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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY FEB. 1, 2023) — February already! Where does the time go? In official Pittsfield, it goes into the clutches of the Cyclopian “visionaries” of local government who continue to run the city into the ground.

Shows you what a lofty position Shire City once occupied, to have been pounded down for so long and still have something showing above the rising muck.

Critics can make a reasonable case against, just as backers can reasonably argue for, awarding Electro Magnetic Applications (aka Spacely Space Sprocket) another $250,000 from the PEDA fund. The PEDA stash is that $10 million pittance GE left the city for the privilege of booking town and leaving its industrial poisons remaining in the soil, waters, and air.

This quarter million is on top of

  • $140K in money from the same account, given in November 2019.
  • a five-year TIF (tax incremental financing).
  • $429,000 in state grant funds.

Grand total of the public giveaway to the company: $839,000 in Kapanski Kash.

[ED. NOTE: EMA’s HQ is in the Denver, CO area. In addition to its lab at the BIC, the company has recently rented space at 66 West St. in town.]

———- ooo ———-

The company will use the latest quarter mill to expand its lab capabilities in Pittsfield at the BIC. The mayor, in her transmission documents to the council, said the money will support the $446,000 purchase of a new space radiation analysis system. EMA is promising a capital investment of $3 million and the eventual addition of eight additional full-time jobs. That would double current lab staffing. EMA says its radiation testing facility is the only one in the world.

The $250K will be released in phases, the Community Development Office promises:

  • $150,ooo immediately to defray the cost of new equipment.
  • $50,000 to be released six months after EMA documents three new full-time jobs.
  • $50,000 released six months after five more full-time positions. The new posts will require a minimum salary of $60,000.

Much promise, for sure.

Also, much concern.

Let us count the ways. First is the five-year TIF. What’s the problem with TIFs? Same as the problem with public grant money.

  • A TIF is essentially a billboard for saying your city is failing … without saying your city is failing. Cities with robust economies attract private investment without a reliance on TIFs.
  • History tells us that TIFs don’t work. Remember EV Worldwide? Workshop Live? Spice Restaurant? The Beacon Cinema and its $2.3 million “forgiveness?” The Howard Building? Nuclea and Pat Muraca? And more recently, Wayfair’s call center with the 300 promised jobs becoming 40 jobs becoming no jobs and an empty building? Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.
  • Like grants, TIFs redirect public money from general public use and into private hands.
  • In Pittsfield, TIFs tend to be unsupervised, with little accountability, until it’s too late.
  • TIFs are subsidies of private businesses.
  • TIFs create Frankensteins — those messy public-private partnerships where the public takes the financial risk and the private gets whatever gains ensue. If the business fails, guess who gets holding the empty bag? Gotta mirror?
  • TIFs get government overly involved in private enterprise, destabilizing the market.
  • TIFs historically have failed to achieve the main purpose, which is to create economic development. In Pittsfield, TIFs have flopped.
  • Data shows that for each $370,000 in TIF tax breaks, they create the equivalent of one retail job.
  • When they fail, they leave the area worse off than before.
  • Heavy use of TIFs such as you see in Pittsfield distort economic data, creating a false (and rosier) view that what actuality shows.
  • TIFs give certain companies unfair advantages over competitors.
  • TIFs allow administrations to play “kick the can” with a city’s economic woes.
  • TIFs in Pittsfield invariably become political, because it makes it look like politicians and officials are “doing something.” Healthy economies don’t “play favorites.” Corrupt ones do.
  • The constant use of TIFs erodes Berkshire County’s economic base.

Other than that, TIFs are miraculous!

None of this is to say EMA should not get the PEDA grant. Only time will tell if this public giveaway works out to the Kapanskis favor.

What say you?


Jetson, you’re fired!” — Mr. Arthur Spacely.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.





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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

At 1pm today (Wednesday, February 1st, 2023), Beacon Hill lawmakers – including the useless Berkshire delegation: Paul Mark, Smitty Pignatelli, Tricia Farley-Bouvier & John Barrett III (along with the fictional Rep. Sellout Shakedown) – will be “debating” and then voting on the House and Joint House rules packages for the new two-year 2023 – 2024 legislative session. All four of these do nothing (but DISSERVICES) career political hacks have always voted against Sunshine Laws for transparency in state government, especially Smitty Pignatelli over the past 20 years and one month now. Beacon Hill’s corrupt and secretive House leadership always “Cooks the Books” to enrich themselves and their wealthy campaign donors at the public trough, while an estimated one out of three families are financially and food insecure in Massachusetts.

