(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JUNE 7-9, 2024) — So many stories, so little time.
—Accident in the Pants?: Everyone must watch this video from June 6 in Normandy, France for D-Day ceremonies. It shows French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife standing on the review box with President and Mrs. Biden.
The President’s appearance is shocking. He looks like a nursing home patient. More startling is the way he bends. What was that all about? Is this the guy you want running for reelection and another four years. All you Biden backers, be honest and tell us.
“Calling Mr. Dover. Mr. Ben Dover.”
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—Politics and the English Language: That’s the name of George Orwell’s classic essay on the decline of our native tongue. It’s also THE PLANET‘s reference to an even worse blow to English forced by the tsunami of illegals set loose in America with no backing except The Kapanskis, who are forced to pick up the tab. On Thursday, Berkshire County D.A. Tim Shugrue’s office sponsored a workshop titled “Introduction to Language Justice: Focus on Language Accessibility.”
“Language Justice.” More post-George Floyd B.S. echoes.
Used to be when those “tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free” came to this country, America expected them to assimilate, and they did. Now, it’s WE who are supposed to learn THEIR ways. How f—-d up is that?
Think of that come November.
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— Strong Man Rule: Freedom is for individuals. Security and stability are for collectives. That’s why actual democracy has never and will never work. A republic will be as close as it ever comes.
An individual can act morally but a large group of people cannot. For this reason, all government must be authoritarian at its most fundamental level. In return for sacrificing some degree of personal freedom, citizens obtain security, stability, and infrastructure they could not have on their own.
The grand experiment in liberty that was the United States of America may have worked in the 18th century, when the population of 4 million was confined to 13 states. Today, 350 million in 50 states presents a different proposition.
Somewhere along the way, America lost the values that made us great, especially that deep sense of personal responsibility each person pledged for their actions. Today, the worst among us have undone the notion that actions have consequences. Sadly, America is the past. China is the future. Xi gets it. Biden doesn’t.
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Liberal Dems Get It Right — On Thursday, Israel bombed Gaza school. The airstrike killed 40 people, mostly woman and children. Reuters reported that bombers struck the school several times. For this reason, THE PLANET supports Sen. Bernie Sanders, Bay State Rep. Jim McGovern, and other liberal Democrats who said they will not attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress. Yes, Israel needs to defend itself, but its over-response in Gaza has morphed from justifiable retaliation into genocide. Israel, of all nations, should realize that holocaust will do nothing but further inflame the Muslim world.
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Tote This: The imposition of a toter plan on Bitchfield citizens comes with the usual baggage. The principles hatched the scheme via secret, illegal meetings that ensured the new garbage plan would be a done deal from the get go. The formalities were for show. There are several things the city NEVER gets right: Garbage, cable contracts, parking, lighting, and downtown. The new toter plan may work out, which is to say it may not. In a well-governed city, we could see it. In Bitchfield, where kickbacks wear kilts and bunco shocks the bumps, garbage may go the way of the rats and seagulls. Yes, and don’t bother to contact your councilor, the mayor, or Ricky Rumpus. They don’t care about you and will ignore your pleas.
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The Antichrist is from Pittsfield: Seriously. We just watched The First Omen, a well-done film that’s the prequel to 1976’s The Omen starring Gregory Peck. It’s 1971. A novice nun, Margaret, is sent to Rome to work in an orphanage for young girls. There she will give birth to Damien, yeah, Mr. 666 himself. Early on, a fellow novice asks Margaret where she is from. Answer, Pittsfield, Mass. True. Mayor was Donald George Butler. Each name has 6 letters. 6-6-6. Think about it.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Seek your own salvations, diligently” — Gautama Buddha’s dying words.
Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
The Antichrist….Luciforo….is from Pittsfield, Massachusetts!
We have known this for a little over 60 years now.
In around 25 years from now, Luciforo will be relocated from his mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College to his forever home in Hell.
Jon Melle
I bet the weather is better there in the winter!
