(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 18, 2023) — The error was one thing, and we won’t know more about it until a proper A-Z audit scours and scrubs the ARPA books — as well as every ledger kept since Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood has been Picklefield finance director.
The delay of the ARPA “audit” is another matter altogether. Audit is in quotes because, as The Man from Mensa Chuck Vincelette observed in these pages, it wasn’t an audit but more like a math reconciliation. Even that the city’s money brains couldn’t report correctly.
Scanlon and Co. delivered the report to Kufflinks March 28, 2023. He kept it hidden until THE PLANET dug it up last week. For nearly seven months, Kufflinks sat on the report. Councilors didn’t know about it, We The People didn’t know about it. One can only wonder. If it hadn’t been for THE PLANET, would this report have ever surfaced?
That’s not the only thing we unearthed. Our Z-agents obtained a copy of the email Kufflinks sent to councilors Wednesday Oct. 11 at 10:01 a.m. He was in Jackie Gleason “homina homina” mode after this site was about to expose the ruse.
Here’s the text of that email:
———- ooo ———-
It was brought to my attention that there was discussion last evening about both the FY22 general audit and the FY22 federal single audit which is an audit of all the City’s federal grants including ARPA. Attached please find the documents which are also available on the city’s website. In my mind I thought that I had already sent them to you given that we posted them on the website, but in reviewing my email it appears that I did not. I apologize for this oversight on my part.
I am also aware that there was discussion about a “Significant Finding: relative to the audit of the ARPA funds. This is correct. The finding stems from the over reporting of expenses in Treasury in two consecutive quarterly reports. Once this issue was identified steps were put into place to ensure that before a report is filed the expenses included in the report reconcile back to the general ledger for that reporting period. Also the expenses were backed out of a subsequent quarterly report. These actions have satisfied both our external auditor and Treasury.
As always I welcome any discussion on these documents and any other questions you may have about the operation of the city’s finances.
———- ooo ———-
We’ll let you pick apart this note, but allow THE PLANET a parsing.
Please reread the sectioned THE PLANET highlighted in bold. Here’s the city’s chief finance officer, charged with a fiduciary role in all aspects of “managing” public funds. Compliance is one of this officer’s most important jobs, and yet we catch him in gross negligence of duty.
Why did he hide the report? He says he didn’t. He says he simply forgot.
Even if the hidden report was simply a mistake, you have to wonder
- what else wasn’t done that should’ve been done?
- what else was done that shouldn’t have been done?
- what else is not getting done now?
- what else is getting done that should not be done?
We don’t know because in Picklefield, secrecy abounds. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski are kept forever in the dark.
———- ooo ———-
After all this, one wonder how the new mayor, be it John Krol or Peter Marchetti, can keep Kerwood on board.
Krol promises to fire Kufflinks. Marchetti told THE PLANET “I have concerns with the internal controls.” Not good enough.
Marchetti must declare on Kerwood: Thumbs up or thumbs down. Nothing less will suffice.
“How can anyone forget to remember that he forgot to remember?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
What about the DPW Director? Get their opinion on him.
A real man says “I’m sorry” when he is wrong. “I apologize” is a cop out. I once knew a plumber who is a great guy but was never on time, like many contractors. His catch phrase was “I apologize”, as he walked through the door, late as usual. And no, he’s not in business for himself anymore.
He’s known for,…..its in my office.
This whole administration and council has been cloaked in secrecy since the beginning of this fiasco. There is massive lack of fiduciary responsibility that falls squarely on the poor handling and administration by the secretary and certain council members who are complicit in keeping information from the city’s owners, the tax and ratepayers of our beloved pittsfield. This is what happens when the checks and balances method of governance is not exhibited in any way what so ever. I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg and soon we may find even more damaging examples of a runaway administration and council. In the coming election we must hope thaT there is a thorough cleansing of anyone who may be complicit in this run away train that is ready to go off the rails.we must hope for new blood in the administration and on the council in order to save our beloved pittsfield
THE PLANET agrees, Craig. We also endorse you in Six. VOTE GAETANI IN WARD 6!
