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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 15-7, 2024) — It always amuses when we find someone willing to speak out, insisting on anonymity, which we typically grant. It follows, usually the next day, that THE PLANET gets accused of inventing an imaginary source.

The accusations, never made to our face, of course, come from Administrative lackeys who have skin in the game. Their bosses get nervous when close in on the truth of a controversy. The Admin Apologists (ADAPOLS) go to work, OT, unable to conceive of a colleague with enough backbone and character to spill.

When we get this type of reaction, exemplified by the flurry of panicked comments of “Vigo,” we know THE PLANET has struck pay dirt.  It’s a feeling like Jim Marshall had on Jan. 24, 1848 at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, CA.

A letter writer put it this way in an email:

Funny thing about the tree bill issue: seems like the insiders are going offense on your edition. They would be better off keeping silent. Now people are thinking it’s worth digging into it. That fake bid sheet adds fuel. Not looking so much like an accident.

Well, this time, the ADAPOLS can relax. THE PLANET has a “well-placed” source who has gone on the record with the most honest admission uttered since Peter Arlos was knee high to P.J. Moore. It’s from community development director Justine Dodds, who let loose a worst-kept secret Administrations refuse to admit.

Dodds, speaking of Allegrone Construction’s request for a 10-year tax break for developing the Jim’s House of Shoes building and the adjacent Wright Building, said “The current economic conditions — local, regional, and national — make it difficult for private investors to secure commercial financing.”

This lit the lights!!


THE PLANET wonders how long it will be before the banshee mayor wrinkles his skirts, calls Dodds into the office, and screams at her in one of his patented hissy fits. Will he call her “Bitch!” the way Victoria May alleges in her lawsuit against the mayor?


Surely, if THE PLANET were to invent a source and quote, it would be one like Dodds’. Finally, an administrative player admits the city is forcing Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski as unwilling venture capitalists because private equity companies — places like Berkshire Bank, Pittsfield Co-Op, Lee Savings, Greylock, Adams Savings — refuse to give loans to money-losing propositions.

Private equity won’t touch projects such as Allegrone’s, but city “leaders” think nothing of robbing The Kapanskis.

That’s why hacks like Mayor Cracks Maypole, compromised city councilors, and administrative “yes’ms” play ball so freely with connected insiders, using taxpayers funds as their wallets.

———- ooo ———-

Just what the city needs right now: More lost taxe revenue.

Oh yeah. Allegrone isn’t satisfied with 10 years of tax relief. It’s also hit up Bitchfield for $350,000 in Community Pickpocket Act funds. 

It’s interesting when “progressives” such as Dodds rave about how great the economy is doing under Joe Biden while bitching about the current “bad economic conditions” that prevent loans from private capital for private enterprises.

THE PLANET wonders how long it will be before the banshee mayor wrinkles his skirts, calls Dodds into the office, and screams at her in one of his patented hissy fits. Will he call her “Bitch!” the way Victoria May alleges in her lawsuit against the mayor?

People, if you’re a hard-working, play by the rules, decent, honest, ordinary citizen, you’re getting screwed by government at every level.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


When you fall through the cracks, make sure they’re lubed real good” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer



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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
11 months ago

Why does Pittsfield (Mass.) cost so much more to operate compared to small cities similar to it? The same goes for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Where does all of the taxpayer dollars really go to? In Boston, some registered lobbyists on Beacon Hill where the historic Statehouse sits take in annual salaries in the 7-figures per year. It is called: Pay to Play politics. No wonder why the corrupt career politicians always vote down proposed Sunshine Laws that would otherwise bring transparency to Boston’s cooked books!

Jon Melle

No one cares
No one cares
11 months ago

Again no one cares you are just a trouble maker Dan

Seniors Care Very Much
Seniors Care Very Much
Reply to  No one cares
11 months ago

No one cares about their taxes? You must be talking about those whose taxes are artificially low due to their inside connections, correct?

And might you be one of those lucky folks?

No one cares
No one cares
Reply to  Seniors Care Very Much
11 months ago

I pay taxes like the rest of you and yes I care about taxes you 5 people complain about everything get over yourselves bunch of babies

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  No one cares
11 months ago

It’s not the taxes people complain about. It’s the misuse of taxes. Even $0.05 misused is too much. A nickel taken wrongly out of his pocket means a nickel out of everyone’s.

