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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY FEB. 8, 2023) — Biden had a balloon. Pittsfield has a buffoon. Many, in fact.

THE PLANET speaks of just one today, the meddling Nick Russo, who, after being used by the city as a poster child for those useless bike lanes, now has an obsession with … roundabouts. His latest is the pretty fakery he’s done with an aerial photo of intersection of West Street and Columbus Avenue at Eversource and The Salvation Army.

Seems the clueless lad has used the recent pedestrian fatality there to pump a roundabout at that location.

Yeah, like that will fix everything.

Roundabouts are dangerous.

  • Driver Uncertainty: Yield or don’t yield? Who knows?
  • Too many merge points: In through the out door doesn’t work.
  • Greater risk of crashes: Do the math.
  • Speed: Many drivers enter with too much speed.
  • Cutting: Larger vehicles can’t safely proceed without cutting.

Save us, Lord, from young people with apps. and graphic capabilities.

———- ooo ———-

This green young man probably means well, but he has no training, no relevant degree, and no acknowledged affiliation with the city. Russo has about as much expertise with infrastructure management as Beyonce knows about the variants of axle grease.

THE PLANET admires Russo’s spunk, and we can charitably attribute his efforts to an excess of inexperience, naivete, and the type of amateurish ventures into blogging/podcasting that afflict most all who have no journalistic training or experience. However, Russo and the alleged “Pittsfield Community Design Center,” a make-believe group that holds “meetings” in Dr. Who’s phone booth, do great damage to the city by distracting attention away from its REAL problems, all of which can be centered about its its finances, the mismanagement and corruption of same.

Russo got paid who knows how much for his dreamy thoughts of bike lanes on North Street and elsewhere in Pittsfield. You know about bike lanes, those green strips that clog roadways, are never used by bikers, and serve as neat idling spaces for double-parked delivery vehicles.

One theory is that the city’s slipping $$$ to Russo under the table to front this latest stupid idea. Rumpus and Flat don’t have the nerve to float this boondoggle, so why not get a stooge involve to ease the way? What’s a few thousand no one will miss or show up in audits from one of the several slush funds?

———- ooo ———-

Anyone with half a noodle can see through this. City councilor Charles Kronick, posting on THE PLANET, gets straight to the point. Sir Charles opens his astute comment:

“I saw that. It is a very informative article [reference to iBerkshires‘ puff piece].

“‘Russo, who studied engineering in college, has taken part in Complete Streets efforts and studied the layout of Pittsfield’s roads for a number of years’

“This casts some doubt on the character of his traffic engineering experience.

“‘His post came after a fatal pedestrian accident last week when a mother and her 3-year-old daughter were struck trying to cross West Street in that area near Dorothy Amos Park.’

“Judgement call there. I would not reference that death in promoting a project.

“‘He pointed out experimentation can sometimes end in success or failure and is glad to see ideas tested in the real world.’

“That (experimenting on your car) is the worst way to engineer. Testing ideas in action that jeopardizes businesses, vehicles, and safety is unacceptable. That is how the North Street bike lanes failed so tremendously. You now know for certain that the Engineering School of Hard Knocks has more lessons for him.

“Not my ward, but it is our tax dollars being spent on paper on this vaporware. Why put a rotary on a T-intersection going out of town? Put a blinking yellow/red light.”

———- ooo ———-


Sir Chaz nailed it.

This is all make believe.

Remember, Russo and the PCDC claim  to have NO AFFILIATION WITH OR ENDORSEMENT OF THE CITY. So why bother? And why would Russo go out of his way to tell iBerkshires that he hopes his meddling “is not seen to have any special interest or motive behind it.”

Why did he need to try and head that one off at the pass?

We sense much more to this story than they’re letting on.


Don’t fire until you see the whites” — Capt. T’darius Jackson at The Battle of Bunker Hill.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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2 years ago

“The Biden administration is doubling down on crazy.” – Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Gov. of Arkansas, in response to the SOTU.
The same can be said about the Tyer administration.

Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

“It’s not a choice between Republicans and Democrats, it’s between normal versus crazy”. This was also said by Sarah Sanders last night.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

Sarah Sanders was exactly correct.

