(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JUNE 5, 2024) — Recently, the Boston Herald ran a piece about the arrest of four illegal aliens, Guatemalans, busted and charged with ripping off various Home Depot stores along the eastern seaboard. Authorities said in this latest arrest, the illegals stole goods worth $238,000.
Stop THE PLANET is you’ve heard this one before.
The punch line to this latest Biden joke is that this human scum, illegals all, have been arrested several times before for the same crime. Walk into a Home Depot and walk out with a couple hundred grand in merchandise. Each time, woke districts attorneys released them on personal recognizance. Each time, they skipped court only to pop up in another town to continue their consequence-free kleptocracy.
Is it a coincidence that each city these creeps have hit are run by … (DRUM ROLL, DOCTOR)
… Democrats?
The Worst
This once-respected political party has given us the worst president in our 248 years as a nation. This is the guy who hid in his basement instead of campaigning, citing a fake “pandemic” that allowed the Dems to suspend normal voting rules and hijack an election.
Some Commander in Chief:
- He promised he would unite the country.
- We’ve never been more divided.
- He claims to have cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion.
- Instead, Biden has ADDED $6 trillion to the deficit.
- He says the economy he inherited from President Trump was “on the brink.”
- Trump grew the economy by 33% in the 3rd Q and 4.1% in the 4th of 2020.
- Trump inflation was 1.4%. It’s averaged 7% under Biden.
- Gas cost $2.39/gallon when Biden took office. He’s added more than a buck a gallon.
- Here’s a whopper from this year’s State of the Union address: “Inflation keeps coming down and mortgage rates will come down as well.”
- Mortgage rates have more than doubled and inflation continues to kill the Kapanski’s at the grocery store and elsewhere.
There’s only one question as the nation heads to November: How will Democrats try to rig it this time?
The Worst, Locally
Locally, this Democrat disaster continues to kill that wonderful small city once known as Pittsfield.
Welcome to Bitchfield.
Mayor Markey Maypo and council president Voltron the Porkchop have done a generation of damage in four months. They promise to accelerate the destruction with a bloated budget that oozes the pus of corruption and the bile of patronage. We have a mayor in his cups up to his anus in rainbows and a council president who gets his rocks off dressing action figures in Latex.
Try to imagine what Bitchfield will look like in three+ years, when the reign of these idiots will end.
Who’s going to stop them? A “me-too” city council that can’t be bothered with ordinary citizens? A school committee that waves millions in dirty money and does nothing as classrooms turn into chaotic daycare where no education takes place?

DPW chief Ricky Rumpus recently limed a high school baseball field. Here’s his home plate and batter’s box.
A DPW chief who doesn’t have the balls or intelligence to push back on asinine projects? An angry citizen who visits city hall “locked and loaded?” Angry citizens who reach the breaking point and initiate a recall?
Here’s just one example of what this type of government has done to America and its cities, including Bitchfield.
A transgender-identified California convict with a lengthy record of criminal violence has been transferred out of a women’s correctional facility and back to a men’s prison after being indicted for rape.
Tremaine “Tremayne” Deon Carroll, 51, is an incarcerated biological black male who identifies as a woman and faces two charges of forcible rape and one of “dissuading a witness from testifying” in Madera County, according to a criminal complaint first obtained by the website 4W, and later reported by Reduxx and Fox News.
One of the alleged victims of the Jan. 30 incident is a biological female, who said Carroll attacked her in the shower at the Central California Women’s Facility and raped her. The complaint also mentions another unidentified victim. Carroll has since been transferred to Kern Valley State Prison, a male-only facility in Delano.
On Nov. 5, America has a chance to do something about the madness. THE PLANET reminds one and all that it may be the country’s final chance to get it right. Otherwise, we” be hearing Dandy Don sing, “Turn out the lights, the party’s over. They say that all good things must end.”
“Never invest in the past” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
You forgot Obama’s and Ilmar’s Somalians that stole $250 million off the government in Minn, you know the place where they can’t find police recruits because you may end up in jail doing your job.
Here is a link to a story:
As you’re watching this video, keep in mind, according to China Joe Xiden, “white supremacy” is America’s “greatest threat.”
The white supremacy and put “ya in chains”crap used every election since I can remember is finally somewhat being realized that it’s bull shit by more and more people of color. Biden’s failures on the same issues that are hurting them like everyone else has awakened them.
Who says these people aren’t assimilating? They are learning fast how to beat the systems run by our government with our taxpayers money.
