ADD 2 SEPT. 15 P.M. — Here’s an update on the murder charge against Josiah Helmer from the office of Tim Shugrue, Berkshire County District Attorney:
On Friday, September 15th, Josiah Helmer was arraigned in Central Berkshire District Court for the charge of murder.
The Commonwealth requested Helmer be held without the right to bail without prejudice. The defense agreed to the Commonwealth’s request. The judge granted the Commonwealth’s request, holding Helmer without the right to bail without prejudice.
Helmer allegedly stabbed an individual in the leg on the evening of September 12th on Melville Street, Pittsfield. Pittsfield Police were dispatched to the scene at approximately 10:45pm. Upon arrival, the individual was unresponsive and officers began life saving measures. Action Ambulance transported the individual to Berkshire Medical Center where they were later pronounced dead.
Josiah Helmer is scheduled to reappear on October 10th, in Central Berkshire District Court for a pretrial hearing. The State Police Detective Unit and the Pittsfield Police Department are the lead investigating agencies.
ADD 1 SEPT. 15 A.M. — THE PLANET shares this news from the Pittsfield Police Department:
On Thursday, September 14, 2023 multiple law enforcement officers arrested 27 year old Pittsfield resident Josiah Helmer at a residence on Dalton Avenue on an outstanding warrant charging him with murder. The charge stemmed from a fatal stabbing that occurred on Melville Street on the evening of Tuesday, September 12. Helmer was booked at the Pittsfield Police Department (PPD) and is expected to be arraigned in Pittsfield District Court later today.
The collaborative investigation after the homicide led to the suspect’s apprehension less than 48 hours after his violent crime. The investigation and arrest were effectuated by the following agencies and departments:
- PPD Detective Bureau
- PPD Drug Unit
- PPD Anti-Crime Unit
- PPD Patrol Division
- Berkshire County Special Response Team
- Berkshire County Sheriff’s Department
- Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit Assigned to the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office
Anyone who wishes to provide information on this case is asked to contact Detective Goodrich at 413-448-9700 x554. Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).
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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, SEPT. 15-17, 2023) — With Tuesday’s preliminary election coming up, THE PLANET has decided to deliver our sole endorsement for this phase of the November campaign.
THE PLANET endorses Alex Blumin for Ward 2 council.
Among the reasons is that we have known Alex for a number of years. He was one of “The Ol’ Perfesser’s” students in composition at BCC. As was our universal experience with virtually every international students we were blessed to teach, Alex worked tirelessly to improve his English skills, writing, reading, and speaking.
Having grown up in Soviet-dominated Ukraine back in the day, Alex knows all about oppression. As such, he values free speech and takes his role as citizen seriously. He “meddling,” as one councilor called it, might threaten those cozy in their power to preserve the status quo, but it’s precisely what city government needs: Turnover.
———- ooo ———-
Charles Kronick, Ward 2 city councilor, has endorsed candidate Alex Blumin to succeed him. Kronick is not up for reelection. Here is the full text of his endorsement:
I am excited to endorse Mr. Alex Blumin for Ward 2 City Council. When we elect Mr. Blumin, we continue Ward 2’s tradition of self-governance. We consistently choose the independent voice to represent our interests. We have a tradition of preserving a philosophy of reasonable inquiry of elected officials, and we demand responsible financial governance.
Ward 2 awaits the City’s fulfillment of its promises to complete roadwork and fix abandoned homes. Mr. Blumin will push the City to achieve these promises. The Mayor aggressively hiked water and sewer rates twice in the last two years, and she promised more increases. Ward 2 residents worry about the ever-expanding City budget they are forced to fund. Alex Blumin shares your worries and will fight for responsible budgets. Mr. Blumin will continue to promote reducing your taxes and reducing water rates by using your tax dollars locked in Free Cash and the cannabis reserves.
City Hall spending lacks transparency. The next councilor will see the $41 million in ARPA funds spent down. The ARPA Advisory Committee meets in secret and spends money on projects that do not appear to benefit Ward 2. The City Council has not had any input on a single dollar spent. Mr. Blumin would dare to ask the hard questions: What did the ARPA Committee discuss in their secret meetings? Pittsfield Economic Development Authority (PEDA) has new funding coming up. Will it support the destitute business environment in Pittsfield and Ward 2? Mr. Blumin will insist that it does.
When Mr. Blumin whispered ‘corruption’ in his debate, he dared to state a fact of our government that many councilors privately discuss. I saw a man display his love and admiration for our legal traditions and institutions. You saw his courage to hold our leaders to high standards and principles.
Mr. Blumin has a long involvement in city politics, and the time is now for him to lead. He has the intelligence and courage to do the job. Ward 2, you must turn out on September 19, and I strongly urge you to vote for Alex Blumin for your councilor.
“Those who play at “public figure” need to know the rules of “fair game” and be prepared to receive as bad as they send” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Ward 2 is very lucky to have Alex Blumin as a candidate for city council. We go back a long time and we appear together at CC meetings and always speak about ways to help the city’s overburdened tax and rate payers
Alex is one of the nicest and kindest individuals you will ever meet. He is genuinely smart and always comes prepared to CC meetings to inform the citizens of what is or isn’t going on on city politics. He studies city politics and knows when he is dealing with less than honest city councilors. He has no difficulty in challenging falsehoods which are meant to confuse the city residents and he is excellent in describing complex laws in a way that everyone can understand. Alex has known tragedy in his life having grown up in the old soviet union
He came to this country speaking very little English and in a very short time taught himself English. He is well spoken and has a heart of gold. To you people who live in ward 2 you couldn’t do better than voting for Alex as your representative. My only regret is that I can’t vote for Alex as I live in ward6..To you Alex my good friend I wish you all the luck in the world in your forayinto city politics.Your good friend-‘Craig
True words, Craig.
I agree with you Craig.
From what I understand Soncere is backed by the ‘houseless tzar, Porkchop Pete White. If that’s true, she’ll have GOBSIG money and the letters to the editor will begin with “her struggle”-made up or not (Helen Handgun Moon). That she’s a woman (WHEN), and will work in “collaboration” and not against (Sir Chaz).
Vote for KK and Alex.
Otherwise be prepared to welcome many illegal invaders into Picklesfield and Picklesfield Public Scohols.
I’m curious how many Swahili speakers ESL teachers are available?
Prof, here’s your chance to actually do something for the black community and not just talk/post about it.
The one thing I don’t want to here is about anyone’s “struggle.” All of us have been there. A candidate who tries to win office on a sob stories is probably not going to be among the best we’ve ever had.
Vision and principle.
The only things that applies to a councilor:
Help constituents with city services
Help mediate between neighbor disputes
That’s the gist of the job. It takes personal vision and principles.
What a laugh. The only thing Dan is interested in is sensationalism because it delivers eyeballs.
Hmm,sensationalism delivered K’s eye balls for a peak.
Yes, I am a customer.
Ward 3 and 4 run Pittsfield….the other councilors rub shoulders with them and do what they say.Krol is backed by Tyer and Ruberto and Mazzeo.Marchetti did all the work only to get rejected by the Big spenders…..Marchetti blew his campaign by not coming out in favor of the retired homeowners. None of these people get that seniors owe 1/2 a billion dollars
Explain the Gavel Man did all the work? Work on what? Tyer isn’t in Krol’s corner as she is endorsing Gavel Man. Both of these candidates have support from different factions of the current and former political establishment who want a say in they’re administration should the candidate they back wins.
Thank you so much, Mr. Gaetani!
It’s we–the People who should rule this city,
not special interest groups.
Pittsfield deserves a better future.
Outgoing Ward 2 City Councilor Charles Ivar Kronick is a powerful voice of dissent against Mayor Linda Tyer and her six rubber stamp City Councilors. I agree with most of what he had to say in Pittsfield politics over the past two years. He reminded me of Chris Connell’s leadership in Pittsfield politics.
I also think that Mayor Linda Tyer’s leadership and public management is effective. She was the only competent mayor in over a generation of failed leadership in Pittsfield politics.
I do not like that dissenting voices are supporting candidates who are running against Mayor Linda Tyer’s record because they have not proven themselves as a coalition in power in Pittsfield politics.
To illustrate, retired Pittsfield Police Officer Karen Kalinowsky’s whole campaign is based on her criticizing Mayor Linda Tyer, but she herself is looking to cash in on the mayor’s $115,725 public pay, which would be on top of whatever her city public pension plus perks are, which would double her city public pension after she would retire all over again as the future outgoing would-be Mayor of Pittsfield.
Alex Blumin would represent the public interests of Ward 2, which is the poorest Ward in the distressed and severely unequal economy of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. The other two candidates for Ward 2 City Council would also speak for their constituents in Pittsfield politics.
Jon, leave the would-be mayor’s potential salary alone. That salary is available no matter what the electee’s financial status is. Would you reduce her mayor’s salary just because she was a former state employee and has a pension?
The most expensive choice Pittsfield voters can make is Peter Marchetti. If elected mayor Peter will hit 20 years of service at a six figure salary which qualifies him for a very generous pension instead of the measly city council pension he’s in line for now. We’ll be funding his vacations for the next 30 years.
You do the job, you get the cash. If you run and win you get the cash. Why don’t you run and go after the cash yourself?
Actually Marchetti would be taking a pay cut if elected Mayor. He is running for all the right reasons!
hah hah…even the Pete puppets are laughing at that one Liz
right reasons….hilarious
Pete White, is this you?
But his pension would explode
That’s funny. No Peter’s puffed up pension? Ha, ha, ha.
For once I agree with K.
Melle your dad gets a state pension. You yourself are supported by the government.
And how could you claim to know that “the other two candidates for ward 2” would actually fight for their constituents? You don’t know!
I wish Alex a resounding victory!
Guarantee if Bob who receives a government pension happened to still be in Pittsfield and ran for mayor JM wouldn’t have an issue with what he calls double dipping.