As for Pittsfield politics, it has been decades of tax breaks and municipal grants for a long list of failed businesses. Wayfair is expanding its workforce in India, while cutting its workforce in both Boston and Pittsfield alike. Pittsfield has one of the highest commercial tax rates in the state, but if you are a buffoon businessperson then you get away with SCAMMING the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski via Mayor Linda Tyer and her toadies on the City Council.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

The Massachusetts State House of Representatives continues to be a disgrace to democracy. On Wednesday, February 1st, 2023, the Massachusetts State House held their first non-ceremonial legislative session of the new year and session. They proceeded to vote down all amendments that would bring needed reforms the House and Joint House rules packages for the 2023 – 2024 legislative session. Not one Democrat Member of the State House voted in favor of any amendments that would have brought needed rules reforms. Moreover, most of the so-called votes were voice votes so that state lawmakers didn’t have to have their votes recorded. To be clear, they voted to give the State House leadership team the power to continue to operate in corrupt secrecy so that they will continue to “Cook the Books” to giveaway tens of billions of our state taxpayer dollars to the special interests that do not exist in most regions of Massachusetts.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

The one theme with hese politicians is… guessed it they are all Democrats!! You do not have to investigate why when the Pitts took on it’s moniker, it was when the Dems took over control of the government, You ask how citizens can get back control? Pretend to be a Democrat, get involved in the Brigades until you are considered a safe Dem then you can get into their voting shenanigans and possibly turn it to the other party some the Kapanski’s can get a voice

2 years ago

I say I have had enough! I am leaving town, for good.

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  HadEnough
2 years ago

This is Not an Airport, no need to announce your departure, because no one cares if you leave Rube. Baaaaaaaa Byeeeeee ROTFL

Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

I applaud his decision. He obviously has done the math and realizes Pittsfield is what it is and has a deck that is politically stacked against middle income earners. And, having been this way for some time, shows no sign of changing any time soon. No reputable financial advisor would tell a middle income client that he will get ahead in Pittsfield. Why do you think it is so hard for this city to hire municipal workers, (teachers, police, etc) ?? While one might survive, there will be little or no money for a child’s college fund, or a new car, braces for little Patty, or a new roof. A constant juggling of finances. Taking out loans, borrowing from mom and dad. There is a much more likely chance this person will grow poorer than become better off.

Kudos to Hadenough as he joins the growing numbers of people finally seeing the light. God Speed sir.

Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Thank you Fizzle, for you kind words, and astute analysis of the realities facing us Pittsfielders. What was once a half way decent city has become a complete shithole of a city over the past 30 years. Couple that with the astronomical rise in city budgets and tax increases, and it’s an easy decision.

Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

The only way to facilitate change is to change ourselves.imagine with some 20000 registered voters only 7000 come out to vote in municipal elections. They are comprised of the city’s four unionized workers.groups This being the case we MUST DO ALL IN OUR POWER TO INSURE THAT THEY CANT CONTROL THE VOTES IN OUR CITY. INCIDENTLY ALL FOUR OF THESE GROUPS ARE SOME OF THE HIGHEST EARNERS IN OUR CITY. If things keep up this way all of these gobsig will control every thing that goes on in our city. This is no way to run our city. The present city government is a solid mix of police Fire Dpw and school dept. Employees. It is clear to see that these 4 groups are in charge of the entire city. Throw in the city’s elected officials who couldn’t find their way out of a room with a thousand doors and here you have it. PITTS. FIELD HOME OF US AND THEM. AS I STATED AT THE BEGINING WE NEED EVERYBODY TO CHANGE ESPECIALLY THE 11400 WHO ARE REGISTERED BUT DONT VOTE. FAIL TO DO SO WILL CERTAINLY MEAN A ONE WAY TICKET OUT OF THE CITY FOR MOST OF US ON THIS BOARD

