(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY Nov. 1, 2023) — Did the Pittsfield Cooperative Bank fire Peter Marchetti?
Is Marchetti no longer considered “on leave” from his VP position but out the door entirely?
Will he have a job waiting for him at the bank should he lose on Tuesday to John Krol in the mayoral race?
Would that explain why, since late September, he has been off his game — looking worn out, haggard, and distracted?
That’s what’s buzzing on the streets today in this crazy mayoral race, and the buzz is from bees that presumably have Reason To Know.
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET has a query into Marchetti seeking his confirmation or condemnation of an electoral wildfire that seems to be more than just smoke. As of press time, we had not heard from the candidate. If the story is true and Marchetti has been hiding it, it would be a 7.1 Richter with Ground Zero at Park Square.
We would normally dismiss such buzz out of hand, but our sources (names well-known and respected in the city community circles) have a reputation as stable, reliable, and- — most of all — credible. In other words, not folks a responsible scribe can simply dismiss.
THE PLANET owes it to every taxpayer, and especially to Peter Marchetti, to vet this story as best we can. If it’s true, citizens and voters need to know. If it’s not true, they need to know even more.
How, if at all, is this related to the Coop’s internal investigation into Victoria May’s allegations of being sexually harassed by Marchetti? Did the investigation result in Marchetti’s dismissal? Was her filing on Sept. 11 in federal district court the catalyst, if the story is true? Was the rumored firing a finding of the bank’s investigation?
———- ooo ———-
Six days from the Nov. 7 election finds Marchetti up to his crack in the Deep Muddy, and his gooey status is of his own making.
His behavior at Pittsfield Co-Operative Bank has put not only his candidacy in jeopardy but turned the lives of CEO Jay Anderson and senior VP Chris Moore upside down. Who deserves that kind of “thank you?” One has to feel for Anderson, Moore, and their families.

From left, Jay Anderson, Peter Marchetti, and Chris Moore of the Pittsfield Cooperative Bank, in happier times.
For good measure, Marchetti dragged the reputation and good standing of the beloved Co-Op, “Your Hometown Bank,” into the muck with him. In hindsight, the bank should never have approved Marchetti’s bid for the corner office.
If Peter doesn’t run, none of this happens.
In light of the rumors flying about concerning Marchetti’s employment status, one incident of May’s the explosive federal lawsuit sticks out.
Here’s May’s description of the Incredible Melting Marchetti:
Marchetti flew off the handle, irrationally upset that the Plaintiff received the role over him. He began yelling, red-faced and sweating, pointing in Plaintiff’s face, calling her a bitch and other derogatory names, told her to shut up, and told her she did not know how to do things.
One way or another, before Nov. 7, the truth — up or down — must will out. That’s the only way voter’s can make their mark with the best information.
“Do you know a man named LaFong? Carl LaFong? Capital ‘L,’ small ‘a,’ capital ‘F,’ small ‘o,’ small ‘n,’ small ‘g’? LaFong. Carl LaFong” — From the W.C. Fields film, It’s A Gift.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Somewhere along the line he did say he was on a leave of absence.
Often precedes “resignation”.
Cum-on-Dan, now you are just making shit up.
You are Krol’s best campaign asset.
Too bad when all is said and done, you will look foolish.
I can’t wait for after the election, when Marchetti wins and you claim you called it all along.
John’s kiss of death, along with the water wizard and Alex Blumin, is your endorsement.
The last Mayoral race you called correctly was Bianchi/Marchetti, and that was by an ass hair.
Mr World, you of all people would know if Marchetti was fired or not. Will you right now go on record saying he was NOT fired? That he is still an employee in good standing with that bank?
The silence is deafening
How could any woman vote for Marchetti after all of this? How could any man vote for Marchetti? Do you want your mother, wife or daughter or any woman treated like Marchetti treats women?
I don’t like the way he abandoned us taxpayers in real time. He had many chances and chose not to lift a finger. I lost all respect for him for that. He chose to go along with Tyers ridiculous tax increases while signing off on her ridiculous feel good special interest projects. This is not a man I want in charge of anything that effects my welfare. Anything!
Not a big fan of either, but after talking with John K and promising for an audit and is going try to hold those accountable for the waste of the aarp money and useless trip to Africa and gifts given only to people of color I advise everyone vote Krol
If the lawyers representing the Co-Op sniff even a hint of credibility regarding May’s law they would recommend Marchetti’s removal.
The Special Law of Curvilinear Disparity or May’s Law is a theory conceived in 1973 by political scientist John D. May in his publication Opinion Structure of Political Parties.[1] The theory posits that the rank and file members of a political party tend to be more ideologically extreme than both the leadership of that party and its voters.[2] May contends that politically active people can be classified into three major strata or echelons according to their relative status within a party; party elite, middle-elite, and non-elite. Members of each divergent strata have contrasting motivations for being politically active and calibrate their ideological stances to differing extents as a result.[3]
I meant lawsuit
I thought the strata were defined by how much money you bring in.
The Gavel versus The Embezzler in Pittsfield politics’ 2023 mayoral election.
The Gavel is INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court of law. The Gavel faces serious workplace violations complaints by Victoria May, which The Gavel said he disputes.
The Embezzler never faced any formal legal complaints by his accuser(s). The Embezzler said he plans to sue the named and unnamed accusers in the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle)’s news stories and editorials that allege that he embezzled thousands of dollars from a not-for-profit animal shelter charitable account to pay his personal credit card and small business bills. The Embezzler is also INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court of law.
The Gavel was endorsed by Mayor Linda Tyer, former Mayor Dan Bianchi, and Governor Maura Healey. How do these two women and one man politicians feel about The Gavel allegedly calling his women bank employees: BITCH?
