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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 31, 2024) — It’s no secret that Democrats, terrified of running Joe Biden up the flagpole to face Donald Trump, have realized they can’t win a fair election. As stumbling, bumbling Biden shows years older than his actual age, Trump demonstrates the energy and indefatigability of a 25-year-old prize fighter.

Seriously, do you think one person in 10,000 could continue to function at such a high level (or any level at all) while criss-crossing the country stumping, under the constant scrutiny of the world’s press, and suffering  a blizzard of bogus lawsuits brought by, funded by, judged by, and juried by Democrat operatives?

The Dems plan appears to be two-fold. Plan A — Keep Trump off the ballot. So much for “saving democracy,” denying a private citizen the right to seek office. Plan B — If he’s on the ballot, rig the results.

They will dust off the mechanisms perfected in 2020:

  • Require no voter ID.
  • Use old, unpurged voter lists.
  • Blanket the use of mail-in ballots (the dead tell no tales, but they do vote).
  • No chain of evidence to secure votes.
  • Drop boxes.

And would it surprise anyone if suddenly another pandemic develops?

THE PLANET predicts: Nothing will stop Trump and his Make America Great Again movement. (a) There’s too much frustration with government and the status quo … (b) Bobby Kennedy Jr. will split the vote … and (c) the Biden-Harris track record, which will speak for itself.

———- ooo ———-

A great example of Trump’s resilience can be found in his actions after the E. Jean Carroll-Cachinga verdict. Lustful Dems hoping to see a defeated Donald Trump had their high hopes again sunk by this amazing Trump phenomenon. THE PLANET refers to the rise in his fundraising and poll numbers following each new “setback.”

With “defeats like that, he doesn’t need losses.

Speaking of Carroll-Cachinga, the lack of meaningful probing into her story by the complicit Mainstream Media tells its own story.

The following facts, deemed inadmissible by the judge, “were not touched by compliant legacy media” but courageously published by the New York Post and elsewhere:

Carroll’s accusation is the exact plotline of an episode of Law & Order (one of her “favorite shows”).

• Carroll couldn’t recall the date, month, season, or year the incident happened.

• She never told anyone about it, despite being publicly obsessed with her own sexuality.

• The dress she claims to have been wearing didn’t exist at the time.

• Her description of the dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman was inaccurate, making her sequence of events impossible.

• Democrats created a law (The Adult Survivors Act in 2022) to enable her lawsuit to proceed.

• She has a history of accusing men of rape, including Les Moonves.

• She told Anderson Cooper, “most people think of rape as being sexy. Think of the fantasies.”

• She made a career promoting promiscuity, even writing glowingly of sexual assault and naming her cat Vagina.

Additionally, Carroll’s lawsuit was bankrolled by Jeffrey Epstein pal and Democrat mega-donor Reid Hoffman. Hoffman also just happened to be funding the Super PAC of GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley until she lost New Hampshire.

———- ooo ———-

There’s a reason why President Biden’s handlers won’t allow him to conduct news conferences, give interviews, or be available for journalists’ questions.

And can you imagine Biden, who can’t even read his Teleprompter,  one-on-one with Trump, who dazzles on his feet.  Can you picture what will happen during the improv of open debate?

The Commission on Presidential Debates has already announced the 2024 debate schedule.

The first is slated for Sept. 16 at Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. The second meeting is scheduled for Oct. 1 at Virginia State University in Petersburg, VA. The third will be Oct. 9 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah.

What are the odds that Biden will duck? THE PLANET‘s making book.


Politics determines who has the power, not who has the truth” — Paul Krugman.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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8 months ago

Dan,do you remember why the Trump handlers took Don off the covid press conferences,it was because he was agitated and yelled at the press asking questions.He was recommending bleach and lasers to fight covid.He was only allowed to go to his Trump concerts to speak and ramble as he tore down America.Remember Jim Jones had to leave America because his cult needed to be investigated.

Last edited 8 months ago by THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 months ago

TSC, can these guys come stay with you while they are waiting for court date? NY has catch and release on CRIMINAL ALIENS.

Maybe you and TFB can take them to the mASS RMV, and get some drivers licenses?

Upstate NY an illegal from El Salvador driving nearly killed some kids yesterday getting off a school bus, passing on the right with bus stopped.

NY no bail ,catch and release. Think the CRIMINAL ALIENS will show up for court?

The van involved in a reckless driving incident near a school bus on Route 7 in Pittstown was driven by an illegal migrant, with another illegal migrant a passenger in the van, according to Rensselaer County Executive Steve McLaughlin.

