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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 9-11, 2024) — First, before we bring on Petula Clark, THE PLANET‘s Super Bowl prediction: Chiefs 27, 49ers 24. Mahomes gets a tad closer to Bradyland. Chiefs win. Dynasty of the 2020s.

Now, THE PLANET  presents the smash No. 1 hit of that Pet girl from England:

The lights are much brighter there. You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go downtown. No finer place for sure.

Of course, you realize Pet Clark wasn’t singing about downtown Bitchfield. We could, though, freshen up the lyrics:

The lights are much dimmer there. You will compound all your troubles, compound all your cares and go downtown. No worse off place for sure.

Actually, Bitchfield’s downtown isn’t that bad.

It’s worse.

The idiot planners and The Suits, who as usual know better than you do, will be “revitalizing” downtown for the 28th time in the past five weeks, since Jan. 2.

Keep that simple sentence in your head at all times: They know better.




———- ooo ———-

 Julie Copoulos, left, and Nick Russo, center. (Photo: iBerkshires)

The vast majority of THE PLANET‘s readers don’t and won’t fall for it, and they have influence. It took the city one day to remove the Christmas decorations from North Street after we wrote about it and readers bombarded DPW.

Here’s what one PLANETEER wrote about the nth downtown “revitalization”:

And ironically every time they do it they make it harder for business s to survive there. Between the bump outs, parking meters, homeless, drug activity. They have driven away most of a potential customer base, which is why they are quietly focusing on turning most of the buildings into condo units for special interest investors.

Yes, and add to that the most recent addition to downtown’s Social Services Swamp, the bright and shiny (not for long) flophouse for the “houseless.” Great. Just what the “openly gay” city hub needs, more down-and-outers to freeload, linger, and scare shoppers.

———- ooo ———-

In this latest “revitalization,” the hacks, grifters, and grafters propose “revitalizing” downtown’s “corridors.’ They going to start with Dunham Mall. Cost: $70 grand of which they have $52Gs, all but $2,000 of which comes from taxpayers. They will begin fundraising for the other $18K next Month.

And who are “they?”

More of the usual suspects.

C’mon down Nick Russo and Julie Copoulos.

These two “”work” at something called the Pittsfield Community Design Center (PCDC).

Betcha didn’t even know there was yet another bureaucracy to suck up Kapanski Kash. Oh yeah, and Downtown Pittsfield Inc. hands its thumb in the pie as well. Old Rasta proverb: “Jah, save us from do-gooders with intentions, y’know.”

The recent gush of faux-fawning praise for the Dunham Mall tinkerers deserves a line of two. Nick Russo. remember him? He’s been kicking around in various positions. Somehow, he conned his way into having those foolish bike lanes installed to the ruination of downtown. Why would the enterprising lad would do this, being contrary to common sense as it is?

Russo Rides his joe. Hmmm. Is that why he pushed so hard for North Street’s bike lanes? For his own selfish purposes? Makes ya wonder.

Look what we discovered about Nick the Quick. In 2022, this bike-riding fool pushed a pedal-powered cart through the bile lanes to sell java from his bike. We kid you not. From this, a curious mind wonders if the push for the bike paths was so that the kid with the Gardol smile could pedal (pun intended) his coffee. No conflict of interest there, eh?

As for Copolous, we know little to nothing, other than her constant and unilateral meddling in helping to dim the dim lights of downtown. That groan you here is from every business owner on North Street and every taxpayer who is a Kapanski.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


If the Super Bowl is so Super, why isn’t George Reeves going to perform the opening coin toss?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.





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Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
8 months ago

Nick needs to be taken out behind the woodshed.

8 months ago


Seriously? Enough said.

Reply to  He/She/Shit
8 months ago

Here’s my idea of public space activation – city employees take action for a change and clean up the streets – no Christmas decorations in February, no bums on the streets, no trash, no bike lanes, no scooters, no stick outs, no stick ups, no bums in the parks, no cardboard crack littering the streets, no nips, no ifs, no and, and no butts. Oh, and no “woe is me” folks holding cardboard with their sad eyed look at every other intersection.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
8 months ago

How about fireworks? The mayor just had fireworks on the common in February. Talk about having money to burn huh? I guess they weighed the benefits of donating the cost of the fireworks display to a charity or cutting taxes and decided to just blow it up so people could see colored sparks in the air for 10 minutes. It boggles the mind.

