(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JULY 12, 2023) — THE PLANET knew that at some point, we would agree with congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
She is cosponsor of an attachment to one of Syracuse Joe’s most disastrous decisions to date. He wants to send cluster bombs to the president of Ukraine, free of charge, where corruption is out of control with an appalling lack of accountability.
From London’s The Guardian:
Biden also faced a backlash from within his own Democratic party. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who will co-lead an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act prohibiting the sale of cluster munitions, said: “We have to be clear: if the US is going to be a leader on international human rights, we must not participate in human rights abuses.

A cluster bomb, ca. 1960. Today’s version make this look like a pop gun. Nonetheless, you can see the basic idea–a hollow shell with mini-bombs inside.
“We can support the people of Ukraine in their freedom struggle, while also opposing violations of international law. In fact, the innocent victims of the cluster munitions will almost exclusively be Ukrainian civilians. Instead of dealing cluster munitions, we should be doing everything in our power to end their use.”
Related: Secret US-Russia talks over Ukraine ‘not sanctioned by Biden administration’
Congresswoman Betty McCollum of Minnesota described the move as “unnecessary and a terrible mistake”, adding: “These weapons should be eliminated from our stockpiles, not dumped in Ukraine.”
———- ooo ———-
Biden’s adventures in Ukraine, tied as they are to his son’s dealing there, have been hollow from the start. His Amerika, however, loves war and war mongering. When he sent countless billions in weapons, supplies, and cash over there, “The Big Guy,” having received his 10%, renounced his previous excuse for intervention: It was a humanitarian mission, he said.
He lied.
Humanitarian assistance might have been supportable. Time, though, has revealed to true nature of the mission: keep the war going and the arms deals flourishing.
The cluster bombs development is a cluster-fuck.
More than 100 nations (123 as of February 2022) have banned them, including almost of our allies. The bombs send buckshot and white-hot shrapnel in blinding, satellite explosions that cover about the size of a football field. A cluster bomb will kill most everyone within a 100-yard radius. It’s not a “smart” bomb. It kills indiscriminately, and historical use shows that most of the casualties are innocent civilians. That’s what our disgraceful president wants to set loose “over there.”
This past Saturday, the Ukraine war hit 500 days with no end in sight. The cluster bombs will perpetuate the mayhem for no good reason. The best Biden could manage is that Zelensky’s troops are running out of ammunition.
———- ooo ———-
Cluster bombs are either dropped by air or launched from the ground. Each has a hollow shell of various shapes. The shell is filled with approximately 2,000 “bomblets.” Besides sending thousands of “small bombs” in every direction, they also have an incendiary effect similar to white phosphorus, which is basically a torture substance.
The danger to civilians is two-fold, First is the immediate explosion. Second cluster bombs leave behind a large number of unexploded clusters. The sub-bombs are usually brightly colored for greater visibility. That, combined with their toy-like appearance, leads to curious civilians digging them up or playing with them (a special danger to children).
President Donald Trump tried to ban America’s use of these horrific weapons, but the Pentagon put off action indefinitely, waiting for Biden to get into office.
It took a monster to keep these weapons in the arsenal.
In January 2020, the U.S. got one.
“What rap is to music, texting is to great literature” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
So horrible. Omar is bound to get something right since she gets so much wrong. Biden and his globalists are willing to do anything for Ukraine to get Russia out of the picture for one world government to happen. They want to bring China into the globalist fold, but I don’t see that happening. Cluster bombs are horrific. No wonder then President Trump wanted to ban them.
In an odd way those cluster bombs remind me of the clusterfuck that Trump dropped on the American people on Jan 6th. No mistake Biden has made has come close to that. If Trump had been successful Putin would be sitting in the White House right now and the whole trump family would have been his servants and useful idiots.
Are you serious? Jan 6 a bunch of unarmed wackos , FBI agents and Antifa fools were going to overthrow the US government. It’s not a game of capture the flag. Come on Man! No joke.
I find it amazing that J6 is a bigger concern for some rather than the concern of nuclear powers making a mistake that would render all things moot.
I agree. Unfortunately, J-6 is a distraction the left is using to keep their ill informed (TSC) fools from the truth. Biden is fueling the fire in the Ukraine, instead of calling for peace. We need that money in our country, to help our people. Stop Ukraine War money. Only humanitarian needs.
Well of course it is a bigger concern. Trump couldn’t take that he lost the vote so he tried to take power by stopping the electoral count. That is something we should all be concerned about.
Raskin tried to stop the vote count in 2016
The overthrow is now a protest
Trump was doing what Nuclear bomb could not do
I should have included you in my weak minded post yesterday, along side TSC and JM.
J6 was not an “insurrection.” It was a planned event by the DNC.
How many are/were arrested and jailed in weapons charges?
If you honestly think unarmed people are going to overthrow the Capitol, you are an idiot.
The FEDS planted there were tearing down security barriers to allow access to the Capitol.
Numerous videos have been released showing ANTIFA members changing from their all black garb to Trump gear.
Like JM and TSC, you don’t care that people can’t afford groceries, gas, or to heat their house, just as long as Ukraine gets their money.
The next time you start a “weak minded” list feel free to add me. Or you can just go ahead and make me an honorary member right now.
Do I get a hat or swag bag or anything cool like that? I don’t win stuff very often so I am kinda excited about this.
You do Snark.
