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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 29, 2024) — Thoughts while on a walk:

Hypocrisy on Display — Syracuse Joe recently referred to ex-VA Gov. Terry McAuliffe as “the real governor.” When a White House pool reporter pounced on it as an example of election denial, Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden was making a joke. The reporter shot back: “What’s the joke?” The press secretary couldn’t answer. She just kept repeating that the Dementia in Chief was making a joke. From making a joke to being a joke is a thin line.

It’s [Not] About the Money — Congrats to E. Jean Carroll-Cachinga. The 81-year-old advice columnist got the fame and the money she craved in the most recent verdict against Donald Trump. A chance three-minute encounter between the two in 1995 at snooty Bergdorf -Goodman on Fifth Avenue somehow morphed from friendly flirtation into a rape charge, later dropped. The Me Too jackpot: $88+ million or just under $30 million a minute. Nice work if you can get it. It’s on appeal, which means it will be some time before money exchanges hands, if ever.

Supermax — Did you catch the Pittsfield Sochol presentation on security upgrades? The imbeciles are installing Supermax conditions at PHS. It’s easier for illegals to enter the country than it is to get into school. This overreaction to headlines will further dampen what’s left of the educational environment of one of Bitchfield’s most expensive daycare centers ($20,000/pupil).

Road Work — Watching DPW chief Ricky Rumpus defend his decisions on road work at the council’s second meeting, one would think this guy had delusions of being John Barrett III. Barrett 3 understands roads the way Horowitz could play scales. THE PLANET knows John Barrett III. THE PLANET has worked with John Barrett III. Trust us, Ricky, you’re no John Barrett III.

Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You — In response to the opiod epidemic, the State (capital S) is pushing a series of OD Prevention Centers. In them, medical personnel would assist junkies to shoot up. Funding would be for a 10-year “pilot program.” The Department of Health claims it will cut down on opioid deaths (2,323 between Oct. 1, 2022 and Sept. 30, 2023). Doubtful. The centers will become magnets for users and dealers.

Costa Plenty — Hearing speedy, trendy councilor-at-large Alisa Costa talk about public spending has resulted in her official nickname. You haven’t arrived as a public official until THE PLANET assigns you a moniker. We liked the one submitted by a reader, “Mama Cass” (“and no one’s getting fat except Mama Cass“) but her eagerness to burn money on social-service projects makes this one The One: Welcome aboard the dais, Alisa Costa-Plenty. We’re hoping she likes the trendy, noncommittal, hyphenated last name.

Digital Equity — The city’s out-of-date website has an entry for something called “Digital Equity.” After a lengthy explanation, the text has this priceless line: “Was any of this confusing?THE PLANET‘s answer: “Uh, yeah.” Reading it is like watching Biden speak. Gobbledygook. A chart called “Digital Inclusion” explains the goal: “Ensuring individuals have suitable devices.” Won’t be long before Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski must buy computers for anyone who wants one, including the bums, loafers, and gimme groups.

Trans THIS! — A recent court case rejecting the claims of trans advocates put it best: “[W]hether someone is male or female is a matter of reality, not belief, and that someone’s gender identity, or belief about their sex, cannot supersede their actual sex for all purposes in society.” Wouldn’t it be interesting to poll school department employees, and especially the Bitchfield Sochol Committee, on how they feel about this statement. Agree or disagree? Which is the same as asking, “Are you rational or delusional?


Digital Equity? Yes, I am a great believer in the thumb, index finger, ring finger, and pinkie being special. The Middle Finger, of course, is special” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.







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openly gay commenter
openly gay commenter
8 months ago

As Pittsfield’s historic first openly gay commenter, let me be the first to comment.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

The combined amount of federal and state spending in 2023 by lobbyists was $5.6 billion. $4.6 billion in the Swamp plus $1.4 billion in the state capitals throughout the U.S.A. last year in 2023. The numbers were higher in 2022 because it was an election year. The numbers will mostly likely be higher in 2024 because we are in an election year.

I have read about lobbyist firms for years. Some lobbyist firms report tens of millions of dollars in yearly earnings, especially in the Swamp. On Beacon Hill, I have read that some registered lobbyist make 7-figure per year salaries, while many others make 6-figures.