No Klew Lew
No Klew Lew
2 years ago

Word has it that Ricardo gained voluminous knowledge of streets by staring at a Monopoly game board.

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  No Klew Lew
2 years ago

and you can learn how to plow snow by watching a slow motion video of snow flakes falling onto the blade of a snow plow and then playing it backwards.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Joe Biden promised a lot of free stuff for the American People in his second SOTU speech tonight. The problem anyone who is not as wealthy as multimillionaire Joe Biden, said to be a billionaire Nancy Pelosi, and the like, face is that we are all paying at least $100 more per week on the same goods and services than we did only two years ago. But what does a 50 yearslong corrupt career politician such as Joe Biden care? He is 80 years old, and in a decade or so from now, he will be an expensive memory we won’t be able to forget about because we will still be paying one way or another for his record setting federal spending spree. Maybe by then we will finally find out where all of the tens of trillions in “Biden Bucks” really went. It is a good 2024 campaign strategy for Joe Biden to promise the American People to be U.S. President Santa Claus versus the Republican candidate Ebenezer Scrooge. But will it work?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

You voted for the Biden crime family!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Why don’t you talk about all the LIES Biden uttered during his speech, Jon?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 years ago
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

No, but I believe he put together a track for his Hot Wheels.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

He worked in the dreaded privately sector for a bit until he switched to the much easier government trough of grant (taxpayers $) for a living.

2 years ago

I was very suspicious when the city paved West St alongside Eversource and painted lines that don’t make sense, it was like they were trying to create confusion and car accidents. Where does Pittsfield get all these “citizens” who only know how to scam money and make the city worse off? I have an isea for the city instead of starting a new road project let’s get all the roads we currently have fixed and paved? I been told for almost forty years my street is “on the list” to be worked on so I am thinking there is a very long list of projects that need to be completed until we get to making a circle in the middle of the city!!!

2 years ago

Joe Biden wants to continue to tax and spend. It’s not enough that Chuck Shumer and Pelosi pushed and won a trillion dollar payout to big government and big companies right before Christmas, Biden wants to continue doing more of the same. He tried to accuse Republicans of attempting to steal social security from the elderly, but the elderly have suffered more than anyone under his administration. Many can’t afford to retire and they are on fixed incomes while prices have skyrocketed. Thankfully and deservedly, he was roundly booed by Republicans for telling that lie. Joe got angry at the Republicans for calling him out on his lie and looked like an elderly old man yelling at people to get off his lawn.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

Who was that blond steroidal dike that kept jumping up and down and screaming?
I have a four year old that does that too.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Very cool. Have you considered a job writing fortune cookies?

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Speaking of fortune cookies. Do we know yet what was in the big white balloon?

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

“When big white balloon float over your house, someone full of hot air!”

It was neatly taped to the bottom of a length of plywood.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

China’s been testing balloons as transport for hypersonic missiles since 2018.

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Kool. did not know they sold plywood by the length.

Bob Villa
Bob Villa
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Actually it is available in different lengths

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Not for sale. They want it back turns out.

Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

It was used to collect signal intelligence from sources that it passed over.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  bonner
2 years ago

I guess plywood has many uses but I was unfamiliar with that one.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  snark shark
2 years ago

Ignorant puss.

Reply to  snark shark
2 years ago

The truth hurts

Celidoe Boggs
Celidoe Boggs
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Council Grades: update
Kavey D
Persip -absent
Warren C
Conant C
Marchetti C
Kalinowski A
White D
Kronick A
Guile Lampiasi F
Maffucio -absent
Sherman D

Reply to  Celidoe Boggs
2 years ago

From 2 weeks ago???
You’re just posting this now?

Last edited 2 years ago by Lenny
Celidoe Boggs
Celidoe Boggs
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

I had covid.

Reply to  Celidoe Boggs
2 years ago

Why would covid prevent you from posting?

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Computer in a different building?

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

We’re on Planets back porch in a Mayo jar smothered by funk and wagnell dictionary coverered in beeswax.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

Sounds like you’ve got to Melville’s description of drowning in blubber.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I liked it. It was pretty amusing. Also – the sea of weeds part of the story.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

He depicts a landlubber dreaming of things he knows little about and captures the monotony of the ocean.