Reply to  Paris
2 years ago

If every eligible voter voted, but almost all the candidates were being backed by special interests, it does not matter. The problem is not so much how many people vote, as it is having respectable candidates who are running for the right reasons. Pittsfield politics is set up to fail. It is cannibalistic in that it feeds off the very people is was designed to help. It has been this way for quite some time and it is by design.
Someday, if enough loud, brave, pissed off people storm forward they may be able to change things. But right now, if you are an elderly home owner on a fixed income or a middle income earner, you are financial fodder for the special interests behind your local government.
Do your homework and you may find that there are places with actual hope to raise a family. Elsewise you stand a good chance of being caught in a spiral and eventually find yourself too poor to leave if you want to.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

Crawl back in your hole

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 years ago

Did I trigger tad mrapper’s snowflake feelings. ROTFL. Crawl back to tRuth social Rube

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

Go out to the barn. Your sheep are lonely.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Rule 5
2 years ago

The sheep are nervous

Get Over It
Get Over It
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

You are busted again. Leave

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

I set the hook on the troll!!

Get Over It
Get Over It
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

We really hope you leave. Get your head out of your McDonough

Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

I was in a bar once, back in the day, and lo and behold there was a sign that read “if assholes could fly, this place would be an airport”.

Reply to  JoeFriday
2 years ago

I was in a bar once back in the day and I saw a similar sign, and right next to it was another that said “next time bring your wife”. I totally understood the airport sign, but I never understood why someone would want to bring the wife.

Reply to  HadEnough
2 years ago

Your just the first to leave. If we don’t elect smart and savvy city officials we will be done and the exodus will begin. Actually it has begun. If you are one of the 12000registered voters who don’t vote get out of town fast. Your not part of the solution . You are the problem. Military people lost their lives so that you can have the right to vote and you sit on your duff. Please vote for people who will try to save our city. Cast your vote in November you will be glad you do especially if your favorite candidate wins. Only vote for smart accomplished candidates. Believe me your vote carries a ton of weight

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Paris
2 years ago

When a smart accomplished honorable candidate shows up, I’ll vote. But I will not vote for scoundrels. I refuse to be a party to that crime. I acknowledge the sacrifices made to ensure my right to vote, but something has gone drastically wrong.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

What he said!

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

there is a way to write in names. At least then the newly elected can’t say they have a mandate if there are more write ins then votes for the so called winner, Dan has been written in several times by this writer

2 years ago

Oh yah. And the mayor is also talking about reinventing North street AGAIN. Now wants diagonal parking. How many hundreds of thousands have we paid consultants to tell us diagonal parking was a BAD idea? How many tens of millions have been spent on reinventing North street in the last twenty years? What is it about North street that no one can seem to get it right?

This mayor has brought forward more mega projects than the last six mayors combined to the tune of about a billion dollars. Why, all of a sudden, do all these things need to be done on her watch? We are in the middle of very high inflation with the cost of materials at an all time high and she wants to build, build, build. Have her “consultants” mentioned that nuance to her and if so, why does she not seem to care? Is it because she likens her constituency to a money minting agency that runs 24-7?
It is government officials like her that scream for oversight, which makes city council president Peter Marchettis failure as oversight person glaringly bad. When he refuses to stand up and question the never ending super expenditures he lets his whole city down. Thanks for nothing mayor. Thanks for nothing Pete. And thank you to all the tyre puppets that assist in the wholesale mismanagement of the city of Pittsfield, Ma.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Get a clue. Its not the Mayor trying to do diagonal parking, its Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. that is trying to do it. They took a survey and 60% of the merchants want to try it. Downtown Pittsfield<inc. presented this to the traffic commission.

Now that it was the merchants idea, I bet you think its a wonderful idea. If it happens, wait for the 40% who didn’t want it to come out bitching. You’ll be right there with them, no matter what happens, because bitching is what you do best.

Seventh Planet
Seventh Planet
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

Calm down Barry beans.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

Is there a 60% chance you’ll resume your vigilante shifts at Cumby’s on First Street soon?

Or is it more like 40% Dirty Barry?

It’s become a real sh!thole under your wife’s watch.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

So now all of a sudden she is listening to merchants? If the merchants wanted free parking for their customers would she listen to that? Or will all the new diagonal spaces require more parking meters which will add further to her coffers? Not all things that come out of the corner office are as they may seem to you.
Can someone dig out all the consultant diagnostics for us and see what they have said? Because they seem to keep changing and everytime they do it cost several million dollars. I wonder why.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Not to mention every letter to the editor is in favor of keeping the bike lanes.

