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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JUNE 3, 2024) — THE PLANET invites you to join us on rumination concerning the recent “guilty” verdict in the sham trial of ex-President and leading presidential candidate Donald Trump. He lost the battle but he’s winning the war.

A cross-section of polling with third-party candidates Bobby Kennedy, Jill Stein, and Cornell West included shows Trump with a six-point lead, three points beyond the aggregate margin of error.

Of course, Democrats being what they are–a once-great party hijacked by the loon left–may have to resort to assassination to keep Biden in the Oval Office. Weaponizing the courts hasn’t worked.

In 2020, they politically exploited a bad case of flu virus into a “pandemic.” This (a) allowed Biden to hide in his basement and (b) enabled Dems to change voting rules to rig the election.

In 2024, there’s no pandemic. The Democrats thought slash-and-burn via the courts would do the trick. They got Soros-backed officials to launch nuisance lawsuits and criminal charges to tie up Trump in the docket. It worked marvelously well in the Stormey Daniels hush-money trial, keeping Trump off the stump for is weeks.

———- ooo ———-

The only difference between this trial and a Stalin show trial or a lynching is that the victim came out stronger than the going-in. Trump’s post-verdict fund-raising set new records. In the first 24 hours, Trump netted $53 million–more than $2 million an hour. One-third were new donors.

Trump has taken an unprecedented beating in the courts and  mainstream media, yet he keeps going, somehow getting stronger. Try to imagine 81-year-old Joe Biden being subjected to a fraction of what’s been thrown at Trump. He would wilt in two seconds. Even with a fawning press, softball interviews, and teleprompted talks at highly managed events, he stumbles and slurs, mumbles and bumbles. Half the time he doesn’t know where he is or even what to do once he wanders away from the podium.

“Convicted felon.”

Democrats will wear out this phrase. Trump will wear it as a badge of honor, having survived the crucible. That’s as novel a campaign slogan THE PLANET has ever seen, and we’ve been covering campaigns for 50 years.

———- ooo ———-

  • The Southern District Court of New York dropped the case years ago. No crime.
  • NYC District Attorney Alvin Bragg rejected the case years ago. Not prosecutable.
  • The statue of limitations expired on the case years ago. Nothing there.

Then Trump became a candidate and caught fire.

  • Suddenly, NY changes the law on limitations.
  • Bragg says he will prosecute.
  • A federal misdemeanor is illegally transformed into 34 state felonies.


The formerly fairest and most envied justice system in the world has been irredeemably corrupted. What Lincoln called “the last best hope of earth” is “finished.”–Stephen Soukup

Alvin Bragg has made history — by becoming the first prosecutor in the history of the country to abuse his office in hopes of damaging an opposition presidential candidate.–The National Review

“Biden and his Democrat allies have turned our legal system into a political tool, and Americans from every corner of the country have had enough”– Trump campaign advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita.

Donald Trump
Trump supporters
It is all in the instructions. Judge Juan Merchan … hampered the preparation of a defense, constructed a manner for the jury to convict without agreement on what crime was committed, and paved the way through allowing irrelevant evidence for mere animus towards Trump to convict Welcome to the left’s living Constitution!–Phillip Kline, law professor at Liberty University and former Kansas attorney general.

Trump will win in 2024: Acquitted or convicted, he wins no matter what

President Trump’s sentencing is just four days before the date of the Republican National Convention, when the former president is set to be formally designated as the Republican presidential nominee.

Another Democrat coincidence.


Sure, he’ll get a fair trial, and when it’s over, we’ll hang him“–Hanging Judge Roy Bean.