Markus Auerlius
Markus Auerlius
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

I think she kept screaming, “put the ARPA money in wastewater plant.”

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Dan, that’s like saying the sun will rise and set tomorrow and the days beyond.

The cultural competency coach has been oppressed all her life. Haven’t you heard her speak on it? Her events are sparsely attended, so seating is not an issue.

I equate it to the now early 40’s y/o guy who has miraculously become the “Al Bundy” of their HS football team and scored 4 TD’s in one game. When dad is telling his kids of his sports heroics.

Of course the rest of us know it’s a crock of horse$h!t.

The huge difference though, the dad can’t grift off some fake cause and get large amounts of non-reportable taxpayer money.

He’s just raising his kids. In other words, being a dad and not looking for a handout. Or to hopefully keep his kids from illegal activities, unlike members of the Edgerton family.

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

“Money is the mother’s milk of these grifters”
Sad, but true. Redistribution
 is a close relative of Reparations
The race-huckster gimmiedat professionals will never give in and
 why would they when they have such fine examples of
extortion to draw from–

Last edited 2 years ago by Optimus Prime
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Surely she jests but I would accept the cool $30 million for my reparations

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

See you next Tuesday

Get Over It
Get Over It
Reply to  In Da Know
2 years ago

You thing you are witty dont you? Again Matt, get your head out of your McDonough

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Get Over It
2 years ago

His name is Craig, and his head is part of his McDonough.

Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Is she a democrat dyke too?

Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Tanya Harding

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
2 years ago

Oh no a roundabout, SO SCAWWWY

Reply to  Flogging Molly
2 years ago

When did they start calling them roundabouts? They are *rotaries*.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
2 years ago

Little old lady traps.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Flogging Molly
2 years ago

Its costly, it’s ridiculous, it’s a colossal waste of money, and it won’t save a single life. I don’t know what cosmic force put the driver and the pedestrian on the same fateful Monday morning course. And I don’t know if one was more at fault. But I do know that Pittsfield has a lot of aggressive motor vehicle operators who are NOT stopping for RED LIGHTS, or STOP SIGNS, YEILDING at roundabouts, and motor vehicle operators are not stopping and looking both ways, before entering busy roadways, or stopping to let pedestrians are cross roadways anywhere pedestrians damn well please. Pedestrians are not STOPPING at the curb, pedestrians are LOOKING TO THE LEFT, then the RIGHT, and then the LEFT AGIAN, pedestrians are not LOOKING and LISTENING for TRAFFIC, pedestrians are IGNORING crosswalks, pedestrians are ignoring DON”T WALK lights, pedestrians are running into the path of moving vehicles, dropping off sidewalks into roadways and into the path of moving vehicles, and they expect motor vehicle drivers to stop on a dime to accommodate their negligence. Another dangerous ridiculous costly waste of money will not cure ignorance or human error. There is a tremendous lack of common sense in Pittsfield.

Cui Bono?
Cui Bono?
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Who benefits?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Betcha a whole bunch of em don’t gots drivers licenses or insurance either. But it is not wokely acceptable to suggest that some of the immigrants might be driving around using the rules or lack of rules in their old countries.

So I won’t go there.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
2 years ago

I thought the “Work and Family Mobility Act,” sponsored by MA’s Illegal Immigrants Tzar, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet, (D-illegal immigrants) told us this would solve all of these traffic issues.

It had nothing to do with voting, hey TFCB?

Wait until it warms up. You ain’t seen nutin’ yet. TFCB will be unloading more illegals and welfare rats onto the streets and roadways of Pittsfield, all under the guise of “grant money.”

Road construction, such as building another unneeded Rumpus Roundabout or two, is the perfect monetary sendoff (aka-kickbacks) to hit the CO slopes with for Flat and Mr. Worldwide. It’s their grift to the taxpayer for being a totally useless and non-existent mayor and a clueless, easily lost in city hall, husband.

