(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, FRIDAY SEPT. 29, 2023) — At a press conference today, Berkshire County District Attorney Tim Shurgue issues the finding of a report on the death by gunfire of Philip Henault at the hands of a State Police trooper.
THE PLANET issues the entire statement of the D.A.’s office, unedited.
THE PLANET presents the statement here:
———- ooo ———-
Press Release: Conclusion of State Police Officer Involved Fatal Shooting
September 29, 2023
Contact: Julia Sabourin, Director of Community Engagement and Communication
Cell: 413-884-3000
On Friday, September 29th, District Attorney Shugrue held a press conference to announce the results of the investigation into the September 9th, State Police Officer involved shooting which resulted in the death of Phillip Henault (145 Richmond Road, 9/2/1959). The incident took place at 145 Richmond Road, Hancock Massachusetts at approximately 7:00am.
District Attorney Shugrue extended his sincerest condolences to Philip Henault’s family. District Attorney Shugrue, met with members of the family prior to the press conference. The family meeting included members of the State Police Detective Unit, First Assistant Marianne Shelvey and Director of Victim Witness Assistance, Jane Kibby-Peirce. At the meeting District Attorney Shugrue made available a summary of the investigation to date and provided the option to view the body camera worn footage.
The press conference was held prior to the medical examiner issuing the final autopsy report for Mr. Henault. District Attorney Shugrue chose to do this as the final autopsy results will have no effect on the outcome of this investigation.
District Attorney Shugrue stated, “I contemplated holding off on this press conference until the report was issued, which on average takes about three months. As this incident involved an officer, and as the final autopsy results will have no effect on the outcome of this investigation, I determined it to be more important to share the investigation and its findings in a timely manner over waiting for the final autopsy report. I believe in transparency and the sharing of information as soon as possible without jeopardizing an investigation.”
Evidence collected in the investigation included body and dash camera footage, civilian interviews ballistics reenactment and crime scene analysis. The civilian interviews included the interview of two individuals who were at a horse barn directly across from 145 Richmond Road and witnessed the incident from afar and the interview of a neighbor who heard the incident.
The entire incident was captured on the responding Trooper’s body worn camera. A portion of that footage was shown and a recording of the 911 dispatch call was played at the press conference.
During the 911 call, the caller alleged there was an individual inside the house armed with knives. Ultimately, it was determined that Philip Henault placed the 911 call. He was the individual carrying the weapons. He was not locked in a bathroom or being threatened. Investigations determined that Philip Henault cut his own wrists prior to the arrival of law enforcement.
District Attorney Shugrue’s Conclusion and Legal Analysis
At the time of the Trooper’s arrival, he was responding to a reported domestic disturbance involving two brothers, one reported to be armed with knives. Additionally, the Trooper was still of the belief there was a potential victim, Philip Henault’s brother, in the home based on the information relayed in the 911 call. Philip Henault was covered in blood when the trooper first encountered him in the garage. The Trooper was unaware of what or who he would still discover in the home, and their potential condition. There was reasonable suspicion, based upon the 911 call, that a crime had already been committed and was potentially still being committed.
Mr. Henault did not comply with the Trooper’s reasonable and legally valid attempt to stop him [Philip Henault]. Mr. Henault kept approaching the Trooper and threatened three times to kill him or someone. The Trooper issued numerous audible commands to stop that sought his compliance to ensure public and officer safety. The Trooper was required to unholster and draw his weapon at the point Mr. Henault tried to lure him into the garage when armed with two knives and covered in blood. This was reasonable and justified.
Mr. Henault continued to resist the Trooper’s commands. Despite the commands Mr. Henault continued to advance on the Trooper in a threatening manner with two knives while continually stating he was going to kill someone including, stating that he was going to kill the Trooper. This escalated as the Trooper continued to retreat, with Mr. Henault becoming more aggressive to the point where Mr. Henault increased his pace coming at the Trooper. The distance between the Trooper and Mr. Henault was then approximately 10 to 12 feet apart.
The act of coming at the Trooper with two knives threatening to kill the Trooper constitutes felony offenses.
Therefore, at the time the Trooper employed the use of his firearm, he had a duty to arrest a person known to have committed a felony, who was armed and was in process of advancing upon and attacking the Trooper. The Trooper had the right to use this force that was reasonably necessary to overcome the resistance of this person who was in the process of offending him and where he had a duty to arrest. Mr. Henault was actively using deadly force against law enforcement.
There were no other objectively reasonable means that the Trooper could have employed at the time in order to effectively protect himself, anyone that was in the home or the public. Prior to discharging his weapon, the Trooper employed and exhausted multiple attempts to de-escalate the situation. By virtue of his duties as a police officer, the Trooper did not have the option or obligation to run away from Mr. Henault. Mr. Henault posed an active threat to the Trooper and the public. The Trooper had a duty to arrest Mr. Henault who was engaged in various felonies, was armed and an active threat.
The actions of the Trooper comport with the policies of the Massachusetts State Police and with the law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
District Attorney Shugrue stated, “In these circumstances, my role as District Attorney is to find and consider the facts – as established by objective and reliable evidence – and apply the relevant law. Accordingly, this report finds that the decision by the Trooper to fire his weapon at Mr. Henault under the foregoing circumstances constitute the lawful and reasonable exercise of self-defense and defense of others. Therefore, criminal charges are not warranted, and this investigation is closed pending official autopsy.”
Summary of Events:
On Saturday, September 9, 2023, at approximately 6:53am, a trooper from State Police Lee Barracks was dispatched to 145 Richmond Road, Hancock resulting from an emergency 911 call made from within the residence. The reporting party stated that there was a domestic assault between two brothers. The reporting party alleged that he was locked in a room to get away from the other brother who was armed with knives and waiting outside of the locked room.
A Responding Trooper and officers from the Pittsfield Police Department were dispatched to the residence. The Trooper arrived first on scene at approximately 7:04 am. He knocked on the front door of the residence and after no response he approached a garage entry door and observed an individual shutting the entry as he approached.
At approximately 7:05 the Trooper opened the garage door after observing a person attempting to close said door. The Trooper was met by a male, later identified to be Phillip Henault, armed with a large butcher’s knife in each hand. Mr. Henault made threatening statements, including, “I am gonna kill somebody, shoot me, I’ve been trying to kill myself.” The Trooper ordered Mr. Henault several times to put the knives down, which Mr. Henault refused.
The Trooper began to exit the garage. Mr. Henault pursued the Trooper stating, “Shoot me.” and “I’ll fucking kill you man.” The Trooper began backing down the front lawn and driveway. The Trooper continued to order Mr. Henault to stop. Mr. Henault continued to advance stating, “I’ll fucking kill you.” Mr. Henault then hastened his approach on the trooper and came within ten to twelve feet of the Trooper. The Trooper fired one shot, striking Mr. Henault and radioing ‘Shots Fired’. Mr. Henault fell, rolled and rose back to his feet.