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9 months ago

And in local news, over 1,000 people in and out of Deming all day for baseball, and the bathrooms were finally opened, disgusting as they were. If I posted photos of the flooded restroom you would vomit! How can this stand in a city with a 200 million budget and taxes through the roof?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Tax&Spend
9 months ago

They should put in the city charter that if you will be attending a baseball game at one of the cities public parks you need to take your shit BEFORE you leave home. The mayor should make it a public proclamation and speak with conviction so people know he means business. He could do it at the beginning of the 4th of July parade so as to reach a larger number of people. Ride in an open convetible and announce it every block along the way.
Additionally, to get out in front of a surely emerging issue, announce that it will also not be allowed for bicyclists to shit in the bike lane. That is what backpacks are for. Pull over and get out of traffic so as not to impede others who may have been more responsible and left their deuce at home.

Plan B might be hanging some blankets on a rope at each game for people to go behind and shit in a doggie bag to be taken home or to the sewage treatment plant, whichever is more convenient. A tipping charge might added at the plant to cover costs so that Kerwood does not have one more reason to raise taxes.

Plan C: Remove the restrooms. Somehow, in a time long ago, people were able to attend baseball games without having to leave a number two behind as a personal marker.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

D: Go to Snarky’s to $#!t

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Somehow it is okay for the bums to not only shit in the parks, but to live in them too. Nips, needles, human shit, and tons of garbage. Clapp, Springside, et al. Deming may have urine and fecal infested waters up over your shoes, but that is okay with the city leaders, as long as the bums are left alone.

Subba Langhnkah
Subba Langhnkah
Reply to  Tax&Spend
9 months ago

Was there a brawl near elm last night?

Reply to  Subba Langhnkah
9 months ago

Does a bum shit in the park?

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  Tax&Spend
9 months ago

Other cities are doing it right… look at North Adams. We take our daughters to the splash pad up there and swimming at Margaret Lindley Park

Pittsfield is a disgrace at this point. At least our priorities are straight, we borrowed Millions to fix a basically falling apart school (SEND THEM TO TACONIC!) and we got our rainbows up for the month!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
9 months ago

City has put up broken crappy Christmas Decorations on Bike Lane North for years. Evidently no money to replace these decorations. But Maypo ou “first openly gay mayor” had plenty of money to spend on new rainbow flags.

Also, found the pictures of Councilors Serre and Costa attending the Pride Celebration nauseating. Especially the one with Serre kissing PorkChop White’s doggy Cookie. You wonder why the city is gone down the tubes.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

Any man with a dog named Cookie aint a real man. I feel sorry for the dog.

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
9 months ago

Then he fit right in at Pride

Reply to  Tax&Spend
9 months ago

Because politicians don’t care about baseball. They care about pocket pool and pickle ball and gay pride. Last mayor that cared about baseball was Dan’s pal Jimmy “renaissance” Ruberto.

Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
9 months ago

So much so that he went to the Red Sox and violated the state ethics law in the process.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
9 months ago

When Ruberto shot down Jim Boutons Waconah Park venture he crapped all over baseball in Pittsfield. Special interests came first with him also.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
9 months ago

Disgusting? How about Pittsfield’s “first openly gay mayor” flying the gay flag during June at city hall. It’s bullshit. Why didn’t he fly the police flag during police week? Where do you draw the line? I have nothing against gay people but this LGBTQXYZ wokeaholeism has to end. Be who you want to be but don’t parade around on government property and fly your queer flag at your own damn house.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  HadEnough
9 months ago

Stars and Stripes , upside down, after NYC Kangaroo show.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Maybe someone will hang the gay flag upside down at city hall.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  HadEnough
9 months ago

Yes,of course you sound like you have nothing against it.

Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

I wrote that I have nothing against gay people. I am clearly totally against flying the gay flag or any other flavor of the month flags, except for military or other appropriate government flags.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Tax&Spend
9 months ago

Throw in Belanger field where it needs a remodeling to make it respectable for taxpayers. McGrath is building monuments to himself and has no patience to talk about small rehab projects. Marchetti is the servant of the department heads…..Remodle Belanger bathrooms.Marchetti oversees a dump of small projects.Wahconah is already the biggest mistake in Pittsfield history.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
9 months ago

I thought the Little League and Babe Ruth league were in charge of that building due to the fact they run that park

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

On Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden:

Most people did NOT want to see a rematch of Donald Trump versus Joe Biden in 2024.