Fizz, I think you nailed it on the head. This is one last cash grab for Flat before she retires to the slopes.

Of course it will be all under the guise of “public safety,” of why parking meters are needed.

Otherwise all the illegals that MA’s illegal immigrants representative, Tricia Farley-County Buffet (D-illegal immigrants), will soon be shipping to Pittsfield in return for “grant money,” will be setting up 3rd world tent-like encampments on North Street. Not to be outdone herself, Flat will have it looking like other D-run cities throughout the US.

As Mel Brooks once famously said in the movie, History of the World, “It’s good to be da king.” She and Mr. Worldwide will enjoy the spoils of her “mayoral” term. The taxpayers certainly won’t. Be she will.

Been there, Done that
Been there, Done that
Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

I agree and I’m confused- haven’t we tried diagonal parking once or twice? And what happens to the infamous bike lanes with diagonal parking? Why does this city do the same things over and over again (including electing the same inept people)? I agree with Ms. Kalinowsky on the bike lane ballot question, it should have been done before the Mayor just put them there without any warning. North St shouldn’t be this complicated. Let people walk down Main Street and have breakfast, lunch, dinner, a drink or shop without feeling intimidated or unsafe. This Mayor made crime part of her platform and it backfired on her. It backfired on all of us. And she could care less. Let’s hope the new DA can bring this city back.

Reply to  fizzlehead
2 years ago

Fizzie is on fire!!!

2 years ago

Mr. J
Go suck an egg.

2 years ago

I say good piece, Dan.

2 years ago

Dan thank you for your analysis of the EMA situation. I believe that on Jan. 30th the Community and Economic Development Subcommittee was to discuss this issue. Councilors on that subcommittee include Persip, Sherman, White, Kavey and Kalinowsky.
I do not know the outcome of that meeting.

Why should this private business continue to receive handouts from the city? How are they connected to the Mayor, who owns a home in Denver? Why isn’t the GE Economic Development Fund being used to lure new businesses to the city, instead of being pissed away on a business promising to hire a few more employees? If they are in need of $250,000, why not approach a local bank for a loan? Why should the city buy them equipment? I have no animosity towards EMA, just questions as to why the mayor has put forth this petition for additional funding.

The city of Pittsfield has a dismal record of picking winning horses. You’ve listed the failed businesses in your article, the ones that grabbed the cash and ran. And, on a related note – now that Wayfair has gone into “remote” mode, why not use the Clocktower Building to house the homeless instead of building a brand new facility on West Housatonic?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Reply to  ChattyCathy
2 years ago

Rutberg at the helm.

Tony B
Tony B
Reply to  ChattyCathy
2 years ago

This is such a ridiculous take. Just go to a bank? You clearly don’t understand what the intent of this funding is to be used for. It’s being utilized exactly as it should be. To support new and existing Pittsfield businesses.
In the short time the business has been here, they’ve already expanded and grown their staff, I believe doubled the size, with decent salaries which is what we really need around here. I think they’re proving their worth and commitment.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Tony B
2 years ago

But what is the general trend with those funds? Pittsfield taxpayers pretty much funded Wayfairs rent for the last few years and POOF, THEY GONE!! What did we get for that venture and many others exactly like it?

Reply to  Tony B
2 years ago

You clearly don’t understand the big picture.
The taxpayers are basically subsidizing 1) the hiring of their employees, and 2) the purchasing of specialty equipment which, if they fold, has no value to the city. In 2019 they were given a 5-year TIF. This company receives a boatload of funding from the state as well. In the meantime, the city is losing a car dealership which is relocating to Lenox – another lost tax-paying business.
I’m glad EMA is turning a profit, but 1) the city needs to bring in additional new businesses to shore up its commercial tax base and maintain jobs, and 2) keep abreast of existing city businesses with expanding needs.

I hope the city councilors vote down this petition so that what remains of the GE Fund can be used to help other businesses as well.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Fact that the BMW dealership is flying South gives you a clue about the success of the TIF policy.

