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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 2-4, 2024) — The following Facebook post by former city council president and at-large rep Melissa Mazzeo prompted today’s observations:




















It’s ironic that Mazzeo, who lost a narrow and contested race against previous mayor Linda Tyer, should care more about North Street’s appalling condition than the present mayor, Marky Maypo, at least going by the evidence. Why? Where is the mayor in this mild winter? There hasn’t been much snow, but what little has fallen — in a word, botched.

Where is his presence on North Street. Business owners are taking up a collection to put Mayor Maypo’s mug on the side of milk cartons.

As an aside, notice in Mazzeo’s photo the overflowing garbage can. Notice also the snowbanks, which line the curb, assuring pedestrians and parked motorists going from car to sidewalk they will encounter the greatest possible difficulty. This will improve the odds of falls, groken limbs, and other assorted hurts. That’s the Bitchfield Way.

What say you to all this, Mayor Maypo?

If the phone doesn’t ring, THE PLANET will know it’s Maypo NOT getting back to us.

========== ooo ==========

Let us ask another question.

Who might be in charge of Bitchfield’s snow plowing?

That would be none other than Ricardo Yamil Morales Badui (rhymes with “ptuooi”), better know here as Ricky Rumpus. His full, official name is almost as impressive as Mama Cass Alisa Costa-Plenty.

Ricky’s running the DPW because he checks the right boxes. Of course, he’s neither black, female, queer, or trans, but we won’t hold that against him. Ya can’t have everything. In Bitchfield, beggars can’t be bruisers.

THE PLANET heard from another citizen who recently went with her husband to see a flick at the Beacon. They parked out front, and when they returned to their car after the film ended, guess what? A big, fat traffic ticket. The violation: Parking in a handicap spot without a permit. No matter that the marker and pavement sign indicating the status of the space was covered up with a pile of snow, nowhere to be seen.

Ricky studies the board, plotting strategy for his next move in a rousing game of DAYBREAK, a climate change game invented by Dina “We Are the World” Lampiasi. 

This is Bitchfield, which, one month into the new Administration, has already lost another step.

This has to be a record in municipal regression. Usually it takes a new administration the better part of a few months to prove itself a clunker, but these days, incompetence seems to have speeded up its already Flash-like pace. Don’t believe it? Watch a replay of the most recent gathering of the city council’s finance committee, where four of THE PLANET‘s Right Honorable Good Friends gave a wood shampoo to a fifth.

Chairwoman Kathy Amusing, Dumpster Earl, Porkchop Pete, and Rhonda Sage & Serre ganged up on Ken Warren. In doing this, the Draconians sent another shrill message to anyone interested in financial responsibility and common sense: “Don’t even think of it. Revenues are down, taxes are up, and we shall keep spending at a record pace. Whatcha gunna do about it? Cuz we own your sorry ass.”

Have a great weekend, everybody.


Climate change? The world’s been doing that since the earth itself first spun out of a star” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.






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snark shark
snark shark
1 year ago

Only Feb 2nd and a plethora of large DEEP potholes. The kind that cost me over $1000 front end damage last year even though I drive slow and try to avoid every one. You just can’t always avoid them. And it will be like last year where the repair shops could not keep up with all the damaged cars so one might have to wait two to three weeks to get your car fixed. You can thank tyer for that. Her and her mismanagement team.

Where did all the road repair money go for the first six years of Tyers fake mayorship? Was it used to pay for infrastructure for private business s like on Dan Fox drive for instance? The roads were pretty much allowed to go to hell for the most part of tyers reign and we are all paying the price for her negligence and stupidity now. This is what happens when special interests run your city behind the scenes and your leadership is a gaggle of puppets and bobbleheads who go along to get along.

Get out now! No one is coming to save us. If they were they would have been here by now. When was the last time you felt comfortable with city leadership?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

Never forget the Donald John Trump coup on 1/6/2021.He put out the order in the White House to never leave power.Ignore the constitution he said We will never leave.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo……..the TSC clock chimes again!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

The truth always exposes the lie.

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Cream cheese can go moldy

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

The truth gets liberals/leftists pink panties in a bunch

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

You and the rest of schizo sociopathic DMCRAT CULT is a weapon against humanity that needs to be disarmed before its to late for our country.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago


Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago


The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

OP & MT:

I urge you not to respond to any posts on any topic fromTSC and affiliated ‘names.’

