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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JUNE 21-3, 2024) — During last year’s mayoral campaign, the two candidates differed sharply on public safety. John Krol wanted foot patrols, especially downtown. Pete Marchetti called for unarmed social workers.

The recent gunplay and murder near NON suggests one man had the right idea, while the other had an air bubble in his I-V. The plans means if you call 911, you’re more likely to get a social worker than a cop. THE PLANET wonders which choice Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski would make if when confronted at gunpoint for a mugging and robbery.

Word has it, unconfirmed by the silence from city hall, that Marchetti — Markey Maypo to those in the know — plans to follow Cambridge’s lead and create a social worker unit to handle police calls. Which calls? Our inside source didn’t know. No criteria has been set.

Our well-placed source tells THE PLANET that Maypo hasn’t told new chief Thomas Dawley of the plan. That might rile the chief, and rightly so. It suggests a power move by Maypo’s controllers to politically compromise the police department. We have our feelers out on that one.

Pittsfield Police Chief, Thom Dawley. Why is the mayor working to undermine the new chief?

———- ooo ———-

If Bitchfield follows Cambridge, the newly created Community Assistance Response and Engagement (CARE) department would handle “mental health crises” and “non-emergency cases.” What defines a “mental health crisis” that would send an overworked, law-paid, and bitter social worker instead of a cop with a Glock, who can say? Maypo hasn’t said peep. And what makes anyone think another layer of bureaucracy will help with the public safety with the long, hot summer one day old?

A reasonable person will ask, “Why?” to this ridiculous idea. Answer? George Floyd. After this drug-addled counterfeiter with a long criminal record violently resisted arrest and paid a price for it, the Democrats jumped on it politically, wokesters rioted (“peaceful protests”), and the Loons called for defunding the police.

Lord, save us from the “do gooders.”

The mayor’s apologists will say, “Marchetti’s only doing what he promised in the campaign.” The proper response, of course, is this: “Yes, but he didn’t say anything about creating a new department or swapping police with sidearms for civilians with psych degrees.”

Social workers are not equipped to handle such emergencies that will invariably occur. Moreover, it’s a piss-poor way to “augment” a undermanned police force. Maypo’s taking the cheap way out, chiseling the foundation out from Chief Dawley and the department.

———- ooo ———-

Kristen Tate, writing in the Boston Herald, said about the Cambridge situation: “The proposal to use social workers as police auxiliaries is … a convenient was to plug severe hiring deficits in the Cambridge Police Department. For years, and especially following the 2020 Great Awokening, left-wingers shamed cops and stripped law enforcement professions of their dignity. … Police shortages have affected the entire state, with some Massachusetts police departments reporting 20-30% vacancy rates.

In her article, Tate also points to “the very real possibility of mission creep.” Overmatched social workers would be sent into an ever-expanding array of dangerous situations simply because, in a fundamental sense, every criminal act is rooted in a mental health crisis. “The idea has the ability to snowball into a policy error of historic proportions.”

THE PLANET hopes that by shining the spotlight on this ill-conceived idea, we can, to quote Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife, “nip it in the bud.”

It’s the last thing the city needs as the summer is upon us.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


Jealousy is the worst form of possessiveness” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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4 months ago

Way to wreck my Friday, Dna. I was just going to congratulate everyone in the Pitts for making it through the week without a killing and without the “city leaders” screwing over the Kapanski’s! Now you add this to the plate and you know it is just a way for the government to grow and get bigger with more baby delusional democrats!! How do we stop this idiocy? The city already has the Jones (ask TSC and friends) as well as the crisis team from Brien. It’s time for the taxpayer to demand the city government go back to basics and trim the fat!!!!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
4 months ago

Your Friday DNA is the same as your Tuesday DNA.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
4 months ago

While I think both candidates had it wrong; there is certainly no need for walking beats on NON, I hope this is a very late April fool’s joke by Mayor Maypo and his handlers. If not, the police union should file grievances against the city and Maypo.

