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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 6-8, 2023) — If Picklefield’s mayoral race hinges on policy, John Krol will be the city’s next mayor. If high special-interest turnout and low-show of ordinary citizens occurs Nov. 9, it’s Peter Marchetti’s private treasury.

Team Marchetti, says one of our double agents familiar with strategy there, has told Peter not to comment (a) on recent headlines in the Berkshire Eagle or (b) to THE PLANET’s queries. Too hot to touch, apparently.

Groucho, the Secret Word is “audits.”

Krol wants city finances audited from the outside, the current finance director fired, and a close look at the ARPA cash free-for-all. What does Marchetti think about all this? And what will he do as mayor with respect to these issues?

THE PLANET contacted Marchetti two days ago and again yesterday … crickets.

Seems Pete has found some skirts to hide behind. Are they his own? You know the drill. When the phone doesn’t ring, we know it’s Peter not getting back to us.

———- ooo ———-

Here’s the full, unedited text of Krol’s Oct. 4 press release, published exclusively here:

Krol Outlines Steps for Strong Financial Oversight 
Plan to eliminate waste and save taxpayer dollars as Pittsfield Mayor

Former City Council Vice President and Mayoral Candidate John Krol today released a plan on how his administration will root out waste, provide effective financial oversight, find savings for residents and small business owners, all while growing the economy. 

“At a time when we have seen a record amount of excess cash, new cannabis revenue and an historic influx in federal dollars through ARPA, residents are rightfully upset that their taxes and water/sewer rates are skyrocketing. We need to fundamentally change the way we approach managing tax dollars in the city to provide professional oversight, identify waste and inefficiencies, and make our tax dollars go further.” said Krol; also a longtime small business owner and executive in the healthcare industry.

Krol outlined four simple steps to professionalize and to depoliticize city finances and operations to bring tax and fee relief to residents and local small business owners. 

1) Hire non-political financial experts

Begin a national search to hire a Director of Finance from outside the Pittsfield political establishment.

2) External audit performed by a fresh set of eyes

Currently Pittsfield has contracted with the same external auditor for more than a decade. It is time for a fresh set of eyes by contracting with a professional firm that has never done work for the city of Pittsfield in the past.

3) Leave no stone unturned – an internal city auditor

In addition to the aforementioned external auditing process, a Krol administration will work to create a position for a full-time internal auditor. The role of the position would not only include audits of the financials of every department but also key city functions and operations. This is a role that has been established in many other municipalities in Massachusetts and throughout the nation. Krol’s vision is to have an internal auditor who is independent and does not report directly to the mayor

4) Prioritize tax and fee relief for our residents and small local businesses

Savings discovered through rooting out waste, inefficiency and any corruption will be prioritized for tax and fee relief for our residents and small businesses.

“We need to hire the right people who are experts and have no connection to the political establishment, and then look under the hood to see why taxpayers and businesses have seen their taxes and fees go up. Where is that money going?” Questioned Krol. “We can talk about building strong schools, safe streets, making Pittsfield more business-friendly and providing exceptional city services, but at the core of it all, none of this can be accomplished without building trust and confidence that our tax dollars are being spent properly.”

Many municipalities across the country do have an internal auditor department. Most recently, the city of Springfield, MA***. created such a department, which not only focuses on financial matters, but also provides auditing of city functions, operations, contracts and more.

***Springfield, MA has an Office of Internal Audit with the mission to promote accountability and integrity in City government by providing independent and objective reviews and assessments of the City’s departments, programs, and services to improve the efficiency of procedures and effectiveness of operations; and to prevent and detect waste, fraud, and abuse.

———- ooo ———-

Have a great weekend, everybody.


If there’s nothing to hide, there’s everything to show” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

We have heard it all before and before that…., but the ugly truth is that Pittsfield politics has been and still is totally predictable when it comes to municipal financial management.

Going back to post-Proposition 2.5 in the early- to mid-1980s to present time in the Fall of 2023, Pittsfield politics has always increased its municipal spending by 5 percent per fiscal year. What percent increase in municipal spending is John Krol promising city taxpayers? Would it be 2 percent? Would it be 3 percent? Would it be 4 percent? Would it be him pasting wings on pigs and telling blogger Dan Valenti that the winged pigs will fly all around Pittsfield?

The other issue is that municipal officials need to be able to effectively fight for increased state aid from the corrupt career politicians on Beacon Hill in Boston. Over the past 20 years now, state aid to local governments and public education has significantly decreased in Massachusetts.

If one doesn’t believe me, just ask greedy registered lobbyist Dan Bosley. He will tell you that some lobbyists in Boston earn 7-figure salaries, while most of the greed-balls earn 6-figure salaries by robbing state aid dollars from distressed Gateway Cities such as Pittsfield in order to enrich themselves and the ruling elites who they legally bribe with special interest money by the aforementioned corrupt career politicians in Boston always giving away many billions of dollars per fiscal year in state tax breaks to the wealthy financial and corporate elites, which financially devastates regions such as Berkshire County because Pittsfield is NOT Boston, of course.

John Krol is NOT nobody’s fool when it comes to Pittsfield politics. John Krol is a dupe who is making false financial promises to city taxpayers. Blogger Dan Valenti knows full well what has been, is and would predictably go on here because he has written about it over many years of his editorial comments and coverage of Pittsfield politics.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

What do we have to lose?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

I do NOT trust any politician with the legal and legitimate accounting and financial management of taxpayer dollars!

How do you know when a politician is not stealing your money? When the politician’s hands are in their own pockets.

What is the difference between a politician and a prostitute? The prostitute takes their hands out of your pockets after you run out of money.

How do you feel after you leave a politician versus a prostitute? You feel happy after you leave a prostitute.

John Krol is full of it! He is campaigning on being trustworthy with your taxpayer dollars. I would believe his promise of pasting wings on pigs and making them fly all over Pittsfield before his promise to audit Pittsfield politics’ cooked books.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

I doubt you pat tax

Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Seriously? Over 100 million man

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Everything. Ever see what a city taken over by the State is like?
Krol Krashes Kouncil Kapinskis KRUSHED!