Mr. Henault again pursued the trooper. The trooper continued to retreat while radioing ‘shots fired’. The trooper ordered Mr. Henault to stop and get down multiple times. Mr. Henault again began advancing toward the Trooper at a faster pace, stating ‘kill me.’ The Trooper fired a second shot, striking Mr. Henault. Mr. Henault fell to the ground then rose to his feet again and began advancing towards the trooper.
Both men reached the road. Mr. Henault then collapsed to the ground, still holding two knives. The Trooper radioed, “Party Down, I need the ambulance…I need everything.”
The Trooper then approached Mr. Henault who was moaning. He ordered Mr. Henault to drop the knives and ultimately was able to kick the knives out of Mr. Henault’s grasp. The Trooper then began life saving measures, using medical gear for his own personal protection before running back to his cruiser to retrieve a medical bag and defibrillator.
At approximately 7:12 the first officer from the Pittsfield Police Department arrived and at 7:13 multiple other Pittsfield Police cruisers arrived on the scene. The Trooper advised officers that there might be a man in the house that is cut and locked in a room. The Trooper then began CPR as a Pittsfield Police Officer applied pressure on the wounds.
At 7:16 EMS arrived and took over medical aid. After approximately twenty minutes of providing care, County Ambulance contacted Dr. Michael at Berkshire Medical Center who pronounced the death of Phillip Henault.
Ultimately, the Trooper retreated approximately 200 feet from initially encounter Mr. Henault in the garage. From the moment the Trooper encountered Mr. Henault in the garage to Mr. Henault’s final collapse on the road was approximately one minute and twenty seconds.
That concludes the D.A.’s statement.
“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept” — Angela Davis
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
A tragedy for all involved. There are so many tragedies.
I agree. The man was homicidal and suicidal. The State Police Officer had to use deadly force in self-defense. I affirm that everything that occurred was on the State Police Officer’s body camera.
One trooper came to the call?
Well yea, what’s ya think, that they wait for back up while someone is in the process of committing a felony with multiple deadly weapons against a family member?
No I just asked a question.
A tragedy averted for the trooper, who was a victim of attempted murder. Yes, in the larger sense a tragedy all around. Like that Miggy guy all the wokeaholes knighted, this guy brought it all on himself, I hope the trooper sleeps well at night and doesn’t hesitate next time. God Bless The Blue
This story, backed up with video footage and audio, tells a clear tale of justifiable deadly force. I agree, a tragedy on all accounts.
On a lighter note, what will evil POS Gov Newsome use to replace sattanic witch Fienstien?
Rob Reiner
Nancy Pelosi first granddaughter.
not the male queer,prostitute who “hammered” her hubby?
Rob has a severe case terminal case of leftidois,,,,, Newsome would go with that
As Archie used to call him, “Meathead.”
MAGA is the corporate arm of America, they just don’t know it.The sleepy snowflakes
Is you say so fruit cake
Senator David DePape is a shoe in
Is he left of Mao?
“She was one of the most corrupt politicians in America. She employed a Chinese spy for 20+ years. She served as Senator for 31 years, and what did she accomplish?
Thank her for her service? She served no one but herself and her donors.
Her net worth is $220 million. That she stole. From you. Via insider trading and money laundering. All the while she allowed California, and her District of San Francisco, to turn into a drug-infested 2SLGBTQIA+ homeless zombie apocalypse.
When we talk about “establishment politicians”, she’s at the top of the damn list. She’s been a Senator for 31 years, and under her watch, America has turned into a shithole. Not only did she let it happen, but her Left-wing policies made it a possibility. She played a significant role in destroying California and this nation with open border policies and woke insanity.
So spare me with all the “Rest in Peace”. She was one of the main reasons we are in the position we are in today. She destroyed America and I wish her no blessings in whatever afterlife she faces.
And before anyone says this is partisan, I feel the same way about McCain, and any other Deep State traitorous rat who bites the dust.
Some of y’all don’t hate establishment politicians enough, and it shows.”
Mad Trapper, you are low-class and disgusting. You can’t even get their names right. Why can’t you just have a little respect and let her pass in peace.
She became a woke useless mouth piece. Should have retired years ago but had to keep filling her pockets with our tax dollars and pay offs
The old battle ax should have been forced to retire like all the octogenarians in government, including the courts, there is a 90 some year old judge in Washington who won’t give it up. No one should be able to service past 79, including the POTUS.
Why did Schumer politicize her passing? Turnabout is fair play.
That’s what eulogies are all about.
I said a prayer and then thanked Jesus for St Peter.
Democrats are lowest, look in the mirror, on the floor.
“I think he should run as a third party candidate because I do think he should, he would win, is because his party’s radical elements, what we call the woke, have embraced this fascist clampdown on language,” Gutfeld said.”
“A lot of Americans who had previously given up any hope that real change would ever come through the American electoral process have begun to find new hope in my candidacy. And I understand the deeply felt concern that people have about the way corruption has overtaken our government. It’s in the executive branch, it’s in Congress.
It’s in the leadership of both political parties. And so some people feel a kind of cynicism alongside the hope, or they lose hope entirely because they’ve been disappointed so many times. I want to tell you now what I’ve come to understand after six months of campaigning, there is a path to victory. The hope we are feeling isn’t some kind of trick of the mind. We all recognize that there’s a genuine possibility of national transformation, and its source is the goodness of the American people.
Our government may be crooked, but our people are kind, brave, and caring. That goodness is stronger than the divisions that are keeping us all apart. I see it every day on the campaign trail. And the more I see it, the more I trust it. And the more I trust it, the more the path to victory becomes visible.”
RFK Jr. Is running a great campaign. He is CLEARLY the best candidate for president for the Democrats. He gets my vote.
Dan, You indpendant..or .D-RAT>
Do not worry. RFK is only disguised as a democrat. He sounds quite far right when he opens his mouth. Kinda like Matt Gaetz or Jim Jordan.
He and Trump Care about Americans.
Either would be a 10 steps up from what offal got Selected, 2020. Nationwide.
Danny, you are delusional – and I didn’t know you were voting democrat!
Americans, if they lose elections, should take steps to attract voters rather than say the elections are fake. Trying to overturn the will of the voters because you lost the election is cheating and it is wrong.
I ask you: WWJD? He would call for telling the truth and maintaining ethics at every turn, that’s what he’d do.
Putin and the MAGA folk are betting there is not going to even be another election.