The Embezzler is endorsed by former Mayor Jimmy Ruberto, who he once worked for in Pittsfield’s City Hall many years ago. The Embezzler is giving The Gavel a good run for his money in next week’s municipal election.
Jimmy R was the last mayor to get stuff done for down town including South St
Whoever votes for Marchetti is really voting for the demise of Pittsfield and all the graft that the Tyer “leadership” inflicted on the taxpayers of Pittsfield. People use to look and assess if they were better off before or after someones “leadership”. Pete has been involved (according to some on 20 boards) in the workings of the city for almost 20 years. So the question is do you feel better? Are your finances better? Services better? Do you feel safer??? Do you feel your city government right now is competent???
If we build a new Stadium we are nut.Fix the grandstand.
“If we build a new Stadium we are nut.Fix the grandstand.”
Nailed it this time.
Peter Marchetti, Facebook post
September 1, 2023:
“Today is a bittersweet day. After 35 1/2 years of working at The Pittsfield Cooperative Bank I am on a leave until 11/8. It’s time to solidify the next chapter of my life”
This message does seem to have a sense of regret. I hear no joy, no excitement for what’s to come. How ominous, in hindsight.
Most interesting. I agree. The tone is doleful.
As in Bob Dole!
What was the role Pete didn’t get?
It’s in the text of the lawsuit.
Duh, guys, he said “I am on a leave until 11/8. ”
Yeah. And isn’t it interesting that no one has come out, yes or no, with the answer to the simplest question: Does Marchetti still work for the Co-Op? Why? He wrote his “goodbye” Sept 1. The lawsuit was filed Sept. 11. THE PLANET broke the story a couple days ago. Figure it out for yourself.
Your touting of this as some sort of bombshell is rather disingenuous given your inexplicable support for a raging misogynist like Donald Trump. You don’t much care about the mistreatment of women: you’re just hoping that news of this lawsuit will doom Marchetti’s campaign. Perhaps it will. And it should if the allegations are borne out.
And, let’s be candid, Krol is only running for Mayor because he needs the salary. Do you honestly think there’s going to be this forensic audit you’ve been weirdly salivating over for years if Krol wins? It will not happen.
Where there’s a will, there’s way. The tax payer have been waiting a long time for these audits.
Ole Pete can go to work for Allen Harris. Ole Pete has so much financial experience. I’m sure that the nitwits who endorsed him on his latest mailing will give him a good reference.
I would think the public would like to know before they vote?
The sole evidence of Marchetti’s firing from the Co-op is from ‘names well-known and respected in the city community circles.’ In other words, gossip and inuendo. This is weak, and shouldn’t be implied as fact unless the writer is sure of his reporting. The writer is safe, however, because Marchetti is likely to win, so the writer’s assertion will never be proven wrong.
Precisely. If Marchetti wins, we shall probably not know for certain, on the record. Hence the desperation to get him to slink into the corner office. It solves two problems for The Suits: First, it solves (temporarily) a huge headache for the Pittsfield Cooperative Bank. Second, it keeps Krol from winning, which The Suits contemplate with great terror!
So he plans on losing and going back to the bank?
As Krol’s publicist I know you are filled with glee but this complaint amounts to a piss hole in the snow in the campaign. People today realize that anytime a woman wants to play the lotteries they pull an MCAD complaint. I am not minimizing the fact that there are legitimate discrimination and harassment complaints filed every day, but the reality is lots of illegitimate ones far out number them. Read the complaint and all you see are allegations that will just pit one person’s word against another, not going to be much actual evidence available to prove this unless someone actually illegally recorded conversations. Should be easy to pull video of Marchetti having a hissy fit and storming out of the bank to cry but that video really doesn’t exist because it never happened. I don’t believe for a minute that Marchetti is a crier. You already have a witness (female) in this that has denied allegations.
Have fun with this while you can but Krol is the documented thief that paid bills, tried to pay taxes with non-profit monies and screwed over whack job Allen Harris. If you spent half the effort talking about Krol’s thievery and serial banging than trying to overthrow shoe-in Marchetti, it would have been a surprise.
I’ll just sit back now and wait for Jon Melle to sit in his lingerie and garters to come up with his usual rambling psychotic ramblings about Pittsfield politics when he hasn’t even been here for 20 plus years and hope his meds kicked in first, so it’s less than 5 paragraphs long.
Thanks for the comment. Your “piss hole in the snow” brought a chuckle!
Don’t eat yellow snow.
Someone tell TSC it’s not good to eat yellow snow.
I don’t understand how May’s complaint pertains to Krol.
Apparently a woman (or man likely) filing a harassment suit faces a negative reputation caused by the frivolous behavior that proliferates on college campuses. I’m not aware of dime a dozen civil suits filed in district courts.
If she is seeking $200,000 (of which she will collect max 75%), I don’t think it’s worth the risk to reputation or career.
Documented theft. Somebody finally fingered Krol rather than the other way round.
Thank you for writing in and showing everyone what an idiot you are, not only about current codes of conduct in business(and life) but you put down someone who you write just like
The Democrats are doing the same thing here in Pittsfield as they are trying to do for the 2024 presidential election. They use the Berkshire Eagle to go after Krol because they know Marchetti has a lot of baggage and they hid the Pittsfield Co-Op story until Dan exposed it. Then they had no choice, but to print it a week before the election. Very sneaky!
I heard Hillary snuck into city hall under the cover of darkness and tried to cover everything up. Then Obama came behind her and amended the city charter to say that taxpayers should all lose their internet privileges if they object to stuff. I do like both of them but this goes too far even for me.