Johnathon, I think you are trashing Karen as a personal favor to Marchetti and Tyer. In the past I have given you the benefit of the doubt as to your situation but now I think you are a puppet tool just like your mayor friends.
JM is in the Gavel Man’s corner from afar and trashes KK every chance he gets. Always about the money and never on where she stands on the issues. JM has issues with people who worked or are still working and might have done well for themselves. His have not bs is self inflicted.
You are right and wrong about Jonathan and his political stances.
Jonathan supports Pete because they are both gay men and Jonathan has lived in shame and in the closet a long time. Karen is a woman nuff said. And even though John Krol is easy on the eyes ; )
Jonathan doesn’t think he can be trusted around women and he turned on Mayor Tyer.
A person with a pension would have to give up the pension while serving. It’s the law. Google it.
Jon: Never endorse a dsrk horse.
I have been trying to post here for two days and kept getting an error telling me my nonce was invalid. Excuse me Sir, my nonce, my choice.
My post was a plea for you to just have your AI’s start a new thread in your hiatus so that people didn’t have to shuffle through 600 comments to engage in the discussion.
It doesn’t have to be a wordy work of art.
“Homeless Guy Killed at Cumbys” would have sufficed.
I also wanted to weigh in on the Mike Daly discussion. Hopefully he’s still in the loop.
Just keep submitting and you get past the ‘nonce’ glitch.
double click fast
We called Mike Daly’s bluff.
He failed to post my email address as requested.
This is the guy many of you trust to deliver you news?
You have been duped!
Get off Mike’s case. I trusted his news more than I trust some of the other news around here.
You seem like an intelligent person. You are well thought out in your posts and don’t buy a lot of BS that is out there.
IMHO, Mike Daly portrays himself as a journalist, but he is nothing more than an opinion piece. When one looks into the facts of an issue he “reports” on , 80% of the time he either has the facts wrong or is missing key pieces of information. He is either lazy, or is purposely trying to mislead his audience.
I’m glad he is shutting his gig down. Although I truly don’t think his is. I’m of the opinion this is just another begging scam to get money. We will know in 15 days.
MWW, I’m not glad his site is gone; I felt he provided a worthwhile service. I’m not sure I’d call him a journalist either, but then, these days those are few and far between. To find real journalism, you must look to the WSJ, NYT, P Inquirer, Boston Globe, and yes, the Berkshire Eagle, though still a shadow of its former self.
All organs of the far left
Journalism at its finest. Choose the stories of interest, research them thoroughly confirming with multiple sources, and then present the results to the public.
12 Gauge, if those papers are ‘far left’, which papers do you consider ‘center’?
People here trust FOX fake…lol
I actually like Mr, Daly.I would like to see if he could do a Live Call in talk show likeDan used to do at the radio station. I even have a name for it. The Daly Grind. Do it Mike.
I don’t often agree with you and snarky but Worldwide is a pathetic moron
“Cold and timid men…who never knew victory or defeat.”
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
-Theodore Roosevelt
Curious as to why you are trying so hard to stir up shit man. I am guessing you are a top level political lackey.
He’s a sick mind
Why are you so obsessed with Daly? You have DDS .Daly Derangement Syndrome. Try a good laxative. That should help you.
Agree with you 12. Mr. WW has always been after Mike. I have always felt Mr. WW is Mayor Barry. It is well known that Mayor Barry has many times confronted Mike in public with derogatory remarks. Mike nor anyone deserves this type of confrontation in public, especially from a relative of the head of city. Mike, has always been a gentleman and has added a lot of positive media about Pittsfield, residents of Pittsfield, and upcoming events. At least we have heard from him for the past 8 years, we have not heard from Mayor Linda and have only heard hateful derogatory rants including lawsuits from want to be Mayor Barry. I hope Mike doesn’t give up and keeps sharing the news with people that appreciate him.
We can only hope Mike has recovered from his meltdown upon his show going dark. THE PLANET redacted two of his emails here to save him embarrassment. He also showed his other side in emails sent here. All we have done is wish him well in future endeavors. To succeed on the public stage, a person needs to control the emotions. THE PLANET has always been supportive of any and all alternative media, especially given the demise of the local daily newspaper.
Couldn’t agree more. I might not always agree with certain posters on here but, it’s never reached the level of threatening physical violence.
For one, as an adult man you have that thin of skin at criticism leveled at you, I’ll bet my pension you were picked on throughout school as a social outcast. Or you were just a bully and enjoy beating people up.
Either way, the bottom line is grow up and grow a pair. People don’t always like you or the things you say or do. It’s called-Life.
His meltdown was the result of being attacked in public by you and
Mr WW.
20 hours ago
“This isn’t TV where everything gets solved in an hour so grow up. The progress is there . We can’t control who drifts into Pittsfield.”
I was hoping you could expand on your comment from yesterday?
Please tell me the Progress that has been made in the city of Pittsfield
is it
Crime?/ absolutely not
Junkies in the Park?/ Not
The clean landscaped streets / Not even close
North street?/no comment
New Business to the city creating jobs/ Nah
Beggars on every corner? double no
Taxes going down/ No
The only progress the city has made is creating a false illusion that this city is not the small Holyoke in far Western Mass.
Oh and we can’t control who drifts into Pittsfield? you are correct in that obviously. Just wait until they start filling the hotels out here . Buckle up Pittsfield.
PPD is responsible for conducting investigations and arrests. DA is responsible for advising investigations and prosecuting.
100% exoneration = incompetence
100% conviction = corruption
Innocent until proven guilty and trial by jury recognizes human fallibility and procedural fallibility.
The new DA, police chief or sheriff are doing a good job. The mayor and council president not so much.
I wish Wildlife Biology was a required course for seniors in high school or at some level a person might understand it.
There are things in nature that govern how animal populations both proliferate and diminish. Available food supply, severe weather events, predation, and disease. Animals have no control over these things as nature intended.
But in the human world we want everyone to live forever and be happy all the time. So we cater to every personal misfortune and have medications for every imaginable ailment. We are not allowing nature to take its natural course and it may not be working out so well. Nature intended for the species to stay strong by weaning out the weaker to keep the bloodlines strong.
Social Darwinism. Though I do like the rest of your post, fizzlehead.
Democrats especially should take biology. Maybe then they might be able to say what a woman is.
It made difficult material for high school bio, but at least we knew what we were talking about.
Liberals want to manage humans like wildlife and wildlife like humans.
There are 10 cars at the biotechnology 16 million dollar building and I think they are mostly Milltown capital getting free rent
You are right about the Holyoke connection. Bronx, Pittsfield, Holyoke are one unit.
When I talk about Pittsfield in relation to Bronx and Holyoke, outsiders say, “stop – that’s enough. I get it completely.”
You really need help. Please get it.
I don’t hate the idiot that is Joe Xiden.
I just hate the idiots that voted for him and his policies:
Open borders
Crime is sky high in D-led cities
Fentanyl OD’s
High Inflation
No longer energy independent
High gas prices
“Climate change” scam
COVID-election variant scam
Ukraine war
Ukraine gets $100,000,000 US tax dollars
Maui residents gets one-time $700 check
On the take as VP
Illegally spied on incoming US President (VP-suggested FISA warrants)
Illegally spied on US Citizens (VP-suggested FISA warrants)
Kindergarden, TSC, and Snark, WITHOUT mentioning Donald Trump, please tell us how Joe Xiden has helped the average US citizen.
K-you even posted the other day Xiden is advancing the US. How?
Explain it to me like I’m sitting next to TSC in a 9th grade Picklefield Public Scohol class.
And no, you didn’t post your positions on Xiden. The “I already posted it” is not going to fly, because you haven’t.
Well I did post all you asked for already. Either you don’t pay close enough attention, or you have some sort of short-
term memory deficit.
What I actually suspect is that you’re a ChatGPT bot; that would explain a lot of your lapses.
You are correct professor, I suffer memory lapses. I apologize for my mental deficiencies.
Now, could you name three (3) things the Xiden Administration has done to help the average US citizen.
Well I don’t like having to repeat myself, but:
1. Biden has made it possible for we US citizens to interact with the citizens of the world without us feeling shameful and like fools;
2. Biden passed the inflation reduction act through congress which has provided relief from inflation for the everyday citizen;
3. Biden has brought back truth and ethics to the conduct of government, setting this as the standard for the behavior of the rest of the populace.
Abstract and subjective.
Why would I feel any shame? Does a Son of Liberty feel shame?
You must be on crack, or jokin, man! Biden made us look like fools on world stage, as well as himself by the way, and he is responsible for The Average Joe losing thousands in real wages due to inflation. Box of Raisn bran is 10 bucks, mortgage rates doubled, home prices up 30 percent, gimme a break, man. And he is more crooked than crooked Hillary . Grow a brain, man!
Kindergarden could benefit from good bran
I prefer grape nuts.
That figures.
1. Biden has embarrassed himself and the United States on the world stage (see foreign relations, especially with China, Russia, and North Korea; also his recent “zone out” at his press conference in Vietnam).
2. The IRA has flooded the economy with more backless dollars and kept inflation high.
3. Biden has fought to keep his corrupt son out of trouble, as well as covered up his hidden interests in kickbacks as “The Big Guy.”
Dan, you know better! Save the rhetoric for your hook pieces!
Also an insult.
You’re correct. I DO know better! Nice of you to say so.
Not a problem. It is the truth.
Kindy, how’s that info on Joe McCarthy coming?
I’ve sent 99 on that assignment. You need to read your history.
Point in the right fake history direction.
Just look at the Wikipedia (or any other) entry on Sen. Joseph McCarthy, or the House Unamerican Activities Committee.