Your girlfriend Hilary still thinks she won
paper ballots, same day voting
How much stock, You have in Chinse voting machine builders?
You’re a Democrat.
Dirty Dems……
Because he was raised on a farm and played in cow and pig shit most of his childhood. It affected him. When Dad finally got him a pony he starved it to death to see what would happen.
You are a sick SOB
You work/are PETA.
You know nothing of a farm, nor taking care of animals.
I won’t sell you sheep or goats fo fear of sex abuse
Actually, if one parses the story and sifts through the docs, it confirms Krol’s assertions all along.
What I can’t figure out Dan, is that the DOR had to have notified him every year that the payment kicked back and the reason why, or at least that it was a wrong account number, so he should have been able to figure out then that it was Animal Dreams. And that being the case, his whole “blame the Greylock email excuse crumbles”. And when you combine that with the fact that he wouldn’t have really had enough in his accounts to cover the Amex withdrawal’s if they had actually been taken, it doesn’t look good.
Not that Krol has to, but why not give permission to release this info about DOR payments?
During Thursday morning’s interview, Krol gave assurances that he would give his consent to Clairmont to do that. On Friday afternoon, Krol reversed those statements and in an email to an Eagle reporter that copied his attorney he said “No, you do not have my permission to talk to Barry Clairmont in regard to confidential issues involving my business or personal
Because they were paid by animal dreams and he knows they were never ever paid.
He’s going to have to reconcile that with the DOR and possibly Shugrue or whatever county is tasked with investigation this mess. Maybe it will be the AG’s office because he has misappropriated charity funds and not paid excise taxes to the state for a number of years.
Krol is sure he paid them just like he was sure he had the money to cover all his debts. Konfused Krol’s Kitty Kash Kaper gets Krasier.
Kitt’y Kweries Keep Kwarling in Kwiksand.
There’s no way he didn’t know.
Delusional Dan Digs Deeper Defending Dastardly Dullard.
Alliteration is a wonderful literary tool, KKK.
It was all a grand mistake, and his records prove he is incompetent, but not a crook. Wow. Vote for Krol! Come on Man!
The cover up will always get you. Nixon.
Unless you’re Joe Biden.
Dan, have you ever heard of confirmation bias?
Is he related to Len Bias?
Yes, both under the influence – you, of Krol, Bias, of cocaine.
Dan, will you please post you bank account information online so we can all make a “mistake” like Krol?
I’m sure you’d donate it to charity like Barry would god bless him.
Seriously Dan?
”As for lies, that’s the best way to win office.” – DV, 9/24/23
Right. So LEN, name me one politicians who won any office without lying. Just one. I mean, other than Vladimir Putin.
I’ll start with three.
Charles Kronick, Karen Kalinowsky, Chris Connell.
what about the other current councilor?
No, no, no.
And you’ll be on the next moon landing.
No. Already been there and done that. Quite fun, actually!
Wow, is Krol really this dumb?? More payments discovered out of Animal Dreams account through latest documents given to Eagle. No wonder you changed columns tonight Dan! This is bombshell!
Krol was outfoxed by the eagle, and cooked his goose and lawyered up. As Henry Lee said “rice already cooked”. He is done done now.
Yea but he will commission a forensic audit and fire Kerwood, and hire a non GOBSIG professional, so you can trust him to manage the city finances. Did I read that right?
H never said anything about non GOBSIG. I’m sure he will hire the girl that Tyer fired.
Who did she fire?
That was quite interesting to note.
Sounds awesome and I would vote for him if I really believed he would do a totally independent for scale thorough audit.
But, sadly, I do not trust him to follow through. Not sure why though. heh heh
Well he’s done innocent or guilty. Mayor at least needs to balance a check book. I say let’s get the Write In Candidate idea going. Marchetti knew nothing about the hit job?
Do you really believe a write in candidate can win?
Dan Bianchi to the rescue.
No chance.
A write it would be lucky to reel in 5% vote. Probably less than 1%. (50 votes?)
The time to find a candidate passed last April. There are 7 wards and 15,000 potential voters, only one non-established person drew papers and got the 300 signatures. Of those 7 wards, three are uncontested. Therefore, there is not a single self-determined soul in those three wards. To get a third candidate, they let KK forfeit her secure seat. The failure of people here to see the solution in themselves is the reason we have only Krol and Marchetti today.
The empty suit.
Need a little trash on Marchetti.
The boring broadsheet couldn’t outfox anyone. People are too used to their political tricks.
Fact is, THE PLANET exposed the nature of the Krol hit job sheepishly agreed to by the paper after being threatened with loss of ad revenue. We also scooped the BB on the Barry-Melissa lawsuit story. We have scooped the paper so many times, Baskin-Robbins wants to buy us out.
Great job Dan on both issues.
Wow – Baskin-Robbins!
ThE LEFT WINGED PARROT, owns 3/4 of the demise of the city.
They started with supporting the GE setellement swindle. Doyle was a crook, Divillars and Welch.
Krol just got KRUSHED! The eagle found more fraudulent transaction made from the AD account.
“Four of the newly discovered transactions were to pay a yearly $456 business excise tax to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue in each of the 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 tax years. Each time, the state rejected the payment because it was not from Krol’s account, but from the nonprofit cat rescue organization of which he was a director.”
So he HAD to know as early as 2016 that he was dipping into the Kitty.
“This is all, this is all news to me,” Krol told The Eagle during a Thursday interview. “And I think what it — what it shows is that I was, you know, using that number, thinking it was for OneEighty Media. … I’m not really sure why this changes anything.”
It changes nothing except that it confirms intent. If you were told that the account you used was not eligible to pay excise taxes as it was from a not for profit, wouldn’t you stop trying to use it?
“Krol said he could not recall how his business’ excise taxes were ultimately paid to the DOR but he insisted they were paid.”
Ok so what account paid them? Where are those records? If you did pay them John, then you must have entered in the account number right at some point. What account number? Where are those payments? Why did it take four years of refusals for you not to investigate it immediately?
Who was your accountant? Was it Barry ?
“Krol provided copies of five months of OneEighty Media bank statements covering November 2018 to March 2019.
When the missing card payments are put in context with what the balance was on the OneEighty Media account on the payment date and the prior missing payments, the math calls into question Krol’s claim that he had enough money in his business account to make the credit card payments.
If Krol had been withdrawing the American Express card payments from his OneEighty Media business account, then by the third withdrawal, which took place in February 2019, he would have overdrafted the OneEighty Media account by almost $250.
By the final payment, on March 25, 2019, Krol would have overdrafted the account by $2,901.69.”