The incident happened at about 2:42 p.m. on Tuesday. Police arrested Angel Fernando Pandiguana Pachar. He is accused of passing the bus, which had stopped to let off a student.

The 12-year-old girl was about to step off the bus, when the quick-thinking bus driver closed the door. McLaughlin and the father of the girl have described the bus driver’s actions as heroic.

Pachar lost control of the vehicle, struck an oncoming truck traveling east on Route 7 before leaving the roadway and coming to a stop. No injuries were reported.

Pachar was charged with reckless endangerment, reckless driving and other vehicle and traffic violations. He was released on appearance ticket and is due in Pittstown Town Court on Feb. 7 at 6 p.m.

McLaughlin said in a post on Facebook the van driver is in the country illegally from El Salvador. Another passenger in the van is also in the country illegally from El Salvador. Both were referred to ICE.

“We have been sounding the alarm on the impact of illegal migrants for months, and today is a reminder that action is needed now to protect our residents,” said McLaughlin.

McLaughlin said the incident shows the issue with illegal migrants is becoming an even greater public safety issue. The illegal migrant driving had no driver’s license and there was no insurance on the van, according to authorities.

“This was a scary event and could have resulted in a tragedy involving an elementary school student. This incident was caused by an illegal migrant operating a vehicle without a license and with no apparent regard for anyone else’s safety,” said McLaughlin.

“This is outrageous and dangerous. I call on President Biden and Governor Hochul to get control of the borders and put the safety of our residents ahead of their foolish open border schemes,”
he added.

“The sad event of today is why I issued an emergency order preventing illegal migrants from being forced into our county and housed by businesses or municipalities. Our emergency order remains in effect, and we continue to call for common-sense and safe immigration policies,” said McLaughlin.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Question here is how did these illegals purchase and register a vehicle? They don’t have a credit history for the banks to give them a loan.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
8 months ago

A NYC Councilwoman is demanding to know why large numbers of unlicensed vehicles are being dropped off at a migrant facility and apparently given to migrants. Her question is primarily whether they are being given away.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
8 months ago

Five finger discount, on a legally owned one.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

I will not vote for Trump because of a MAGA stunt to send to send kidnapped illegal to New England

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 months ago

He also recommended one of the few inexpensive effect medications, Spring 2020, hydroxychloroquin. This is nearly a year before the unsafe and ineffective Jab was rolled out.

CDC/FDA wouldn’t have that, Big Pharma couldn’t make a nickel.

How many lives would have been saved?

Fake News
Fake News
8 months ago

Very fake news.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Biden is the 2024 Toastmaster’s speaking champion in the dementia category..

8 months ago

Historic Wahconah park is only historic because it’s still old .Pittsfield wants a brand new stadium while killing history for 30 million.Who wants to modernize history. Wahconah park is not that special.Its special quality is that it’s old .Now the proposal is to modernize its oldness.Leave Wahconah alone and fix the grandstands…….Taxes are going up again to destroy an old park.Pittsfield must have a secret plan to bankrupt all the poor people.Cant we just let Don Trump do that.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Love the job they did modernizing the historic old marble train station.

8 months ago

Your dumb as a box. Biden has already done that.

8 months ago

Biden has already done that. Are you smoking something. Just another blue state cry baby.

8 months ago

“Historic Wahconah park is only historic because it’s still old “ …… If you say so Skippy.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
8 months ago

I thought old buildings in short supply are often historic. Stones, and things of their nature, on the other hand are also very old.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

Is it getting younger or o it still old?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
8 months ago

Both maybe.

8 months ago

Dan why did you go and ruin the looney left with facts?? Although I find Democrats usually are unhappy people it just doesn’t seem right to have them start their day with the truth, let them hold on to their fantasies that Biden is an awesome President even though he will be judged by all historians as the worse President of all time. The facts will also be uncovered about how the Democrats rigged the elections of 2020 and continually blocked with false allegations the Trump Presidency. I’m not so positive the swamp of DC can be drained until the taxpaying citizens force the politicians to follow the rules and work for us instead of themselves

Women Everywhere
Women Everywhere
8 months ago

Shameful, Dan, shameful. Also, your prediction is wrong – therapist doesn’t have a chance of winning in November.

8 months ago

E. Jean Carroll-Cachinga did the rounds on all of the far left media outlets. With Rachel Maddow she was giggling about how she was going on a giant spending spree and just didn’t act like somebody who was traumatized. She is the heroine for the far left for going after Donald Trump.

Women Everywhere
Women Everywhere
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

You believe E. Jean and all the others are lieing and that Trump is telling the truth. What a poor judge of character you are.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Women Everywhere
8 months ago

E.Jean is nuttier than a fruit cake.