Get out if you can.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Maybe, but like the iceberg that breaks from the main, it’s already wasted.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

I’m sure the fireworks were bought and paid for by yo….I mean “grant money,” bestowed to Bitchfield by Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (d-illegal aliens).

The commonwealth needs to provide fun and recreational events for our ILLEGAL Haitian invaders.

US taxpayer paid gift cards, iPhones, laptops, and free housing, aren’t enough.

It’s not like Markey Maypo is spending his cash.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

Camping out at the hotel behind Guidos and the hotel by cvs in Gtb

The school committee
The school committee
8 months ago

Trump is a very obese 78 year old twice impeached ex prez who stole top secrets when he left office.Rep.Sefanik is a vp candidate and said she would have been part of the conspiracy to overthrow the election.Trump has said for 40 years that the Justice system has been out to get him.Someday they might get the most elusive criminal in American history.He still walking the streets.

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

At least he’s aware that he is walking down a street, unlike you and Dementia Joe. How come you’re not up in arms over the confidential files being passed around like a 13 year old at Bill Clinton’s birthday party? The answer is simple

you are not right in the head and need to be sectioned.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

And the Biden crime cartel and installed Junta?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Elections have consequences.

Stolen elections have catastrophic

Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Yes they do and so right on. We are paying and suffering now.

Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Take your psyc meds and give them a chance to kick in before you post

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Gobsig
8 months ago

TSC’s handlers at Jones might want to double dose him the day the supremes issue their ruling that Trump is able to be on the ballot across this country.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

“Something that is given in return for something else or accepted as a reciprocal part of an exchange.”- n Quid Pro Quo (Joe), March 2016

Joe Biden admits to pressuring Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. The former Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden, was on the board for Burisma.”

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Don’t you know Democrats can lie, cheat and steal because they do it for the “good of society”,ha,ha,ha. Biden can take classified documents throughout his career and share with “ghost writers” and Hilary can take classified information on an unsecured computer to her house and destroy it before the FBI can retrieve it but nothing to see and who would put Hilary in jail or Biden for that matter they are so old and feeble!! Mr. Executive order doesn’t even know what the heck he is signing so it makes you wonder is the “bunny rabbit” running America?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

That wasn’t quid pro quo, just extortion.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago


The Kerrys, Romneys, and Pelouseys are also involved with Burisma.

Zelensky can blackmail them at will.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

“In the interview, Tucker Carlson discussed many topics, such as the war in Ukraine, imprisoned WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich, NATO, Bill Clinton, and much more.
At one point during the interview, Vladimir Putin discussed the open US border with Mexico.

Putin asked Tucker Carlson why America was fighting for Ukraine’s border and refusing to defend it’s own border?”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Listened to part of it – not finished. First takeaway: it would do well for Americans to appreciate our history, the old history, as Russians know their own.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Putin’s arg regarding the inevitability of change (rising sun) – straight Marxism, that is, ‘The butterfly emerges from a chrysalis’ nothing can stop it from happening. Evil man.

Last edited 8 months ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Many lesson to us from Tucker’s interview to absorb. Tucker does us a great service in revealing the adversary. Putin is a sly man speaking with a silver tongue, lies easily as he revels in confidence in historical passion.

Lesson for us is this: we, Americans, shall not survive the next Euro-Chinese century so long as we remain ignorant of our history, what revolution means to the American identity, and hold callous thoughts to our founders. We are rapidly becoming a people who know not what we are about.

Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Agree, regardless if you think he was truthful or not. He’s IQ much higher than Biden and Zelenskyy combined.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

Sad to say even TSC has a higher IQ than Biden:(

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Acute Angina
8 months ago
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Now. Understand that is how a common gangster, the young man, convinced the people of St Petersburg that he was a reformer.

Speaks well, all lies.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

“Ukraine is an artificial state.”

The British tyrants said the same of us too. The point is not what Putin claims, it what the people of Ukraine believe. National identity is won in the hearts of men.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

All states are artificial

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

I appreciate the clarification. Not understanding what you mean by AH, prefer not to.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

In Pittsfield we now have the taxpayer’s Gulag Marchettigo.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago


Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Japan before and during WWII murdered 12 million Chinese. When MAO came along he did in 20 million of his own citizens.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Acute Angina
8 months ago

Not to mention the numerous offshoots – Kim dynasty, Pol Pot. And at home still counting.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

How does that make him any different than Zelenskyy? Both ruthless dictators. Although Zelenskyy can play the piano with his penis. So he has that going for him.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

Putin, as a young man, was just a street thug. A hoodlum. He faced an adversity on the street that he met by finding refuge in the KGB. First: exposure to other thugs and second a limit in the riches to exploit. State bureaucracies is where the money is, and offices of power allows you to extort the public. There, he could continue to be a hood, only using the privilege of power to extort and steal.