They are not here to debate, discuss local politics, whistleblowing, or even to float hypothetical arguments: all of which are in the purview of pen name writing. As evidenced by the continuous drumbeat of irrelevant alarmist catcalling (every edition here begins thus: “Once again we must remember 1.6.2020 blah blah blah”), they are participating in the CCP’s war on the USA where the homefront is fought in the ‘information space.’

Warfare used to begin, primarily, on the economic front with international embargos. Today, it is fought in the information arena. Some call it ‘conspiracy’, but where bullets are already flying (Ukraine) it is openly discussed as tactics and strategy.

In the USA, China has infiltrated every college, every high school. They practically manage prestigious ones in Pittsfield. It would not surprise me if they see PlanetValenti as a grain of sand to be exploited as well.

By responding to anonymous writers who sound like the propaganda wing of the CCP, you 1) encourage them 2) weaken yourself 3) expose yourself to counterfeit and viral logic and ‘information.

Wash and rinse each time; but better still is to not expose yourself in the first place.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Evidence to argument: CCP military wing committed to psychological warfare in practice.

Chinese Military Studying ‘Cognitive Attacks’ Against US Population | The Epoch Times

There are no ‘cold wars.’ The state of our nation, wrecked by crime, drug addiction, fraud has brought death to Americans and their institutions.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

TSC and K do sound very Communistic in their writings maybe they are from the CCP

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Thing that stands out is the lack of authenticity. There is no emotion, not even irritation or anger in their posts. It’s like a broken record and practiced refrains.

Like digital malware and viruses, the CCP is ubiquitous. Even here you are likely no more than 1000 meters from one of their people.

I refer to digital viruses with the point that TSC (for example) is not a real thing. It’s digital crap that has no accountability; it’s no different than what may show up in your email inbox with a hot headline.)

I suggest you treat these writers (assuming its more than one) with the same caution you treat suspicious emails. They have no value, and are probably malevolent. Toss them.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

TSC, SS, Kindergarden (interesting typo. How does a self-described academic make that mistake?) – are they part of the ‘echo chamber’ fostering cognitive attacks? Don’t know, but at least likely they are recruited willingly or unknowingly.

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its military wing, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), are engaged in “cyber-enabled influence operations” against the United States and looking to further expand their capability for disruption, according to Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga, a policy researcher at the RAND Corporation.

“There is a group of PLA researchers, often focused on [influence operations], who argue that the cognitive domain is the new focus of warfare,” Mr. Beauchamp-Mustafaga said in prepared testimony to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission on Feb. 1.

Such “cognitive domain operations,” or CDO, are ultimately aimed at encouraging “a psychological or cognitive decision to surrender,” he added.
Thus, by leveraging technologically enhanced propaganda, like AI-generated deepfakes, the regime hopes “to win a conflict with as little kinetic destruction as possible and force the adversary to accept defeat short of total destruction.”

Mr. Beauchamp-Mustafaga outlined how researchers associated with the PLA have expressed interest in using “inauthentic content,” which they refer to as “synthetic information,” to coordinate “precision cognitive attacks” against adversaries.
These precision attacks are unique to other forms of CCP propaganda in that they are “specifically tailored or even personalized against small groups or individuals.”

As part of this effort, Mr. Beauchamp-Mustafaga said the PLA was researching how to reinforce “information cocoons,” or echo chambers, to deliberately polarize and divide American society to detract from “mainstream [Western] values” and isolate individuals psychologically.”

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

You are essentially correct, including the sociopathic part. Get them behind you.

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Open your eyes and mind TDS this was a Pelosi set up as everyone is seeing with the release of the tapes and emails

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Amazing….You are a fan of Don Forrest Gump

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Actually what is unbelievable is you assail regularly the state of the Pitts and of MA which is controlled by the Democrat party yet you still believe that Biden and Pelosi are not crooked, Take a harder look at the government or swamp and you will see the mentality that the NY and Chicago mob have used for years! So all I can say is wake up and smell the stink that is coming from you and all the Democrat supporters you are the ones that are creating the demise of America!!

Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

There is a huge pothole at the corner of Springside Avenue and North Street. Very deep. The thought of a tire going in there is scary. Believe me, so many want to get out of Pittsfield, but are unable to do so mainly due to finances. I can’t remember the last time that I felt confident and comfortable with Pittsfield leadership.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

Genus there are potholes everywhere.Did they even do the roads to protect from these over excessive craters.And they want to build a new Stadium on a Lake. Enuff already Marchetti. You don’t need to be a geologist to understand you don’t build on a swamp.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

Take care of what we have before we destroy historic Wahconah park with a new stadium for comedian Murry

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Pat
1 year ago

So you are saying it’s cheap to live in Pittsfield, despite your incessant bitching about the cost to live in Pittsfield. All the negativity isn’t good for you. You will alone and remembered as nothing more than a complaining bitch.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

Unless she loses out to you Mr Apron Strings. If you were attached at the hip to the power structure maybe you could feel some of the hardship.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

Now this sounds just like Morchetti.

Rhonda Santis
Rhonda Santis
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

Hooray! Why can’t we give Peter his 90-day grace period? I thought it was unacceptable that Councilor Amuso would attack Peter with that bitchy petition.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Grace periods apply to minor flubs, but not to policy.

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

No kidding! Try driving past Dunks The SideLine Saloon without blowing an axle.

In the meantimes we are putting lopsided speed bumps on the Elm St side roads that are causing people to drive on lawns (Too bad, you whined and they aren’t going too fast) also shrinking the width of streets.

Go back to Rico Ricardo

Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
1 year ago

According to the BB the “Pittsfield Leaders” are already putting the blame for the upcoming pothole season on, drumroll, Climate Change!! It happens every year in the Northeast. There is no anything change.

Reply to  acheshirecat
1 year ago

Just an excuse put forward by the incompetent Mr. Morales.

Reply to  acheshirecat
1 year ago

It used to be called “global warming” until the climate cultists’ meetings got cancelled due to snow. Al Gore has made bazillions off of this nonsense!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
1 year ago

Drivers need to start submitting claims to PITTSfield DPW.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

They won’t pay anything unless you are a connected one or considered “special”, My friend had a 1 week old tire blow from a pothole last year and the reply from the claim was no one told the city about the so called pothole so they were not responsible. The street in question has long been a road with multiple potholes and lo and behold it popped up to one last year that got a complete paving,,,, so I do not believe the city nor their insurance carriers when it come to anything…I might do the “Arnold and start filling my streets potholes with cement

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Small claims court. Slap Ricky with a subpoena.

Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

It’s not their fault, climate change is the culprit. Please stop bullshitting us with this climate cult. There’s always been climate change long before man and will be long after man. Stop trying to take away are freedoms, in the guise of climate change.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

Saw the local rag spouting the climate change bs in their write up on it causing pot holes. What a bunch of funkin of idiots. No wonder they will be going the way of the LA Times and others.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

Yes,we need to go the way of Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Louisiana, South Dakota

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Yes no potholes and very few idiots

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

Typical El Niño winter

Reply to  snark shark
1 year ago

When Butler was Mayor, that’s when.

The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

The tax payers of Pittsfield will provide a very modern facade to historic Wahconah park for faze 1 of the brand new Stadium at the torn down historic address.The unknown college kids will get a beautiful modern workout room on me.The kids at PHS can’t breath inside that structure but that’s OK.PONTOUSAC lake will get a beautiful new million dollar facility but the kids can’t be comfortable at PHS.The new pickleball facilities at Doyle field will be built and the PHS kids sit in 100 degree rooms or 50 degree rooms……Mayor Marchetti is overseeing the financial ruin of a city that survide GE and is now in the midst of a 25 year run of bad Mayor’s and irresponsible ward councilors who are all unprepared to handle finances.I can only assume every councilor believes everyone has their financial resources….THis council needs to stall the destruction of historic Wahconah park and get a handle on our obligations and give this city a few years to breath.Do this for the elderly homeowners .

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

25 year of bad runs? L m a o……Flats should be relieved,she soon be replaced by the newbies. Laurel and Hardy or Ralph and Ed?

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Or Biden and Harris

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

Or Trump and Rudy

Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

King Fish Kerwood….the Scambino!

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Is it still old?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gobsig
1 year ago

No,it will be new.

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Gotta love those Democrats and the love they give the kids and elders

1 year ago

Try putting a quarter in the meter; it doesn’t even work.

1 year ago

I guess Ricky didn’t take into account that bumpouts make for a plowing nightmare, as your picture of North St. shows.

The bumpout on Elm St. near the now-gone Harry’s supermarket needs to be removed. It has narrowed the street & caused the turn, heading north, to become dangerous (try making the bend on an icy street), and congested by those wishing to make a left-hand turn off of Elm.