In this doucheb…I mean democRAT gift bag, you’ll get: a 12-pack of Bud Light, two front tickets to an event orated by the Cultural Competency Coach, on her overcoming the struggles of a “white supremacy” filled world, and finally, two front row tickets to the next “kid friendly” Drag Show in town.
We know you D’s define good olé family fun as a grown man sticking his leather-clad genitals in a child’s face and gyrating.
Sounds awesome, doesn’t it?
You’re probably harder than Chinese arithmetic waiting for this bundle of joy to arrive at your doorstep.
Sorry but lubricants are on you.
Markus, you’re becoming more like Mad Trapper – you can’t help being scatological.
That is 15-year-old behavior.
You’re the one that went there K. Maybe I lit that perverted fire in you too?
I was just offering a democRAT swag bag.
I know you hate facts K. They get in the way of the false narrative you keep trying to push.
What did I say that wasn’t true?
So LIBERAL of You.
How are the two pedophiles doinig in the WH?
Snif and Snort.
Can I be a member too? Then I’ll have an excuse for all the stupid things I do.
You vote democRAT.
No excuse needed K. It speaks for itself.
Have you ever thought of contacting Mr Worldwide, aka-Dirty Barry Clairmont, about pairing up and working Cumby’s parking lot security?
You two guys, if you still identify as such, could not only keep the parking lot safe for the customers, but you might come across white supremacy literature or the maybe even the KKK, while patrolling.
It could lead to guest lecturers on white supremacy for you K. A subject matter expert you’d be.
Think about it.
Kindergarden could not police a grade school lunch room, with help!
True dat; I was the one who started the food fights.
“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?”—Thomas
You believe J6 was not an insurrection and that it was planned by democrats.
It is truly amazing that you believe that.
You believe that because you can’t afford groceries, gas, or heat, and you are jealous because others are given assistance and not you.
Never needed or requested assistance. My parents would never have allowed it.
I’ve never had the victim mentality or was a white liberal who tried to “teach” others about it.
I worked hard all my life. Blue collar with a very nice pension.
As Rodney Dangerfield said in the movie “Back to School,” while you worked on your ethics (in school), I busted my hump in the real world.
Truth is coming out that J6 was staged , by Democrats and RINOs.
It hurts You badly.
I hope during all your free time yesterday you watched the Wray hearing. He basically all but stated the FBI was on sight and in the crowd but couldn’t say anything because of current court cases?????? So the USA had their Director of the FBI lying under oath about a 2 year old investigation. What is wrong with them and why aren’t they being sent to the prisons where all other political protestors are? Where are the investigative reporters searching and printing the corruption of the Democrat Party? Wray also didn’t have an answer as to why the government was going after the whistleblower against the Bidens though he was doing exactly what Hunter and Joe were doing with China???? Can anyone say CORRUPTION and CRIMES!!! Go Brandon Go
Trump appointment
You don’t sound well. No Russia-Trump collusion. Remember?
Well, not on FOX news anyway huh? Stay in the closet where there is no light Pat.
This is so true,the Republican party Trump and Putin are tied together forever.
Pat, apparently you actually believe Biden and democrats want one world government to happen. Why in God’s name would Biden and Dems want this. Your belief is an absolute and complete fallacy. I really don’t understand why you would choose to believe this. The fact that you believe this reduces your credibility in the eyes of others.
Pat, no one in their right mind would believe you when you assert that Democrats want a one-world government.
Actually tyer and her people seem to want a one city government.
Want? They have one government. Only a couple speak up to question the cabal and are condemned for asking questions that might benefit the taxpayers.
I don’t know Dan, maybe I would support them to get the bums out of Park Square, Clapp Park, Springside, and North St!
OK. That would have my backing, as well.
Supreme Court just said squatters are legal.
PiSSfield is stuck with them. Thank DEMOCRAT legislators for importing them under the ruse of COVID aka THE FLU
Thank Flat Fat Tyer twice
Don’t forget to include the architect behind all of the Boston Bums that have graced our presence: Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens and prostitutes).
TFCB is serving her constit…..I mean, her democRAT masters in Boston well.
Grant money added “diversity” to the city with these residents, plus it brought Picklefield bike lanes on North Street and the Ricky Rumpus Roundabout on Tyler Street.
Those two lovely gifts for Picklefield, in exchange for panhandlers and bums on every corner.
Are whores/streatwalkers cheaper in PISSfield than Springfield now? I don’t frequent them.
Thanks TFB!!!
That cant understand normal thinking bitch needs tar and feathers!!! And a stay in the stocks at Park Square.
How does the supreme court feel about homeless people getting abortions?
I would hope they feel that it’s not a good idea to get pregnant while homeless to begin with.
Well now, sounds like you have solved the problem.
Democrats who have abortions don’t raise little democrats
They should not be on the street and spread their legs.
Good women, no matter how poor, don’t need to be whores/sluts.
Good men should never frequent them.
Putin deployed his nuclear bombs to Belarus. Biden is sending Ukraine cluster bombs. I don’t think that they are in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize!
Biden and family are the source of it all, with installed UK Zekenskey. Sotero/CIA did that while Traitor Joseph Stolen was collecting illegal loot.
I just saw the whole Biden family over at Walmart stealing catylitic converters off of cars. Now that is a new low even for them. Now I gotta be worrying about my tomato plants I suppose. He is out of control I tell ya.
The dumb bastards were trying to steal the, from EV’s
Joe’s not that smart.