In Western Massachusetts, retired Beacon Hill lawmakers who turned to lobbying include Dan Bosley, Peter Larkin and Stan Rosenberg. These political hacks never left the Boston Statehouse after they retired there with their state public pensions plus perks because they chose to cash in at the public trough as double dipper greed-balls.

Please don’t get me started on the politically corrupt hacks who went to pot to cash in, including Pittsfield’s Pot King who last Summer 2023 purchased a $950,000 mansion in the same elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College that the former Pittsfield Mayor, Linda Tyer, lives in with her third husband Cumby’s Clairmont. But I wonder how Luciforo’s marijuana lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield is going?

Jon Melle

8 months ago

Mama Cass Costa Plenty!

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  Gobsig
8 months ago

She likes blocking emails from taxpayers

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Richard Arnold
8 months ago

I’d block you too.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
8 months ago

Marcus A: This is evidence that MR WW is NOT Schmcencken.

Last edited 8 months ago by Charles Kronick
12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
8 months ago

Block anyone who won’t boot lick

Reply to  Richard Arnold
8 months ago

You should do a FOIA request for her blocked people list.

Ray O Vac
Ray O Vac
Reply to  Lakeside
8 months ago

The Eagle sure won’t be asking her about it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 months ago

What and how many, terrorists has Joe Biden allowed into the USA, and should he be hung for treason?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

What about the news today that the military mistook the drone that killed three soldiers as one of our drones? That’s why they didn’t shoot it down. They thought it was returning home, but instead it was aiming for our troops. It could be one of our drones because at least 100 of them were left behind in Afghanistan. Kirby attempted to quickly brush past this theory by saying he had no idea in his news conference today.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Disgusting Pat,
Biden 2 weeks ago: “I’ve already delivered the message to Iran. They know not to do anything.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Trump is a traitor.He is a convicted rapist.He is conv I CT of stealing from his charity .He also is convicted of fraud in the Trump University schemeHe also stole top secrets for profit.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

They released Ashley Biden’s diary in full TSC.

The website had so many hits the server crashed

“National File has already reported several revelations from the diary, including the fact that the author believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father,……..and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation.”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

It’s either Trump or more Biden disaster. Got it?

U.R. Cuckoo
U.R. Cuckoo
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

I think he stole part of you brain

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Linguistic Con Artistry has become a cancerous scourge spreading like wild fire throughout our nation, as regressive leftists have become moronically bewitched, under the tutelage and demonic trance of their mass media masters( aka CNN, BSNBC, NPR)

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Excellent point Dan. Consider the amount of coverage given to Jean Carroll by those sources as compared to the three soldiers killed in Jordan

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

They are not reporting on the details of the “Bipartisan” (Leftist/RINO crafted) immigration legislation proposed by the Senate.

This bill seeks to “normalize/tolerate” the entry of up to 5000 Criminal Aliens per day, ~ 2 MILLION per year. Yes that is accept what is going on now as long as <5000 new criminals , per each and every day.

It is so horrible for Americans, that the Republican/RINO sponsor of the bill, RINO- Lankford OK, has been censored by his own party in Oklahoma. The D-Rat sponsor is ChuKi Hsummer NY, another politician owned by Communist China.

Ted Cruz R-Texas weighed in on the proposed bill:

"WATCH: Ted Cruz Shreds Biden in Epic Rant, Calls Dem Border Bill, 'Stinking Pile of Crap'​

"Cruz called the border crisis the greatest national security threat right now, with potential terrorists able to just enter through the open border. What are we going to say when they carry out a terrorist attack like the Oct. 7 attack on Israel? he asked.

But the bill normalizes the problem and lets in 5,000 people a day, which he said was over 1.8 million a year. Why would you ever want to normalize that or excuse not enforcing the law for even one person? This makes no sense, Cruz said, noting Biden had let in over nine million already.

Indeed, Cruz said the bill is designed to fail, saying it had zero chance of passing the House. He said the only reason to take this up was to give Democrats political cover to say, well, they wanted to secure the border, but Republicans wouldn't pass our bill. "

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

I’m sure the Eagle will have full coverage, pictures included, when Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens) holds a Me Too! movement honoring and praising E. Jean Carroll-Cachinga’s lawsuit in the McDonald’s parking lot in Coltsville.