1)McCarthy was an extortionist. He gained a great deal of power which he secured by threatening anyone who resisted his personal agendas and ambitions. His tactics became a textbook for the private machine that is now firmly in charge of the Federal Government (that searches and destroys opponents.) Doubt me? Do you think that you are going to have a Democratic Primary this year? RFK, Jr. doesn’t think so.
2) Communist Party of America (you can check the proper name) was a malevolent group. It was a branch of the Soviet KGB.
There was cause for discovery of CPA activities in the government, and McCarthy exploited it for his own designs.
Before you go ballistic, I distinguish between people who call themselves communists (a personal right) and the CPA which supports sedition.
Great point, SiR CHAZ. It the same as the difference between someone calling himself a “democrat” vs. a “Democrat.”
Yeah, K completely ignores the fact that the CPA was working intelligence for the Soviet Union and that the SU was committed to undermining our national identity and degrading our economy. His points grow tedious.
The CPA functioned, still does, as a fifth column. No sympathy due to the organization or members, not that they need it. They were never really touched by McCarthy anyway – he chased private individuals who offered him notoriety.
What are you talking about, Chas? Your post is difficult to parse. My only point was, same as yours, that Joe McCarthy accused anyone who resisted his personal agenda of being a member of the communist party. No?
Who did McCarthy accuse who wasn’t a commie or commie agent?
The list of movie stars, writers and directors, many of whom never recovered.
My point – well, it’s more about the underlying legitimacy of investigating Soviet infiltration of our democratic institutions.
My second point is that McCarthy’s program, referred to as McCarthyism, is now alive and well today in the competent hands of our oligarchical despots. Some call them fascists. Some call them other names invented by columnists and academics of the 20th century. I call them tyrants. Tyrants. It’s an old word, and old words have more truth ingrained within them. We have Bastille’s aplenty in Washington DC – tyranny.
If you want to discuss McCarthy himself, I am not your guy – I am ignorant. Agent 86 is your man.
RFK worked for Sen JM….JFK praised JM as a great patriot…..RFK wanted JM as a godfather to his daughter…… the fake history that’s taught in government schools doesn’t include that
I’m talking about the current Kennedy, jr who runs as a reform candidate. The Party is manuevering to keep him off the ballot.
Sorry about the confusion. Actually, now Im confused. Who is JM?
Scratch Joe McCarthy.
You have opened a door here, ’86. Thank you.
Why would I go ballistic? I agree with everything you said.
I assumed you may bristle at the suggestion that communist belief endorses sedition, which it does not.
Sorry – I read you wrong, K.
How does communism mesh with the U.S. Constitution?
Opposite. No mesh.
I mean, thought and belief are essentisl rights under the Constitution. Criminsl acts are not.
Dr. Thomas Sowell, as a communist economist formed the essential theory of Marx. As a Friedman economist (he grew up), he wrote his theory as an objective review and refutation of Marxism.
Communist Party are spies and criminals working as a fidth column.
What is the source of your information? I usually agree with you but it sounds as if are repeating fake left wing history.
Not left wing. I agree that communist party should have been investigated. McCarthy was using the communist threat as aplatorm. Now, the left is doing the same. Teachers ripped from classrooms, pols busted dead of night with cameras rolling on ridiculous charges, public excoriation of individuals who publicly speak out.
I think you may have misinterpreted my post.
McCarthy focused on Soviet agents in the state department which was loaded with them.
Well, i’m not in a place to argue with you- my knowledge is tangential.
Tell me more.
Back in the day, that would sound ludicrous. In retrospect, it’s likely. The Soviets made only three things well: watercolors, missiles, and spies.
“What is the source of your information?”
Edward Shils, “The Torment of Secrecy.”
McCarthy had nothing to do with HUAC. The H stands for House. McCarthy was in the Senate. McCarthy’s biggest mistake was underestimating the number of Soviet Agents in the State Department. McCarthy was proven right when the decrypted Venona papers became available. I suggest you delve deeper into history than Wikipedia. You say you’re educated? That’s a laugh.
Venona papers are key. I think we are on same page. My knowledge is thin.
My only point was that McCarthy accused everyone and his brother, usually falsely, as being agents of the commies.
Did he charge the butler, the caddy, the housecleaner, and the lawyers too?
Here’s a list of some of the celebrities – I’ve included only the recognizable names – who were blacklisted after being accused by McCarthy of having communist connections:
George Marshall (Nobel prize winner, Marshall plan), Pete Seeger, Leonard Bernstein, Abe Burrows,
Lee J. Cobb, Aaron Copeland, Howard Duff, Will Geer, Lena Horne, Pert Kelton, Zero Mostel, Burgess Meredith, Edward G. Robinson, Artie Shaw…
Also, McCarthy was censured by the senate for these behaviors.
I will respond to your three answers with three links that absolutely destroy that horseh!t you’re trying to pass off:
1.. Xiden called Trumps travel ban “xenophobic” at the beginning of COVID, but later back tracked the comment.
In your opinion K, was it “xenophobic” at the time? Did it make you feel “shameful and like fools” at the time?
Flashback: Biden suggested Trump’s coronavirus travel ban was ‘xenophobic’ | Fox News
2.. “One year later, even President Xiden admits the “Inflation Reduction Act” failed to lower costs for Americans.
Response K?
One Year Later, Even President Biden Admits the “Inflation Reduction Act” Failed to Lower Costs for Americans (
3.. Xiden brought “truth and ethics” back to the Whitehouse.
You mean like this K?
Biden: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’ | CNN Politics
President Joe Biden’s daughter reportedly writes of alleged abuse in diary | WTRF
Conservatives praise McCarthy for grilling reporter until she ‘admits’ GOP has evidence of Biden wrongdoing | Fox News
These are called facts Prof. Not liberal talking points that you espouse.
It doesn’t matter to you what I say. Whatever answers I provide to you are easily refutable. You are simply a member of the MAGA cohort and nothing on God’s green earth is going to change that.
Let’s name three things Biden HAS NOT DONE. I will start..
He did not oversee an insurrection trying to destroy democracy in America.
He did not call Viet Nam vets suckers for serving
He did not say that woman let him grab em by the pussy.
God bless you snark. Thanks.
Snark, c’mon you’re better than that. You honestly believe Trump led an unarmed insurrection on 1/6 with all of the videos of undercover FBI, DHS, and other federal agencies, participating and helping to breakdown the security barriers to allow entrance into the Capital.
Or the videos of ANTIFA changing from their traditional all black garb into Trump gear.
Or that Pelosi denied Trump’s request for the National Guard.
Former President Trump on National Guard Offer to Speaker Pelosi on January 6 |
And if name calling offends you that much that you’re willing to accept all that I posted above, maybe consider moving to China or North Korea.
As I stated on here before, they actually kill people who oppose their views. It’s a democRAT’s utopia.
Snark has a good feel for the truth.
If that truth is Xiden and the D-RATS’s are purposely destroying the US, you are correct K.
If not, how about a counter argument and a link to verify this “elusive truth” you keep claiming, but never seem to back up with a fact(s).
The democrats are purposely destroying the US?
No. Untrue.
Biden just put his uninvited fingers in Tera Reade’s pussy. Nice move Joe.
It was rape. Very tragic and a fact of the power taken by congressmen generally. They act with impunity.
Fake information
Back on the industrial strength cannabis I see
And you think Trump “The Coup”is a great leader of America’s democracy.Brilliant.
That’s the list on FOX media desk loop
iBerkshires has a story about a plot of Ge property that is going to be prepped for someone. Did I read it right that the mayor is giving them over 4 million dollars of leftover Covid money? Is that for a private business? Could not find a better use for it?
PEDA has been crying wolf for 20 years concerning that dreadful plot of Earth. A ten million dollar project that is sure to cost $20,000,000 when it’s done. And who knows what will be unearthed. Get ready for a new wave of pediatric cancer unleashed…
John Krol says Pittsfield first, but yet stands with 2 former politicians that left Pittsfield after serving. One has a place in Florida and the other in Dalton. Beware of outsiders influencing a local election!
Sarcasm: I love it when “Rolodex” Ruberto signs his letters to the editor of the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) from Naples, Florida and Lenox! It tells one everything one needs to know about Pittsfield’s former snake oil salesman Mayor Jimmy Ruberto. John Krol should have steered clear of Pittsfield’s failed former Mayor James M. Ruberto.
You live in NH but feel comfortable commenting on Pittsfield. You’re a bit of a hypocrite.
I reckon that also applies to Confetti Marchetti with his out-of-town supporter letters in the paper?
People can support who they want. But former politicians who served and left the area. Should make voters wonder!
Why did the Tyer/Marchetti administration hire so many out of state people and out of town people?
Because they have self interest and will do what they’re told.
There isn’t a Tyer/Marchetti administration. The Council President job is to run the City Council meetings. The Mayor does all the hiring. Mr Krol can keep throwing stuff hoping it sticks. But the truth is as a Councilor he voted for Tyer proposals over 90% of the time. Voters aren’t stupid and don’t like being treated as such.
LOL, I see desperation. A nerve has been hit.
I have no ties to the Krol campaign. I just see the mess Tyerchetti made in this city. Matchetti has acted as Tyer’s representative not the people’s.
Are you a paid schill for Marchetti’s campaign?
If Marchetti was an honest person he would return all the money he was paid as city council chairperson. If he wanted to work directly for the mayor he should have gotten a job in her office.
Krol is counting on stupid voters just like when he ran Harrington’s campaign
Nope, the dumbest members of the city council endorsed Lumpy Marchetti
Like Charles said.
The only things that applies to a councilor:
Help constituents with city services
Help mediate between neighbor disputes
And I myself would add that Peter Marchetti was no gatekeeper at all. In fact he made no effort to be a gatekeeper. That is the main thing he should have been doing but did not. This totally disqualifies him for a promotion and would have gotten him fired from a private sector job long ago. For him to rise to mayor would be a folly Pittsfield would ruefully regret from day one. Do not vote for this guy because your union tells you to because it will surely bite you in the ass and you will have no one to blame but yourself.