Zelensky is small potatoes in comparison. But I know I don’t really understand them as they are today.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

Just like Biden. Biden took care of Cornpop, who was a bad dude.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

Zelensky is a transvestite.

No wonder the leftists/liberals adore him!

comment image

Last edited 8 months ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

Urkrian president not lying. Please, all politicians are liars. Urkrian is one of the most corrupt governments in the world, just behind the United States.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

To say Zelenskyy is representative of a Ukrainian identity is too general. Speak to a Ukrainian – good chance he will deny even understanding Russian. Putin dances around the fringes arguing Ukrainians are a mix of Hungarians, Austrians, Poles, etc…

He argues by examples – that is a argumentative fallacy.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

all politicians are liars”
No more than anyone else. Human fallibility is what makes a political class inherently corrupt.

Trump O’Putin
Trump O’Putin
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Hey PV bloggers – Let’s give the enemy more information they can use against us. Tucker Carlson and what he says are very popular in the Russian media. Oh, and let’s popularize what Putin thinks and says in our media in the US. Oh, and Trump wants to help out Putin by not coming to the aid of our NATO Allies, effectively dissolving NATO.

You PV bloggers don’t know who’s side your on —- or maybe you do!

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Trump O’Putin
8 months ago

When did Trump say we wouldn’t come to the aid of NATO allies?

Trump does want NATO allies to pay what they owe. USA can not fund NATO. If Europe doesn’t want to fund Europe’s defense why should we?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Acute Angina
8 months ago

And lo and behold European NATO members now panic because all these years they don’t have the soldiers, the guns, nor even a basic defense to stop a Soviet advance. Even while European Union floated scrapping NATO for ‘a more relevant’ Euro U defense force.

It took 1,000,000 dead Soviets and Ukrainians with a stalemate to realize ‘gee, we need to pitch in because we are next.’

USA was expected to supply all that. We can’t.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

And don’t forget – it is the proposal of European Union nations to scrap NATO for their own defense force. That didn’t go anywhere since it precluded US blood and money.

“What?! We’d have to actually fight our own wars ourselves??”

Trump O’Putin
Trump O’Putin
Reply to  Acute Angina
8 months ago

He said it yesterday.

Reply to  Trump O’Putin
8 months ago

If you don’t listen to the enemy how do you pretend to know what they are thinking. Listen to the questions, what was asked and what wasn’t while also listening to the answers or silence. This will help you to get some type of clue

Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Please keep posting. You are truly a gift. God bless.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago


Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Time for the little boy to tell “the emperor(Biden) that he has no clothes on”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

That would be Xi. He is the one who gets to say that.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Not your point but Dementia Joe used to parade around his swimming pool in front of female secret service agents in the nude.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

How far did you get in school? Fourth grade maybe?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Jethro would be considered an honor student by today’s academic standards set by the progressive liberal education system.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Not really OP. Jethro would be accused of having “white privilege and be a born racist,” by DIE standards, simply for being a white guy.

On the other hand the cultural competency coach and AJ Enchill (BBEC) got over a $1,250,000 of taxpayer money for simply being a black guy and a black woman.

But hey, white supremacy is our country’s greatest threat, according to China Joe Xiden.

8 months ago

How can the normal voting Kapanski not see that the Capitalistic society that made the USA number 1 in the world has been taken over by the Communist Party. Just look at how a large town of almost 40.000 has such a large government!! It’s time to downsize!! And I’m not just talking about the leaders waist sizes I am talking about pruning all these government and government sponsored positions!! If all the voters in the city really cared they would vote for anything but Democrat which is a misnomer because they are really the new Communist Party! Why do you think their headquarters are in Great Barrington??

8 months ago

I read something in local media within the last two years suggesting that North street might be better off if it was a green space, no traffic, just like one big grassy public park with bike lanes. I thought how weird is that that someone thinks this, and is writing this and it is being published in a local paper. Somewhere this idea is fomenting in some think tank. Kinda like a mini version of Central Park in NYC?

Is this the ten or twenty year plan for Pittsfield? And is it to accommodate and add to the value and appeal of the condos? The condos that so many historic old North street buildings are being converted into?