All of us know that Donald Trump will APPEAL all of the loaded legal cases.

All of us know that Joe Biden raises more campaign cash than any other politician in U.S. history with Donald Trump catching up to him in 2024. Which one of them will buy The White House in the 2024 presidential election?

Hunter Biden is due in Federal Court on Monday, June 3rd, 2024, to face gun charges because he allegedly lied on a gun and ammunition form to purchase a gun and ammunition by saying that he was not an addict of drugs and alcohol. Hunter Biden later wrote and published a book stating that he used to smoke crack cocaine every 15 minutes and drown himself in alcohol. In September, Hunter Biden will face an alleged tax and wire fraud federal trial. Will Joe Biden pardon his son, Hunter Biden, if his son is found guilty in Federal Court in June and/or September 2024?

On Pittsfield politics:

Most Pittsfield taxpayers did not want the always predictable 5 percent spending increase by Mayor Peter Marchetti in his excessive and record breaking fiscal year 2025 municipal budget that will begin in less than one month on July 1, 2024.

Most Pittsfield taxpayers did NOT want “Luciforo: Pittsfield’s Pot King” to receive a $341,000 pot settlement from the City of Pittsfield in 2024.

Most people in Pittsfield politics know that Voltron Pete White the pork-chop hopes to be next in line to be the next Mayor of Pittsfield.

Jon Melle

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

Why do you keep repeating the same “Most people do not want to see a rematch…?”

What are you basing this on? I want to see Trump as the President. I’m proud of my country and his America First agenda. He’s not a deep state operative bought and paid for by China.

F**k Joe Xiden and anyone who supports his Ukraine and Illegal Aliens First agenda.

How do you like them apples JM? Clear enough for you.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

Voting Traitor Joe again Johnny?

9 months ago

The Democrats are trying to get rid of Trump’s secret service protection if he is jailed or placed on house arrest. Why would they be trying to do that? It does sound like a setup for assassination if all else fails. It’s not such a stretch to believe they would do such a thing when we have seen the lengths they will go to hang on to power to complete the Great Reset. The Democrats keep changing the laws using their George Soros prosecutors in order to “Get Trump”. Trump is in the way for their dark plans for this country and the world.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

I wish Trump would get elected just so we don’t have to listen to all the culters whining for the rest of eternity. It is sad, pathetic and nauseating all at the same time. You people sound like an old 45 RPM stuck in the same groove for hours at a time. Come up for some fresh air once in a while will ya?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Yet, you can’t throw a few Xiden superlatives to shut us up.

Over 3+ years in office and he’s given illegal aliens billions in US tax money is Xiden’s claim to fame.

I’m still waiting for the Cultural Competency Coach to denounce her US citizenship and claim African citizenship status.

Shirley can’t let all the illegal aliens cash in on this grift and not get a taste.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Biden has allowed 350,000 illegals to roam free because he won’t bring them to court, one just shot 2 NYPD cops and the illegal was breaking into houses in Queens stealing and doing whatever else, Great job illegitimate

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Complaining about Trump supporters isn’t an answer as to why the Democrats want to take away Trump’s secret service. You just accept everything the Democrats do without questioning any of it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

How is Traitor Joe doing? Does he know what day it is, or where he is?

Going D-RAT again , Snarky?

Last edited 9 months ago by Mad Trapper
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

“ Alvin Bragg used the case to issue a stern warning that nobody in America is above the law he made up to convict Trump.”