The owners say basically that Pittsfield has no decent location to sell luxury cars. That is a sad epilogue to the Tyer admin.

Reply to  Tony B
2 years ago

You sound like a city counselor or a member of the mayor’s staff.

Tony B
Tony B
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

You caught me!

Quick Take
Quick Take
2 years ago

Somebody said when spacely came to town that they were looking for two million dollars.
We keep getting closer to that number.

As to sprockets being the only one of its kind, that’s a bald faced lie NASA has a huge EML, EMC has three testing facilities, Northrop Grumman’s does as well, there are dozens of these labs in the USA and dozens more around the globe.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 years ago
Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Old news.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Old old news.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Who cares.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

We’uns on the Sunshine Coast don’t buy it.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

I wish old 042 well

Pitt Romney
Pitt Romney
2 years ago

Perhaps PEDA just wants to spend all the money and be done with it. It is obvious that it was never really enough money to have any sort of significant impact anyway. According to this article of Nov, 2021, there was $1.5 million dollars of the $10 million left.

Interestingly this establishment, which started up with $140,000 of PEDA money, is finally opening its doors about a year later than anticipated.

The Hot Plate Brewery on North Street is featured in an Eagle puff piece just today, in advance of its opening tomorrow.

In the article above, they defend their projected prices by comparing them to prices you’d find downtown at Mission or The Lantern. Both restaurants that have both shut their doors since. Oh the irony!

Best of luck to them and to the city’s $140,000 investment. They have no parking and are apparently offering hot pockets and frozen burritos to be heated in a self-serve microwave for those who get hungry.

And somewhere along the way, the city illegally shut down thru traffic on School St, reserved only for use by the police department now. Which is absurd, unless the city took it under eminent domain for that purpose.

Free Bird
Free Bird
2 years ago
Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Free Bird
2 years ago

The heat is on. It’s called G Man heat. Do you know G man has been the most consistent speaker at the city Council meetings? how many snowflakes have you seen disappear in the last few months at meetings? There was one person where he wanted to get on some kind of housing board, he’s disappeared. There was another that criticized counselor Kronic,she’s disappeared. Miggy’s sister said she’d be there every week until something is done about the death of her brother, also at City Council meetings she’s disappeared. Where did that Kate go,she’s disappeared. G man if he runs for Mayor.He will cut each department seven percent.

That will be his first priority. He will also put in place capable administrators in each department that are failing. He will call for a forensic audit. He will have the state investigate the water planet going forward as he has stated it is unacceptable to the rate payers as their increase in the fund is needlessly Exorbitant.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Free Bird
2 years ago

Why would anyone promote or include Marchetti or Krol or anyone Connected to the last forty years of mayor regimes? Dan are you that desperate? If you need cash l can kick a buck.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

The problem with sarcasm is that you don’t have plausible deniability.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Yeah. Saw the Facebook comment by Barry,I believe he said you deserve a vacation break.

Reply to  Free Bird
2 years ago

That was the secret plan from day 1.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  JoeFriday
2 years ago

Well let me ask this? Plan or no plan,does anyone really think these two will make a difference for all taxpayers? If you don’t know the answer, then I guess ya just don’t dare.

Seventh Planet
Seventh Planet
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

I’m waiting for more candidates to emerge. It’s still very early. Papers won’t be available until April. No need for a candidate to declare this early.

John Dutton
John Dutton
Reply to  Seventh Planet
2 years ago

Rumor..Hinds still has a apartment in Pittsfield and will be taking out papers.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  John Dutton
2 years ago

Not sure why he would run. He now has a cushy 6 figure job where his duties are few while being connected indirectly to the Kennedy family. He practically abandoned his Pittsfield constituents. Not exactly a strong record to run on. But then again, this is Pittsfield.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  John Dutton
2 years ago

To leave that cushy $100,000+ job he has now to be mayor of Pittsfield?