It makes one wonder if they took a course on fraudulently scheming on the government (US taxpayers), by our own world African tour guide, the queen of illegally spending taxpayer (ARPA) money, Shirley “Cultural Competency Coach” Edgerton.
They must have taken some of Shirl’s “teachings,” and took it to a major league level of fraud. Shirl is still in the on-deck circle of single A baseball, when it comes to fraud and these guys.
Who claims these people aren’t assimilating to the country? They learn quickly about how to rip off the taxpayer funded programs and assimilating to nothing else.
Dan, these same people are running the schools. If you have kids rescue them and get them out ASAP
And “the smartest man” Joe Biden (aka “pedo Pete”) knows, his son is being exposed along with himself, at the current Delaware trial…………….he was “smoking crack every 20 minutes…” when he purchased a gun…………somebody voted for Traitor Joe , not me.
Even school personnel in Pittsfield will eventually feel the Biden policies squeezing them because Biden and his globalists don’t plan on having you own your own homes forever. The government will own everything eventually. You may or may not have the privilege of living in your own home depending on the needs of the masses of incoming illegal immigrants. With mortgage rates skyrocketing our media is pushing tiny homes of less than 600 square feet for Americans, but you do have to own some land for that to work. Families can’t live in tiny homes so the Biden administration is working to make sure Americans don’t have large families by a combination of on demand abortion and gender confusion. Biden’s pathetic attempt at stopping illegal immigrants from entering the country is a joke because the flow of immigrants will still continue at a very high rate. He is just doing that for appearances before the election and will continue to pour them in at even higher rates if he is elected. Most people are not being fooled.
Exactly Pat! And the democrats that didn’t appear with him at the fake border control executive order announcement are also doing it for re-election purposes. They are in tight races and should they win they will hop right back on board for open borders with Joe.
Where do you get this sh!t? While not totally devoid of truth, your blabber contanes 90% confabulation. You should turn your efforts to the writing of fiction. You are good at it, it would make you happy, and it would be immensely lucherative.
Sorry the facts hurts You so much.
Go get a hankie and cry some more.
Name something Biden has done FOR America/Americans, rather than TO America/Americans?
It has been a miserable 3 1/2 years since he was installed.
The Mayor of Bitchfield & Voltron the Porkchop & Luciforo & Aberration & the Kapanski family & PCBs & a shit sandwich & Dementia Joe versus the ultimate moral hypocrite Donald & all of it up to our eyeballs….
Have you or your cousin Mayor Pete thought of a store name for your North Street store yet? I mentioned the rainbow ranch but thought up a couple of others names like white swallow or head hunters. When is it opening up?
When you go to vote this fall…
Remember Joe Biden fired thousands of American Servicemen for not getting the clot shot/jab, ….
at the same time he was welcoming MILLIONS OF unvetted/unknown/unvaccinated CRIMINAL ALIENS!!!
The misleadia’s cover up of Biden’s continued disasters and Biden’s DEMENTIA have been a national and world disgrace.
You are a 24-carrot fool. Take a gander at the world-wide media and you will find that the only one’s that agree with your and FOXes take are the Russians. Oh and Tucker Carlson.
“Take a gander at the world-wide media…” -OX
The world has been laughing at Biden and his appointed jack-asses/fools > 3 years now.
Except the families of the 13 servicemen he got murdered by letting the prisons open in Afghanistan , before we left. They ALL hate the no good SOB.
Snark, if you’re going to post as another poster, at least change up the sentence structure and wording you normally use.
And to your point, you are a 24-carrot ass-clown.
Enjoy these apples, from London.
Donald Trump handed win as ‘massive crowd’ gathers in London after guilty verdict | UK | News |
The Donald Trump baby blimp, which flew over Parliament Square during the US president’s visit to the UK, has found a new home.
The Museum of London has bought it so it can rest in its protest collection.
The 6m-high (19.7ft) inflatable, blimp was flown over Parliament Square during the US President’s working visit to the UK in July 2018.
The Museum of London said the blimp was an “extraordinary and imaginative idea” and a “response from Londoners”.
Pulling up an article from 2018, I see.
Was nothing available from the Steele Dossier for you to use?
Biden crapped his pants at the D-Day memorial in France. The whole world watching.
I’m voting for the convicted felon.
This is what happens when the democRATS empower and embolden mental health issues. Elementary school teachers shooting nude videos in their classrooms to try and get “clicks” or “likes” for whatever social media site she’s on.