Who and what exactly are “social workers” who want to play police officer in Mayor Maypo’s city?

Here are the requirements for those interested in applying.

(1) any person that fits the (D)idn’t (E)arn (I)t category,
(2) a relative of Shirley Edgerton, NAACP, or anyone in the BBEC,
(3) a person with a worthless degree (art history, ethnic studies, tourism, etc.),
(4) buddies of the GOBSIG who need to be “primed” for a future “leadership” position,
(5) illegal aliens with the political backing of Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens)
(6) those who couldn’t cut it and be police officers from the get-go, whether that be fear, a criminal record, too fat and lazy, mental health issues, etc.

**A person with any of the top 3 categories in their resume, especially those who fit into categories 1-3, will be prioritized as immediate hires.**

To play devil’s advocate for a minute, this might not be a bad idea.

Let’s hope that a bunch of “social justice warriors,” like JM, Snark, TSC, Azzhatter, and Mr. Worldwide, all get hired as “social justice police” and paired up with Shaniqua or LaVar and then get dispatched to a mental health situation like the one with Miguel Estrada. I’m sure that’ll end well….

Mayor Maypo you know who you need to call: Dirty Barry. Nobody clears a parking lot of riffraff or downs an XL Slurpee and a large bag of candy, like Bitchfield’s toughest vigilante, Dirty Barry Clairmont.


Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

Bingo, I’d take the GS degree person in this situation, with their training in conflict management and crisis de-escalation.

You should have responded to, not TRAPPER, but MARKUS AURELIUS.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

GS degree holders are unemployable, and have learned nothing useful nor productive.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

I guess you don’t know any GS degree holders.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Unqualified for burger king or McDs burger flippers, too feeble to do manual labor.

Could be companion dog for a leftist.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

As I once posed the question to the college prof (Kindergarden) who could not offer ANYTHING in terms of solutions to a situation I’ve encountered too many to count.

Keep in mind, he had a PhD and indoctrinated young minds towards the liberal ways for many years.

With that, in your lifetime experience; not read or researched, or that “social justice warrior” rent-a-cop who is partnered with you, with his/her/It BA degree in gender studies, and you both get dispatched at 3AM to the low income housing projects because elementary aged kids of color are playing basketball on a school night without an adult in sight.

When you ask one of them where his parents are, you’re told to go f**k yourself.

Let’s hear it from the expert. I’m all ears.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

And what, exactly, is the problem that needs solving, Markus?

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
4 months ago

What in the world does someone that’s worked in the bank all his life know anything about policework if his house is being robbed who is he gonna call a social worker or a cop?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Richard Arnold
4 months ago

He can handle people who get rear ended.

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
4 months ago

The social workers want to save the world, they can do so while putting their lives in danger. I am personally OK with this. Most social workers I’ve met would be dead on the spot with their antics, I mean “Therapy styles”

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
4 months ago

oh that will work out just fine ask George Soros sure he’s agreement.

Leaping Lanny Poffo
Leaping Lanny Poffo
4 months ago

**”The Ballad of Bitchfield’s Brave Bureaucrats”**

In the quirky town of Bitchfield, where logic took a holiday,
Mayor Markey Maypo and Porkchop Pete held sway.
Their grand idea, audacious and bizarre,
To swap out cops for social workers, under the moon and star.

**Verse 1: The Mayor’s Manifesto**

Mayor Maypo, with a monocle and a furrowed brow,
Stood atop the city hall steps, addressing the crowd.
“Listen up, citizens!” he bellowed, his voice like a foghorn,
“We’ll replace our police force with therapists—no need for scorn!”

**Chorus: The Council’s Conundrum**

Porkchop Pete, the council prez, scratched his head,
His action figures forgotten, his mind in dread.
“But Mayor,” he stammered, “what if there’s a crime spree?”
Markey winked, “We’ll hug it out! Love conquers all, you see.”