Last edited 9 months ago by Kitty Kash Krol
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

If you dohnt whant a taikover, then deemand that yoor Sitii Kownsililor rekwiir akkowntibilitii.

Otherwise, it’s coming.

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Indeed.. time for a missive.

Otherwise, a takeover is coming and those not on the inside will regret not fighting the bad management of this City. Assuming a takeover: they know the exact day and time it will be announced.

A takeover may even be inevitable unless hard but very sensible policies are taken. Urgency is the driver of these policies or all words and actions are meaningless.

We have yet to see a candidate get balloted show the spine and the intelligence to do this, and the fact that only three people out of all seven wards entered the primary indicates to me that no one will turn up to save you.

KKK: you have my sincere sympathy.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

The router number to the city checking account

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Flogging Molly
9 months ago

Doubtful. You believe ANY Finance Director or employee would agree to route money without legitimate PO’s or other paperwork?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Letter: “Krol’s call for fiscal responsibility is critical for Pittsfield”
The Berkshire Eagle, October 7, 2023

To the editor: Finally, I’m hearing what I want to hear from a potential future mayor on the issue of taxes and fiscal responsibility.

I applaud Mr. Krol for committing to depoliticize the finances in the city with a new finance director not connected to Pittsfield politics. Also, hiring an internal auditor makes absolute sense. At last, the citizens of Pittsfield might begin to have some trust in how our tax dollars are being spent.

Mr. Krol is correct that citizens are rightly angry that we have more in excess funding, federal ARPA money and cannabis dollars, and yet our taxes are going through the roof. It doesn’t make any sense, and I do hope John is elected and we can get to the bottom of this.

John Krol has my vote, and I hope you’ll do the same.

Judy Burt, Pittsfield

The Ouch Kid
The Ouch Kid
9 months ago

Dick Butkus dead at age 80. R I P won’t of footballs greats.

9 months ago

RIP Dick Butkus.

9 months ago

To paraphrase Sam & Dave. I’m a Krol Fan. I like his approach to looking into the above mentioned issues. I’m a Krol Fan.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
9 months ago

Good to see there will be more border wall work. Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York Democrat said he will support the wall if Biden has fire alarms installed.

Jon Doe
Jon Doe
9 months ago

That all sounds great and would be nice if it was coming from someone you could actually trust, but his actions say differently.

Oh, and in the meantime, from an Iberkshires article yesterday, here’s what he had to say about the embezzlement accusations:

On his podcast, Krol said he is “moving on,” claiming that there were all kinds of other accusations made during this meeting and that it “didn’t seem fair at all.” He had originally threatened to seek legal action for defamation after the first story was published one day after the preliminary election that secured him a place on the general election ballot.

“We are going to move forward, we are going to run our campaign, and we’re moving on from this issue and there’s not going to be any more communication on the issue with Berkshire Eagle,” he said.
“Because I don’t think people want to hear it. They want to hear about the ideas right that we have.”

Actually I’m fairly confident most of us would like to hear a lot more about it and get a satisfactory answer, not hear whining about how the Eagle was unfair to him and actually had the nerve to ask him questions and not take his words at face value.

Jon doe
Jon doe
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Yes, except unlike you they don’t take Krol at his word and say that they haven’t been provided with enough information to make conclusions while you immediately absolved him and encouraged everyone to move on. Nothing to see here folks! How a guy who has been accused of embezzling and is refusing to answer more questions is now running on a campaign of conducting city audits to root out possible fraud is beyond comical. The guy’s got balls I’ll give him that.

Common sense sometimes
Common sense sometimes
Reply to  Jon Doe
9 months ago

And pistol Pete’s action’s tell you what??? That he has been a rubber stamp for the last 16+ years and yet things only get worse??? Think of your logic here….. you’re saying Krol’s actions speak to you?? Well how in the hell do you think pee-pee has been speaking to us all these years? I will tell you…. With his middle finger. Wake up!

“If you always do what you have always done, you will always get, what you have always got”!!!! May be very hard from some of you fools to comprehend but if you keep the same (pee-pee) then nothing will change, PERIOD. If you’re happy with the same, keep that clown in office, if you want change give Krol a chance. If you don’t like either, you should have got of your lazy bum and voted in the primary!!

To be honest, I don’t like either candidate, but I would much rather give Krol a shot and not know what will happen, than to keep Pee-pee in power and guarantee that nothing will change AT ALL.

snark shark
snark shark
9 months ago

Hot button? Or NUCLEAR button?

That phone alert that went off at 2:20 Tuesday was the city hall panic alarm. And I imagine comments will be short and scarce if you can even find a warm body to talked to. Why are so many city hall personnel wearing Anonymous masks? Silence can speak volumes sometimes.

Awesome move by the Krol campaign. Wish I could believe it was more than a desperate hollow moonshot.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

The only way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them”

After my answer to Jon Melle, that rings true. “What do you have to lose?” You are at a precipice and two offer a hand. You know one will give you a shove. If take neither, you fall. So, what to do?

Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Krol has already shown he can’t be trusted.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

So if that applies to one it must apply to the other? We have two honest hard working guys who have superb records and really give a shit about Pittsfield and are not in it for themselves?

Jon doe
Jon doe
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

That analogy is ridiculous in this case. If you are uncertain you can trust someone you trust them with something small like loaning them twenty bucks and seeing if they pay you back. You don’t give them the keys to the city and hope they don’t rob you blind.

9 months ago

John, who can’t pay his own bills? That John? He’s going to be in charge of $200 million ? And he wants us to
Be ok with that? The same
John who tried to pay a measly $456 state bill with the wrong account FOUR TIMES? That John? If he gets people to buy this load of
Crap he might just be as smooth as he thinks he is. He may be done talking about his inability to manage money, hold a job, of run a successful business, but I don’t think the public is quite done yet with him wanting to control our tax money.

Last edited 9 months ago by Pothole
The Ghost of Jerry Doyle
The Ghost of Jerry Doyle
Reply to  Pothole
9 months ago

And yet Peter is shaking in his booties and not commenting on Krol’s call for an independent look at the books. What’s he afraid of? What’s wrong, Peter? You afraid of an outside audit and a true uncovering of the shenanigans Kerwood and Co. have going on. I think we’re starting to see why they wanted to take out Krol once and for all. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Looks like Krol struck a nerve, eh?