Dirty Barry did perform an admirable job as a vigilante working Cumby’s on First Street. I will give him that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Flogging Molly
2 years ago

Take your second left

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Since I started the discussion on this lame idea a couple of days ago in my post, I noticed another issue that Russo seems to have overlooked. What about the residential homes of taxpayers that will be intertwined in this mess. How are they supposed to enter and especially exit their highly taxed homes?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I want a circle of chaos for my driveway. While it is true that I’m no longer under the delusion that I’m safe in my own home, a roundabout in my driveway would make me have to slow down, pause, take a breath, without someone suffocating me, and think about how delusional I use to be about thinking I was safe in my own home. My own private roundabout in my driveway would give me time to slow down, pause, and think about the chaos that invaded the safety of my castle, as if I really have to slow down to think about it. So, I guess what I’m trying to convey is the illusion that a roundabout is going somehow make life safer. I would like the city to really fixate on fixing the unsafe potholes all over the city of Pittsfield. I’d really like it if the city would seriously fixate on reigning in the frivolous wasting of my tax dollars. I would really really like it if really good honest people were the overseers of the city of Pittsfield. But my likes are obviously the workings of a delusional mind. So, when can I expect the installation of my own private roundabout in my driveway?

snark Shark
snark Shark
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Tyer has had the city of Pittsfield going around in circles for seven years. Ususally when you go around in circles you wind up back in the same spot. But when you go around in a Tyer-circle you wind up lost and confused.


Celidoe Boggs
Celidoe Boggs
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Latest idea, Springside house support.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Celidoe Boggs
2 years ago

Exactly. This has to be the twentieth time in the last 30 years that the Springside house has had major renovations. It is a money laundering dump that needs to be torn down. How many multi million dollars projects does this mayor have going on at once now?? And why? And why is the rest of the council not reigning this Kardashian wannabee in?

I would love to see a forensic audit dig up all the money put into that place in the last twenty years. It must have gold toilets and murals on the ceilings by now.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  snark shark
2 years ago

I agree Snark.
That dump of an old mansion? What are they going to use it for?

Reply to  snark shark
2 years ago

Would make a wonderful place for the houseless. Make it a bunch of bathrooms so they have a place for all their waste instead of letting be in the fields of Springside

Reply to  Celidoe Boggs
2 years ago

Kerwood probably told her that the cost of building materials is at its highest ever and so with her apparent lack of restraint figured why the hell not? Not my money, let’s do it!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Tyer affirmed her leadership skills…she has none.

Reply to  snark Shark
2 years ago

Exactly, they want everyone confused so they can continue to rob the Kapanski’s and you are unable to find your way out of the city. This is jut another element in Ricky Rumpass city maze!!! Everyone can just go round and round. Don’t be surprised if they put up a toll reader so they can collect more funds for their pig trough

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

We all get the process now. First: put it in as sketched with not-to-scale design software. See what doesn’t work, count the complaints and accidents, survey a friendly audience for a report, etc… Then they’ll fix that with a new roundabout and repeat.

That intersection is problematic. It doesn’t need a complete architectural gardenscape (weeds) traffic re-route.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Agree, Dan. We also need traffic enforcement. A few years back an unmarked PPD cruiser would sit in Eversource’s driveway and would be non-stop ticketing drivers. The City of Pits lacks traffic enforcement, most likely because the PPD lacks officers. Has any City Councilor ever thought of investigating why the PPD has trouble hiring and keeping officers? Why does the City pay to train an individual only to have them quit and go to another police force? A few years back read a report (tried to find it, no success) stating how many traffic citations had been given out compared to previous years and it had dropped drastically, why? A City Councilor needs to ask for these stats for current and previous years. Tyer ran on adding police officers but evidently didn’t have the brains to realize that officers also retire. Why did Chief Wynn not realize this? Anyone running a business would understand this, plan ahead and steadily work to reinforce and balance their workforce. Total lack of common sense prevails as usual.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

Thurs. Feb 2 Eagle Our Opinion aritcle also throws a lot of shade on the North street “redesign”. Uses terms like “ill conceived”, clunky and counter intuitive, lackluster nature of the redesign”. Says they have a low opinion of North streets current configuration.
Does anyone recall the Bekrshire Eagle having one bad thing to say about North street prior to this commentary? NO? Well maybe because it is not the bike lane reconfiguration they are really concerned about right now. What seems to be upsetting them is that it might go on the ballot as a referendum where THE ACTUAL CITIZENS might express their own opinion. And God help Pittsfield if referendums become a thing and the people start to get involved in actual decisions. Suggests referendum would be a rash knee jerk solution. Keep the people ignorant and their hands tied and everything will be OK.