Snark, JM, TSC, and Mr. Worldwide, seeing how you all concerned yourselves last time with Trump’s sex life, you all should enjoy this video. I mean after all, you VOTED it. You must enjoy it and support teachers like this.
That explains why our local Home Depot now has many items locked up. There was an article recently in the Eagle that mentioned the “migrants” in Pittsfield and Great Barrington will have to find new housing soon but I was unable to read it behind the paywall. Can anyone summarize that?
Don’t be so cheap and wanting to steal the news, pay for it. You’re no better than the Home Depot thief’s you are complaining about.
But you probably can’t see your own hypocrisy.
I’d be happy to purchase the paper for that particular day but I don’t want to subscribe to it when there’s maybe one article a week of interest. It’s not the paper it once was. Northern Berkshire news is non existent and the editorial page is nauseating.
Many people get it from their neighbors or relatives a day or two later. You are not going to miss anything if it is a few days old I assure you. Just have your aunt Hilda leave a few copies at a time on the porch and you can drive by and pick it your convenience. And when you are done pass them along to someone else. It is recycling at its best and that is what Marchetti wants us to do.
Many people get it from their neighbors or relatives a day or two later. You are not going to miss anything if it is a few days old I assure you. Just have your aunt Hilda leave a few copies at a time on the porch and you can drive by and pick it your convenience. And when you are done pass them along to someone else. It is recycling at its best and that is what Marchetti wants us to do.
Keep on buying THE LEFT WINGED PARROT, and watching CNN/pmsNBC.
Thank FJB for ALL that in November.
Hope you have a gun for what is coming up thanks to leftists,,,,
Same with Walmart. My wife said all the cosmetics are now under lock & key. Would love to know how many illegals have been shipped in and how many more are coming. Time to get out of this state! Healey is a disaster!
Sorry for the long post. Here’s the article.
This part of the article got me. Our Vets don’t get 24 hour service!
Families who do not find “stable housing” by the end of June will be moved to new shelters “with service providers who provide 24-hour staffing, support services, and re-housing case management to support securing stable housing,”
Haitian migrant families living in Great Barrington and Pittsfield hotels must find new housing. The state’s shelter contracts end in June GREAT BARRINGTON — Nearly two dozen families from Haiti who arrived at hotels last year as part of the state’s shelter program have until the end of June to find alternate housing in the area.
With help from the community and nonprofits, 24 families — 10 in Pittsfield and 14 in Great Barrington — are scrambling to find a place to live as state contracts with hotels in Great Barrington and Pittsfield come to an end.
In late October, the families — comprised of 84 people including pregnant women — began arriving at the hotels through the Right to Shelter emergency family program. The state provided the families with meals, transportation and other necessities — most of it overseen locally by the Massachusetts National Guard.
Nonprofits helped with medical care and other various needs. The schools enrolled children, and a number of adults have found work.
Families who do not find “stable housing” by the end of June will be moved to new shelters “with service providers who provide 24-hour staffing, support services, and re-housing case management to support securing stable housing,” wrote Kevin O’ Connor, press secretary for the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities, in an emailed response to questions.
O’Connor said the state is winding down its hotel shelter operation. He described it as “part of an ongoing shelter consolidation effort to reduce the number of hotel shelter sites statewide and to connect families with homelessness and rehousing service providers.”
The state has been working to reduce shelter costs and generally make it easier to provide services to families in the emergency system. Meanwhile, Gov. Maura Healey’s administration says it has helped thousands of migrants get work authorizations and hundreds get jobs.
Landlords who can help families exiting shelter can fill out a form on the state’s website.
The Healey administration began using hotels across the state for shelters as it struggled to contain to keep up with the number of migrant and resident families seeking shelter.
It was an expensive situation, with contracts of $1.5 million for the two Berkshires hotels alone. The state has spent more than $584 million on the shelter program in fiscal 2024, according to Axios Boston.
State law requires the sheltering of eligible families with children who need it, as well as pregnant women.
For the families who arrived in the Berkshires, they are now caught searching for a place to live at the start of the busy summer season in a county already struggling with housing scarcity and expense.
One nonprofit, Multicultural Bridge, has helped the families adjust to life here, and is now trying to also help them stay in the area.
Bridge CEO and founder Gwendolyn VanSant said the organization is reaching out to its larger community “for support and ideas and avenues and leads” for “viable options” until they can find stable housing.
“We are doing everything we can,” VanSant said, “to make sure that the families that want to stay here can stay here.”