Shortly after lunch, she’ll hand out taxpayer funded cell phones, gift cards, and computer tablets, to illegal aliens, in a Screw You! movement to her Bitchfield constituents.

A complete day in TFCB’s world. Giving away other people’s tax money for an unnecessary problem her democRAT party caused.

But, but, but, Trump said “grab a woman by her pu**y,” and called Rosie O’Donell a “fat pig.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

The media is pure corporate Trump fascism.Who are you trying to kid Dan?The Eagle is independent.

Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

That reply defines you to a T! You are a very brainwashed closed mind peon of the great russian experiment the Democrats are pushing on Americans. If you can not see how the hate rag is a liberal propagandist rag that has very little truth in it than you are more lost than anyone could have imagined

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Tyer’s legacy is craters on Pizzfield streets deeper than a bus.

Has Ricky been traveling Holmes or Crane?

Lunar Lanscapes R Us
Lunar Lanscapes R Us
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Or Mohegan?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

How about renaming Holmes to Holes , and Crane to Crater roads?

Yer Brother
Yer Brother
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Yup. She left us a wholly city. Maybe she do better at bcc. She is qualified.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

And watch out on East headed East, couple hundred yards before dog ranch. Whopper of a pot hole. And Barker Road looks like it was bombed. Valentine Road is just ridiculous!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
8 months ago

Thanks for the heads up.

Nighttime in bad weather you can’t see these chasms until it’s too late. People need to start making claims against the city/DPW for damages incurred from this negligence.

Old Boiler Chills
Old Boiler Chills
8 months ago

Sounds like the city is, in their own shadowy way, admitting that PHS is a potentially dangerous place to go to school. So if they know this it seems like any prospective student should be pre-warned as to what they may be getting into.

By the way, what was the latest figure on Pittsfield parents opting their children out to safer environs? Last I heard was that all the life boats were maxed out.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Old Boiler Chills
8 months ago

PPS lets the little feral beasts wreck their mayhem daily with impunity.

What they need is lockup rooms to place the deviants in, so the good students can learn and the teachers can teach.

Expulsions should be much more common.

8 months ago

With all this data ability in the city’s website why not put the list of all registered voters? This way the citizens would be able to review and help correct inaccuracies like people who are dead or who have moved to another state!

The school committee
The school committee
8 months ago

Trump put on his crybaby when the Jury gave a $88,000,000.00 judgement for his rape victim by targeting her for further harm by his brownshirt cult.

Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Take your Thorizine

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

My dog tried to hump my neighbor’s leg, she wants 88 million.

The school committee
The school committee
8 months ago

Marchetti and his council are in the same bubble as MAGA Trumpers are.They both believe their own bullshit.Marchetti is pushing people out and focusing on a small group that are in the upper crust of Pittsfield.The new Stadium on Wahconah street wetland will now flood Turner Ave and destroy established wetlands and homes in Pittsfield lower income neighborhood..The end result is they are destroying historic Whahconah Park..Those coming to see historic Wahconah park will see the brand new modern college field for 30 home games of out of town kids.I hope the 35 000,000.00 is enjoyed by other people’s children.This city can only blame itself.We survived GE but can not survive our politicians. Pittsfield mayor can not do arithmetic. Pittsfield can say goodbye to history at Wahconah park and hello to a 30 million dollar faze 1 new stadium in the worst location in America. Marchetti is our new spoiled spending child .Pete is governing from the top down as any elite leader does Bill Murry and Dave Veeck that’s Pete Marchetti when the leave this swamp to the lower income elderly. No leadership for common sense budgets

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Anymore foolish posts like this TSC and I’m going to petition the Court to issue a Section 35 on you and involuntarily commit you……again.

You never answered my last question.

