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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 17, 2024) — In a recent interview, Bitchfield Mayor Marky Maypo indicated a closed mind to the notion of any budget relief for taxpayers.

No surprise there, except for those with hope, the idealists, the optimists, and others with good intentions. This of course includes the poets, those bards who work magic with words to capture the essence of their times. Fortunately, THE PLANET is blessed with a couple of such zeitgeist wizards as key members of The Secret Squadron’s Ruling Council.

Mayor Maypo’s “Screw ‘Em” attitude toward Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski inspired this ode by one of the best.


———- ooo ———-



Someone there is that doesn’t love a tax,

That hates the frozen bank notes because of it,

And spills the middles classes into the dirt;

And makes gaps in budgets that lead to poverty.

The work of politicians is one thing:

After they come, they leave one’s finances in disrepair

Where they have left not one nickel on a nickel,

But they would gives raises to the special interests

To please the those yelping Dogs. The wealth gaps I mean,

No one in office sees them made or hears them made,

But in spring at budget time they create them there.

I let my neighbor know, who lives next door,

And on a day we meet to talk the drubbing

And set our property bills between us once again.

We shake our heads and commiserate as we go.

To each the pick-pocketing tax hikes have fallen to each

And some are huge and some so nearly gigantic

We have to use spells to make them balance.

“We’ll have to make cuts and go without for sure.”

We wear our minds rough just thinking about it.

Oh, just another kind of Bitchfield game,

One on a side. It comes to little more:

That where it is we do not need a tax:

They are all wealth and we are scraping bottom.

Our hardship will never get across

To they who never need worry of money.

Maypo only says: “High taxes make fat mayors.”

Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder

If I could put a notion in his head:

“Why are high taxes so good? Don’t they

Rob me of my right to a quality of life?

Before you raise a tax,  you should ask to know

Who you are taxing in or taxing out

And to whom it would like to give offense.

Someone there is who doesn’t like a tax,

That wants it lowered.” I could say, “Councilors” to him,

But it’s not councilors, and I’d rather

He said it for himself.  I see the mayor

Bringing a tax grasped firmly by the top

In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.

He moves in darkness as it seems to me,

Not of woods or the shade of trees,

But a darkness of soul from a lack of spine,

And he likes having thought of it so well

He says again, “High taxes make happy Special Interests.”

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET hopes you read these lines and emerged, somehow, a little less besieged. Once more, it appears The Kapanskis are in for a hosing.


“You can’t please everyone so you got to please yourself” — Rick Nelson, “Garden Party.”



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Compliments to the Bard!

One thing
One thing
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Did we hear from Amuso that she wants the workers to look at the budget to see what they can cut? And that mayor Marchetti is concerned about the increase tax rate? and that the city Council of 23 struggled with the budget increase. This is all said after this woman has had seven budgets that she sat on an increased everyone one of them, who’s kidding who?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  One thing
1 year ago

managers are primarily responsible for identifying accounts to cut such as supplies & direct labor. High management (directors) are responsible for activities to cut and maybe overheads. Mayor is responsible for appointing directors to refocus activity, drop dead projects. Generally speaking, a Mayor, especially a new one, would fire a director who is unable to identify stagnation or is overly protective of turf.

Council of 2023 did not struggle with the budget. In fact, that council completely skipped town for the duration of the hearings, per Dan, they were there and they were not there, but they did show up on the last day to cast their vote for it.

Facts about Mass. budgets: during the hearings, the Council has liberty to delete lines. Could be they go overboard and have to make other appropriations later (if allowed) or face legal awkwardnesses. But, during the day of the final vote, there is only one vote: Yes! You can vote no, and should the majority votes no, the budget adopted is the Mayor’s draft. “No” means “yes” to the Mayor’s budget.

Therefore, the only function to vote against a budget is to reverse teh Council’s changes made during the hearings. “No” then means “no” to the Council, but not the Mayor.

Mayor Bianchi did one innovation: he had his directors submit two budgets and gave the Council both from which to choose. This should have been Amuso’s petition as it is a practical one, addresses the concern about cuts (do you want the lower one with cuts or the other one?)