Also, somebody needs to follow that Soros guy around cuz he may be coming in on the next bus to do God knows what. I am very concerned right now. Thank you Pat for watching out for us.
We know who you’re voting for on November 7th. You live in denial about local politics and national politics.
I thought I had made it clear that I would vote for neither of these two self serving parasites. If you offered me a one hundred dollar bill to vote for either one of them I would refuse it. That is how strongly I feel about how bad I think either of them is.
And I really don’t care who “wins” because I do not believe either one of them has any intentions of helping taxpayers. I think much of their behind the scenes discussions have been with the special interest folk that they will really be working for. Would like to believe Krol was serious about bringing about a full scale independent audit but seriously, why would he? He has backers that would be very much against that move.
I like your answer. I don’t like either candidate either. I’m just doing what I typically do which is voting for the lesser of two evils.
So the rest of the D-parasites You vote for are A O.K.?!!!
I think we all know where the denial is here.
In Egypt
It was a 3am meeting in Cumbies parking lot Berri was there!
10% “for THE BIG GUY!”
What does Soros do to make all his money?? And why is he so interested in American politics?
He is a currency manipulator.
H-Beast, Sotero, Traitor Joe all had illegal private email accounts on which they shared classified materials. A crime.
The Beast smashed her laptop and bleach botted the data to cover her rotund derrière, when found out. She destroyed evidence that was subpoenaed and never prosecuted, prior to her fabricating the “Russian Collusion” hoax. More crimes. The Sotero DOJ/THE FIB likely tipped her off so she could destroy the laptop evidence which implicated all three above.
Note that “Robert.L.Peters” is reffered to by Hunter Biden in his “laptop from hell” as “Pedo Peter“, aka “the Big Guy”
” The National Archives previously confirmed through a FOIA response that they found 5,138 email messages and 25 electronic files pertaining to the known Joe Biden pseudonym accounts, and
After missing the deadline to turn over the requested documents, the National Archives said it located 82,000 pages of emails then-Vice President Joe Biden sent or received on three separate private pseudonym accounts to conduct illicit business deals with foreign officials.
NARA was forced to search for Biden’s pseudonym emails in response to a FOIA lawsuit filed by the Southern Legal Foundation, a conservative nonprofit law firm.
“NARA has identified approximately 82,000 pages of potentially responsive documents, and it is currently processing those documents and preparing any non-exempt responsive documents for production on a rolling basis,” the report said.
Just The News noted that Biden’s private email scandal may dwarf Hillary Clinton’s private server scandal.”
Assuming he actually called her a bitch and yelled at her, etc so what? The lawsuit is a nothing burger.
He called me a bitch…. well, are you a bitch? I mean…. how bad did it hurt. What’s the damage? … not condoning him for mayor but seriously…. it’s freedom of speech adult level. This ain’t second grade. Did he hold you down? Could you leave? – it doesn’t work that way. There needs to be damages, is she PTSD now? Unemployed? Is she lunatic fringe bc he said bitch…. gtfoh.
If you want to know what a hostile environment is, this is on the low end of danger, he a … …. femme …. …. for fux sake. So, if he is a girl can he say bitch without repercussions?
This is a sham
We bitches, bitch.
If you read the case she brought against him, it’s more than name calling. It’s putting her down because she’s a woman. It was mistreatment that was spread out over a long period of time.
Because she’s a woman orrr, bc he izzzzz
Stop it
Inferiority complex for Ms Marchetti?
How long?
Are you aware of the laws regarding a host I le work environment? This isn’t 1950 .
I live in Egremont so let’s just say for the record I understand what a hostile environment is.
But, I am not an attorney. So ya, it’s 2023 & what whaaat, there’s reportedly some hostility happening regardless of the FUCKIN WORKPLACE CODE, I’m a poor, poor, poor white, disabled person without the means to seek redress from reena mf Bucknell. Ya, I’m aware …. and I am aware of how when a bitch states a claim – its a fucking bold face lie.
You can not simply classify everything as a hostile environment. Especially if some common bitch said it…. wrong person buddy.
This shit is new to YOU
old hat to me, I live in this fucking shit hole. Daily.
Beeeeeep, beeeeeep, beeeeeeeep
Back it up
Fucking codes ain’t SHIT
Do you read the fucking news
Day drinkin’?
Outta weed. All better now.
No I’m legit furious. It’s not an erratic phase.
Blowing some 0.00oo BAC, it’s my new party trick. I don’t think it’s worth it. Blowing zero after a six pack, it’s about timing.
Anything else?
So how many BACs (Big Ass !@#$S!), do You usually blow, at the parties You attend?
Mad ~ All Zero’s, and I don’t ever attend parties. Thank you for the acknowledgement about my health; you’re not wrong. & don’t waste your energy, let’s not be a sorry people okay. It’s pathetic.
I usually pick the best one & stay with it for a duration.
Your mental disability is much worse than being physically disabled, I feel sorry for You.
Maybe You can ask Rena for a hug.
Reena, hug me bitch.
What about the bonus, raises, pay issue? That should be easy to trace. Does that bank treat woman fairly or not? Did the Eagle pursue that part of it?
Also, if they can just kick this can down the road one more week the election will be over and it won’t matter what anybody did. It will be too late and that may be the plan here.
I believe May.
Fairness. Is that a legal issue?
If she is in fact a bitch, than what’s unfair.
Maybe Pete was having his period the day he called her a bitch. Cut him a little slack.
Gaetani should slip Marchetti a few Midol before the public comment session.
Pete was jelaous about not being able to breast feed.
He has daddaries, not mammaries.
Haven’t you ever seen the movie 9 to 5? You can’t have diversity without including woman in the workplace being vilified.