“On Thursday, when The Eagle explained the math to Krol and that his claim — that his OneEighty Media account had the money — didn’t add up, he conceded that he would have overdrafted the account.”
Krol needs to drop out of the race, he’s unfit to balance a checkbook he’s unfit to be on a charity board, he’s unfit to sweep the streets in Pittsfield let alone be mayor.
Krol Kaput After Kitty Kash Kaper
You Marchetti sycophants must be scared if you post this rot. Tell us how Pittsfield is a better place as a result of 16 years of Marchetti on the city council.
Herb, App Kal was a dud, Krol’s a dud, Marchetti is a dud too, we all get that. They were the only ones stupid enough, or foolish enough to want the shitty job. Take your pick. Krol obviously couldn’t manage a McDonalds.
G Man wanted the job.But was boxed out in 2022 because he wasn’t spending any money?……..
Marchetti looks as though he’s spent considerable time in the happy meal line.
Has anyone told him about the gym in the city Hall basement.?Be a shame to waste all that taxpayer money because sure as hell no one else is allowed to use it. He could take his other brother Pete with him.
As mayor he will soon be getting a very nice expense account. Nobody talks about that perk.
I can see the headline in the BB: Pete Packs on Plethora of Pounds. KKK will like that one.
Paying business excise tax with misappropriated funds is gonna be rough for Krol legally.
I wonder what 22 years of combined interest and penalties is on not paying excise tax? [2016, 2017, 2018, 2019]
The above post was so heavily edited it’s absurd.
Remember Krol was a city councilor and Ruberto’s boy, and Linda’s lap dog.
Remember too that Krol was Andrea Harrington’s finance and marketing guy.
John Krol: As DA, Harrington will make us proud
By John Krol Aug 28, 2018
Is that Dann6 Dollars next to Krol. Think he left town also
Where does it say he paid anything?
Today’s Eagle story makes a convincing case that Krol embezzled from a not-for-profit. His explanations are complete b.s. He is effectively done as a candidate.
Marchetti gets plenty of exercise smearing people
Got proof of that? Sounds like a defamation lawsuit to me!
Chief Justice Agnes
I don’t like Marchetti and normally wouldn’t vote for him but after the Krol Kaper, I’m voting for Marchetti because Krol doesn’t belong anywhere near municipal finances!
Also remember John was a city councilor until he got run out of town, and look who endorses him, Melissa “kiss of death” Mazzeo and Jimmy Roberto.
Didn’t Melissa endorse the current DA who won in a landslide?
She’s 1 for 4 and Melissa Mazzeo lost Shugrue votes. If she stayed away, he’d have won by even more. It was her husband Tony that made a difference, Melissa was kept in the background as she is political poison.
If you want to vote for a Tyer @55 kissing dunce we can’t help you
No I’m not interested in voting for Krol.
You’ll probably stay home and watch the kardashians anyway
She’s dam fugly
Is he the Shit or the Turd?
Voters need the facts!
How much TP, to wipe up Marcetti or Krol, next 4 years?
Clorox needed?
Marchetti has his whole campaign team dropping thumb bombs on this site. Any negativity on him and they swoop in like a flock of buzzards.
Maybe they’re just people who don’t think theft and lying should be tolerated?
I am actually against that as well. I am also against having a mayor whose loyalty is to special interests and the good old boy package. Marchetti is a proven failure a a public servant. Look at all the lipstick and puffery his campaign guy is having to use to try to reinvent him as a real person who actually gives a shit about the taxpayers. He has already showed over and over that he is NOT. He is plastic. He is a make believe public servant. Anybody with eyes and ears who listens to and watches what his backers are saying about him know it is not true. He is going for the stupid guy vote.
I am not for Krol either. Not gonna vote. Throwing in the towel on this one. God help us all.
Just to dilute their influence, gave you a thumbs down too.
Hey, I thought you use thumbs-down sparingly…
Corrective measure.
Appreciate that. I think I am in second place to Melle for thumbs down but the Marchetti folk may push me out front if I keep exposing him for his back stabbing of the taxpayers who thought he would do his freaking job. This one should be good for at least twenty.
You do not have the stuff to get Melle’s remarkable successes. Stick to your own path.
It sounds like multiple collection notices for Krols excise taxes were lost on a mail truck with Harrington’s driver’s license suspension.
Just blame it on Covid of 2016
Covid 19 gave us Biden, the FIB, CIA, DHS, WHO, NIH, GAVE US COVID
If he repaid AD in July or August 2019 and then filed his 2019 tax return in 2020, he tried to pay his 2019 excise tax out of the AD account again in 2020!!!
He knows about his “error” and takes NO ACTION to rectify HIS error. This alone disqualifies him to be Mayor.
Are some sort of account or something?
Last year, the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) did a hatchet job on Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington (2019 – 2022). This year, they are doing a hatchet job on John Krol, who is a former Pittsfield City Councilor who is running for Mayor of Pittsfield against Peter Marchetti, who is the President of the Pittsfield City Council. Who will they do a hatchet job on in 2024 in Pittsfield politics?
I always write that I – Jon Melle – have had the absolute worst mistreatment – abuse – of anyone in the modern history of Pittsfield politics since I was only 20 years old during the Spring of 1996 when my dad, Bob, successfully campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 – mid-2000). I have written countless political emails, I have posted thousands of blog entries, and I have done the same against my persecutor who is sarcastically called “Luciforo”. The Dirty Bird gives Pittsfield Pot King – the most corrupt disgraced politician in modern Pittsfield politics to Boston. The Dirty Bird blacklisted me from publishing my letters in their yellow journalism rag.
In closing, Andrea Harrington in 2022 and John Krol in 2023 are the smallest of hills among mountains of corrupt career politicians in Pittsfield politics, Boston, the Swamp, and beyond.
The’small hill’ look a lot like the large hills. Just smaller.
Is there a discrimination suit at the bank, and if so did someone file a complaint against Marchetti?
Nice try Herbie. Krol is as slippery as an eel. He is squirrelly, plain and simple, and the more PrettyBoyLied is seen and heard, the quicker people see it. Might as well put a fire in your boy – he’s done! Just my two cents worth.
Herb you must be either Krol, a relative of Krol’s or a campaign staffer of Krol’s. Trying to start a whisper campaign, are you? Spill what you got. Or are you afraid of a defamation lawsuit? This is the 2nd time you’ve brought this up about Marchetti’s & the bank where he works.
Dr. Hackenbush,I just asked a few questions .
His uncle and my uncle were both uncles. So I think we’re related.
Do you have a sister named Snow?
Maybe you Marchetti inner circle jerkers could get an answer.