9 months ago

So like Renaissance Ruberto, he is campaigning on tax relief and proper management. The truth is, if he never served on city council and didn’t get caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and kept it in his pants, he would have had a decent chance.
He blew it by his own behavior and now even Patsy Pete will beat him, I want to vote for someone who will cut the budget 7 percent annnual and agree to never raise taxes. Let’s hear him declare he will fire the DIE hires!!! It’s all smoke and mirrors Dan, and you inhaled it!!!

Earl Parsnip
Earl Parsnip
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
9 months ago

The last thing we need is four years of Matchetti and his gutter balls

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Earl Parsnip
9 months ago

Reminds me of a movie. Big Lebowski.

It is very important to watch a lot of entertainment. I recommend everyone to do so.

Earl Parsnip
Earl Parsnip
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

The best entertainment is o n this blog.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Earl Parsnip
9 months ago

Infinite jest.

The Ouch Kid
The Ouch Kid
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
9 months ago

How do either feel about the new stadium proposal at Wahconah Park. Proponents are saying taxpayers want it? Who conducted that pole?

The Ouch Kid
The Ouch Kid
Reply to  The Ouch Kid
9 months ago


snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  The Ouch Kid
9 months ago

Hah…gotta love those polls where they ask all the people who will benefit from building something if they want it. Conversely, you will NEVER see them ask that question (or any other) on a city wide referendum like they do almost EVERYWHERE else where there is a large unnecessary expenditure of public funds.

I had a dream the other night that I went into city hall to pay my taxes and everybody working in there was wearing a wig and clown mask. It seemed quite real and I woke up in a cold sweat. Marchetti was sitting in the mayors office with big red floppy shoes and still clutching his gavel.

I think I am going to have to mail my taxes in from now on. May have PTSD…can I get on disability for that?

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

PTSD being post Tyer stress disorder?

Reply to  Goslow
9 months ago

That’s a good one, right there.

Off The Cliff
Off The Cliff
Reply to  The Ouch Kid
9 months ago

I see our Wahconah Park committee members nodding their heads while the cost advisor is presenting the outside costs beyond the thirty million. If this renovation project goes through it will be well beyond what the city can afford. More importantly the taxpayers. I would suggest the water problem be addressed first and foremost to see if that water table problem that exists is even curable.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Off The Cliff
9 months ago

No one is yet talking about the half million per year it will cost to maintain it. does that sound high? It is not.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Good point.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

We absolutely can not afford the grandstands never mind the brand new Stadium built for Comedian Bill Murry

Reply to  Off The Cliff
9 months ago

It is if king st residents want a swimming pool in their cbasrments

Reply to  The Ouch Kid
9 months ago

Sell to highest bidder

Reply to  The Ouch Kid
9 months ago

Leave it as is and have e cars park in the wet spots

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
9 months ago

As far as getting rid of DIE goes,this quote fits so well.

Ronald Reagan quote”
“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this

Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Matchetti is the mold that grows on government programs

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

But Monica did

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Herb Pease
9 months ago

What about the dress?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

What’s amazing is that the Trump failures have never connected with the planets audience tell me we all watch FOX

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

“I’m not a Krook” – John Krol

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

You know, Nixon is actually looking good these days.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

The left hated him because he brought out the truth on Alger Hiss.

Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

C’mon, you guys, he totally lost the support of his own party and had to resign to get a pardon and avoid impeachment.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

“If you don’t vote for Xiden, you ain’t black” – Joe Xiden

“I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” – Joe Xiden

“When talking about the Space Force, there is a lot of space in outer space. Space is an infinite amount of space that really takes up a lot of space.” – Kamala Harris

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

At least Harris makes sense and is correct.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

I mean, space really is big. Very very big.

Seventh Planet
Seventh Planet
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Just like in Biden’s head

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Seventh Planet
9 months ago

I wonder if I could move my office into Biden’s head.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Space, the final frontier

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

So much space, but no space to put anything!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

I can shoot somebody in Times Square and won’t lose my supporters

Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

But he felt your pain remember? Of course that’s not all he felt.

Reply to  ComeOnMan!
9 months ago

Krol was Rubertos water boy and Ruberto jacked taxes yearly and how many jobs did he bring in with his suitcase and rolodex? Zippo .

2 Brown Street
2 Brown Street
9 months ago

Gatogate changed everything. You won’t be hearing from Mayor Pete anymore.

The Ouch Kid
The Ouch Kid
Reply to  2 Brown Street
9 months ago

Pete’s coasting in. Status Quo.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  2 Brown Street
9 months ago

Maybe he is all set. If you believe half what his campaign is saying about him you might think he invented penicillin and cured Polio on the same day. And that was before he was the first man to walk on the moon and then star in the movie A SPACE ODDESSY with Gary Lockwood.

He has quite a resume and seems to have reinvented himself from the lackadaisical gavel thumping hard ass he was leading his council disciples. So, good on him.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
9 months ago

Just because I sometimes get a kick out of busting your balls…

Shouldn’t you have given Peter 5 days to respond to your request for comment? Isn’t that the time frame you just said the Eagle should have given John?

Me thinks me sees a little bias coming through.

Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Dan – the champion of newsroom ethics.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
9 months ago

Settlement…. Charity….?

Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

I don’t think he or she is going to answer you. lol.

Reply to  pothole
9 months ago

The silence is very loud

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Everything’s BS and fake. I am so tired of everything being fake, a lie, a distraction. I am so tired of the same old factions. It’s soooo obvious. These powdered people have no idea how we live in the
real world.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

I think they do.

they just don’t care.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
9 months ago

Recently I have had many conversations with folks in Pittsfield. Conversations always turns to the election for mayor. All these folks have stated that they want neither candidate. Can’t trust either one, Marchetti has had his chance to fix the city for over 16 years and Krol has ruined his chance by not being a good bookkeeper. There needs to be choice on ballots that says neither, then if a certain percentage of voters pick this choice the election is void. Dream on right!

