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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY FEB. 15, 2023) — This just in.

The Pentagon has shot down another unidentified flying object, this time at 20,000 feet directly over city hall in Pittsfield. Defense Department sources, speaking off the record, tell THE PLANET that the object was “car-sized, vacuous, without visible means of propulsion or control.”

Hmmm. Could it be The Dumpster Located Behind Paul Rich?

Frozen food for thought.

Speaking of the UFOs, we wonder, “Where’s Joe?”

 Biden Hidin’

In the matter of a couple days, the U.S. shot down not one, not two, but three UFOs, and the President decided to act by immediately retreating into his basement with his guacamole and chocolate chip ice cream to watch reruns of the Super Bowl. That’s the same cellar where candidate Biden hid during the 2020 campaign, content to let the unnecessary shutdown of the country’s economy (barely) derail the Trump presidency. Universal mail-in balloting, anyone?

Biden’s crew has left the world, to say nothing of U.S. citizens, up in the air, pun intended, without clarity. Administration and military officials are running around like headless chickens trying to work out what to say to the public about what they know. Knowing government’s limitless capacity to lie, and listening to even the most cool-headed observers, SOMETHING’s going on, and it’s not adding up. There’s more than idle talk about threats to national security that neither the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs, nor the White House can wish away by playing make believe.

———- ooo ———-

“We’ll get to the bottom of this,” said Lloyd, Austin, Secretary of Defense, following the shoot down of a UFO over Lake Huron, described. as an octagonal object with string-like extensions. How reassuming … er … reassuring. Taking his words at face value, that being a stretch, Austin’s actually saying that authorities have no idea as to the origin and purpose of the object. What’s scarier? That, or that they DO know and aren’t coming clean?

The UFO shot down over the Canadian Yukon was described as a silver cylinder. A Pentagon official would not rule out extraterrestrial origin. When asked by reporters, Biden press secretary Karine Jeanne-Pierre said the White House has “no indication of aliens or extraterrestrials,” a curious wording given the circumstances. The most recent three shoot downs have been of objects flying (or floating) at high altitudes without signs of visible means of propulsion and control. The Pentagon also said reports revealed that the objects had no visible sensors, that they were not balloons, and that they had the ability to appear and disappear from tracking.

Meanwhile, unless one of the objects lands and Ray Walston emerges (who gets this one??), the country is left hanging, with Biden still hidin’.

———- ooo ———-

America is in the hands of perhaps the most incompetent executive branch in its history.

THE PLANET won’t bother to list the ways that Biden-Harris have failed the country. We will borrow this synopsis from The National Review:

His embarrassingly patent senescence and habitual incoherence are problems, to be sure. But in his prime, such as it was, he was never regarded as serious presidential material, despite his several attempts. Mediocrity is something he’d have to aspire to. He was a gentleman’s-C undergrad who went on to finish 76th out of 85 in his law-school class. He entered politics in a one-party state right out of law school, and there he has stayed for a half century, plagiarizing his way through as he did in school. If he has distinguished himself, it is mainly by being wrong on virtually every issue of great public consequence, often after vacillating from one side to the other. His accomplishments are nil. The defining attribute of his current campaign is to run away from a few sensible positions he used to hold. Otherwise, he would not have been viable to today’s woke Left, against which he is largely impotent.

And if someone runs into architect David Vincent, listen to him, real good.


The purpose of bureaucracy is to provide cover for incompetence” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Biden Bucks & stubborn 40-year high US Inflation Numbers & $7 trillion to possibly $10 trillion federal dollars printed out of thin air & Hunter Biden’s ongoing federal investigations & Kamala Harris’ cackling & Ed Markey’s HOT AIR & Elizabeth Warren NOT living on or anywhere near Main Street USA & PAC Man Richie Neal living on and off of K Street & Paul Marxism voting to make the State Senate President Karen Spilka a Queen & Tricia Farley-Bouvier prioritizing “Happy Endings” after giving illegal immigrants Massachusetts Driver’s Licenses & Smitty Pignatelli’s over 20 years in Boston as a “Rubber Stamp” & John Barrett III’s 5th decade as a career politician for life & Linda Tyer living in a mansion in an elitist Gated Community neighborhood while “Rome is burning” & Peter Marchetti running for Mayor of Pittsfield over and over again & John Krol trying to make a comeback in Pittsfield politics. What else can the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski ask for in good old Pittsfield, Massachusetts?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

JM, will you vote Republican if Trump doesn’t run?

