gateways to Pittsfield’s City of CRIME.
Did the article mention anything about Boston sending houseless people to us during covid? That’s the issue…they never went back…time to return them maybe they can go to the military camp Martha Vineyard sent their houseless
This is a lot of horse shit.
They should ask the houseless where they were born and how they got here. Very few, if any, of these people are natives or neighbors. Most were bussed in when the pandemic hit because Eddie Munster and fat Tyer saw dollar signs and more voters. The homeless are a way to offset the people migration out of Pittsfield.
The “young lady” and her beau on the front page of the eagle, they have enough money for cigarettes. I watched them engage in a screaming match over them in front of Vong’s. I was leaving my shift at BMC around 3 and there the were screaming at each other. She was yelling”buy your own cigarettes as she puffed away on her cancer stick.
No money for antibiotics but money for cigs. And lady don’t smoke while carrying your future welfare anchor baby.
I found some resident dr.’s banging away years ago when they slept in the old Warner Bld. back in the early 70’s when I worked there.
It’s a moot issue now. The Council rejected the petition. There will be no resolution for either residents or the homeless. Not worth talking about.
It’s only moot until leadership has to finally address it without the usual lack of really addressing the issue.
Nonsense post.z
Is this Allison’s former boyfriend?
The solution is actually simple, but not necessarily easy – get rid of them.
Are you suggesting a DeSantis/Abbott type relocation, back to their ancestral bum homelands in Eastern Massachusetts?
Despite the BS from City of Pittsfield Pimps, Jen and Roger, moldy Pittsfield is long past its sell by date. Taxpayer $$$$$$$$$$$ are a complete waste on those two crumbs. No amount of money is going to freshen up Pittsfield which has become a seedy dangerous shithole of money grabbing filthy charlatans and lowlife houseless bums. Did taxpayer welfare $$$$$$$$$’s charlatan Shirley Sharpton Edgerton ever buy a home in Pittsfield so as to contribute to the tax base? If not, has that disease already been chosen the lucky winner to infect the undervalued 21 Eleanor Road lottery home property?
It was a marketing campaign for certain businesses as far as I can determine. Otherwise, nothing particularly impressive about the ‘influencer campaign.’ NYT has a direct line for pay to publish puffery ‘reports.’ North Adams probably got theirs for a lower price.
Pittsfield is in need of wealth generation: business, jobs, outside investment. Tourists are dead weight and their supporting businesses are ephemeral.
I get that I piss you off, CIH. Do my best is all I will do. For reference, I knew a man who was a marine sailor. He thought cutting large trees much like rigging masts. So one day, in typical attire, he cut a large branch on the wrong side and met the ground in short time. Spent half a year in the hospital body casts. I still chuckle about it, but he doesn’t. So – yes, I get you.
“moonshine” must have been one heck of a case of fumble thumbs. I could work for the roadcrew at that.
Thanks for the Frost and Bronte.
Charles I love you but keep on with the Kings English not these nonsense soundbites
And Charles grab Kenny one by the throat or maybe not the throat by the Thai or by the shirt collar or by the shoulder and tell him that arbor moneys can’t be given to relatives of City Hall workers
OK. Good advice.
The point city is they’re paying this clown $340,000 to promote something that isn’t there.I mean, if you’re gonna talk about the water plant, the cities lakes alone,you have blue algae at one,dumping sewer crap into another,a toxic landfill behind a school,bums and scum dwellers on our main streets and parking lots and a disorientated traffic nightmare, also you have a failed water sewer system, and you have drownings occurring at Silver Lake and Onota lake,drug paraphernalia,Junkies squaller, gangs,Bad drivers disrespecting the roads and now they got the Berkshire flyer with scum balls from New York coming over here all kinds,yeah we’re great destination
we are a great destination to drop off drugs and guns!
Dan, today Syracuse played Purdue. Hope you saw it. Never easy beating a Big 10 team but Syracuse beat them 32 to 29. Great game, very exciting from beginning to end. I don’t often root for Syracuse because of the pasting they gave my Colgate team a long time ago, Jim Brown scored 6 touchdowns and kicked 6 extra points. But I was pleased with their victory today. I must be aging.
Good call Chuck. But that pick six didn’t help the makers.
Brown was no Lou the Toe Groza
Then there was the North Vietnamese kicker, Lee Duc Toe Groza. GOAT in Hanoi.
Is that the fellow that could kick a grain of rice through the goal post from 20 yards?
Yes! That’s the dude.