9 months ago

The Deep State got both Kennedys, along with tossing Forrestal out the window, long before the Russians perfected that. They can get Trump too.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  JustSaying
9 months ago

You are exactly right. These odious operatives of an occult opposition will stop at nothing. Their goal post is within reach and they will allow nothing to get in way of accomplishing their mendacious mission of “ fundaMENTALly TRANSforming” our Republic. To lose Trump would be a travesty beyond words for our great nation.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Festus Feeney
9 months ago

Beyond words for sure. American is unable to function without the guy for Gods sake. Just check this blog to see all the fawning helpless followers who cannot move on with their lives without Trump to tell them how to think and act every day. So sad. Drug use, suicide and domestic abuse are all up due to Trump being robbed of his rightful place at the helm of the greatest country in America or even the Azores or Guam. No one has ever seen a man like him. Not even Lincoln, Churchill or Mona LIsa measure up to this Titan of a man. He wrote his own Bible for Gods sake so I don’t know what else I can say about the guy. He is “Biblical?” Can I say that?

He is Biblical. There.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

The most expensive to drive under Biden, is a grocery cart.

Think about that Snarky.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Oh, and according to Toilet teeth Biden, his economy is doing great….Food prices are more than 35 percent more than when this ugly pale faced geezer was put In Office and gas is more than double…..Home interest rates are more than 7 percent now….They were at 2.78 under Trump….Keep up with lying . America sees Biden as a failure.

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

He may be a fraud, a phoney, and a narcissist who trades his wives in for younger models, and we all know he is a convicted felon, but so what? He was a damn good president, best one since Reagan. And compared to Biden, he is Churchillesque. Hell, Biden couldn’t find his way out of an ice cream shop. Come On Man!

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
9 months ago

And apparently, neither the republicans OR democrats, feel they have a better candidate than the ones they are offering. And THAT, my friends, is the biggest conundrum of all. Almost 300 million people in the country and these are our best options? Boggles the mind.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

How did MA- RINO party treat Ron Paul when he ran against the TWIT/RINO?

Ron Paul is a true patriot. I wish he was 20 years younger and running now.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
9 months ago

The anti union Presidents are the best for this board of corporate wealth and power.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

How about pro-Xi/Chi-Com installed like a toilet , Biden?

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Get in line behind TSC/TDS for your medication,,,you seem to be delusional again

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Thanks snark. Good job. You made the point very clear.

Reply to  Festus Feeney
9 months ago

And our “good” representative Richie Neal is one of them. Don’t vote for him

Reply to  JustSaying
9 months ago

Wasn’t he Truman’s secretary of defense who got tossed out the window because they were afraid he would spill the beans on MJ-12?

Reply to  HadEnough
9 months ago

He had intimate knowledge of Roswell, alien bodies, recovered spacecraft, and all kinds of alien life secrets, that would ultimately lead to the Iphone, among other things, as did all MJ-12 members. It’s been said he was having trouble coping with such knowledge, and the deep state was afraid he was going to spill. Henceforth, the ole Russian way of disposing of liabilities – out the window of the hospital upper floor.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  JoeFriday
9 months ago

Just how intimate was his knowledge of alien bodies? Sounds like a Mad Trapper perversion to me.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

How is Your intimate knowledge of children doing?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Here are a few other former President’s or presidential candidates who also paid cover up money for their illegalities and the criminal charges they face(d):

No Indictments:

Bill Clinton: Paid Paula Jones $850,000 in a civil settlement. Received oral sex in the oval office and lied under oath about it.

Hillary Clinton: Had to pay $113,000 for funding the fake Steele Dossier-election interference. Vince Foster, JFK Jr., and Seth Rich, to name a few on the “Clinton body count list.”

Hussien Obama: Had to pay $375,000 fine for campaign violations. Former chef, an excellent swimmer, was found dead and naked after paddleboarding with Hussien in 8-feet of water.


Donald Trump: Paid $130,000 to a former porn star.

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

As I told The School Committee last time, this will do nothing more than fan the fires and enflame Trump’s hardcore base.