If not, quit posting these rants. These are the people YOU voted for. These are YOUR policies.

BTW-Nice Cocoon reference Dan. Maybe a pod will land in my backyard.

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Who ever told you that I don’t like “Happy Endings” and going to Strip Clubs? Who ever told you that I don’t like scratch tickets and lottery games, casinos, tobacco, alcohol and marijuana? Who ever told you that I don’t like all of the corrupt career politicians who want me to do all of these fun activities? Who ever told you that I don’t hang out with Hunter Biden and I thanked him for giving me one of his free crack cocaine pipes? Who ever told you that I didn’t travel with Bill Clinton 26 times on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet? Who ever told you that I don’t pay child support to all of my love momma’s in at least 25 out of the 50 states? Who ever told you that there aren’t a lot of children out there who look a lot like Jon Melle?

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 years ago

Who ever told you this was funny.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 years ago

I’m beginning to think that you really know and have hung with Hunter and used the free crack pipe he gave you after that post. Only someone on crack would have responded to a simple question asked of you like the one above from M.A. Keep the NARCAN around.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 years ago

Hunter Biden will give you a free crack pipe, too. Just give “the Big Guy” a cut. Bill Clinton liked to fly around on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, too. Tricia Farley-Bouvier wants to decriminalize Sex Work in Massachusetts. Maybe Hunter Biden and Bill Clinton will move to Massachusetts in the future? Luciforo could sell them some pot and smoke it with them before they go to the Happy Endings Massage Parlor next to his Berkshire Roots business on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

HEMP and Roots belong together if you ask me. With Liquors Inc next door all your vices in one stop.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 years ago

I don’t believe this is the actual JM posting this.

Whoever it is that posted this, may I suggest you finish the job first and give yourself a “happy ending,” before you post. It’ll help clear the mind and unscramble your thoughts.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Wrong on my reference Dan. I confused Ray Walston with Don Ameche. Hence the Cocoon reference.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Alexander Graham Bell

I always loved Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy in Trading Places and Coming to America (briefly) too.

Mortimer and Randolph Duke

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

You think the bums on the street corners are irritating when they ask for change. What about EMA begging for money?

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

And did EMA display a spread sheet as to how they have been spending the last bonanza they stepped into before extending their gimmee more hand??? Or would they rather no one asks any questions because that would racist.

Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Three biggest panhandlers in Pittsfield: EMA, Berkshire Eagle the guy at Park Square.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Best dancing around…the umbrella man,Kufflinks,Ricky Roads,the arpa gals.

Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

A round of applause for Councilors Kalinowsky and Kronick for voting against the EMA cash grab.
Telling moment of the night, when Justin McKennon was asked by a city councilor to divulge recent profits – he refused, he “didn’t know.”
His business associate from Boston who was sitting beside him during the meeting – kept laughing at the residents speaking during the open mike.

Also a round of applause for Councilor Kalinowsky who is keeping a close eye on the DPW mismanagement.

Thankfully we have two city councilors who take their positions seriously.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ChattyCathy
2 years ago

“Telling moment of the night, when Justin McKennon was asked by a city councilor to divulge recent profits – he refused, he “didn’t know.””

I found that admission to be completely unacceptable. They talked about investing their profits back into the company. That is a solid plan, and using their own cash/loan to purchase equipment that generates revenue IS reinvesting profits. Cash in the bank today is a losing idea – purchasing equipment to generate new revenues is growth. We should have let them follow the natural path of business growth and saved the funds for fresh needs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

“Investing the profits back into the company” is code for “we all just got raises!” Justin lives in a $500,000 home in SW Pittsfield.
Was the finance subcommittee given their financials or just the propaganda video? Earl Parsnip is the last person I’d take financial investment advice from!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ChattyCathy
2 years ago

I will say this though, I can understand the difficulty members had in sifting through the chaff.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

Nah, it seemed more like a peer pressure event. Thanks for not folding Sir Charles!