Is every revitalization, revamp, redo of North street a step towards this goal? The bouncing red ball seems to show that possibility.

Wish I knew how to dig that article up.

Openly Gray Tax Payer
Openly Gray Tax Payer
Reply to  Blindside
8 months ago

Maybe the pavement can be removed and it can become a cannabis corridor.

Openly Gay Heap Big Red Magic Pothole Machine
Openly Gay Heap Big Red Magic Pothole Machine
Reply to  Blindside
8 months ago

The next version of North Street will have a pond with paddle boats in the 200 block.

Last edited 8 months ago by Openly Gay Heap Big Red Magic Pothole Machine
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Blindside
8 months ago

Blind: The marketing minds on the City Council without fail bring up the ‘miracle of Burlington, VT.” It’s a scrappy college town, and like Pittsfield the downtown is now largely disemboweled after they knocked down the main building (1 block) and left a gaping pit as deep as it’s wide. So the great minds decided to convert the upscale shopping district – Church ST – to cobblestone pedestrian only. Walk it at your peril. It’s a gauntlet of very aggressive panhandlers with few shops to offer refuge.

Last edited 8 months ago by Charles Kronick
Jon Melle
Jon Melle
8 months ago

Download is the Pitts!

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Jon Melle
8 months ago

I meant: Downtown is the Pitts!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
8 months ago

How many damn times is the city officials mainly Mayor Maypo going to allow Russo to fruck up the streets of Bitchfield? Are they “buddies”? Between him and Morales there is no hope for any change, of course this is with Mayor Maypo’s blessings. Wonder if Russo has a permit for his coffee wagon?

Just left North Street after running an errand. Why not take the $70,000 and clean up the garbage and filth on North Street. They need to put surgical gloves by the parking kiosks, they are covered with God only knows what. Filthy, I would rather get a parking ticket than catch something from the germs on these frigging machines. Sickening!!

Keep wasting our money, Mayor Maypo!!

Openly Gray Tax Payer
Openly Gray Tax Payer
Reply to  Merry & Bright
8 months ago

If the state or feds are providing the $$$$ it has to be spent their way.

Openly Gay Heap Big Red Magic Pothole Machine
Openly Gay Heap Big Red Magic Pothole Machine
Reply to  Merry & Bright
8 months ago

You want change youre gonna see change all right.

Openly Gray Tax Payer
Openly Gray Tax Payer

Only the panhandlers see change in Pittsfield.

Reply to  Openly Gray Tax Payer
8 months ago

That’s a good one, right there.

Reply to  Openly Gray Tax Payer
8 months ago

Speaking of Hobos begging in the middle of the road. Why haven’t the City implemented there road safety proposal. No one shall be in the median of any City street. That includes, students, firefighters, political supporters, workers for business and of course Hobos. When will this become law?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

Hobos are itinerant types who work while on the road. A thirties thing. Panhandlers beg.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Openly Gray Tax Payer
8 months ago

They do hope for change

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Openly Gray Tax Payer
8 months ago

Don’t forget the Leftists in Basstun, shipped them here under the Kung Flu ruse.

They’ve moved on to CRIMINAL ALIENS now. Taxpayers funding both.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
8 months ago

The clowns running the show have a policy of trying to never let the taxpayers get in the way of the idiots that want to waste money.

Openly Gray Tax Payer
Openly Gray Tax Payer
Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Wednesday 2-21 @ 10 AM Marchetti will be at the senior center. Maybe he’ll answer a few questions.

Cold Pork
Cold Pork
Reply to  Openly Gray Tax Payer
8 months ago

Word is the mayor will be announcing the 4th of July parade theme.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Cold Pork
8 months ago

But will he apologize for raising their taxes through the roof and putting many of them out of the homes they grew up in? Can he really look them in the face as he steals from their social security money?
My guess, based on his off the wall campaign rhetoric, is that yes he can. He lacks true compassion but works very hard to conceal it.

Openly Gay Heap Big Red Magic Pothole Machine
Openly Gay Heap Big Red Magic Pothole Machine
Reply to  Cold Pork
8 months ago

The parade theme will be bicycle shorts.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Openly Gray Tax Payer
8 months ago

I doubt if he could answer who’s buried in Grants tomb.

8 months ago

Is grant money involved? It’s make work welfare for local klepto kontractors!