Did he do it? Probably, but as you clearly pointed out it’s pretty common amongst politicians. This was 100% a political attack before the election. Had Trump done this to Hillary (Fully warranted) the country would have suffered “peaceful protests” like during Obama’s term

Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
9 months ago

Trump could have gone after Hillary during his presidency, but he didn’t because he could never sink as low as the Democrats.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Trump owns you via FOX propaganda

Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

How much is the far left paying you School Committee? Oh, that’s right you work for the school department. They are taking care of you. Just vote Democrat that’s all you need to do. Ignore the horrible policies of the left that are hurting most Americans because you have big annual raises for yourself and your family.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

What drives them is the far leftist lessons in hate. They are taught to hate Trump and hate Conservatives.
They readily swallow the far leftist lies and failures because they are programmed to believe that Trump and Republicans are worse than living in hell.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Gotta admit the guy is easy to hate. I totally dislike him just for his horrible treatment of veterans. (don’t make me pull out the proof buddy cause I can do it)

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Is that like Traitor Joe, …

Looking at his watch, while the 13 servicemen he got murdered in Afghanistan, due to incompetence, came home in body bags?

And why ALL 13 families HATE FJB?

P.S. Biden took a knee, for addict and woman beater George Floyd.

Last edited 9 months ago by Mad Trapper
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Awful treatment of fallen Afghan veterans and disrespect to their families : Joe looking at his watch while receiving the bodies. All caused by Biden’s poor planned pull out.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

I agree, a guy looking at his watch is is awful, just awful.

Trump on the other hand got five (5) deferments so he did not have to go to Viet Nam like the rest of us. Then he called us all suckers and losers. That may be OK in your book but not mine.

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

While Biden was learning from Byrd and the KKK while showering with his daughter

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

You mean like kicking the veterans out for the illegals? Wrong Pres

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Kinda like Fox taught you to hate Biden and democrats? Like that?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

What kind of sex did Don have with Stormy? he was in silk is all we know.Silk is a very nice material that women wear along with Don Trump.Dons silk tie company is a Chiner location.There was talk that Don had missionary sex as Melania was hospitalized after her son was born.Trumps hands are very small said Stormy.Don,showing his soft side sent Melania silk PJs

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

“What kind of sex did Don have with Stormy?”

Who cares TSC?

You are some strange fruit my friend.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

He had Stormy give him a Mommy spanking. You can look that up big fella.

Putin, also to this day, gives him Mommy spankings.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

You just stated the Bill Clinton had oral sex in the ovsl office….You cared.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

What kind of pedolphlia did Creepy Joe have with his daughter Ashley in the shower, and Hunter have with numerous children?

All in…. Hunter’s laptop from hell, the FIB had 2019.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

How many times did your mother drop you on your head after scoring a touchdown?

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Had sex with her too. You forgot that part.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
9 months ago

No, I didn’t forget anything. I didn’t really care TBH.

You liberals are fixated on Trump’s sex life.

Is it because you have no sex life yourself? Or is it no sex life and uncontrollable TDS?

I’ve a crisp $10 says the latter.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Funny how they(Democrats) didn’t care about sex when Clinton was in office sexually abusing the intern

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Donald said that the spanking alone was worth $130,000. His daughter Ivanka charges twice that amount.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

How much did Ashley Biden get from “pedo Pete”, as Hunter calls his father, in “the laptop from hell….”

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Snark you avoided my questions all weekend, so I figured I would ask you again, so you can help us understand how great China Joe Xiden is. You consistently post your TDS and about 1/6. So, this should be an easy task for you.

WITHOUT mentioning Trump, TDS, or 1/6, please explain to me, like I’m a level 5 Bitchfield Public Scohol student, what Joe Xiden has done to better this country and make the average American’s daily life better.

I found a democRAT playbook while at Clapp Park the other day. It stated, we need to “Save Democracy,” by arresting or assassinating Donald Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the electoral college, stack the supreme court, ban voter ID, censor free speech, and grant over 11,000,000 illegal aliens US citizenship to bolster our voter base.

I promptly returned it and other assorted Pride pamphlets from the earlier Bitchfield city hall festival in their proper place. With all the other sh!t and pi$$ at the bottom of the porta-potty.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

I will consider your ardent and persistent request sir but only if you can pull up a few of my comments praising Biden. Not sure I recall falling all over the guy. I did say that he was my choice for president but only if trump is the only other choice. Lesser of two evils. I do have to look at myself in the mirror the next day after all.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Explain to me how he is the “lesser of two evils.”