Justin Case
Justin Case
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Yeah thank you Sir Charles !! For that opposition for that appointment in the zoning board. Your lack of due diligence makes you that more credible!! All that mumbling and stumbling around is impressive and refreshing!Sir Charles for two more years please !!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Justin Case
2 years ago


Another profile in courage offering his (‘his’ is neuter) critique. Mr. Case who is terrified that I would guess his name? I can’t be impressed with your insults; City I Hate outranks you.

I was correct of course about the law. Even the solicitor was unable to refute me. The law states 3 or five only. And and! There is no such a thing as an associate member. It’s completely made up, and magical chairs are not in the Charter either.

Councilor Warren’s sympathetic laptop isn’t an associate councilor either. File another absurd petition, suck an egg or whatever else works for you. Same thing!

Last edited 2 years ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

*musical chairs. But I like magical for this body.

Reply to  Justin Case
2 years ago

I find it refreshing that Councilor Kronick is familiar with MA general laws and that he took the trouble to investigate what rules apply to appointed boards. Frankly I am tired of the mayor ramming not only appointments but petitions through the city council due to the fact that the majority of councilors have no business background and are either quite uninformed on the issues in front of them or just plain political hacks. Few councilors take the time to study the agenda items that they are voting on. Melissa Mazzeo was a champion at studying the issues though I didn’t always agree with her conclusions. Justin Case you need an attitude adjustment and hopefully you are not an elected official in the city of Pittsfield.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ChattyCathy
2 years ago

CC: I am almost certain the COWARD is NOT a COUNCILOR. Just pretending to be one.

To call a fellow Councilor a coward is an accusation I absolutely will not make – it’s too serious a defect. It’s beyond repair.

I don’t have a problem with pen names. They loosen the tongue, shield self from inappropriate attention is a safe haven for free speech. They are necessary to foster free conversation.

Last edited 2 years ago by Charles Kronick
2 years ago

Dan, I agree Hidin Bidin’s regime is the most corrupt and incompetent executive branch America has ever had. I can’t believe people, and yes I have talked to many, still think he is doing great and he is awesome. Makes me scratch my head and wonder how brain washed these pea brain lemons are!! Then I read an article where a judge in Mass got in trouble for making truthful meme’s for facebook disparaging the DON Pelosi voting record. He got in trouble for not showing impartiality. Got me thinking about Judge Rutberg and the hate rag that does not state the truth and is so far left it’s amazing China isn’t backing them! Well as usual Dan you got the mind firing I hope everyone gets out and works to get rid of our current mayor and her lackeys as well as the sitting council!

2 years ago

By the time Biden runs again inflation and unemployment will both be down as the stimulus $$ gets back into the economy, he’ll win, allowing Harris to then run and be elected. What are you guys gonna do then?

Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

If giggling Harris is ever elected as president, the country is doomed right from the start. As VP she has been a disaster and everyone knows it.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

She is a Check Box appointee/VP, she is just the womynx to lead
the charge atop the D

Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

She will laugh all the way to the bank.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

What are we gonna do? Hunker down, admit our sins, and pray. What else can we do?

Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Best Joke of the Morning!! Almost JMish

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 years ago

No, no joke. Mine make sense and will come to pass.

2 years ago

I remember when I heard that Biden was running for VP with Obama, I was in shock. When I heard he was running for President, I was horrified. I knew back then that he didn’t have what it takes to be in such high positions of government. Now, he is considering running until he is nearly 90 years old. Things aren’t going to get better with Biden. He’s not a work in progress. He is a work that is completed and he needs to leave politics for the sake of the survival of this country and the world. The media would NEVER accept the silence from this president over these constant shoot-downs if a Republican was in office. We shouldn’t accept it now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
2 years ago

Trump was so lame he didn’t even know they were there. At least Biden *found* them.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Do you honestly believe this? Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny? Tooth Fairy? Canada?

If so, I’ve got some prime ocean front property for dirt cheap off of John Street in Pittsfield for you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

I’ll take that deal and flip it for a profit in 6 years.

Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Biden just got them back from China so he knew exactly where they were

Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Oh right…that is factual and makes perfect sense…NOT!

2 years ago

The train derailment in East Palestine Ohio is another disaster where we have silence not only from Biden but from Pete Buttigieg, his Transportation Secretary. The EPA has also been slow to act. Maybe because this isn’t climate related and they can’t make political points about it? In fact, trains have been derailing all over the country recently, but we have silence from this government and they want trains to be the big mode of transportation in the future. Buttigieg finally commented online about the incident 3 days ago when the event happened 11 days ago. Animals and fish are dying and people are suffering horrible health symptoms. It was like a nuclear bomb went off in that city.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pat
The school committee
The school committee
2 years ago

Biden is awesome and nothing FOX entertainment says will provoke him.Steady as we go we will not give democracy to the right wing MAGAs with their FOX propaganda scare tactics to the unwoke viewer who has the silly high definition screen with the Red White and Blue to the cult and Florida’s fascist govenor.Fear fear fear fear of nothing important…..We are focusing in on the Pence Supeona who has witnessed a crime against America and he will fold.

Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago


Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Correct. If Biden loses, then Carlson, Hannity, Lindell and Waters lose their cash cow. They need Biden/Harris to win to keep their revenue stream sustainable.

Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Crazy man, with Biden no one can afford to spend any money. Keep it cuckoo.

Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Give it six months, you’ll see.

Reply to  The school committee
2 years ago

Speaking of pea brain lemons who are very brainwashed our own TSC!! Who loves living under executive order authoritarian/totalitarianism demented illegitimate Joe!! He has only given us less goods, less gas. less oil. less electricity. less food, less money but don’t worry he has given us more inflation, more government, more crime, more hysteria. more debt good how awesome is this executive branch!!

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 years ago

and this post reminds me of a merry-go-round of ignorance and fealty to a false god

Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Perfectly correct.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 years ago

He’s not as authoritarian as some I can think of.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Having allowed china to float a balloon carrying something the rough shape and dimensions of an ICBM over the entire continent, the US Airforce is now doing the right thing and shooting every single object it can find out of the sky: weather balloons, alien spaceships, kites, and graduate students atmospheric studies.

Everytime I hear a jet I run out to look. Hope to catch a fun destruction.

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Right. The real fear is that DPRK will hang a nuke on one of them.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Ok then, don’t look up.

Reply to  Free Bird
2 years ago

This is terrifying.

Reply to  Free Bird
2 years ago

That article is great and so true. Look over here folks and ignore the toxic nightmare in Ohio, the nordstream sabotage, the about to emerge Epstein client list, the Chinese contributions to UPenn Biden center, WW3 – bioweapon labs – money laundering schemes in Ukraine, failing economy and food processing disasters, etc etc.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
2 years ago

What annoyed me the most about last night’s shitty council meeting, EVERYFUCKINGTHING!

In no particular order,

(1) THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, recited twice a month by a bunch of lowlife lowbred SCUMBAGS who don’t believe in liberty, justice or the right of citizens to freely express a negative opinion of Pittsfield’s political scoundrels.

(2) The SHITTY council chambers stacked with rabid bicyclist KOOKS. Especially the Pittsfield elementary SCOHOL TEACHER who wore her helmet to protect her tiny fragile WOKE brain from all the meanie motorists who wrongly believe Blacktopped ROADWAYS were created for MOTORISTS.

(3) PEE PEE marchetti’s THREAT to SUSPEND OPEN MIC. When it comes representing his constituents and performing his fiduciary responsibilities to the taxpayers in an honest and honorably manner, PEE PEE marchetti is a colossal failure and a whoreson butthole disgrace. You know if he’s elected, the first order of his corrupt mayoral business will be to eliminate Open Mic completely, because that’s the type of egomaniacal scoundrel marchetti is.

(4) The Green Genie, Renaldo, and his absurd petition to impose the SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING rule of moral conduct on CORRUPT KOPS. That’s NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. KOPS live by their own depraved, perverted, nefarious, EVIL WICKED “THIN BLUE LINE” of Corruption. That’s NEVER GOING TO CHANGE!

to be continued…

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Pledge of Allegiance: the last bit of civility.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Liberty and justice for all !
You get Liberty, you get justice You get Liberty, you get justice, You get Liberty, you get justice !!!

