(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 10, 2022) — “In the middle of the road, you see the darndest things” — The Pretenders.
Democracy is not a middling thing but a middle thing.
In media res.
It you were to plot it, democracy would trace a bell curve, lowest on the left and right, highest in the middle. If, however, you were to plot American democracy by political influence or weight, you would find the steepest part of the curve on the extreme left, the next highest in left and right center, and the one after that the extreme right. The plot looks like a sagging bridge.
Extreme left, the LLL, has given us The Squad, the Green New Deal, and “racism” (in quotes). Its counterparts on the right, the RRR (real rabid right), has delivered the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and Q Anon. Sane America has been moving center from the left and right extremes, a retreat rather like an evacuation from creeping floodwaters.
This centrist movement isn’t from any deep political philosophy. Rather, it stems from an anti-political feeling that ordinary people have when it comes to their elected leaders, which makes elections either tossups or mismatches.
———- ooo ———-
Play “word association” with the term “politician.” See what responses you get.
Phony. Cheat. Corrupt. Hypocrite. Distrustful. Loathsome. Creeps. Jerks. Incompetents. Selfish. Clueless.
True, these are strong feelings, but they’re well deserved.
This osmosis into the center-left, center, center-right will play out big time less than a month from now. Shocked during the disastrous first 22 months of the Biden presidency by inflation, rising energy costs, foreign policy failures, and ineptitude, voters will flip the House in the midterms and have a shot at the Senate. While this ensures two years of gridlock set in steel-cased concrete, at least it will bring a halt to the congressional disasters that have occurred because Democrat House members haven’t had the mettle to gag the small number of LLLs that have singlehandedly destroyed the economy and ruined America’s strategic influence overseas.
Shrill shrieks drown out reason, rationalism, and logic, which speak gently.
The radical “colorization” and “feminization” of the Democrat Party has been America’s 21 Century political tragedy.
———- ooo ———-
Statewide and locally, THE PLANET doesn’t see the same degree of centrism and will not as long as Massachusetts residents remain in the 90% death grip of Democrats. That would be bad enough on its own, but coupled with a tattered, disorganized, and ineffectual GOP, it assures year after year of Ayanna Pressleys.
Locally, government has completely eroded, the fertile political topsoil having been carted away in dump trucks driven by a few selfish business owners and an endless series of inept, corrupt public office holders.
THE PLANET urges a close look at what passes for local government.
- What about the mayor’s office. How much of a chance do you think you have in Flatland?
- Is there anyone on the Pittsfield SCOHOL Committee you trust with the keys?
- Do you think the SCOHOL Administration led by Jumpin’ Joe Curtiss and finance dominatrix Kristen “Tex” Behnke have done right by taxpayers and students?
- How much credibility do you want to give Flat and her collection of dweedle department heads, starting with COIN Kufflinks?
- And take the city council … please.
- Ward 1: The Warren Report. Plays a lawyer on TV.
- Ward 2: Sir Charles, the Kapanskis night in shining amour. One out of 11 ain’t bad.
- Ward 3: Elmer Fudd. “Shh. Do not make any sound. I am searching for wabbits. Huh-huh-huh-huh!“
- Ward 4: Conan the Barbarian. Musclebound and too stiff to move.
- Ward 5: Kave-in Kavey. White walls and a haircut pass. Greasy kid’s stuff.
- Ward 6: COIN Lampiasi. Puts the “con” in “conflict.”
- Ward 7: Tony went from burned up to burned out.
- AL 1 & 2: The Pee Pees. Both forgot to give it a good shake.
- AL 3: Dumpster Earl. Life’s not a Long Song but a Lawn Sign.
- AL 4: Appalachian Kal. She talks the walk. Walks the talk.
———- ooo ———-
From the moment the citizenry becomes disinterested, democracy collapses. That when the vultures swoop in. For 60 years now, they’ve been picking clean the bones.
“I’m sick of following my dreams, man. i’m just going to ask where they’re goin and hook up with them later” — Mitch Hedberg.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Happy Columbus Day, Shitsfield!
Come on man. Just because Pittsfield has had like 300 shootings over the past 30 years or so, and all the surrounding towns combined have had like 3, doesn’t make it a bad place, does it Shits?
America is an Oligarchy which is not the middle of anything except a corrupt republican party of lemmings being told to have a civil war if the people win.One last shot a democracy in november.If the democrats win the paid thugs with start to deploy their 1 billion guns….Im guessing our government has eyes on all the traitors.Drive up Dodge Ave Trumpers and see the crazy house near the top.Sick talk radio Fox watcher right there
Vote out the D-Rats and RINOs who hate Americans Nov 2022!!!
Chapman, is that you?
Sounds like Chapman.