Don’t recall Trump giving US Taxpayer money to illegal aliens.

Don’t recall Trump kicking US Vets out of VA’s in favor of illegal aliens.

Don’t recall Trump giving Maui citizens $700 checks and giving $86,000,000,000 to Ukraine.

Explain the “lesser of two evils,” because I’m not seeing it.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

I do not have time to write the 190 pages it would take for me to list Trumps failings. So I will keep it short and only say that he is the biggest asshole the world has ever seen. Bar none. NONE!

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

A second Biden term will turn America into a third world country because Biden will be pouring in illegals for 4 more years. No country would be able to tolerate that without collapsing and that is what Biden and the globalists are trying to do to America. Biden will continue to force electric vehicles on everyone and force more and more people to take public transportation. Energy will continue to be attacked by Biden making us poorer and Iran richer. The left is now pushing tiny homes on Americans because Biden is putting normal home ownership out of reach for most people. Tiny homes are under 600 feet, but may be the only answer for privacy other than being forced into huge apartment buildings with thousands of people. Only certain people will own their own homes and that will be based on equity so we know it won’t be white Americans. No, I really don’t think that Biden is the lesser of any evil.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

You don’t “think he is”. Sounds like you are not sure though.

Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Unfortunately they (Democrats and quid pro quo joe) have already made this a 3rd world country. Look at the entrapement on 1/6 with the ring leader Pelosi in charge, the NY courts rewriting laws, the FBI/CIA involved in tampering with the 2020 election, illegal voting which for some reason the mainstream press refuses to follow the court cases that are proving it, the classidfied information that a Senator had out in the open for 3 decades without a charge but the ex-President with secret service in his residency is charged with having classified documents even though the FBI told him he had to take them out of the white house after they had it for 2 months. Follow the dots people you are being led down the path just like the Germans in the 20s and 30s.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
9 months ago

You’re right ShirleyKnutz. Biden has already destroyed this country.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

FOX is reporting that.Putin is a writer for FOX

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Live feed , Dr Mengle, er Fauci, getting grilled by Congress…

LIVE: Congress Hears Public Testimony from Dr. Fauci on Pandemic Response – 6/3/24

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Getting grilled my the MAG insurectionist

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

OFF the meds again?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

The pharmacy keeps FOX on the air.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Want another, bottle of Mad Dog 20 20?

Mohamed Notsodumas
Mohamed Notsodumas
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Trump wins easily if. Promises no messing with S S I and reduces inflation. That’s all he needs. I order food every so often and prices have literally doubled. Trump will also get the Petro problem reduced also. It’s simple. Drill.

Reply to  Mohamed Notsodumas
9 months ago

In-brief analysis
March 11, 2024United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Statistics
The United States produced more crude oil than any nation at any time, according to our International Energy Statistics, for the past six years in a row. Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. Average monthly U.S. crude oil production established a monthly record high in December 2023 at more than 13.3 million b/d.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Meanwhile
9 months ago

Biden crime family/JUNTA et al ,…..has been screwing Americans up the azz with no lube since Jan 2021.

Gasoline, AND diesel/heating oil should be < $2/gallon

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
9 months ago

Latest update on California Avenue screw-up courtesy of City Administration brilliant idea to narrow streets!

One month ago today, the city put sub-par soil on certain yards on California Avenue to repair the total disaster of narrowing the street last year. They had sent a letter last fall stating/promising to repair all lawns, they already broke that promise. They then applied “fast growing hydroseed to repair the lawns. Well, folks, the grass has yet to grow! They have yet to address the flooding of yards. Yards that never flooded in 50 years until they narrowed the road. Neighbors have continuously contacted the Mayor, and Councilors White, Persip, and Noto and Morales. All we have received is excuses, excuses, and sarcastic comments. Some folks actually have received a comment that taxpayers have to realize these councilors hold busy full-time jobs! Then why did the run for office? So, the position would look good on their resume?

