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ADD 1 MONDAY evening: THE PLANET heard back promptly from the most responsive public official after city clerk Michelle Benjamin. Newly appointed police chief  Thomas Dawley got back to us today to put to rest the rumor that he DID NOT live in Pittsfield.

Quoting the chief: “To answer your first question, I DO live in Pittsfield and have my whole life.”


We then asked the chief for a statement about the recent gun play and murder in the city. He responded:

“As for your second question,  Members of the PPD, MSP, Sheriff’s Dept. and the DA’s office did an OUTSTANDING job in responding to and investigating this unfortunate incident.  A suspect was not only identified immediately but taken into custody with 24 hours because of the great police work.

“The second incident involving a shooting is being investigated diligently by our Detective Bureau and other law enforcement agencies.  I am disheartened with two shootings in Pittsfield within a week’s time and frankly, it upsets me that some people have no value for life and to bring this violence to our City!!!

“Our officers work extremely hard to keep this City safe.  We try to staff our Downtown area with bike patrols and extra officers to help to prevent this unwarranted violence, but there are just not enough of us.  PPD is going to continue to strive to make our City safe.  We encourage the publics support in combatting the violence in our City.  I will make sure my Department always have the resources they need to get the job done to make our streets safer.  Staffing is low for a City the size of Pittsfield, but we will do the best we can to achieve this goal!

I also would like to add that in a perfect world, our goal would be to eliminate all crimes completely, as you would probably agree!  As a community, we can strive towards reducing crime significantly, by working together and being vigilant in reporting.  The result: our City’s quality of life will increase.

THE PLANET thanks Chief Dawley for his response and transparency. In the works, an on-camera, unedited interview with the chief to be aired on our YouTube channel, PLANET VALENTI VIDEO. Details to come.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JUNE 17, 2024) — You may have missed the knee slapper that took place a week ago at the 1Berkshire luncheon. Bitchfield mayor Markey Maypo delivered his memorable “go bold or go home” message to the appreciative choir.

“My motto over the past six months, [as] my business development director has heard, we’re going to go bold, or we are going to go home.”

If that’s the mayor’s “either/or,” THE PLANET advises him to ignore Thomas Mann and “go home.”

Go home, Maypo, because the only ones who heard your message were the gang bangers, illegals, and thugs, as witnessed by the three shootings on or near Nothing on North (NON) last week, including a murder straight out of Peter Gunn.

The gun slingers went bold.

The mayor went home.

———- ooo ———-

The mayor has said nothing about the murder and mayhem. Not one syllable acknowledging the recent uptick in violence. Not one phrase, with a long, hot summer fast approaching. Not an utterance of reassurance to citizens. THE PLANET asks, “Is that leadership?”

Loss of lives and grievous injuries aside, the cost of gun violence runs high. For every overt gun incident, countless numbers of urban idiots are packin’ heat, and far too many of them are quick on the draw at the sign of the mildest dispute. If you’re Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, you are scared. You know that anywhere you go in the city, you take your life in your hands.

Gunplay has steep costs.

  • police investigations
  • medical treatment
  • long-term physical and mental health care
  • prosecution and court proceedings
  • lost earnings
  • disability
  • death
  • pain and suffering
  • an atmosphere of fear

Taxpayers and employers pay enormous insurance costs. Taxpayers pay more for public safety. Employers lose on daily productivity. Add to all this the incalculable quality-of-life costs associated with gun play and murder.

Tourists take note.

———- ooo ———-

Citizens citywide are worried, overtaxed, and underserved. They won’t go hear the downtown. And they are scared.

Who can blame them?

Maypo can have all the “business development” he wants, but downtown merchants count wolf whistles in lost business. New enterprises come, take a chance, and too often wither because of city hall’s ineptitude. It goes back to Miss Jane Hathaway’s asinine word “aberration” and has continued to Flat Linda Tyer calling together a official lineup of “the usual suspects” to declare  an end to violence in the city.

Flat chance.

A “safe” downtown? Ask motorists who have to travel North Street. When the idiots finish the umpteenth North Street redesign, drivers will have a bus lane, a bike lane, a parking lane, a travel lane, a turning lane, and an emergency lane from which to choose.

A modest proposal from THE PLANET to the mayor and Rickey Rumpus: Why not install an “insane lane” and be done with it?