The email is central. She describes a harassing work environment.
The primary evidence is the office arrangement.
You could have filed that complaint yer own self Charlie. And blame the same guy.
Did you read the whole thing dipstick? Is this Lenny?
So let me get this straight calling someone the “b” word is ok but not the “n” word…..this is all very confusing. Can you list the inappropriate and appropriate names we can use when degrading someone???
It’s really about the causation that led to her being discharged.
I think it is shameful that the BEagle doesn’t hardly ever print the mug shots of gang bangers, drug dealers,child molesters / internet creeps trolling for kids, home invaders etc…but they will print the picture of a woman who brought a serious sexual harassment suit against a local bank. The picture was provided by the bank. No matter your candidate in this race or your view on whether or not the case is 100% truthful this is victim shaming and it will only deter other women (and men) from taking action who may be in a similar situation. Yes, we all have google and can find her picture if we choose to, but to print / post this person’s picture and not the real criminals in our community is just wrong. I cannot think of another sexual harassment case story where the BEagle posted a picture of the plaintiff or even the defendants.
Pretty sure, she has a right to privacy.
Never mind. She’s not a victim in that private sense. My bad.
Will it effect the banks ability to recruit woman workers? Depends on how they handle this I guess. If I were a woman working there right now I might consider asking for a nice Christmas bonus.
Maybe Krol the crack marketer could get Mays job?
Willie? Krol was a decent baseball player
He’s a lover not a bitch slapper.
You heard about so many bank employees receiving supplemental income? It’s a thing.
Crab? Your post,,,,,has legs….just sayin..
Some guys are eager to take the shaft.
O’ O’ O’
Ok, a while back some commenters mentioned these krol texts and pictures that would show us who he is behind closed doors. We’ll time to pony up.
What is worse? That Krol said it or that he’s gaslighting people who heard it said? Just saying.
PPS is an abject failure. Lipstick on a pig, and you still have a pig.
I commend the letter writer for triumphing over a disability, and taking initiative to run for the “Scoohl” Committee.
Maybe some first hand insight into the dysfunctional 5th tier system that is the public education system is in order? Can the writer address that?
How many peers “graduate” without rudimentary proficiency in math and reading/writing? Why is that?
Why is it a hostile learning environment, and why are the “bad apple” students let act like menacing little feral beasts?
If her skin is fair than this whole mamma jamma is moot.
Uh Oh! The President of the City Council of Picklefield appropriating Poleneysian culture! For shame! Better get that super valuable DEI department to send him to the re-education camp for some learnin’
I think you mean the DIE office. Same thing, though.
Pittsfield needs a new bureaucracy: The Underclass Office!
The Underclass Party. Represents just about everyone.
We already have the underhanded office
Jon, that’s the DIE office, but the poverty stricken whites are confused by the language. Cuz we ain’t black, but we black
Shirley Enchy and even Yook got over million combined. So much for d I e
Wha bout the Barry guy? He made out quite well his own self. Big bucks we hear. Just fell out da sky.
And by different you meannnnnnn ? What, what is about me that’s different I fxn dare you
Why do they still discuss ancestry in public schools.
Why is it that the caveman who invented the wheel, one of the most progressive contributions to the advancement of mankind, is not credited by name in ANY history books, scientific magazines or even the Bible?
I am hoping, no, I am praying, that through the use of AI and DNA we are able to discover his identity and give his memory the credit it deserves. ALSO, I strongly believe that his descendants deserve reparations, with interest, and perhaps tee shirts designating them as such.
And if it turns out that he is from Pittsfield, and he likely was given that baseball and electricity were invented here, he should be honored by a proclamation, and a clay statue proudly displayed in center field at the new ball park.
I understand why individuals and families discuss ancestry. You get it.
Since this is Pittsfield, most people probably voted weeks or months ago so this story coming out now about Marchetti is not going to change anything and the powers that be in this city are well aware of that fact. They kept this story away from the public for as long as possible and wouldn’t have exposed it at all if not for Planet Valenti.
Another reason I think early voting is a sham. Absentee voting for those who have a physical excuse should be the only alternative to coming to the poll on Tuesday. Sometimes, you have to miss an election. And there are people who vote with their feet. That’s democracy.
Pete voted early. But he voted for Krol.
Then dead democrats couldn’t vote. How dare you!!!
Pat,how long has mail in voting been allowed in the United States?
Mail in Nationally, since the 2020 Selection.
Absentee a long time.
Election 2020
Trump Votes By Mail (Again) Despite Months Of Voter Fraud ClaimsJemima McEvoy
Forbes Staff
I cover the world’s richest people for Forbes.
Mar 9, 2021,01:35pm EST
This article is more than 2 years old.
Updated Mar 9, 2021, 01:35pm EST
ToplineDespite spending months after the 2020 presidential election attacking the safety of mail-in voting, former President Donald Trump once again relied on the voting method to cast his ballot in a Florida municipal election held Tuesday.
Democrats are now protesting cemetery fences.
They claim it restricts their voters from getting out to vote.
That should not stop them from voting by mail.
Like Trump, who has been brain dead since seventh grade.
Well it don’t stop the criminal aliens and dogs from voting D- . It helps many D-s voting 2,3, many times over….
But USPS don’t have mailboxes in cemeteries for the dead
Funny how you all have TDS but can’t see the illegal dealings of the current President, former House Speaker and the FBI. You are all very brainwashed and good little mined children. Hopefully someday you will be able to open your eyes and minds and become intelligent adults but by your writing history I do not see this happening
Best thing that ever happened to dead democrats.