Is the room you sleep in at Jones completely padded with no mattress? Or is it a regular room with only a flimsy mattress, so you apt not to harm yourself in a fit of unceasing TDS?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

A new Stadium for the historic swamp will be money well spent.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

All his medications has screwed TDS so bad he is starting to intermingle the Democrats policies with other parties. Somehow he just can’t figure out how Trump is controlling the Taxachusetts Legislature and small towns/cities if everyone is a Democrat here. He just can’t see that it is the Dems that are screwing everyone over

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Good Ole Magachetti.

The school committee
The school committee
8 months ago

There are two genders.Then there are people transitioning from one to the other.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

Thou shall not bear false witness.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

2 genders and 33 types of queers

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Can you change your chromosomes from xx to xy?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
8 months ago

Thank you Doctor

8 months ago

I agree with Donald Trump that Jean Carroll-Cachinga is a whack job. Hopefully, she never sees any of that money. The charges of her supposedly being raped were dropped a long time ago, but a Soros district attorney revives the case for political reasons. This case is reminiscent of the woman who accused Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh of sexual crimes and then was later shown to have been lying the whole time. She quickly disappeared from the public eye after serving her purpose of creating chaos and hasn’t been heard from since.

It could be that the excess security in the schools is as much about keeping what is going on in the schools sealed off from the public as it is about protecting them from outside danger.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

When did he call her a whack job

Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Just a few days ago when she was awarded all of that money for a story she made up years ago that was dismissed, but she has dollar signs in her eyes and lots of far left New Yorkers egging her on to bring the case again to a Soros courtroom where she was guaranteed a win. This is when Trump called her a whack job. Hopefully she never receives any of that money.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

The first day he met her.

Hope it is never you
Hope it is never you
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Woman condoning rapists of their sisters. Wow!

Reply to  Hope it is never you
8 months ago

Hey Orwell there was no conviction of rape which means you are defaming Trump and hopefully he brings you to Florida or Texas to try you for defamation where a prejudiced jury would vote in his favor against a liberal mass tds (not sure of your pronoun),

Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Do they still have that student restaurant at PHS?

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Carroll sued Trump for rape, sexual assault, and defamation, among other things. The jury found that Trump did indeed sexually assault and defame Carroll. There were no criminal charges.

Reply to  H.L. Mencken
8 months ago

A New York jury that is totally biased against Trump. Not buying it. Just because a woman is saying it doesn’t make it the truth. We saw that with the Kavanaugh case.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

FFS, Dan. A decision against Trump is not, in and of itself, evidence of bias. Your Trump water-carrying remains pathetic.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

You’ll be “punishing” some? Freudian slip, Dan? What you’ll be doing is cribbing from some RW rag and pretend there’s some sort of secret truth out there only know some sort of cabal.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

But a biased judge and jury is evidence. It’s no different from the days of Jim Crow courthouses.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
8 months ago

Yeah something is not right with the judge. The lawyers for Carrol were asking for 10 Million and the judge comes back with a judgement for over 80 million. Even they were stunned.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
8 months ago

The weaponization of the corrupted Federal DOJ/AG and Soros funded lesser State AGs , shows plenty of evidence of bias.

Add to that the selective persecution by THE FIB and it’s manipulation MSM and social media.

Not a rapist though
Not a rapist though
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Stormy Daniels also never accused Trump of raped. She admitted she gave it to him out of pity but she did feel bad caused she knew he was cheating on his then pregnant wife. Again!

But according to Trump, some gals, let him “grab em by the pussy”. (his own words mind you) and it is not rape if they let you, (unless they are underage)

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants

Mr Trump said on Howard Stern’s radio show in 2005 that he could ‘get away’ with walking into the dressing room to ‘inspect’ beautiful women
Rachael Revesz
New York
Wednesday 12 October 2016 15:02 BST

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Not a rapist though
8 months ago

Biden showered with his daughter

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago


Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Biden is shot! He looks for the door knob to turn on an open door so he can walk through.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Trump is a felon

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Biden and family are protected felons.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Biden is a pedophile. They’ve released all Of Ashley’s diary.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Nothing like taking a shower with your daughter.

Reply to  Dementia Joe
8 months ago

In his defense, he thought it was his babysitter.

Does your wife know
Does your wife know
Reply to  Dementia Joe
8 months ago

and you know this because?