Tom Dempsey tried that one time but it stuck to his boot.
$500,000 in ARPA money for social media influencers? What an absolute waste of money.
Flat Tyer had two social media influencers right here in Pittsfield.
First, the “houseless” champion and resident food critic, Council VP Pete White. 227 dinners comped, 227 positive reviews, 14 followers. Keep up the great work Pete!!
Last, but not least, Dirty Barry Callahan, going in places where the Pittsfield Police dare not go without a SWAT team.
Dirty Barry chases off pimps and junkies, unofficially supervises ballot counting, and thinks forensic audits are voodoo science. Dirty Barry didn’t earn a dime, while claiming the title “Pittsfield’s Vigilante.”
Pittsfield’s growing homeless population and underclass is due to the fact that the state and local Ruling Elites are totally DISCONNECTED from the people they represent in government. Mayor Linda Tyer, who lives in a mansion in a Gated Community, should understand that Pittsfield’s most valuable resource are the people who live in the city. To that end, she should stop being so unapproachable and start working with the people who live in Pittsfield. Mayor Linda Tyer’s administration has multimillion dollar slush funds plus Biden Buck$. Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley Bouvier and her fellow corrupt career politicians in Boston are still sitting on billions upon billions of surplus state government funds – the biggest amount of money in the over 400-year history of Massachusetts. Given Linda’s millions and Tricia’s billions, it would be easy to fund and address the issues of homelessness and poverty. It looks to me like Linda and Tricia are too lazy to get off of their fat asses to do anything except doing nothing. The news media and blogs should look at the corrupt career politicians’ failed leadership too.
No more calendar girls?
“Breaking Up Is Hard to Do” Neil Sedaka,
Maybe the Berkshire Eagle could sit the mayor (and Barry) down and interview them as regards why they think a forensic audit is not worth doing in Pittsfield. I bet they are working on it as we speak.
Me say this first…..
Homelessness in Pittsfield alone is our problem.N the National scale Governor DeSantis has every right to send these migrants to these upscale sanctuary venues, or anywhere else that has sanctuary status. Desantis has stated that they did not want to be a sanctuary state and it’s a simple policy of politics to prevent people from crossing the border whether they know they’re coming to Florida, Texas,they’re going be exported. The bottom line it’s illegal it’s the Democrats using the humanitarian outcry p, same humanitarians D that promote abortion?
We can’t be all things humanitarian in the world, there’s just too many people.
Good points. I loved how DeSantis was honest about it. If you’re a sanctuary community, you can’t be bitching.
Exactly. Martha’s Vineyard think they are a part-time sanctuary city for a selective one
Methinks the two mayors just want to get out of Dodge at this point. Did Matt Dillon get a pension?
I believe you are right. They are setting off into the sunset soon.
They won’t sit for an interview where the word forensic is the topic. Vibrant and Dynamic topic, yes they will sit all day for it.
Dirty Barry at Cumbies at 3am
“Go ahead, make my coffee”
……”and oh yeah, throw a few honeybuns, hot dogs, and pork rinds, in too. I got a long shift ahead of me.”
I don’t want to see the obese grab them by their pussyTrump call for a civil war because he got caught in a crime of espionage and will use the ignorant to defend his actions.And the morons will commit murder for the feminine fatboy diaper don
You don’t want civil war because you’re going to need police protection since people like you hate the 2nd amendment. When the police say you’re on your own you’ll scramble
Kinda like the hypocrite on Martha’s Vinyard. “We don’t have the resources!!” No crap, because you never expected illegals to show up on your island doorstep
And you will be able to spot the ones like TSC!The types of dude’s who will be wearing a pink tutu, pink thong’s with a smiley face painted on their butt’s ready for battle.
Pop a top again
BARC in Adams has students leaving in mass because of bulling.Lenox has an ongoing 10 year problem in bullying.Monument had a race problem in the White district of Southern berkshire and Wahconah also has that problem because all of them don’t have time to teach history……Crack was popular under Reagan because he allowed it to create the addiction problem of the 1980s….teach it and maybe you keep these criminals out of our Presidency. Ignorance is king in MAGA
cuckoo cuckoo, coup coup, cuckoo cuckoo…..
99 bottles of beer on the wall!