———- ooo ———-

While all this goes on, the mayor and his lackeys hold kumbaya sessions with the inner circle and Players, each telling each how wonderful everything is and how great they are doing.

At the 1Berskhire lunch, CEO and prez Jon Butler blew enough smoke up Maypo’s butt to hide the Spanish Armada.

As THE PLANET often says, where there’s smoke, there’s ire.

Butler: “In the case of mayor Marchetti, this relationship (city hall and the business interests) is already off to a strong start.” (LIE … the start is dismal).

Butler: “The mayor comes into this position with a deep understanding of the importance of partnerships.” (TRUE, if he means “openly gay” partnerships).

Butler: “Additionally, the mayor’s dual background, of coming from a career in business, while also serving many years own the city council … gives him a unique understanding of the importance of dialogue and partnership between the city and the business community.” (LIE. Maypo’s “deep understandings” are strictly shallow end. As for his business acumen, let’s wait until Maypo’s federal trial later this year. Let’s see what Teresa May has to say about Maypo as a businessman).

Dig this quote from the mayor: “When I hear people say to me, ‘downtown is unsafe,’ my first question is, “Is it unsafe or might you have had an uncomfortable moment?’ Because … there’s a big difference between being unsafe and having an unportable moment.”

Tell that to last’s week’s murder victim and his family.


Put your feet in the right place and stand firm” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.



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The school committee
The school committee
4 months ago

The Republican MAGA leader Steve Bannon was demanding from MAGA this week to get ready to give up their lives for his Christian movement to take over America’s government through violence.I am not concerned at all about violent attacks in Pittsfield .I’m concerned about the republican civil war movement promoted by Russia through the NRA and into MAGA.We are now seeing the confederate flag being draped from homes across Berkshires as MAGA enters school buildings after hours south of Pittsfield. Whats with you and gay men Dan?.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

I don’t think anyone has a problem with gay men, like you who post psychotic nonsense. Your stupidity is amusing. Thanks for the laughs.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
4 months ago

I refer to statements from Bannon and Trump and yes they are crazy…lol.You are ignorant of the cult positions…FOX excused

Reply to  12 Gauge
4 months ago

Stupidity? The truth in TSC’s words is obvious. Your problem 12 Gauge is that you are incapable of perceiving the truth because your leader’s drivel is blocking the way.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

The American flag, needs to be flown upside down until JUSTICE is restored.

Garland and the whole DOJ need to be in prison.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Tell me, is it painful to be so stupid? I’m asking because I have very little experience with stupidity. That’s a trait that you
seem to excell at.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

Denial in a cult is natural

Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Look at that something that we agree on though you are the cult living kool aide drinking delusional one in complete denial

Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

On the contrary, Optimus, your experience with stupidity is copious. You just don’t recognize it when you see it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Steve Bannnon

was “convicted” by kangaroos. like POTUS Trump

Mr Sparkle
Mr Sparkle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Bannon IS a kangaroo like POTUS Trump

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr Sparkle
4 months ago

Have You, and Jill, checked the IM-POTUS diapers?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

You do not even know why he was convicted.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Contempt of D-controlled Congress, aka the Pelousey and Shiffhead witch hunt.

Bannon cited Executive privilege…..” is the right of the president of the United States and other members of the executive branch to maintain confidential communications under certain circumstances within the executive branch.”

Biden’s current AG Garland is in contempt, but he won’t prosecute himself.

He’s withholding the tapes of the babbling idiot, concerning the questioning about stolen secret documents that were stored in his garage without any security. Redacted transcripts have been released with evidence of his criminality, and it’s worse than anyone had imagined.

Speaker Johnson needs to grow a pair and have The Sargent at Arms arrest Garland.

Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

No one does that’s the issue

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Do you have one of those gay flags in your yard? I haven’t driven by your house lately. Let me know when you erect. I let you know how it looks. Do you need any Bud Light?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Herb Pease
4 months ago

Your confidence is tied to kid rock and confederate flags, the symbol of human trafficking.

Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Actually the flag for slavery in these parts would be the union jack seeing how it was the English that brought slavery here. Again your facts are very lacking in truth

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Herb Pease
4 months ago

That’s your ride around song ,it’s ok for you

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

You voted , sort of selected, DEMOCRATS !!! AND TSC

It;s nice now.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Not sure if it was the votes of the citizens or the machines, Seems they still can’t find over 50,000 votes in Fulton County from the 2020 election,,,,but don’t worry everything was legit

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Both you and Trump like strongmen, what do you call that?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

You don’t know what a man or woman is.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

Certainly not you TSC, aka-Vuronika Baked:

Or Snark, aka-Echo Phoenix:

Not sure what you’d call it, but most of us would call it various mental health issues.

But sure, MAGA’s a cult.

Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

I thought misinformation like this and what is put in the hate rag of the Berkshires is illegal now? I know TSC is probably just needing his medications but what is the excuse of the hate rag? How can they still be in business in spreading their lies?? Then we wonder why there is so much violence in this city!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
4 months ago

ShirleyKnutz, you are a fool. Unfold the Berkshire Eagle and peruse it. It is a fine paper. You may not like their editorial policy, but it is the finest in small daily rags.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Please stop reading the so called papers they all mislead or lie in their articles to push their propaganda thoughts. If you are to improve your intelligence you need to learn to question review and question again. If you haven’t noticed over the last decade or so the so called “information leaders” have all been proven wrong over time. In other words their accuracy is terrible in their reporting.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
4 months ago

And YOU are correct?

Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Obviously by your reply your reading comprehension is poor, probably the long term effects of the PDS education and reading (and believing) the propaganda hate rag of Bitchfield. To Keep It Simple Stupid what I wrote was every individual has the power to think for themselves. So my suggestion is to not believe what you are reading verbatim but to investigate the veracity of any argument, Look at the opposite side and sides in between and come to your own conclusion not one that is given to you by the View.

Last edited 4 months ago by ShirleyKnutz
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
4 months ago

“If you are to improve your intelligence you need to learn to question review and question again.”

ShirleyKnutz, you are absolutely correct. Now, follow your own mandate.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

If you line a cat’s litter box, with The Left Winged Parrot, the cat won’t even use it anymore.

Mr Sparkle
Mr Sparkle
Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

TSC is right on the money.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr Sparkle
4 months ago

True,it’s not easy trying to help the shut ins of FOX

4 months ago

It’s not difficult, when you take a step back to view the whole picture, to see how the Pitts has fallen into the Abyss to become bitchfield. It starts with a (un)sustainable economy with many employers giving wages that families can live on. It also requires families and not the tax supported single units raising soon to be delinquents. Add to that less children going to church and the morals of society start to decay. Then you get a government that the “players” only want the power and not in it to help the citizens and you get a recipe for a “hot” summer,

Mr Sparkle
Mr Sparkle
4 months ago

Unfortunately in this country Pittsfield is not alone when it comes to gun violence. Virtually every larger city in the US has a problem with shootings. ShotSpotter technology can only do so much.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr Sparkle
4 months ago

Every large city is run by DemocRATS.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr Sparkle
4 months ago

Republicans are promoting civil war with their machine guns

Reply to  The school committee
4 months ago

You mean like allowing criminals to cross our border, get funding from the liberals, murder and rape and then be let go again? Yes that is what is truly happening. Oh by the way the illegals also get housing in front of vets and seniors and our own USA homeless…whose policies are these?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr Sparkle
4 months ago

And what’s the common denominator in “virtually every large(r) city…..,” Sparkle?

Pssst…..I’ll give you a hint, they are ALL democRAT run cities.

I’m still waiting for OB and the (D)idin’t (E)arn (I)t Office, Shirley “the taxpayer funded world traveler” Edgerton, or the BBEC, to hold a forum and explain to us YT’s why inner-city, predominantly black, neighborhoods, are ALWAYS the MOST VIOLENT?

Can’t blame the cops anymore. Soros funded DA’s managed to kneecap the police.

OB, Shirl, AJ, anyone?

Mr Sparkle
Mr Sparkle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

A genius! Democrats are to blame for big city violence because big cities are all democratic! Duh, my name is Markus Aurelius and cities were well-run back in my time because the democrats weren’t in charge!! And if it’s bad, blame Soros and democrats! How simple can it be?!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr Sparkle
4 months ago

71 shot in Chicago last week. In spite of strict Democrat “gun control” laws.

If you think Pittsfield is well run you are delusional.