Zero chance
Prolly works for the city of Pittsfield.
I’ve got to laugh.
Turns out that “poor unsuspecting person” who gave Krol $50.00 put a stop payment on her donation. John has only raised $1,500 since Kitty Gate came out, a $1,000 from his best buds the Mazzeo’s and $500 from his aunt. Even his wife’s family closed their wallets.
Another big nothing burger. It was on the city website for 7 months! Anyone that wanted to see it just had to go on the city website.
Yeah, on the website. In invisible ink.
Just yet more Valenti b.s. There will be a mountain bike track. Krol and Gaetani will lose. Trump will always be a moron.
Healy is moving Criminal Aliens into your place, who got deported from Migrants, er Martha’s Vineyard.
Is the City of Pittsfield better than it was 4 or 8 years ago? The answer is that Pittsfield is in an endless downward spiral of….a shit sandwich.
Does Matt Kerwood aka Kufflinks Cook the Books in Pittsfield politics? The answer is that he secretly shuffles money around various city accounts to continue Pittsfield politics’ 40 year tradition of always increasing municipal spending by 5 percent per fiscal year since Proposition 2.5 became state law in the early-1980s.
Will Peter Marchetti build on Mayor Linda Tyer’s public record in Pittsfield politics? The answer is he would continue predictable Pittsfield politics’ business as usual that treats the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working family like a doormat.
Will John Krol change course in Pittsfield politics? The answer is that he will always make utopia-like promises to voters and use banal taglines such as “AUDIT” to criticize his opposition.
How will Pittsfield politics go from the shit show that we all know and hate all too well to a functioning democracy? The answer is NOT Nuciforo’s pot lawsuit against the city that basically argues that Mayor Linda Tyer acted in BAD FAITH on the HCAs with Berkshire Roots. The answer is NOT Barry Clairmont’s recently settled lawsuit against Melissa Mazzeo over FREE SPEECH in a FREE COUNTRY. The answer is NOT 20 percent voter turnout in municipal elections whereby Ward 4 always decides who the next Mayor will be. The answer is NOT Pittsfield politics other name: RETRIBUTION!
Jon Melle
Letter: “Krol can bring needed change to Pittsfield as mayor”
The Berkshire Eagle, October 17, 2023
To the editor: Pittsfield does not need more of the same.
I hear Peter Marchetti talking about 35 years of experience as a banker and 16 years on the City Council, the last eight as council president. But I wonder: Is the city better than it was four years ago, eight years ago?
He has promised to build on the foundation of what has been done in the previous administration. What exactly is that legacy? Taxes are out of control. We’re not seeing better services. Our schools are struggling. Our downtown is in shambles. Clearly, building on a “foundation” of this record is not going to lead to better results.
John Krol is the choice to bring change, and he has my vote. I ask you to join me in doing the same.
Sue Halpin, Pittsfield
she’s krol’s aunt
Why do Pittsfield treasurers have a history of misfeasance, malfeasance, and or obfuscation, from Kiley, to Ruberto and Doyle’s boy Tricky Dick Bordeau, to Eddie Munster, AKA Cufflinks Kerwood?
Follow the money.
What a bunch. All discovered after the usual nationwide search.
Pittsfield’s Hall of Shame! That is what voter apathy looks like in Palookaville.
Who knew? When we had the bunch in our own back yard?
Doyle gave one of his treasurers a $50,000 golden handshake on his way out. Many people thought is was incentive to keep his mouth shut. If so it seems to have worked. Kiley ring a bell?
Is the ARPA money actually spent, or is it merely a line item discrepancy.
Millions have actually been spent. Tens of millions more to be “awarded.” The money must be handed out by the end of 2024.
