(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 9, 2023) — George W. Bush had 9/11/01. Joe Biden had COVID. Both events changed the course of history. Overnight, Bush changed from a flailing imposter to a “wartime president.” COVID gave Biden had an excuse to hide in the basement, winning with the first winning non-campaign campaign in presidential history. Election-day fraud helped both guys, too.
In fact, we may never see honest elections ever again. Here in the Commonwealth, blanket mail-in ballots provide immense opportunities for fraud, to say nothing of voting-machine electronics and good-old human meddling.
For Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the fix is in; from the cost of living to the price of dying, cradle to grave “They” got you.
It would make a great title for a horror film, one of those found-footage quickies made for $50,000 in five days that takes in $50 million.
———- ooo ———-
“They:” Meddling oversized government on every level engendering unsustainable public debt, crushing taxes, swarms of illegals, broken public education, decaying infrastructure, incompetence, corruption, and Taylor Swift.
“They” operate on all levels. Locally, we see “Them” showing their hand in the mayoral election.
Why do you think “They” planted the John Krol hit piece in a compromised and compliant local daily, a paper on life support and now a blackmail victim to any large advertiser who wants to influence the news hole? Why do you think that Team Marchetti has the Stop Krol At All Costs strategy? It’s not only because they know that the hapless candidate they’ve propped up will simply be a figurehead more than willing to keep the scam going and continue it for the next four years. It’s also because Krol, who bears no love for his former allies, has now come out gunning.
Krol wants two audits. If elected mayor, among his first actions will be to order:
- a fiscal audit of city books, including all departments.
- a through examination of the millions given away in ARPA money.
Both these examinations will be done by outside, independent companies with no previous or current ties to the city.
“They” are deathly afraid of this occurring.
———- ooo ———-
The funny part of it is that “They” have brought this upon “Themselves” with the Krol hit piece in the Berkshire Eagle. Prior to then, Krol, showing a good heart but incredible naivety, had been campaigning softly. The hit piece woke up his slumbering campaign, and from here out, the gloves are off and the knuckles will be bare.
Team Marchetti will respond by trying to put Marchetti in a Biden Box, hiding in the basement except for stage-managed, “friendly” appearances. Watch for dodged debates and a failure to respond to legitimate inquiry, especially from THE PLANET.
Ask yourself why, and keep that in mind when you cast your vote on Nov. 7, realizing that if you do NOT vote, you will be ensuring four more years of the status quo. Is that what you want, citizens? Not voting will be a vote to keep secrets, a vote to elect a bloated man who doesn’t realize that by winning, he will become the biggest loser of all.
“When you’re the anvil, bear. When you’re the hammer, strike” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
All this Dan and a plethora of stolen Krol signs.
If there was no ‘they’, Dan would have no audience. It’s built into his business model.
If morales has his way at the intersection of west street and new west the temporary barriers which significantly narrowed west st during the summer months will become permanent. Reducing the width of west st will cause head on collisions to increase by 5 fold. Morales has green lighted 178 million dollars of work at the S/W plants that could have been done for between 60 –80 million dollars saving the tax and rate payerssome 100 to 115 million dollars. We can not allow him to dictate what is built at west st. As his competency in road construction is at best suspect. As I said before flashing yellow and red lights with ample cautionary signage will slow traffic significantly and will protect pedestrians and motorists alike. What we should also be doing is to advertise for a dpw commissioner who has experience and expertise in all phases of dpw undertakings. Morales should have been fired years ago it is time for him to go now. I continually called for Collingwood and turocys removal and was instrumental in their leaving the dpw position. Never did I suspect that the city would bring in such a weak candidate as Morales who is much worse than Collingwood and turocy combined. Quite simply Morales must go. If I win the wRd 6 seat I will forthwith ask that Morales be fired. He definitely is not the person to steer the dpw in the coming years
He won a snow removal award from the city of Miami. He is so awesome.
Pittsfield has a habit of hiring based on a fealty, rather than competence, model. A set up to fail model if you will. Less questions easier to push through a dubious agenda.
Nice name fritz.
True, but built into the biz model “after the fact,” not the other way around.
Iberkshires is carrying a story about Pittsfield schools with their declining enrollment. Capeless has less than 200 students – close it down! There needs to be serious belt-tightening. Krol’s wife works for the Pittsfield schools – conflict of interest! Plus he keeps mentioning building new schools! No concept of money. The new mayor needs to prioritize an outside audit of the PPS first!
Krol is going to lose.
Helplessly hoping …
Wordlessly watching…
Can you attach a link to the story I cant find it
Also a good point. Put GPS trackers on school committee people and their wallets.
If students and parents didn’t fear pittsfield schools there wouldn’t be declining enrollment.
Most school department folk including Mercer bdlg and teachers send their kids out of Pittsfield. They know better than anyone how bad things are because they see it first hand.
Do Krols kids attend school in Pittsfield?