Reply to  Gobsig
8 months ago

Good look a that woman

He is God afterall
He is God afterall
Reply to  Women Everywhere
8 months ago

I think she believes it. She just doesn’t care.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Women Everywhere
8 months ago

What a poor judge of character you are.”

At least we know that one of you is a poor judge. That would make the other a good one.

Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

She a money hungry liar from word one

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

How many more “social justice warriors” who screamed from the top of the mountain tops to “defund the police,” are now caught up in a criminal investigation for fraud or fraudulent-type activities?

Marilyn Mosby, Fani Willis, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Cori Bush…..notice a (DIE) pattern?

These four should have consulted with the cultural competency coach and/or the BBEC, about spending and making off with other people’s (taxpayers) money and getting away with it.

Democrat Cori Bush under DOJ investigation : NPR

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

They all be fat black broads, cuz use all be raciss. And thank God Raciss Rollins is gonzo!

Free Bird
Free Bird
8 months ago

The D party is self destructing…

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Free Bird
8 months ago

The two old parties aggregated too much power. They are both experiencing forms of reform. GOP goes to popular demand and traditional values vs old money power and committed accounts. Democrat is facing a socialist (communist) split with traditional representation. Remember too, with the Gingrich revolution, a vast number of Democratic statesmen resigned from governance. Both parties in their ways experienced a radicalization in the House. The Dem experience began in the early ’90’s.

8 months ago

Trump loves us, the others hate us. Look what they have done to our country. From Jan 2017 until covid hit we were rocking. Lowest unemployment in history in all categories, putting ChiNa in their place with tariffs, North Korea had a crush on Trumpy bear and started behaving themselves. Iran was broke and couldn’t launch proxy attacks around the Middle East like Oct 7. Everyone in the world knew America was back baby. Remain in Mexico kept the boarder undercontrol now everything’s a mess. Vote Trump or your nucking futs.

Let it Bea
Let it Bea
Reply to  Crybaby
8 months ago

You Cannot Procede with any ideas beer garden or grandstand unless you can tell us for certainly the parking lot flood issues and cost? There might not be a resolution to a flood fix. And can tell you as someone who knows a little about geology it’s not a simple fix. Your talking megabucks times ten with any resolution. I cannot believe the individuals on their walk Kona park restoration committee trying to push this forward? I only see one person on there which happens to be a woman I cannot see her face and then they’re showing numbers you can’t see them or what they’re calling for?

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Let it Bea
8 months ago

The flooding parking lot must be fixed before any other work is started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let it Bea
Let it Bea
Reply to  Crybaby
8 months ago

I can say this.Itspie in the sky d will be very costly. Call your council and Mayor. State if your for or against. And say thank you.

Let it Bea
Let it Bea
Reply to  Crybaby
8 months ago

The Wahconah restoration.I can say this.It’s pie in the sky and will be very costly. Call your council and Mayor. State if your for or against. And say thank you. And remember it’s in a 100 year flood plain.

Let it Bea
Let it Bea
Reply to  Crybaby
8 months ago

Dan Planites please watch finance committee. Check out the arrogance.Warren is on an island . S Q. Amuso sounds like a damn dictator. Poor Kenny.

John Dutton
John Dutton
8 months ago

Uncle Joe will be put out to pasture in April or May. Michelle Obama will be inserted, and the Race is on -Bet the House this will happen.

Heh Heh
Heh Heh
Reply to  John Dutton
8 months ago

They found Amelia Earhart’s plane and she was still in it and alive. Bet the demorats supplant her for Harris just to get the notoriety vote. Wouldn’t put it past the basterds.

Too soon?

Jerri Quauree
Jerri Quauree
Reply to  Heh Heh
8 months ago

Border inflation gas. Trump wins.

Yer Brother
Yer Brother
Reply to  John Dutton
8 months ago

Pittsfield has a chance to shoot down the Wahconah Park parking lot hot mess. Conctact the Mayor 499 9321 and voice your vote. The Park is not a complete Park without the costly parking Lot Flooding. Wake up citizens !

Reply to  Yer Brother
8 months ago

We could reenact famous naval battles in the parking lot

Reply to  Yer Brother
8 months ago

I thought the flooding was going to disappear when they tore down the dam by the hate rag….you mean we were lied to about that???

Yer Brother
Yer Brother
Reply to  John Dutton
8 months ago

Could someone also post councilor numbers. You don’t have to give a name just say you’re For or against it.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Yer Brother
8 months ago

Marchetti refused to put a referendum on the ballot regarding this. they just asked a bunch of seagulls if they were in favor of it and they said yes, of course. and that was good enough for them. Then they had their media puppets say that the whole city could not wait to build a new ball park even though it was serve only a minuscule portion of the population but hugely deepen the taxpayer debt.