These residents/taxpayers had to endure 4 long months last year fighting the City, now they are starting into month 3 this year.

One new neighbor stated it the best. At our last bullcrap meeting he shouted out to White and Noto, “quit talking about it, and fix it.”

Are these elected officials really that stupid to think this disaster they created is going away? Evidently, they are!

Buck Saver Bob
Buck Saver Bob
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

Probably crappy topsoil. Always Growing uses the good stuff when doing medians for the city plantings. Citizens without councilors living on their streets get the unprocessed crushed gravel mixture.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

Sue the city like Nuciforo did! Maybe citizens could hire him? He’s not disbarred yet, is he?

Ricardo Pendejo
Ricardo Pendejo
Reply to  Merry & Bright
9 months ago

Morales has the reverse Midas touch. Everything he touches turns to shit. Time to send this buffoon packing.

Reply to  Ricardo Pendejo
9 months ago

Does this clown actually have an engineering degree? From where? Has anyone ever seen his resume? Is he a fraud?

The school committee
The school committee
9 months ago

Trump committed 34 felonies by falsification of his business documents to pay hush money to a porn star to keep the 2016 voters from knowing this information. He knowingly interfered in the election of 2016 .There is the crime.All 12 jurors looked at 34 felonies and found guilt 34 times.FOX is working 24/7 to clean him up again.For the 143 time Don Trump is lol a victim.Lock him up.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

SCOTUS will overturn all this BS and hopefully disbar the kangaroo court jesters.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

The bribed Supreme Court

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

The one that follows the US Constitution.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Go and muzzle some of your Kool-aid.

Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Chapter and section please?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago
12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

NDA’s to silence liars are legal. Cohen did it on his own.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

“”MAGA believes in God, the Constitution, & the Rule of Law do not burn loot, or attack, or commit insurrection.

And we try to stay positive, focused & VOTE, even though we know “they” will cheat. And we pray. Because we know that God will make a way where there is no way:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” — Joshua 1:9
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” — Isaiah 41:10
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” — Jeremiah 29:11
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” — Proverbs 3:5-6
“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. –Isaiah 40:31”

Last edited 9 months ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Cuckoo bird the laws were all changed after the feds and ny state didn’t see anything. Strange how Schumers brothers law firm donated 3 lawyers to fight against Trump in the case. Sound a bit like election interference? Or breaking the law?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
9 months ago

The rule of law and far left democraps don’t go together, they have broken many of the same laws on the books that they expect everyone else to follow and hardly, if at all pay a price when they break them ( especially democrat politicians).Both of which the democrats have never known. Or been subjected to!

Mohamed Notsodumas
Mohamed Notsodumas
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Mama Cass was most concerned that the trash app had multiple language ports. Dan.Wasn’t this toter deal shot down by the citizens three times already. I don’t know anyone who wants this? Council members are saying differently.

Buck Saver Bob
Buck Saver Bob
Reply to  Mohamed Notsodumas
9 months ago

And it is only going to save the taxpayers $80,000 which is pocket change for Kerwood. City spends that much on tulips and daffodils. Didja know it is going to cost EACH homeowner $120 for a permit to drop stuff off at the upcoming Casella transfer station? And that is just to allow you to drive into the place. You then will have to pay for everything you leave there. (except moderate amounts of brush which helps about five percent of the population)

Marchetti played right into Casellas playbook and sold out the taxpayers AGAIN. Whatever did we do to deserve this? Wish I could leave my trash in a city dumpster like most city employees. Darnit!

Reply to  Mohamed Notsodumas
9 months ago

Yes and the city leaders are now spreading lies when questioned by the taxpayers, there are options that they are not looking at. This has been going on for at least a decade and the “city leaders” obviously are not the brightest bulb in the pack because they destroyed the incinerator and never capped the old land fill which would have made life and trash so much easier to deal with right now

Mohamed Notsodumas
Mohamed Notsodumas
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Toter customer care should or is your ward councilor.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Our Butt plug and Lubricant salesperson’s that post on here will make their yearly salary for one months work during this month of June Gay Pride month. Then coast the rest of the year.