I have given up asking if just someone could state ONE thing that Marchetti has done for the taxpayers. Yet to receive an answer.

I still fault Stacey Carver and Allen Harris for not bringing the Krol issue forward YEARS ago. If they had, the taxpayers might not be in this mess. Would Allen Harris delay reporting an issue like this if it was one of his BMM clients? Makes you wonder.

As far as a write in vote goes, I DO NOT trust the City Hall to count these votes and reveal the results. They never have and never will.

Bottom line is, we have the choice of a crap and a turd. Go Pittsfield Politics!!

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

This just in! Kitty Kaper Krol Blames Konstituients For his Kiddnapping Kitty Kash Kitty

“It’s news to, it’s news to me I kouldn’t use it as my own kash, Krol Komplained”

Maybe they were trying to save him the embarrassment but since he was potentially going to be in charge of the city they came forward.

Merry and Bright is the kind of person that blames rape victims.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Nice comment witch with a B.

Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Give it a rest grand dragon

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

Getting tired. First few were interesting, but now I’ve moved on.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

That is directed at KKK.

The phonetic spelling is also hard on the eyes.

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

That’s why Marchetti digs it.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

I think triple K’s posts are spot on, AND very entertaining!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
9 months ago

No, not really. Humour can mask as well as reveal.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

How about the two folks that just gave me a thumbs down immediately after posting tell me what Marchetti has done for the City.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Thanks Dan as always. Good luck getting an answer, can’t say you didn’t try.

Off The Cliff
Off The Cliff
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

He’s the Parade King.That’s Enough.

Reply to  Off The Cliff
9 months ago

And he often tooted his own horn as he followed the mummers band

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

I saw him help an elderly woman across the street once so she go in the city hall so she could pay her high real estate tax with her fixed income.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

Barry will be there to count them…..

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Or at least he’ll stop by CH to get an updated running tally of who has and hasn’t voted.

I think MelMaz’s insurance lawyers copped out on her. No way a legal case would have cost over $140,000 in legal expense. I’m certain OJ’s “Dream Team” wasn’t walking in the courthouse ready to defend MelMaz.

I wanted to see how Dirty Barry explained himself to a jury why he was at CH on election night, for a task he had numerous other options to obtain the information he was seeking.

Is this information available to the public? If so, why doesn’t the city have a “rolling count” of the votes, so the rest of us can view in real-time?

And finally, DB would have to prove his “loss of business” by MM’s comments. This would have opened DB’s financial books for MM’s defense team. If Dirty Barry and Flat are above board, no problemo.

But, and this is a HUGE but, if ARPA kickbacks, grant money kickbacks, etc, have artificially inflated his/their net worth, DB would have had to explain that to a jury.

Tough to explain a business loss, when you’ve made a lot more money than what’s on the official books.

You dodged a huge bullet Dirty Barry.

Now, how much money are you and Mrs, Mayor donating to charity?

Or are you about to welcome a migrant family or two into your very large home and want to treat them good?

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Krol’s new Kampaign Slogan

“I’m not a Kitty Kash Krook”

Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

You can bank on me
John, John where the money gone

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

It’s a moot point at this time KKK for one big reason.

Unless Alan Harris had a written contract which spelled out the terms of the loan, payments, due dates, and all the other legal jargon that comes with a written contract, than legally all Alan did was loan and/or give John the $30,000.

Without a written contract, John was under no legal obligation to fulfill the return of the money. No different than if I lent you $20 and you never paid me back. Obviously $30,000 is a lot more than $20, but the same principle applies.

John could even say he and Alan were lovers and the money was simply a gift between a loving couple. No contract, no dice.

I will certainly say, if someone ever took that much money from me and wasn’t going to pay me back, I wouldn’t give him/her a mulligan and/or wait five years to pitch the story to the Eagle. We would have initiated criminal and civil proceedings against that person immediately.

This was a hit piece out of the Marchetti camp.

Last edited 9 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Or Dan maybe Alan did seek legal advice and was told exactly what you and I just posted.

Alan’s on dangerous grounds when comes to slander if what we wrote is true. If AH or SC sought legal advice, DA Wrong Way and/or a civil attorney, and were told without w written contract, as the British like to say, “Pi$$ off,” and those two did what they did, BMM better prepare to write at least a $140k liability check to JK.

Dirty Barry set precedent and this cost JK a hell of a lot more than DB claimed to have lost.

This move might have just backfired on Marchetti.

I welcome the thumbs down, but I’d value an intelligible counter argument.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Internal auditor is a good idea. Needs to be under independent director. We also need to reintroduce standard controls with purchasing and payables under separate directors and Treasury and finance separated.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Charles this is not the first time you have suggested this. Hopefully the new mayor will listen. Thanks for your constant attempts to change the city.

Off The Cliff
Off The Cliff
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

This is not an original idea. Gaetani has posted this many times and preambled it many times at city clowncil.The proposal and many of the Marchetti -Tyer items including an internal auditor separate from this regime.

Off The Cliff
Off The Cliff
Reply to  Off The Cliff
9 months ago

Valenti is the one who ex sponged Gaetani from the Mayors race. Why?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Off The Cliff
9 months ago

The fact that Gaetani speaks of it means that he deserves to win Ward 6.

The fundamental role of governance is to be 100% accountable to taxpayers for how their government spends their taxdollars.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Anyone who supports Gaetani has no business being in public office.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
9 months ago

You’d be wrong. Anyone who commits to 100% accountability has legitimate business in public office.

Reply to  H.L. Mencken
9 months ago

We need to keep Dina DaDunce in office!

Dawn Juan
Dawn Juan
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

Yes we will miss Charles on the Council.

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

In his 8 years on the city council what has John Krol done for the city?

comment image

Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Marchetti is under Tyer’s chair kissing her ass

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

Kan’t happen Krol Kept Kranium Kompletely up Tyler’s Keister Kontiuously

Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Marchetti has lip prints on Tyer’s ample glutes to prove me right

Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Does Marchetti pay well? It’s hard to find good KKK Grand Wizards these days.

Dawn Juan
Dawn Juan
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

Krols making a transaction or asking Stanley how much his chairs were really worth?

Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

A picture worth a thousand words!
Tyer’s right arm man. Was he texting Jewish Family Services in Springfield in order to bring unvetted Syrian refugees to Pittsfield?

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Lenny
9 months ago

Lenny penny are you an islamaphob? Or just a buffoon?

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Lenny
9 months ago

Lenny Penny, why are you for Marchetti? Do you think he’s done anything for the taxpayers of Pittsfield? You have 16 years of his council disservice to pick from.

Reply to  Lenny
9 months ago

It’s actually her left arm Hawkeye!

Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Did Tyer get her boots from Yon’s lady boots factory outlet?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Are you concerned about the spending of your ARPA tax dollars? I am too. I have on the 10/10 agenda new business the following petition:

Accounting for the spending of taxpayer money forms the fundamental obligation of government. It is therefore necessary to assure the public that the City complies with US and State Treasury guidelines for the ARPA monies. The City Council further bears responsibility to provide legal protection by ensuring compliance.

I request that the City Council order an Independent audit of the ARPA fund by an outside firm that holds no contract, past or present, with the City of Pittsfield. The purpose of the audit is to ensure that all aspects of the ARPA grant are legal and compliant.

Respectfully submitted,
Charles Kronick, Councilor Ward

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

I just want an external audit. I have doubts.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Pete is already practicing gaveling your petition into submission. He does not believe in citizen input or checks and balances. If he did he would be doing the job he begged people to elect him to.
And on that subject. If he refused to do the job of city council president why in the holy hell would we believe he would do the job of mayor? He has told us who and what he is. We need to believe him

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

I suggest you show up.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

I will try to Skype in from the home. That way Marchetti can’t be a meany to me like he is to other people who would like to speak before the council.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

You don’t serve your interest very well.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Marchetti is not mean. Put your name on the list and he follows the Rules and Orders. He gives warning when time is approaching and gives times to wrap up.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

I remember that councilor who wears red-Sox gear holding up a copy of the NY Post that had an article about ARPA accountability and how the city should be prepared to justify it’s use of ARPA funds. I’m sure he’s with Krol on this issue. Marchetti was part of Tyer’s secret ARPA committee and he’s not talking audit.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Guarantee that fails.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
9 months ago

Really? I don’t. That means that you guarantee that City Council shall fail to provide accountability for the Taxpayers’ money?

It shouldn’t since accountability is one of two fundamental requirements for the US Treasury guidelines for administering ARPA.

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Barry came on this site a couple of years ago and said a forensic audit would do no good. Someone could probably find that if they knew how to look it up. real name.

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

And we all know the value of his opinion

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

He’s right. He understands how corruption conceals theft.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Chas thank you for this petition, well needed, but I hope you are prepared. You may need armor and a hard hat.

Gavel Pete will be contradicting every word out of your mouth. He will be banging his gavel so hard; the ceiling of the council chambers will finally fall down.
Dina will be huffing and puffing next to you, rolling her eyes so much they may finally pop out of her head. May have to call her, “her/husband” to administer first aid.
Sherman will have a fifth of Jameson booze under the deck, wishing he was at the SideLine Saloon tending bar.
Menu White will be so angry he will be working up a huge hunger for his next two meals, plus a snack before bedtime.
Conant will be asleep so you won’t hear from him as usual.
Dumpster Persip will be throwing his usual tantrum running in and out of the chambers slamming the door, so the audience knows he is pissed.
Warren will be smacking his lips fumbling through law books.
Kavey’s cow flop hair may unravel falling into his Perrier water and spilling on his new clothes, causing him to cry.
Karen and Maffuccio will most likely side with you, hopefully Maffuccio shows up.
Don’t forget that Missing Linda and Bowtie Kerwood will both be screaming at you from their hidden seats.

Good Luck and thanks again for the attempt.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

Don’t need armor nor steel. It’s common sense.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Agree with you, but that is the problem, majority of CC and this administration lacks common sense.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

It’s impossible to lack common sense. You might reject it, but you can’t lack it.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

I love the idea Sir Chaz, but you know this will go nowhere.

We all know there is fraud, waste, and abuse, attached to the ARPA Star Chamber and the ARPA money they award to people. Off the top of my head, I can think of two huge reasons why Lumpy will kill with his gavel and rubber stampers. They are:

The Cultural Competency Coach took a family and friends vacation allegedly on the ARPA grift money she received. The Eagle even ran a huge story with photos of the African trip. $500,000 ARPA money received.

The Berkshire Black Economic Council (BBEC) was a non-existent company that received an even larger amount of money. They have hosted numerous functions for “young black business minded people,” except very few, if any, young, professionally dressed, business minded people, ever show up to these events.

The BBEC also pitched funding for a marijuana spa in South County, in an area not zoned for business.

The BBEC also pitched awarding the ARPA money that they were awarded, make that make sense, to help “Vibe Up” North Street. What ever happened to that idea? The Eagle even ran a story to hype it up. To date, no vibing going on. I always questioned if this was legal to do or not?

$750,000 ARPA money received.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Show up and speak. Represent your interests. You are the government.

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Sir Chaz, I would love to. But you know as well as I, if I went down that road, I would immediately be deemed a racist by the Eagle. Can’t afford that.

Plus, I’m sure Dumpster Persip would be “offended,” Dina Horton-Xi-Terry-Smith-Guiel would feel “threatened” by my presence and on and on.

You remember. You were deemed a “racist” for questioning DIE.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Just tell the truth.Facts only, not opinion. If you express hate, then shame!

It’s not about ethnicity. African Americans have experienced the bull first hand. They came to the ARPA meetings and got completely blown off. It’s about connections.

Otherwise, so what? What’s worse: being slandered by the press – rarely worth the ink on its paper – or becoming a ‘sniveling coward’?(Guiliani’s words to witnesses reluctant to testify against the Mafia 5 he was indicting. “Don’t be a sniveling coward”) I’m certain you don’t have any use for those.

The Eagle won’t slander you. They ignore the public and focus their ire on the elected whom they deem fair game.