His kids attend PPS schools.
Anyone with the means to opt out should be doing so. The better the education the more chance they have to set up a life as far away from Pittsfield as they can when they graduate. Looks bad on a resume too. Look what happened to him.
There’s nowhere to go.
No. Kitty Kash Krol’s kids from his second or third wife the PPS teacher, they go to schools out of district. A PPS teacher knows not to send her kids to PPS schools.
You can run, but you can’t hide.
No conflict of interest until he’s sworn in. Use your head and think a few moves ahead. Think, even if it starts to hurt.
This issue needs to be addressed ahead of the election. Will his wife resign, or will Krol recuse himself from all School Committee votes?
Will Krols audit go light on the schools? I hope not because that is where the bulk of the waste, duplication and reckless spending takes place.
But would he really even do an audit? Words are cheap. Even Dan condones lying for politicians. Krol could make up any of a dozen different reasons to change his mind once elected. We know he still has powerful friends that would rather not see an audit.
Plus he would have to get the OK from the city council and THIS council wants nothing to do with an audit. They are part of the protective shroud.
Moot point Kitty Kash Kidnapper Krol is Kaput!
Good question. He should answer that question.
If he were to win, who would take his seat on the School Committee? It’s feasible, and rare. But, it is also completely possible and there is a process for it. There is no necessity for his wife to resign her position with the assumption that substitution is possible.
Let’s look at Petey and did he recuse himself from all decisions that involved Pittsfield Co-Op and their business interests? Say the movie complex for one and their new bank locations? Loans to friends??? Let’s do a deep dive on Gavel man as well
Does his bank hold any of the city loans and if so how much? Do bank personnel get a finders fee for writing loans?
Another G-R-E-A-T question, SNARK. Sir Chaz might be the only public official with balls enough to ask it. THE PLANET certainly will.
A Naples, Florida mystery man Jimmy Ruberto backed candidate for Mayor, and a mythical mayoral campaign promising magic potions of audits, downtown revitalization, fighting crime, and pasting wings on all of Pittsfield’s pigs and promising voters that the winged pigs will fly all around Pittsfield: “John Krol for Mayor of Pittsfield politics 2023!”
That goddamned banker Peter Marchetti who is backed by the evil witch Mayor Linda Tyer and her alleged “Win at any cost” political network of Pittsfield progressives. Peter Marchetti would be a puppet that would be propped up by the evil witch of the Gated Community west to continue the evil Linda’s secretive scams….
Pittsfield voters’ choices are between the mythical John Krol’s magic potions versus the evil puppet Peter Marchetti’s secretive scams. Isn’t Pittsfield politics looking a lot like an episode of The Twilight Zone as the years pass us by? Eye roll, please….
Jon Melle
For reference: Them!
What the heck is Dina talking about? An amendment to what? Spectrum auction?Splain yourself everyone is confused.
You are running for ward 6. Get off your keyster & ask her!
No way Craig would write the following:
“All this Dan and a plethora of stolen Krol signs.”
That’s not his shtick.
I love how you are keeping Mr. Krol’s hand in the candy jar front and center. Keep the story alive.
Also keep reminding your readers to vote on November 9th.
Yes. Vote on Nov. 9.
“good heart” Krol. Oh, okay Dan. People with good hearts don’t pay their private bills with money from a fund for homeless cats.
Cowboys playing like Kitty Litter.
I love how you speak of “they” in the big picture and then bring it on home to Pittsfield with your man Johnny Krol being the savior to fight against the local “they”. Unfortunately he can’t even balance a check book and that’s being kind. I’ll give you an “A” for effort but I don’t think anyone is buying what you’re selling. I guess we’ll find out on election day.
Any politician who says he is a savior is delusional!
Same with any savior who says he’s a politician, JON.
Also true, but not the same.
Thanks for the comment … and the “A.” I’m not selling anything, just putting forth a counter-narrative. I agree with the comment on Election Day. One of these two men will be mayor. The chosen one will have a lot with which to contend.
Dan, what grade are you going to issue to Tyer for her 8 year reign???
I checked my class list. She’s not on the roster.
She never made it out of remedial classes…a classic beauty class dropout
Why did Krol switch from however he was
Paying his Amex to the Kitty Kat account? Has he answered that? Let me. Because he had no money! Why the strange small amounts? To not be noticed. Why did he have to take money from Allen to pay the Kitty fund? Because he has been a failure at every job, his own business, his relationships. and now his campaign. He can’t manage his own books and now he wants to manage ours? No thank you. His supporters are either family or don’t want to show that they made a mistake and have dug their heels in and are hoping for a miracle. John the Con has burned more than a few bridges along his journey and it seems the fire still burns if “they” are so hot they are fighting him by exposing the truth about a former friiend. Ask yourself, why do all of these former friends not support John? What did he actually do to them? It’s not because they fear an audit as John just tried this angle after being exposed and is deflecting and denying so what was it? Was it the divorce? Nah. Most people get divorced, shit happens, so what is it? Cant keep friends and cant manage business or
Money. He doesn’t sound like he’d be a successful mayor to me. Oh and signs aren’t being stolen, nobody has to steal them. I’m sure people just don’t want to tell him they’ve changed their minds and hear his lame bullshit excuses where he blames everyone but himself.