Many of the migrants, VanSant added, “have really put down roots here.”
VanSant said organizations working specifically on housing are Great Barrington’s Family Resource Center, Clinical Support Options and 18 Degrees in Pittsfield.
Representatives from these organizations could not be immediately reached for comment.
What about the 2000 Berkshire county kids who just graduated high school who will be looking for jobs and perhaps wanting to move out of their parents home into an apartment? Not all of them are going to expensive colleges ya know. Due to Pittsfield’s escalating property tax draining of parental savings, some kids have lost their chance for higher education.
What does the horizon in Pittsfield offer THEM? Well, if they are competing with special interest needy immigrant folk they may find themselves at the bottom when seeking jobs or housing.
Sorry bout that young hopeful peeps. The good news is that as you are forced to look elsewhere, fate is taking you away from a situation that was destined to fail you anyway. So it is actually a blessing in disguise. God speed.
Thank FJB for all that.
You have excellent skills in finger pointing MT but you come up short when it comes to real world solutions to real world problems. You sound like an old hen cackling sometimes. Well, most of the time I should say.
If Jerry Springer was alive I am sure he would love to have you on his show. But maybe one of the soap operas would let you guest star and you could talk about Joe Biden and how he messed up your life so bad and you were unable to make your boo boo better. Give em a call.
I worry about your math or is this the new bidenomics at work? If there were 1,000 seniors in Berkshire County I would be surprised. Unfortunately these students were raised in an area on democrat decay. They weren’t taught personal responsibility and civility/ They also weren’t taught how to go after your career choice with gusto because that will make you more successful that standing in the soup line for your meals or the median strip for your cigarette money
I think the first round of “MA host families” for these illegal aliens should be based on a few things.
Those responsible for adding to the “diversity and inclusion” of Bitchfield and the Berkshires, should take a couple of families in. You know, “lead from example.”
*Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), who is now single, could take a few Haitian men into her lonely home. Maybe she’ll meet a new man? It’s a win-win for her. Plus, it’ll add “color” to her white house.
*Linda “Flat” Tyer and Dirty Barry Clairmont, have a very large house and no children. Flat created this mess, so she should have to “enjoy” some of it too. Dirty Barry should have to pay back his Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loan back taking in a few illegal aliens, being the only accountant in the country unable to work from home during the Scamdemic.
*All recipients of ARPA Loans, Shirl and the Berkshire Black Economic Council (BBEC), in particular. One used taxpayer money for an African vacation. The other has created zero jobs or anything else for that matter, other than giving few black connected Bitchfield families a nice financial windfall.
Did anyone catch the $300,000 addition to the budget under “education and training” I think it was in the fire department budget. Last year it was $25,000 and $22,000 the year before. Does anyone know what this is for?
Nice catch, POT. This slipped by everyone. I don’t know what it’s for, but I can tell you “They” don’t like your question, and they certainly don’t want you and us to know its purpose. Grease to spread around?
Did anyone catch that there is no money for traffic enforcement in a city where almost everyone in the burg is terrified to get in their car to go out for groceries? Everyday, hit and runs, pole knocked down, car into building, car versus pedestrian, car versus bicycle, car versus motor scooter, car over embankment, three car crash, four car crash, car into postal truck.
Marchetti seems to have all kinds of cash for flowers and rainbow decor and is planning a 40 million dollar “baseball” park but the number one concern of his constituency is safety as they go about their and their children’s day. Apparently it seems more effcient for cops to be writing accident reports all day long instead of trying preventive measure like handing out tickets to speeders and reckless drivers.
It truly seems like their are no rules on the Pittsfield roads anymore and more and more people are finding out that the guy who plowed into them, had no license, registration or insurance.
You can thank both your Peters for this as they do not consider this any priority in their world. They have special interest folk to fondle over. But if I am a business owner thinking of moving to an area where people dread driving their cars I might look elsewhere.
Thank FJB for that. And D-TFBilviot who gave the CRIMINAL ALIENS, free drivers licenses.
Driving THE GROCERY CART, is most expensive under FJB.
They want it too expensive to have cars so everyone will be on bikes
Crosswalk painting refresher course for Morales?
You bloggers are disgusting. You have no respect for truth or ethics. This blog is nothing more than tribal members who want to see chaos and breakdown of societal norms. Your metric for truth is whatever spills from the mouth of the Orange Heretic. You are all clueless. You have no capacity to evaluate the world without the input of ‘The Apprentice’ speaker of truth.