North St. is a mess and the blame falls squarely on the Tyer administration.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

With Marchetti’s backing!!!!!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Merry & Bright
1 year ago

Exactly! Marky Maypo won’t be able to wipe his fingerprints from all the f up’s left behind from Tyer’s eight years. He was a big contributor of them.

Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

The bump out on Elm was created for the Pittsfield Beautiful people so they could play with the unneeded planters they drilled into the cement wall of the bridge. That can be the only reason due to them not raising the whole area for the bike lane. These “expert engineers” make for great comedic relief if you can step back and look at it, unfortunately for us who have to pay for their idiocy it just makes us cry

Diverted road monies
Diverted road monies
Reply to  Lenny
1 year ago

North street is probably where all the road money went that was supposed to be used in the wards. Kerwood would know but he ain’t talkin ta nobody in da public sektor.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
1 year ago

We are supposed to give Pete & re-Pete a 90 day grace period. Also, how about Tricia Farley-Bouvier’s record that rivals Jimmy Ruberto’s Rolodex? Pittsfield politics is at rock bottom!

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

Name one thing she has done?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago


give CRIMINAL ALIENS drivers licenses, RMV puts them on voter lists

Sid Uwatshun
Sid Uwatshun
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Last night a driver was pulled over for an infraction. The radio stated he was from Columbia. The dispatch said doesn’t have info from there. Driver was given a verbal warning and sent on his-her way. How does one know if these drivershave previous driving bad records?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Sid Uwatshun
1 year ago

Ask TFBilviot

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

She has fleeced the taxpayers for a salary and hasn’t done anything worthwhile that helps the taxpayers in anyway.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
1 year ago

She has helped the food industry and bars

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Jon Melle
1 year ago

Jimmy’s Rolodex fell in silver lake when he reached into the lake for a glass of water with R R.

Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

Randy Rocca was a great guy and a visionary, a man before his time. He would have been a much better mayor than Ruberto, Hathaway, Didbelle, tyer, Marchetti et al.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

One thing that she has done? Answer: DISSERVICES!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

All you hoopsters or swimmers, better get your basketball or swimming fix in soon at the Y, because it won’t be around for long.

In keeping with the older, white, liberal, mantra of NIMBY-dropping illegal aliens off in poor black neighborhoods, Gov Maura Healy and Boston Mayor Michelle Wu-Klux Klan, closed a recreation center in Roxbury, to house illegal aliens.

Roxbury is predominately black. As one black citizen stated about this, “they don’t care about us” (black people).

No, they really don’t. Every four years when election season rolls around, then democRATs care about black people.

If you don’t think illegal aliens are headed soon to Bitchfield’s YMCA to supplant Bitchfield (US) citizens, get off MSNBC and WAKE UP!!

Maybe John Dutton, Kindergarden, Snark, JM, and other far-left leaning posters will ease the burden and take a few into their homes? Guys, time to step up to the plate. You VOTED for this.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Homelessness in the USA is at an all-time high, along with rent and mortgage payments. I wish I was a billionaire so I could put a roof over the heads of all of the marginalized people and animals who need a home. Oh yeah, Donald Trump is said to be a billionaire, but he is paying all of his legal bills and funding his third campaign for U.S. President. I find it interesting that Governor Maura Healey is finding ways to house the homeless after she cut state funding for social services agencies.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

You didn’t answer my question. How many illegal aliens will you house, clothe, and feed?

If it’s none, you are a hypocrite and your opinion mean NOTHING, because you VOTED for this.

Donald Trump has NOTHING to do with this illegal alien invasion JM. It’s all on China Joe Xiden and Bathhouse Barry.

And you mention DT’s money, did you know he NEVER accepted a paycheck while he was President?

China Joe Xiden not only accepts his paycheck as President, but he also takes illegal kickbacks and bribes as part of his pay. DT never did.

**If you ever got off MSNBC and hopped onto Twitter (X), you would see that democRAT mayors are booting US VETERANS out of shelters and making them HOMELESS.

Aren’t you an advocate for veterans JM?

Yet you voted for the guy (Xiden) who kicking out US war Veterans out of homeless shelters, in favor of illegal aliens.

Absolutely pathetic.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

John, Mr Potato head YOU VOTED FOR, is giving everything to CRIMINAL ALIENS.

Healey is kicking out Americans to house CRIMINAL ALIENS.