Marchetti voted for tyers proposal 100% of the time.. What is your point?
I’m not sure what you are talking about. Department heads must live in Pittsfield. And again the Mayor hires. The Council President runs the Council meetings. Two separate jobs with totally different pay!
I hope the Matchetti campaign isn’t paying you as a social media consultant. You’re doing a piss poor job. Folks, this is the type of Buffon Linda Marchetti would hire if he gets elected. We can’t let this happen.
The new phrase versus the old phrase do we want it or do we need it should be changed to it’s not what we want it’s what we got. Time to start cutting next cycle. The budget is unsustainable.
I do not think there is a budget at all. It is open ended spending run amok by tyer and abetted by Marchetti and other assorted council sycophants who all have done a disservice to their community.
My point! Simply put we approve fake budgets – ones that barely estimate actual spending. Review the budget reports: Column A: proposed budget. Column B: Current Budget. No footnote to provide predicted variations.
Council approves these things called budgets in June. By December, they are completely different as the Executive requests more cash for departments. This is the main reason that office has instituted a stringent restriction on returning Free Cash to the taxpayers.
Uh huh. And this is where Marchetti failed his constituency big time. It is his job to provide oversight and ask pertinent questions. Why he did not do that is up for speculation I guess, but it raises red flags for me.
Cue the hook from stage right!
I’m not being paid nor am I on Mr Marchetti’s campaign. Just a voter who pays attention and calls out the untruths.
If you were paying attention you might have noticed he NEVER objected to anything tyer said, did or wanted. His job is/was to provide balance when she went haywire with taxpayer money. He instead seems to have been doing an Irish jig every time she took out the checkbook.
you could not have possibly been paying attention
It’s easier to remove skunk stink than Linda Tyler stink.
He went along with everything Tyer wanted and encouraged his fellow councilors to also do the same when it came to her spending. Now he claims we need to go in a new direction.
I’m not getting into it but Mr Marchetti has and is against the current configuration of North Street! I do agree like Mr Krol he voted with Tyer proposals over 90% of the time. Mrs Kalinowski is definitely the change candidate!
You are beginning to see the light. Hope you are explaining what you have learned to all your friends and relatives and offer them a ride to the polls if you can.
Nice to see someone who is not brain locked or voting based on who someone else tells them to. It is inspiring.
Do you wonder why Marchetti sat back and allowed North street to become the mess it is? Is it because he is/was afraid to challenge the mayor on ANYTHING? Sure looked that way to me as I observed him all these years. He had power to advocate, challenge or change things. Ne never once did. What does that say about him? It says puppet to me.
I meant are you Pete White?
I was starting to think Elisabeth was either Pete M himself or Pete White. It’s the whiny voice for me.
You would be surprised at the Notable Names who post on here under pseudonyms.
Wouldn’t surprise me!
Probably all of the ones who wouldn’t appear in a planet debate
I’m pretty sure TSC is Joe Biden even though he hasn’t mentioned Corn Pop, who was a bad dude.
This video of Xiden screaming in the middle of his speech for no reason, made Kindergarden feel warm and fuzzy.
In Kindergarden’s world, this is a man delivering a passionate speech.
In the real world, the rest of us know this is a man, suffering from dementia, that is unfit to serve as President.
Kindergarden and Snark, if you guys believe this is “passion” in a speech, may I suggest the next time you are having a normal conversation with a person, start screaming midsentence for no reason and watch the reaction of your audience.
TSC, I would have included you w/K and Snark, but I figured unexplained screaming while speaking in a reasonable tone is probably normal behavior and your day-to-day life in the Jones Psych Unit.
Markus, you are setting up a straw man. Neither snark nor I said we believe those things.
Could you explain how Marchetti has 16 years on the city council but hasn’t accomplished one thing on that campaign card that he spread around Pittsfield?
Tyer and Marchetti are the ones making U Haul great again in Pittsfield.
Are you Pete White?
Like to see them both pack up a U Haul and head for the border. THAT would be great again.
I wish the clowns Lumpy Marchetti stands with would move to Lenox or Florida!
Peter Matchetti, we all have a good idea who Mr. Worldwide has he contributed to your campaign. Do you agree with his attacks on Mike Daly. Will you publicly denounce his harassment of Mike Daly or do you support Mr. Worldwide? Balls in your court Pete.
Marchetti already has Tyer stink all over him. Does he really need Mr. Worldwide stink too?
What makes you think I’m for Marchetti. I’m voting for Karen.
No one believes your bullshit
Barry is voting for Karen??? Does Linda know that?
Does Barry know that?
Now Marchetti wants safe spaces for drug addicts.
Marchetti and Krol will be only too willing to force the illegal immigrants into the poor neighborhoods in Pittsfield just as the far left is doing in the big cities of New York and Boston.
Krol as city councilor worked with Jewish Family Services of Western MA to bring unvetted Syrian refugees to Pittsfield. Don’t vote for this idiot!
I’ll be voting for Karen in the first round of voting.
We can get her in if all her fans get out and vote. She has the support…people just need to go to the polls and not leave it to others. Every vote will be needed against the special interest machines. Just do it!
I’m with you Pat. Karen first. Then anyone but Marchetti because we know what we can expect from him. Sending him back for four more years would be stupid. At least Krol is a change.
AOC and Jerry Nadler were screamed at today by the poor people in this country who are having the immigrants literally dumped into their neighborhoods destroying their quality of life and making them even poorer. Fancy dressed AOC doesn’t care and neither does Nadler as they race back to their ritzy quiet neighborhoods. The school personnel in this country worry about their portfolios while telling the poor to “have a heart for the illegals”. The school personnel are virtue signaling about how enlightened they are about the illegal immigrant invasion while making zero sacrifices in their lifestyles. Their ritzy neighborhoods aren’t being invaded. In New York and Massachusetts, the upper class made sure their neighborhoods would not be bothered by the invasion which they are only too willing to force on the poor to destroy them.
AOC and Nadler do not want to destroy the poor. That is silly.
They wouldn’t be dumping illegals into their neighborhoods and calling the poor inhumane for not accepting the invasion if they truly cared about the people in those neighborhoods and you know it. AOC and Nadler are fulfilling a political agenda and the poor in this country are NOT a concern.
I’ll tell you what I DO know, Pat. You are trapped in a state you hate because your husband has a high-paying job here, and you resent the success of the upwardly mobile poor because you feel you haven’t had the same chance at success. People like Nadler and AOC are trying to improve the lot of the upwardly mobile poor, and trying to give the same opportunities that our immigrant forebears had to current immigrants to actually make this country great again and not just pay it lip service.
Tell ‘er, Dan.
Wrong on ALL of your points. AOC and Nadler totally ignored their real constituents who were yelling and screaming while catering to the illegals. We’ll give you this, we’ll give you that while ignoring the needs of the poor people in these communities who are being invaded.
They want to make more poor people
They want to do the exact opposite – pull them out of poverty.
That’s a joke
Peter Marchetti thinks the answer to Pittsfield’s substance abuse issues is to re-live the last 30 years of the failed war on drugs. This interview just sealed the deal for me on proving how out of touch and obtuse this guy is.
For anyone who has not read the interview, I’ll summarize – Pete Marchetti’s opinions are akin to those who supported sending a teenager to jail for 2 years for selling a small amount of marijuana.
If anyone thinks he’s the answer to helping Pittsfield, just give up. Four years with this guy will see Pittsfield 2027 in the worst shape it’s ever been. Ever.
Will Mr. Worldwide be arrested for murdering Marchetti’s campaign. Did Worldwide give Marchetti a hefty contribution then come on here and do stupid personal attacks that Matchetti approves of?
He says he has switched his allegiance to Karen. He has seen the light.
Pittsfield is doing quite well thank you.
Doing well for you because you get your regular inflation increases by voting far left, by enabling these people trying to take down our country.
The only people trying to take down this country are those who want to move from democracy to minority, oligarchical, rule.
That interview was a disaster. Marchetti turned himself into a pretzel trying to make everyone happy. I know his last debate was cringey but I wonder why only Pete gets a do-over? I bet Karen would like another 11 minutes of free media time.
Letter: “Personal safety in downtown Pittsfield”
The Berkshire Eagle, September 15, 2023
To the editor: I was born and raised in Pittsfield but no longer live there.
However, I return as often as possible to visit family in the area. This Labor Day weekend, I invited a friend for a Berkshires getaway. My friend is a frail 77-year-old woman who uses a walker for mobility/balance. I am younger but not as spry as I used to be.
On Saturday evening, we decided to take a walk on North Street. We walked from the Lantern Bar & Grill to the intersection of North and West streets, turned around and headed back toward the Lantern.
Near North Street and Columbus Avenue, two youngish teenage boys approached us. One of them was holding a bottle of hot sauce and asked us if we wanted a drink. I politely said “no thanks.” They continued to follow us at a close distance. One got so close to my friend that she had to push him away from her with her walker. A third boy, riding a bike, soon joined the duo to harass us.
As I was calling 911 on my cellphone, the boys went out to the bike lane where one of them threw the bottle of hot sauce in our direction; glass shattered everywhere.
I told the 911 dispatcher what was happening and asked that a patrol car be sent to assist us.
Two men, on the opposite side of the street, heard the glass shatter and rushed over to see what happened. One of the men proceeded to read the kids the riot act and, after several minutes of yelling at them, he told the boys to go home.
The police never showed up while we were waiting for them in front of the Hotel on North. Although I later learned that they did respond — 19 minutes after I made the 911 call.
A 19-minute response time is unacceptable for this level of harassment/threat. What are seniors to do if the police do not make a timely response to our calls for help? I shudder to think what might have happened had the Good Samaritan not come to our aid that night.
This election year, I hope citizens vote for people who will ensure that Pittsfield is a safe and welcoming place for all who live within its boarders and for all who visit.