Joe is too feeble to try that. He can’t even make it he short stairs of AF1
Trump speeches are so fn stupid to most people I wonder why the rambling of the 77 years old humpty dumpty dummy get your juices flowing…..send cash
Disarming doesn’t qualify for a Nobel Peace Prize?
Are we at war with Egypt right now Charles? If not perhaps Mr Biden should get a peace prize for that huh? And Japan has not bombed Pearl Harbor in over70 years but nobody seems to want to give them any prizes either.
The whole prize thing seems a bit askew if you ask me. And speaking of prizes, will Pete and his other brother Pete be handling out proclamations to people and organizations just like tyer has? And what about tax “incentives”. Does he have a list of applicants who have promised to get him some votes?
Looks like the rain is coming back to ruin another weekend. Corn is ready to pick but I can’t get my tractor through the mud.
I’m confused by this….
All I said is that NATO and Russia are disarming.
Maybe Zelensky gets a Nobel. Maybe you get a nobel too!
Get a horse for the corn
Seriously about the horsey? Last time I used a horse in mud it got stuck and I had to tow it out with my Massey Ferguson. Then the poor thing had to wear one of those plastic neck things for a year and a half as vertebrae 3-7 got the bulging disk snydromey.
Storm in 20 minutes. Batten down the easy ups.
Seems to me you used the wrong horse. If you put a somerset in a mudflat, yes! it will sink up to its chest.
Can’t wait to tell you about the forklift I was using that sank in my employer’s backspace. Why so tiny wheels on a 10 ten machine? In the motherland, they use giant tractor wheels on them.
Had to tow it in tandem with a small excavator tied with nylon rope to a jeep to a 1 ton pickup truck with the first bend of the rope at the fork going around a telephone pole.
Police got interested and came to watch as it all came apart.
By the way, “are we at war with Egypt?” What sort of question is that. Yes, I am at war with Egypt. You with me, or are you a candy-butt?
Might be more fun to just steal a pyramid and piss them off. Do you still have the forklift? And what kind of traction will it get if it has to truck through 40 miles of sand to the nearest airport?
True story, and I really don’t appreciate you mocking it. The whole thing was really stressful and embarrasing when the cops showed up.
Pyramids should be fairly easy though. Take more agricultural equipment than a lift. I’d want some tanks, maybe three and grade 8 chain. Pyramids slide easily on sand once you get them going. Especially if you float them on a bed of mercury. I’m surprised Ariel Sharon hadn’t done that and slide those buggers over the Red Sea and planted them in Gaza. They are technically their buildings afterall.
Not about traction. Those things will quickly sink 20′ under the sand and very likely take you with it. That’s why they use camels, not forklifts over there.
Is that some sort of Eastern European tank breeding machine!? I will not be able to unsee this
*ten ton machine
Pending Dan’s approval I have an add-on to pending comment. Last word sort of thing. RE: somersets in mud, same goes for windsors, allengates, brightons, ridgelines, kensingtons, and yorkshires. I am still digging them out the mud in my backyard. That’s what you get when rich New Yorkers come here and try to farm the old way.
Green Acres.
Mr. HANEY is this you?
You couldn’t operate a Feurguson, let alone ride a horse.
Correct me if I’m wrong. If you want to go forward, you sit facing the head. Reverse: you turn around and face the south direction.
Democrat Roosevelt , knew of the attack, Dec 7th, he let it happen.
Kinda like Trump knew about the Jan 6th insurrection?
Pelosi and Scihift had it planned
Is it top secret
We routinely used several types of CBU – as they were called back then – in VietNam.
Yes, we did. Part of the national embarrassment, of course.
Napalm was even more embarrassing. Tears me up even today.
Not as bad as joe biden
Dan,How do you feel about Putin attacking children and apartments as part of his invasion…..I would not answer that question.It is a war crime
Putin hasn’t attacked anyone. Why do you not see he’s no different from Biden or any other world leader? He’s doing what he thinks is best. The type of collateral damage to which you refer is caused by WAR ITSELF. It is WAR you should be blasting, not any one person.
Dan, like Trump, is a Putin fan.
You were a cook. What did you need them for?
I wasn’t a cook. I was in intel ops. They were used to collect info.
Explains why we lost that one
We did the best we could.
Just like you do here
Big fan of Hanoi Jane
If so You gave intel to the enemy/Viet Cong, traitor.
Is that really how vets talk to each other?
Thanks Chaz.
Dan,you are now a Cult follower of Trump.The FOX narrative is really not for you.This is shocking that the FOX narrative is in your wheelhouse as truth.Liberals see it as political propaganda but you are a deep stater .Please tell me the Qanons are not occupying all the rest of your thoughts
Fuax news , is now left of CNN,TSC.
Pillow guy says he has lost 100 million dollars because he is still talking about the fake election. All the box stores are refusing to sell his crap but he is sticking to his guns. (while losing millions of dollars) And that folks, shows just how powerful Trumps cult can be. The guy is hemmoraging money but will not back off.
Biden’s Son has new website.
It’s called MyKilo. Use “big guy” for 10% off coke.
Right, you say that because FOX doesn’t support Trump anymore.
Faux don’t support Americans anymore
^No feeding the troll^
Do you dream about Trump? Do you have a Trump sex doll?
Pedophila is for You, like the Bidens.
No class.
Tell thr truth about a Biden and you get flack
No morals or scruples.
Donald may have an Ivanka doll.
Bully , bulky bonga
Trump is Dan’s hero.
This IS true.
