[ED. NOTE: The resemblance of anyone depicted in this column to any living, breathing human being is strictly coincidental owing to the fact that they all are politicians]
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 20, 2024) — Welcome to the second day of spring.
We made it, gang. We survived another Berkshire winter, although, of late, doesn’t look like the snow-filled winters of yesterday will be returning soon. We shall have to consult Our Right Honorable Good Friend, the councilor from Ward 6, to find out the reason why. You know, climate change and all that jazz.
In the meantime, THE PLANET is please to begin the new season with a fulfillment of our civic duty. We call this feature Know Your Government. In it, we present photos of the mayor of Bitchfield, the 11 council members, and the six adherent to the school committee. You will be pleased to know that these pictures will be appearing on all local milk cartons. This will include almond and oat milk. Look for these in the upcoming days.
We hope this will help citizens and taxpayers to recognize those who are representing then in the truest and proudest traditions that can honor with the word “democracy.” So if you see your representatives out and about, maybe shopping or putting out the trash, say hello and thank them for their service.
“It’s time to stop grading Joe Biden on a curve” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Where is a picture of the old country buffet?
2023 was a banner year for bad governance on Beacon Hill, and the need to address these democracy issues has never been more urgent. – Erin Leahy, Executive Director at Act on Mass
Don’t you vote and endorse all democrats? Stop the complaining you are part of the problem
Running out of material Tucker? Sophomoric at best. No wonder this hack blog is failing. Good thing I have my Sheep to keep me company.
And I just thought we were just messing around. How did you know?
I saw a guy in Market 32 buying a case of Woolite. Must have been him.
There has been a real shortage of woolite there. Now I thought it was national shortage, but that explains it.
It is good that he is is coming out of the closet. I’m happy for him.
Baaaa! Baaaa! Baaaa!
Hmm https://www.indy100.com/viral/us-states-bestiality-legal
Do you receive as well as give with your sheep?
Now I think you want to talk more about this. How many sheep do you keep? Any other animals on your farm?
It’s funny when I frequent Pittsfield stores and establishments I never run into these characters….where do they hide?
Pete White can often be found in a local restaurant. Just don’t interrupt him while he’s masticating.
A bonerfide mastercater of the facts.
Mayor Peter Marchetti talks (no) baseball and social events on North Street.
And it shows
Biden-flation: In short, prices have increased by 18.0%, while real wages have declined by 2.5%. To put it differently, people now need 20.5% more income than they had in January 2021 to maintain their living standards. According to some estimates, Americans need an extra $11,400 yearly to make ends meet.
Despite of ALL the horrible results of the Biden and co. policies being implemented here and across the globe, I see little chance voters that vote D no matter what the consequences of those policies are will come to their senses and still vote
for more of it.
And that’s why, mark it, that the Democrats — rather, the fringe, extreme leftists and wokes who have hijacked the party from the center — have as Plan B another rigged election. Plan A, hitting Trump with phony lawsuits and “criminal” charges to keep him off the ballot, have thus far failed. That’s a testimony to Trump’s amazingly unfathomable resilience. Plan B will be to implement strategies to sox the vote. As we learned from 2020, it’s not that difficult to do.
Yet you voted for him and continue to endorse the democrat (american nazi) party
From an online news story:
During initial press inquiries with the (Nadia) Milleron campaign (for U.S. Congress), John Krol, who recently ran an unsuccessful bid for Pittsfield mayor, responded to The Shoestring. His campaign was blemished by allegations of embezzlement from a non-profit of which he was a former president.
When questioned on Krol’s level of involvement in the campaign, Milleron said Krol “has a small advertising agency that we have hired to do things like help make the website, make all the press releases, contact the press, because I’m just beginning the campaign I have no staff.” She said at this point he’s part of the central campaign management support while she seeks to hire a campaign manager.
seems You are bored Dan
No but I’ll admit this piece landed kind of f-l-a-t!
I’m thinking it’s more of a Dickensian crew there. I marveled that I was potentially possibly part of an exceptional piece of literature sitting next to Dina and bickering with Kenny,.
Except for the School Comm. That’s a perfectly mundane lot, not worth a page of invention.But! For them I’d take a picture from the Good Place Committee from the Good Place.

Pure idiocy and sanctimony with crunchy-caps included.
It is hard to find examples of The Good Place Committee scenes. But this is quite relevant.
Dan, this morning I was digging up my flower bed to put in some early tulips from Holland. The new winter hybrid you have all been reading about. And long story short I dug up a fossilized Tyrannosaurus Rex skull which looks almost 100% in tact. My question is, can I set it up in my back yard and charge people to have their pictures taken with it without the city charging me “impact fees” and pretty much gutting my profits? I am a senior citizen and looking for alternative ways to keep up with Tyer and Marchettis property taxes.
Also, several of my neighbors are also out there as we speak digging furiously hoping to find their own fossils. One has rented a small backhoe and will probably ruin his specimen but he is not well known for his intellectual capacity. Not saying whether he is or is not on the city council so don’t make hasty assumptions.