Petitions are hard to write; they take time and consideration. If you get it wrong, then it is necessary to rewrite and resubmit. I would expect by the cursory draft of last week’s request, that such a petition would emerge.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
It’s Vibrant!
It’s Vibrant!
Reply to  One thing
1 year ago

This is a whole new Kathy. She’s just getting started.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  It’s Vibrant!
1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by Richard Arnold
One thing
One thing
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

And residents of bitchfield don’t be fooled. If the idea is to reduce services to save money forget it. Also,if the idea is to increase revenues to reduce taxes,forget that also. If revenues were to improve,which really doesn’t matter, the first thing that will happen would be a increase in your property tax because the values would conveniently go up.

Staus Quo in the field..

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  One thing
1 year ago

I so agree

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  One thing
1 year ago

But the people benefiting from building a 40 million dollar ball park, which Marchetti did not want on a true public referendum, will get their package of goodies and it will go on the taxpayer tab. If Marchetti goes through with that ball park you can forget about him doing ANYTHING else to help the beat on taxpayers. He will prove himself to be a puppet in the control of others and a mayor in name only. He may sell himself and the taxpayers to his handlers, the special interests, that got him elected in the first place. Does he owe them a debt? A debt that dictates ever increases taxes?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Not exactly – that will be a load on top of the base.

Reply to  One thing
1 year ago

Just because the taxpayer is looking for tax relief or lower taxes does not mean the taxpayer should expect less services. As mentioned in this column taxpayers are looking for a government that is efficient with their use of resources and money. There is a lot of bloat in our city. Westfield is of similar size and makeup yet their budget is $50 million less, why is that? I will not list all the areas that need pruning because it will only be repeating what this blog has already stated. If you want to explore how government can run more efficiently I would suggest looking at other areas of the country to see how it works

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
1 year ago

Dan, I recently tried to email City counselors do expressed my concern about the department of public works always coming at the end of the season for more money because of cost overrun from the winter and they blocked my email. I’m wondering if anybody else is experiencing the same thing

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

I try to email Smitty Pignatelli, but he blocks me. He has been a career politician in Boston for over 21 years now. Are we any better off for it?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

Doubt they blocked you, but you should contact the IT head (Zawistowski).

Regarding last hour request for winter funds: that is an oddity that conforms to Mass. Gen Law. Departments are restricted in amending requests for funds (loosely explained.) Winter response is budgeted a year advance of the winter (May 23 predicts jan-may 24). Prediction is impossible due to cost variation and weather. Therefore, DPW is advised to lowball fund estimates and then make final adjustment at end of season to account for underfunding.

The problem that I observed in 2023 is that the winter season ended in April. At that point, DPW had complete recording of expenses. They waited for 72 hours before the close of FY2023 (last week of June) to present their request and there was no intention of accounting for it. Therefore, approval, though anticipated, was to be based on acceptance face value the Commissioner’s numbers. No Finance Committee review, just perfunctory approval.

To make it most worse, this behavior is a pattern as stated, “we have always done it this way.” That means that safeguards, accountability, and transparency have been burned off completely in the years they all agreed (department heads, Mayor, Councilors) to postpone and rush the approval. The pattern of lumping costs, not arguing and proving them to be associated with the expenses, and asking for taxpayers money in Free Cash defines ‘Slush Fund.’ It is abusive professionally, and it abuses the taxpayers.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

One more reason Marchetti is against a forensic audit. It might expose years of ineptitude and mismanagement. Ineptitude and mismanagement that his lack of oversight fomented.

He is coming for the seniors. Is there a list of seniors who are falling behind on their property taxes? And has this list been past along to the investor groups snapping up properties? Well, it is Pittsfield isn’t it?

Buckle up or better yet

Get out if you can!

Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

All of them or some of them?

Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

Was it Momma Cass Costa that blocked you?

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago


Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

yes it was

Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

She thinks she was elected to the U.S. Senate not the Pittsfield city council. Come back to reality Momma Cass.

Ray O Vac
Ray O Vac
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

That’s a lawsuit if you can prove it.

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

Be specific. Name the councilors that blocked your email.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

At least the taxpayers of Bitchfield can get some type of financial relief from their state representative Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), correct?