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Does your wife know
8 months ago

It’s in her diary

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Alex Jones, probably one of the worst people in the United States right now, created this joke of a website in 2019. Of course, you believe anything he puts out. Disgusting and depraved.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
8 months ago

You can read the complete diary yourself H L.

Or you can continue with your head in the sand, and vomit up some more vitriol , smearing those how don’t share your twisted and biased beliefs.

The diary has been authenticated by handwriting experts and Ashley has admitted it is her own.

U.R. Cuckoo
U.R. Cuckoo
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Biden is a melon

Yer Brother
Yer Brother
Reply to  U.R. Cuckoo
8 months ago

Yup. Part of it his age. He has some serious signs of dementia and doesn’t present himself as strong at all physically. It’s gotta be Trump or Haley. I,think Haley could win. But Trump for me.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Please read the news article about the Senior Citizen Circuit Breaker Tax Credit in Massachusetts:


State Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. is urging residents aged 65 and above in Massachusetts to explore potential eligibility for the Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit when filing their 2023 state tax returns.

According to Jones’ office, this tax relief program, established by the legislature in 1999, aims to alleviate financial burdens on seniors by providing a refundable tax credit designed to offset rent and property taxes associated with their primary residence in Massachusetts.

“The Circuit Breaker is an important tax relief program designed to assist older residents who are struggling with high housing costs,” Jones said. “The recent changes made to the program will directly benefit nearly 100,000 eligible seniors when they file their state taxes this year.”

In a recent legislative update, the maximum tax credit has been increased from $1,200 to $2,590 for the upcoming 2023 tax year. Governor Maura Healey signed these changes into law in October 2023.

Eligibility for the tax credit is open to Massachusetts residents who were 65 or older by Dec. 31, 2023, and who own or rent residential property in the state as their primary residence. For married couples filing jointly, the qualification is met if at least one person was 65 or older by the specified date. According to Jones’ office, the tax credit applies to residential properties assessed at $1,025,000 or less as of Jan. 1, 2023, post-residential exemptions but prior to abatements.

Applicants must also meet specific income criteria to qualify for the tax credit. Annual income limits are set at $69,000 for single individuals, $86,000 for heads of households, and $103,000 for married couples filing jointly. Homeowners are eligible if their property tax payments and half of water and sewer expenses exceed 10% of their total income. For renters, 25% of their annual Massachusetts rent must surpass 10% of their total income. Seniors residing in public or subsidized housing are not eligible for the Circuit Breaker.

According to the press release, claiming the tax credit requires completing a Schedule CB tax form in addition to the standard Massachusetts Form 1 or Form 1-NR/PY income tax form. A Massachusetts state tax return must be filed to receive the tax credit, even if no taxes are owed. Rep. Jones’ office provides copies of the required forms through phone or email.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Along with the Senior Citizen Circuit Breaker Tax Credit in Massachusetts, low-income residents are eligible for fuel assistance:

8 months ago

How many city employees have cell phones the city is paying for? I bet it’s in the hundreds.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
8 months ago

or cars, trucks, computers, etc. I was out eating this weekend and saw some outside glassed dining areas, you know like the ones the city put out on North St. Where in the word did those go?

Reply to  Tax&Spend
8 months ago

And how many are actually necessary? I bet the ration is like 5 to 1, wants versus needs. Probably no more than two dozen employees need cell phones, besides certain public safety officers

Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
8 months ago

I would say only Dept Heads and mayor but I would even go with no one put the old CB’s in the vehicles

The school committee
The school committee
8 months ago

This election is President Biden versus Vladimir Putin.FOX is running Putins campaign with Trump as the dopey VP.They bribed the Supreme Court and Trump is the Russian magic man

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Did you read the Durham report TSC?

It was H-Beast and DNC who did the Russian hoax.

Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Didn’t know Biden was running against himself. Or did you forget that the whole Biden crime cartel received money from the mother land of Russia and China

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Sarcasm: How about all those full-time living wage jobs that Smitty Pignatelli and Tricia Farley-Bouvier created in the Pittsfield area?

Yer Brother
Yer Brother
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Dude, I’m proud to be a member of Burger King

Yer Brother
Yer Brother
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

Believe me. The mayor and his directors are lazy go forward.