How about a list of recipient of the ARPA funds. Is that list public?,the%20nearly%20%2441%20million%20award
Not to the fina distribution. They list organizations, but do not indicate which individuals within get the money and tell the story how the funds start with a bag of dollars and become spent.
The information isn’t for anyone who doesn’t have the secret decoder ring and special clearance….you have to be able to find the bunker and be there and the scheduled time for the 5 minute meeting doling out millions to their friends….are you a friend?
Dan, Krol and Gaetani are going down in flames. Why do you support these dolts?
And Trump
How did You enjoy the Hamas rally/celebration?
I back the safety and security of Israel against the Hamas terrorists attack.A small mind will not understand the powerless Palestinians are just shield for the terrorist attack and some people want to bring attention to the innocent victims of this on going hell.Democracy must prevail around the world .Israel Ukraine Taiwan Hungary and America are vulnerable.Conservative are leaning Authoritarian in America
Second grade curriculum includes the ancestor piece, this is where They separate the wheat from the chaff.
The big question is did he get the router number correct ?
It does not matter that the document was not directly e-mailed to the councilors.
The document is posted to a public website at regular intervals and was again this time.
I get it that the councilors would appreciate the courtesy of a notice, but do they really have to be spoon-fed the exact date of the delivery when the councilors know roughly when it will be delivered? That’s not a slight on the councilors; but if they needed it for their work, they could have asked for it or looked on the public website.
The author is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill and mischaracterizing a public posting of a document. Five stars for instigating the proletariat. Zero stars for journalistic integrity.
I agree Tax Slayer with that assessment. To me this is not a story at all but yet another political ploy by Dan to support his chosen candidate.
The report? Posted on “a public website?” So now that’s the claim? It went “undiscovered” for 7 months? Sir or madam, you are speaking tall tales again. It was NOT posted in a timely fashion. Don’t tell The Kapanski’s is was.
Not a claim, the truth. You can look it up and see the date it was posted. You are almost 8 months late.
Oh, you mean the link that wasn’t there, that was printed in tongues, that was post dated by almost seven months? That link? Most amusing.
So you are saying the current councilors and mayor knew of financial malfeasance for 7 months and did nothing?????
Great point, SHIRL. If, and it’s a most iffy if, it was posted seven months ago, it’s even worse, because it means the city knew about an audit with a “serious discrepancy” and said nothing.
What’s your date for posting the reports?
Can we review the data from the website to prove it was posted when he stated he posted it…has to have a time stamp in the code…not that I don’t take them at their word because they wouldn’t lie to the taxpayer
If they had to, they would back date the time stamp. Yes, government is that pernicious.
We all know there’s a few councilors who need to be spoon fed, and even then they can’t digest it. One of them is a Kronic poster here.
What about the mayor? Did SHE know? And if SHE knew would it not be her ethical responsibility to at the very least share it with the city council president?
There is no way Kerwood would NOT share this with the mayor who may have actually known about it even before he did.
Whatever is going on or not going on I find it remarkable that the people investigating fire truck repairs and police misdeeds in OTHER Berkshire towns seem to be completely ignoring this seemedly important issue. Perhaps I should have looked under the headline NOTHING TO SEE HERE IN THE TYER ADMISTRATION.
Which mayoral candidate most resembles Otis Cambell?
h, yes. The lovable Otis, portrayed by Hal Smith.
So a picture that supposedly reflects an image of obesity and or a drunk is to compare it to which candidate it most resembles? That’s what it comes down to ?
Both parties must be proud of the two candidates we have for mayor. Especially if it takes making fun of either candidate. Taxpayers on the edge and homeowners especially are F….. period.
Isn’t anyone aware the current mayor raised taxes 8 plus percent?
Which mayor lives like this girl
Since homosapien had its very beginnings in Africa, I’d like to go and explore my roots. Can’t wait for my ARPA check!
Cool your jets Ray. Unless you’re a connected black male or female in Picklefield, you’re not getting a penny.