Congrats on your find. The short answer: Yes, you can set it up and charge admission. City code requites that for each dollar you collet with your private enterprise, the city gets 37 cents in “impact fees,” 23 cents in “adjustments,” 17 cents in “excise,” 11 cents in “tertiary fees” nine cents in “linear abatement,” and eight cents in “miscellaneous deductions.” It’s all legal, of course. When you add in state and federal taxes, for each buck you make, you will owe $2.37 cents. That’s how “free enterprise” works in Bidenland, Healeyviulle, and Maypoburgh.
And that is why our first invention on Island 3 was moonshine.
I live in Kavey’s ward. I look around the neighborhood and see a lot of tough guys with pickup trucks, a lot of older normal people who probably don’t want section 8, migrants, communism and every thing else Kavey supports. So why do they just let this fruitcake have the council seat? Are they that awed by his Ben and Jerry’s managerial experience?
B&J just got booted by parent company. They had enough of their child products smearing their brand family.
The fruitloops at Ben Jerry’s didn’t get the memo that they were no longer a private company when they went public 30 years ago. Now they will have new bosses, new terms, and a new president probably.
And I hope more realistic prices
They discovered they could get people to pay extra for bright packaging, a ton of chewy cheap non-dairy stuff, and a huge reduction of the premium stuff of competition: cream.
Maybe Pittsfield will get its own flavor. Perhaps it might be called Mastication Munch in honor of Pete White or Devine Dumpster for Earl Persip.
How about Fat Bully Boy Crunch?
What happens when you send “immature brats” playing at being “adults” — something on full display in Bitchfield’s corner office and council.
Speaking of immature brats playing at being adults. Quite the Facebook drama between a local “Journalist” and the great litigator who shall not be named.
Yes, we heard about that one. They, the FB yappers, even dragged my name into the discussion! They must need the ratings.
Did Costalota encourage boycotts of local businesses?
absolutely, as did the “mature adult”
Rather, it is what happens with the CEO of Ben and Jerry’s decides to wage a proxy war against the Nation of Israel, which is an ally of the USA and doing so violates numerous trade and other laws. They should have checked in with the bosses at Unilever.
You could apply that to most city councilors
Political personalities cannot and do not please everyone. That is the nature of their job. That is why they are elected. An elected official cannot please everyone. I can only tell you of my experiences with elected officials. I have found Councilor Kavey to be attentive, responsive, and always helpful when I called him with a concern. He’s a good city councilor and I have always voted for him.
Thanks CHUCK. Always great to hear from a Legend.
And he has a most remarkable hair thing going on
The council doesn’t really have any power, only a fruitcake would run for election. Those policies aren’t even decided at the state or national level, they come out of globalist meetings, which is why you see them implemented in multiple countries
A councilor has the power to reveal the Truth. That may be all the power one ever has.
Nobody gonna talk about Peter Marchetti removing the HESS FOREST in his first 3 months?
That actually is a good act to do in first quarter. Marchetti, I believe, is capable of getting things done. But, the Council’s decision to purchase Hess was a blunder. Now the City owns an EPA surveilled toxic site. There are no stamps of remediation granted for those. Standards change, waste discovered nearby, the EPA can come back and require excavation.
However: I agree that IS good that was done. Let’s hope it outlives the Council’s blunder.
Coeplops a punk.Dan did a piece and video on Hess over Eight years ago.
What’s with the bumps they put in the road there? Who paid for the work?
Took it out of the asphalt budget probably. Where you taxpayer paid for asphalt you get a concrete bump out.
Wonder if the Heap Big Red Pothole Machine from North got involved?
Can’t say anything for 90 days
Dan, I just saw on Facebook that councilor Alisa Costa is telling everyone NOT to support Pittsfield businesses that Mike Daley promotes on his podcast. What the hell is her problem?
I don’t know. Councilor Costa-Plenty doesn’t communicate with me.
She must be under the tutelage of a very sick person. Or maybe she’s just plain stupid.
Of course not, but even unusual and rare things are the case! Here is a piece of classical romantic wisdom to explain the phenomenon.
“All the same, when one reflects well, there really is something in the matter. Whatever may be said to the contrary, such cases do occur—rarely, it is true, but now and then actually.”
Nikolai Gogol, The Nose
She’s backtracking now, saying it was sarcasm. Whose ever page she posted it on, it was deleted. Whether you like the guy or not, suggesting that people boycott local businesses because he did a video piece about them is just plain stupid.
I haven’t seen the video, so I can’t comment on that. As a general rule, and all things being equal — including adherence to the regulations informing us on free speech and libel — public figures must know that it comes with the turf. I would defend free speech to the limits … and only that far. If the she is councilor Costa-Plenty, and she’s now doing the backstroke, it would suggest she’s got a “wafer-thin” skin. This would strongly indicate she’s in over her head on the public stage. Early evidence with her would confirm that judgment.
Doesn’t sound like libel. Just menacing the guy. She has absolutely no bone to pick with. That’s what’s weird.