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Yes, they did utter that calumny and more. And, I’m still here. They are what I call irrelevant.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

You and your right-wing idiocy. You have no balls.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
9 months ago

Speaking of having no or smaller balls than your wife, you never answered the questions above, so I’ll ask again Mr. WW, H.L., aka-Dirty Barry:

(1) How much of the $140,000 is going to charity?

(2) How many illegal invaders will you and the Mrs accept into your home?

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Voters agree with Krol, want him to move on- to Westfield, Worcester, or back to Boston, anywhere but the Berkshires.

Potential Konstituents Kick Kitty Kash Kaper Krol to the Kurb. Konfused Krol Klaims not a Kat Kash Krook. Documents prove more Kitty Kash Kidnapped by Krol.

Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Grand Wizard of Marchetti’s KKK

Last edited 9 months ago by Gobsig
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Kitty Kash is correct. Documents have been exposed confirming the “kaper.”

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
9 months ago

KKK is a Kapon like Marchetti

Joe Mac
Joe Mac
9 months ago

Dozens of cities and towns in MA have already received migrants and Pittsfield will be expected to join them very soon but we haven’t heard a word from the mayoral hopefuls about this issue. What are their plans for this? Do they even have one? What do they think about the state’s right-to-shelter policy? Do they even know what it is? You people are going to wish the bike lane was your problem.

John Dutton
John Dutton
Reply to  Joe Mac
9 months ago

Oh they are coming. When they start offering 700 a night at these little mom and pop Motels it will be too late for our officials to react. However, Tricia will lead a candlelight vigil at Park square handing out room keys and vouchers.

Off The Cliff
Off The Cliff
Reply to  John Dutton
9 months ago

If that is true it’ll be the first thing she has done

Reply to  John Dutton
9 months ago

They could stay at her home. Tricia = NIMBY

Joe Taxpayer
Joe Taxpayer
Reply to  Joe Mac
9 months ago

I don’t blame the candidates for avoiding it but you’d think the thought leaders at the Eagle would have raised this subject before now. In all fairness though they did a solid job covering lawn signs.

Dawn Juan
Dawn Juan
Reply to  Joe Taxpayer
9 months ago

Seems like we should get these two’s opinions on dumping this DPW Director. How many missteps has he made? I mean don’t go out on a limb fellas.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Also a deep dive award worthy investigative report on the lost/found snake.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Joe Mac
9 months ago

Both your candidates are progressive Democrats, so the migrants will come. I thought Tyer was promoting a brand new homeless facility on West Housy?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Joe Mac
9 months ago

They will finally evict the bums and addicts from Springside Park, and declare it a Crimal Alien, er Migrant park.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

only because of the pump track going in

Serving the special interests is priority one

The school committee
The school committee
9 months ago

The traitor gave a trillion dollars worth of secrets away…Trump needs to be in isolation

Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Stop listening to the far left indoctrination. Hillary Clinton needs to be deprogrammed although she thinks it’s the MAGA people. Hillary is so corrupt as is Biden. They want more and more money and power which is why they love war. Hillary wants to get richer trying to rebuild Ukraine. So sick.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Nice sidetrack Pat. I see you were paying close attention in your Hannity Diversion 101 course.

Bob and weave. Obfuscate. Look over there not over here.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

The H-Beast was the origin/author of the “Russian collusion” hoax, Snarky.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Why isn’t Hillary being prosecuted for destroying evidence? Democrat privilege!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Is tjat how much Hillary made?

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Very fake news.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Traitor Joe gave the Taliban 80 billion of our best weapons.

The Taliban just asked Iran for land passage, to go help the Hamas terrorists use them on Israel.

Joe’s and US State departments response to these attacks were for Israel to do nothing, about being the victims of these attacks and 3000 missiles (made in USA?) raining down on them.

Joe loves the Taliban, Hamas, and real terrorists. It’s Catholics, parents who attend school board meetings, and Veterans who he directs THE FIB/DOJ to harass and persecute.

John Dutton
John Dutton
9 months ago

Krol needs to DROP OUT! sad, we will be left with Beer gut Pete and his right hand man Porkchop Pete the guy that likes to play with Transformers.

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Kitty Kash Kaper Krol the ONLY one who took money for from a charity, over $6,800!

Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Hey, hey, hey .it’s the wizard from the KKK. Find better people Marchetti.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Correct you are KKK.

Common sense sometimes
Common sense sometimes
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

So you won’t post my comment from this morning I’m assuming bc I called Pete (pee-pee) but it’s ok for you to call him names?? Freedom of speech my ass Dan, it’s Dan’s interpretation of freedom of speech and that’s it! You’re a joke valenti!

Common sense sometimes
Common sense sometimes
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

My apologies Dan, I take back what I said. You are a man of your word my comment is there!!! Again, I apologize

Dawn Juan
Dawn Juan
Reply to  Common sense sometimes
9 months ago

You just made a fool out of yourself.

Reply to  Common sense sometimes
9 months ago

The bot algorithm works poorly, and puts the posts out of order, screwing up the narrative. Also, it does drop a lot of posts, with our only recourse being to give Dan a personal poke.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Common sense sometimes
9 months ago

And you’re the punch line

Common sense sometimes
Common sense sometimes
Reply to  12 Gauge
9 months ago

Good one 🙂 Not really….

Reply to  John Dutton
9 months ago

10 separate withdrawals from the animal charity and they were all allegedly “mistakes?”
What did Krol accomplish in his 8 years on the city council?
His wife #2 works for the Pittsfield Schools – major conflict of interest!
Will he continue to work for his business if elected mayor?
What debts does he owe?
Why is he no longer employed by Benchmark in Newton?
Why is his resume composed of short-lived stints at various employers?
Where is the documentation showing he has paid his business taxes? When asked, he couldn’t remember!
So many unanswered questions.
Perhaps his own temple needs cleansing!

Reply to  Lenny
9 months ago

Speak of the wonders of Marchetti Lenny Penny

Reply to  Lenny
9 months ago

Where is the documentation on Marchetti’s divorce?

9 months ago

The poor in Chicago neighborhoods are up in arms because they now realize how the illegal immigrants are being dumped in their neighborhoods and are taking what few resources they have. African Americans have been told for years to get abortions, but the far left did nothing but keep them in substandard housing in poor neighborhoods and are now replacing them with large families of illegal immigrants.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

I agree that the Biden administration is doing a horrible job with immigration. I have no idea what possible good they think can come of all this. What is the end goal? Many of these people are now worse off than they were in their home country’s.