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Would you support a year round PRIDE friendly store on North Street operated by Jonathan and funded by his cousin mayor Pete? You’d have to ask Jonathan about including toys to last I heard he was still trying to think up a name for the store. In keeping with other Pittsfield places and there names I personally like the rainbow ranch.

9 months ago

Seems people on this site can not stay focused on the topic you wrote about Dan. I can see why because it was the continuation of the Democrats making America a Banana Republic/3rd World country just so they can stay in power. Any legal expert that is unprejudiced have stated that NY rewrote laws and ran a corrupt case against the opponent of quid pro duo joe who is the illegitimate one as election interference. Hopefully Karma will return the favor to all those that really broke the laws. Heard a funny one a porn star, perjurer and a corrupt judge walked into a NY court room what do you think happened?? Depends where the money went. Add in the other main witness runs a paper that usually is full of lies and you have something that PT Barnum would love

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
9 months ago

Very nice logic and writing.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

The Left has imprisoned two more with the J6ers, Liberty and Justice

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Stupid people should put out a sign to let others know:

Biden/Harris 2024

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Just keep the dunce cap on and everyone will be forewarned. No need for new signage dude.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

You got a Biden/Harris T-shirt too?


The school committee
The school committee
9 months ago

The bottom line is that the economy is record breaking.Biden is fabulous as President.Trumps is a scum.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

You’re the intellectual in the family, aren’t you?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
9 months ago

Yes grocery prices are record breaking, TSC.

Top round at PC is buy one get one free this week, but it’s ~$9/lb.

Same steaks in 2020 were $1.99/lb

FJB!!! and his installed junta!!!! That TSC helped select

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 months ago

odd how it changed from the Hush Money trial to the records keeping violation.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

If New York jails Trump he’ll have two cell mates, Liberty and Justice.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Three if you count big black bubba

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Democrats and media:
Trump is a convicted felon.

Democrats and media:
Anyone else convicted of a
serious felony:

They are a “justice-impacted

Phlea Licqucor
Phlea Licqucor
Reply to  Optimus Prime
9 months ago

Program to give shovels to homeless in parks free to Bury shit and garbage. The new toters will be available for homeless pickers to take food from bins before dropoff.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Phlea Licqucor
9 months ago

Burying shit and garbage, is as illegal as them squatting there.

How about a work on the potholes in $#!Tfield for food program?

Remember CCC camps in the 1930s? Better than begging bums with EBTs ……

9 months ago

Why can’t liberils see what’s going on right in front of their noses! There is a justice dept that is Soros-like attacking from the left. It is a simple trick to program voting machines and voters to automatically shift from canidate A to canidate B. We have a God-given right to accept election results only if we win because we are morelly and ethicly correct. Only if we win can get things turned around. 

Reply to  truthsayer
9 months ago

Alex Soros, the really not so nice son of George Soros, said today that Democrats should keep calling Trump a convicted felon. Just shows how deeply involved the Soros family is in this railroading of Trump.

Will Makitworcke
Will Makitworcke
Reply to  truthsayer
9 months ago

Hunter wlll be sent free. It is’Delaware.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Biden’s open borders……

“…250,000 lost to fentanyl ODs due to this, 3X more than killed servicemen in Vietnam…..this is about Joe Biden enabling organized crime…..”

Traitor Joe’s gotta go.

It is treason. A capitol offense.

Last edited 9 months ago by Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

It gets really good when Senator Cruz gets going about the CRIMINAL ALIENS BIDEN RELEASED , and then murdered two NYC policemen last week…..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Marvin 6/4 is remembered, Marvin Heemeyer, a Patriot RIP

Last edited 9 months ago by Mad Trapper