Nope, TFCB has more important issues than her constituents’ concerns. She has taken on the victimization of prostitutes.

Upon reading TFCB’s editorial, it left me with more questions than answers. Questions like:

*Of these “victims” she mentions, what are their ages and how many are substance abuse dependent?
*How many have already attempted rehab and failed?
*How many chances does one get to go to rehab?
*What are the nationalities of these “victims” and are they here in the US legally?
**Who is going to pay for this plan with all of the illegal aliens flooding the state and the state’s population (taxbase) in decline?

Finding a piece of legislation that TFCB authored to help her Bitchfield constituents is like trying to find any pregnancy photo of Big Mike Obama. It just ain’t there.

Tricia Farley-Bouvier: The prostituted person is a victim, not a criminal | Columnists |

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Smithy and Trish have not brought 1 job to Pittsfield

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Snow jobs

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

Blow jobs

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

It’s interesting that the msm finally admits that human trafficking is a problem. There are still people out there that think it’s a conspiracy theory. The producers of the movie “Sound of Freedom “ had a lot of obstacles thrown at them and I’m guessing it will never come to the Beacon cinema. It is available on dvd and Amazon streaming.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Free Bird
1 year ago

You Trump lovers are something else. “Sound of Freedom” is a jingoistic pile of nonsense. Jim Caviezel, another RWNJ, plays the p.o.s. Tim Ballard. Several women have sued Ballard for sexual abuse, exploitation, and sex trafficking. Good Christ, you unamerican right-wingers are disgusting hypocrites.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

You voting for a demented POS agaian?

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Heck no. I won’t vote for Biden even if he beat up Corn Pop.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

No, I’m not voting for Trump.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

I asked , AGAIN.


H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

I didn’t vote for Trump in 2020 either, chowderhead.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

You voted for an imbicele, like your selfe

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

That imbecile (learn how to spell, Mad Hatter) defeated Trump. And spare us your dishonest prattle about a stolen election. That did not happen and only fools pretend it did.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Biden, Idoit!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

This guy calling us “disgusting hypocrites,” because MAGA members disagree with child sex trafficking, but he follows and backs proven democRAT pedophiles.

Here’s a few quotes for you HL, see if you can guess the democRAT president attributed the quote:

“He likes them young.”

“Showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).”

You should change your name to accurately reflect your feelings towards pedophilia. Maybe you could call yourself H.L. MAP?

We know you democRATs like to soften the language to make it sound easier to the ears.

“MAP-Minor Attracted Person,” H.L. MAP. That name fits you like a glove, not a child’s glove HL, don’t get excited.

I will now respond back to you appropriately, H.L. MAP.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

The whole pedo Joe Biden cabinet is stocked with deviants with severe mental disorders.

Even Hunter, calls his father “pedo Pete”

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Your posts are so insane that you think Tom Hanks is a pedophile. Your daily diet of Breitbart, the Daily Caller, and The Gateway Pundit has poisoned what you have left of a brain.

Of Epstein, Trump said this:

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told the magazine.

“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

And your bizarre obsession with pedophilia is nothing more than projection. No one would be surprised if you were once a Catholic priest.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

Wlllly and Killerlly went to Pedophpehhile island a number of timess

Dispute that

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

He prefers H.L. “I’m Not Mendacious” Mendacious.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

HL Mendacious, you are the perfect one to post that here.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

I know, because I post the truth. There’s nothing mendacious about Ballard being sued for sexual battery and sex trafficking.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

Ah yes the Guardian. Excellent choice for you.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Why are you denying that Ballard has been sued for doing the very things he supposedly tried to stop?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
1 year ago

I bet you loved 2000 Mules too.

How much did Hunter spend on hookers, but not pay any taxes? His families eastern European crooked business buddies were human trafficers.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Yes, and sometime one can be both a victim and a criminal.

Example: drug users. the pusher victimizes the addict. The addict is a victim of the pusher. The addict is consciously engaging in major crime. The addict willingly participates in a series of crimes including enslavement (use of children to sell), the chain of theft, murder, embezzlement, bribes that moves the drugs across borders.