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Peet
2 years ago

Yeah. That’s true. But maybe one day….

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

To be greatly admired.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Yeah I agree completely. Who would be stupid enough to ride their bike at night from North St. to East New Lenox Rd. No wonder her daddy is worried! Buy her a car, pops!

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Through rain and snow and sleet and dark of night. I’m sure her pops would prefer that his little girl’s entire bicycle route from the safety of his home to his little girl’s workplace be designated a bicycles ONLY blacktop dragstrip, thus ensuring his little girl’s complete safety. Pops should probably be more worried about the dangers of his little girl’s workplace located in one of Pittsfield’s many violent GUN ZONES for Gang Bangers and Drug Traffickers. Pops should probably buy his little girl a bullet proof vest.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

If she’s biking by night, she really should consider a horse and buggy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Charles Kronick
Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 years ago

Maybe Barry, the protector of the night, could escort her to and fro

Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Dingy Barry for mayor

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Lenny
2 years ago

Talk about putting your life in other peoples’ hands. Drivers can’t see you, and you can’t see potholes and road junk. North Street bike lanes are an invitation to getting whacked by a mugger. They scream come and get me!

Surprised it hasn’t happened yet that a biker got knocked down, dragged behind a building and eaten alive with just a pile of bones and shredded clothing left.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

This may or may not have already happened. But if it did you would not be reading about it in any of the locally scrubbed media.
My God have you seen any of the YouTube videos promoting Pittsfield? You are being led to believe Pittsfield is akin to the Garden of Eden instead of the reality of a city drowning in debt, incompetent leadership, bad schools and roads, to go along with its reputation as burgeoning drug hub with competing gangs.
No business will come to Pittsfield unless they roll out the red carpet by giving them land, low if any taxes well into the future, easy permitting processes and sewer hookups if needed. And for every business that bounces in and back out the real taxpayers have to subsidize their fair share by adding to their own. You won’t find any of this real world stuff in any of the utopian versions of Pittsfield you see in the city’s promotion material.

Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

sex work. Orkkerŕrrrrrŕŕŕ!!!!! That’s just bullshit ads. The rooms are all full. The P* are poppin. The wine is called The Other Woman for a reazuuunn. There’s some industry up in hurr that we still keep on the dl.

I’m Ramond James, Bitch !! Grind my shoes in yo sofa

Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

With all due respect, the Pitt’s problems are the same as any US city with a 48K population. No city highlights the negative info in its promotion material.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

More SHITT from last night’s SHITTY council meeting.

I’m going to attempt to be kind to the goofy buoyant naive young woman who wants BIG RED STOP LIGHTS and/or BLINKING/FLASHING YELLOW LIGHTS at the four-way corner of Linden and Onota. Every time I leave my home and am on the roadways of city of Pittsfield, I witness negligent drivers blowing right through BIG BRIGHT RED STOP LIGHTS. It’s not an isolated incident. These negligent drivers are not even slowing down before running the RED STOP LIGHTS. Negligent drivers are not stopping at BIG RED STOP SIGNS. Negligent drivers are not stopping before turning right on a RED LIGHT or STOP SIGN. The same negligent mindset city plow driver that ignored the BIG RED STOP SIGN at the corner of Onota Street is the same negligent mindset that is going to ignore the BIG BRIGHT RED STOP LIGHT. And there are a lot of them out there. Arrogance and/or ignorance are the reason for the collision at the corner of Linden and Onota, not a lack of signage.

In the last week I witnessed two different drivers of white vans, designated as SCOHOL BUSSES, obviously oblivious to RED LIGHTS and STOP SIGNS, as both of these negligent drivers blew right through the RED LIGHT and STOP SIGN like they weren’t there.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Actually, I’m really surprised the SCOHOL committee didn’t adopt this spelling to accommodate Ricky’s superb road painting job on East Street. I think it more accurately epitomizes the Pittsfield Public SCOHOL system. That said, there’s no excuse for my adding an extra S in buses.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I’m serious, I can’t believe the city of Pittsfield/Skool-SCOHOL Committee chose to just do a shitty paint over job instead of going with the more costly option of replacing ALL the outdated old skool stationary and ALL the old skool signage with the misspelling of SCOHOL which would have resulted in an increase to their already obscenely bloated budget. I won’t be surprised if that missed wasteful opportunity isn’t revisited in the near future.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

White busses? Could be alien spaceships. Very easy to confuse them with scohol busses they look roughly the same, and they do not follow traffic laws in general.