With a North Street store opening soon would it be better to extend an olive branch to Andy Nuciforo than post bad about him? You too could collab together with PRIDE clothing and marijuana products and make alot of money. You need to start thinking like a businessman and not a scorned princess. I thought alot about the store name. How about in honor of your cousin Mayor Pete you call it Peterland or maybe The Fiery Drag-in is wicked awesome to.
June 8, 2024
Peter Marchetti is my late maternal grandmother’s great-nephew. We share the same great-grandparents who emigrated to Pittsfield from Italy well over one century ago. Like everyone else out there, I did not get to choose my relatives, including the aforementioned sitting Mayor of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
As for Luciforo, he has been conspiratorially persecuting me since I first met him 28 years ago when I was 20 years old in the Spring 1996. If I tried to have peace with him in the mid-2020’s, he would only mock me because he is a mean-spirited fraudster. Why would I even try such a futile endeavor, especially because Luciforo also persecuted my dad, Bob, when he (my father) served as a Berkshire County Commissioner from 1997 – mid-2000?
When I was a young man growing up in Pittsfield many years ago, one of my biggest fears back then was that I would end up on North Street or the inner-city “Ring of Poverty” neighborhoods that surround the city’s downtown.
Many years ago now, I learned about an economics principle called “Perverse Incentives” and I realized that if I ended up in the ditch in my very unequal native hometown of Pittsfield, I would live an adult life full of deleterious consequences as a member of Pittsfield’s disproportionately large underclass population.
As a middle-aged man who will turn 49 next month, I feel like I won the proverbial lottery jackpot because I own my condo unit with my 16-year-old Emotional Support Animal dog named Chocolate in Amherst, New Hampshire. I know more than anybody else that life in the Pitts is a shithole and nightmare ran by a one political (Democratic) party with weirdo state and local politicians who only do DISSERVICES to the common people of Massachusetts.
I wish I did not know about Luciforo; I wish that I was not related to Peter Marchetti; I wish that I never had to fear living in dangerous downtown Pittsfield and the shooting gallery inner-city impoverished neighborhoods that surround North Street’s Social Services Alley and over one dozen empty storefronts, but that is my background, unfortunately.
Jon Melle
Your Emotional Support dog must need emotional support itself from your crazy ass.
You think?
If I could only figure out how to hang myself I would.
Zero strikes me as the kind of guy who comes home to find his own dog disappointed with his arrival.
Have a solution for the garbage issue,,,,Burn baby Burn!! wait isn’t that what worked very well for 50 years? What changed?
I believe that you meant to write that a solution to the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski’s hard-earned municipal tax dollars in Pittsfield politics….Burn baby Burn! Isn’t that what happened over the past 50 years? Nothing changes in predictable Pittsfield politics!
This is exactly what is happening in Europe with the masses of illegal immigrants entering the countries. They are not assimilating. They want the countries to accept their beliefs, some of which are extreme.
Not sure what Biden is doing, but Jill seems very concerned and trying to ignore Joe at the same time and the wife of the French president is wondering what Biden is doing. Macron is trying to act like everything is normal.
And it seems like many of them come with some form of diplomatic immunity. They are getting away with things Americans would be jailed for. America is the first country to actively seek to become a third world nation as it intentionally dives for the bottom.
America is now 11th in the world in health care and dropping each of the last five years.
America now ranks 33rd out of the 44 advanced economies when it comes to the percentage of young people attaining a post-high school degree. We also now rank middling in science and math among OECD countries.
As of Dec 2022………..undoubtedly much higher now
According to recent Gallup polls, as much as 15 percent of Americans say they want to leave the country permanently, and even more say they would consider expatriating under the right circumstances.
YOU voted for, and have advocated this, Snarky.
And if you want to expatriate , try someplace with warm touchy gently feelly, communist/socialist or Sharia government.
You will fit right it in and be “Welcomed”, and of course learn true, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE).
Bring Whoopi, Streisand, Reiner, and other Leftists who have “promised” to do so.