Secondary, by removing the crime from prostitution, you deny the prostitute the argument that she should not commit the crime because it is illegal. That become a secondary argument against TFB case. Taboo forms the social safety net for unwanted behavior where morality and Common Sense are lacking.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

She supports legalizing drug use while dealing is still illegal, the opposite for prostitution, it’s all emotion. And the rant about “unfettered sexual access” has nothing to do with prostitution, it’s about her feelings about her husband

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

You can’t call them “Addicts” or “junkies”. Thanks to Social Work Alley they are forever people with “Substance Use Disorder” a disease.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
1 year ago

“Substance Use Disorder”

And yet, the ICD-10 code is not ‘disorder’ but ‘abuse’. How many other deadly mental disturbances escaped the labs of Sociology Departments?

Criminal abuse of illegal substances that are the bread and butter for gangsters.

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

and yet no one will ever run again TFB it seems.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

P .O. Bo x 1254 8, Aus tin , Texa s 7 8 71 1 -2 5 4 8 • ( 5 1 2 ) 4 6 3- 2 1 0 0 • ww w. tex as a tto r n ey ge ne ra l. go v
January 17, 2024
Jonathan E. Meyer
General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
2707 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE
Washington, D.C. 20528-0525
Dear Mr. Meyer:
On behalf of the State of Texas, I write in response to your demand letter of January 14, 2024, in
which you complain about how the Texas Military Department (TMD) recently seized and
secured Shelby Park in the City of Eagle Pass, Texas. Your letter misstates both the facts and the
law in demanding that Texas surrender to President Biden’s open-border policies. Because the
facts and law side with Texas, the State will continue utilizing its constitutional authority to defend
her territory, and I will continue defending those lawful efforts in court. The U.S. Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) should stop wasting scarce time and resources suing Texas, and start
enforcing the immigration laws Congress already has on the books.
Your letter betrays a lack of on-the-ground understanding of what is happening in Shelby Park.
While I need not correct every mistaken assertion, a few of your false claims must be debunked:
• Texas allows prompt entry into Shelby Park by any U.S. Border Patrol personnel
responding to a medical emergency, and this access is not “limited to use of the boat
ramp,” as you say. TMD has ordered its Guardsmen not to impede lifesaving care for
aliens who illegally cross the Rio Grande. To that end, TMD has erected gates that allow
for rapid admission when federal personnel communicate the existence of some medical
• Your supposed commitment “to rendering emergency assistance to individuals in need”
is belied by the fact that U.S. Border Patrol withdrew from Shelby Park last year and
advised the Texas Department of Public Safety that federal personnel would not be present to
administer aid unless Texas called for help. Moreover, the Del Rio Sector appears to be the
only place along the Rio Grande where DHS does not keep boats on the water around the
clock to provide water-rescue capabilities.
• Your attempt to blame Texas for three migrant deaths on January 12, 2024 is vile and, as
you now should be aware, completely inaccurate. “Three individuals drowned” that
night on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, but that tragedy is your fault. Contrary to
your letter, TMD did not prevent U.S. Border Patrol from entering Shelby Park to
attempt a water rescue of migrants in distress. The federal agents at the gate did not even
have a boat, and they did not request entry based on any medical exigency. Instead, the
federal agents told TMD’s staff sergeant that Mexican officials had already recovered
dead bodies and that the situation was under control. Texas’s Guardsmen nevertheless
made a diligent search, only to confirm that Mexican officials had recovered the migrants’
bodies, downriver from the Shelby Park boat ramp and on their side of the river.
• Texas has seen no evidence, and you cite none, showing that the migrants who drowned
actually reached the Texas shore. And this despite TMD Guardsmen surveilling the
waters of the Rio Grande near Shelby Park with spotlights, night-vision goggles, and
thermal-imaging devices.
• As a federal court has already ruled, it is DHS and Biden Administration policies that are
leading migrants to risk their lives, and sometimes lose them, trying to cross the Rio
Grande. If you really care about migrants being put in “imminent danger to life and
safety,” your agency should stop driving them into the waters of the river. Nobody