Reply to  Mr Sparkle
4 months ago

The shit spotter is a waste of money and add up what was pissed away on that and you could have had lots more cops.

4 months ago

The two people who were shot on North Street must have a lot of information for the public about whether they knew the shooter and details of the shooting. I think this information should be made public. We don’t need to know the names of the victims if they are afraid of being identified, but more information would be very helpful for the public. North Street doesn’t have a lot of stores anymore, but the public shouldn’t be afraid of walking or driving down the street. North Street is in serious need of new business, but we won’t get that if the area is so dangerous.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Pat
4 months ago

June 17, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

When I think of inner-city Pittsfield (Massachusetts), I think of a dystopian movie such as Back to the Future II.

When I think of Mayor Peter Marchetti, I think of a greed-ball career politician who will serve his 4-year mayoral term(s) and then collect his 6-figure city public pension plus perks for life with Voltron Pete White the Porkchop waiting to follow in his footsteps.

When I think of Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, I think of another corrupt greed-ball who possibly colluded with the 2 Petes in Pittsfield politics to receive a “FREE Cash” settlement from the city in the amount of $341,000.

When I think of Sara Hathaway, I think of a PHONY political HACK who called violent crime in inner-city Pittsfield an “ABERRATION” during her 2 years as mayor, while she now sits on the LEVEL 5 Pittsfield School Committee that is a study of FAILURES.

Why does Pittsfield politics cost taxpayers between $30 million – $40 million per fiscal year more to operate than similar small cities?

Why is there NO baseball this Summer 2024 in Pittsfield?

Why is the downtown so-called business district sarcastically called “Social Services Alley”?

To answer these questions, please look at the weirdos – Peter Marchetti, Voltron the Porkchop, Luciforo, Sara Hathaway – who run Pittsfield politics….into the ditch!

Jon Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

You forgot to mention Flat Tyer.

Lady Phancy
Lady Phancy
Reply to  Pat
4 months ago

That’s what Dan has been talking about. If it’s at least not acknowledged,and it’s to late now,it give the perception there’s no problem. When there is. Three shootings on the main empty Thorofare isnt a good look.

Mirages R Us
Mirages R Us
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

The last mayor, name Tire or Tyer something like that, told us all we need to know when the very second she was elected she moved to the farthest most point of her city to the tree line of West mountain, far away from the dangers she was well aware of due to her close relationship with the police and what they themselves knew about the dangers of Pittsfield. With that move she might as well have put up a billboard to all residents telling us she did not feel at all safe living anywhere near the inner city.

The fact that most police exit stage right from Pittsfield the moment they retire should also send chills up your spine. If anyone knows how safe or unsafe it may be they do. Apparently it is now the duty of local media to only print what they know their readers will find out anyway. If they print what the old papers used to print in terms of crime, tourism would cease in the city.

Rhonda Santis
Rhonda Santis
Reply to  Pat
4 months ago

Pretty sure the people trying to kill them know their names already.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
4 months ago

1st Street is not any nicer

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Neither is 4th St.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Outfox
4 months ago

It’s got Silver Lake

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

June 17, 2024

Hello Governor Maura Healey,

I am on your side. I am happy to support and vote for Joyce Craig for Governor of New Hampshire.

Kelly Ayotte is an extremist. She is a total hypocrite, too, because 8 years ago, she un-endorsed Donald Trump for U.S. President after his “Grab women by their [genitals]” open mic episode, but now in 2024, she is endorsing Donald Trump for U.S. President.

I believe that you and would-be Governor of New Hampshire Joyce Craig would make a great team.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

When you were growing up, did you get dropped on your head a few times, or are you just a blockhead that somehow avoided special ed classes growing up?

First off, you posted last week on here that Gov Healey was doing a huge disservice to Veterans by kicking them out of housing in favor of illegal aliens, and then today you start off your post by stating, “I am on your side….” What changed?

*****Second, I, as well as many others on here have told you, a vote for Xiden, Maura Healey, and/or Joyce Craig is a vote IN FAVOR of illegal aliens OVER our war Vets.

****Reread this sentence over and over and over again, until it sinks in.

If you feel this way truly, it might be time to send your local VA a letter and let them know they have a democRAT amongst them and might not welcome you anymore.

I certainly wouldn’t welcome you or want you in my VA or VFW. We believe in American First.