Way to use your Christian philosophy as you type, TDS. Did you even last 24 hours? Weren’t you the espousing Christian virtues like Love your enemy, turn the other cheek and don’t judge others. Maybe you need to get some more rest and work with your therapist to move from the anger into the peace and love
Did you even notice that the Trump conspiracy to stop the Biden Presidency was on 1/6/2021? You have been snoozing you way through America….You believe racist have all the answers.
I am so disappointed in female voters. They are voting with emotion and not logic. Many women were behind the defund the police movement and putting the rights of criminals over the rights of victims and nobody understands it since women are the ones paying the price with more women and children dying from violent crimes. Women bought into the rhetoric of the far left that Americans are all racists. They have watched as the schools have been indoctrinating children with gender confusion, inappropriate sexual education, activist training, and letting the schools take away parental rights. Women were supposed to bring a civilizing influence to society when they got involved in politics, but just the opposite has happened with the country becoming much more violent and crazy. Some women are waking up, like in Virginia, but this has been allowed to go on for far too long with silence from so many women.
Before women could vote none of this voting with your hear existed…just an fyi
I think you meant to say voting with your heart, but are women voting with their heart or are they being manipulated by the media and the politicians? Are women putty in the hands of these people? Just appeal to a woman’s emotions and you have won her over? She won’t look at the bigger picture and see what is really going on in this country. The far left wants to make guns and abortion the big issues for women, but police and the justice system are not their priorities. The media and the far left still wants to defund the police in many places and the justice system is still under attack.
If you mean that women can be putty in the hands of manipulative media and the far left, then I agree with you. Just appeal to a woman’s emotions and she won’t use logic. What else would explain why women would fall for some of this stuff.
Majorie Taylor Geene disagrees with you. She could kick the shit out of any two Dallas Cowboy football players with one hand tied behind her back. In fact Putin is thinking of calling her back home to help out with the Ukraine situation.
Tell us the wonders of Biden
A Marxist such ad you would be most helpful
Don’t worry about Ukraine, lots of US taxpayer Biden bucks still flowing into the corrupt business associates of “the Big Guy”.
Sounds like a good way to pick up girls. Did not know they were THAT stupid but worth a try. (thanks for the tip Pat)
Predictable Pittsfield politics is my absolute favorite political theater to follow. Pittsfield taxpayers pay top dollar for the city’s Level 5 public school district no one wants to send their kids to, including Trippy Country Buffet, along with inner-city Pittsfield’s decades of high per capita violent crime, along with the city’s notorious political corruption.
BeaCON Hill politics only does DISSERVICES to the people and taxpayers of Western Massachusetts. The Berkshire delegation are all useless backbenchers who all get paid 6-figure public pay plus perks for doing nothing but rubber-stamping Boston’s financial shell games that systemically underfund local government and public education.
Swamp politics is about wealthy Members of U.S. Congress endlessly mortgaging our country’s future for the sole benefit of the Financial, Corporate and Ruling Elites, while the rest of us have to pound sand as we watch the middle-class systematically get decimated over the past 50 years. The U.S. national debt recently surpassed the $31 trillion mark. Where did all of the federal dollars go to? We are paying hundreds of dollars more every month for the same items we paid for just one year ago. It obviously did NOT go to us!
Global politics is the world calling out the so-called Green New Dealers such as Joe Biden and John Kerry for their two decades old vote for George W. Bush’s invasion of oil-rich Iraq, but now Joe Biden is dealing with the Russian dictator Putin threatening a nuclear weapons war over his invasion of Ukraine, along with China’s dictator Xi’s threat to invade Taiwan. Why was it O.K. for Joe Biden to vote for the U.S.’ invasion of Iraq, but it is not O.K. for Putin to invade Ukraine, nor is it not O.K. for Xi to invade Taiwan? Joe Biden should explain his hypocrisy to the world.
Please explain your hypocrisy as a person who voted for Biden yet you blame the sad state of world affairs on the guy you threw your support behind. We had world peace under Trump!
Same post every day!
And here’s what Joe is doing for you….
Blah, blah, blah…Another day, the same horseshit from you.
Well, I just wasted 3 minutes of my life reading this useless repetitive column. Guess I’ll flush, wash my hands, and do something productive with my life.
I understand, but thanks for at least reading.
He took more than 3 minutes to come up with a nomiker and write that though
Clean up Mom and Dad’s basement; your room is dirty.
My Grandmother is lain to Rest in Colrain with her ancestors, they were driven out of New Marlborough Mill River.
In the spirit of thanks – giving, let’s discuss this in a classroom setting, how lucky we are.
Buggywhips and barefeet.
And let’s celebrate the railroad.
I thought it was indigenous trans person’s day?
Native Americans had vices and engaged in warfare and slaughter amongst themselves, they didn’t need people from other continents to “enlighten them” to atrocities.
Slavery, cannibalism, ethnic warfare, and appropriating land and property preceded Columbus by thousands of years in the “Americas”.