Reply to  Gobsig
8 months ago

Grant money was being used for bonuses by the Albany D.A.. D.A. says its perfectly okay. Wonder what percentage of grant money Pittsfield receives actually goes for what it is intended for?

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
8 months ago

Thank you Dan I was just thinking the other day that someone should start publishing the names of those people who are responsible for the bike laines sand the bumps outs. As well as other things that they have taken tax payers money. I would love to see there names out in print more offen so people would know who is behind some of the decisions that come from the corner office.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Lord save me from my friends. I can take of my enemies myself.

Openly Gray Tax Payer
Openly Gray Tax Payer
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Amen from the gray men

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  Richard Arnold
8 months ago

Weren’t the bike lanes paid for by a grant? I could be wrong

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
8 months ago

Grant $ is just a name for taxpayers money. They sell the word “ Grant Money “ because many think it’s free money from the government and that’s ok to spend, because it doesn’t cost them.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Pick pocket slush fund tax money

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
8 months ago

We don’t know. Ostensibly it was paid for by grant. Whether muny money was spent is contentious.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

Grant money may have paid for the first version but it had to be tweaked and retweaked and repainted and plungered and my guess is the grant money was used up in the rollout leaving the taxpayers to unknowingly pay for a larger portion.

Unfortunately there really is no one on the council or in finance or in a mayoral position that is going to give you a straight answer to this so don’t bother asking.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
8 months ago

Or maybe a Woolworth?

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
8 months ago

O And by the way I don’t care how many times the city dose over Dunham Mall (and by the way it not a mall it is a alleyway) and paint pictures on buildings it still won’t get people down town to do some shopping .

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  Richard Arnold
8 months ago

Not many shopping choices on north street out side of Steven Valenti’s and Carr Harware. At least for stuff I’d buy.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  North Street Nomad
8 months ago

I miss Maria’s deli.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

A few thoughts about this. Wasn’t it a year or two ago, when Nick Russo was billing the city for 27 hours a day, 9 days a week, for his blood, sweat, and tears, doing bike lane “work?” Or am I mistaking him for another GOBSIG?

Does Nick have the proper health department certificates and insurance to run a mobile coffee business like this? Or is he just a GOBSIG and it doesn’t matter.

My final thought, I’m curious if Julie Copoulos or Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), with a little encouragement, could unseat Joey Chestnut as the #1 ranked Major League Eater.

Both certainly couldn’t make it down more than a flight of stairs in a burning building.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
8 months ago

If Mahomes gets too big for his britches Eli will have to come out of retirement and feed him a little humble pie.

Reply to  Milt Plum
8 months ago

Brady already did that in the AFC championship game on the road. Also in the Super Bowl at 40 years old, kicked KC ass.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

Thanks Dan. Sometimes, myself included, we don’t always state the facts. We let our passion, get in the way. Our Country is in deep trouble, Super Bowl is a great distraction, go San Fran!!!!!!

Swifties R Us
Swifties R Us
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

Once Marchetti bilks the Pittsfield taxpayers out of another $30 million (plus cost over runs) for a big new modern facility, perhaps we can offer to host the Super Bowl in a few years.

Can you imagine the economic engine that might be if Taylor Swift comes to Pittsfield and does a half time show at Waconah park?

Is it possible that this is the forward thinking going on in the corner office? If so, Marchetti may be smarter than I give him credit for. It would be a great selling point and I am sure he thinks the people of Pittsfield are stupid enough to buy it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Milt Plum
8 months ago

Will the MSM cut to Taylor Swift and miss ongoing plays?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Sarcasm: I asked Smitty Pignatelli who he would like to see replace him as the next Southern Berkshire County-based State Representative to Boston.

Sarcasm: Smitty Pignatelli told me that he hopes it will be somebody who will blame Governor Maura Healey for all of the problems in state government, support GE’s poisonous plan to put a capped leaky landfill full of industrial chemicals called PCBs in Lee, Massachusetts, always vote down Sunshine rules and laws reform measures in the Boston State House, vote for his or her own 40 percent public pay raise, write op-eds that decries the distressed economy in Western Massachusetts, spend 22 years as a Rubber Stamp vote in favor of the corrupt State House Speaker(s), and retire with a 6-figure state pension plus perks for life.

Sarcasm: I told Smitty Pignatelli that we don’t need another career politician like himself.

Sarcasm: Smitty Pignatelli replied that 99 percent of the career politicians are just like him.