Third, like I said over the weekend JM, and I really mean this, F**k China Joe Xiden, Maura Healey, and Joyce Craig, and everyone who supports their Ukraine and Illegal Aliens first agenda.

The Trump train in 2024!!

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

Questioning who really is the hypocrite, JM or Ayotte? The only saving grace for JM is we know he was raised and taught in the very looney liberal poor Pittsfield School Department. You would think that eventually through life’s trials and reading he would see that the Dems only lie to remain in power, they are not going to help the little guy because they need the down trodden poor to continue to believe that the Democrats are their saviors, even though the opposite is true.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Of course you will vote for Craig because she is a democrat. People in NH talk about people like you who move there and bring they’re far left progressive beliefs with them that have changed the state. Higher taxes and more taxes to pay for your beliefs that hurts the taxpayers. No sales and no income taxes are on life support because they need the money for the policies pushed on them. Your types want everyone else to pay while your types contribute very little.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

June 17, 2024

Hello Governor Maura Healey,

I received 2 negative comments on the blog, Planet Valenti, in response to my letter to you saying that I am on your side, and expressing my support and vote for Joyce Craig for Governor.

I am a proud permanent and totally disabled 100 percent service connected disabled Veteran. I have watched on TV, heard on the radio, and read in the newspapers that you strongly support Veterans. Thank you.

I do not believe that Massachusetts should give illegal immigrants way more public benefits than Veterans. I am upset with the Berkshire-based State Representatives Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Smitty Pignatelli and John Barrett III for voting against giving at-risk homeless Veterans priority for Emergency Assistance Shelter in Massachusetts.

When I go to the VA Hospital, the Veterans I talk to all say that no Veteran should ever be homeless. I hope that someday, homelessness will be solved with a strong social safety net. Homelessness is a structural assault on a person and/or family. Homelessness is an injustice.

I support your political platform, but I strongly disagreed with your January 2024 emergency cut of $375 million that cut state funding for social services in Massachusetts. I also disagree with your fiscal year 2025 state budget proposal that supports state taxpayer funding for gambling in Massachusetts because gambling is a form of regressive taxation.

I wish that you would understand financial management because Beacon Hill lawmakers and the greedy lobbyists in Boston see regressive taxation state revenues, such as the state lottery, as a means to obtain billions of dollars in state tax breaks for the big businesses who donate big campaign dollars to the corrupt career politicians who do their bidding.

If you understand any and all of these matters before you, then you are misguided, (Maura). If you do not understand, then you need to get with the program and stop the shakedown of the taxpayers and start fighting for the people who you are serving in the state’s corner office.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

Let’s hope they revoke Your benefits for being crazy, not disabled.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Exactly! That’s why he always says, he is a 100% disabled service connected veteran. Never says when the disability came about or what caused it. He had to beg for disability status so he could collect.

Mahketti Spaghetti
Mahketti Spaghetti
4 months ago

Rumor is that the two gunshot victims on North Street were out of town visitors and the shooting was the result of a robbery gone bad. This is why no details have been released as it is not something the city wants the public to know right at the start of the summer tourist season and Fourth of July holiday.

Can anyone confirm or deny?

Jen Bergeron
Jen Bergeron
Reply to  Mahketti Spaghetti
4 months ago

Out of town “visitors” if drug dealers and patrons are “visitors”.

Reply to  Jen Bergeron
4 months ago

Patrons are local; dealers are visitors

Pittsfield Proud
Pittsfield Proud
Reply to  Mahketti Spaghetti
4 months ago

Are you speaking of a mugging? If so please keep quiet on muggings. Bad for tourism.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
4 months ago

ALL the rules and regulations invented by our masters inside the DC beltway, for scores of years, do NOTHING to prevent crime. They’ve simply curtailed the freedoms of ordinary Americans. By definition, a criminal does not obey the law. It will never change, until the full punishment of the lawless is assured.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

I hate to cry wolf to early, but I think it’s time Mayor Maypo start thinking about our safety make the important call and dust off Bitchfield’s toughest vigilante, Dirty Barry Clairmont.

When crime is up (even if it’s not reported), you know who to call Mayor Maypo.

When the houseless, drug addicts, and gang bangers, run amok on NON or any local parking lot, you know you to call Mayor Maypo.