**Verse 2: The Social Worker Shuffle**

And so, the city hired social workers aplenty,
With clipboards, empathy, and chai tea at twenty.
They patrolled the streets, armed with kindness and pamphlets,
Stopping jaywalkers with compliments—oh, the audacity of their antics!


**Chorus: The Great Bake Sale Debacle**

At the annual bake sale, chaos ensued,
As social workers debated gluten-free food.
“Is this organic?” they asked, scrutinizing each scone,
While the criminals escaped, giggling, into the unknown.

**Bridge: Dumpster Earl’s Rebellion**

Dumpster Earl, the local troublemaker, had enough,
He spray-painted “Justice Needs Donuts” on the mayor’s bluff.
“Bring back the cops!” he roared, wielding a stale baguette,
But the social workers hugged him, and he promptly forgot his threat.

**Verse 3: The Love Triangle Unfolds**

Meanwhile, Markey and Pete shared secret glances,
Their bromance blossoming amidst bureaucratic dances.
“Let’s defund the doughnut budget,” Pete whispered one night,
“More funds for interpretive dance classes—that’ll set things right!”

**Chorus: The Grand Parade of Empathy**

And so, Bitchfield’s streets transformed into a parade,
Social workers twirling, their compassion on display.
The criminals? They joined in, tossing confetti with glee,
As the mayor and Porkchop Pete slow-danced to “Kumbaya.”

**Finale: A Town Divided**

The townsfolk were split—some cheered, others scoffed,
As crime rates plummeted (or maybe they just dozed off).
But in Bitchfield’s heart, a lesson emerged so clear:
When life gives you bureaucracy, add glitter and cheer!

And so, dear reader, in this whimsical town’s lore,
Mayor Maypo and Porkchop Pete danced forevermore.
Whether it worked or not, we’ll never truly know,
But Bitchfield’s spirit soared—sometimes that’s all we need to grow.

Leaping Lanny Poffo
Leaping Lanny Poffo
4 months ago

**”Dirty Barry’s Midnight Patrol”**

In the neon-lit alleys of Bitchfield, where shadows danced with glee,
Mayor Markey Maypo, in his infinite wisdom, set the police force free.
“Social workers!” he declared, their clipboards like shields of hope,
But crime surged like a caffeinated squirrel, leaving the city on a slippery slope.

**Verse 1: The Mayor’s Misstep**

Markey, with his bowtie askew and a spreadsheet in hand,
Watched chaos unfold—vandalism, theft, and contraband.
His social workers offered hugs, while robbers skipped with glee,
And the mayor sighed, “Perhaps we need a different strategy.”

**Chorus: The Rise of Dirty Barry**

Enter Dirty Barry, a legend whispered in convenience store aisles,
His trench coat stained with coffee spills, his eyes sharp as box-cutters.
He’d thwarted Slurpee thieves, chased away gum bandits,
And now, Bitchfield needed him—the city’s last hope, its gritty advocate.

**Verse 2: Barry’s Toolbox of Justice**

Barry patrolled the 24-hour marts, a grizzled sentinel,
His mustache twitching like a caffeinated cat’s tail.
He’d tackle shoplifters with a broomstick, shout, “Freeze, punk!”
And the criminals quivered, dropping Slim Jims and lottery tickets.

**Chorus: The Convenience Store Tango**

At midnight, Barry waltzed with danger, aisle by aisle,
His flashlight flickering like a disco ball on a caffeine high.
He’d whisper to the Twinkies, “Fear not, sweet pastries,
I’ll guard your cream-filled souls against the night’s atrocities.”

**Bridge: Markey’s Dilemma**

Mayor Maypo, conflicted, sipped chamomile tea,
Should he embrace Dirty Barry’s vigilante spree?
The city council debated, their Zoom calls fraught,
While Barry chased a shoplifter, wielding a mop.