drowns on a bridge. A federal court recently rebuked the Biden Administration for
creating this dangerous situation: “If [DHS] agents are going to allow migrants to enter
the country, and indeed facilitate their doing so, why make them undertake the dangerous
task of crossing the river? Would it not be easier, and safer, to receive them at a port of
entry?” Texas v. DHS, 2023 WL 8285223, at *4 (W.D. Tex. Nov. 29, 2023). By
“creat[ing] a perverse incentive for aliens to attempt to cross” the Rio Grande, the court
found, you are “begetting life-threatening crises for aliens and agents both.” Id. at *14.
• Although Shelby Park does sit on “municipal land owned by the City of Eagle Pass,” as
you say, TMD has now taken that land from the City for law-enforcement and disaster-
relief purposes in accordance with Texas Government Code § 418.017(c). It is immaterial
that U.S. Customs and Border Protection entered into a “Memorandum of Agreement
with Eagle Pass . . . on December 13, 2015,” because the State of Texas never approved
that transaction as required by Article IV, § 10 of the Texas Constitution. Your federal
agency cannot have something that was not the City’s to give.
Quite apart from the Shelby Park specifics, your demand letter rests on a more fundamental
misunderstanding of federal law and the role of sovereign States within our constitutional order.
This much is clear from your invocation of a federal statute that gives U.S. Border Patrol
warrantless access to land within 25 miles of the border, but only “for the purpose of patrolling the
border to prevent the illegal entry of aliens into the United States.” 8 U.S.C. § 1357(a)(3) (emphasis
added). President Biden has ordered your agency to do the exact opposite, in keeping with his
open-borders campaign promise. There is not even a pretense that you are trying to prevent the
illegal entry of aliens.
As a federal court recently found, DHS’s “utter failure . . . to deter, prevent and halt unlawful
entry into the United States” has left your agency powerless to “claim the statutory duties [it is]
so obviously derelict in enforcing as excuses to puncture [Texas’s] attempts to shore up the [Biden
Administration’s] failing system.” Texas v. DHS, 2023 WL 8285223, at *14 (W.D. Tex. Nov. 29,
2023). Indeed, Secretary Mayorkas’s refusal to enforce federal immigration laws enacted by
Congress has now put him in danger of impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives. See
also U.S. CONST. art. I, § 8, cl. 4 (empowering Congress, not the President, “[t]o establish an
uniform Rule of Naturalization”).
According to your letter, “[t]he U.S. Constitution tasks the federal government with . . . securing
the Nation’s borders.” When were you planning to start?
President Biden has been warned in a series of letters, one of them hand-delivered to him in El
Paso, that his sustained dereliction of duty in securing the border is illegal. By instructing your
agency and others to ignore federal immigration laws, he has breached the guarantee, found in
Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution, that the federal government “shall protect each of [the
States] against Invasion.” Texas, in turn, has been forced to invoke the powers reserved in Article
I, § 10, Clause 3, which represents “an acknowledgement of the States’ sovereign interest in
protecting their borders.” Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387, 419 (2012) (Scalia, J., concurring
in part and dissenting in part). Although you invoke the majority opinion in that case, it never
addressed these crucial constitutional guarantees because Arizona did not raise them. Having
abandoned the field of immigration enforcement, in defiance of Congress’s commands, your
agency is in no position to claim preemption under Arizona v. United States and the Supremacy
Rather than addressing Texas’s urgent requests for protection, President Biden has authorized
DHS to send a threatening letter through its lawyers. But Texas has lawyers, too, and I will
continue to stand up for this State’s constitutional powers of self-defense. Instead of running to
the U.S. Department of Justice in hopes of winning an injunction, you should advise your clients
at DHS to do their job and follow the law.
Ken Paxton
Attorney General of Texas
cc: The Honorable Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas
Major General Thomas M. Suelzer, Adjutant General, Texas Military Department
The Honorable Merrick B. Garland, U.S. Attorney General

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Trap, instead or in addition to posting a missive, please just state your point.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kindergarden
1 year ago

Did you read it?


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Someone there is who doesn’t like a tax
Someone there is who does.