I know
Cuckoo go get your meds maybe then you can clear your mind from what the View tells you to say….cuckoo!! BTW how is everything going with the terrorist BLM/Anitifa??
John Kroll is taking lots of photos trying to PR himself into the Mayor’s job.John tell Pittsfield how you will spend their cash and knock off the BS
He think he is auditioning for American Idol. (so does the petey guy)
Matchetti is trans-spender
Crooked Joe Biden crime cartel family…
Who bought the coke inside WH? Old news… crimes….
“WOW! Reporter Asks Jake Sullivan Why the DOJ Charged Biden Crime Family Whistleblower Gal Luft For Violating FARA, But Spared Hunter Biden (VIDEO)by Cristina Laila Jul. 11, 2023 12:15 pm1219 Comments
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday held a press gaggle in Lithuania while Joe Biden shuffled around the NATO Summit.
A reporter confronted Jake Sullivan about the DOJ’s latest charges against Biden Crime Family whistleblower Gal Luft.
The Justice Department indicted Biden corruption whistleblower, Gal Luft on Monday just one week after he released a video detailing criminal allegations against the Biden Crime Family.
Gal Luft, a dual US-Israeli citizen, was hit with an 8-count indictment.
“LUFT, 57, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen who formerly resided in both Maryland and Israel and is now a fugitive, has been charged with the following offenses, which carry the maximum prison terms listed below. The statutory maximum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant would be determined by a judge.” – the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York announced.
Missing Biden corruption whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft released a 14-minute video to The New York Post on Thursday detailing damning allegations against Joe Biden and his family in a massive international bribery scheme filmed in an undisclosed location while on the run from the Biden regime and Department of Justice.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Luft vanished from Cyprus in April under mysterious circumstances.
Luft was an adviser to CEFC China Energy (CEFC), a business conglomerate with extremely close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. He served alongside Hunter Biden.
CEFC Energy paid Hunter approximately $5 million in 2017 alone to secure energy deals in the United States.
The New York Post’s Steven Nelson wanted to know why the Justice Department indicted Gal Luft on FARA charges but spared Hunter Biden.”
I read it was a potential HATCH ACT violation.
Did you view the video Trap?
Dan,do you know that Russias invasion was planned under Trump and after a Trump weakened NATO the attack was to take the Ukraine in less that one week.Ukraine is a democracy and you should know but don’t that Putin and Trump both hate democracy. Amazing that people don’t know these easily found truths.Rush Limbaugh really messed up the thinking of white men who listened to him 15 hours a week.
Get a clue, Sotero/Bidens installed Zelensky, just like Joe was.
Just like a toilet.
Bidens have topped The Clinton crime cratel, but the H-Beast is still at it and Slick Willie with underage children.
You just can’t help it. You just gotta go perverse. You’d be more credible if you didn’t do that.
Democrats seem to have the pedophile network covered.
A few RINOs join in.
It is almost like he got in a terrible accident and had to have a brain transplant.
And the only one they had available at the time, that would fit the small cavity in his head, was that of an eight year old who had a learning disability.
But at least he can communicate, so there is that.
Gotta say, you guys are laying it thick on our good friend K, but again, that’s the beauty of free speech. You gotta be able to take as good as you give. Trust us. THE PLANET knows all about those mechanisms. Our policy, generally: We get one, we send back two. Tends to separate the men from the boys and the women from the girls. For those who aren’t clear, those are the only true choices of gender.
That last one was for MT.
Whoa, you got that right.
That sort of comes off as a conspiracy theory.
Russia has been invading Ukraine since at least 1600.
The Germans (‘German’ in Russian is ‘nemetzki’ which translate to ‘enemy-ish’ (so this has been going on for much longer than Biden or Trump)) and Balts historically hit Russia, Russia under the impact bulges north and south and invades Finland and Sweden and Ukraine and Poland.
Heil Biden
Thanks TSC.
Stop watching the View
The more we hear about the crime cartel the more you have to believe the 2020 election was rigged. From what you say the military was against Trump, reports are coming out how Obama’s Presidency was fighting Trump’s Presidency, you had Pelosi (the don) after Trump, Clinton Cartel fighting against the Presidency and of course the Swamp, with stories about the FBI and DOJ attacking or impeding the Trump Presidency. Even our brainwashed friends on this blog (ie JM. TSC, Kindergarden, Fizzie et el) must see the corruption that is the Biden regime. Now we possibly have a war criminal as President who it has been noted is in bed with the Russians and Chinese. You can’t make this stuff up yet all you see in the news is how wonderful Grandpa Joe is even though he doesn’t accept one of his grandkids. What is going on in the US? Is the populace this dumb or naive? I guess years of brainwashing works!
It is ironic, Shirley, that you speak of brainwashing. It is all based on the information sources you choose to consume.
L. Ron Hubbard would have loved these MAGA guys.
Orwell spoke of you decades ago and yes you should read ALL materials and use your deductive reasoning to decide for yourself(oh sorry from your writings you seem to be very,very onesided and brainwashed never using facts to support your blabbing). I would suggest for you to turn off all electronics and please stay away from children
Hey, Shirley, I read and internalized Orwell when you were in diapers.
Truth be told, it was YOU he was talking about.
And Masshole Dem legislators are proposing outrageous gun-control measures….
In addition, Gov. Healey used your tax dollars to visit Ireland and sell her LGBTQ views to their government officials!
Justice Thomas will throw out the unconstitutional laws proposed by D-Rats in mASShole.