Putin is loving the chaos and probably has a hand in it somewhere. He would like to fire as few bullets as possible by destroying America from inside itself.

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

The end goal is the chaos we are seeing across the country from this invasion. Lots of young men of military age coming across the border as well as extremely large families at the same time as Biden and the far left are kicking Americans out of the military for not being woke enough. What is Biden planning?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

It’s war. The Cold War never ended. It’s not territory at stake, but a War to end forever The American Revolution for liberty and indepedence.

Flood the nation to break every institution, the safety nets, and commerce yields mass poverty and powerlessness.

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

All done for a globalist takeover with Biden leading his merry band of globalists into power.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

It’s not Globalism – inaccurate term. It’s a well defined association of criminal governments that spans several continents working together to end us. The reemergence of ‘Lula’ in Brazil is startling. He has a long deep history with the group.

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Biden sent CIA spooks to Brazil to install Lula.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

That would explain Biden embracing the criminal. It fits Biden’s timeline – Contras et al..

It’s 1950’s USA South American policy all over again. Pinochet, Guatemala, etc…

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Follow the drugs.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Sounds like a RICO charge to me!

Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

I’m so sorry.

Reply to  Kindergarden
9 months ago

You are a sorry individual

Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

I am indeed.

Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

You need to write a novel, Pat.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

The U.S. military is in dire need of recruits. Ironically, hundreds of thousands of strapping young men, (in much better physical condition than most young American men) are coming into the country looking for food, housing and a fresh start on life.

Is there any possible way these two groups could get together and benefit each other?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  fizzlehead
9 months ago

No. They come to invade. You do not want them in your military.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Most become patriots.

Reply to  Kindergarden
9 months ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

I saw a picture of one of those patriots hoisting a Guatamalan flag on the Texas border.

Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

Yes, immigrants make the best patriots. Didn’t you listen to your grandparents’ stories?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Kindergarden
9 months ago

They do. But I have strong doubts about the current invasion. It looks like conquest.

Reply to  fizzlehead
9 months ago

That’s another thing. These people have supposedly traveled hundreds of miles on foot. Why do they look so healthy, not worn out, not thin? Very suspicious. Even the older people look in good shape for such an arduous journey. They are being prepared to either work for us in the military or work against us. Which is it?

Last edited 9 months ago by Pat
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

You should watch the link above. It’s an interview with a Brazilian journalist. Straight from the horse’s mouth. The situation is quite a bit worse than you may understand.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

The trick is assimilation.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Kindergarden
9 months ago

At the Roosevelt Hotel?

Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

You are quite cynical.

Reply to  Kindergarden
9 months ago

Even though you look very dumb I want to cut the cards

Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

I don’t blame you.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

The fat ones are still on their way. It is just taking them longer to get here.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

The Biden admin has encouraged the illegal immigration which is destroying our country……

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

I learned that my 30 year PHS class reunion will take place on the evening after Thanksgiving 2023 on November 24th, 2023, at 5:30 pm, at the GEAA in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. I wont be attending. I used to have a Facebook account years ago, but I canceled it years ago. I became upset that some of the people, including some of my peers from Pittsfield High School who I new in my teenage years over 3 decades ago, unfriended me over my comments about the recurring abuse I endured in Pittsfield politics starting when I was only 20 years old during the Spring of 1996 when my dad, Bob, successfully campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 – mid-2000), which has continued over the past 27.5 years of my adult life – even after I moved away from Pittsfield, Massachusetts in the early-Spring 2004 when I moved to Amherst, New Hampshire to live with my family who previouly relocated their residences.

How would my PHS class of 1993 classmates understand that I am a persecuted person at the hands of Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior aka “Luciforo” aka “Pittsfield’s Pot King” and his conspiratorial network of bullies? If I attended my PHS 30 year class reunion, my peers would ask me questions, tell me that I am a horrible person, and say that I am messed up. It would hurt me – Jon Melle – to be criticized by the people who I attended Pittsfield High School with many years ago because I like all of them all of these many years later. I love Pittsfield because it is my native hometown and I have many warm memories in the beautiful Berkshires from the days of my youth.

I wish that I never had to know Nuciforo and his mean-spirited clique because I would otherwise attend my PHS 30 year class reunion to see my peers next month. But I have to function and live my middle-aged life with peace of mind, so I am going to stay home with my family in Amherst, NH during the Thanksgiving 2023 holiday weekend. I like my PHS peers, and I love Pittsfield, of course. Thank you for your understanding.

Jonathan A. Melle

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

Is it raining in Pittsfield or is that the tears of your classmates?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Agent 86
9 months ago

I did not ask for my dad, Bob, to run for elected office in the Berkshires when I was only 20 years old in the Spring 1996. I did not ask for Nuciforo to conspiratorially and abusively bully me over the past 27.5 years of my adult life because Nuciforo has a vendetta against my father, Bob. I could not possibly expect that my PHS 1993 classmates would be able to take the time out of their own adult lives to understand that I am a persecuted person in Pittsfield politics due to “Luciforo” aka “Pittsfield’s Pot King’s” mean-spirited actions. It all just falls directly on my – Jon Melle’s – head because my only crime in my life is being the son of a former politician from Berkshire County named Bob Melle.

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

What a said tale love. You should enjoy your 30th reunion Jonathan. You always told me you were a popular kid in school. Your classmates will miss you. Me and you could always go together and dance the night away.

Nuciforo's Special Sauce
Nuciforo's Special Sauce
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

Jon! Come on down to Dalton Ave! We’ve got a new special blend of weed for the extremely paranoid and delusional. Don’t worry, it’s on the house. Hope to see you soon, and tell them Andy sent you!

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Nuciforo's Special Sauce
9 months ago

Jonathan would never accept a gift from Luciforo. He’d date women before he took a gift from Luciforo.