Seriously? Chaos, societal breakdown, no respect for truth or ethics? That’s the Democrats, not us normal folk.
Now that is not what the View hosts state
All the Men, who signed the American Declaration of Independence in 1775, were deemed FELONS by the British.
Trump is in good company.
Your study of history is remarkable. Are you familiar with Benedict Arnold?
I know all about Traitor Joseph Stolen, Nov 3-4th 2020
Currently he’s in office not protecting the citizens and laws of America….are you currently on “medications” that don’t allow you to see what is really happening? Stop reading the hate rag and watching the propaganda machines of the democrats, aka CNN.MSNBC, ABC.NBC,CBS,NPR,etc!
Actually not a huge fan of Joe Biden these days but what I do know is that he was not the one directing the Jan 6th attempt to install a dictator in the White House. That guys name was Donald J. Trump and he will become that never to leave dictator if fools like you elect him. Be careful what you wish for.
Snark, wake up it was Pelosi and the FBI. Just look at the footage and see how the operatives were taking apart the fence without any guards stopping them. Again the one man on tape saying storm the capital is still free, why?
Having a degree in History, I do. When history writes itself in the future, if Earth still exists, history will not be kind to the modern-day US traitors. US History will be adding George H.W. Bush, GW Bush, Bill/Killary Cintons, Hussein Obama, and China Joe Xiden, as the traitors they are.
Sold out our country and freedom for financial gain.
So what you are saying is that if the Proud Boys were able to follow through and hang Mike Pence on Jan 6th, and Joe Biden was not confirmed as legal president, and Donald Trump stayed president, that we would all be happy campers now?
You’re history degree gave you just what you paid for it. Trump university which was forced to return tuition to it’s customers is known for it’s reputation in revisionest history.
Seems you are Valedictorian of the hate rag propagandist education
Dan looks like got dusted by Maypo on that ninety days.
An early Liberal.
YOUR idol.
Most of the Founding Fathers owned Slaves, but they were said to be religious men who stood for Classical Liberty and they passed the U.S. Constitution into law.
Donald Trump is a Moral Hypocrite who is the Republican Party’s poster boy for Moral Hypocrisy, but he uses his white nationalist brand of religion to stand against abortion and other progressive policies that were the law of the land for decades.
Joe Biden has been in the Swamp since the beginning of 1973, which is over 51 years ago now. His son, Hunter Biden, says he is a recovering addict of crack cocaine, alcohol, strippers, sex workers, and he has at least 5 children by at least 3 women. Joe Biden says that he proud of his son, Hunter.
Jon Melle
Melle, go crawl up under Linda Tyer’s dress again and shut up.
JM how about posting something different once in a while? Time for new material.
Joe Xiden SHOWERED WITH HIS JUVENILE AGED DAUGHTER, but Trump is the “poster boy for moral hypocrisy.
One SEXUALLY ASSULTED HIS DAUGHTER, the other lived a playboy, billionaire, lifestyle, and has had multiple marriages.
Maybe in your demented world, what China Joe Xiden did to his daughter is permissible because you both suffer from extreme bouts of TDS, but not in a normal thinking person’s world.
I’m really glad you don’t have children.
How is story time at your local VA with the illegal aliens going?
You remember what a VA is JM don’t you?
It’s the place China Joe Xiden, NOT TRUMP, kicked out US Vets, in favor of the illegal aliens that YOU SUPPORT OVER OUR VETS with your vote for Xiden in November.
If you disagree with me, open your eyes and your mind.
The vast majority white supremacists, rapists, and murderes. The very best people.
Cuckoo ,,,,I think I hear the med cart coming
Optimus, Trapper John, ShirleyKuntz, Doofus Aurelius, Pat, Lenny, and of coarse Dan – iconoclasts all, can’t think for theirselfs, and all bona-fide members of the disloyal opposition.
I’m in good company.
The carziest thing happening here in the Berkshires is that people continue to buy, read and believe in the lies the hate rag puts out there. If anyone took away their bias (or brainwashing) and investigated what is put into it they would easily see it is just a propaganda rag that gives you no news. Even the Washington Post owner is realizing that people aren’t paying to read their garbage and that the current state of “reporters” couldn’t find a story to write about even if it’s in their own house.
The czariest thing is that you wouldn’t know truthful news if it bit you in the a$$.
If you don’t read the Newspaper you’re uninformed. If you read the Newspaper, you’re misinformed. (Mark Twain) Perfect example of the once great Eagle.