SOB D-RATS said a FID card was LIFELONG and free,1973. D-RATS lied and made it a renewable fee, for a civil right enumerated in the 2nd
You don’t need to pay for a civil right.
D-RATS violated their oath of office, expel them. Start with Biden
Farmers need 6 million people to pick their crops
Pittsfield City Council only needs seven democrats to pick your pocket.
I worked on a farm as a child, and still own one.
I don’t think buying a tomato plant at Home Depot qualifies you as a farmer MT.
Then I have 7 farms
Bacon also listed what he called the idols (false images) of the mind. He described these as things which obstructed the path of correct scientific reasoning.
Idols of the Tribe (Idola tribus): This is humans’ tendency to perceive more order and regularity in systems than truly exists, and is due to people following their preconceived ideas about things.
Idols of the Cave (Idola specus): This is due to individuals’ personal weaknesses in reasoning due to particular personalities, likes and dislikes.
Idols of the Marketplace (Idola fori): This is due to confusion in the use of language and taking some words in science to have a different meaning than their common usage.
Idols of the Theatre (Idola theatri): This is the following of academic dogma and not asking questions about the world.
Are you related to the Baron of Gray Matter?
Note to Mark Daily: Watch the debates Valenti does. That debate you posted yesterday was the same crap we’ve been fed with those sham debates we’re subjected to at BCC. You can’t just ask dumb questions. You need to be willing to pushback and allow interaction among the participants. Back to the drawing board Mike. And the sound quality was kind of sucky.
That was absolutely pathetic and embarrassing really?? that was so incredibly sad.
The sound of ocean or wind was like Robert Sullivan announcing for DA in the wind and bitter cold at an empty park square. This is Pittsfield in a Nutshell like a Saturday night live skit, a cheap suit no pun intended Mike.
Run while you still can!
Well, maybe if he hits his go fund me goal of 5 g’s he can buy a new suit or rent the suit the dumpster diver wore to the council meeting from him. Oh, and fix his sound system while he’s at it.
If he qualifies as a new business Marchetti might give him a tax break.
Incubating Sturgeon?
Has Paul Daily been all over the world?
No but maybe Sturgeon will let him borrow his Atlas.
Thanks, HERB. Why do you think certain pols won’t sit with me in front of the cameras? They squirt their pants. We already have two councilors now in the chicken coop. When someone agrees to sit in the hot seat, that makes a statement right there about their belief in themself.
I’d give a Krol the night. Maybe he’s changed.I need more though. Dan should be the main interviewer.
Kalinowsky was nervous but was the most genuine.
Marchetti declared “I’m not Linda Tyer”….no you’re not…… you just rubber stamped every thing her little heart desired.
Krol did OKAY, but I don’t care for his association with Rubertoe
I agree with your assessment of the debate. Marchetti wants it both ways with the budget questions. Try as he might, he can’t separate himself from his rubber stamping her budgets and saying to the worn down taxpaying voters he had nothing to do with the budgets being approved.
Krol came off as well rehearsed. I picture him rehearsing while preaching from the deck of his home. He is a smooth well rehearsed snow shoveler.
Nothing more.
He was rehearsing
if I can’t dazzle them with brilliance then I will baffle them with bullshit.
“I will baffle them with bullshit.”
Perfect! Love it….
Gavel Man was getting pissed with Krol’s status quo lobs. Krol looked like a weather man giving a forecast with his hands and arms flailing around.
He may have just been trying to shoo away the flies that were smelling the horse shit he was putting out there.
Trump planned Marshall law and confiscating every voting machine in every red state…..Pillow guy thinks exactly like you Trump bud drinkers
Wouldn’t mind a Marshall plan just now.
Yeah, Marshall Dillion
Cuckoo,,,,cuckooo again no facts just more misinformation that comes from your erotic Trump dreams
I asked Peter Marchetti if he likes Pickleball. He replied that question is not for a Master Debater like himself.
I asked John Krol if he likes Pickleball. He replied that PEDA is not for vegetarians.
I asked Karen Kalinowsky if she likes Pickleball. She replied that bike lanes should not go through Pickleball courts.
I asked Craig Gaetani if he likes Pickleball. He replied that Pickleballs float in the water, but the PCBs have to be cleaned off and then put in a capped leaky landfill next to Allendale Elementary School.
I asked the Pittsfield City Clownsil candidates if they liked Pickleball. They told me that Pickleball doesn’t belong in Pittsfield’s Pot Kingdom on Dalton Avenue that puts the green bills into city coffers.
I asked the School Committee candidates if they liked Pickleball. They told me that anything that is not rated Level 5 does not concern them.
I asked Mayor Linda Tyer if she liked Pickleball. She said that Pickleball is vibrant and dynamic.
I asked Linda’s 3rd husband Barry Clairmont if he liked Pickleball. He replied that the Pickleball defamed his character for saying he was in the Pickleball room prior to the big game.
I asked TFB if she liked Pickleball. She said that only if it has a Happy Ending.
I asked Paul Mark if he liked Pickleball. He said that only if it meets the approval of State Senate President Karen Spilka.
I asked Richie Neal if he like Pickleball. He said that if it is not on K Street in the Swamp, he could care less.
I asked Ed Markey if he liked Pickleball. He said that it is popular in his hometown of Chevy Chase, Maryland.
I asked Elizabeth Warren if she liked Pickleball. She said that she fully supports the nation’s biggest Pickleball and his 2024 reelection.