Where are they now.
Good day, Mr. Valenti. I have followed this column/Op-Ed, since its infancy and am shocked at much of the content. Although I am not surprised one bit, the sad part is, it is all true to life in “Vibrant & Dynamic” Shittsfield , being born & raised here is quite sad ,to watch our once really “Vibrant & Dynamic” city with the Artabout , Ethnic Fair, beautiful two hour Fourth of July & Halloween Parades, the many ball clubs that inhabited our “Historic Wahconah Park” and were often filled with Mary & Joe with the young, impressionable Karpinski offspring, taking in a bit of history ,without, perhaps not even aware of the status and many legends, having played here in our Hometown Stadium. And so much more, ice rinks, Third Thursdays and such. With all that being remembered and said, it is hard to understand how we, as a community can continue to allow every one of the crooked members of our community clowncil and Mayor Flat Tyer to run them, like little Yorkie dogs, being told when to go potties or lay down? Voter apathy is at an all-time high and I believe that is the root of our problems, along with viable, honest and integrity sensed candidates. I don’t have to remind anyone who is brave enough to leave their homes what a mess our city is in. well, when you have incompetent Department Heads, starting with Nomorales, i believe he has no control over the boozing, drug using crews, he sends out daily to collect a check on mine and your dime! Our streets are in such disarray, because how do you go from the city painter, working in our schools and Municipal buildings with pail and brush to the well-paid position of Highway Supervisor Vinny Barbarotta, without an iota of experience or any kind of engineering background its mind boggling, how these “heads” are allowed to just pick whomever they choose. Does that give you all any insight as to why all our highways and roads are way behind and the conditions over the last winter, being what they were and what they will be again. As I watch our once spectacular city full of events and so many things to do for our children, you could not partake of all the events in one day. So, as I watch our city circling the drain, in part to voter apathy and the need for that right person, or persons, to stand up and say ENOUGH! we need action. Our city is so crooked and running amuck currently with Flat Tyer & Vigilante Barry holed up out at Bar-a-Lago, refusing to speak or act on any one of our plethora of issues in this city. We need help, we need an internal audit from A-Z, something stinks, oh, wait, it’s all the garbage flying and laying around throughout the city, I was once very proud to call my home. Please, if qualified, run for Mayor or a seat on the city council and let’s get out and VOTE! The apathy only keeps the political clown mafia in power and soon, we all will not have anything left. Thank you,Dan & Agents, we all need the truth! Three things cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth. -Buddha
Thanks g man. You got me on the barber rottduh
Vultures perform a service. They eat the dead and dying. They leave the place better than they found it. Vultures aren’t the problem.
They are if they are Tyer and Marchetti and the zone-outs.
You don’t get it. Vultures are a symptom not a cause.
Symptom of what? Vultures will rip the flesh off a dying carcass to feed their own greedy belly. That was my analogy as I see it.
Better for who though.
Isn’t there enough to go around.
There is hope! Vote the Dems out of office!
Speaking of vultures, why was there such a large surplus of turkeys that year. They all wanted to have a headdress or ? For real, why enough Turkeys to feed everyone. Where did the Turkeys come from? Was this feast obviously unplanned bc, Turkeys!
Maybe the A. is simple.
Maybe they all got sick too. No one wioulld know.
…don’t let the Turkeys get you down. And, don’t accept FREE TURKEYS
Why? Just tell me why so I stop throttling you.
The co is real.
The co alarm literally went off twice yesterday in my house. Ya got me. Not like I didn’t know.
Public nose pick.
Do you have a good reason for capitalizing turkeys, Turkey? didja know there are white Turkeys and black turkeys but they both taste Ok? Have you ever voted for a turkey at election time other than mayor tyer?
p.s. don’t be the fool that forgets to leave the giblets in the birds belly when ya cooks it (talking to you Mad Trapper)
Capital, oh ya. Lol, gets me every single time. I don’t think the same way.
Two more days until October 13th, 2022, when Mayor Linda Tyer will host a public forum panel on the city’s homelessness crisis. Mayor Linda Tyer said that she will respond to misleading narratives about the issue. She says she will explain the investments the city has been making to pay for the homeless population’s needs. Homelessness and panhandling are NOT attractive features of the distressed inner-city. She said that she may be contacted be email: My question is: Why does Mayor Linda Tyer always sit on secretive multimillion-dollar Slush Fund$ instead of using the excess public money – at least in part – to lower municipal taxes and fees, as well as help the poor people who need the money the most? It must be nice for Mayor Linda Tyer to live in a mansion in an exclusive Gated Community with a few feet of the Hancock border because she doesn’t have to personally deal with the city’s poverty and violent crime.
Slip of the tongue from her? Distressed inner city? Is she admitting it’s not vibrant and dynamic in the city as she and others usually say?