Amen Pothole! If there is any justice and voters have any sense John Krol will never be addressed as the Honorable anything. What politicians do in their private lives matters to how they will conduct their public responsibilities. Take Andrea Harrington. She was voted out of office because people won’t support a candidate whose job is to maintain law after they broke the law several times. I don’t care if it’s not paying taxes or threatening a judge. John Krol is cut from same cloth. Lying to your family, ignoring the IRS, taking money from people and not paying it back. He doesn’t represent our values. We may be calling him something but it won’t be the Honorable Mayor of Pittsfield.
Keep asking what has Marchetti accomplished in 16 years of politics???? except increase the tax bills and pay his friends
No need to steal signs. Each time John is in the paper, les and less people want to vote for him.
Krol Kampaign Kontinues Katastrophic Kollapse!
Because everyone believes what they are told by the Berkshire Eagle? I don’t think so.
KKK knock it off Grand Wizard….. tell us why Marchetti’s bank doesn’t employee Black people. Do they make loans to Black people? We know why Marchetti uses you KKK.
Pothole: I still do not know who made those transfers to Amex. Could be Krol, just as depicted by Eagle report. Could be someone else.
I consider the story to be irrelevant at this point unless a comprehensive explanation of who had access to the relevant accounts and reasonable proof only Krol could have done the transfers.
Otherwise, common and moral sense dictates you cannot form a conclusion.
I find a red flag in the Eagle providing Krol less than a hour to research the transactions. Even with accurate filing behavior, it’s not enough time for response. Therefore, the Eagle completely trapped him in an impossible situation. Why?
I consider the story to be irrelevant at this point unless a comprehensive report shows who had access to the relevant accounts and reasonable proof that only Krol could have done the transfers.
Both a lawyer and a prosecutor would be able to argue this question. If not, you’re not ready to argue.
He admitted he did them, just claimed it was a mistake.
I have no idea what his admission means. Admissions occur from one of three: guilt (most common and likely), foolishness, eros (maybe).
Hey Charles, you really need to pay more attention. Krol already admitted to setting up the transfers from the Animal Dreams account, he just claims he used their account number by mistake and then never noticed it for six months, even though his own business account that he “thought” he was withdrawing from magically never went down. How’s that for financial oversight?
Yes, that could be one thing that had happened. If admissions were to be taken at face value, the courts would have no trials.
I’m sorry, that’s just ridiculous – way, way too much of a stretch.
At some point, maybe you’re right. But not at this point.
Some people feel that tornadoes are dangerous and to be avoided. Others find them captivating and beautiful and want to get up close to photograph and film them.
Eye of the beholder? OR, people just liking to twist things thisaway and thataway because they cannot accept reality?
I knew you wern’t the brightest bulb, but this really takes the cake.
Johnny : “I set them up”
Charles: “Well maybe you did and maybe you didn’t. Lets ask a judge.”
Well, apparently only you would ask a judge, or a newspaper editor.
Suspect: “I shot John Doe”
Sargent Worldwide Blockhead: “Aha! That’s a wrap. I’m getting an indictment!!!”
Sargent Iyem Incharge: “Uh, not so fast. I’ve got a few more questions.”
Are you making fun of Donald Trump again? He dint do it. He is clean. No fingerprints.
You are correct snark; Trump didn’t do it.
It was Xiden who released and sent $6,000,000,000 to Iran to help fund the war against Israel.
America has given Israel much more than that over the years. They always have their hand out. And what do we get in return? Seriously, what?
These are valid questions. In the current hysteria, however, any question of this sort is risky. Glad you have asked it!
Iranians bombed our embassy, murdered soldiers in Iraq, kidnapped Americans in their revolution, and seek to build an empire on your grave.
We also give money to NATO – more than our proportionate share of the ticket. We pay the bills, and the Germans make money with the Soviets. What do we get for that?
Afghanistan got our military and billions worth in metal. Now property of Taliban – gift of Joe Biden. Not even a trade in data or useage rights.
Taiwan: they get our Navy and billions.
Saudi Arabia – they get theirs plus our military on their terms when they need it.
I’m not sure what you are suggesting. If you are going Rand Paul isolationist, I’m with you. If not, you need to rethink.
What have we got from the Biden taxpayer’s money laundramat, Ukraine?
Sir Charles, you and Dan are either doped up or done drunk the Krolaid. You are both deluded.
Not deluded. Disinterested. Maybe they all stole from Kitty Kash. Who cares?