Mary L. Ferraro, Cambridge
shoulda pushed the little bastards into the road.
That’s what they want you to do. Then they call in reinforcements and claim that they were attacked. Professional whiners.
Been there….seen that….
Best be careful…they may look young but could be packing or carrying knives. It is a whole new world out there nowadays.
And then run them over.
Teen, Bike vs. Car Columbus Ave sat. morning. Car wins again.
Local media is not allowed to print stuff like that. Good find.
‘shoulda pushed the little bastards into the road.’
Yeah, I agree; if you let them get away with it it emboldens them and they move in for the kill.
Jon, thanks for posting this letter. Not sure if it is the same group of jerks but they are constantly playing chicken with the cars driving on North Street. Has happened to me several times, of course if I unfortunately hit one of them, guess who would be at fault, ME! Ironically at least two times this has happened to me and other vehicles, there is a PPD cruiser parked in St. Joe’s driveway, officer is sitting staring at his cellphone. Another car was beeping, cop never looked up. We need attentive police presence on North Street. Then again, if you look around, very few people look up from their cellphones anymore. The next medical epidemic is going to be cervical issues.
I realize we have a shortage of officers, hopefully a new mayor’s first order of business will be to investigate why PPD can’t seem to keep officers. They hire, taxpayers pay to train them and then they seem to go elsewhere to another police force, why? Tyer ran on adding officers yet never has. It is pathetically sad that it took 19 minutes for a response. How about all the supervisors that sit at the police station, they could not respond, are they beyond that?
Not only is it sad that these visitors had to experience this, but it is also not fair to the businesses on North Street. Between jerks like this and all the abusive panhandlers no wonder our main business district has turned into a ghost town.
I will take y’all’s word for it, but I transit that area a lot and haven’t seen it yet.
As to why Pittsfield cannot keep police officers. Chat with some of the retirees who move as far away from Pittsfield as they can get when they retire. They may provide clues. They have seen the belly of the beast.
Peter Marchetti says it’s merely a perception that downtown is unsafe. This letter represents hundreds of similar experiences by residents who desperately want help, not Marchetti’s gaslighting.
and it was a perception that he did his job as city council president. a perception, only he and his umbilical Pete bro had
You’ve got choices.You’ll have to get out and vote to change. Recovery will be hard. We are on life support at this time.
Traversing the streets viewing lawn signs, Gaetani has the best one thus far.
I read where Gavel Man and his council appendages shut the G Man down from speaking about the water plant. They said because he isn’t an expert on the matter.
Established career in technical marketing. (That’s all…)
and if he gets to be mayor he will be shutting down anyone else that has a different opinion than he does. This is a huge red flag people. He is telling you who he is…listen to him!!!
Actually it was a full Council vote. And if he’s an expert he should show how as Councilor Persip said.
I had no issue with the asking for credentials, but the not listening at all. They would have shut him down even if he was an expert because they don’t want to hear from him.
ya gotta let the man talk first though right?
p.s. Is Persip an expert at anything? Please start a list.
He’s an expert on dumping opposition lawn signs into the Dumpster Behind Paul Rich, which has become Picklefield’s #1 tourist attraction.
What happened to all the posts by Mr. Worldwide attacking Mike Daly? I guess Doug Henning didn’t die.
Who is Mike Daly?
John Galt’s cousin
I guess Mr. Worldwide and Lumpy don’t fancy being linked . I wonder who whined the loudest?
Dan removed them, and all related comments, to ‘save Mike from embarrassing himself’.
He also removed my rather caustic interchanges with Pat.
‘Free speech’ as permitted by Dan.
Free speech and privileged free speech are two different things. The Robots do a lot of the monitoring, but ultimately, I take responsibility for the decisions, since my input is dominant when our techies write the algorithms. Those calculations put to a set of software rules create our standards, which are liberal in the extreme. They are what’s responsible for keeping this good-will site going. All that said, we allow the widest possible range of debate, discussion, and deliberation among all area and regional media. THE PLANET alone makes this possible, since, as you may have noticed, the other sites have shut down comments.
‘privileged free speech’
Wowie Zowie, Dan, that’s it in a nutshell.
The constitution allows free speech while Dan believes in ‘privileged’ free speech.
Dan excised about 350 lines of Mike Daly’s input. I think we all know why.
Let’s see if this makes it past the censors.
For an intelligent bloke, I’m surprised you can’t understand this. And comparing THE PLANET to the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment? That’s amazing? The Bill of Rights guarantees free speech to all. THE PLANET grant free speech based on the First Amendment, but the right to comment on this site is a privilege. It comes with a certain litmus test, allowing all but the most vile. Apparently, you aren’t familiar with online media, or do you think it’s a coincidence why all other local and regional media outlets save this one do not allow live, real-time comments. The internet crawls with all sorts of creeps and creepies: scammers, jammers, crazies, lazies, hackers, whackers, and all manner of maladaptives. To keep this site functioning, we have invested in the necessary platforms, without going begging for money or Go Fund Me. Our Go Fund Me has always been ourselves. It’s called putting money where your mouth is, an experience quite foreign to wannabes who pretend at this game. Our Robots shut down Mike’s rants at the mention of calling people “fucking puke” and making threats. That stuff is actionable. I hope this has brought you up to speed on your breathtaking misconceptions and mischaracterizations. That said, we appreciate your participation here.
Whoever Mr. Worldwide is he or she sounds like a very dangerous mental case. This is a really unstable person who should be identified so they can avoid any interaction with this very sick individual.
So we can avoid
So you, a supposed “Professor,” is so bereft of actual education that you do not know that the First Amendment is a restraint on the government, not the governed. Dan is free to post, or not post, whatever he so chooses.
By the by, the work is “Kindergarten,” genius.
You adopted the moniker of one who knew how publishing systems work. Too bad you can’t follow suit. I am also free to post, or not post, what I choose – except on this site. And you, Genius, haven’t yet realized that when one chooses a pseudonym, it is spelled at the behest of the chooser, i.e., I did it on purpose so lamebrains like you would trip up.
You certainly are no “Professor.” Where’d you teach, Trump University?
And, you simply don’t know how to spell “kindergarten.”
Posters to this site have made inferences about who & what I am. I’m happy to say I never taught at Trump U.
Oh, I just figured out – you are Edward Murrow!
But I just can’t figure out how to spell Kindergarden.
I am quite disappointed at the Planet’s extremely heavy-handed censoring. Dan wants to have it both ways: he wants to claim support of free speech while removing things that make him look bad or that he doesn’t agree with.
This is reminiscent of ‘1984’ and the kind of revisionism I’ve seen in China and Russia.
That is a big mistake. The Daly diatribe with responses from Dan and Barry enhanced the Planet’s credibility considerably.
‘Privileged free speech’. We’ll have to remember that one.
You still don’t get it. The fact that you’re posting here refutes everything you say with respect to free speech. You may have forgotten, also, that I went to the docket, against a stacked court, and fought for free speech when this site was ordered to take down coverage on the hit-and-run story and then, insult to injury, we were slapped with prior restraint. We looked censorship in the eye, gave it a heavy dose of Truth, and it blinked. It was a precedent-setting case that is now part of case law for censorship on the internet.
Well, I just mean you tout yourself as a free speecher and then heavily censor. I understand your retort, I just don’t agree.
That’s just it, K. I DON’T heavily censor. We don’t even lightly censor. In fact, we hardly censor. We publish the vast majority of all posts. Remember, this is the internet.
You made the mistake of letting the Daly-MWW debate stand for 36 hours before ‘your bots’ excised it. Now what sense does that make? That fact refutes your defense, because it wasn’t your finely-tuned robots that found and killed the story.
K, my good friend. Let it go. You lost. Your best option is to move on to the next game.
Yes, Dan, you hold all the cards.
I agree with Dan on this one. Look what twitter did to America not so long ago. Boundaries at the very outer edges can be a good thing if done in good faith.
Else-wise the site could morph into a blithering, blathering nest of wackos that none of us would tune in to read. Pittsfield had such a site a few years ago and it became a disgusting nest of cuckoos, asshats and degenerates.
I don’t disagree that the protections need to be in place. My point is that Dan selectively polices the algorithm output for what he personally doesn’t like.
You have penetrated the essence of this issue. Without proper safeguards, ALL internet discussion turn into what’s depicted in your memorable phrase: “a blithering, blathering nest of wackos.” That what are algorithms monitor and what K for some strange reason objects to.
What I don’t like is when you select not by bot algorithm but by personal, ad hominem, choice. And you know damn well you do.
Good heavens, man. You don’t know anything of the sort!
Of course I don’t. But you do.
Nah, saving worldwide from his mental problems
September 16, 2023
Hello Erin Leahy at Act on Massachusetts,
Sarcasm: I had to pull greedy registered lobbyist Dan Bosley away from the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown to ask him about your political email about Beacon Hill state government politics today. Dan Bosley told me that I am wasting my time. The fictional State Rep. Sellout Shakedown told me what he thinks of your witty writings about the least….superlative….state legislature in the nation.
I asked Mr. Sellout Shakedown why they haven’t met in formal session since the end of July 2023, which is over one-and-one-half months now. He said to me that he serves at the will of dictatorial Speaker Ronny Mariano. I said to him that he sould serve the people and taxpapers. He said that if he actually did what he is supposed to do, then his desk would be moved onto the sidewalk on Mass & Cass whereby the homeless, drug addicts, sex workers, and poor people give the middle finger to the inequitable political system.
I asked Mr. Sellout Shakedown why he always votes down “Sunshine” laws. He told me that I should ask that recurring question to the over 20-year corrupt career politician from Lenox named “Smitty” Pignatelli. I told him that Smitty Pignatelli blocks all of my political emails to him. He told me that I should swallow my pride and tell Smitty how wonderful he is in state and local government. I told him I would only do so if he sold his home in Lenox and purchased a home in Lee next to the proposed toxic waste (leaky) landfill that he supports in his misguided op-eds and letters to the editor(s) of Berkshire County newspapers.