I’m sick of supporting foreign criminals!!!

Texas sealed it’s own border on it’s own in month, Traitor Joe and the rest of USA?

Well the criminals are now using NM AZ and CA to continue the invasion.


Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Yes our wonderful governor cut payments to the seniors and poor health benefits from medicaid to pay for the progressive agenda but keep voting Democrat Jon

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

They’ve painted goofy murals of ethnic people all over downtown so the migrants will know they are in the right place when they started being dropped off buses here.

Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Did you mean potty quality?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  openly gay commenter
1 year ago

Biden voters need to put the signs back out on their lawns so the criminal aliens know where to stay and get food

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
1 year ago

Yes,you could have voted for the Russian backed coup conspirator Trump on the 1/6/2021 coup.The media keeps ignoring that overthrow which was minutes from success.Thats how quickly you can lose democracy.Under Reagan the large corporations were allowed to buy all the media and newspapers and journalists went away.The press was always responsible to agitate power.Not anymore as a traitor walks around looking to be president again.

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Hey Jones resident the only criminal with ties to Russia and China is the Biden Crime Cartel. Try to get your facts straight or no one will respect your posts even if the ones on Wahconah Park are dead on.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

I don’t see Holes rd or Crater Ave getting fixed any time soon by incompetent Morales squad of stooges.

Maybe Ricky should be fined for not removing the snow from the handicapped parking spaces, just like a poor old lady who fails to pay someone to shovel the sidewalk in front of her home?

Maybe the piles of snow deserve names? Mt Morales!!!! A sign on each one…….

Whoever approved the current layout of North street ( and Tyler St roundabout), i.e. bump outs bike lanes and toilet plungers, should be put in the stocks on the Park Square roundabout, for public ridicule. A sign on their neck listing their sins.

Pittsfield is not alone, with the bumpouts that have no place in New England, and make both parking and snow removal a nightmare. Lenox comes to mind.

Going back one edition of The Planet. Concerning voter fraud and cheating politicians, Dan forgot to mention a few things, one is the Dominion machines. It was recently demonstrated in court proceedings, how easily these machines can/were be manipulated and hacked.

America needs to go back to same day voting, with voter ID and paper ballots. Those being tabulated by human beings. No early mail ins, which also added to the massive fraud, and counting the votes (e.g. the votes needed to win 2020) should take days not weeks.

Concerning the influx of CRIMINAL ALIENS voting, there is a federal law currently on the books, that a criminal alien who votes, MUST be deported.

But where would the Biden Junta deport them to? They can’t seem to locate nor enforce our border. When they encounter a criminal alien, they are rewarded with a $5000 debit card, and “deported”/bused/flown, deep within what used to be called The United States of America.

I’m sure I’ll be called “a racist bigot” , by liberals/leftists for asking for fair elections, but like Popeye “I yam what I yam” .

Ray O Vac
Ray O Vac
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

You forgot the queers

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Ray O Vac
1 year ago

They have infiltrated the Dept of (re-)Education.

Home school children.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Yeah Mad its crazy, Clowns are now evil and scary and drag queens are to be beloved and read to our children.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Cra-cra crazy yikyak over ARPA. Really over the top. Note to newbie: focus on the argument.

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

I hope Marchetti reads this blog. Pete White has developmental disabilities.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Goslow
1 year ago

Pete White is in the third term of his fifth term of learning the rules and regulations of the meetings.

Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

He’s a dolt

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Charles Kronick
1 year ago

Kenny Warren-great quote at Clowncil. It’s swindling,but good swindling.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago

Fiddles diddles now daddies.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  danvalenti
1 year ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

Like Sen Hayakawa registered. Panama canal. “We stole it fair and square.”

John Dutton
John Dutton
1 year ago

Did anyone really think anything would be different? you had two Rats fighting over a piece of cheese and the one with the beer gut won over the one with sticky fingers and a fatal attraction ex. This mess is not entirely the fault of Beer gut Pete. This has been in the making for some time. The school board, the building inspector, the DA’s office, the over budget city council, failing schools. and a whole lotta do nothing suits that go play in Boston. i could go on but you get the picture. This city is filled with back scratchers family jobs, old school buddy’s on and on. Just drive down North Street that is the entire city in a Nutshell. Really though who wants to run for office anymore anyway? this was on full display this past fall with these retread candidates.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  John Dutton
1 year ago

You don’t thing D V is friends with at least one them. Except maybe Heath Cliff.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

A year after the train wreck disaster in Easy Palestine OH, America’s train wreck Traitor Joe Biden, finally plans to visit what should be an EPA superfund site.