Seniors Care Very Much
Seniors Care Very Much
Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

WRONG… IS the taxes. They are way too high due to all these feel good unnecessary projects. No one at city hall seems to be seriously looking for places to trim or cut. And then you have the giveaway tax breaks to wealthy business s that can well afford to pay their fair share more than anyone else. They should be ashamed of themselves for putting themselves before the community as a whole.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Seniors Care Very Much
11 months ago

Correction noted! I know that they are out of pace with a growing number of residents. I meant to illustrate the principle of waste and abuse which is it’s money out of everyone’s pockets without accountability.

Reply to  No one cares
11 months ago

What do you wanna talk about?

No one cares
No one cares
Reply to  Peet
11 months ago

Pretty sure the mayor has better things to do than worry about what’s happening on the planet today give me a break

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

Can’t touch a Councilor’s Friday evening. Kind of like an orthodox Friday Shabbos.

Last edited 11 months ago by Charles Kronick
Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  No one cares
11 months ago

Like sliding down a hill on a piece of cardboard? Or getting a free meal with his umbilical buddy Pete the sponger?

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  No one cares
11 months ago

90-day grace period from people caring about Pittsfield politics.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  No one cares
11 months ago

The kind that founded this once great nation

Seniors Care Very Much
Seniors Care Very Much
Reply to  Two Cents
11 months ago

Key words, “once great”. Now we need to talk about who effed it up and how to fix it. And key words to that solution for Pittsfield would be “forensic audit”.

Reply to  No one cares
11 months ago

Yeah, no one cares. We love it when property taxes skyrocket!

The school committee
The school committee
11 months ago

Trump raved about how great Biden has done with our economy in 36 months so Trump decided that he was the reason why our economy was fantastic…..Trump the dictator candidate loves this success story because he did it…..Trump is nuts but likes Hitlers strongman approach to government by Trump and for Trump

DNA don't lie
DNA don't lie
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Dija know that Trumps ancestors are German and that he may even be genetically related to the guy?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

Every one hundred breaths you take in a little bit of Julius Caesar. Still not great at form legions.

11 months ago

Dan is making up more things as he goes along.

she wasn’t speaking to you as a source on record, she was speaking to the public. The original article about this was in the Eagle.
you got scooped while you were making up fake controversy about a bill that was paid, just late. I guess you’ll be angry about deficit spending in the winter roads account too.

Dan copy and pasting quotes from the eagle is the beat and only “source” he’ll ever have.

11 months ago

Looks like the Pittsfield Public Schools will be forced to lay off some staff & close an elementary school. It’s about time! The school budget has become outrageously overblown & needs to be reduced. The school population has declined and there is no need to have 8 elementary schools up & running.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

It’ll be “Give me the money or I’ll fire Cheeseface.” The room will be full of children pleading not to fire Cheeseface. Saw that happen with Bianchi’s first budget.

Mayor set ceiling at $3 million, Behnke wants 7. They’ll walk away with 5? Or will the Mayor hold the line?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

And make damned certain such a compromise never happen again.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

It could be a ploy to make the Mayor look strong as a one-off performance.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

He learned well from Tyer to be a master of the head fake. He is pretending to make cuts to the new unneeded Waconah park debacle that at any price will be screwing Johnny taxpayer. It is going to be one more in a long line of taxpayer funded enterprises that should be private business investments.

Taxpayers in Pittsfield should be given stock shares in all the business s it has bailed out or pretty much funded or maintained or provided infrastructure for.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Snark Shark
11 months ago

Stock shares: in other words if the taxpayer is willing to buy a share of a {ittsfield bailout company, then it is good enough to finance. Good idea.

Teecha Teecha
Teecha Teecha
Reply to  danvalenti
11 months ago

As accurate as this might be, let’s hope not. Maybe the district can take a financial literacy class, teachers included. Then they can all learn to live within their means ad not require PAY STEPS AND BUILT IN RAISES….. both the same difference!

The union is a joke and only protects those that require it. Solid teachers stand on solid ground regardless. MANY teachers don’t pay dues and avoid the union bullying

Reply to  Lenny
11 months ago

They use to pull this threat every year. Lay of over summer than hire them all back in the fall. It’s to get parents and employees fired up and fight , so they can hire more and never cut back. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Lenny
11 months ago

Honestly believe that if they focus on the FAT there will be no noticeable loss in the classroom. NONE!
But I believe the boiler plate reaction from the school board and associated special interests will be a doomsday cry rallying all people who like kids and urge them to rally and protest in the streets. Ignore them.

Just do it Pete. Gains yourself some self respect from the taxpayers for once. You have a long road back to regaining your honor. Start NOW!

Next week you can tell the special interest folk that you are doing the right thing and putting Waconah Park on the back burner. The one way way back.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  Lenny
11 months ago

Don’t you worry there won’t be any layoffs maybe some retirements, but there won’t be any layoff they won’t protect the teachers

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Lenny
11 months ago

No where in the article in today’s paper on this did I see anything about cutting any of the many administration positions.