When DB’s wife Flat, with the help of MA’s Illegal Alien’s State Rep, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), helped destroyed this once decent city with illegal aliens and people who added “diversity and inclusion” to the city, you know who to call Mayor Maypo.

The 70’s gave us tough guys like Paul Kersey. The 80’s gave us vigilante tough guys like Cobra. Neither hold a candle to our tough guy.

Nobody clears a parking lot of riffraff faster or chugs an XL grape Slurpee, while at the same time downing a shareable size bag of peanut M&M’s, faster than our own, toughest vigilante, Dirty Barry Clairmont


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

Wait until, the D-Rat sponsored, CRIMINAL ALIENS, get to “work”.

Ya ain’t seen nothing yet.

Lady Phancy
Lady Phancy
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

Just saw one bycyclist go down North wrong way almost hit her head on. Half naked by the way and laughing? If you drove your car that way you’d have your license taken away.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Lady Phancy
4 months ago

Just tell TFB you are a criminal alien, free licenses and never have to go to court or jail.

Jen Bergeron
Jen Bergeron
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

When you want Barry just light up the Fat Signal.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jen Bergeron
4 months ago

I tried, but the DB Fat Signal was inoperable. All of the cooper wiring had been stolen from it.

Fear not though, Ricky Rumpus is on the job. He’s going make some “improvements” and give it that Rumpus-Touch.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 months ago

It really angers me that Mayor Maypo thinks taxpayers are stupid! Taxpayers can see with their own eyes that North Street is a total disaster. It has been for years; stores come and go. The latest exit is Radiance Yoga which is attended by many folks. They are moving to Williams Street Plaza, safe and free parking, plus no one begging for money, no one peeing and pooping on the street, no one getting stabbed or shot. Good for them for the move.

Also, noticed that there has been comments against the narrowing of Linden and Onota streets. Mayor Maypo has told me several times that he has requested Bike Lane Morales STOP the idea of narrowing streets. This Mayor lied to my face, not once but twice! As a resident of a recently narrowed street, my neighbors and I have been told for almost 7 months that the city is going to rectify the big error they created last year. Even put their promise on City Hall stationary. Guess Mayor Maypo is once again lying to us taxpayers. He evidently figures we are too stupid to notice or care about the mess they created on our street, driveways and yards. What does he care, he has no boss, can do what he wants and retire with a good city pension. Thanks, Pete, for sticking it up our butts.

4 months ago

Lumpy has a new task force ready to hit the ground running. He’s worried about downtown restaurants. So he’ll be announcing the implementation of MEAL TEAM 6 lead by none other than Voltron boy Pete White. Pete will be issued a badge and a berret.

Stumping for Goodies
Stumping for Goodies
Reply to  Gobsig
4 months ago

A badge, a beret and a large doggie bag along with some gift cards for all his free advertising.

Mayor Moment
Mayor Moment
4 months ago

Maybe the Kapanskis just “feel” unsafe but they’ve already quit North Street and it’s not likely that the mayor’s gaslighting will bring them back.

Lady Phancy
Lady Phancy
Reply to  Mayor Moment
4 months ago

Gangs own the streets. They are coming in droves.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
4 months ago


Pittsfield continues to be the cesspool it has been for some time now. We have a Mayor who looks like North street just unkept and messy. Question: The Da and Sheriff basically told us that in one year it was going to be a regular Shanghai-la neither one has has the stones to come out and say the policy’s procedures are a complete failure. The side speak has not done anything to make this town better. In fact it has gotten worse. crime is way up the DA”s office is severely short staffed major executive team members have quit or gone elsewhere. The sheriff continues to produce lettuce “ yippee” The Pittsfield police continue to guard holes for construction projects yet not a one walking a beat in downtown. I have never seen such a city run so poorly.