This is for an election year photo op, and the MSM will fawn over him. Residents should drape the town with FJB banners.

Biden’s “green” EPA claims the site is free of contamination. However no real cleanup has been preformed , and independent testing (Three Waters Riverkeeper) reveals at least 15 very toxic carcinogenic chemicals in nearby streams. In fact just stirring up the stream beds, releases an oily sheen (think Housatonic river). The environmental testing group recommended no exposure at these toxin levels.

Which group is lying? I’ll take the EPA for 1000, Alex.

FJB? Let’s see him drink some stream water!

Link below to what frustrated residents are dealing with

“East Palestine creeks visibly contaminated year after train derailment | Morning in America”

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Pittsfield cannot live without Killy Kathy Amused-so and Mary Kay O’Brien.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Smitty Pignatelli actually said this: “And I tell you, everybody will be a winner.”

What about the Lee and Lenoxdale property owners whose property values will plummet due to GE’s planned capped leaky landfill?

Jon Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

Smitty sucks

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

It’s all a sham.It has taken 30 years to go from the Lyman Street Bridge to Pomeroy ave.Get the most money from GE and watch as nothing will go on.They will send 4 men to clean up in 40 years.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Dak Prescott cologne. For those nights when you dont want to score.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

Tom Brady cologne for when you don’t want to beat the NY Giants in a superbowl.

Reply to  Milt Plum
1 year ago

Leave-me-the-fu-cologne. For the faithful.

Reply to  Milt Plum
1 year ago

9 rings would have been gluttonous. Throw NY some crumbs. 2000’s haven’t been to kind to there teams.

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
1 year ago

Eli 2……Tommy Boy 0

snark shark
snark shark
1 year ago

The taxpayers need to make councilors and the mayors phone ring off the hook day and night about the potholes. As city council president surely Marchetti knew the roads were being neglected for the last 8 years and sat on his ass about it.

Local puppet media trying to spin it as too many freeze thaw cycles but if there were not so many entrance points for the water to get into the black top (due to poor upkeep) the problem would not be anywhere near as catastrophic. Do not fall for the spin. Someone is fucking up and for once I would like to see some city official get taken to task for it. The finger pointing needs to stop.

All these cars zig zagging back and forth dodging potholes looks like a video game for kids. Some times you need to swerve into the opposite lane which can be dangerous but expensive front end damage is no picnic either. I know from last year.

openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
1 year ago

Same thing happened to me a few years ago, after the first version of the bike lanes had been put in. It was also February and the pavement markings were all covered in snow and the sign was on the other side of the bike lane and I didn’t see it. I was the only car on the block! I tried to tell the meter man and he refused to listen. I wrote to the parking commissioner to ask for a hearing and was refused. $200!!! I hate the people who run this city and nickel and time the citizens like this.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  openly gay commenter
1 year ago

How many people were against the bump-outs? A lot.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

How many people went to the planning meetings to say don’t do this? Zero.

Cold Pork
Cold Pork
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

That’s because people are busy and can’t keep up with every dumb idea to come out of city hall.

Sid Uwatshun
Sid Uwatshun
Reply to  Cold Pork
1 year ago

Roskow and Cardo were playing board games while Kapanski was working a second job.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
1 year ago

The fix was in before those phony meetings.

Hi and Lois
Hi and Lois
Reply to  Kathryn Locskull
1 year ago

I know Kalinowski and especially Gaetani were. Almost every meeting.

1 year ago

Find it as a sad commentary on where our society is when the Great Barrington leaders want to investigate the police for going into a classroom after hours when they got a call that the children under the age of 12 had a book that they could peruse with pornographic material in it. Shouldn’t the teacher, principle and adults who knew of this be questioned and put on a CORI list for sexual deviancy? This is a classic example of sexually grooming behavior, where is DCF?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
1 year ago

Why don’t you find a maga friend police chief to do a secret investigation for a maga friend or neighbor you met a a Don Forrest Gump rally

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

Another perv, thanks for sharing. I always figured you were interested in the young ones by your fascination with the democrats

Reply to  The school committee
1 year ago

TSC posts are like a box of chocolates. You never know what he’ll post!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Biden is finally going to visit the Texas border.

He’s going to dress up like Santa.