And if you’re a white male, as Alex Blumin found out when he applied for a “Vibe it up” North Street business loan from the BBEC, your told where you can shove your ROPES. And it’s certainty not the way you want to “explore your roots” either.
The past 3 or 4 days there has been big chunks (hours) of information cut out of the Pittsfield Police Department Daily Log. So, wonder what is the Tyer/Marchetti Administration is trying to hide from the taxpayers now?
Maybe the I t guy-f upped again.
I remember when they used to put it in the Berkshire Eagle the accounts the dates times the judgments.
The debate last night at Kate’s Colonial was a joke.
The Governor and Lt.Governor have endorsed Marchetti.
Two more good reason NOT to vote for him. They have a couple thousand extra immigrants they need housing, food and medical for don’t they?
My guess is that he made a deal with them and the newcomers will be arriving by the busload the day after the election if he gets in. Just like Chicago, just like New York City, just like Boston. Overwhelming resources, food pantry s, Emergency rooms any available housing, motels and maybe even senior housing which is now available to anyone of any age.
Am I joking this time? Un uh, I am not. Quite a plausible if not likely scenario. In fact that is exactly the way politics works.
Justin had a horse.
100% What’s the Governor’s biggest headache right now? All the migrants in eastern MA. She definitely put it on the table.
Crooked politicians endorse crooked politicians.
If the City can scrape together 12,000 voters in the general election ..
The Results : Book it!
Beer Gut Pete 7,400
Sticky fingers Krol 4,600
Nobody really wins unfortunately.
I don’t give a crap who are you guys elect I’m out of here.
That tears ittt !!!
Bottom line those 13000 will e voting for Higher Taxes and Higher everything. Like the post above taxes were raised eight percent and water rates don’t even talk about. You are now Officially screwed with either candidate. UnFortunately for Krol he’s damaged goods and persona non grata going forward.
I don’t think Krol gives a crap
W/ some Puerto Rican girls that’s just dyin’ to meet you
We’re gonna bring a case of wine
Hey, let’s go mess and fool around
You know, like we used to”
Mayor Linda Tyer and Governor Maura Healey both endorse Peter Marchetti for Mayor of Pittsfield politics 2023.
The kiss of death for Peter?
That’s more than once you’ve said this Dan. We means you’re usually right.
Hopefully-if not, you know Pete was just promised a nice chunk of “grant money,” to ease the states burden of where to house illegal aliens.
Hypocrites like Kindergarden and snark will talk about the “respect” Joe Xiden brought back to the US.
Yet, they won’t take in an illegal alien or three into their homes. Why not?
NIMBY the true liberal mantra.
I make ZERO bones about it. I DON’T want them in my neighborhood or country.
Well, Markus, I’m glad the country didn’t feel that way when YOUR immigrant ancestors wanted to come here to escape their economic and political travail.
The difference is this: Mark’s ancestors were likely like mine. Grandparents came from Austria (mom) and Italy (dad). They did so in compliance with the immigration laws of the U.S. They came eager to assimilate, learning the language and paying their own way. They contributed to society and helped build America. They didn’t break the law and live on the loaf.
Until you take an illegal alien in your home, your words and statements are empty.
You’re just a typical older, white liberal, who certainly doesn’t preach what he practices.
Translation: hypocrite.
NIMBY the liberal mantra.
MY immigrant ancestors came over to the United States, LEGALLY Professor.
I’m fully aware that the line between LEGAL and ILLEGAL blurs when it doesn’t support your progressive, liberal, agenda.
That’s called a two-tiered system of justice usually found in a banana republic, South American country.
That is until Joe Xiden stole the election. Now we are THAT banana republic.
Well, Markus and Dan, anyone who believes Trump beat Biden doesn’t have full control of their faculties.
As for the immigrants, I’m for only legal immigration, just like for our ancestors. Your presumption that you only accept immigrants if they can live in your own house is ridiculous. Under that thinking, I guess you’d never be in favor of any immigrants, right Markus?