Only for the disabled and elderly and some military NOT for everyone in the general public. That is outrageous and why so much funny business can happen in vote counting.
I voted absentee in college. I knew my hometown pols, didn’t think it right to vote in someone else’s town on business that was not mine.
Absentee ballots are abused, probably mostly in municipal elections.
Connecticut judge orders new mayoral primary after surveillance videos show possible ballot stuffing (
Not that far from home, and if you told me it was Pittsfield I’d almost think I recognized the people.
Yeah, it seems as if this board upset their plans. City Clerk’s office says there have been about 400 main-in votes so far, with many double that or so expected. Speaking of which, we hear that Team Marchetti is under investigation by the state in a matter related to this. THE PLANET hopes to have more info for The Weekend Edition.
Gee, does a family member of one of Lumpy’s supporters have a job in a nursing home. Perhaps that person arranged help for feeble and or dementia patients.
Could she list the names of the people who already voted via mail?? We could do an audit to make sure these people actually were the ones who voted, I know they have the list because they have to be checked off.
How many presidents of banks are able to keep their job after getting nailed with so my OUI convictions that he can’t drive anymore? Walk-about-town, and wife-has-got-to-drive-me-everywhere Jay Anderson. Chip and Jay must be murderously pissed at ole’ Pete. None of this would have come out if Pete didn’t have such a hard-on to take out Victoria, lost his shit – and then decided to take a run at mayor. All those trips to Vegas with hookers, porn in the office, propositioning and bangin’ young attractive tellers and middle managers…. they all had it good, until Pete fucked it all up. Karma is a bitch, boys.
Getting goofy
Letter: “Why I’m running for Ward 6 City Council seat”
The Berkshire Eagle, November 1, 2023
To the editor: We only have a few days before we head to the polls to vote.
I am running for Ward 6 city councilor in the hopes of bringing much needed technical and scientific support to the City Council.
For many years, I have been saying that the technology installed at the city’s wastewater treatment plant was the wrong type of technology to reduce phosphorus from the plants effluent into the Housatonic River. It is now a fact that the type of technology chosen has failed to reduce the phosphorus. I have asked and successfully submitted to the City Council a petition asking that the city’s public utilities director Ricardo Morales and the city’s consultants AECOM and Klienfelder appear before the City Council on Nov. 14 for the purpose of telling us what is going on at the sewage treatment plant. We have been charged $74 million for this pink elephant project, and I am now pressing the city to review the performance guarantees supplied to the plant for problems such as these.
The mere fact that the plant can’t eradicate the phosphorus means the consultants are on the hook to either fix the problem or reimburse the city for the $74 million. This is a very serious breach, and we are due answers from the parties who miscalculated the capability of the chosen technology. Also these same consultants have suggested that $84 million be spent to update the city’s two drinking water plants, which employ Krofta sand float clarifiers invented designed and built by me and my two colleagues Milos Krofta and Lawrence K. Wang. Our units have operated continuously for 40 years and need no updating.
I am working on killing these updates, and this will yield a savings of $84 million to the city’s tax- and ratepayers. Combined for both projects, the savings to the rate payers will be $158 million. Does this scenario sound unattainable? Well just remember I did factually save the city $115 million dollars in the 1980s.
I can do it again. I ask for your vote on Nov. 7.
Craig Gaetani, Pittsfield
Good letter. Clear explanation of the need for City Councilors to learn about the technology and challenges facing our infrastructure. I have heard from people in other wards that performance issues (not fault of employees) are costing us in fines and material expense. Thanks for posting, JM
Whites area of expertise involves being an uninvited guest at random restaurants
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
As I recall, Deanna Ruffer was hired by then Mayor Jimmy Ruberto to lead the city’s economic development office a little less than 20 years ago. Given the 2-decade time frame, we can clearly see that her work mostly failed Pittsfield’s postindustrial post-GE distressed economy. Deanna Ruffer also administered the city’s over $41 million in “Biden Bucks”, which was handled secretly by the Mayor Linda Tyer administration. Deanna Ruffer is a city public pensioner plus perks that will cost city taxpayers a lot of money over the course of her golden years.
Deanna Ruffer’s letter criticizing John Krol begs the question as to why she did not speak out many years ago that “John [Krol] consistently tried to use his position to benefit himself.” O.K., Deanna, if true, please illustrate how John Krol abused his clerical position under Mayor Jimmy Ruberto, pretty please! What did you see back then, Deanna Ruffer? Why didn’t you do anything about it back then, Deanna Ruffer?
Peter Marchetti allegedly calls the woman bank employees: “BITCH”. Peter Marchetti is facing serious workplace violations by former bank employee Victoria May in federal court. John Krol never faced any criminal charges in his life. John Krol is the target of one-side, half-truth allegations by named and unnamed people in the Berkshire Eagle’s news articles and editorials. That is a very big distinction, Deanna Ruffer!
If John Krol is elected Mayor of Pittsfield, and he audits the ARPA funds you, Deanna Ruffer, administered in secrecy under Mayor Linda Tyer, and he finds wrongdoing, will you be charged? Is that what you are really afraid of here, Deanna Ruffer?
You were a failure in Pittsfield politics, Deanna Ruffer! North Street has 15 empty storefronts. The 25-year-old indebted and polluted PEDA debacle is a worse symbol than former Pittsfield Mayor Jimmy Ruberto’s “Rolodex”. Pittsfield’s public schools are rated Level 5 – the WORST rating. Pittsfield always ranks in the top 10 cities by population in Massachusetts for VIOLENT CRIME. That is your “economic development” legacy over the past less than 20 years in Pittsfield, Deanna Ruffer.