Ironically, the Eagle has just made the case for a deep dive independent audit of the city’s finances. You just never know where discrepancies might show up UNLESS YOU LOOK. And the wild spending spree going on in Pittsfield, with zero oversight from anywhere is just screaming out loud for a forensic audit from an independent firm from far away..
It is a no brainer. There are no plausible reasons NOT to do one. Can we please get replies from every city official as to why THEY think an audit would be a BAD idea? Not do we NEED one, but why it would be a BAD idea. There is fraud and embezzlement found every single day from business across the country and if a Pittsfield audit could show us a better way to manage taxpayer money it would be well worth it. They might find better budgeting practices.
Perhaps the ghostly figure who writes the mysterious Our Opinion column could spin their own answer to this question as well.
Excellent, FIZZ. I like that approach. Let’s start with a complete audit of the books as a given. So anyone, tell us why it would be a bad idea NOT to order such a review.
An audit – independent – is absolutely essential. Pittsfield has not had a true independent review in 20 years as it uses a firm for two decades which was contracted by the Director of Finance. Such a review will shed light on accounting & recording practices, controls, and provide new information. It would not discover practices of fraud that are unrecorded.
For example, hypothetical but plausible scenario: a muni-worker calls a friendly councilor, “Hey, I just delivered oil to the school. I got 500 gallons left over – you want it?” The oil is all delivered to the school on paper, but winds up in someone else’s tank.
The type of fraud and abuse that you suspect is likely not found in an audit. You need to check the fine details of work orders, bids,bid-advertising, manipulations such as VIN swapping, change records in accounting records, and document trails that are not strictly financial. It is a study of relationships as much as of activity.
Embezzlement is suspected when bank balances do not reflect revenues and expenses. In that situation a forensic audit is effective. Therefore, Krol advocating for a forensic audit, without a specific target or suspicion in mind, forms an empty promise.
How about wasteful spending? How about duplication? Did the city really need umpty seven brand new vehicles under Tyers term? What happened to the old ones? Who got them? Where were all the new vehicles purchased from? Did it go through a local dealer? If so which one?
Did this or that project go out to bid? If not why not? Who got the contract and are they associated with this other guy that got that contract? Were local vendors allowed to bid?
Why did the city council find so very little they could chop from any of Tyers budgets? Did they even try? If not why not? Why did this mayor seem to think her last term would be a good time to take on so many expensive projects? Were they really necessary and not too much of a burden on taxpayers? Was there due diligence as to how they would be paid for, how long it would take and could the taxpayers afford it?
What is the city’s current debt load? How much do the taxpayers pony up every year just in loan interest? What banks hold these loans?
None of these questions seem to be brought up at council meetings by most of the councilors which gives the impression that they really do not care or are afraid to challenge.
How many taxpayers have even a remote clue how the city’s inner workings work? Very very few I am sure. But we are supposed to vote blindly because someone said this guy is good that guy is good. Take our word for it. hah hah
Much of what you ask, I believe, should be explored in the independent audit. Our auditor strictly focuses on compliance wit Mass DOR.
Other questions concerning vehicles. When the city hires someone for fieldwork, the Mayor considers a Ford Explorer as part of their outfit. Thus, the cost of hiring is salary + HUGE CAPITAL purchases.
Is something happening beneath the surface? One should want to rule that out. Again: you need to explore the relationship between city, auto shops, and work orders.
If Council hires a forensic audit, and if you assume abuse, then also assume that the ones managing the audit would misdirect the auditors or swamp them to make the cost exorbitant.
Can you imagine what would happen if Krol got a hold of the City’s bank account numbers?
It’s a mistake I tell ya, a mistake!
So long as you don’t get ‘em we’re good
Are they kept in the clerk’s office?
Yes, that gets to the core.
The school personnel have pegged Marchetti as the one who will give them the most big raises and perks. This is why they must destroy Krol.
$chools for PET$R.
I’d not let a child attend there
When all else fails, blame the teachers.
Level 5
Wake up Thomas. The schools have been milking the system for years for as much money as they can get while indoctrinating the kids with the far left agenda. This has been going on for some time now.
Teachers are to be respected and thanked for their service.
Teachers are fine. The admin is soaking in raises and expanding their ranks.
Politicians buying votes by promising raises? Teachers, firemen, cops, tradesman?
there is your election right there people…big part of the majority vote for the guy delivering the goodies…been that way long time papa san
As Councilor Connell said, “when you make the government bigger, the people get poorer.”
Still, there are many strata of teachers & police and many are not happy with the School Dept. The PPD is understaffed and not competitively paid (at least in some areas).
Nope. Woke jokes.
My Mother quit Pittsfield school teaching in the 1960s, it was an abject failure that long ago.
She had a MA in teaching, and moved on to learning children elsewhere.
I think she was my math teacher.
Neither candidate is fit to be mayor. Marchetti has had 18 years to prove himself and he has not. All he is, is a rubber stamper for the mayor. He evidently does not possess the hoo hoo’s to stand up for himself. Many posters including myself have ask Marchetti supporters on this blog to state just one item that Marchetti has done to help the hardworking taxpayers of Pittsfield in 18 years. NO RESPONSE
Krol is currently in a cluster fruck. He evidently is not a bookkeeper. How will that effect his mayoral ship, the only think I can think of is he has to appoint a VERY trustworthy accountant to head finance, and we all know that Bowtie Kerwood is NOT the answer, but what accountant would want that job, it is going to take years to figure out what the Tyer administration has done with money.
So that leaves the taxpayers with crap choices for mayor. Both of these candidates announced their run back in December 2022, here we sit almost 10 months later, and Stacey Carter just decides to bring all this Krol financial information forward. If SHE had been honest back 10 months ago, we would not be in a mess just a little over a month from the election. Thanks, Stacey, for your conniving brilliance.
Bottom line is this whole election is class one bullshit and where does that leave us taxpayers. Pittsfield has no hope for the future. Oh wait, maybe we will get a 30+ million dollar constantly flooded ballpark that no one attends, mainly because of not feeling safe attending. Never mind that the city can’t take care of the rest of the parks which are a disastrous mess. Yay
This was pretty much the only way for Marchetti to win so it actually was brilliant. Dirty, but brilliant.
Played brilliantly
You obviously are associated with the school department? They are the only ones who think the boring broadsheet is brilliant.
For all the crap people throw at the the Eagle, if it wasn’t for them this would be getting swept under the rug. Dan touts scooping the Eagle but does no investigation and basically declares Krol innocent. Nothing to see here folks! At least the Eagle put in the hard work and is doing the deep dive that apparently no one else will. That’s why a local paper is so important. It may not be perfect, but it’s a lot more informative than a blog.
but ya gotta wonder why this kind of in depth investigative reporting seems so rare. Hard to believe there are not other interesting political stories out there
Well said John Doe!
and friends in the right places to push the story
nobody in the current administration did anything wrong the whole last eight years I guess
How many cats does cat lady Carter have?