Not until they are properly vetted and go through the LEGAL process. Until then, they can stay in Mexico or anywhere else for that matter. But not in the US.
The liberal colleges all seem to back Hamas and their attack on Israel. So much so, that Victoria’s Secret is pulling their funding from Harvard’s Kennedy Business School.
Wexner billionaires pull funding for Harvard University after student groups blame Israel – YouTube
Where do you stand Professor? Do you stand with your fellow liberal professor’s and their stance for Hamas terrorists? Or are you a rebel?
NIMBY the liberal mantra.
So, you will let them stay in your house if they are legal?
Like you, Markus, I believe Hamas is the provocateur and needs to be eliminated. No college or university I know supports Hamas. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the university takes the position of some of their student and teacher protesters.
CRIMINAL ALIENS, not migrants nor refugees
The far leftists have chosen their anointed one who will do their bidding.
Not to worry. If far right Jordan gets the speakers job he will be in an even better position to do another insurrection and, well, practice makes perfect. Not sure if you are on his mailing list or not but one of the MAGA folk will probably send you an invite when they settle on a date.
Hang in there.
There was an insurrection yesterday at the Capitol. Congressmen were warned to stay in office before policed cleaned it up.
Fortunately, it was not as serious an event that burned down the US Consulate in Beirut yesterday. As I say, Americans suck at insurrections.
Embassy in Beirut was not burned down.
Ok, wrong verb form. Was burning down, as in, they were burning down the consulate in Bengazi.
Good thing they didn’t rely on the State Dept. and had water canons. Also good they chose a spot with a French embassy nearby.
Haaa! To be continued…
“I’m always struck when I drive through here at the beautiful bones of so many buildings that need a little TLC — in some instances, some serious investment,” she said”
Some serious “taxpayer investment”?
The kind of investment Stanley got? THAT kind of investment? Milltown investment?
“Cutting Taxes – Saving Residents Money”
How does one get those six people in a room? Answer: $4,100,000,000.
A lot of old bones are going to get a lot of kitchens, bathrooms, and TLC. In turn, their values will rise and the owners will get to pay a greater sum in taxes, which they shall pass on to their tenants.
Hey Dan,
Your writing style is what I would have expected of you when the Krol fiasco unraveled. In fact, you could change a few words in each of your sentences and apply them to Krol.
Why did he hide the report? He says he didn’t. He says he simply forgot.
Even if the hidden report was simply a mistake, you have to wonder
Of course Dan is a Krol buddy. He thinks it’s going to get him something, like legitimacy.
Not once did Dan get a scoop from Krol, it was just press releases.
Yup and (hiding) reports? Is your name really Jon Doe?
So it has been on the website but not emailed to councilors. Big whoop. Move on..
Just watched debate at colonial. Buried in there is Marchetti is talking about adding a city meal tax.
Do you remember when Jimmy Ruberto debated Mayor Sara Hathaway 20 years ago and he said he had a Rolodex? Nothing has topped it yet.
Yes, I moderated that!
You did and a good job. The old goat on t b r isn’t interviewing candidates but talking how great this Lew Markham was as a councilor and what he wants in a candidate? I like this Wrinn in ward three seems very honest and forthright. He had to interrupt Stooge a couple times to politely shut up.
Seriously? He is not even mayor yet and he is proposing new taxes? Aren’t restaurants struggling enough as it is? New ones closing every day?
If a guy tries to tell you who is he…. BELIEVE HIM and Pete likes taxes…lots and lots of taxes.
is it available online?
You can get a redacted copy from the mayor
The city already has a meal tax. You would think Marchetti, in all of his financial expertise, knows this already.
The next Mayor has been picked, Peter Marchetti. Choosen by the States most elite. 4.1 billion dollars and the housing crisis will be solved says the Governor. Peter Marchetti will welcome all the illegal aliens we can’t handle. Time to move from this sanctuary, right to shelter state.