The American healthcare system is the worst.You are learning Pat
It’s just run/controlled by THE WORST, e.g. “Dr” Fauci, Walensky, et al
FJB, dropped the first American “bomb” in Normandy in 80 years!!!
What a crock of sh!t that DA Tim Shugrue is making this “class” for law enforcement officials.
If you wipe away the whip cream and sprinkles off the top of this class, this is nothing more than a DIE class gift wrapped with a bow on it but called it’s now called “Language Justice.”
I’m sure it will be a steady diet of OB, from the (D)idin’t (E)arn (I)t Office, the cultural competency coach, and NAACP “he hunted a person of color” Dennis Powell, coming in to talk about their “struggles” with law enforcement.
If Shirley Edgerton actually talked about her family’s involvement in the crime, drugs, and scourge, that members of her family have wreaked on the city of Bitchfield, I might actually listen.
Instead of this “feel good” horsesh!t, maybe the DA should be more concerned with the illegal alien invasion taking place in MA and the future crime wave that will hit when the money runs out soon.
Take a look at this story from 25News out of Boston.
To Cliff Note this story, 25News has learned that MassPort has NO IDEA how many illegal aliens arrive each day and/or where they are coming from.
**This has been going on since June 2023.**
Remember this in November.
Dan, any chance you could have your techies look into the edit function. Not only can a person not edit their post, but after you “re-enter your post,” it then single spaces everything, so it turns your original post into a post into what appears as a run-on paragraph.
Kind if what I would expect from a Jones medicated TSC about 8-14 Budlights, 90 minutes upon waking up to begin its day, early in the afternoon.
**See TSC, I even called you an “It,” so as to not offend you and/or the liberal-left doltish bunch.
Let me ask my guys, MARK.
^^^This. And formatting functions toolbar is absent; using keyboard formatting is fubar too.
Offended is how you live change is why you are offended
I can’t tell if this was written by someone with a single digit IQ or a transcript of something Biden said.
Well at least he sent a special investigator after Rutledge. RE language justice, you have no insight whatsoever. The language justice class seeks to engender a smoother-running organization. — no pun intended.
One has nothing to do with the other, but ok..
Please explain this “smoother-running organization,” to me.
Keep in mind of the link I posted, which you obviously didn’t look into, tells you MassPort has NO IDEA where these people are from or who these people are.
So explain to me how DA Shugrue will know the language of the illegal aliens invading the Berkshires, when the state itself has no idea.
I’ll await your answer.
The answer is simple: the training is independent of language, focusing on sensitizing people to language interaction among people of different languages, no matter what the languages are.
Huh? Are you talking about reading body language? What does “sensitizing people to language interaction among people of different languages, no matter what the languages are” actually mean? Sounds like double-talk. Can you explain to this linguist?
I think Markus has done a very good job below.
Here you go Dan, it’s exactly what we thought it was. Most leftist garbage.
Just take a look at the title in the link. It says it all, “importance of language justice IN SOCIAL JUSTICE MOVEMENTS.”
Is DA Shugrue becoming another “social justice warrior” like former disgraced DA Andrea “Wrong Way”” Harrington?
Did George Soros just send him a hefty reminder that he is a democRAT after all and there’s money to be made off the social justice grift?
I see now. You’ve made it crystal clear. To help others understand it to, I simplified it for all.
With this language training the officer no longer focuses on the spoken language unless the language spoken is a language you recognize. Then it’s an acceptable language to proceed with in your native language. If it’s an unrecognized language, the officer can rely on this training to recognize that it’s an unrecognized language spoken by the language trained officer and he/she must proceed with this language training as best one can.
Sounds tribal and not unlike current public “education”.
That is the job of the PIttsfield cops.
It started with the toilet installation, Jan 2021
**”The Taxing Tides of Bitchfield”**
In Bitchfield’s streets, where shadows creep,
Mayor Marky Maypo ruled with a taxman’s sweep.