Certain groups will be upset about this though,
“The proposed budget cuts to line items would make $709,000 in reductions to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, safety and security, curriculum and recruitment overhead costs.”

Yet, they want to close a school and build a new one at the same time.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Lenny
11 months ago

First: no mention of cutting administration? That suits the Scohol Committee and the School admin. The point that sticks out to me is that this is PROOF that the School admin is hunting and aggregating special needs students. The proper educational strategy should be to accommodate special needs in the community not seek them out for admin salaries.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

I agree, cut down the administration – we don’t need people making 6 figure salaries for thinking deep thoughts. How do they really improve a student’s learning? Given their cost, there is very little return. Across the state public school administrations have failed to create learning resiliency during the pandemic. Cut the bloat!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Nutmeg
11 months ago

Nutmeg: the ironic thing is that the Superintendent could be worth a higher figure. Terry Kinnas made the argument, when his committee was hiring a super, that they should have raised the salary (that is discuss raising the salary) to be nationally competitve and do a real search for talent nationwide. The Committee rejected that argument and did a 2 week local search shoeing in their friend.

However: there are too many admins and too many principals. And never does the S.C. consider laying them off when cuts loom.

It would be interesting to hear a Pittsfield School Committee critter express a deep thought actually.

S.C.C: “I have a deep thought. It just came to me. I make a motion to form a subcommittee to explore it.”

Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

How many school department employees are not teachers?

Reply to  Lenny
11 months ago

School enrollment shrinking drastically, 200 should be layed off, 2 schools should be closed. Of course that will never happen.

Ponce de Leon
Ponce de Leon
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
11 months ago

Double sessions though for kindergarten preschool due to the influx of south of the border folk.

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
11 months ago

Has anyone else noticed that:

  1. Our School district which constantly demands increases and already isn’t fully staffed as MILLIONS in shortfall this year
  2. They also want us to fund a brand new school
  3. Guaranteed most of those cuts will NOT be administration like Principal of Teaching and Learning and BS positions like Teacher of Deportment

They gave Joe an extended contract because he is a complete jerk, doesn’t care and already knows most of the staff hate him. He’s willing to be a patsy and make this all happen.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
11 months ago

I noticed that the result of the shortfall is to consolidate the elementary schools and close one. That should knock ten years off the school consolidation schedule and save 2 million dollars in groupthink.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
11 months ago

Not true no one tears
North Street. Reminds me of the mall all bunch of baking store front Pittsfield will never return to the days in the streets were loaded with shoppers.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Richard Arnold
11 months ago

Every year more and more condos are being built in the old North street buildings. It is beginning to look quite true what I read about the long term plan to turn North street into a condo lined green space with mini parks and artwork for the better off class of folk.

Each morning at 6 am you can see about 50 cars parked on North street and ya gots to believe they belong to the condo owners who reside in the upper floors and do not like walking from any parking lots. And so where are all the people who are going to live in Scarafonis new condos gonna park? Didja see that element addressed in the rollout of the latest “give me more tax breaks” begathon?

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Richard Arnold
11 months ago


H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
11 months ago


Both iBerkshires and The Eagle published Dodds’ comments about the T.I.E for Allegrone. It’s hardly controversial for a developer to seek tax offsets when rehabbing commercial buildings in economically distressed communities like Pittsfield.

Not only has your blog become infested with Trump loving morons, you’ve gotten so lazy that your crib material from the very media sources you shout at the rain about.

And abysmal record, to say the least.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  H.L. Mencken
11 months ago

You do understand that the money he does not pay has to come from somewhere else right? Well guess where it comes from. You are correct, it does come from those much less dollar endowed than he and his companies are. It comes from middle class and fixed income seniors struggling to hold onto their homes.

If a company which has done very well, and can well afford to pay its fair share, they should. They should not be grabbing for tax rebates from lesser haves just because they can. It is just a shitty thing to do in my opinion. They will make a bundle on their investment over time and if they cannot afford it without leaning on the lesser haves they should not be doing it at all.

And of course they are not the only ones. I would love for Mr Marchetti to do a power point presentation at a special session city council meeting, detailing all the Pittsfield business s that are now and have been getting tax breaks that the rest of us are having to subsidize. He could tell us who they are, how long each one has been getting them (including those who have been getting extensions, and how much, in total, it has taken from tax collections and then having had to be made up for by everyone who does pay their fair share.