The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

MAGA is the Trump brownshirts who believe Trump will cut their taxes and have hope that the billionaire will now pay taxes as they continue to pay zero….If there is a new school combined with a Pittsfield Baseball Stadium it will be time to consider handing over the liabilities to a new house buyer…..Lenox is half the taxes of pittsfied.School choice has cost Pittsfield around 40 million.Budgets in urban cities never went down under any republican.Trump thinks Biden made him rape.Trump thinks Biden made him steal Top Secrets.Trump think Biden made him commit bank fraud In NY.Trump thinks Biden made him not pay taxes.Trump thinks Biden made him demand votes in Georgia.Trump think Biden made him overthrow America’s democracy.Trump thinks he weighs 215 pounds.Trump thinks Biden told Milania to divorce him.Trump thinks Biden made Ivanka Trump take 2 billion from the Saudis of Arabia

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Try again after you take your Thorazine

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

product of PPS


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

My Mother tried to teach PPS, she left in disgust.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

How’s your recovery from you lobotomy going?

The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

Every budget by Tyer is Marchettis budget.Marchetti knows liabilities and he can not add any liabilities.He messed up big and she screwed Pittsfield Massachusetts. We have no way to pay this budget.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

January 17, 2024

Hello Governor Maura Healey,

Please listen to the latest online radio interview of Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli criticizing you and your administration. He said he is disappointed that you have not visited his Southern Berkshire State Legislative District.

It is wrong for Smitty Pignatelli to have served a little over 21 years in Boston, while you have only served one year so far as Governor, for him to blame you and your administration for most to all of the problems that he himself has not resolved in over two decades time.

I am sorry that Smitty Pignatelli has been and continues to criticize you and your administration in the Western Massachusetts news media. His ego is bigger than the size of the Moon. In his deluded mind, the only thing closest to perfection is Smitty Pignatelli, but the truth is the exact opposite!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

1 year ago

Good taxes make good neighbors.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kindergarden
1 year ago

Biden gives my taxes to criminal aliens.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

100 % right Trap ,Our taxes are suppose to pay for police, fire, teachers, keeping streets clean etc. The issue is that he’s not doing that; he’s using the taxes to provide free lodging, food, phones, education, and medical care to illegal migrants at the expense of the tax paying American citizen.
Biden and company putting illegals needs before our veterans needs really gets me the most.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kindergarden
1 year ago

You are getting new Criminal Alien neighbors, paid for with my tax dollars, thanks to Democrats who violated their oaths of office.

“good luck” with them.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

I almost wish a bunch of GOPs would get elected here. Then we’d all see the good they do (or not).

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Pete White is a can’t do guy. He is very good at telling the taxpayers why we can’t do something. Pittsfield keeps voting him in. You’re getting what you deserve, enjoy.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

I believe Pork Chop Pete is just a sock puppet for Marchetti like his cousin Lamb Chop was for Shari

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Pete White is the perfect example of a democrat hack who’d be unemployable in the private sector unless he worked in a voltron cartoon.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Charley Horse objects.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

He is so awesome. He is just going do everything and tell you he is doing it for Pittsfield. He is really doing it for peter.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Does the new mayor have a DICK? or a vagina?

Is “It” a pumper a pump e?

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Come on out of the closet Trapper. We know you like to hide it with your ultra conservative persona. It’s 2024,no one will judge ya, embrace it, smell the roses, breathe the fresh air Rube

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
1 year ago

Your goat, er lover, is bleating again.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
1 year ago

It is an abomination to God, like yourself.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

You, Trap, are the only abomination to God that I know of.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
1 year ago
Reply to  In Da Know
1 year ago

Do you make sheep moan?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

A mangina?

Rip Wheeler
Rip Wheeler
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

You’re a weirdo.

1 year ago

Inflation is so bad in this country. Rent and food prices continue to rise and the Biden administration is saying the economy is great. Working America knows he isn’t telling the truth. Biden and the globalists are at a critical stage of their plan to change the world to a fascist system as they continue to call Donald Trump a dictator. It isn’t just the far left in this country that is in a panic if the far left doesn’t win the next presidential election, the European globalists are also in a panic. They are so close to turning us into serfs who own nothing and will have no choices in our lives. Even the jobs report is wrong and is being readjusted. The true unemployment rate is between 6.4 and 7.5 percent. Smaller companies are in freefall, but larger companies that are now in bed with government (fascism) are booming.

Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Whew, what a story.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
1 year ago

I just tried again today to send a e mail to Patrick Kavey and Alisa Costa and Kathleen Amuso and got blocked again.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

what makes you believe you are blocked? What is the error message or other response that you get when you send?

Ray O Vac
Ray O Vac
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

Go to open mic and read them your email message.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

Go to the meetings and tell all of us that the politicians are blocking your emails to them. You may also say that Jon Melle’s emails to Maryland Markey, Paul Marxism, Trippy Country Buffet and Shitty PIG-pen are blocked. While most career politicians are more like stool samples than elected officials, they want us to email them how wonderful they are by taking our tax dollars and then screwing us over with corrupt, inaccessible, inequitable, insider, secretive and top-down government. When they block my emails, I feel worse than a doormat. I feel like I am like a toilet for them to shit on. Maryland’s Ed Markey = HOT AIR! Paul Mark = Karen Spilka’s BIG Rubber Stamp! Tricia Farley-Bouvier = Does NOTHING but DISSERVICES! Smitty Pignatelli = NO to government transparency! They are a bunch of big poops that should be voted out of elected office.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Live stream

January 16, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Thursday, December 18, at 9:30 AM ET, the House Committee on Homeland Security, led by Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN), will hold a second hearing as a part of the historic impeachment proceedings against Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. This hearing will examine the consequences of Secretary Mayorkas’ intentional border crisis to Americans across the country, with testimony from those who have been impacted by his refusal to enforce the laws of the United States.

In The Know
In The Know
1 year ago

While Dan and Kronick jerk each other off, the planet got scooped again!

Former Pittsfield Police Chief Michael Wynn hired to be Greylock Glen Outdoor Center executive director

Word is he had the job before he gave his notice. It’s called patronage.
Imagine being the poor dumb sap candidate that had actual experience and a degree in a related field and finding out a patronage affirmative action hire got the job?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

I think the story of interest here is not Wynn but the connections in Adams.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Too bad the Berkshire Mall is out of service. The chief could have been an excellent mall cop.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

But INDA knows where the most affectionate sheep are.

One thing
One thing
Reply to  In The Know
1 year ago

Let me step in here Dan. What the Eagle won’t tell you is Christine Hoyt is great friends with Wynns Wife. Of course that had nothing to do with the hire.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
1 year ago

Hi Dan in the attempt to be perfectly honest after I complained on your planet Valenti about being block-latter this afternoon I received an email from Costa Who had previously block me. But still haven’t heiress from the others who block me. Thanks Dan

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Hysterical public announcement by Everhart in the Eagle:

“It’s perplexing that the seven councilors decided to go this route now given the tenor of the campaign. The candidates who campaigned on personal grievances, fought lost causes or dragged up settled issues fared poorly. The campaigns of those who won might not have been bold or visionary, but they were generally realistic and positive in tone….

So why start grandstanding now?

“But specifics aside, every new mayor deserves an opportunity to get his or her feet on the ground before being blindsided with ultimatums or semi-ultimatums issued for show. Marchetti certainly deserves that chance and councilors might want to put politics aside at least for a little while and give the new mayor that opportunity.”

Bill, it’s been written more clearly by better men before you. “Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights” – The Bard

Rip Wheeler
Rip Wheeler
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

The councilors who supported Amuso’s petition after voting for the 9% budget increase last year (Lampiasi, Warren, Conant, Kavey) have the critical thinking skills of an amoeba.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

He deserves a period of grace, something readers here are unwilling to give.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
1 year ago

message to has been blocked. See technical details below for more information.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Richard Arnold
1 year ago

Could you post the ‘technical details below”?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Biden open border buffoons

Yes Americans, the enemy is currently infesting the White House.

1 year ago

Just read in the eagle that there was a community meeting tonight to discuss building a new school on the west side. I remember the study to build a new THS it was also recommended that one elementary school be closed. That never happened, $40M ball park and another new school UGH