In the latest episode of Flat Tyer’s Vibrant and Dynamic Pittsfield. On Friday, Bird, Inc, (Birdy Scooters), stock closed at .42 cents, on its way to bankruptcy. Next, K-5 Corporation, the owner of the SCOHOL mistake, just recently HAD to change the name of their company due to so many pending lawsuits. They were unable to get major work licenses using their old corporate name. Does Flat Tyer’s Administration take the time to investigate or even Google companies before signing a contract with them? No of course not, Flat Tyer just likes to waste money, just like the latest Love Pittsfield campaign. Would love to know when was the last time the Mayor and City Councillors took a tour of the real Pittsfield? As a Pittsfield native it makes me sick to see what has been allowed to happen under this pathetic uncaring Administration.
Merry and Bright is spot on. Please stop giving thumbs down to the truth.
AFTER BArt schoolteacher Salvatore Frieri was fired for having “an inappropriate relationship” with at least one of his 15-year-old female students in 2008, an inappropriate relationship that also included taking his 15-year-old female student to his home in Pittsfield with him and giving her and her underaged school friends ALCOHOL (not to be confused with the dreaded SCOHOL) to drink, Frieri was hired in 2009 by the City of Pittsfield Public SCOHOL system to allegedly teach middle SCOHOL students at Reid Middle SCOHOL, for 5 years. None of this, including, contributing to the Delinquency of MINORS, resulted in criminal charges.
City, in all fairness a friend of mine was fired by DCF for hanging out with a family who’s child was a client, which subsequently ended her career, and all she was doing was off hours picnicking and the kid had an episode where she was blamed for his behavior by the parent.I beliece that lout J Lo was working there at the time, and wouldn’t doubt that lout was instrumental in her firing. ASIDE……..
Seems the state and city have different policies? This teacher should have fired after the Bart incident for sure,but this is the stinking culture we live in today. I would think the leaders here would unite everyone that lives in the city including the taxpayer,mnot just the druggies, pan-andlers,homeless and helpless,as well as the aliens which were supposed to take on because Places like the ‘Vineyard’ can’t care for them. And that doesn’t make sense because it’s off-season in the thousands of rooms the house these migrants at least temporarily.
Another ASIDE……..
One other thing we have this tax where you pay for refurbishing historical and private interests sites,it’s called the pickpocket tax. Places like Martha Vineyard have to pay into it by law as does very once else Why don’t they take care of these migrants that are coming over there?Why is that they’re any different from this pickpocket tax where they’re giving to the pickpocket tax by law,by vote,yet they don’t want anything to do with these migrant’s which is Law? Why are they immune? I think we know the answer democratic hypocrites
He should have gone into the race-baiting grift, like Gwendolyn Hampton VanSant.
Gwen hit the welfare lottery as a teacher. Slept with a student and a janitor and had kids with both!!
Now she’s out talking about how oppressed she is as a black woman.
Have you ever noticed black oppression always takes a back seat when ARPA money or other taxpayer gifted money, exchanges hands with the oppressed?
“Spend my ARPA money on gun violence being caused by young black males in Pittsfield? What gun violence? I never read about it or hear about in The Eagle.” Shirley Edgerton. “I’ve got more important things to worry about. Like getting my family ready, so we can go explore our roots in Africa.”
M&B: A Lincoln Street resident called me in the spring. She wanted me to go on a tour of her neighborhood. I did it, and much of what I speak of is informed by that walk. You should extend that invitation to your councilor.
I continue to do this on my own, but an invite is an opportunity not to be rejected.
The Bird business was likely introduced to generate false data to support bike lanes. The Bike Project review was based on scooter traffic.
Chas, my bad, I should have added to my comment that you do pay attention to your Ward, the very same way that Kevin Morandi did. The problem is that Flat Tyer’s Administration is totally against you and also did the same to Kevin and Chris Connell. Kevin tried to fight for his constituents on the Spectrum Methadone Clinic, he tried to fight for the speeding violations on Dalton Avenue and Merrill Road, he tried to fight for the PCB hill behind Allendale School, he tried to fight for the terrible fumes from Berkshire Roots. He did this for years to no avail, unfortunately you have just picked up where he left off. Look what happened to your petition last week. You keep asking for voters to attend the CC meeting public hearing, it is quite blatant that voters words go no where with Flat Tyer’s Administration. She is the CEO of the useless other butt kissing politicians. Appreciate that you keep fighting the battle, but as long as we have Flat Tyer and her cohorts in office it will be a constant battle. They just don’t care and they have proven it over and over.
August 2021 she took her last tour on North Street
which wasn’t far from the confines of her office. There is no way she walks through real Pittsfield.
Think about this,everything cuff links and the amazing DPW commissioner do has to be redone.
Truer words were never sopken