His eyes, like ledgers, cold and keen,
Counting coins, while citizens dream.
Voltron the Porkchop, council’s head,
A rotund figure, cheeks cherry-red,
Whispered in hushed tones, “More fees, my friend,
For potholes, parks, and roads that bend.”
Ricky Rumpus, a cobbler by trade,
Mended shoes, but his spirit frayed.
Dumpster Earl, with a heart of rust,
Collected tales of fees unjust.
Pork Chop Pete, the butcher bold,
Carved meats and secrets, stories untold.
He grumbled, “Mayor’s greed knows no bounds,
Garbage fees rise, our wallets confound.”
In town hall chambers, where echoes cling,
They debated, voices rising like spring.
“Tax the downtrodden,” Mayor decreed,
“Let their pockets bleed, their hopes recede.”
Yet beneath the moon’s indifferent gaze,
A rebellion brewed in Bitchfield’s maze.
Citizens whispered, “Enough is enough,
We’ll rise against this fiscal bluff!”
They painted signs, rallied in squares,
Chanted rhymes of fiscal affairs:
“Voltron the Porkchop, Mayor Maypo, beware,
Your taxing ways, we’ll no longer bear!”
And so, in Bitchfield’s twilight gloom,
The poor stood tall, defying their doom.
They sought justice, fairness, and light,
To break free from the taxman’s bite.
June 7, 2024
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
Peter Marchetti will serve his mayoral 4-year term(s) and then collect his 6-figure city public pension plus perks for life.
Pete White hopes to anoint himself the next Mayor of Pittsfield politics so that he will do the same and cash in at the city’s public trough.
Luciforo won a $341,000 cash pot settlement from the City of Pittsfield under the failed leadership of the two Petes in Pittsfield politics. Luciforo has made millions of dollars from his marijuana business named “Berkshire Roots”. Luciforo has a pot lawsuit in Suffolk (Boston) Superior Court whereby Luciforo is trying to bust unions who advocate for marijuana workers in Massachusetts.
A little less than one decade ago, Sara Hathaway won an undisclosed sex and age discrimination cash settlement under the failed leadership of Mayor Montello (the Dan Bianchi bust). Her settlement had merit. I am sorry for her loss. There were other middle-aged women who were teachers for the (Level 5) Pittsfield Public School district who also sued the City of Pittsfield over sex and age discrimination. Their settlements had merit. I am sorry for their loss.
The Gated Community former Mayor Linda Tyer has a plum job at Berkshire Community College. Her 3rd husband, the multi-millionaire CPA Barry Clairmont, won a 6-figure settlement versus Melissa Mazzeo for alleged defamation of character. His settlement had merit. I am sorry for his loss.
The Rolodex former Mayor Jimmy Ruberto is a full-time resident of Florida and he owns a $490,000 condo unit in upscale Lenox, Massachusetts. Jimmy Ruberto never owned, nor did he rent, a residence in Pittsfield in his entire life. He was a man in his 50’s in 2001 who moved into his now late mother Edith’s Pittsfield home and served as Mayor of Pittsfield from 2004 – 2011.
On Tuesday, June 11th, 2024, Mayor Peter Marchetti and City Council President Pete White “Voltron the Porkchop” will pass a record high municipal operating budget that will begin on July 1st, 2024.
What is wrong with this picture of Pittsfield politics?
The Answer: The city’s former and current politicians are all GREED-BALLS! The city’s taxpayers are all being screwed over by Marchetti, White, Luciforo, Hathaway, Tyer, Ruberto, Bianchi, and the like.
Jon Melle
Another gem from THE PLANET’s Poet Laureate.
Jill took Joe away for an emergency Diaper change during the D Day festivities. I was wondering why Joe has NASCAR pit crew specialists traveling with him at all times now. To get his diaper change done quickly.
It will happen to you too, Optimus, some day.
At least I will have realized I shit my pants.
You may or may not.
Never stopped for you since you were spawned. What is your mother weekly bleach expenses, or do you enjoy the feeling and just wallow?