I asked Mr. Sellout Shakedown why the state legislature in Boston is the least effective and productive state legislature in the nation. He said that the only thing that matters to his colleagues and him is the almighty dollar and political power so that he can sit on his fat ass in elected office for life.
Mr. Sellout Shakedown walked me to the Governor’s Office whereby we sat down with the first ever elected woman Governor of Massachusetts, Maura Healey. I asked Governor Healey why she doesn’t ask Mr. Sellout Shakedown the above questions that I ask him over and over again. She told me that she is pro-environment, and unlike me, she wants to limit HOT AIR emissions in Massachusetts. Then Governor Maura Healey and State Rep. Sellout Shakedown used their karate kicks and booted my big butt out of her executive office.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
There you go again with the long post’s . Keep them on your blog.
I am sorry for my long post. Please forgive me, and then please RELAX!
People don’t like reading a big load of shit. Doesn’t matter who posts it. If you want to be read keep this in mind.
True story…I think it was Thursday morn I was coming from Columbus ave about to cross North street to get to Eagle street. On the other side there were two woman on the sidewalk with about six toddlers tied together in tow. They wanted to cross Eagle in the direction of the YMCA. They looked about and instead of pushing any buttons to activate the crosswalk light, they waited till the light turned green for me to cross right into their path. Of course I saw them and stayed far back, but was appalled that these two woman, who someone was trusting with toddlers, were not about to use the crosswalk safety light, I assume because they did not feel like waiting. Guessing they worked for some nearby day care because the kids were like 4 years old.
Someone should review nearby cameras and consider whether these two woman should be watching little children. Those little feet and all being strung together could not have run out of the path if they had to. Appalling!
Texas superstar AG Ken Paxton acquitted of all 16 bogus impeachment charges.
Alex if Marchetti you and I get elected,that will be the end of gavel man’s three minute rants. This buffoon will face payback for all the times he has belittled us at CC meetings. I can’t wait to have him in front of me at a CC meeting. Marchetti I strongly suggest you bring a few diapers to each CC meeting you attend as I have 7 years of pent up frustration with you that you are going to feel soon. .City council meetings are going to be fun again and you are going to feel some of the wrath that you inflicted on others. Please do your best to win the election. Alex and I are waiting for you to attend a CC meeting without your gavel. Pay back is going to be very sweet. You are going to need a cool seat to sit in at CC Meetings as Alex and I intend to bring the heat on you any time you appear at the CC meetings. Your three minutes are up. Sit down you pathetic puppet. Pay back is coming for you
Well said. Let’s dump that opponent of yours. She has done absolutely nothing but sat in a seat. Ward six should realize that your leaders in the ward are getting the vote bux from Tyer but are you guys getting anything.?You can’t take the whole ward to Africa,most have been left out on that vote money giveaway.
He thinks this will get him elected. That is the sad part.
You are mentally ill
I am sure that you and your bag of tricks will do everything they can to make sure no oversight candidates get elected
Hey. I thought I made Council meetings fun again. Whattaplace…Where it’s the Straight Man who is the comedy.
Colorado superstar…
Great news for Paxton ! These clowns are still going to try to take him out because he doesn’t play ball with them. I would bet if real investigations were looked into on those who tried to impeach him and on the up and up, there would be many politicians exiting the door based on bribes etc..Rino’s and democrats in Texas working together for power purposes only.
Does Pete M. know something that the voters don’t? Posted on Facebook he has meet the candidate slated for Sept. 25th at the Rusty Anchor.
Why would anyone vote for Krol when he has no qualifications for the job? Didn’t voters learn from the mistake that was Andrea Harrington?
What are the qualifications to be mayor?
Yeah that’s what I thought.
Experience running something successful.
Amen bro! And Krol ain’t got that. He couldn’t manage his own family.
Or his own pants.
Oh the Marchetti parade? Great. Does that make up for what he has done to Pittsfield? My tax bill went up 10% this year. No, thanks.
Based on this last performance there are none.
But a well intentioned mayor, who would admit to not knowing everything, would surround themselves with department heads that were well qualified.
If you are a mayor whose sole intention is to appease special interests, then you appoint toady sycophants who will do pretty much anything you ask of them. (and you will need to get them to elect a council president with the same lack of backbone)
Choose wisely people because some mayors do not give a rats ass how much money they suck from your pocketbooks, regardless of whether you are middle income or on a fixed income.
Banging a gavel to crack walnuts
“What are the qualifications to be mayor?”
Committment to these words:
“The behavior which I demand is the fundamental obligation of government and that is to be fully accountable for how money is spent.” – Councilor C.I. Kronick, 6.30.2023.
Lumpy Marchetti was a sign holder for Harrington. His qualifications are 16 years of No accomplishments for the city. Of course he organized crappy parades.
How about a Pete Marchetti balloon in the next 4th of July parade. Take it halfway down North street and just let go of it.
Mr. White doesn’t know much
1) Bill Tyer,, home phone 413-464-7242, or FB: Bill Tyer.
2) I am 58 years old, retired. When my wife of 15 years (Samantha Tyer) passed suddenly in 2018, I was an instant single parent of 3. My oldest (my stepson), is 22, autistic and a graduate of a full diploma from Pittsfield High School. My other two, are 15 and a freshman at PHS, my littlest is in middle school at Herburg, all here in Pittsfield. I am a graduate of Lee High school, I attended BCC, a theater arts major, I also attended MCLA, as a history/political science student (at age 30), I attended BCC again, as a Biology major in early 2000.
3) I am running for a ward 3 city council seat, to serve my neighbors in ward 3. My background, in the public and private sector, as well as the personal sectors, gives me a very unique skill set, one that would benefit ward 3 and the city as a whole.
4) My almost 40 year’s worth of public and private experience make me a driving candidate. I was elected at age 18 to serve as a town rep (lee), later I would be elected by a very large margin, to serve on the Lee Planning Board, and also serve as their rep, to the Berkshire county regional Planning board. In Pittsfield, I served as a member of the First Night committee, I was a founding member of the Pittsfield Youth commission, both mayoral appointments. I was elected to serve on the board of directors of Girls Inc, where I also served as the co-chair of the scholarship fund, which first began, entertaining students from throughout the county. I was employed by Kay-Bee toys, and served on many employee committees, and ended my career with them as the Human Resources assistant, for training and development. I have also worked in the private sector, as a customer service rep, management of small and larger companies (retail). I have always worked part time in the food service industry, serving as a dish washer, cook, lead cook and kitchen supervisor and manager. My last cooking service was for BHS, at the Fairview Hospital campus. I became a stay home dad, till my wife’s unexpected death then I became a retired stay home day.
5) I will address first and always, Ward 3’s need to get it’s fair share of services, and respective money to service those needs. I will be responsive (within 24 hours), and activate every tool in my tool box that I have built over the last 40 years in favor of ward 3. Pittsfield, as a whole deals with a huge traffic and homeless problem, I feel that what happens on North st, does not happen in ward 3, not on elm, east, not on my watch, and I will work with the mayor, his/her administration, the DA, The sheriff and anyone that will listen to make sure that won’t happen, not on Bill Tyer’s watch.
6) I felt that the last council missed an opportunity, to stream line the budget process. To make it more accountable, and to better serve the folks of ward 3, and the city. I understand the desired change to the charter objection, but removing that tool, does nothing to strengthen, how our budgets are presented, and carried out. I would favor, keeping the objection, but working with the other councilors, and the new administration, to present a budget that is much much more reflective of the departments needs, and in a timely manor, with a stick back lash for those budgets, or department heads that do not conform to that.
7) We in Pittsfield have a homeless, or housing crisis. How do we fix it, well that is a multi facilitated answer, when you have folks, clearly needing mental health services, that will not go and get those services , they are giving more benefits, than most of the seniors in my ward, you have a choice, not a very happy choice. They get the help, go to the places who can help them, or get off the street. I have been in contact with the New DA, the Sheriff, they have plans to help, we need as a city to embrace them, our PPD, should be instructed to co operate with them, so things that are currently happening on North and other places NEVER happen in Ward 3, and they won’t not on my watch, if elected to serve ward 3.
8) I am not a fan of round about in any community, I guess because of my planning board background, I find them unsafe. There are many ways to slow traffic, a round about, is probably the most expensive and the least effective. If a private sector business, would like to do things on there property, that’s a different thing, but when you ask for City involvement, that’s another. And I will not vote to spend dime one of tax payers money on something, I feel is unsafe, and not in the best interest of our city and ward 3.
9) Bike lanes have been on the minds of many in the city, and certainly on the minds of my neighbors in ward 3. The voters deserve my honest opinion to answer the questions in there minds. I have nothing against bike lanes, as long as the design is safe, not just for the bikes, but drivers and walkers as well. I have seen in my ward 3, many, many occasions that this was not the case. Bikers that ride on the side walks, the go in and out in traffic, the scooters are even worse, the don’t wear helmets, the go at speeds that are not even what cars can drive at. Its a mess. We need, as a ward, and a city, in my opinion rethink the designs of these.
10) I have only great things to say about the Pittsfield PD, the first Responders, the nurses, doctors and support staff. We as a community in ward 3, see our community as a smaller town, inside a bigger city. We like it that way, we have neighborhoods, that look out for each other, we have folks that are involved, I have personally been contacted by dozens of those neighbors, I try to respond to each. All know Bill Tyer, is looking out for them, there interest, and the city as a whole.
Great post. Thank you.