If you see another one – you should call your councilor. They don’t belong here, and they have NO BUSINESS using our roads for whatever it is that they are doing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

To be precise, I described these white buses as white vans designated as SCOHOL Buses. These white vans are kiddie transports, possibly alien. But I can’t swear to that. These white vans are equipped with roof mounted yellow SCOHOL BUS signage. I recognized one of these white SCOHOL BUS vans as a child day care, the other white van is tied to another child day care.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

*busses (that word has two syllables.)

You haven’t a clue what galaxy they’re come from. They don’t understand lights, they don’t care, and they should be vaporized. That’s why we have an airforce.

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

As you know much of the money that used to be used for traffic enforcement and painting cross walks and road lines has been diverted to pickle ball parks, dog walking parks, bike lanes, mayoral raises, repeated renovations of decrepit old buildings like Springside House etc.

I am sure this mayor and city council would love to help but as you can see there are more important expenditures to be doled out. I mean, uh, distributed. No, no, I mean, responsibly laundered..

You may owe linda an apology becuz she really be caring about her city and some of the people in it.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

$5M plus sunk into that money pit in a houseless encampment, a shanty town in the center of what was once a thing of beauty. Not to mention the violent rape perpetrated upon the landscape. Also, I’d like to know why the Police log still refers to it as the Springside Petting Zoo long after that animal massacre.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Pittsfield’s Jewel in the Crown, Springside Needle Park, has been turned into an illegal Pit latrine with illegal bonfires, rat infested tent/tarp cities illegally inhabited by homeless derelicts guilty of illegal deforestation, illegal dumping and illegal consumption of illegal drugs. And police are allegedly investigated a burned-out car found in Springside Needle Park behind a Pittsfield Public SCOHOL.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

When I was a kid it was the same xcept for beer cans instead of needles.

The Ghost of Iron Eyes Cody
The Ghost of Iron Eyes Cody
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

Then you should have taken your beer cans home with you. Every little bit hurts, LITTERBUG!

I remember meadows of wildflowers, damselflies, dragonflies, wading in the pond, beautiful living Peacocks and monkeys, summer picnics, kite flying, winter ice skating, sledding, the annual Winter Carnival,

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Talk about JMish…

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Then her pea brained husband got up there and said how terrified he was

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Did Pete White take those two out for dinner after the show to reward them for their performance?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

I believe that was her pea brained father. Only a moron would ride a bike on dangerous roads

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Marchetti s new campaign rhetoric suggests that he will shut down any remaining voice the people had. (and that is not much) And he is just the guy to do it! Vote Pete for a silenced community!

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

How crude and angry you are.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Hey Shitty, when you need da police, don’t call us.

2 years ago

Last summer a unidentified frying object was discovered near Lenox but it turned out to be Trisha sunbathing

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

UFO’s are everywhere.

2 years ago

This is undevelopable property.

There’s no permits on file.

Republic for which it stands one developer indivisible under God

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
2 years ago

I know it’s not the topic de jour, but I’m not done beating junkie chaser Brian Andrews’ poor dead SKAG to death. I’m fiending for the last word on the worthlessness of junkies. The infamous city of Pittsfield is the scene of the tragic death of an innocent child because of a worthless self-centered selfish alcoholic junkie. No one need look further than the death of innocent 11-year-old Hannah Nazareth for proof of the devastation of addiction. Brian’s attempt to humanize junkies has been gnawing at me. Hannah’s junkie alcoholic father failed her in the most miserable way and DCF and the city of Pittsfield/SCOHOL system ignored her to death. And not to be left out, is Youth ALIVE Director, Shirley Edgerton, who never met a cause she couldn’t exploit to her benefit.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

*du jour Sujet du jour. Ou, “Qu’est que ce c’est que ca?” “Sujet du jour!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Planet From Hell
The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Psychology and Grammar: Are Grammar Nazis Losers?