You must be a Marchetti believer Tax & Spend says it all!!!$$$
What have I concluded, T&S?
People here want a forensic audit of the City. I’m saying that this story wants a forensic audit of Krol’s accounts.
There are many appeoaches to FA, dependimg on the risks of the department. And MOTIVE. Yiu need both.
This is not an apology for JK, it is a refutation of conclusions based on a slampiece.
Wouldn’t you want that couryesy of skepticim?
Has Greylock weighed in one way or the other?
They be caught between a rock and a hard place. Do a bit of advertising do they?
pardon the typos.
Actually he said the bank made the error and he was unaware until the crazy Carver lady noticed…ever wonder why a millionaire created a non-profit to help feral cats??? I believe it was set up for something nefarious
That’s the foundation of my question. Did Greylock make an error? Did Krol mistake someone elses fraud for his own mistake? Did a third party meddle? Did Krol lie?
You think someone else paid his Amex bill for him? Now that’s a good one.
I don’t think it. I cannot rule out that he was the only one with access to his bank accounts. Skepticism in the absence of information prevents jumping to conclusions.
2018-19 was a busy day for King Krol.
I had a pet rabbit as a child.
No, not really. Had no interest whatsoever in having a pet rabbit. Did not have one and did not want one. Nor do I now as we sit here and speak.
Never happened and you will find zero evidence suggesting that I either did or did not want one or more rabbits regardless of how good or bad a pet they may make.
You desperately want to keep Greylock mistaken given to Krol alive because Marchetti is shitting himself over a real audit of city funds. Peter is in so deep on the finances with his (ahem) close, dear friend Kufflinks. Marchetti can’t afford to have an outsider see what’s going on, and now he’s shitting himself over it. Look at the big picture, the hit piece didn’t work and now the rats are scrambling to cover their sorry asses.
I don’t desperately want anything except John to be shown what he is. Stop deflecting. Why bring up Peter when we are talking about John. I voted for Karen to be open and would like a change but not a change to someone who cannot run his own personal business successfully or his own life.
Bring up Peter? That’s a GREAT point. He is hiding behind all this controversy. It’s time to begin talking about him.
Evan Dobelle is not dead.
Kitty Kash Kidnapper Krol needs an audit of his books before he Kan Klaim to want an audit of the city’s books.
Krol’s Korruptution Kontinues where did the Kash Kome from to pay the DOR?
Maybe he had it in his shoe.
The evil Hamas terrorists actually called the mother of one of the young women they kidnapped and taunted her saying, “Do you want me to marry her?” This level of evil is actually supported by some people in this country including politicians on the squad who are worried about the safety of the terrorists. One Palestine supporter asked the terrorists to take horizontal shots of the violence so they could see it better. Pure evil.
Thoroughly disgusting.
Where is Biden? It’s been 48 hours since we last heard from him and now 9 Americans have died from Hamas terrorists and some Americans taken hostage. He had a big barbeque celebration yesterday, but where is he today? Don’t tell me he is taking a holiday. He should be communicating constantly especially since Americans are now involved in this. Is Biden talking with George Soros? Where is our leadership?
There are some who do not find the atrocities disgusting?
All are Leftists
Received from “You Didn’t Get This From Me,” one of THE PLANET’s elite “Z” agents: “3 boys from THS suspended for sending around dick pics of each other …. Reportedly went viral within the school community….. pics taken in class …….” Ah, good to see PPS’ young scholars hard at work on their studies. Bodes well for their future.
If the boys were all juveniles, then Picklefield Public Scohol’s has got a mess on their hands (no pun intended).
In the legal world, that’s known as child pornography.
Something nobody would have even considered doing in school during my days.
because they didn’t have phones with cameras
My thoughts too.
I was thinking more along the lines of stronger family involvement back in the day.
Not to mention, if I got doing something like that, my father would have broke his foot off in my a**. I would have welcomed the school’s punishment vs. his.
I do concede though, we only had Polaroid cameras back then.
Auto mechanics class? Discussing the functions of the crankshaft?
I see Krol is claiming his lawn signs are being stolen.
Didn’t he say people had their door-bell cameras on them and he was installing cameras on others?
If they are being stolen show us the videos, Johnny boy.
All one needs to do is put a camera on The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich, now Picklefield’s biggest tourist draw. For extra security, put a camera on the movements of Earl Persip.
I think someone has hacked your site Dan, When I vote sometimes the wrong thumb gets the count…must be Mr. Worldwide in the mayors office looking over the rosters of who died so they can vote for them
Not everyone has a doorbell camera buffoon.
I bet it’s that 3am guy on his way to Cumbies
Going on two months now and I am still asking that now famous question. What has Marchetti done to help the taxpayers in his 16 plus years reign? The only thing I have seen is him gaveling any taxpayer that tries to speak at a CC meeting and also all his pals’ just thumbs down me here and never give an answer to my question. Guess they just can’t come up with an answer.