Yes, but he won’t be president of the United States at the time he has these elderly problems. That’s the difference. Yes, we will all be in that situation at some point if we live long enough.
Diaper Don Trump ….anyway,stupid fatboy Trump will be locked up in 5 weeks.
Sentencing is Nov 2024 by the American people. 4 years in an oval office.
The Democrat/Marxists know that if Donald Trump is ushered back into the White House in 2025, he will unleash holy hell upon the real DC political crooks, fully expose their corruption and hopefully have an attorney general willing
to go after all of them!
Biden/Corn Pop 2024!
Joe has steel marbel eyes. He isn’t in coordination with his motor skills,clearly off, with his motion when walking. He is nothing short of an obese or elderly man playing pickle ball.
So cops must work to assure inclusion of
Illegals? Bullshit. Another wokeahole.
Lock em up.
A fine piece of writing, even if you do get some of the points backwards.
Dan, thank you for having the courage to speak up about the genocide in Gaza. It is absolutely barbaric. Corporate media has been handcuffed by AIPAC. Only Independent news sources around the world are speaking up. Even Hollywood remains mostly silent as it is primarily owned and run by the same people. The slightest criticism of Israel killing children will get you labeled as antisemitic. It is used as a intimidation tactic to silence anyone who might speak out. And as we can see…the fear is real and widespread.
Netanyahu is scheduled to address our congress on July 24 and will be the first time a genocidal maniac has been allowed to do so. Israel has become a pariah state with pretty much only the United States left as a friend and that may not be for much longer. There are expected to be over one million American protesters on site. Those Gen Z college kids who protested were absolutely right in what they were doing. God bless each and everyone of them.
Thanks, SNARK. I scour national and international news sources. That’s how you get to the truth of what’s happening.
Another strongman in Israel trying to stay in power or goes to jail.Trump is the most desperate
Hamas and Hamas alone is responsible for all war deaths in Gaza and Israel. Don’t be a Nazi.
Don’t disparage Nazis. They are saintly, compared to the Islamic Barbarians known as Hamas.
Wait, don’t disparage Barbarians either…..
It is totally in character for you to say ‘Don’t disparage Nazis.’
If You were compared to The Devil, don’t disparage Lucifer.
When the rest be freed? It won’t be by HamASS.
“BREAKING: Israeli Girl Noa Argamani Is RESCUED by IDF Soldiers in Gaza – Was Taken Hostage by Palestinian Barbarians at Nova Music Festival – Reunites with Her Father! – 3 Other Hostages Also Rescued!”
This one is hard to believe. Play space for children at Springside Park is being taken from children to give to the gimpy elderly for a ridiculous reason called pickleball. I refuse to call it a sport. I’m sure those making the decision mean well, but this is park space for children and should remain so. We have to stop taking play space designed and built for children. Springside Park is a gem in center city, and we should not pick away at it for nonsense designed like pickleball.
Congratulations, you just won the Internet for dumbest comment ever.
AWAY, you are an idiot. The new pickleball court is in the far northeastern corner of Springside, not taking a square inch from any land the kids would use. As for not being a sport, the old folks on those courts would run you ragged – you could never keep up.
Let’s hope the kids don’t play hopscotch on the p b c. I see they’re cutting the the forest at Churchill for development.
Lol Granny, like these old folks. I don’t think so.
What form!!
Show up and put your money where your mouth is, acheshirecat. We’d run you into the ground.
We don’t play like that. You wouldn’t stand a chance. Show up and put your money where your mouth is, acheshirecat.
Thanks for the offer. I might just do that.
Do all the bums living at Springside get to play free pickleball?
Marchetti, the bowling mayor can’t keep his balls out of the gutter.
Weren’t those cut off?
Do you know why Bill Clinton got into trouble in the Sexual Harassment case with Paula Jones?