In good times there may be a case made for such tax abatement’s if a project truly benefits the community as a whole. But in tough times of high inflation it is immoral to expect everyone to chip in and subsidize a private business from which they will never ever get any return benefit from. The mayor knows this. The other Pete knows this. And yet, here we go again and again and again.

Happy to listen to rebuttals educating me on the merits of these handouts. I am listening.

Reply to  H.L. Mencken
11 months ago

Agree, Allegrone knows how to play the game. Secure State and Federal grants, Historic restoration money anything to help there bottom line. This doesn’t mean Pittsfield should have to agree to there terms. They have been subsidized enough. Also find it funny that they moved out of Pittsfield, to Lenox. Got to give them credit on that one.

Reply to  H.L. Mencken
11 months ago

Too many Trump hating douchebags on this blog.

H.L. Mencken
H.L. Mencken
Reply to  Gobsig
11 months ago

If hating a piece of shit like Donald Trump makes me a douchebag, then go ahead and call me a douchebag. I don’t hate my own country like you do.

11 months ago

How do you know Dan is lying?
He’s posting on his blog.

Here we go
Here we go
11 months ago

Poor read. BTW your DA just dropped more gun charges

11 months ago

Is it true that Marchetti will appoint a director of circumlocution Monday?

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Gobsig
11 months ago

Must be Matt Kerwood the “Scambino”

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
11 months ago

Pittsfield’s $80M School Budget Proposal ‘Not Ideal,’ Cuts Over 100 EmployeesHow long will it take before the people of Pittsfield call for cuts in spending on the schools? With budgets like this Hopkins schools being bad repair

11 months ago

This is not Allegrone’s first rodeo. Back in 2012 they received 1.9 million in State and Federal Historic Tax Credits, and 400,000 in HDIP money, for there renovation of the Howard Building. They have not done anything wrong, just playing our broken system , like a banjo. Don’t blame them, I blame our legislators. No more subsidies for the rich. Just saying.

More for ME Please
More for ME Please
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
11 months ago

But he knows the lesser haves in the city will have to pay more to make up for what he does not pay. This kind of “me first” mentality does not bode well for the community. And political types that transfer from the poor to the rich are not very nice either.

The school committee
The school committee
11 months ago

Marchetti is reporting that it is impossible to put out a 5 year plan,a 4 year plan,a 3 year plan,a2 year plan and he must go forward with this year’s plan.When friends of administration are in need of a position all plans can go forward with raises for the friend.Consolidate like the Catholic church did….we now are down to 4 churches based all on affordability to run them…..We start by getting rid of all new positions in the last 8 years.Stop supporting the developers for 5 years.Stop all project for 5 years…..Done

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  The school committee
11 months ago

Marchetti = Biden

11 months ago

Someone please explain to me why level-funding the city budget is so difficult, if the city is allocating 15 MILLION towards rebuilding Wahconah Park, and another million towards connecting Arrowhead to the sewer system? Why is it so impossible to slash the school dept budget and close 1-2 elementary schools as enrollment continues to decline?
Are these people stupid?
Cut spending!
Keep the important city services like police & fire!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Lenny
11 months ago

The Arrowhead project, if approved, will not be paid by the city but by the rate payers. The water rate hearing powerpoint will show a $600,000 loss to the reserve fund and that will be recovered by a rate hike.

If the City Council were to approve the project, they should hedge it with a statement that they will not approve returning the fund to the Reserves and prevent it from being passed on to the citizen.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
11 months ago

It would be way less expensive to put in a new septic system, $ 50,000 for the new system and $600 a year to pump it out. Both those estimates are on the higher end of what it costs.,may%20cost%20upwards%20of%20%2450%2C000.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
11 months ago

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

After reading the comments on your blog, Planet Valenti, I understand the financial shell games being played in Pittsfield politics prior to Mayor Peter Marchetti’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2025, which will begin on July 1st, 2024.

The municipal and public school district bureaucracies are asking for millions of dollars over what they know they will receive in fiscal year 2025. They are saying that they will have to make cuts to services, employees, etc. But when the operating budget will be passed in a few months from now, they will receive a funding increase between 5 percent to 10 percent.

There are so many financial shell games that people, institutions, businesses, etc., play that they are difficult for me to keep up with. But Peter Marchetti, along with Kuffliinks, play them better than anybody else.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle

Joe tax
Joe tax
11 months ago

The Eagle has a front page story mansplaining level-funding for Counselor Amuso. Sources say she has already apologized to Marchetti for the January insurrection.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
11 months ago

Was there ever any doubt in anybody’s mind just how this was going to turn out
Conte/Crosby SOI Greenlit by School Building Needs, School Committee