Jon Melle
Letter: “Having worked with both Pittsfield mayoral candidates, Marchetti is the only qualified choice”
The Berkshire Eagle, November 1, 2023
To the editor: I have had the opportunity to work closely with both Pittsfield mayoral candidates.
I’m not surprised to learn of John’s mishandling of a nonprofit’s funds. (“Former president of Animal Dreams says John Krol ‘stole’ $6,800 from nonprofit; Krol says it’s a banking ‘mistake,'” Eagle, Sept. 20.)
I also am not surprised by his excuses for this untenable behavior. As an aide to former Mayor James Ruberto, John consistently tried to use his position to benefit himself. In spite of statements implying otherwise, John never led a department, managed staff or even a dollar of city funds. His private sector experience is sketchy at best. He has no experience that qualifies him to be mayor.
Peter Marchetti is an honest, talented professional committed to his community. He led the City Council through challenging times. He worked hard and rose through the ranks of a local financial institution to become a respected senior vice president. He has been an active volunteer in our community for decades. On the Parade Committee, he consistently works hard to include everyone and produce the best parade for our community every year. He has proven himself qualified to be mayor.
As a longtime resident of Pittsfield and former department head for the city, I ask you to vote for the only qualified candidate for mayor, Peter Marchetti.
Deanna Ruffer, Chatham
The writer is a former Pittsfield resident and was a Pittsfield city employee from 2004 to 2012 and from 2017 to 2023.
Thanks JM. Ruffer’s letter is one of desperation. She’s one to call out on “experience,” seeing how she help drive the city into the ground. Her positioning to oversee the $41 million in APRA Bux tells you everything you need to know about “fixes” being “in.” Her letter isn’t about supporting Marchetti, it’s about her desperate fear that she has that Krol will win. If he does, Krol says one of the first things he’s going after is a THOROUGH AUDIT of those Buxom ARPA Bux, how they were allocated, how they were spect, and what cash may have trickled back, if any and “mistakenly” of course, to its original grantors.
Did she get out of Dodge because she sees the storm coming?
That was about the time of the Beacon owner forgiveness.
Yeah. more than $2 million of forgiveness, all taxpayer $$.
She’s been living out of Dodge for awhile but still collecting the dough
They’re all desperate and running for the hills. Of course we’ll know who got what and who special interest benefit. They are running scare. How many companies under her received monies that were not returned when they failed. Additionaly, we need to see the list of the ARPA recipients.
It’s remarkably inappropriate. Wow!
Listen, he is on the parade committee.
The paraddee committeeee
Well then ! Give this man the respect he deserves. I said parade committee. Can’t fuck with that.
Do you eat with that mouth?
I hold a fork with this hand. Being it’s written & not spoken, right…. yes this is a multi functional word, really good mainly for emphasizing.
Has that woman looked in the mirror? Holeeee cow!
Did she really say “used his position to benefit himself”? SHE said that?
Anyone know who the assclown in the black truck with the loud engine going towards the accident area a month ago, crosses the double line to pass. A little before four o’clock today.
Three debates tonight on pctv. Starting at 5 30 ward 6 then ward 7 then the favorites debate. channel 1303
So far Gaetani dealt with Presidents Generals and Doctors. Dina met her spouse at a bar?
Meet people the old fashioned way, at the bar Friday night, through alcohol and poor judgement…….
Is this the place the new Waconah park idea was hatched.. that is what I heard. Place is a gosib think tank.
Also heard that White has bought himself a gavel and sits in his den at night practicing gaveling down Mr Gaetani. As council president he will set the tone early gaveling Craig into a corner.
Knowing this ahead of time Craig needs to be prepared to keep his cool so as not to play into their hands that he is out of control..They are NOT going to want him asking questions. HIM or anyone else for that matter though most of them know well their place on that council..Sit there and keep their mouths shut unless asked to speak.
Funny, EMPTY. If White gets the council presidency, THE PLANET will be sharpening our blades. Gavel’s you see, are made of wood. Same as White’s personality.
Did they dance on Yuki’s bar?
I actually do t care who wins any of your silly elections. I actually felt sorry for Mrs. Lampiasi,she seemed defeated after the old man’s last couple minutes.
I thought her and Krol were tight?
How can she support Midol Marchetti who mistreats women?
Dan, we can’t figure out why you are so knee-jerk supportive of Krol.
Money Babee!!!
Mr. Gaetani won this debate hands down. Guiel is on the phone with the Health Department regularly. Ho Ho ho
Merry Christmas slum Lords Meerrrry Christmas.
I think Pittsfields demise will erupt with the next set of individuals leading the city unless you change that Council.
Lampiasi says the tax rate is a concern to the taxpayer? I rest my case.
It’s the tax bill. Gads.
Well I was watching the ward 7 debate? Is it me,Dan or is Ward 7 just plain under water?
Will they ask Marchetti the question about the bank harassment like they asked Krol about the Cat debacle.
Whether intentional or not these two are throwing Tyer under the bus big time. Evidently she’s done nothing..
But Marchetti could have mitigated her damage as council president. Did he explain why he just sat by like an autumn mushroom on a dead log while she wreaked havoc right in front of his eyes?
Did he? Or did he not talk about the options he had with the power he had as city council president? No? Left that part out did he?
Someone should have told Tammy Daniels Halloween was last night.
That’s even worse.
Lampiasi is as sharp as a tack to have come to that conclusion. Gotta be a Mensa member. Needs to be on the finance committee if she is not already.
Riddle my this… what if both Dan and Deanna are right in their assumptions?
She wants her claws on the ARPA funds without oversight and Krol is a self-serving used car salesman
“what if both Dan and Deanna are right in their assumptions?”
Stranger things have happened.
Who said this?