Answer: Because his actions were similar to Ronald McDonald who got into trouble for showing Wendy his Whopper,
Ricky has control of them. Him and lumpy roll gutter balls all the time but they think they’re Earl Anthony.
What?!? You mean to say they don’t put bumpers in the gutters?
Morales wants narrower lanes with bump outs.
In my experience feminized men are just as bad as woke women. They are definitely bitchier though , like they have a permanent period.
He looked good at the pickle ball court with old Tony.
Yes he did; he hits a pretty fair lob.
Was he pregnant or carrying his bowling ball?
looks a little to woke to me An individual can act morally but a large group of people cannot. For this reason, all government must be authoritarian at its most fundamental level. In return for sacrificing some degree of personal freedom, citizens obtain security, stability, and infrastructure they could not have on their own. So much for the 1st amendment
Name one government, ever, that did not have authority as its fundamental component. Thanks for the comment!
June 8, 2024
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
Why do ALL forms of government create an underclass population?
If the U.S.A. is truly a free country, then our country would NOT have an underclass population?
Why do governments profit off their underclass populations?
To illustrate:
One-half of the U.S.A.’s job growth numbers during the Biden presidency have been from the immigrant population. What good is job growth when the underclass population grows larger in numbers?
If the government did not include immigrants in their job growth numbers, then our country would be near or in a recession. The government is cooking the books by counting immigrants in its job growth numbers.
Governor (misguided) Maura Healey’s fiscal year 2025 state budget promotes and record high funds gambling – (voluntary) regressive taxation – in Massachusetts. Last Summer 2023, state officials in Massachusetts boasted record profits from the then 50-year-old state lottery SCAM. The lottery is designed to financially exploit the underclass population. At the very least, the lottery should fund financial literacy programs for the state’s underclass population, but if that ever actually happened, the the lottery would be shooting itself in the foot.
On Tuesday night, June 11th, 2024, the Pittsfield City Council will vote to pass into law Mayor Peter Marchetti’s record high municipal budget for fiscal year 2025 that will begin less than 3 weeks later on July 1st, 2024. Pittsfield politics’ financial policies equal regressive taxation and monetize social services and level 5 public schools that the underclass population depends on to survive.
Across the board, we need new politicians who will stop creating and profiting off of the underclass population.
Jon Melle
The conspiracy of the American Coup must be told in a courtroom so that the people know who was behind it.
Hur already said Biden is incompetent to stand trial.
That coup of Nov 3-4th 2020, needs to end with public hangings for treason.
You are demented.
Treason is a capital crime.
TSC, biggest Super Bowl in history will be Nov 5th 2024,
You are making progress
Anytime you want to meet at the Commom and see who is more Patriotic little man……
I don’t hit weak sisters.
I’ll take you up on it tough guy. Meet me at the Common this Tuesday at 3:00AM.
Make it interesting. Cumbies at four.
Is Barry invited?
Is that where you graze your sheep?
Come up with that all on your own?
FOX media causes anger,frustration and depression mostly in men.Fox propaganda has you boys believing Putins dictatorship is better than democracy.Russia is a shifty poor country of broken tanks and people.FOX viewers see how strongmen get rich….400 billion for Putin.They have a horrible life in Russia
This from the little HE MEN who gets all wussy and hides behind the women’s skirts on the View to hide all his miseries. caused by
A brilliant response
Do you buy your drugs from Mookie like Hunter does?
Mookie is sold out by the time Hunter is done buying his and none left for anyone else.
Did you sit next to Pete White on the short bus?
They probably wore their Voltron hats.
So a question was asked about free yardwaste going forward. DPW chief said 120 going for same system go to landfill but there now will be a cost. Then bowing ball Pete said he’s working with Casella on that?….and? Will it cost now or working with Casella ?for keeping free? What the hell kind of answer is that? If Casella gives it free you can believe it’ll come from another expense somewhere.
Lumpy thinks everybody is as stupid as Pete White.