“These people are utterly annoying; not just because they’re pointing out mistakes, but for the added conceit of thinking they’re doing you a favour by giving you a free grammar lecture.”

According to a seminal study done in 2016, people who are more sensitive to written typos and grammatical errors are indeed the kind of jerks we already suspect them to be.

But ignore all of that, Pretty Please, with sugar on top, feel free to make any corrections necessary to my faux pas. I look forward to them. Merci beaucoup, or if you prefer, Merci bien

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

You just summed up 99% of all frenchmen. So I let my inner frenchman out and it got whacked.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

I look forward to celebrating the 14th of July every year. But then I also celebrate “remember, remember the 5th of November.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Just a convenient excuse for your bad spelling and grammar.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  wannabe
2 years ago

*poor spelling. Spelling can’t be bad.

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

Sure it can. ‘John’s spelling is bad’ is perfectly ok.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I don’t. It’s all greek to me.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

If these DIE can’t even raise law abiding children of theys own, & they kids are drug addicts theyselfs, how you gonna DIE for us all ?

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Um, not exactly.
Hannah’s father was in remission from addiction/abstinent for quite a while before he allowed Jodi Lehmann into his life.
Once in, she targeted him as her next victim and ran him until he killed himself with heroin.
Thought I read somewhere that Hannah had been medicated with some prescription meds that were around the apartment and some over the counter stuff.
Sounds like they were trying to keep her quiet while they were getting high, and you will never be able to convince me that Lehmann wasn’t the one who suggested medicating Hannah, or maybe she just went and did it and told the dad after the fact. We’ll never know.
Lehmann was a true psychopath and predator, over and above her drugs use.
She was well known to the cops and the fact that they didn’t do any type of significant investigation into her role in the deaths still pisses me off.
She had his ATM card, the pin number and ran him and Hannah out of money, and out of life itself.
Was the information Lehmann gave to the cops over the years that valuable, more valuable than justice for Hannah?
Apparently so.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Outfox
2 years ago

As for Junkie chaser, Brian, I really don’t care if he considers my comments or not. While he denies consideration to my comments, it would appear that my comments rattle his cage.

Brian Andrews
Brian Andrews
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Don’t give yourself credit. Your comments rattle nothing in my world. I sleep well at night. Are you and gobsig the same poster?

Reply to  Brian Andrews
2 years ago

He or she ain’t me. Accept the fact that a lot of posters see you as a numb nutz full of hot air who likes to see his name anywhere he can get it. Stick with the bald guy on the morning show.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Outfox
2 years ago

I did respond in the affirmative to your comment, but apparently, I interjected too much of the ugly truth for Dan’s phantom snowflake robots. You are absolutely right to be pissed off. 11-year-old Hannah was deprived of life, liberty and justice. While all the unredeemable sinners got away with their heinous crimes.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Dan’s bots take out the trash.

Brian Andrews
Brian Andrews
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

I’m sorry you are such an angry person. Post your real name and I’ll consider your comment.

Reply to  Brian Andrews
2 years ago

Attention Junkie

Reply to  Gobsig
2 years ago

Look who’s talking.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Brian Andrews
2 years ago

You need to drop your Mr. Know it all my way or the highway attitude. You come across as a pompous dilettante.

Reply to  Brian Andrews
2 years ago

Which one is the character flaw:
1. Angry about heroin.
2. Acceptance about heroin.

2 years ago

“…you can’t just watch other police officers engaging in clearly illegal conduct.”

Ya ok

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Peet
2 years ago

It you aren’t actively stomping the snot out of someone, you can just say you were looking up a license plate and missed it.