No clue…..Lew…….
don’t know but remember you have to multiply by a factor of 9 due to their extra lives
Both were city councilors.
Both did very little to advance Pittsfield or help tax payers.
Krol was also the lapdog of Linda Tyer, he was the butt boy of Jimmy Roberto.
Krol campaigned heavily for Andrea Harrington and gave her “unlimited” access to himself and “unlimited” good press.
Krol kant keep his little Krol in his pants or his hands out of the Kitty Kash.
Whatever flaws Marchetti has, and he has a good number of significant flaws, they pale in comparison to the magnitude and scope of John Krol’s flaws and baggage!
Remember this? Was he doing online banking while sitting in those seats?
Or this?
John Krol: As DA, Harrington will make us proud
By John Krol Aug 28, 2018
PITTSFIELD — It will be an election not soon forgotten.
For those of us who have been in and around the Berkshire political scene for some time, it has been a race for the ages. It’s had just about everything, including a concerted effort to skirt voters and keep the district attorney’s seat within the confines of a powerful political establishment. It has also unveiled a clear split between an old guard and a new wave of energetic leaders ready to take our community in a new direction.
The scheme to hand over the district attorney’s seat to Paul Caccaviello included breathtaking political maneuvering by former DA David Capeless. Capeless not only resigned with 10 months left in his term in order to give Caccaviello the position of interim district attorney, he also remarkably pulled his own nomination papers to mislead reporters and the wider public on their intentions.
It was clear that the strategy was devised to dramatically shorten the window of opportunity for any other candidate to enter the race, and give Caccaviello an unchallenged path to continue with unfettered control of the office. It was well-orchestrated as public records ultimately unveiled in the powerful article published in Commonwealth Magazine. The political hand-off was also justifiably admonished by the editorial board of the Boston Globe and this newspaper, among others.
Ignited a spark
The well-devised plan may have seemed foolproof. However, there was something they did not calculate. Or, more accurately, there was someone they never saw coming.
At the very moment Andrea Harrington decided to launch a run for DA, there was a spark that ignited a completely new conversation on what our community deserves in this district attorney’s office. And quite quickly there was a clear acknowledgment across the Berkshires that we deserve far better.
We know the philosophy of the current leadership in the DA’s office is outdated and ineffective for today’s challenges. The status quo policies popular in the 1980s are just not getting good results. We are not going to prosecute our way out of the opioid crisis and we do ourselves no favors when we choose not to take a more proactive approach to addiction, domestic violence and sexual assault. Andrea knows this because of her vast experience as a defense attorney navigating the broken system. She also has equipped herself with a deeper understanding by doing what has not been done by leadership in the DA’s office for far too long: she is listening.
Andrea has taken the Berkshires by storm with her message, but not because of traditional political alignments or endorsements that come along as her campaign has gained steam. Instead, Andrea fundamentally changed the dialogue on criminal justice in this county because she has acted with the courage of her convictions and with an unwavering tenacity to engage people at their doorsteps. Yes, she knew she would have to work at least twice as hard as her opponent to win this election against a political machine that has been in power for decades. But it is also true that you will simply never be more in-touch with the people than you are in the heart of a campaign that is up close and personal with the voters. This is the essence of why the DA is an elected position. It is this hard work, and the knowledge derived from it, that will help shape reform in the Berkshire criminal justice system. That’s the democratic process. When it works, it benefits us all.
Our values shared
Finally, let me tell you about the person that I know. Andrea is someone who you can look in the eye and trust the words you hear. She is a mother, who with her loyal partner and husband, Tim, is raising two wonderful sons in this fine community we call home. Just like so many of us, she wants the Berkshires to be a place where her children will be able to thrive and maybe raise a family of their own. At the very core, it’s this desire that drives Andrea each and every day in this powerful grassroots effort, inspiring so many others to join in. She understands that our hopes and dreams are only attainable if we have a safe community. Andrea will fight for you and your family. She shares our values.
Quite simply, Andrea Harrington is someone who we will be proud to call our district attorney. I respectfully ask that you vote for Andrea Harrington on Sept. 4.
John M. Krol, Jr. is vice president of the Pittsfield City Council.
He’s already addressed his support for Harrington as a mistake.And that was against Paul not Tim.
Yes like he addressed his mistake of using Animal Dreams as a personal piggy bank.
There are dozens of “mistakes” he’s made that have put Pittsfield [and Berkshire county] in a hole that we are going to take a long time digging out from under.
His time as city councilor, his endorsement and obsessive support of Andrea Harrington, his use of Kitty Kash to pay his debts, his clueless defense of the Kitty Kash Kash Kaper.
Marchetti is lack luster for sure, be he is by far the lesser of two evils.
The only “spark” Krol ignites, will burn Pittsfield to the ground.
Marchetti on the other hand, will burn your paycheck to the ground
You’ll be working three jobs
“He’s already addressed his support for Harrington as a mistake.”
Many dismissed Harrington when she proved herself ignorant of how cases are prosecuted in her debates. After that debate, even Atty. Knight – a progressive person – endorsed Caccaviello expressing alarm at Harrington’s incompetence. I rejected her for two reasons: 1) She argued to politicize the DA’s office, making it the strongman for the Democratic Party. I don’t know what she means, but it is highly inappropriate. 2) She stated that she would ignore laws and only pursue charges that appealed to her. That violates her office.
Krol has no excuse for palling around her. He cannot rectify that ‘mistake’.
This letter alone disqualifies Krol from being mayor – endorsing a total nitwit for DA. She was an unmitigated disaster, and like you Johhn Boy, she left town, thank god. You sure saw something “in her”the rest of us didn’t, didn’t you Johnny Boy? And how did you wind up working for Renissance Ruberto to begin with?
And curiously enough Andrea felt shoplifting should not be a punishable crime. Did John endorse this philosophy?
I would say Krol did. Harrington made no secret of her intention to dismantle the DA’s office and rebuild it as her office of personal destruction.
I’m referring to the cases of the guy who burned some straw (paid heavily for that with time) and the Thompson case (which had been thoroughly investigated years before she came in and found to be non-criminal.) She reopened the case, dragged the guy through years of oppression, anxiety, and great expense, only to present a flimsy argument that even the Judge would not permit to be presented by this weird prosecutor. The Judge almost tossed the prosecutor’s lead forensic witness off the case because he kept trying to violate her orders.
“The democratization of prison.” Get the wealthy man hard time to seek support from the poor. It doesn’t work, and it is highly destructive and corrupting.