Find it interesting that the potholes on West St have been filled at least 3 times this year while Holmes Road is a war zone. When is that bridge and all the potholes getting fixed? While were at it when is Elmer Fudd getting rid of the dangerous bump out Rumpass did on the bridge on Elm Street? Come on Elmer weren’t you the head of the Democrat Party in the city? Can’t you get something positive done for your ward? As for the other areas of the city I feel the councilors have let them down, right Kavey? Why would you even talk about putting a homeless shelter on route 20 when we already have the Methodist church and St. Joe? What is Dumpster and Tony doing for the west side? Not much except collecting the money for themselves. I do have a thought on the houseless. Lets clearcut Springside park, give the wood out to Seniors for heating their homes next year. Then put up solar panels over Springside Park on pedestals so the houseless could live underneath them. The city could supply sheets to hang from the panels so they would have some privacy. Seniors could also live there during the summer so they could rent out their houses to the summer crowd. Would have to use the Springside House as the bathing toilet area unless you want to open up Reid, The rich could use the solar panels to charge their Tesla’s and give some donations to the poor that they care about, Pittsfield would become a destination for all the Democrats to come show their love to the houseless!!
Speaking of potholes has anyone gone down Cloverdale street from West Housy lately? Barely passible with all the deep potholes. You would think the guy building up that lake camp would put a word in to the mayor since his trucks helped destroy the road.
Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic party today describing them as:
“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism”
We need a de-partification of the US.
re-elect Nobody.
If Gabbard had gotten the D-VP spot, there is a good chance that by now, there would be a bipartisan effort to impeach senile Traitor Joe.
As it stands the current Selected VP taking over the sinking ship, would only be a worse national nightmare.
The war in Ukraine has become much worse in the last few days after mentally challenged Joe said Putin is losing the war in Ukraine. It’s like he is egging on Putin to escalate the war to give Biden the excuse to get involved in the war. I agree with Tulsi Gabbard that this administration is made up of warmongers.
Putin would like to thank you once again for your participation ind dividing America. It is Americans like you that he counts on to work from the inside to tear the country apart so that he can focus on other things.
She nailed it. Now watch the attack dogs in the media go after her.
Yes, the media is saying she belongs to a cult. I say, the media calling anyone a cultist is khutzpah.
I want to be #44.
The greatest # in Syracuse history!
and they are undefeated as we speak
Now will anything happen to this guy?
Hopefully it doesn’t fall under the “ quality of life “ act of criminality where they let the person go free with no consequences.
Trump calls for peace talks to avert nuclear war…..
What are you doing to prepare in case of a nuclear strike on our country? The Dem warmongers/globalists would love nothing more. Destruction of our country is their goal. Let’s hope we get to vote in the midterms!
We live in a stigma free world! Hooray!!!
Years ago, it was taboo to suggest that the ruskies would casually nuke us. That was talk of end-o-civilizations. But now we have worked out how it could be ok and morally relative. Happily, today we can talk freely and loosely and take all the stigma and taboo out of outrageous things like mass murder, etc…
Off Topic – Just saw that the Olde Forge Tavern will be re-opening after the fire that was set at the establishment. Wish them the best. Heard from many sources that the guy that admitted to setting the fire also admitted to setting 6 other fires in Pittsfield in the past few years. Some of the residents have yet to be able to return to their homes which were set afire over a year ago. Shockingly no charges will be given to this individual! Reason being he is a client of Guidewire (mental health agency). Caution to Lenox residents, evidently this individual has been moved to another Guidewire residence in Lenox. Personally I am totally fed up with the fact that those with dangerous mental health issues have more rights than hardworking tax payers. So what happens if this person sets another fire and kills someone, do they just move him to another City or Town? This person should be in a locked facility, he has proven over and over to be a threat to society. What has happened to our Country???
Only deranged and criminals are allowed to break laws.
Of course they’ll move him. Look at it as if he were a migrant going from the vineyard to New Yorker
Another mugging on North street yesterday. A 77 year old woman had her pocketbook forcibly torn from her. They had to put this one in the paper because out of town TV had the story on. They got the perp and he looks like an out of towner or maybe even an out of country guy. Probably just hungry hoping she had a breakfast bar or taco in her purse so no harm no foul.
Do you need another reason to avoid North street?
Yeah. But Kate Tyered Smith says we are Vibrant Dynamic?
Rumor: The city is doing so fantastically great and prosperous that General Dynamics is changing its name to Vibrant Dynamics.
Dina conflicts herself at every city council meeting.
The COIN Gal.
The Eagle promptly reported the Forge fire as an arson, and then nothing. Not a peep. Like no one would notice. They suck. I figured it was some connected kid. Thanks Merry and thanks to the Planet for being the only place where these mysteries are sometimes solved.
Cape Herring Times