**Verse 3: The Showdown at the Slushie Machine**

In the heart of Bitchfield, at the Cumberland Farms core,
Barry faced the crime wave, his resolve galore.
He’d wrestle with beef jerky bandits, karate-kick the chips,
And the mayor watched, torn between duty and guilt trips.

**Chorus: Redemption in Aisle Nine**

Dirty Barry’s legacy grew, one snack aisle at a time,
As he defended Hot Pockets and energy drinks, sublime.
Markey, penitent, whispered, “Maybe we need both—
Social workers and Barry—the yin and yang of our oath.”


**Finale: Bitchfield’s Odd Harmony**

And so, dear citizens, in this quirky town’s lore,
Mayor Markey learned balance, like a tightrope walker sore.
For sometimes justice wears a badge, other times a mop,
And Bitchfield danced on, caffeinated and oddly hopeful.

4 months ago

Domestic violence calls are one of the most dangerous calls that the police can face due to the intense emotions involved, but we want social workers to handle these calls? How about a compromise of police and social workers going together to these unstable situations? Maybe the social workers can intervene, but still have the backup of the police if things get out of hand, but going alone to any potentially violent situation should not be part of the job description for social workers.

Reply to  Pat
4 months ago

“How about a compromise of police and social workers going together to these unstable situations?”

Great idea. That way each could make up for the faults of the other. Like, the soc workers would benefit from the cop protection and the cops would benefit from the training of the soc workers.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

You people are nuts. Social workers have absolutely no effing place in an active crime scene. You call them in when the dust settles. They are liable to get themselves killed among others.

Reply to  BlueLivesMatter
3 months ago

It’s called ‘de-escalation.’

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

June 21, 2024

I view Mayor Peter Marchetti’s plan to deploy Social Workers and Social Services resources to the poverty-ridden inner-city Pittsfield (Massachusetts) as a means to further monetize social services and (level 5) public education in return for many millions of dollars in revenues to the city from the state administered federal aid funding.

I grew up in Pittsfield. I experienced the worst of both worlds as a no income and low income then young man and then a disabled Veteran. I also lived in inner-city Manchester (NH) for 4 years of my adult life in my then early-30’s from early-2005 to early-2009. I am now 48 who will turn 49 in a little over one month from now.

I have a Master of Public Administration, but I don’t know why because I am a member of our nation’s huge underclass population. I studied economics and finance, and I found out that the government uses PERVERSE INCENTIVES to cash in on deleterious social outcomes.

To illustrate, the more poverty in Pittsfield equals more state aid for social services and the (level 5) public school district. To illustrate, the more crime in Pittsfield equals more state aid for the public safety agencies.

The state lottery SCAM is the PERFECT illustration of perverse incentives. Last Summer 2023, the Massachusetts lottery officials boasted record profits. But the state lottery is wrong on more levels than a skyscraper building with over 100 floors. The state lottery is really regressive taxation. The state lottery revenues equals greedy lobbyists such as Dan Bosley obtaining huge state tax breaks for his big business campaign donors to the corrupt career politicians on Beacon Hill.

For at least over 30 years now, Pittsfield chose the many millions in state aid funding from poverty, (level 5) public schools, state lottery state aid dollars, etc., over bringing back living wage jobs from the post WW2 era of middle class growth until the mid-1970’s around the time I was born. To be clear, Pittsfield’s municipal budget is really about the city receiving tens of millions of state aid dollar per fiscal year (in return for….).

Pittsfield’s largest demographic for population loss is in the city’s young adult population who want to earn a living wage to live in the middle class versus being stuck in a city that will profit off their socioeconomic misery.

Pittsfield’s financial management also consists of taxing the average Senior Citizen household over $5,000 per fiscal year. Meanwhile, Kufflinks has his secretive multi-milion-dollar Slush Funds, so-called FREE CASH account(s), and alleged cooked books.

Peter Marchetti will serve his 4-year mayoral term(s) and then cash in on his 6-figure city public pension plus perks, which will be in addition to his bank’s 401k plan, along with his future monthly Social Security checks.