Four hostages rescued from Hamas by the IDF after intense fighting raged all around. This is great news. One is a girl who was crying and screaming as they took her away from the music festival. Those horrible images of the parachutes coming down with the terrorists who would kill so many of those young people. One young girl was murdered and thrown on a truck with her limbs broken. No matter what you think about the war between Israel and Hamas, the rescue is great news and the families of the rescued hostages are praising the IDF. Hamas did not want to give up these remaining hostages. 122 hostages still remain to be found.
Netti thinks the trade off for dead pawns for hostages is a good percentage.
June 8, 2024
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
I had to laugh at the words: “a bunch of penny-pinching politicians” because on Tuesday night, June 11th, 2024, the Pittsfield City Council will vote on Mayor Peter Marchetti’s record setting municipal operating budget: A predictable 5.1 percent spending increase that will equal over $215.9 million for one fiscal year of Pittsfield politics.
Small post-industrial cities similar to Pittsfield (Massachusetts) cost tens of million of tax dollars less per fiscal year to operate.
The late Jim Bouton wrote and published a book titled “Foul Ball” about Pittsfield politics failures to restore Wahconah Park for professional minor league baseball. Jimmy Ruberto was one of the players in Pittsfield politics who screwed over Jim Bouton, but the Berkshire Eagle loved it.
Two decades later, and there is no baseball at Wahconah Park in Pittsfield this Summer 2024. Similar to Jimmy Ruberto’s Rolodex and downtown Pittsfield so-called “Renaissance”, Wahconah Park’s debacle is symbolic of Pittsfield’s downward spiral.
What happened to the millions of tax dollars that PAC Man Richie Neal earmarked for Wahconah Park? Is that roll of dough sitting in one of Kufflink’s secretive Slush Funds?
Why is predictable Pittsfield politics such a mess? Why would any rational person praise the state and local career politicians who put Pittsfield into the ditch?
Jon Melle
P.S. I met my elderly neighbor’s family who visited her today who are from and live in North Adams. They are very nice people. North Adams still has baseball this Summer 2024.
Letter: “Lamenting the delay to save Wahconah Park”
The Berkshire Eagle, June 8, 2024
To the editor: Howard Herman’s weekend column on Wahconah Park laid out the sad facts on the historic ballpark’s structural repairs. (“Howard Herman: The start of a quiet summer on Wahconah Street,” Eagle, June 1.)
Not a pretty picture.
This year’s baseball season is on a “pause” that may well turn into a permanent end to Pittsfield baseball.
The structural repairs required are in the hands of a committee in which “the project has seemed to run off the tracks or gotten bogged down.” The obvious intention of a bunch of penny-pinching politicians without the ability to preserve a precious asset of the town.
It’s a scandal. The politicians should not be given a pass — it is their failure.
General Electric is gone. Berkshire Carousel is gone. Wahconah Park is on the way out. Poor Pittsfield.
Andy Davis, Stephentown, N.Y.
Are we headed towards a nuclear war?
I read that nuclear weapons are being deployed and threatened at an increasing and alarming rate. Joe Biden said that the U.S. Government must do the same to deter our adversaries. What if….?
Jon Melle
Not much difference between these and Hitler youth.
If you think the last 3 1/2 years have been bad, it’s about to get a whole lot worse.
MSM hasn’t had a peep about this.
We will live. We always do. Thank Heavens we can choose what to watch on media. The narrative is what these talking head whores are told to say by the brass. It’s sickening.
can-we really believe these talking heads aren’t force fed what to say? If that isn’t the case what the hell is Jake Tapper and those other two boobs saying they actually believe what they’re saying especially about Trump
Everything is great here
After watching the committee of the whole there are many many unresolved components to the toter scandal. Are we saying Casella can’t do the job? Hell no.Everyone I’ve talked to dont want this change. Pay the extra and keep it the same.
Pittsfield can’t afford unlimited garbage.
Lumpy wants everyone to pay for a second totter. Another way to screw residents and fluff up the slush fund.
Biden is so old that he farts dust!
Donald Trump was nuts again yesterday.