Yabadabadu Yogi!

SnArK sHarK
SnArK sHarK
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

Every intersection in the world has inherent dangers. Ninety nine percent of them have to do with bad driving. Traffic enforcement use to be the solution, but for whatever reason that seems to have been abandoned. (except for a shot time right after a tragedy)

Some mayors find it more lucrative to toss the baby out with the bath water.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  SnArK sHarK
2 years ago

Every accident involves at least one bad driver.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

I agree. Use a 3 wood.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

I use exclusively that middling iron. It’s all you need.

Bull Durham
Bull Durham
2 years ago

Hey, it’s not a phone booth, it’s a TARDIS.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

Let’s be clear, Columbus Avenue doesn’t touch West Street. You must mean College Drive, or you are in the wrong city.

People don’t know how to handle round about because they don’t remember drivers ed. Ask any 17 year old and they can tell you who has right of way and how to navigate such INCREDIBLE OBSTICLES.

If the registry made 84 year old people take driving tests like they do 16 year old people, I bet that women would still be alive today.

This whole thing was a needless tragedy.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 years ago

Sir do you know off hand why the city of Pittsfield painted hardly any traffic lines or crosswalks last year? Was this a new age safety thing like not sanding icy hills or putting toxic chemicals on floors during school hours?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  snark shark
2 years ago

While the city of Pittsfield neglected crosswalks and traffic lines, and potholes, corrupt city officials made damn well sure the negro wasn’t ignored. Of course, graves had to be robbed to accommodate and commemorate the honorable negro population as evident by the downtown up street mural, Black Abundance, at the corner of MLK boulevard and North Street. In order to successfully create this BLACK masterpiece, the paid artist had to dig up the corpses of five out of the seven negroes depicted in the mural. But not to worry, because no WHITE paint was wasted on the BLACK masterpiece. Corrupt city officials also made sure to honor the contributions the negro has made to the city of Pittsfield with the Ruby Bridges ‘Walk with Her’ mural on College Way. If some little no account YT gets his ass run over in an unmarked crosswalk that’s on him.

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

What time is the Klan meeting Rube?

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

And what would YOUR solution be to the problem of the black underclass?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

If NASA can send one of them to the Moon, why can’t it send all of them to the Moon.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Send all of them to the Moon? Mr TCI Hate, you and others with that view are a big part of the problem.

Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Equal Treatment Under the Laws.

Reply to  Peet
2 years ago

Equal Treatment Under the Law would work if there wasn’t so much embedded racism.

Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Give more money to Shirley Edgerton of course.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

WOW. Do you have balls enough to tell us your real name? I think this qualifies as a hate speech.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Alright, point well taken, calling little YT no-account was hateful. My apologies to your phantom robots. Maybe you should bring back your army of stealth secret agents and get rid of your snow-flake robots altogether. Obviously, truth equals hate in your flake robot world.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

The problem is that saying sending all black people to the moon is a solution to the problem of the black underclass is hateful speech.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

You can let all of them ride, Dan, but sadly, it just reveals what we’re dealing with here.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
2 years ago

I don’t want another roundabout in the city of Pittsfield. The specious, MORE SAFER, argument in favor of roundabouts is, well, specious. How many accidents have occurred at the Tyler Street roundabout so far? How many less shootings has the roundabout prevented in the city of Pittsfield? How long will it take, and how much will it cost, for the Pittsfield KOPS to solve the daylight after school shooting special that happened back in October on Springside Ave.? And how exactly will the Tyler Street roundabout contribute to the arrest and convictions of the suspects in the Springside Ave. after SCOHOL Special daylight shootings? Why didn’t the Tyler Street roundabout prevent an illegal Dominican Republic CRACK TRAFFICKER/habitual Abuser of Minors, from opening his own CRACK DISTRIBUTION center out of a house on Alden Ave.? I don’t want to pay for PUMP BALL and PICKLE PARKS in Springside Park. I don’t want corrupt city officials to sink any more taxpayer $$$$$$$$$$ into the Springside Park house money pit. I want the taxpayers $2MILLION PLUS clawed back from the Beacon. I don’t want a homeless shelter built on the corner of West Housatonic Street and Henry Ave. I’d agree to using as little as possible of taxpayers $$$$$$$ to provide one-way tickets to the homeless to get them out of the city of Pittsfield. Please, go be someone else’s problems.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Now we have drive around shootings instead of drive by shootings

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Don’t stand in the middle.