I asked Joe Biden if he liked Pickleball. He said that he is proud of his Pickleball Junior son, Hunter.
There we have it on the favorability of Pickleball!
I asked Melle if he liked pickle ball and he said he couldn’t get the ball out of the jar
Is there any other part of the pickles that are good to eat?
I like the wings.
Pickles have wings? Must be Mexican pickles.
How did he get them stuck in the first place?
Maybe Linda and Berry will invite you to the fundraising Pickle BALL and you can trip the Light Fantastic with Linda and TFB.
Why didn’t he invite all the candidates? Did Marchetti have conditions if exclusion?
I wish there was pushback when Gavel Man was talking about the budget always being a problem. Would have been nice to hear him be held at least accountable for the budgets he rubber stamped the last eight years. He wants to avoid he was ok with blowing through just about all of the $41 mil on everything else but anything that would have benefited the taxpayers and screwed the taxpayers out of some more money on top of that.
Should hear the interview with Councilor Kavey: asked why he voted no. Because he didn’t feel good about the salary hikes.”
“That’s where my concern is. I’m looking at our budget and the reason I voted against our budget was because of some of the massive increases we saw in salaries. It was just in the city side, without including some of the positions that were non-management, was $1.7 million,” Kavey said.
We did have an opportunity to fix those. Not one dollar was shaved.
Maybe you should have apologized to the salaried employees of the City that Mr. Kavey came to the meeting “unprepared” to pass a budget and that they had to undergo his scrutiny.
I just wanted to knock back their 3% bonuses, given that they were getting a 5% raise. Who gives 8% raises across the board? That sort of adjustmest is made for those who are in unusual situations, such as probationary employees getting a promised salary or meeting some other sort of milestone.
No one on the Council wanted to touch them. And Con. Kavey, for his part, absolutely bristled at the idea of reducing the HR department.
Who gives 8% raises?
People wanting you to be thankful with your votes.
Allies growing weary of Zelensky’s demands?
““SHAME ON YOU!” – Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray Over Jan 6 – Catches Him in Lies on Child Pornography Cases – BATTERS HIM ON RAY EPPS!”
“FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee today.
The hearing, “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” examined the politicization of the nation’s preeminent law enforcement agency under the direction of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), a former sheriff, destroyed dirty Chris Wray during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.
Nehls brought video and photos of Ray Epps encouraging Trump supporters to enter the US Capitol on January 5th and January 6th and then leading the charge through the first ste of barriers to the US Capitol………”
“SHAME ON YOU!” – Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray Over Jan 6 – Catches Him in Lies on Child Pornography Cases – BATTERS HIM ON RAY EPPS!”

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee today.
The hearing, “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” examined the politicization of the nation’s preeminent law enforcement agency under the direction of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), a former sheriff, destroyed dirty Chris Wray during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.
Nehls brought video and photos of Ray Epps encouraging Trump supporters to enter the US Capitol on January 5th and January 6th and then leading the charge through the first ste of barriers to the US Capitol.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Ray Epps ALSO led the charge through the second set of barriers that day.

Ray Epps also was filmed hurling a massive metal sign at police that day. He never was charged for this criminal act.
Ray Epps also lied to the January 6 committee about his actions that day as Rep. Nehls revealed in his questioning on Wednesday.
Rep. Troy Nehls brought video and photos of Ray Epps and did not play around with Chris Wray.
Nehls opened up his testimony asking Wray about the resources he used on the politicized January 6 investigation. Nehls caught Wray lying about moving agents working on child trafficking to work on arresting Trump supporters who walked inside the US Capitol on January 6.
Nehls then went on to batter Chris Wray on Ray Epps. Wray and the FBI continue to lie about Ray Epps and his actions on January 6.
Rep. Nehls’ final remarks to Chris Wray, “Shame on you!”
This was a devastating interrogation.
Chris Wray got caught.
Was ANY of this reported in Rutberg’s “Left Winged Parot”?
Ha.ha.ha that’s a good one right there. yes it is!!
Another Democrat leaves the party and becomes a Republican because she says the Democrats tried to sabotage everything she did and slandered her in everyway imaginable. She didn’t walk in lockstep. She has a mind of her own. That’s not acceptable in today’s Democratic party. She wanted school vouchers. That’s a big no no because that takes power away from the public school system who are rabid far left Marxists and who want to indoctrinate K-12 into being rabid far left Marxists.. This defection now gives the Republicans a greater edge, 102-78 in the House.
Rebulicans are as corrupt as D-RATs
True daat!
That may be true, but the answer isn’t to give government in general more power because they will all be drunk on it and the people be damned. Right now, it’s mainly the far left who wants big government to lord it over all of us and, yes, some Republicans too. Add Artificial Intelligence into the picture and an out of control power mad government or world government could have unbelievable power over everyone.
HAL is getting his revenge.
“Stop, Dave … Will you stop, Dave?” … Stop …”
I can’t do that, Dave.
Rebulicans are as corrupt as D-RATs
Mitich, Romney, and Lilndlnley for a few
Pat says: “the public school system are rabid far left Marxists who want to indoctrinate K-12 into being rabid far left Marxists”
And she believes it.
Is that all ya got, K, more insults and mockery?
Pat’s right. I agree with her.
Wow Fritz. The fact you actually believe that tells us reams about you.
I knew you were a Marxist! Thanks for confirming.
Time to go back to the basics.
“The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Ray Epps ALSO led the charge through the second set of barriers that day.