In regards to today’s revelations by the Berkshire Eagle, I find it insulting that John Krol expects people to believe he doesn’t know the difference between a check number and an account number. When asked about the new revelation that he tried four times to pay his business taxes through the Animal Dreams account, he responded that he didn’t know how those four years of taxes were paid. Were they paid? In yesterday’s Planet, several people posted info about the state putting the kabosh on his business in 2017. Why? Were the taxes paid or not? I hope the Eagle continues to investigate Krol’s claims.
I agree with the opinions expressed by Mr. Worldwide and KrolKash – I want Krol nowhere near city finances!
I want Marchetti nowhere near city finances, especially school finances.
That’s not the only thing he shouldn’t be near
Krol’s wife works for the PPS, Pat. Talk about a conflict!
Does anyone know the answer to this question? If Krol has to cancel his run for mayor what happens, does Marchetti automatically become mayor, does Karen K. step back in if she chooses to, or does the city have to start all over?
Marchetti wins.
Yeah , he wins a free trip to Biddeford
I would start over anybody can enter. Including the G Man this time.
G or Karen would be better, latter are proven bad.
The answer is the John Krol is legally entitled to be innocent until proven guilty in a constitutional court of law by a Judge and Jury of his peers. John Krol is innocent because the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle)’s hatchet job does not constitute due process of law. Anyone, any group, and newspaper or yellow journalism rag such as the Dirty bird can do a hatchet job on John Krol or anyone else out there, but it means nothing in the eyes of the law.
Krol isn’t even charged with anything except contempt of an ex, hateful, father in law and his friends.
Perhaps your most brilliant post yet Mr Melle, and not an ounce of self pity in it. Of course , it doesn’t make him fit to manage a McDonalds let alone a city.
The other thing I don’t think he can take his name off the ballot even if he was cancelled out. So I digress. Charles Kronick might know he’s pretty keen.
Deadline to withdraw has come and gone. Ballots are fixed.
Maybe not so keen. That does not answer said question.
8/8 answers ‘said question’.
No and no
There is no “starting over”. Karen is out because she lost in the primary.
I’m not sure Krol, even if he dropped out, would be off the ballot. There is probably a path for Krol to drop out but the loser in the primary doesn’t get a second chance.
Krol is more like Trump at this point but with one big difference, lots of legal troubles on the horizon, the big difference is, Krol has admitted to the wrong doing and every time he defends himself, he makes his case worse. Taking money from a charity, lying about having plenty of money to cover the debts, and now using misappropriated funds to pay a tax bill at least four years in a row.
Krol should have stayed wherever he was and been thankful for all the chances he was given. Now he might be looking at both State and Federal income tax and wire fraud charges.
How much ad revenue does the Eagle derive from Allen Harris and his business?
Ham, you struck a nerve!
I have no idea, ask either the Eagle or Harris.
If the phone don’t ring it’s them
Will anyone even represent him? He won’t listen and he won’t stop talking.
Cash up front! No credit cards or wire transfers or ach payments.
M+B. Marchetti gets free ride. I believe krols name remains on the ballot. Karen or anyone else can run as a write in. This is the only way that Marchetti can be beaten. It’s a long shot but we all should think this over as it is at least a chance. With a lot of help a write in may have this chance.we just can’t let Marchetti with his poor record as city councilor slip in. It will be tyer all over again if we don’t stop this buffoon
I agree that Lumpy Marchetti is a buffoon but a write in vote is a fool’s errand.
Where do you get this logic? Never ever anywhere have heard any politicians winning a write in. STOP.
Say what you will about Krol, Marchetti would be the biggest mistake Pittsfield voters could possibly make. He doesn’t think voters should have a say. He has contempt for people. He just wants a pension that’s 80% of the inflated mayor’s salary. He laughs at you.
Neither do his buddy’s on the council. Next up is get rid of charter objection during budget time. Gotta send the current council packing.
There is no such thing as cancelling a run.
Too bad because the whole election is a fools errand. Gonna cost the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars and either way they end up with a smuck for mayor. But if Marchetti has it in the bag why in the hell spend all that money in the first place? Assinine
But I hope someone starts a recall process shortly after the election. It might just work. In fact, start it tomorrow and let Mr puppet know we are going to be watching him closely
Pittsfield politics: A $205.6 million municipal operating budget, hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts plus OPEB unfunded liabilities, the 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in always increasing unfunded liabilities (debts), capped “leaky” landfills full of GE’s PCBs industrial chemicals including Hill 78 abutting Allendale Elementary School, a dangerous downtown with 15 empty storefronts, Level 5 public schools with over 650 students who choice out to neighboring public school districts, Pittsfield’s Pot King stinking up residential neighborhoods with his unpleasant pot growing odors on Dalton Avenue, a Pittsfield State Representative named Tricia Farley-Bouvier who supports illegal immigrants having Massachusetts Driver’s Licenses and the legalization of sex workers, Mayor Linda Tyer living in a mansion in an elitist Gated Community along with “Luciforo” who lives 0.3 miles away from Linda and her litigious CPA 3rd husband, Jimmy Ruberto supporting John Krol from Naples, Florida and his Summertime residence in Lenox, the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle)’s yellow journalism hatchet jobs on the proverbial dog catchers….
Letter: “North Street needs a rescue strategy”
The Berkshire Eagle, September 30, 2023
To the editor: Thanks for your coverage of the mayoral candidates’ statements on their North Street rescue strategy. (“Downtown business owners seek North Street solutions from Pittsfield mayoral candidates,” Eagle, Sept. 28.)
This is a central issue in the fate of Pittsfield. More than tax credits will be required. One block at a time grant programs to entrepreneurs for opening culturally exciting businesses would help, followed by the kind of policing of those areas that the candidates are endorsing.
This is not “rocket science,” but it takes a major investment. Over the last decade, we’ve lost the Ferrin Gallery, Township Four, Familiar Trees and Landmark Tavern. Any of those businesses could, with powerful support, have seeded an urban resurrection.
If this isn’t done around Barrington Stage, the Beacon Theater and Hotel on North, the Berkshire County seat could just sink beneath the waves. Get to work, Pittsfield.
Mark Mellinger, Pittsfield
Another guy with zero compassion for taxpayers..behind the scenes player perhaps?
Agreed. These tax credits pay businesses to occupy spaces. When the credits dry up, they’re gone.
It’s a selective concept not predictive of success and unfair to established businesses that have earned their ‘right’ to exist.
JOHN, why does it seem like you hate people who have worked hard and have made money? I read your posts all the time and you seem obsessed and the constant repeating seems borderline psychopathic. You seem to have some good ideas but the way you frame your posts you aren’t gaining any support for your ideas. Reminds me of GUITANI in that way. Means we’ll but needs to adapt.