4 months ago

Have you considered writing about how dangerous this town is for barbers, as this is the second barber to be murdered in broad daylight outside of a trap house?
Yes folks, that’s what the paper and the police aren’t telling you— that the block of Fenn St where Babs the barber was murdered is also the corner of Fourth St that’s home to a drug house so well known and notorious that local people who use drugs simply refer to it as 4th St.
This might be a good time to try the new coffee shop in Lanesboro. Not only is it safer but you get to support a local family and a local small business while honoring the memory of a local fallen service person. That’s all W’s if you ask me.
As for Babcock, do a search on his name. While I am a bleeding heart liberal who will root for a person every single time they attempt to leave behind drugs I am also realist who knows that they’re probably not going to this time,next time, or the time after that. That said, Babcock is more known for his history of crime and violence and drug use than he is for his attempts at being a different man. There are some of his victims out here who are saying his death is more community service than a crime. That’s a hell of an epitaph.
Here’s something I came up with several years ago, when we had a summer of something like seven shootings— with apologies to Simon and Garfunkel:
And the people ducked and prayed
As all over town the bullets sprayed
Social media put out the warning
Dear G-d I hope we make it through till morning
And survive
The sounds of violence

4 months ago

What a blogsite! Optimus, Trapper, 12 gauge, Pat, Dan, Merry & Bright, Markus, ShirleyKnutz, Gobsig…what in the name of God is wrong with you people? Why are you so impervious to the truth? Our civilization advances by relying upon truth to find our best path forward. People like Bannon, Watters and DJT do not speak truth – they say whatever helps them cause dissent and gain power. You people are the minority because you are not interested in the truth-you are only interested in complaining and being different. The majority in this country want truth to move our civilization forward. Maybe you all should move to Alabama or Russia so you can be with people who think more like you. 

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

You need to be thankful, God still loves YOU, in spite of Yourself.

Do not use his name in vain.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Ok, Father Trapper. It’s a good thing you and your cohort are the forgivers of sin, otherwise you’d all be totally fucked.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Jesus is the only forgiver of sin. You should read The New Testament.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

I’ve forgotten way more of the New Testament than you have ever read in your life. You accept the forgiveness of sin because it allows you to continue your hurtful and highly aberrant behavior. Jesus would not in a million years say what you say against your brothers and sisters.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Pride is a sin.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Look who’s talking.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Leftists are inherently groupthink individuals, whose individualism does not vary in any significant degree from the herd. Repeating the same words, and most importantly not allowing individual thought to differ from that of the group, or herd.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
4 months ago

Clearly you were looking in the mirror as you wrote that.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

China Joe Xiden/Bathhouse Hussien Obama’s policies are so terrible, they need to give illegal aliens amnesty to make them democRAT voters. Of course, this is unconstitutional and 100% illegal, but why stop now. Laws mean nothing to democRATS.

I hope when the US taxpayer money runs out, a few thousand illegal aliens all find themselves in JM, Snark, TSC, Flat Tyer/Dirty Barry Clairmont, and the MA illegal aliens rep, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), neighborhoods, so they can add to the “diversity and inclusion,” in the NIMBY’s backyard.

If that happened, I’m willing to bet Maypo and Voltron would swear off men faster than JM does throwing away the employment section of the newspaper in the morning.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 months ago

If Melle does, I will to……

They don’t like the Constitution. DEMOCRATS,

A warning from a lawyers group the Connecticut Bar Association the warning is directed at lawyers who dare to speak out and express disdain for fairness of former President Donald Trump’s trial in New York on Friday.

The Connecticut Bar Association released this message it reads in part quote “Public officials have issued statements claiming that the trial was a sham a hoax and rigged our justice system is corrupt and rigged the judge was corrupt and highly unethical and at the jury was partisan and precooked.”

It goes on to quote these claims, “These claims are unsubstantiated and reckless. Such statements can provoke acts of violence against those serving the public as employees of the judicial branch.”

The Connecticut Bar Association goes on further quote. “It’s up to us as lawyers to defend the courts and our judges as individuals and as an Association, we cannot let the charged political climate in which we live dismantle the third branch of government.” End quote.

By the way, criticism of the judicial system, besides being protected by the First Amendment, is certainly not new. Here’s a sample. Back in March 2020, the United States Supreme Court, the highest court, heard arguments in its first major abortion case since Trump appointed Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch joining the bench.

During those arguments, then Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, now majority leader, spoke outside the Supreme Court and an abortion rights rally.

Schumer:” I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Well, as far as I could find, the Connecticut Bar Association did not have anything to say about those critical remarks.

As an aside, there is a First Amendment right to be rude and to criticize. And you would think a lawyer’s group would know that!A warning from a lawyers group the Connecticut Bar Association the warning is directed at lawyers who dare to speak out and express disdain for fairness of former President Donald Trump’s trial in New York on Friday.