If that really is true, something is real fishy. Or it should tell the taxpayers how financially lucrative the mayors job is in Pittsfield. And that’s not even including the salary and health benefits that come with the job itself.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Pretty sure the mayor of Pittsfield gets more than $100,000 right now and it is at least a 4 year job, perhaps eight. And what seems to be an unlimited budget to do with as one pleases. Pretty nice gig if you ask me. And who knows, that condo at the bottom of the mountain may be throw in as a bonus.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

Don’t kid yourself! Those two scoundrels will definitely make a difference to the taxpayers, a difference for the worse that is, just like all their predecessors. I know it may be hard to believe, but things can and will get worse. I can’t remember when a time when a Pittsfield mayor wasn’t in it for him/herself and his/hers adorning shameful brown-nosed slobs who reap benefits for themselves, and fUcK everyone else. And Dan Valenti, you shame yourself when you admit you are friends with both of those low-life lowbred scoundrels. Shame on YOU!

Dan, you and your robots have rejected several of my comments. But it’s your sandbox, and in truth I always need a long hot shower after visiting it. So maybe, but probably not, some of my comments deserved to be rejected.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

It’s only the Pitt because it has to function as the nexus of nirvana. It’s the sausage-making center that keeps the rest of the county above water.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

Craig, how many handles do you need?

Quick Take
Quick Take
2 years ago

Another Tyer money giveaway failure.

Given to Gun Play Moonbeam and her partner. Maybe if they didn’t try and trademark something that wasn’t theirs and then pursued people over their fake trademark this wouldn’t have happened.

“Shire City Herbals’ former Pittsfield warehouse and equipment sold at auction

The warehouse that housed the former Shire City Herbals was purchased at auction Wednesday. The decision to sell the warehouse also affected two tenants, Berkshire Organics and Hosta Hill.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Quick Take
2 years ago

If only they had had diagonal parking. Damn!

John Dutton
John Dutton
Reply to  Quick Take
2 years ago

Her hubby lost his Arse! Moon and Dip wad Krol the dynamic duo they will bring change to Pittsfield right?

Two word answers only please.

Reply to  Quick Take
2 years ago

How much did the city give Shire City? Does anyone in the Tyer admin have the responsibility of following up on businesses not meeting their contract agreements?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 years ago
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

None of these “social justice warriors” (aka-race baiters) WILL address the real issue: black on black violence.

Bet you didn’t know 30 people were shot, 6 fatally in Chicago this past weekend.

We know, it’s all white privilege or cops “hunting people of color,” right Dennis?

Shirl’s African trip to explore her roots at the taxpayers’ expense hasn’t done anything to curb the violence.

Shirl, Dennis, OB, DIE, Black Business Economic Council (BBEC), you all have been given over a million dollars of taxpayer money to do what? Can we get some success stories of any of their programs helping POC. I can’t find any. I saw numerous photos in the Eagle of Shirl’s family and friends’ African trip though. No quite the “results” I was looking for.

Chicago Violence | Chicago News | WTTW

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Shirley is an asset to the community.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

I think you meant, she’s a race hustler who peddles “racism” to enhance her financial assets.

As I asked above, can anyone attach an article written about any ONE success story of a POC from Pittsfield all these race hustlers claim to represent?

They always have a need for more taxpayer money to “improve” the lives of the POC they claim to represent. Somehow their results are the same as Blutarsky’s grade point average:

Zero Point Zero – YouTube

Same results as Shirl’s NC black teacher recruiting trip, she took on the taxpayers dime a few years ago to recruit black teachers.

Zero Point Zero – YouTube

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Get Over It
Get Over It
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

They cant because their are no success stories.

2 years ago

Found this on iberkshires. No story in Eagle, big surprise. Kalinowsky did not support it – thank you Karen.
FYI – Justin lives in a half million dollar home in the southeast part of Pitt.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lenny
The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

I’d like to know in real $$$$$$$$$$ what the city of Pittsfield and its taxpayers who are consistently gang raped have reaped from subsidizing the taxes of all the lucky winners, lured here, and have thus far benefitted from the $8.7 Million already awarded from the $10M GE welfare program, all those lucky successful winners city officials promised were going to save Pittsfield?

“The company also received a five-year tax increment financing agreement from the city.”

“Records revealed that they (EMA) have been profitable over that period with gross revenues approaching $7 million in 2021”

And yet, retired Pittsfield taxpayers are forced to supplement EMA’s taxes.

Last edited 2 years ago by The City I Hate
Heez Dhowne
Heez Dhowne
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Dumpster says it’s a no brainer. Chump change on another previous expenditure. Kavey and Lampylousy would rather talk about climate change