Santa Anna

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Election time, now he and company are trying to move to the middle for votes only. If he is selected again (God Forbid) thing’s will go back to his first few years of awful policies.

Sid Uwatshun
Sid Uwatshun
Reply to  Mad Trapper
1 year ago

Where is Maypo drinking tonight?

Hi and Lois
Hi and Lois
Reply to  Sid Uwatshun
1 year ago

Probably home.

Hi and Lois
Hi and Lois
Reply to  Sid Uwatshun
1 year ago

He didn’t get that gut at Dorothy’s

Reply to  Hi and Lois
1 year ago

Madison style beer belli for sure. Beeribelli Marchetti.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
1 year ago

I read an online news article that states that Pittsfield’s violent crime rate is more than double the statewide average in Massachusetts. It also states that Pittsfield increased its police funding as a share of its public safety budget by 17.5 percent from 1980 – 2020.

Also, Pittsfield hosts Level 5 public schools. Level 5 is the WORST rating by the state.

What do businesses look at in deciding to invest in a community? Answer: The crime rate.

What do middle-class families look at in deciding to buy a home in a community? Answer: The public school district.

North Street has 15 empty storefronts and is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley”.

Over 650 students per academic year choice out of the Pittsfield public school district to neighboring community’s public school districts.

Why are Pittsfield’s career politicians – Mayor Peter Marchetti, City Council President Pete White, State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier…. – still in elected office (for life)?

Jon Melle

The school committee
The school committee
1 year ago

The Sewar replacement companies are ruining Pittsfield roads.If they can’t return roads to like new conditions then they don’t know what they are doing.Why doesn’t highway check road when completed.Mayor Barret said you can’t do the job from your stupid desk.Get in your 60k department truck and check everything about road cuts.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
1 year ago

Would of been very enlightening, to see the discovery in the SLAPP ( strategic litigation against public participation) timed to smear Missy during mayoral election.
Typical Demonrat tactic, being used against Trump now.
Shameful the Insurance company, demanded she settle.

Caccaviello used it on several critics , in his ouster 2018.
Look For Josh Levy, to prosecute several Massachusetts district attorneys, under the hatch act.
Now that road rage Rollins, has been removed.

Cold Pork
Cold Pork
1 year ago

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu really screwed over the black community in Roxbury. I never bought that crap about Asians being people of color. Nice try.

Sid Uwatshun
Sid Uwatshun
Reply to  Cold Pork
1 year ago

Woke and social agenda types are looking to retain power and looking to micro manage civil unrest in future U S . All in a trickle down theoretic principle to eliminate Trump.

If you can’t see them,you’ll feel them.

Hi and Lois
Hi and Lois
Reply to  Cold Pork
1 year ago

Planet? Went to the city sight for licence board. Members aren’t even on that board anymore but still are listed? Is the ninety days apply inquiring on this? Dick Stockwell is dead,Amuso is on the City Council also?

Hi and Lois
Hi and Lois
Reply to  Cold Pork
1 year ago

It’s not funny at all,these panhandlers look as though they’re under some sort of spell.Like the Zombies in Indiana Jones. They just stare ahead with an unreadable sign and literally don’t pay attention When I roll down the window down pretending to give them money.

You know,like the G E handshake.

Hi and Lois
Hi and Lois
Reply to  Cold Pork
1 year ago

Pittsfield things lost in the wind. A couple years extra on Mayors term. Wayfair where are you? The ceiling? The mayor weight challenge with n a. We live in the Berkshire statements of course we have potholes yawn. The tar plant starts up soon. Your homes are increased taxes and value per? Yeah,if your selling. Will the city chief live here? And What about a new police station 8 years ago? And blight? And garbage? And roads? And filth and Baron North Street? And the bump outs,bike lanes,plungers,white terrace ghetto look,panhandlers,homeless, budget,school increases, drugs,crazy drivers,accidents daily,.

Reply to  Cold Pork
1 year ago

It’s not ethnic vs ethnic. It’s elite vs common.

Hi and Lois
Hi and Lois
Reply to  Mork
1 year ago

If your a city employee who is overweight you should be charged more on your health insurance. Typical employee who answer to this tyoes are MaypoKufflinks a few council members,and many pseudo employees. They do have a city gym do they not?

1 year ago

Some poor soul was changing a tire at the edge of darkness this evening on Barker Road, next to the craters. All because of climate change!!!