Dan I was driving on Mass Pike just west of Springfield this afternoon, and I passed a man on a motorcycle smoking a cigar. He had the stogie in his mouth and bottle of blue Power Aid in his cupholder. I couldn’t place a name with the face right away, but an hour or so later, south of Hartford on 91, I passed a Maseratti dealship and in big letters on the building it said V A L E N T I, with Maserati underneath. Then it hit me – the guy riding the motorcycle was you, I swear.
I doubt it. Dan was probably watching his Orangemen lose to Clemson today.
‘Twere there and had a blast, actually!
I knew it.
To all the Marchetti fans alias the “Thumbs Down Crew” that has taken over most comments on this blog.
I have nicely asked three times on this blog if one of you could just name one thing positive that Marchetti had done for the hardworking taxpayers of Pittsfield in his 16-year run. Yet to receive any response. I will say you have struck out because you can’t answer my very simple question.
Let the thumbs begin.
I am pretty sure I reported here that Marchetti is a dud. But he is not a crook.
JK Totally agree with you. Very sad and pathetic these are the choices for mayor. Further down the toilet Pittsfield goes.
That’s it in a nut shell
That sums it up.What I’ve been saying all along. You get what you get.
Sooooo….would Marchetti support opening the city books to an independent auditor?
Others are asking the same unanswered question
and the best they can do it give it a thumbs down indicating that they are quite uncomfortable with the question. Of course they are
He’s a dud, he’s done pretty much nothing. His biggest claim to fame is the parade, and that’s not even a govt function. At best he’s held a steady job of some responsibility outside of being on the city council.

But what has Krol done?
He was a city councilor, vice president of the city council and did nothing, he endorsed Andrea Harrington, he used his position to get a swearheart deal on a liquor license for his now wife [at the time both were married to other people] he rubber stamped everything Tyer did.
He misappropriated Kitty Kash. In his defense of stealing Kitty Kash he showed he used misappropriated funds for his excise payments to the DOR. He showed he couldn’t do basic math, and he blamed everyone for his failings except himself. He can’t hold a real job for more than a year at a time, he’s proven he can’t keep his family together.
This election is about dumb [Marchetti] and dumber [Krol] with Krol adding in a side of tax evasion, misappropriated funds, and incompetence.
Marchetti isn’t Krol and that’s the best we are going to do.
I’ll take Marchetti over Krol as mayor every time.
Yes it’s classified as tax evasion, the illegal nonpayment or underpayment of tax.
But a question to you, what has Krol done?
I didn’t ask about Krol, I asked about Marchetti. You still didn’t give an answer about Marchetti. You find it is easier to keep repeating about Krol. Once again, I did not inquire about Krol. As I write this there are 10 of you that have not answered my question, make sure you get the word out, let’s see how many thumbs down I can get without getting an answer.
Is he nice?
Welll…to my knowledge he has never farted in church. At least not loud enough to drown out the choir.
Marchetti isn’t Krol, that’s unfortunately the best answer there is.
You can’t ask about one without asking the same about the other.
Better get back on your meds.
I didn’t ask about Krol, I asked what your candidate Marchetti has done for the taxpayers. Why is that so difficult to understand and answer?
What’s so hard to understand, he’s not my candidate.
He’s done nothing except hasn’t misappropriated Kitty Kash.
It’s the lesser of two morons.
Take those meds.
He hasn’t bankrupted the city. Or stolen funds. There you go.
They only care about there cars, sneakers and clothes. They try to portray something there not. If they dont get there way they get loud, threathing and throw the card. Can you guess what or who they are?
T well said and true.
The best thing krol can do now is to befriend the tax and rate payers of this city and drop out of the race immediately
By so doing it may entice some good candidate to run as a write in giving him or her a full month to campaign as such. Yes it is difficult but the votes the write in candidate can obtain could be looked at as a protest vote against Marchetti and we would know what strength we have to possibly call for a recall of Marchetti shortly after the election. This is our only chance to state to Marchetti that we do not want him as our mayor. This method gives us two shots at Marchetti and offers some potential closure rather than just allow this buffoon to slip in and steal the election. We need to talk about this extensively so that we don’t just sit back and let this buffoon steal the election it’s up to every one of us now
It’s the honorable thing to do but I don’t think Krol knows what honorable means.
Krol should announce that if he is elected mayor his first item on his agenda is that he will have an outside firm perform a complete audit on the current administration’s books. Just imagine what they would find. He will win by a landslide as taxpayers are fed up with not knowing where their tax money is being spent. Every time a taxpayer inquires, they get a blubbering answer from Kerwood, because I truly believe Kerwood’s accounting is a cluster fruck that even he can’t figure out. That’s if Marchetti doesn’t gavel the taxpayer’s question first. Marchetti is part of this administration that can’t tell us where the money is, pot money, excise taxes to name a few.
Karol needs that audit on his own books first.
Krol Kitty Kash Kounting a Katastrophe!
This entire mess was contrived by the Marchetti campaign and those close to Linda Tyer who along with her husband are good friends of Allen Harris. The GOBSIGS would like nothing more than Matchetti becoming mayor. Don’t be foolish. A write in vote is a vote for Marchetti.
Why are you on Marchetti’s side? You know he’s not honest. Can you tell me anything positive he’s done in his 16 years? Do you really want him to win?
4q. Do I want Marchetti to win??? What are you drinking? He hasn’t got 1 accomplishment to show for his 16 years on the council. His legacy is that of a bumbling brutal buffoon with a gavel in his hand to stomp on the rights of tax and rate payers who dare to show up at city council meeting to have their voices heard. All his actions and lack of are dictated by another boring bumbling buffoon mama mean girl—-. Secretary know nothing tyer. Her and him are the two most responsible parties who have led our beloved pittsfield down the drain.The day of reckoning is soon approaching for these two miscreants. Brighter days for Pittsfield are right around the corner. Down with tyer and Marchetti. They are like never ending days of pouring rain
My run takes me from my house on Crofut, down Pomeroy, Holmes, to Elm, East Housie, Wendell, and back.
The first Eagle story, maybe 20% of the Krol for Mayor signs got taken down by the property owners. After the comical Krol defense and bolstering rebuttal by the eagle, 75% or more of those Krol signs are gone.
My neighbor who had 3 Krol signs now has a Marchetti sign. She said he’s untrustworthy and can’t take “risks with a guy like that.”
Krol is his own worst enemy. Stay in Cara’s basement and don’t do interviews John.
Will Marchetti work from home like Tyer did? Will taxpayers have to renovate it with an office environment as well?