That is the question: What has Marchetti done to help the taxpayers in his 16 plus years reign? THE PLANET will begin to ask and answer that question.
Not so much as what he DID do as what he DID NOT do. He begged for the people of Pittsfield to elect him, telling them or insinuating that he would do the job of city councilor. He then asked to be chosen President of the city council.
But once elected and given the high seat, what he actually did was take a seat from someone who might have actually taken the job seriously and done the work for the people. I know he is self aware enough to know he bailed on the people and went to work for the special interests by aiding and abetting the mayor.
He is NOT mayoral material in any sense of the words. No one running in this election is mayoral material. The people are screwed. the special interests are licking their chops again.
Since Krol was there for ten years of that time please be sure to include an honest assessment of what he did as well. I’m sure you wouldn’t want the Planet to appear biased.
Didn’t abandon or banktupt the city. No missing public funds. What about your friend John Stole?
It would have better if Lumpy left the city that he and Tyer have on the brink of state receivership.
Never too late
Actually, without a forensic audit we don’t know if any public funds have gone missing in the last twenty years do we? Does total mismanagement count as missing? Probably not in a stacked court of law no.
Technical mulligan gets issued here.
The answer is that they are both unimpressive candidates and Marchetti is the lesser of two evils. No one has the enthusiasm to defend Marchetti but they certainly don’t want Krol. So there you have it, sad but true.
Correcto Doe boy. And the truth is Tyer was no more impressive than these two does, and neither was Doyle, Hathaway, Rubert eteffing cetera.
At the end of the day the lesser of two evils is still evil and I’m not willing to blindly support either one because they are the lesser of two
Amen to that sentiment!
Sticky fingers Krol is clinging to his campaign life. Hence the my signs are being stolen. Wait, i thought Krol had sophisticated tracking devices on every sign? No? Next cue the Apple picking pictures and some photos in front of a maple tree.
Meanwhile, Beer gut Pete and his minions are just praying a major crime doesn’t take place. The city is an absolute mess. Beggars at every corner, 40-year-old men riding around on stolen bikes, the Parks are filled with Homeless, North Street has so many abandoned store fronts. Crime, taxes, and more.
This is the choice come November. Yippee
This city is in exactly the shape that the far left wants it to be in. Poverty ridden and full of drugs and criminals, the same as in the rest of the far left cities in this country.
Pat, crime is rampant in every major city. 169 murders so far in Dallas this year. Birmingham Al has a major drug,homcide gun problem. St louis, little Rock, Memphis.
Pittsfield, is just a mess because of bad decision after bad decision. Political infighting and just horrible planning.
That’s all because of the anti-police attitude of these far left cities and playing with our justice system to make certain crimes acceptable which leads to larger crimes thanks to George Soros District Attorneys intentionally spread across the country from Soros money. Dallas, St. Louis, Little Rock and Memphis may not be far left, but they are paying the price from all the drugs coming over the open borders. Drugs ARE pouring in from Biden’s open borders and possibly terrorism in the future. Drugs and guns aren’t a good combination. Marchetti isn’t going to solve the bad decision problem in Pittsfield because he is part of it. Krol may not be any better, but we know Marchetti’s record.
Every major city is run by democrats
Pat, that is simply inane. The left doesn’t want the bad things you mention. Why must you exaggerate so?
Why must you spread untruths that the left doesn’t want those things. We KNOW they do. We got rid of a Soros operative right here in Berkshire County. Maybe the drug addled in Pittsfield will believe the lies and vote far left Democrats, but a person who looks at the facts will see what is really going on in this country and the far left can’t have that.
Is there any such thing a centrist democrat, or left leaning democrat? Or are all democrats far left?
Open your eyes
Pat is far right and it is in her DNA to badmouth any opposition. It is what she has been and continues to be programmed to do.
Far Left, is her buzzword of the day.
Yes indeed. Pat can’t say ‘left’ without preceding it with ‘far.’
Can you just imagine how she feels about left-handed people? If I were left handed I would cross the street to avoid someone with such a rabid hatred for left stuff. But I think all Hannity sycophants brains operate the same way. Doctors studying the phenomenon say there is no cure and that is just sad because some of these folk are actually really nice people otherwise.
That’s because the “far” left, i.e., the Leftist Loons, have hijacked the party. There are moderate and centrist Dems, but they have no say because they have no sway. The same applied to the Republicans, though to a lesser extent. Pushing the radical version of the more correct centrist lean is far less objectionable than the alternative.
Uh oh, Sir Chaz will not agree with your linear assessment.
And Petes solution? Build a goddamn 30 million dollar ball park. That is where his focus is today. Get this special interest money ball out out of the gate and rolling down the hill. That is why he is being backed with big money. One hand washing the other.
Er, has Pete addressed publicly, to the taxpayers, how this 30 million plus dollar ball park, which apparently we cannot live without right now, is going to be paid for and by whom?