Ray Epps also was filmed hurling a massive metal sign at police that day. He never was charged for this criminal act.
Ray Epps also lied to the January 6 committee about his actions that day as Rep. Nehls revealed in his questioning on Wednesday.
Rep. Troy Nehls brought video and photos of Ray Epps and did not play around with Chris Wray.
Nehls opened up his testimony asking Wray about the resources he used on the politicized January 6 investigation. Nehls caught Wray lying about moving agents working on child trafficking to work on arresting Trump supporters who walked inside the US Capitol on January 6.
Nehls then went on to batter Chris Wray on Ray Epps. Wray and the FBI continue to lie about Ray Epps and his actions on January 6.
Rep. Nehls’ final remarks to Chris Wray, “Shame on you!”
This was a devastating interrogation.
Chris Wray got caught.”
Rebulicans are as corrupt as D-RATs
Mitich, Romney, and Lilndlnley for a few
Glenn Beck has a new book out called “Dark Future” explaining the unbelievable and frightening combination of an all powerful globalist government combined with the pervasive use of Artificial Intelligence and just what this means for the future of humanity. They don’t merely seek to digitally enslave us, monitor and approve our every purchase, and disintegrate the moral foundation of our society; they seek to direct humanities “evolution” as they see it. Like Eugenics on steroids, the corporate masters of the universe seek to alter our DNA, our cells, our brains, and what it means to be human in the first place. Their plan is already being implemented to varying degrees throughout the world. If we don’t wake up, refuse to comply, and present a better, alternative version for the future, our children’s future will be controlled by psychopaths.
I will provide a link to this later that will air tonight at 9 or watch it yourself on Glenn Beck the Blaze which is on UTUBE.
Here is the link to Glenn Beck explaining “Dark Future” which is the global government and Artificial Intelligence working together to control all of us.
The only dark ones around here are you and Trap.
Educate yourself about what is really happening in this world. Glenn Beck has 100 pages of footnotes in his book “Dark Future” so people can verify for themselves that what he is saying is going to happen because it comes from the mouths of the people behind this one world government movement…Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, John Kerry, George Soros and so many others. Artificial Intelligence is nearly complete, but the globalist elites are waiting for a few more pieces to fall into place to finish their plan for the world without ANY input from us. They are that arrogant. It can be stopped, but we are all running out of time to stop it.
Glen Beck is a fool with an agenda and no credibility. Like Steve Bannon.
Glenn Beck is a charlatan. He feeds off the gross ignorance of Trumps cult. He sells conspiracy theories and fear and while he becomes wealthy, America is weakened. He is one of Putins top five Americans and Putin has a townhouse waiting for him in Moscow should anything go wrong.
It is 4 years since Epstien was found murdered.
Why has DOJ withheld his clilent list????
Learn to spell Trap.
Now the state Dems want foreign nationals to vote in MA elections!
Won’t find this stuff in your local paper!
How & why did this country get so many cuckoo MAGA people running around believing and saying crazy things!
It’s unconstitutional, K.
What’s crazy is that the Dems are destroying this country through massive illegal immigration & lawlessness.
And people like you engage in namecalling & ridicule instead of engaging in constructive discussion.
Your comment on immigration is no exaggeration. I would prefer to call it the wanton importation of illegals (i.e., criminals) instead of immigration, which is a legal process long respected by this country … until it wasn’t.
Republicans rot from the head down. Not one of you or your congresspersons have the courage to speak truth to power. All your legislators are afraid of pissing off the MAGA base (I.e., YOU) and so the great lie continues. The greatness of western civilization is choking on the Republican lie machine.
As I’m sure you know, Massachusetts Republicans, all three of them, have NO representation, not in the city, not in the state, and not in Congress.
Inflation is down from 9.1% to 4.1% under Biden and only the democrats are responsible for this.The American economy is on Biden and all of NATO have sent another message to Putins invasion of the democratic Ukraine….We are not going away.Trump fails at everything.NATO has never been stronger.Putin is working aggressively to elect Trump because Russia needs to overthrow America and elect the anti American
When the recession hits I guarantee you will not be saying this is Biden’s or democrats economy. But I will remind you that it is.
This website performs the public service of telling us what kind of kooks the rest of us are up against. Thank you Dan.
You’re most welcome, K.
CIH is beginning to rub off on you…
Ok, I see what you mean. I will try to be more kind and charitable. It is frustrating, though.
Parents – keep an eye on your kids’ reading material…..
Global warming – climate change – what a farce!
Yeah, we’re not in the middle of an interglacial, are we?
Kindergarden and TSC are in the same locked ward
Help, let me out. I’m surrounded by MAGAs and they’ve got the keys.
Make Americans Gay Association?
The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle)’s editorial praising Governor Maura Healey for visiting North Adams after the extreme weather event that caused millions of dollars in damage to the small city’s infrastructure makes valid points. If I was in Governor Maura Healey’s position, I would be advocating that the state government use their historically huge Slush Fund of over $7.22 billion to address this immediate issue, among other important issues that the people, taxpayers and communities are facing in mid-2023. The other thing I would say is that the corrupt career politicians on Beacon Hill should stop giving away many billions of dollars in state tax breaks per fiscal year to their wealthy campaign donors. Instead, they should be representing ALL of the people, taxpayers and communities in the respective state legislative districts. While I am glad to see Governor Maura Healey show up in-person all around the state that she leads, I must criticize her for not speaking out about the aforementioned issues. Lastly, whatever happened to Sunshine laws and rules reforms, accessibility for all, and democratic governance in the Massachusetts State Government, Governor Maura Healey and all of the corrupt career politicians in the secretive and top-down State Legislature and State Courts (of injustice, patronage and plums)?