Building Izhot
Building Izhot
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Did the lack of’ during the storm actually come from Morales. Or was he absent and someone else made these non calls. He kept saying WE?

2 years ago

We only have 62% of adults currently working in this country. Compare that to France that has 74% of adults currently working. They too went through COVID and they are a country known for taking it easy, but they beat us. What does that make us? A country of lazy people it seems who want to live off of big government. It’s a sure way to destroy our country and kill our motivation. That number will only get lower as the socialists consider giving certain people a living wage so they don’t have to work. Meanwhile, the elderly are working like mad. I see many families in Pittsfield where the young people in their 20’s stay at home all day while the 60 somethings are out working. The young people are encouraging the elder people to also stop working and join them in living off the government. At least the over 62 are eligible for retirement, if they can afford it, but the younger people seem to have no excuse to not be working. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will destroy a lot of jobs in the future, but we’re not there yet and there must be other paid work that people will be able to do even with Artificial Intelligence.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

I enjoyed reading the news article in the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) asking if Mayor Linda Tyer will run for reelection. She would face challengers Peter Marchetti and John Krol. I hope that she will take the 6-figure city pension plus perks and enjoy her life with her multimillionaire third husband Barry Clairmont. The predicted economic recession that is being caused by the Swamp will cause pain and problems for Pittsfield politics over the next year or two. The 2008 economic recession was caused by Wall Street, of course. I wouldn’t want to be the Mayor of Pittsfield during an economic recession. But at the end of the day, the books always get cooked whether it is Pittsfield politics, the Swamp, or Wall Street.

SnArK sHarK
SnArK sHarK
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

No way her lap dog Pete would have paraded himself into the mix without tyers blessing. And she would have checked with her own handlers before that.
But the most bizarre thing about a Tyer candidacy would be that she has even more baggage than he does and if she jumped in, it might actually help get Marchetti elected. Could that be the plan?

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Pittsfield Co-Op?

2 years ago

There needs to be separation in health care and the judicial branch. Judges should not be connected to hospitals. Nor newspapers nor the servey crew, nor community development. It’s organized crime, look around yourself.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Peet
2 years ago

There needs to be separation in health care and the judicial branch. “

Strongly agree. Though I see as more serious the binding of doctors to state public reporting and research. I do not refer to mandatory reporting for public safety, of course.

I find disturbing public study questions that do not pertain to personal health (‘do you wear seatbelts?’ etc…) in physical exams. The state is intruding in private care and the doctors do not seem to know better. These trends make for bad medical outcomes as patients lose trust in the loss of medical privacy.

Anyone has the right to own a newspaper. Freedom of Speech.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

As to medical questionnaires, you can now identify as a tea pot, short and stout, and no one is going lock you away in a rubber room for that. You want to believe you are actually a tea pot, and it’s only by malice that you were MIS-identified at birth as male, you can do that now. YOU, probably have a viable lawsuit against the doctor who emancipated you from your mother and your mother and her controlling constricting womb. YOU want people to tip you over and pour you out.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

I had a looonghhh phone intake with a dimbat dullard who tried to squeeze the ‘truth’ from me. I said I resented being expected to play his wokery games and insisted I was not game. “Skip them all” I said, “It’s bad medicine and it’s driving up medical costs.” I further insisted that he use his common sense given my name. Shouldn’t be hard, but confirmation of the obvious is fine. He did not want the obvious though.

He refused. “I have to choose from the following.”

I said “fine – do not put ANYTHING in those spots. Just leave them blank.”

When I showed up for my visit (surgical btw), I saw the form the dumbbell completed.