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

But if you were actively stomping the snot out of someone, you can just say you were looking up a license plate and missed it.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Peet
2 years ago

The Dark Triad is intrinsic to the sadistic brutal deceitful personality inbred in cops. Cops BRUTALIZE, SUFFOCATE and VIOLATE you and then they LIE about it. It’s all there, right in their fabricated police narratives hidden away. One needs a federal crowbar to pry the truth away from the corrupt hands of depraved sadistic cops.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Yeah it’s a 10 66 or some shit I have a stack 10 from 6 or 8 2 4 I don’t fukn no

Last edited 2 years ago by Peet
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

When you need an ambulance don’t call Brian’s company, and if your shot or stabbed don’t call the cops. When you bleed out, maybe the funeral home will collect your ungrateful ass.

Reply to  Planet From Hell
2 years ago

If you really hate someones guts you can beat the snot unconscious and blame it on a oui speeding car wreck, no one will know. A shattered spine in 6 places and all the lacerated guts. 100,000,001 just like a skinned cat, it could happen. There’s more than one reason cerebrospinal fluid leaks out someone’s face holes. And the gurgling sound of a punctured lung goes best with donuts. The scar above the heart is nothing to concern over, its nothing. The burnt ends from musculo/skeletal damage from a tazer …. you don’t fucking tell nobody’s brother about that shit. Blue, blue, blue Christmas.

2 years ago

My favorite Martian is Marvin.
Second favorite Martians are the ones that Santa Claus conquered.
Ray Walston, not so much, but that guy from Ork was really amazing.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Dan, this discussion is incomplete until we bring Ray Bradbury into it.
The Martian Chronicles is on my list of books to reread soon and I have a feeling I’m going to find those stories even more astounding now, in the 21st century. HUAC et al did take a long look at him; nevertheless, he persisted.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
2 years ago

From the looks of Tyer. Marchetti, White and Persip I suggest they start riding their bikes up and down North Street until they each lose at least 50 pounds. By doing this they will all get off their fat egotistical butts and might view the complete disaster they have supported on North Street.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

4 obese tub o lard politicians chowing down at the public trough. Krol to busy avoiding a real job and chasing tail to get fat.

Quick Take
Quick Take
2 years ago

Just say no to Krol

comment image

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Quick Take
2 years ago

He is definitely in tight with Tyer. A vote for Krol is a vote for Tyer term three and all the shit that comes with what she shat upon her constituents.

John Dutton
John Dutton
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

will flash the doofy smile and let Christine and Greg Yon, Helen the Gun Moon do his dirty work. When the Beans start spilling look out cause Krol has major Skeletons in his closet and when the time is right people are ready and willing to open that door Wide open.

Muree the plunger
Muree the plunger
Reply to  Quick Take
2 years ago

Persip up in back. Another no vote.

Lymon Street
Lymon Street
Reply to  Muree the plunger
2 years ago

Persip for mayor! He helped us when others didn’t return our call.

Reply to  Lymon Street
2 years ago

He’d make a good supermarket greeter. He could tell shoppers that it’s just chump change and not really expensive.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Quick Take
2 years ago

He wears those lady slippers. Not mayoral stuff.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
2 years ago

So who has more info on that story about a train/vehicle accident in Pittsfield last week? Hearing car was mashed up under train etc. Usually this is a red meat story for local media with all kind of pictures. Is there a nefarious reason this story seems to be getting a bit of a scrubbing? anyone?

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

The G-man has filed an administrative attempt to avoid a lawsuit to the Mayor,Ricardo Morales,city councilors and city solicitor Pagnotta,asking that work at both Krofta Plants be suspended until further input can be a evaluated by Mr. Gaetani. Mr. Gaetani was one of the inventors designers and builders of the two Krofta built facilities. The reply must be returned within 30 days, if not suit will be filed in Pittsfield Superior Court.

The goal of the suit is to ensure that any monies applied to this endeavor is fully vetted by members of the city Council with the approval of Mr. Gaetani. The goal is to ensure that the council exhibit good faith and demonstrates fiscal fiduciary responsibility to the tax and ratepayers of the city of Pittsfield,Ma.

Totally Lokull
Totally Lokull
Reply to  Snark Shark
2 years ago

Yet another shooting of an unarmed man in Loosiana. Looks eerily like the shooting of Miggy.

Planet From Hell
Planet From Hell
Reply to  Totally Lokull
2 years ago

The way to stop shootings is to get rid of all the people. More people is more shootings.