Marchetti and the whole city council know this is a fools project but they are too petrified to speak up. And the fact that Marchetti is not shit canning this white elephant right out of the gate tells you all you need to know about what kind of mayor he is and is going to be going forward.

Get out if you can!

Yer Brother
Yer Brother
Reply to  John Dutton
8 months ago

God Sent Dan. Could we do a survey on here? ThankYou my friend.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  John Dutton
8 months ago

DNC can’t even run a fair primary, 2016, 2020, and this year are totally corrupt and fixed.

I guess that is “democracy” to Liberals

Let it Bea
Let it Bea
Reply to  John Dutton
8 months ago

Dan. Got a couple three here. New name for the Wahconah ball team? Sandbaggers. Annnnd.Got a fix for the illegal alien situation. The Sports workplace is in need of referees in all sports including NFL. All you need is a whistle and be able to say Foul!

Anyone see the illegal alien with license drive inside the School Bus in Pottstown N Y ? Thankfully the Bus driver was able to divert a catastrophy.

Let it Bea
Let it Bea
Reply to  John Dutton
8 months ago

Warren says Kufflinks is swindling, but good?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  John Dutton
8 months ago

Big Mike!!

Can you actually picture Big Mike in a debate w/Trump?

Especially when Trump starts questioning Big Mike about (1) why he until 1994, he claimed “male” as his sex for his IL voting records, (2) why when Big Mike’s mom passes away, she left all her worldly possessions to “my son, Michael Lavaugn,” (3) her false claims of “white flight” when her and Bathhouse Barry bought a $14,000,000 spread on MV-in the name of “climate change,” (4) Not one pic of Big Mike pregnant, (5) Bathhouse Barry did absolutely ZERO for the black community when he was Prez, other than spread his and Big Mike’s hatred towards white people.

John, you never answered me a few posts ago, being a democRAT and waving that flag with Pride, how many illegal aliens have you taken into your home, fed, and/or clothed?

If the answer is none, you are a hypocrite, and your opinion is about as worthless as TSC or Mr. Worldwide’s (Dirty Barry Clairmont) is.

snark shark
snark shark
8 months ago

Sportskeeda Pro Football   · Follow  ·

Tom Brady has confirmed he will be joining FOX as the network’s lead NFL game analyst for the 2024 season.
Greg Olsen will go down to the No. 2 crew.
Via Front Office Sports reporter Michael McCarthy.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
8 months ago

Reading the name of E. Jean Carroll, has the look and sound of a great fiction writer. I think it best to forgo her last name , carcinogen, as it might have a tendency to adulterate her good name. The track record of this woman (so aptly laid out in Dan’s above article) is as truthful and trustworthy as Karine Jean-Pierre’s illustrious story hour. Her testimony doesn’t even reach the credibility level of C Blasey Ford 2.0. But in the eyes of the regressive left and those living in the World of Woke Utopia , she is a non fiction writer, par excellence.. Discerning the truth, is an impossible undertaking of the Goebbelsized left. What a dire awakening they will soon have, when their Never Neverland world comes crashing down, with the return of Truth, Justice and the American Way(aka DJT)

Jerri Quauree
Jerri Quauree
Reply to  Festus Feeney
8 months ago

The parking enforcers have a bad look chasing scofflaws on their continuous rounds. Bad for downtown business or what’s left of it. Maybe someone enforce lingering pan handling and Jay walking. What a City.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 months ago

January 2025 Breaking news:

Trump to start deporting Democrats.

Mexico responds by starting to build border wall.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Mucus Garcia

Jerri Quauree
Jerri Quauree
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Kufflinks is up spfor the next Rocky Sequel. An out of shape Boxer looking for a comeback. Good Luck.

Jerri Quauree
Jerri Quauree
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

I’m aboard with that.

Jerri Quauree
Jerri Quauree
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

STATus QUo. Lynching at finance tonight. Poor Kenny

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Jerri Quauree
8 months ago

If you ask questions about budgets in Pittsfield you become a pariah and put a huge target on your back. Look for local news media to tear him a new asshole. Public shaming is what you get if you make any effort at due diligence in Pittsfield. If they wanted people asking questions they would do a forensic audit. And that is not going to happen with this crowd in charge.

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Jerri Quauree
8 months ago

I have known Ken for a long time. He can hold his own.

Jerri Quauree
Jerri Quauree
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Ringo has a problem. Ringo the dictator chairman at finance tonight. Warren is way smarter.

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Best one I’ve heard in a long time!!!