The most valuable resource in Pittsfield is the people and taxpayers who live in Pittsfield. In return for our taxpayer dollars, Pittsfield should return the favor and invest in people, the state government – Tricia Farley-Bouvier and Paul Mark – should invest in the community, and the federal government – “PAC Man” Richie Neal, Ed “Maryland” Markey, and Elizabeth “not on Main Street” Warren should represent the public interests of the nation’s postindustrial rust belt that defines post-GE Pittsfield, along with the rural Berkshire region that surrounds Pittsfield.
Instead, Pittsfield has an outgoing Mayor, Linda Tyer, who lives in a mansion in an elitist Gated Community within 0.3 miles from Pittsfield’s Pot King’s newly purchased $950,000 mansion. Tricia Farley-Bouvier’s only state legislative priority is to legalize sex work because everyone enjoys a Happy Ending, Paul Mark is Karen Spilka’s biggest rubber stamp, Richie Neal cashes in on K Street in the Swamp, Ed Markey spews HOT AIR from his suburban home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and Elizabeth Warren supports Joe Biden in the White House because his presidential campaigns take in more money from Wall Street and K Street than any other politician in U.S. history.
There is NOBODY representing the people and taxpayers who live in Pittsfield, Massachusetts! Ergo, Pittsfield’s most valuable resource – the people and taxpayers of Pittsfield – are NOT being invested in by the ruling elites from Pittsfield to Boston to the Swamp.
“I would favor, keeping the objection, but working with the other councilors, and the new administration, to present a budget that is much much more reflective of the departments needs,”
You have much to learn, Mr. Tyer. This council is not a boardroom – it is a boxing ring.
“ I understand the desired change to the charter objection”
Center up, and let’s talk ‘Charter Objections.’ If you utter conditional words here, you will find yourself only allowed to dissent on minor matters and enjoying zero independent worth. You shall sit quietly in your corner and sigh, “yes” or “no” at the votes. I called only three Charter Objections in two years. Each one opposed the stronghanded arguments levied by the Mayor and the Council leadership which hurt taxpayers.
1) Spring, 2022: Water Hikes
The votes to raise water/sewer rates with $41 million ARPA funds banked. I wanted a week to prepare a compromise that preserved the Enterprise Reserve funds and spared a hike for two years using the $10 million standard deduction for lost revenue. I was only able to make that case by invoking the CO.
2) FY 2023 Budget Vote – passed in June 2022
The Council Juggernaut (or amoebae) steamrolled the 2023 budget in perfunctory sessions. I postponed the final vote on the budget FY2023 with a Charter Objection modeled after one invoked in Newton Mass. They scuttled their final draft.
Had the Mayor kept the original budget, we would have voided the Council request for $250,000 in health inspector salaries & $160,000 in SUVs purchased for them. We hired, trained, and outfitted these inspectors. They all quit in within the year. Utter waste.
I had invoked that Charter Objection to hammer the point that the Council Majority is completely authoritarian – unwilling to compromise, unwilling even to grant suggestions. Our committees are places for summary judgment, not places of discussion. So, the CO is the last option for the minority to exert an independent voice.
3) June 2023: Slush Fund Draws
This one responded to clues and implications of corruption. This is the one that really upset Council leadership. The city determined by March 2023 final budget needs for winter response and changes to police salary (late negotiations). They made their request to fund these expenses on the very last meeting of the year, with less than 5 days to go before FY2024. They demanded almost 2 million dollars from Free Cash with an empty ‘tax threat’ if they didn’t get it that day. They gave no documentation for the expenses and waived financial review. Approving that request was my worst vote on the City Council where 11 Councilors defaulted on their obligation to provide fiscal oversight. That Charter Objection allowed me to make public the fast-one the City was trying to pull and ignited, hopefully, a demand for fiscal transparency.
And Mr Marchetti,who now wants to be mayor, allowed all this to take place. What else does one need to know when deciding who NOT to choose for mayor?
I’d vote for Mr. Tyer!
Go away, you’re not to be believed you nefarious scoundrel.
Happy Monday. NOT!! Since this friggin City Administration namely Bike Lane Morales made the brainiac decision to thin out streets they have now found there is puddling at the end of my driveway. Was no puddling before. So, their fix is to dig up approximately 18 inches of my driveway that I just paid to have put in. Morales’s brain tells him that his idea will cut down on speeding. Is has NOT, it has only made it unsafe for anyone trying to take a walk, or if two large pickups come at each other one has to pull over and a walker has to jump out of the way. He should never had been allowed to thin streets that have no sidewalks. When trying to speak with someone in this Administration I was told snottily, you got your street paved! Actually, at this point I would rather have the friggin potholes back or is that the plan all along. As a taxpayer, I am totally disgusted and there is no help or representation out there for us. We need to abolish the City Council and hire a good City Manager. I will vote for any mayoral candidate that states their first order of business is to fire Morales.
All unacceptable, M&B. Rickey Ricardo Rumpus has botched things, to be sure. I am in total sympathy with your complaint.
Ugh. Just thinking about this makes me tired.
Charles, taxpayers are very tired. I know you have tried to represent for two years with nothing but backlash from the mayor and most of the other councilors. Yet, this thinning of streets is happening in every ward yet not one councilor has even attempted to confront both the mayor and Morales in a public forum to make them stutter through an explanation. Maybe if these attempts were even made by councilors the taxpayers would have a bit of faith is this lousy system we have to endure. When taxpayers attempt to go and expressed their gripes at a CC meeting, not only do they get gaveled by Marchetti, the rest of the councilors stare at their laptops or cell phones and the taxpayer gets no feedback! Another lousy system. As I said, we have no representation.
Another kid on a bike got hit just last week. Not sure if it was one of the thinned streets or not. Do not believe it made the local paper as so often things that make this administration look bad do not.
(however, a story about melting crayons at Pittsfield schools made the front page)
The “thinning” of streets presents anyone running for office with some low-hanging, ripe fruit. So let’s see who’s smart enough and daring enough (yes, in Picklefield, that qualified as daring) to run with it.
Dan, great idea. Just went out and measured. They actually cut out 3 feet of my newly paved driveway. Makes me wonder what right they had to come onto my property and take it upon themselves to cut away, with no communication to property owners. If I had not gone out and questioned the LB Corporation, I would not been aware of what is going on. Just does not seem right or legal. We all pay hefty constantly increasing taxes but evidently, we don’t own our properties in the City Administrations eyes.
You’re correct. It doesn’t seem legal, w/o notice. That bears looking into. If you wish and if you’re comfortable doing it, send me a photo or two.Have you contacted your councilor? If so, what happened. If not, I suggest you do so ASAP.
Dan, they claim the city owns 6 feet in from the road. A few other neighbors who have the same problem tried to get some answers but had no success, that includes contacting councilors. Two others and I had their cars bottom out and scrape the under carriages as they either backed out or entered their driveways. We are all driving across our lawns to enter our driveways until the illustrious city can repair the damage they created. Guess that saying “you can’t fight City Hall” really holds true, at least with this Administration and Morales.
Have you checked the legal property lines of your residence, including land? That might give some clarity. When “they” claim to own six feet in from the road, ask to see proof of this, in writing.
Eminent Domain.
Only an excuse , that’s all.
Maybe it will save money by cutting down the time needed to plow them? Less salt needed? Street sweeper will need less time?
Undoubtedly this idea came from a consultant the mayor dug up from somebodies rolodex.
Plow guys will hit them unexpectedly and get injured
Could complicate mail delivery.
Looks like the Tyer Trolls got the word we are talking about their ineptness with all the thumbs down, think we all hit a nerve?
Yes. Hitting nerves has been one of THE PLANET’s specialties since our first day.
They made that exact mess on Quirico Drive
M+B. I stated at CC meetings on 3 ocassions that my first order of business as mayor was to fire morales. As ward 6 councilor I will file a petition that morales be fired outright as my first petition to the council. The guy is a joke and is as incompetent as turocy and Collingwood were until I worked to have them fired
These are tyer appointments. That should tell you something
Pittsfield politics preliminary election 2023:
Vote for Peter Marchetti so he can collect a 6-figure city pension plus perks for life 4 or 8 years from now.
Vote for John Krol so he can make his mid-life comeback in Pittsfield politics. There was a middle-aged mystery man from Texas who lives in Naples, Florida, who did the same thing 20 years ago, who is infamously known for his Rolodex and failed downtown Renaissance.
Vote for Karen Kalinowsky so she can collect her existing city public pension on top of the $115,725 mayoral public pay, which would double her city pension in 4 or 8 years from now.
Write in Mickey Mouse for Mayor of Pittsfield to send a message to Peter, John and Karen that they all represent the rock bottom of the downward spiral in Pittsfield politics!
Mickey Mouse is currently mayor and not allowed to serve another term.
Go suck an ostrich egg
May those words live forever!
The Eagle reports that at the new state-of-art Taconic High School, opened five years ago at the cost of $120,000,000, is now home to a completely inoperable air conditioning system.
“The air conditioning system has been defunct and out of commission for at least two years” says Superintendent Joseph Curtis.
Mayor Tyer claims that over the course of her 8 years in office (4 of them as absentee mayor), the topic of air conditioning and cooling in the Pittsfield schools never came up to her administration. Something tells me this is a bald face lie.
Let’s ask the candidates, how will you address this issue?
In January Pittsfield’s residents will have PTSD. Post Tyer Stress Disorder. And it won’t go away if Lumpy wins.