Jon Melle

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

You’re mad at Smitty because he wouldn’t endorse your bid for public office. It didn’t help when you addressed him as a hunky lovebug either. You prob scared him off and now you’re not in the club and are bitter about it. Smitty is a decent man Jonathan but in posts you call him shi*ty. That’s real nice of you. I’m sure it makes Smitty want to avoid you at all costs.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Eric Swansin
8 months ago

Smitty took “Luciforo’s” side because he is loyal to the Dark Side….

Reply to  Eric Swansin
8 months ago

Smitty’s an idiot who cheated on his wife with his campaign manager I believe and then screwed the taxpayers throughout his reign

Blast Famous
Blast Famous
8 months ago

Either Julie Copoulos is the lady on the right, or else she snatched the wrong piece of Wonka chewing gum. The real Julie Copoulos holds a bachelor’s degree in cheese making, a verified accreditation to her qualifications to redesign Pittsfield.

Julie Copoulos – TDI Fellow, Pittsfield
Julie brings experience as an entrepreneur, advocate, and community leader in Pittsfield, Boston, and communities in between. 
A former small business owner, Julie is an award-winning artisan bread baker, novice beekeeper, and raw-milk cheese maker. A handyperson and old home enthusiast, Julie has trained as a real-estate inspector and worked professionally on both modern and timber frame construction projects. In Chicopee, Julie served as the head of the Chamber of Commerce and worked with TDI in that city to found projects like “Center Space,” a tax-title property turned privately-managed food truck venue. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Trump agog
Trump agog
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Come on? Everyone knows who the lady on the left is. She’s at the c meetings a lot. Downtown Inc maybe?

Trump agog
Trump agog
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

I think her name? The ample one as you say, Is Rebecca Brien.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Blast Famous
8 months ago

Yeah but rest assured White and Persip cut the cheese!

8 months ago

TSC, good news Bumbles cleared of wrongdoing in classified documents inquiry. Bad news it’s because he’s an elderly man with a poor memory, aka dementia. We all knew it, but now it’s out there. Democrats are moving on from your diaper wearing, hair sniffing, pedo. Good riddance.

Trump agog
Trump agog
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

Super Bowl Prediction….. San Francisco. I’ll give the reason after game.

Reply to  Trump agog
8 months ago

I see it San Francisco also, 35 – 32.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

Who will they install like a toilet next?

Flush me now
Flush me now
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Joe Bidet?

haw haw

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

Bad news is that Trump is LOSING court cases right and left. And while Biden really is not president material any longer Trump never was. The ONLY reason Trump is running is to stay out of prison and if you honestly believe he gives one soupy shit about his maga followers you are just as dumb as he wants you to be. He loves dumb followers because he can manipulate them at will and con them into sending him money and buying his goofy products. He will go down in American history as the worst president ever by far but also as possibly the greatest con man to have ever lived.

And you guys know this in your heart of hearts. Yes you do.

Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

How would you categorize Biden followers? That man is the poster child for term limits. Dirty grifter, who’s been stealing from the American people for decades. Cherry on top, he also a sexual predator. Disgusting man.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Pittsfield is predicted to loss 33 percent of its population by the year 2100.

But Governor Maura Healey will send all of the state’s rejects to these dying cities and towns throughout Massachusetts.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

That’s okay. Illegal immigrants are willing to commit the crimes that citizens won’t commit.

Reply to  Herb Pease
8 months ago

exactly they are coming across the border saying I want to vote for Biden!!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

What? Pittsfield is going pack up and go to Belmont and Cambridge. Maybe in 200 years….

Right now, Boston is sending theirs thus way.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Yes but the school committee is pushing that the school age population will sink a little and then rebound ferociously so we need to build new schools to accommodate the expected influx

8 months ago

Just read about the destruction and theft at Clapp Park. Unfortunately this is not the first time. Should not fix one pipe until , alarms and cameras are installed. Most of our City parks should have cameras and buildings wire with an alarm system. Time to start caching these scum bags.

8 months ago

Excellence, the black kind, matters.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
8 months ago

My pick today for the Lombardi trophy is the 49 er’s.
31 to 27

Modesto Kid
Modesto Kid
Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Go Christian. Last year was State Farm Stadium and Commercials. This year it’s about McCaffrey and his legendary idol Bruce Lee.It’s the Year of the Dragon.Niners will win. See ya Next year Taylor.

Mr. Worldwine
Mr. Worldwine
8 months ago

How many of you went to this visioning exercise? You can’t bitch about the Dunham Mall project if you weren’t at the meeting.