How much interest on the loans will the taxpayers also be on the hook for and which banks will get the loans?
How much will it cost taxpayers for annul maintenance and upkeep for this 30 million dollar ballpark?
What else will this “BALL PARK” be used for? Concerts, Arts venue, special interest events, food truck parties? In fact is this really about “baseball” at all?
Could Pete and Pete do an in depth interview with media answering any of these questions BEFORE THE ELECTION? Or are they going to focus on damage control for all his failings of the last several years?
Or will Pete bunkerize himself like he is doing on any audit questions?
Another one leaves the dems…
Israel Bombed Thousands dead.
What has Krol done for the city? He was a councilor for 8 years, what did he accomplish?
He did work very hard to get his now wife a sweet deal on licenses in the city for her failed restaurant.
He pal’d around with Helen Handgun Moon and helped push through a TIF for her failed company.
He and Andrea Harrington “share the same vision” [and ethics] and will “ignite sparks” that will burn down Pittsfield.
He did also get Richard “not my bill” Stanley
some free seats and a $2.5 million payoff.
Maybe we should thank him for his letter writing campaign to support Yuki asking that she not get fined. He also supported and advocated for a smoking lounge for his grifter friend.
He can’t pay his own taxes, don’t let him near your not for profit, he’s not husband material, business material, math competent, nor for profit treasurer material, and certainly not mayor material.
Kitty Kash Kiddnapper Krol is Kaput!
Rubber Stamp Krol

The KKK has spoken. Heil Marchetti.
I’m positive you are an avowed racist but it doesn’t answer the question, what did Krol do for the City.
Not one person can answer what Krol did for the city while he was councilor EXCEPT give out taxpayers’ money to friends, and rubber stamp over 95% of Tyer’s agenda.
Never called for an audit the whole time he was in office, only called for one AFTER he got Kaught Kidnapping Kitty Kash.
Krol Kidnapper of Kitty Kash Kompletely Kaput!
He burned those bridges. None of that applies. But if you ask the same question of Marchetti, you then realize that he’s in deeper than he’s ever been. You need a new tactic. That will give us target practice, but do try to make it tougher to shoot down. You make it too easy!
It matters because we had to suffer though it. Maybe the tax part didn’t matter to you because you don’t live in Pittsfield or pay any taxes in Pittsfield but for those of that do, it mattered then and it matters now.
The Harrington part mattered to us all. He worked on her campaign and helped get her elected. Past actions are a prediction of future political performance.
That’s fairgame. But does not distinguish him from any other pol.
If Marchetti/Tyer had their way they’d be toll bridges
Of course it matters. Of course it applies. Krol played on the same team as Tyer & Harrington. He’s been accused of embezzling from an animal charity. He’s got ethics issues.
What did Krol accomplish on the council? Why can’t he hold a steady job? Why can’t he balance a checkbook? What’s the tax status of his company? How can 10 withdrawals from the charity account all be mistakes?
Why are his friends turning on him? Will he be instrumental in bringing in migrants, as mayor – like he did as council VP under the Tyer admin with unvetted Syrian refugees? Will his psychic hold a position in his admin? Who would he install as Finance Director if elected mayor, his cousin?
Stop diverting to Marchetti when the issues swirl around Krol!
And I’m positive that you’re a buffoon and a communist.
How many black people work in Marchetti’s racist bank?
Good question Herb.
How many black people live in Dalton?
I know several and could name them if you like but I don’t know why you are trying to say Dalton is racist….unless you are and feel everyone must be
Way off. Someone mentioned the bank Marchetti works at. THAT was the racist remark. Was just comparing Dalton because they have a population .045.THAT doesn’t mean they are racist was my point.
Marchetti is like a dictator at council meetings
KKK – You seem to have an unhealthy infatuation with John Krol. You are constantly posting this picture over and over. Or do you like staring at Linda? Do you have it as your screen saver?
Talk about unhealthy obsessions, I think you have a few of your own.
Hopefully donating some of that $140,000 settlement you just received becomes one of your obsessions Dirty Barry.
Another obsession you and the Mrs. we hope are developing is welcoming illegal immigrant families into your very large home.
It was your wife after all who gifted us with many of these panhandling, homeless, drug addicts from the Boston area, during COVID.
I believe her exact quote was, “We are an inclusive city and welcome all.”
Does that same quote and principle apply in the Tyer home too Dirty Barry? Is your house “inclusive” and do you two “welcome all?”