Gender: unaffilitaed.
Sex: undetermined.
Preferred pronouns: he/she, him/her

Now, how comfortable do you think I was having the knife put to me by a confused surgeon?

Last edited 2 years ago by Charles Kronick
2 years ago

Joe Biden will be 86 when he leaves the presidency if he runs and wins in 2024. Whoever is his VP will be much more likely to step in as president during a Biden 2nd term. If Kamala runs again as his VP, she has a high probability of becoming president due to Biden being so close to 90 years old.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

So this guest on the PCTV morning show,she’s talking about accuracy in reporting. Says Pittsfield received a grant for $242 to study downtown? No wonder the street is messed up. That’s is unless she read it wrong from the sheet she was reading?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

What she meant was that it has been STUDIED 242 times. And it has been CHANGED 242 times. And some lucky outfits, consultants, engineers and contractors rake in mega bucks every single time.

(no forensic audit has ever found kickbacks involved in these redesigns)

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

Rumor has it the Mayor will run and win the election. She has the votes.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

What is really happening at the DPW. There was a plow that G P S said was idle and was not paid for an hours worth of work because it wasn’t on the job? Was the driver fired? The other thing is,who really decided not to pretreat the roads during the storm? Was it the mayor,commissioner or someone below the commissioner? One other item? The accident that the video the Planet showed sees a truck barreling through a stop sign. But looking at the video, the road looks dry as a bone. Was that driver given a breathalyzer,has the driver been charged? Was he fired,suspended?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Was it one driver or a hired contractor and all his employees?

Yah maybe.

Tequila Mocking Bird
Tequila Mocking Bird
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

It’s a personnel matter and classified so we can’t jeopardize sources and methods

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

At the record setting rate that Mayor Linda Tyer is raising local taxes and fees, along with all of her record high multimillion-dollar Slush Funds, I don’t think that she has the votes for a successful reelection campaign in 2023.

Letter: “Property tax reduction should be on the table in Pittsfield free cash talks”
The Berkshire Eagle, February 9, 2023

To the editor: This is in response to the recent article (“Pittsfield city councilors want the city’s free cash to go toward city roads and sidewalks,” Eagle, Feb. 3) about the allocation of the millions of dollars Pittsfield will spend on different projects. 

Recently, the mayor refused to add $1 million to reduce real estate taxes. Most of the City Council agreed with her.

Now we see a proposal for $6 million that will probably be spent on varies nonessential projects.

The mayor argued it would not be prudent to spend another $1 million to reduce the real estate taxes we pay. How can it not be prudent when all they have to do is raise the real estate tax rates if there would be a deficit?

It does not seem the mayor or most of the City Council considers the financial well-being of the people of Pittsfield to be very important.

Thomas Marini, Pittsfield

SnArK sHarK
SnArK sHarK
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

You must be Barry if you know she has the votes.

Reply to  SnArK sHarK
2 years ago

A recent poll taken at Pittsfield cemetery shows her to be ahead by a wide margin.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

She needs four more to get it done.that’ll make it 12…….years of continuous failure..

Tequila Mocking Bird
Tequila Mocking Bird
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

I think the rumor was that she has the runs.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Tequila Mocking Bird
2 years ago

The Intent of the four year term was two wasn’t enough. Now we learned four,six,and now eight isn’t enough,evidently. Either go to City Manager or back to the two year term. Because taxpayers have had enough. Charles,how do we make that happen?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Tequila Mocking Bird
2 years ago

Tequila Mocking Bird, Now, that’s funny.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

If Flat, TFCB, Dumpster-Diver Persip, and OB, want to see leadership, this is it. Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Enough with the DIE charade. It’s a racist program and a true leader sees it for what it is-bull$hit.

Texas is the latest state to attack DEI, targeting hiring (

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Didn’t the Eagle endorse Tyer?

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

It’ll be Wayne ( Oldie but goodies) Newton vs Johnny Guitar in the mayoral race. Meanwhile the G Man is looking to Cavalierly drum them into submission. Don’t think Flats could want to be at those debates.

The school committee
The school committee
2 years ago

Does everyone here watch FOX entertainment to be so well informed.Im very impressed by how good they are at informing the right wing America that is now at 33%

Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Smoke another bone cuckoo man