We need to stop subsidizing North Street.Wr need to understand there are only 12 cars at the 16 million biotechnology building and Milltown gets free rent to occupy it.The weeds around the GE development and Woodlawn Ave are depressing……Does anyone know which candidate supports a new stadium?
No stadium. No toters.
Marchetti is for crazy high taxes.Krol said he will do a deep audit.I will vote for Krol at this point.If Krol is for the new Stadium I will vote Marchetti
The Eagle running the Flat Tyer/Pete Marchetti interference piece, so the missing ARPA money doesn’t haunt Pete.
The best line of this whole article comes from Flat Tyer. It’s the paragraph just above the “What the audit found” header.
Speaking about the missing ARPA money, Flat Tyer states, “It’s ironic that it’s become an issue quite, frankly……making every substantial claim that they know nothing about.”
Could it be that the ARPA committee and their vetting process is kept in secret Flat is why we know NOTHING about it? Why is that?
Oh yeah, remember when Flat Tyer created a “safe space” for the ARPA committee so they could work in collaboration with each other and feel safe?
How about asking how AJ Enchill was on the ARPA committee and awarded himself and his fake “company,” the BBEC $750,000.
By the end of the article, Flat Tyer blames it on a “bookkeeping error.” Isn’t it always with the Flat Tyer administration? Wasn’t that the same excuse Ricky Rumpus used during the snowstorm/plowing debacle awhile back too? A “bookkeeping error.”
A vote for Pete Marchetti will continue the Flat Tyer nonsense.
An audit of Pittsfield’s ARPA funds revealed a ‘significant deficiency’ in its reporting. Here’s what city leaders said about the report | Central Berkshires |
The news that the Eagle did not report is that it took an irregular audit that was prompted by the ARPA grants to discover this error: the admins reported twice a major spending project. It was not caught internally. In accounting, the longer you wait to correct an error, the more difficult and costly it becomes to fix it.
Scanlon certainly earned their keep.
And her input on the subject screams out for a forensic audit. Everything about this administration screams out for a forensic audit.
Krol says he will do one if elected. I do not believe him BUT if he was serious he should have been shopping around for far away independent deep dive audit firms by now. Has he done this and if so what companies is he looking at and how soon will they be available?
I need meat on the bones Mr Krol. Just saying you will do one does not carry a whole lot of weight with me. Just before you said you would do one Dan came on here and suggested it was OK and pretty much expected for politicians to lie. Lord knows Marchetti is doing his share.
You buffoons wanted her as mayor. You got her.
Debate tonight teachers forum. If you can’t make it physical you can twittle your thumbs cuz they ain’t showing it live anywhere.
Your worried about a few hundred grand to send trash elsewhere? But ok to give a cool million for dancing in another continent?
By the way state policy discourages tax reduction.
Sidney Powell pleads guilty in GA election interference case.
They are starting to fall.
Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election interference case (
If only Biden would fall with them.
Biden falls wherever he hobbles. Stairs are almost an insurmountable obstacle.
Trump never got his combover wet
Like Luis Tiant taking a lit cigar in his shower, getting clean, and emerging … with the cigar still lit!
Of course, he won’t fall with them because he is not one of them.
Sidney Powell plead guilty in GEORGIA
Sarcasm: I wish to thank Jerome Powell for telling us that U.S. inflation is still too high!
he’s on the ball
5 corporate food monopolies,3 oil companies, and 1 running refinery
He thinks making poor people lose their job is the only answer to inflation.Price gouging and Monopoly laws being enforced will do the job.
This entire conversation would never have taken place had the applicants name been Jennifer Smith rather that Jenifer Kerwood,
Krol wants a 40 million dollar new Stadium I am told and there are sewer line repairs in the road that are not put back in like new condition.Sidewaks on Deborah Dan Donna are unsafe and overgrown by weeds. Pick ball courts for 4 million.Sidewalks for safety ….no money
Krol wins with audits and no new stadium.Allendale school is in a poison wetland of cancer