Pittsfield politics nicknames: the late Mayor Barstool, Lobbyist Larkin, Luciforo aka Pittsfield’s Pot King, Tricia Country Buffet, Chrome Dome, Mayor Aberration aka Level 5 Schoolmarm, Mayor Rolodex, Mayor Montello, Mayor Gated Community, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, PAC Man Richie Neal, Maryland Markey, Syracuse Joe, Financial Wizard Krol, Gavel Marchetti, Voltron White, Cumby’s Clairmont, Social Services Alley surrounded by The Ring of Poverty distressed neighborhoods, the polluted PEDA debacle, the Hill 78 & Allendale Elementary School chemical cancer center, the Water Wizard, Kufflink’s cooked books, Paul Marx, Shitty Pignatelli, career politician John Barett III, greed-ball Bosley, the historic flood zone Wahconah Park, the Dirty Bird’s daily yellow journalism rag, a vibrant and dynamic shit sandwich, Linda’s ARPA Buck$, over one dozen empty storefronts, Bowler’s bullshit, Shugrue’s mentor, the Berkshire Museum heist, a top 10 city for violent crime, Shitty Hall, the Shitty Clowncil, the Level 5 Scohol Committee, the Good Old Boys, the Ruberto Renaissance, A City in Decay, economic growth in the underclass, 50 years of population loss and the losses of many living wage jobs, postindustrial rust belt creative economy of welfare and disability caseloads, the 2-headed Pittsfield Democratic Party fighting factions, the infamous Dalton Avenue 3 stories stinker of nearby neighborhoods pot palace, littered streets full of nip bottles, cig butts, and old scratch tickets, the Stockbridge blogger, the so-called delusional and paranoid NH blogger, the GOBSIGs and SUITS, the 20 percent voter turnout apathetic elections, the city of RETRIBUTION and civil lawsuits, the city of severe economic inequality, the once proud city that fell into a downward spiral, GE’s toxic waste dump, Lenox’s ugly sister city, there are a lot of Pittsfields out there city, the economically distressed city, the leave and never look back city, the most cliquey and mean-spirited city of inbred mulligenerational moron families, the don’t drop your keys there city, the Neutron Jack Welch city, the city of con artists, the big 3 police, fire, and public school unions and the special interests and out-of-town millionaires cut of the loot city, the service city for the southern Berkshire towns, the Consent Decree in exchange for 30 pieces of silver city, the no to the bypass, downtown community college, downtown mall, new ballpark city, and the scary city that JON MELLE ran away from as a longtime persecuted person in Pittsfield politics.
Is good. A veritable work of art!
What you call art, I call an unreadable run-on paragraph.
What’s the difference?
Fair enough.
You should know better.
The F is missing
Ah – I get it!
Hey Jon, you need to write a novel. History, non-fiction. Maybe Dan’ll publish it for you. On second thought, then you wouldn’t be able to be critical of him.
You’re just mad Rodney Dangerfield wrote your “novel” in the movie Back to School. You were written as the Economics professor.
In case you haven’t seen the movie, Rodney schools the know-it all, di*khead, Prof, of how business in the real world works versus what college PhD’s teach.
He nailed you to a T Prof.
I’m always willing to learn.
John, paragraphs
Marchetti rubber stamped every dumb Tyer idea. Not only did he strongly back her he ramroded her agenda down Pittsfield’s throat.
Gotta elect the council out of office Or it won’t matter who is mayor.
They puppets will still have a large majority of the control. Even if we have no mayor at all this coming council will be giving the GOB everything they want.
Every one of the councilors gave me a thumbs down. They are showing up on a lot of post these days. Nice to see them participate once in a while.
He certainly did do that. Says he is proud of everything he has done to Pittsfield. What an odd thing to brag about if you are trying to become mayor. And can one assume that if he is proud of his and Tyers accomplishments that he will continue them in the same fashion? Why would he change anything if he feels he and the mayor did a great job?
The answer is that he will NOT change anything.
Dan,I have learned there is no point to change the MAGA point of view.You are now pushing the FOX entertainment seeding of elections don’t work anymore.You have gone full MAGA and I now know what the planet is pushing.Once you go full MAGA you can’t get out.You believe in your leader Trump.People have always wondered how the German people did not see what was happening to them.Plant the seed and water,plant another seed and water and slowly watch it grow.You have a 95% successful rate on this blog.I don’t think the 95% are full MAGA until we hear them say elections and democracy don’t work anymore.The truth is that elections don’t work for Republicans anymore and you now have no need for democracy fulfilling the intention of the Trump led violent Coup of January 6th 2021…..FOX is the greatest propaganda machine ever put together.Cash patriotism and blonds for men over 60.I knew you were tied at the hip with Don 1980s Trump but holy cow.
“German people did not see what was happening to them”
William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, writes that what the German people did not see was the National Socialists building a model state within the Weimar State replicating every feature and department. When Hindenburg selected Hitler as Chancellor, the model state swept into take the place of the Weimar.
Deep state is the same.
If you have “learned there is no point to change the MAGA point of view,” then why post?
You obviously didn’t learn.
Thanks TSC.
mASSachusetts gun grabbers are at it again with un-Constitutional HD 4607.
This is just a rewrite from last offal they proposed that drew widespread outrage from citizens. Well they are still full of s#!t, and trying to sneak another smelly POS past.