Jonathan A. Melle
If I were Mrs Healy I would immediately order a forensic audit for all of western Mass. cities and towns. It would be a great way to validate the honesty and integrity of all the fine people who serve in local government.
Frank Zappa had it right on freedoms way back in the day.
In the most recently exposed Biden administration scheme to combat misinformation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) colluded with a compromised Ukrainian intelligence agency to censor the speech of Americans. The federal agency responsible for protecting the nation against terrorists, violent street gangs and serial killers joined forces with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), which is widely known to be infiltrated by Russian-aligned forces, to take down the authentic social media accounts of Americans. This includes a verified U.S. State Department profile and those belonging to American journalists. Interestingly, accounts targeted for removal by the SBU and FBI criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin and expressed pro-Ukrainian views.
Did a random pole on my own Dan at the First Street Common last week. I’ll be going to Allendale this week to do another. Got sixty people on the Mayoral pole for who they’ll vote. I used Marchetti and Krol only. It was 34 to 26 surprisingly Krol.
Odd numbers. Should not equal 100% given the undecided and alternate candidate voter.
Planet posters. The winner of the most recent so called mayoral debate was me. The mere fact that I wasn’t invited was because Daly is a full fledged gobsig. The debate was a disgrace and didn’t touch on any difficult questions that would be important to city taxpayers and ratepayers. Krol and I are in exactly the same position. Neither of us have turned in our papers yet but he and not me has been invited to all media events. The eagle, I berk the local radio stations and tv stations have never contacted me. Only wamc has ever contacted me. This has been a pattern that I have been up against ever since I decided to enter politics years ago. It’s a shame that my chances of being elected mayor has been diminished greatly by local media who should have been following every word I spoke publicly. Running for the city’s top elected position, all candidates should be covered equally by all the media sources. No one runing for public office should be shunned by the local media as their opinions and thoughts are of utmost importance to the voting public. I believe there may be some law that prohibits this muzzling of a candidate by media sources and I am going to study the laws to view my options regarding these horrible local media sources. The damage is done and the responsible criminals are the local media
THE PLANET shall be filming a one-hour interview with Craig Gaetani tomorrow (Friday 7/14). It will be shown on our YouTube channel, PLANET VALENTI VIDEO. We have done individual session with Peter Marchetti and John Krol. Karen Kalinowski refused our invitation for her own one-hour interview. Earlier, THE PLANET hosted the first mayoral debate of the cycle between Marchetti and Krol.
Craig will be your best Interview yet. If here runs for city council I will vote for him.
How many signatures have you collected in your run for mayor? When will you be turning in your signatures?
Do you have a campaign manager?
Do you have a campaign website?
Are you fundraising?
It is easy to blame a failed run on the media. Please tell us the answers to the above questions in order for the readers to gauge your seriousness in running a proper campaign. I believe last week you stated that you still were undecided as to which position you were running for – mayor or ward 6!
Fritz: There are only two knowable facts. One is whether a candidate has turned in 300 signatures. That qualifies the candidate for the primary ballot. The second fact is whether the candidate has drawn papers. That leaves one week or so to make the first fact true.
Those are the only two facts the media may use to determine who to interview prior to the signature deadline. With either true, the only acceptable assumption is that the candidate will attempt to make the ballot.
The rest, how much money in the bank, etc… are not even public record at this point. How much money does Krol have or intend to spend? I don’t think you know the answer.
Krol is a Pole
What about Lumpy Marchetti who is not Linda Tyer?
Not valid as you didn’t include Karen. Krol hasn’t even submitted his signatures yet.
Did Lumpy get his signatures in Pittsfield cemetery or did he have to use St. Joe too?
“Our plan is to deliver our message and also seek input in a way that’s never been done in a mayor’s race — I think in the history of Pittsfield.”
Good luck trying to ferret out the facts from Krol. What a blowhard.
But Pittsfield has such potential
Your time would be better spent campaigning for the Ward 6 seat. Surely with a little effort you could unseat Dina the Dingbat. That woman doesn’t have a brain in her head.
I watched the CC show at my relative’s house – nice try Charles challenging the mayor’s charter commission candidates. Why Dina was picked is beyond me, probably because she is an easy vote for the people in charge. Charles why were you the only one asking valid questions? Was Conant sleeping again? Kavey is childish. White sure hates letting voters make decisions! He needs to be booted!
Dina and Kavey are adolescents in adult bodies. They never matured beyond 14. How can voters not see that?
“Charles why were you the only one asking valid questions? “
A lot of people ask me that. Wish I could call myself a gadfly, but I can’t. What the Council really needs are gadflies. Picking, picking, picking away with questions, and refusing to concede until the other guy either satisfactory answers the question and explains himself or all goes home leaving the matters on the table.
I think it serves a good purpose. I mean, beyond the question of why hold a meeting if no one asks questions or raises concerns, backed with a potential veto, – a sensible question, maybe someone out there will hear that something rots in the ethical outcome of ten years + of Charter II. All of our institutions have been corrupted by ten years of concentration of power and narrowing of ideas and beliefs. Creativity is gone, and our boards now fail to really represent the talent and interests of the people.
Conant does not sleep at the meetings.