Paper headline….Water and Sewer rates “changing”
Within the following paragraph it is reworded to say Water and Sewer rates to SKYROCKET. As if that was not already happening but going to be much worse? OMG Pete! Too bad there is NOWHERE you could cut something to actually help people huh?
How do they think people are supposed to survive? Do they think city costs are our only expenses in life?
It is like Marchetti and White are captains of the Titanic and they are actively looking for icebergs to run into.
Craig complained, to deaf ears. Congrats to Bamas new Diggs digs in Martha’s Vineyard.
Again all our city leaders(all dems) had to do was take the ARPA money and put it into the water sewer account, it would have put an end to all the graft and our water bills would be lower, btw do you remember when the water/sewer dept was in the regular budget?
Who cares if City Hall flies a Gay Pride flag in June? Pride is on display year round in Pittsfield.
Mayor Pete’s greatest personal achievement may be sneaking a 50 foot pride mural onto one of the most visible buildings in the downtown district. “Sisterhood” is actually a black transgender man and a non-binary female. No one noticed the Adam’s apple and the giant man hands? The vibrant rainbow theme? It’s a permanent homage to Pittsfield’s first openly gay mayor. Well played Pete!
There are woman and children “absolutely reeling” in Gaza as American bombs and are artillery dropped intentionally on them by Israel. Many of them are also “reeling” from starvation as 200 trucks of food donations sit nearby but are not allowed to be delivered to them. But,
Psst….please do not talk bout dat stuff OK?
Joe Biden is bringing Hamas to live next door, and You get to pay for it.
The food all sunk, on Biden’s collapsed pier in Gaza, the MSM You watch didn’t tell you about.
The food all sunk, on Biden’s collapsed pier in Gaza, the MSM You watch didn’t tell you about that.
You sound like a Hamas Nazi.
Think giving back the hostages might be a step in the right direction?
Israel slaughtered 15,000 Palestinian children so Hamas might be having second thoughts about releasing hostages. Won’t bring the little ones back will it.
Were you one of the ones picketing a Jewish business in GB?
Joe Biden once again reminded the world how mentally and physically unfit he is for office by randomly crouching down during war celebrations in France.
Appearing at D-Day 80th anniversary celebrations with French President Emmanuel Macron, Biden started leaning forward and appeared on the brink of collapse before eventually restoring balance.
Both Jill Biden and Brigitte Macron looked on in confusion as the 81-year-old continued to embarrass himself.
There were predictably many responses to Biden’s bizarre behavior, with some citizens speculating as to whether he was pooping his pants.
June 06th, 2024
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
“Nuciforo declined to comment on his client’s settlement.”
NOTE: Nuciforo was his own client because Nuciforo is an owner of Berkshire Roots.
Please know that Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior filed a 2nd pot lawsuit in Suffolk (Boston) Superior Court to bust unions that represent marijuana workers in Massachusetts.
The theme of Nuciforo’s two pot lawsuit – the one settled with the City of Pittsfield, and the ongoing one in Boston – is that Nuciforo only cares about cashing in on the marijuana industry in Massachusetts.
Nuciforo was a double dipper from 1999 – 2006 when he was a Pittsfield State Senator back then who chaired the chamber’s Finance Committee while at the same time he served as an Attorney for Boston’s big banks and insurance companies, which led to Nuciforo having to step down from his elected position in 2006. In 2024, Nuciforo still has a law office in Boston’s Financial District.
Why wasn’t Nuciforo prosecuted for his double dipping, which was reported by the Boston Globe newspaper in early-2007? Are Nuciforo’s unknown investors in his marijuana business connected to Nuciforo’s allegedly unethical and allegedly illegal ties to Boston’s big banks and insurance companies?
Why isn’t blogger Dan Valenti asking these questions after Nuciforo collected a $341,000 cash settlement from Pittsfield’s taxpayers – aka the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family who lives and pays taxes in Pittsfield, Massachusetts?
Where are The Berkshire Eagle, The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald on Nuciforo’s pot lawsuits, while he himself doesn’t appear to be ethical and legal due to his corrupt public record?
Jon Melle
Curious questions to the planet himself? What you’re saying Jon is King of Dope gets a residual ownership as well as representing his pot constituents paying him for representation. Clever Jon.
The monopoly should bother some people.
In breaking news, pickle park, er I mean pickle court, I mean the pickleball courts are open courtesy of your ARPA money
Some communities hold a meeting to keep the public informed…
Explain the Trump crime wave as he identified as a civil convicted rapist