Call/write/email your Representatives.
BTW, have the “tough common sense gun laws”, stopped the PITT from turning into Dodge City?
BTW, Vermont has Constitutional carry, and they don’t punish/extort/tax Citizens, for a right.
That should be nationwide.
or you could move to Vermont? Half the people on this site would be happy to come help you pack up your goats and point you in the right direction.
I own a home there Fizzled, and I won’t take Your wives with me!
Wouldn’t you get lonley?
Been cheering Hamas on, with the rest of the Leftist half of this site?
Where in Vt?
Green Mountains
Dan, why has the edit function been disabled?
The door nameplates change, and everyone goes back to business as usual. Our local politicians , put on a great show on what they going to do. And then, nothing happens. There is an abundance of these
politicians in Pittsfield.
Krol signs being stolen.
Stolen? Really?
Most likely people have second thoughts about voting for an alleged embezzler.
I thought they had tracking devices on them? according to sticky fingers? All candidates say this to get sympathy
I’m only repeating what Mr. Krol says on his Facebook page? Wasn’t a women caught red handed a couple months ago?
Oh poppycock!
I said this the other day my running route takes me through 4 different neighborhoods. My neighbor was a devote Krol supporter, she took her 6 signs down because she now knows that John Krol is a con artist.
A large majority of the people that supported him have abandoned his sinking ship.
Dan is still in. Must be in his contract clause.
There are as many Krol signs as ever. You’re such a liar
Had the runs in 4 neighborhoods.
I believe it!
Why is TFB having zoom meetings with the public? Why not in person? Does she need to know who will be in attendance? Maybe too many would show up to challenge her radical leftist viewpoints such as the proposed gun control legislation?
Total cop-out, LEN, on TFB’s part.
Spend the $5.50 to get your copy of John Krol’s 180 involuntary dissolution documents.
It’s a doozy!
There’s no way in hell he can claim his excise taxes were paid.
Do you have a link to get a copy of the dissolution documents? Thank you.
YouTube: Pittsfield politics mayoral debate is online:
Pittsfield’s Race For Mayor: Krol vs. Marchetti | Debate 2 – YouTube
I’ve seen a couple Amuso signs torn in roadway.
Thanks Jon.
Looks like they’re best of friends now. Has this this thing been rigged!
Dan Ive got it!!!! Let’s write in No.1 !!!?!?
Has Marchetti hired any Black employees at his bank? How many Black folks have accounts at his bank. Maybe his KKK friend can answer?
People keep asking the same question: what has Pete Marchetti done in his 16 years as a local politician?
According to “Pete’s Purpose” a video blog featuring the Councilor at Large, he is proud to somehow be part of these five things:
1- Building Taconic High School – a disastrous, expensive money pit built too small for the city’s (and student population’s) needs. You know the brand new, $120,000,000 high school where every single air conditioner malfunctioned two years in and hasn’t been fixed in the three years since because it’s too expensive to replace the 40 motors that blew after two summers.
2- Creation of the Berkshire Innovation Center – ?
(Yeah we don’t know what difference that makes to the city either).
3- Re-construction of the Pittsfield Airport – Agreed, mostly. Pittsfield (or social media regarding Pittsfield) would never have been the same without sightings of Mark Walhberg and Shaquille O’Neal flying in on their private jets.
4- Opening of the Colonial Theatre (2006) – Come on man – 2006? That’s one of your most relevant accomplishments? 17 years ago?
5- Move of Barrington Stage to Pittsfield (2005) – Again. COME ON. Another moment in history from nearly 20 years ago? Did you invent post-its as well?
What wasn’t mentioned in his video?
The on-going decline of the lackluster Pittsfield Parade, of which Marchetti chairs the committee.
The now defunct Morningside Initiative, of which Marchetti was the committee chair for a number of years.
Street paving. Because I think even though voters were dumb enough to consider this an accomplishment in Mayor Tyer’s campaign, good for Pete to realize it’s stupid to brag about performing the services already expected and paid for with our tax money.
Wayfair. Lost that one. I know they are salty they can’t use that Pittsfield’s Red Carpet Committee brag!
Crime – no end in sight.
Police force – no change.
Drug addiction – “We should focus on locking up drug dealers like it’s the 1990’s. (A proven method of displacement in the drug industry that results in a constant influx and introduction of new criminals into the area to replace the ones he locked up.)
Homeless people – Shhhh!!! We can’t talk about them. It’s not good for the headlines.
This is precisely why Team Marchetti has been desperate to keep the conversation about their opponent’s alleged misdealing. They’ve got the Ultimate Empty Suit (UES) as a candidate. If you look closely, there’s no one there, inside it.
Peter Marchetti wants the 6-figure future city pension after his would-be mayoral term or two. It would complement his monthly Social Security checks. It sounds as wonderful as the lovely Linda’s upcoming retirement!