Nuciforo's Special Sauce
Nuciforo's Special Sauce
Reply to  Eric Swansin
9 months ago

I only pick on Jon because I love him, and I use the weed as a replacement for that sweet, sweet Melle love that I’m missing out on.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Nuciforo's Special Sauce
9 months ago

you only pick on jon because you don’t have to use your real name

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

Mr. Melle, take this quiz:

I am a:


You are responsible for your own life my friend.

9 months ago

Israel has been attacked by Hamas and is now at war. The timing of this is very suspicious only weeks after Biden gave back billions to Iran in a prisoner swap. Why wasn’t the prisoner swap enough? Now Hamas has lots of expensive weaponry to further destabilize the world with more war.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

I think Biden flew right from Moscow where he was aiding Putin, into Palestine where he was seen putting warheads on missiles aimed at Jerusalem. What else would one expect from a guy who owned two dogs that like to bite people? This guy is out of control if you ask me. Prolly does not replace the toilet paper when he uses one up either. Just awful.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

The missles are Part of the 80 billion in weapons Traitor Joe gave the Taliban.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Don’t forget the weapons he left in Afghanistan

Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

That’s crazy. The missiles are from Iran and are also homemade.

Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Biden wears depends

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

It’s a war launched by Iran. They speak of conquest, so expect a North & Eastern front to form.

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
snark shark
snark shark
9 months ago

Hopefully, this potential trigger for WW 3 will bring Americans together. But are there too many Russian operatives in congress?

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Yes, most of the democrat reps.

Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

It’s not the Dems that have been supporting Russia, it’s been the MAGA crew. Haven’t you been paying attention?

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

When America is attacked from within by the millions of military aged men illegally streaming into the country, we will know the pain that Israel is going through now.

We just released billions to Iran and now this. Biden is a traitor.

“ The United States Office for Palestinian Affairs called on Israelis to “refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks” in response to Hamas attacking Israel — then deleted the message.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Kitty Kash Krol
9 months ago

Ok, now I’m listening.

Charlie Fox
Charlie Fox
9 months ago

John Krol never ever wanted any of this in his 8 years on the council. He would show up a minute before the meetings and never has his documents or iPad, and as soon as the motion to adjourn was made he was out the door before the votes even taken. He voted for every single budget and tax increase and now he wants an audit. Good luck. He’s grasping at air here folks. Don’t buy the garbage he’s selling. John is as crooked as trump. Btw, John Krol never even paid taxes or owned a home in the city. So how does he know what it’s like to pay taxes? He hasn’t had a job for more than 6 months in the last 4 years.

Reply to  Charlie Fox
9 months ago

I was his neighbor. Are you trying to tell me I imagined the Krol house? LOL

Reply to  Roger
9 months ago

Twas his wife’s.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  TheAlternativeCake
9 months ago

Do couples usually buy two houses if a spouse is sole name on title?

Reply to  Charlie Fox
9 months ago

Marchetti is Tyer

Kitty Kash Krol
Kitty Kash Krol
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

comment image

Dawn Juan
Dawn Juan
Reply to  Charlie Fox
9 months ago

Krol should have run a decade ago,he might have won.

Reply to  Dawn Juan
9 months ago

Marchetti meltdown to come soon.

Dawn Juan
Dawn Juan
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

It is with my sincere apology to the people of Pittsfield who don’t know but they had a chance to obfuscate and elect one of the greatest men in the history of Pittsfield, his name is Gaetani unfortunately he was unable to get into the first round back in December 2022 when the two favorites? wherever they came from we’re given carte blanche by the media?.to start their campaigns. It is clear to me that the only candidate that could have saved Pittsfield was The G Man. Let’s not make a mistake again and please elect him in ward 6,thank you.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Dawn Juan
9 months ago


Give it a rest. Take your meds. Go vacation on your non-existent boat and take Blumin and Kronick with you.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
9 months ago

Would Craig be a hero if he won Ward?

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
9 months ago

Are you part owner of a pot producing facility?

Reply to  Dawn Juan
9 months ago

Beat Dina in ward 6 and you’ll be a hero.
If she beats you for the second time, the gig is up.

Reply to  Charlie Fox
9 months ago

You meant to say Krol is as crooked as Biden.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

What about the Chi-Com ones.?

D-Sawell who bang bang, FANG FANG.

D-Chuki HSummer

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 months ago

Amazing why isn’t sneaky Pete speaking out on these issues ?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
9 months ago

Wondering that myself. Neither he nor the mayor or the local newspaper seem to want to weigh in on a independent forensic audit of the city finances. The silence is deafening.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
9 months ago

Who says he isn’t? If all the citizens used real names, then the others would make a quorum.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
9 months ago

Why would he speak to the Planet? Dan has shown who he favors.

Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

“It’s the truth that I don’t distort.”

Bwa ha ha.

9 months ago

Hamas terrorists paraglided into a dance festival in Israel and started murdering hundred of young people at the festival. Some were killed outright while many young women were taken hostage by these monsters. The liberal media is saying that this is Israel’s 9/11, but this is nothing like 9/11. This wasn’t just bombs coming from the air. This was a land attack where they went from house to house murdering people. This brutal attack was not seen coming from any intelligence agency. These terrorists have learned how to plan these horrific attacks without being detected. That is bad news for every country especially ones like America and European countries that now have open borders that these terrorist cells can just enter freely.

Last edited 9 months ago by Pat
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Mapping Project. Iranian proxies (BDS) have published a map of all religious Jewish institutions in the Baystate. It’s a hit list.

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
9 months ago

Be prepared, be armed

Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Why do you castigate the liberal media? By saying it’s their 9-11 they just mean it’s horrific.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Kindergarden
9 months ago

Thank you K. Very true.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Remember the 80 BILLION in modern weapons of war , Traitor Joe gifted the Taliban when he ran away from Afghanistan?

That was nice of him, what could go wrong?

Well, via Iran the Taliban are on the way to Israel to team up, with Hezbollah, and open a 2nd front in the war Hamas just started.

BTW, Hamas already had weapons Traitor Joe gifted. How many of those missles were made in USA?

9 months ago

Don’t vote for Pinocchio Pete Marchetti.

Filthy Straits
Filthy Straits
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

We have little choice.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

Vote for Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny or Clark Kent or George Bailey….