I don’t care how frequently people die at west st.
Wahconah Park is a gem of Pittsfield
Blight is a real issue
I am awaiting for data on the panhandlers
Maffuccio looked like he was in a car wreck neck brace
Wanda…a train wreck..
He was in a car wreck actually.
Here I my choices for the races. And I don’t care who you vote for,just vote. And if you don’t vote Don’t Gripe!
Tyer’s lugnuts
If you do not feel comfortable with either candidate, why in the world would you vote? What does that accomplish? My feeling is that they will both let you down and not in a small way.
A lot of people felt sure Tyer would be better than Bianchi, but as disappointing as he turned out Tyer made him look like a rock star.
Marchetti IS Tyer with a bad makeover and Krol is Krol.
As your post indicates, a vote for Marchetti FOR SURE assures a continuance of the status quo. A vote for Krol assures at least the CHANCE for positive change. This is not the “old,” mobbed up John Krol. He broke free of them, and that’s why they’re scared that he will get in–he knows too much. That alone, Team Marchetti’s desperation to take out Krol, is worth taking a chance on him.
You vote for who will do the least damage. Krol can’t be trusted to run a girl scout cookie drive.
The fact of a matter is that Marchetti, has been part of the damage done to this comminity by supporting the outrageous tax/fee increases proposed by the current administration.
Let’s not fool ourselves, we aren’t blind. We all seen how all this has played. We’re smarter than that I hope.
This the truth about Marchetti. He did NOTHING when he had the chance. To believe that all of a sudden he now wants to help us is just not realistic. I cannot forgive him for abandoning us when we needed him, nor do I believe he has any intentions of changing his bad behavior as council president.
AND it makes me quite unhappy to think that his best friend and campaign manager White may now be his closest allie if he gets to be mayor. If that happens we will have the Tyer/Marchetti failed leadership model all over again. It is quite demoralizing. Gives a feeling of lost hope.
If we were to discover from Krol that he HAD the ability to manipulate money and database data such vendor, payroll, banking, then we learn a great deal about finance and business in Picklefield.
Chatham? I don’t think Gina lives here either.
Yes. I think your right. Does she even have to be here to oversee a r p a. That would be a Nono.
Nice letter JM and I agree with you 100%. Deanna Ruffer is the poster child for “failure in Picklefield politics.”
You would think a person who was in-charge of secretly handing out ARPA grifts, would have a personal investment in the city they represent and how the money is spent in Picklefield. Not Chatham, NY.
You would think that both Marchetti and Kroll would have enough humility to humble themselves not to seek the office of Mayor in the first place.
They could do a Martin and Lewis type Lounhe act.
Just watched the debate. Krol is going to be a big spender. He wants to put an addition or new building at THS. He states we will build it at a reasonable cost. Either he is pulling the wool over our eyes or has no clue that anything built for the city means laborers are paid state rate which can be double to triple what contractors are normally paid
I was a Karen supporter but will vote for the lessor of 2 evils
Marchetti Seems to have more common sense
and knows difference between account # and router #
Won’t be long to find out now.
I suspect you’re a Marchetti seminar poster. You’re busted.
Over the years high school football has had their share of mayhem after games sometimes involving that incidents. That seems to have been quelled more or less. I was in attendance at the PHS Taconic game a while ago and I seen something very disturbing a player on the Taconic team made a fantastic catch and after the play it looked like that player taunted the PHS player the defender turns out the defender got a 15 yard penalty for taunting I assume
Watched the phs game on pctv. The announcer also said it should have been called on the receiver. They should suspended the player and the referree for making the wrong call.
The thinking here is we don’t need kids showboating in high school. They’re not pros. If my coach saw me acting like an idiot he’d slap me in the face.
Uh, could you please point out one time where you seen Marchetti display common sense? Thank you in advance.
He said the word downcline? Is that even a word?
Probably his word for the direction he is going to take Pittsfield.
Take? We’re there now. It isn’t as thoghh Pittsifield in urine town but it could be so much better for EVERYONE if the gobsigary weren’t so greedy.
It looks like Dumpster Earl Persip wants in on the racial grift. He missed out last time.
Never one to pass up the “they look like me” catch-phrase, Dumpster is a strong advocate for the DIE Office and feels Picklefield Public Scohols needs to hire more teachers that, “look like me.”
Someone should tell Dumpster Earl that a few years ago, Flat Tyer gave Shirley Edgerton, the PPS Cultural Competency Coach, unlimited paid city vacation, as well as taxpayer money, to go to North Carolina, to recruit black teachers.
To date, she spent all the paid vacation time and money (supposedly) in North Carolina and recruited the same number of black teaches that I did, ZERO. Keep in mind, I never went to North Carolina.
ROPES and the “company” Berkshire Black Economic Beg (BBEG), received $1,250,000 in ARPA money. Not one job created, but we did get to see pictures in the Eagle of Shirley with her family and friends enjoying their taxpayer funded, all-expense paid, vacation to Africa.
Zero accountability under Flat Tyer and Pete Marchetti.
From today’s Eagle:
Persip noted that as the only person of color at the table, the issue was personal to him, and he felt the city needed to be doing more to attract candidates of color for open positions. Persip said particularly that he wanted to see more diversity in staff of the Pittsfield Public Schools: “The staff needs to look like the kids,” he said.
“The staff needs to look like the kids.” Amazing. You can’t make this stuff up. What a fool.
Many of my favorite teachers didn’t look at all like me.
Especially the women
“The staff needs to look like the kids,” he said.”
With baggy pants hanging to their knees, showing skid marked underwear, and ass cracks……….
Not some of them look like that all ready? If you don’t believe me sit in front of the school as they exit.