The Connecticut Bar Association released this message it reads in part quote “Public officials have issued statements claiming that the trial was a sham a hoax and rigged our justice system is corrupt and rigged the judge was corrupt and highly unethical and at the jury was partisan and precooked.”

It goes on to quote these claims, “These claims are unsubstantiated and reckless. Such statements can provoke acts of violence against those serving the public as employees of the judicial branch.”

The Connecticut Bar Association goes on further quote. “It’s up to us as lawyers to defend the courts and our judges as individuals and as an Association, we cannot let the charged political climate in which we live dismantle the third branch of government.” End quote.

By the way, criticism of the judicial system, besides being protected by the First Amendment, is certainly not new. Here’s a sample. Back in March 2020, the United States Supreme Court, the highest court, heard arguments in its first major abortion case since Trump appointed Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch joining the bench.

During those arguments, then Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, now majority leader, spoke outside the Supreme Court and an abortion rights rally.

Schumer:” I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Well, as far as I could find, the Connecticut Bar Association did not have anything to say about those critical remarks.

As an aside, there is a First Amendment right to be rude and to criticize. And you would think a lawyer’s group would know that!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

You are one sad dude, Mad Trapper. Why don’t you do this site a favor and read stuff before you copy & post it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

Why do you scorn our 1st Amendment Rights?

Sorry the truth, and freedom of speech, hurts your Leftist anti-American feelings so much.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

You are not hurting my feelings. Speak away.

Sub N Beef
Sub N Beef
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

You really want to be like Melle?

Sub N Beef
Sub N Beef
4 months ago

“might you have had an uncomfortable moment?”

Is this the 2024 version of “aberration”?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

June 18, 2024

Hello news media & blogs,

The Berkshire Eagle published a glowing letter praising the career politician Smitty Pignatelli for double-dipping as a 22-years-long Lenox State Representative who will serve as the interim Town Manager in Lenox, Massachusetts.

Will Smitty Pignatelli juice up his public pension(s) for life by double dipping and serving as the interim Lenox Town Manager?

Why doesn’t the news media and blogs ask Smitty Pignatelli if he will not use his double dipping public pay plus perks to increase his public pension(s) for life?

What about Smitty Pignatelli’s support of GE’s planned capped “leaky” landfill in Lee, Massachusetts with the polluted Housatonic River abutting the Lenoxdale area of Lenox?

Why doesn’t the news media and blogs ask the people of Lenoxdale how they feel about Smitty Pignatelli’s double dipping? Do they want their tax dollars paying Smitty Pignatelli (for life) after he sold them down the river?

Why does The Berkshire Eagle always kiss Smitty Pignatelli’s dirty behind? Smitty Pignatelli is a nothing more than a double dipper who will juice up his public pension(s) for life.

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: “Welcome (back) to Lenox town government, Smitty”
The Berkshire Eagle, Opinion: Letter to the Editor, June 18, 2024

To the editor: Smitty Pignatelli will now have a much shorter commute to work. (“State Rep. William ‘Smitty’ Pignatelli will serve as interim town manager in Lenox,” Eagle, June 13.)

For 22 years he has been driving the Mass Pike to the Statehouse in Boston and back. At peak times for the Legislature, he made the long trip daily.

Now Smitty can walk to work at the Lenox Town Hall in his new position as interim town manager. Welcome home, Smitty.

Henry Kranz, Lenox


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 months ago

I have stopped watching most all “sports” due to the woke/joke stances and disrespect for America.

However, the Celtics coach impressed me more than the players did this year.

He got race baited by MSM before game 2

“Mazulla went viral in a press conference before the Celtics victory in Game Two of the NBA finals.

In the press conference, Mazulla was asked how he felt about being the first black coach to face another black coach in the NBA finals since 1975.

In response, Mazulla shared, “I wonder how many of those have been Christian coaches?” ”

After winning game 5

comment image

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

We thank God, Mad Trapper, that you and your ilk are not in charge.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

I’m not at all surprised, Woke Jokes like yourself, hate Americans and America.

You are not following the path of God, you’re on Biden’s Highway to Hell

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

I may be on the highway to hell, but you sure as shit are not following the path of God.