Pittsfield politics equals PTSD:
* Level 5 public schools
* Top 10 city in Massachusetts for violent crime
* The 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in debts
* The $205.6 million municipal operating budget in return for the same old “shit sandwich” going back 60 years in time
* The hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debt and unfunded OPEB liabilities
* Pittsfield’s Pot King living in a mansion near Mayor Linda Tyer’s mansion in the city’s elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of BCC that is far away from his 3 story pot growing building on Dalton Avenue that stinks up nearby neighborhoods with his unpleasant pot growing odors
* North Street aka “Social Services Alley” with “The Ring of Poverty” inner-city distressed neighborhoods that surround downtown Pittsfield
* Barry Clairmont suing Melissa Mazzeo for her publicly saying he was in the City Clerk’s Office near the ballots close to the 2019 general election that his second wife won
* Tricia Farley-Bouvier telling her constituents in Pittsfield that her only state legislative priority in Boston is to legalize sex work
* Jimmy Ruberto’s notorious “Rolodex” and failed downtown Renaissance, along with his letters signed from Naples, Florida and Lenox
* The last 4 mayors also known as “Barstool”, “Aberration”, “Rolodex”, and “Bust”
* The city’s ongoing homelessness crisis that does NOT attract economic growth
* The Godfather-like 4 families who have run Pittsfield into the ditch, while they purchase mansions, or live in Naples, Florida, or give out-of-town multimillionaires huge city tax breaks, and who sues Melissa Mazzeo over Free Speech
Jon Melle
Amuso was on the committee to advise when they built the place. She had the huge task of picking out the paint color. Maybe she picked out the air conditioning too????
The selection process for the new THS was a classic “disaster by committee.” Chief problem was lack of meaningful public input.
John Krol’s quote: “Our downtown needs our help. Downtown needs our help. Yes, we went through our revitalization in the mid-2000s. But boy, we got empty storefronts, we have an empty Wright Building, we have a lot of challenges.”
What is wrong with John Krol’s quote? Answer: The so-called “Ruberto Renaissance” of downtown Pittsfield only worked for a few short years with a lot of taxpayer dollars in the tens of millions of dollars, but then it failed many years ago now. During Jimmy Ruberto’s 8 years as Mayor of Pittsfield, the city saw thousands of people move away and hundreds of lost living wage jobs, while local taxes always increased – the worst of both worlds.
Jimmy Ruberto never owned a home, nor rented an apartment, in Pittsfield in his life. As man who was in his 50s in the early-2000s, he moved into his mother’s Pittsfield home after he relocated from Texas. Jimmy Ruberto always lived in an upscale condo unit in Naples, Florida. After he sold his late-mother’s Pittsfield home sometime around 2019, Jimmy Ruberto purchased a $490,000 condo unit in Lenox as a part-time resident there with cold hard cash.
John Krol’s praise of Jimmy Ruberto tells me that he is a dupe who will allow Pittsfield’s “Godfather” to continue his legacy of Good Old Boys Pittsfield politics that has failed the city over the past 60 years. If there were any candidate whom I would NEVER support for elected office, it is John Krol.
Pittsfield politics needs change! I am unhappy with John Krol, Peter Marchetti and Karen Kalinowsky. I am happy that I live in Amherst, NH, so I don’t have to dodge bullets, get stabbed to death, or otherwise risk my life as a would-be resident of my distressed native hometown: Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
Jimmy Ruberto was not, is not, and will never be the answer to Pittsfield politics! Move on from Jimmy Ruberto already, please!
Is this the same committee overseeing the new ballpark?
Dan I took the city to court to try to stop the building of the new Taconic hs. I pled the case myself and I almost won. The school has problems and is too small. Let’s hear from Kathy amusso She was all Gung ho for the building of a new ths. She will be the biggest gobsig on the council if elected. Vote for anyone except her for councilor at large
Oopsie…gonna need a couple million more taxpayer bucks to address this one. Mayor gonna play dumb and leave it to the next mayor?
No surge protector for the electrical grid at THS??
Who cut that out of the budget for that new building?
Brand new school with 40+ fried a/c motors – so typical of Pittsfield, which scores a zero for building maintenance!
Bet ya won’t be reading about THAT part of why crayons are melting.
Mayor Tyer not aware that the air conditioning in the new Taconic HS has not been working for the past two years? She sits on the School Committee! No press releases, no comments after violent events in the city, no remarks during the snowmageddon plowing disaster! We’ve had an absentee mayor for the past four years! Who supported her in her campaign for mayor? Both Marchetti AND Krol!
VOTE TODAY in the primary! Vote Karen Kalinowsky!
Vote Karen Kalinowsky to give hope to Pittsfield. Today 8-8pm….
Bullet vote alex in 2 . Vote for him only
To Merry & Bright:
Although it would probably be costly to dispute, the city does not own the street. It maintains the right of way over the traveled way.
“As a general rule, the title of persons who acquire land bounded by a street or way runs to the center line of the way, G. L. c. 183, § 58 , and carries with it the right to use the way along its entire length… To that general rule, however, there are limitations.”
Technically, boundary lines of properties extend to the centerline of the street (and rivers or other waterways). This is because in most cases, the historical boundaries were there before streets and also, if a street was ever abandoned (or a river dried up), you’d have small plots of lands between properties that no one legally owned.
The city is dicking you over and they shouldn’t have destroyed your property without compensation.
Thank you so much for this information.
If Marchetti thinks we forgot about that brutal tax increase a few months ago he’s got a surprise coming tonight.
You will see another one in November.
Escrows to rise in december.
Pete Marchetti is a reliable and dependable person in the community and on the political stage.
He is experienced and manages time well. Pete Marchetti and I were members of the Human Rights Commission. I had the opportunity to observe how calm, careful, knowledgeable and helpful he was as a member and later as chair of the city’s Human Rights Commission.
I am grateful that Pete Marchetti worked to keep the Fourth of July Parade year after year. It is a demanding job coordinating so many organizations and communicating with so many levels of volunteers. The Pittsfield Parade improves and endures. Every year the public, tourists and participants return. Pete loves Pittsfield.
Regardless of the personal, political and technical challenges, Pete Marchetti is resilient. He is determined to get the work done, and he does.
Pete Marchetti strives to steer Pittsfield toward progress. He is senior vice president of retail banking and operations at Pittsfield Cooperative Bank. Yes, he has great math skills. He cares about the small business community and will work to maintain and expand it. He cares about jobs for youth. Like 1Berkshire, Pete Marchetti wants to see young people return to Pittsfield. He cares about the creative economy such as Barrington Stage, the Colonial Theatre, The Arts Walk and Third Thursday.
Marchetti is concerned about providing affordable housing and helping the homeless.
As a retired educator, I admire the way Marchetti supports public education, for example, collaborating with businesses like Haddad Automotive to provide practical training and internships. Pete Marchetti understands innovation is important with technical learning at Taconic High School and with the arts and sciences at Pittsfield High School.
Marchetti understands how city government, business, education, the creative economy and beyond need to work together to provide services and opportunities for all people.
The choice is ours. Pete Marchetti gets things done. A vote for Pete Marchetti is a vote for progress. Experience counts. Please vote early or use an absentee ballot or vote on Primary Day on Tuesday.
Please join me. Vote for Pete Marchetti.
Marietta Rapetti Cawse, Pittsfield
Pete Marchetti gets things done? But not for the people who elected him. What a load of horseshit that post is. My God. Can we get an algorithm to weed out bonafide horseshit please? This post is telling you to ignore everything you seen with your own eyes and follow the lemming right off the cliff.
No thank you…been there done that…no more!
Ms. Cawse deserves an Orbit award for this letter. You think I’m kidding? Try writing a 350 word essay in support of President Pete without a single city council accomplishment to talk about.
The only losers in this election are the People of this city. This is by far the worse three candidates in the history of Pittsfield the only way it could get worse if Mazzeo or Moon jumped in I will concede.
Pete 1st
Karen 2nd
Scum bag sticky fingers Krol a distant 3rd.
EarlyTabs conjecture has it Krol- Marshiti…Blumin Big…Maffucccio Big
I was wrong. Krol can make that up though. Blumin and Foochy sionora.
Please don’t give any stock tips.
Once gave out netflix
Most of the voters didn’t vote for lumpy and I don’t see Kalinowsky’s voters breaking for der lumpmeister
Karen only got 738 votes. Not good. Now the people who voted for her have to vote for Krol or we end up with Marchetti which will be like 4 more years of Tyer, maybe worse. Something tells me not all of Marchetti’s fans came out to vote. Many are holding back until election day and yet he still beat Krol. This is very scary for Pittsfield.
Holding back?Twenty thousand people didn’t vote.
Marchetti had 2,248 votes while Krol had 1,807 votes. Maybe a lot of Krol and Marchetti supporters figured they didn’t need to show up for the preliminary election because Karen wouldn’t get enough votes to beat them. The voter turnout today was terrible for something as important as a mayoral race. I’m hoping this is because this was the preliminary election and not due to complete apathy on the part of Pittsfield voters. Morningside School said they had a huge rush of 3 voters at lunchtime.
The preliminary races are over. The only people who voted in this election are the greedy minded gobsigs who came to the poles to insure that the money spigot to their pocketbooks is wide open. They don’t care that the city is falling apart. They are only out for themselves. What galls me is how easily these gobsigs are at holding the c ity hostage.The other people most responsible for electing these gobsigs is those 25000 other registered voters WHO DONT VOTE. Because of their ignorance we have the type of inferior candidates who win one election after another. It’s high time we print the names of registered voters who don’t vote in city elections. This is not the best way to stir the pot but it will do for a start. This method will insure dilution of the gobsig vote and make for a Venue to defeat these hostage holding gobsig buffoons. Short of this there is no reason for anyone to vote except gobsigs. Until we orchestrate this type of voting we will not entice quality type candidates to run for office only to be beaten by bumbling nincompoop gob backed buffoons. This is whaT elections are all about in picklesfield. Let’s look for ways to break the backs of these gob backed miscreants
Marchetti is a grown up with relevant work experience. Krol is a talker with a behavior problem. No contest.
Lumpy Marchetti hasn’t done anything in 16 years. Ask what his favorite accomplishments are as a councilor. He won’t have an answer.
Krol, if he wins, will quickly rebuild his old alliances.
Never vote on the dark horses.
Tyer lost the last primary to Mazzeo but beat her in the general election, so don’t read too much into yesterday