8 months ago

When is Ken Warren going to pay his outstanding tax bill? I find it ludicrous that he is serving on the city council yet owes the city thousands of dollars. How can he be part of the team responsible for the city’s expenditures when he obviously can’t manage his own finances?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Lenny
8 months ago

Taxes are rent. Don’t pay them and you get evicted.

Of course he pays his taxes or he wouldn’t have possession of the property.

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Lenny
8 months ago

Ask him.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
8 months ago

Kuddlimks would blow anyway.

8 months ago

Is anyone else agitated over the push to move, staff and financially support the Berkshire Carousel? Some lady in DALTON, Susan Edwards, has written a letter to the editor begging Mayor Marchetti to be the godfather for this failing enterprise! It has generated very little support from the locals (see Dave Pill’s earlier letter to editor) so why should Pittsfield taxpayers be asked to shell out when the carousel already has a home & remains closed due to lack of interest? Hey Ms. Edwards of Dalton – why don’t you finance the move of the carousel to DALTON, as well as its staffing & operational needs?
Give me a break!

Reply to  Lenny
8 months ago

Someone from North Adams proposed moving it to MA MOCA. I think that’s probably the best idea I have heard. They definitely have the space and a lot of patrons who would enjoy it.

John Dutton
John Dutton
Reply to  Lenny
8 months ago

Another in a very long list of total wasted money..Gee kids lets go ride on the Carousel. Quick kids look at the junkie twitching out walking by cool right?
Mary look up the hill that’s the DA’s office of Clown shoes Shagrue he promised to rid the city of these walking dead types –I know honey they are everywhere. But you just wait our new Mayor will solve all these problems. Gee Mom this is a fantastic place for a whatcha call it?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Lenny
8 months ago

I’d be more agitated about real-time spending plans than what is published in the editorials.

Last edited 8 months ago by Charles Kronick
Simply Poot
Simply Poot
Reply to  Lenny
8 months ago

Watch the finance committee jibberish and the Wahconah Park Rot Oration Committee trying to bulrush a losing project.Valenti will need to translate all the gibberish double, meanings and skittish talking points. Not to mention the terrible graphics, not to mention the low volume sound problem with the agendas secretary clerk at the meeting. Kufflinks and Maypo need to get on the treadmill. Have the respect of the citizens and at least wear a tie, not look like a couple of mobsters. So it looks like it’ll be Kenny against 12 including the previous administration.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Lenny
8 months ago

16,000 month in New York City migrants.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
8 months ago

RE: Finance Committee 1.31.2024. Important meeting and a ‘must watch.’

Councilor Warren is making the strongest argument and sets the theme for his next two years in pursuit of accountability. Makes a committed argument requesting spending reports and directing the Council to commit to its responsibility to safeguard the public interest regarding their public funds.

I also commend the speaker from the public. Hope more folk from the street take the podium.

Last edited 8 months ago by Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

Some very casual generalizations – not kind either – about ‘the people.’

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

Kenny’s behind the eight ball but don’t underestimate him Charles,he not a dummy.

Ray O Vac
Ray O Vac
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

This isn’t how you quit the city council.

The downtown umbrella guy
The downtown umbrella guy
8 months ago

Will this be anything like your krol for mayor predictions? If so, I’ve got some bad news pal.

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  The downtown umbrella guy
8 months ago

Your still around?

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  The downtown umbrella guy
8 months ago

Beer guzzling duo. Maypo and Kuffs

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
8 months ago

Actually, felt sick to my stomach as I paid my new higher real estate tax to the City of Shitsville today! As I drive around this totally trashed, filthy dirty, potholed infested city I can’t help but wonder where this tax money to going. How many years have we been asking our clownsil and mayor where the pot money has gone, where has the excise gone, we never get any answers and I doubt we will get any answer from Mayor Maypo. Why can’t Bowtie Kerwood give us an answer? Why is Mayor Maypo keeping Kerwood as the financial director, is he in on the cover-up and wrangling of taxpayer’s money? Did Maypo not learn anything about finance in his many years at Pittsfield Coop?

Got a good laugh about Bike Lane Morales’s department sharing their days on social media so we all can see what they are doing all day. That’s one of the biggest problems with the city workers, they can’t put their phones done while doing their jobs. Take a look at the “patch” job they did on Benedict Road this week. They would have been better off asking the little kids from Ready, Set, Learn day care down the street to do the job. Once again, no oversight. When is Maypo going to realize that Morales has ruined the streets in Shitsville and replace him?

Kathryn Locskull
Kathryn Locskull
Reply to  Merry & Bright
8 months ago

Streets are more than incredibly bad Status Quo.Find out where Links and Maypo are drinking after the meetings.