I had that pic etched into glass, it in my foyeayyyy
Maybe if people of color attempted to better themselves, stop acting the fool, threating, there would be a be more applying for city jobs. Dumpster is a race baiter, reverse racist and will throw that dime every chance he gets. That is how the game is taught and played
Just watched the Lampiasi-Gaetani debate. In 90 seconds flat, Craig Gaetani has the two mayoral candidates flattened on the mat. Marvelous!
Craig is a smart man, vet, teacher and inventor to bad these ass clowns have kept him down for years. If he gets elected the show will be will worth it every week to watch. They all better look out
He is that.
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
Sara Hathaway’s letter endorsing Peter Marchetti for Mayor of Pittsfield is another woman politician who supports a candidate who allegedly called women who worked for him at the Pittsfield Co-op bank: “BITCH”. Mayor Linda Tyer and Governor Maura Healey also endorsed Peter Marchetti.
How has Peter Marchetti solved problems in Pittsfield politics? It is Pittsfield’s “Level 5” public school district? Is it Pittsfield always being ranked in the top 10 cities by population for violent crime? Is it the 15 empty storefronts on North Street’s “Social Services Alley”? Is it “the Ring of Poverty” inner-city distressed neighborhoods that surround North Street? It is the 25-year-old indebted and polluted PEDA debacle that is even worse than Jimmy Ruberto’s “Rolodex” tagline? Is it Pittsfield’s $205.6 million fiscal year 2024 municipal operating budget in return for “a shit sandwich”? Is it postindustrial Pittsfield’s past 50 years of population loss, along with losses of many living wage jobs?
Best wishes,
Jon Melle
Letter: “Marchetti surrounds himself with forward-thinkers and problem-solvers”
The Berkshire Eagle, November 2, 2023
To the editor: It had been years since Gerald Coppola and I had crossed paths, but we saw each other at Peter Marchetti’s campaign event in August.
It’s always nice to feel you’ve made the right choice of candidate when you see a respected friend has bet on the same horse.
At that event, Jerry told me that Highway Superintendents’ Association members found it difficult to locate and hire people to operate the equipment used to repair and plow Western Massachusetts roads. As I was now on the Pittsfield School Committee, he hoped I could spread the word about a Mass DOT training program leading to careers in highway and road construction.
When I inquired at the Pittsfield Public Schools, I learned that highway superintendents would be a welcome addition to an existing advisory group of trades representatives. Both the highway superintendents and students would benefit as students could find out more about the training program and scholarships available through the state Department of Transportation.
The chance encounter at Pete Marchetti’s event and the constructive outcome are the points of this letter: Peter has a network of friends who come together and solve problems. These are the people who surround Pittsfield’s next mayor, and we are all working with Pete to make life better in this community.
Please vote for our friend Pete Marchetti on Nov. 7.
Sara Hathaway, Pittsfield
The writer is a member of the Pittsfield School Committee and a former mayor of Pittsfield.
JEEZUZ. How S-C-A-R-E-D the washed-up pols, including empty bags such as Hathaway, must be. Imagine the headline: A GAY TIME FOR ALL: FAILED ex-MAYOR BACKS FAILING CONTENDER
Would be ‘nice’ if the lead person on the School Committee were to secure an appropriate person to befriend to improve the educational outcome for her students. I don’t see any sense for focusing on putting 17 year old children behind the wheel of a municipal snow plow when they are failing the MCA tests.
Didn’t she filed a discrmination complaint against the City while working in the School Department?
The hardest question a job interviewer (who knows the business of hiring) asks: “Tell me about yourself.”
Craig Gaetani’s introduction in 11/1 debate was all he needed to say. He could have finished there, got up and left. That’s the sort of person we need in the Mayor’s chair and on the School Committee and on the City Council.
They are out there; you need to find them. That is how citizens fix their governments.
You know the man is ill, right?
He has admitted to electric shock treatments. He has admitted to mental illness in the past.
This is who you want in office.
Oh yeah, you’re on the spectrum, so I get it.
Good luck tonight and don’t forget to tell Dina to go suck an egg.
“Suck an egg.” Perhaps the most memorable quote to emerge from this current council.
We all know she wont suck a c***
Hey, sometimes it get real.
“He has admitted to electric shock treatments.”
Yeah, you do have that effect on people.
“WW”, You are not well.
I think he’d make a good short term council member. Dina has no polish. Her strings are to tight on her puppet.
Balanced and pragmatic.
This really is the most two pathetic candidates to run for local office in some time. Sorry Alf, these two take that distinction, two cockroaches fighting over a mess of crumbs.
That debate last night was really embarrassing and just plain awful. Yeah, John let’s add a new building at Taconic high school Really? yup and will pay for it with a series of lemonade stands.
Peter, Dude wake the F up this place is a mess. It’s hard to do business here because you and your council make it so. It takes 3 months to get a permit to build a bird house in this city for God sakes.
Shame on the moderators of all these debates, never once asking how they think the senator is doing for Pittsfield or what? Our worthless state reps asking what new business is coming to town. What are they doing to bring some new business and jobs?
lastly, what about the immigrant crisis that will is coming to a Pittsfield hotel near you? what is the plan for “boots on the ground” when this starts?
Signed: Disgusted in Pittsfield
Bullet vote Craig Benoit for at large councilor. Not crazy about the other candidates. One even wants to levy charges for using the local lakes!
Anybody read in the Eagle that WitchSlapped, the witch store on North St., is hosting Drag Queen Story Hour for families the first Sunday of every month? Talk about sick. And the owner of such store was interviewed on one of Krol’s broadcasts and also formerly pictured/advertised on his web page.