Jon Melle

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
4 months ago

The pride community would wish you would focus on your business and the store like you do your daily posts. Since you and your cousin Mayor Pete are in business together and you asked me to come up with some names for the store. I really like Rear Admiral to celebrate your naval career. Two other names I think are wicked awesome are No Holes Barred or another wicked awesome name One Man’s Junk if it’s a consignment type store.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Eric Swansin
4 months ago

Poop Deck Peter’s

4 months ago

As I understand events there were social workers on scene during the Miguel Estrada crisis word on the street has it that the two of them quit shortly after Mickey was killed because they were not given support on scene or afterwards by their organization and that in fact the organization silenced them so they could not speak out about the incident.
How will the Mayor and council address that publicly and what changes to mental health worker response will they propose?
And what kind of combat/hazard pay will social workers be offered? Sadly I expect instead of experienced men and women the city will lean towards newbies who do not understand the nuance and Zeitgeist of our fair and often times unfair City.
I would think an experienced social worker in this town would know that this is an idea that looks good on paper to some folks but the reality is if they are not effective in their clinical settings why would we expect them to be effective on the street? And if they are effective in their clinical settings then we don’t need them on the street.
The one area where this could make a difference would be with our home with neighbors especially because so many younger homeless people are homeless because they are gay kids who got kicked to the curb by their family or support system.
Given that the legacy of Gerry Studs is finally come to pass, BaystateGaystate, lack of insight from our gay politicians towards homelessness astounds me.
I’m not saying you need a Hamburger Mary’s on every corner, but my own encounters with local homeless people particularly the men indicate that there are a higher number of them who are gay than you currently think.

Reply to  Outfox
4 months ago

Trying to fix the typos here having trouble with the edit button that should read homeless neighbors

Reply to  Outfox
4 months ago

Yes, the edit button doesn’t work.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

Edit has been AWOL for months now, along with the formating toolbar.

They show up for duty once in a Blue Moon.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Outfox
4 months ago

Where is the edit button?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Outfox
4 months ago

Where is the edit button?

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Outfox
4 months ago

Hobo sexuals

Reply to  Herb Pease
4 months ago


Chelsea Grammar
Chelsea Grammar
4 months ago

“No criteria has been set.”

Ouch, hey Dan, you need to proof this sentence using one of your grammar books.

Chelsea Grammar
Chelsea Grammar
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

evidence shows that criteria is frequently being used as a singular”

yes, the language is changing.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 months ago

It’s both sad and funny how the city DPW crews have started to haphazardly to patch the chasms and craters in the city streets.

They don’t even fix the first one and move on to the next one…….

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

And WTF sort of chaos have they begun where north st and first st come together?

East side of northbound lane is 3 feet higher and angled 30 degrees towards the center.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 months ago

Lower end of Valentine road has been chewing up school bus front ends for two years. Two bad Marchetti could not divert some of that flower money to repairing that road. But I guess special interest money is locked in before an election huh?

4 months ago


Be sure to watch the debate between Trump and Biden next Thursday. This will be our only chance to see these two men operate without a safety net, allowing us to compare them accurately and honestly.

Biden will blow Trump out of the water. Trump’s problem is that he is incapable of speaking the truth and he can’t maintain focus. Trump will have no place to hide – the country will clearly see the difference between these two men.

Biden may stutter and misspeak, but he knows how to tell the truth. Trump and his people know that Biden is stronger, which is why they are lowering the audience’s expectation by claiming Biden will be aided by coke or other drugs.

Come next Friday it should be obvious if I am right or wrong. I do not fear that consequence!

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

I am utterly amazed, how effective the Canard News Network et all have been in propagandizing so well, the hapless populace of sheeple, who seem to have developed an acute case of the ENC Disorder. The Emperor and his subjects would be proud.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
4 months ago

CNN is a leftist’s haven/safety net, and they know it.

Biden may blow out his diaper.

Biden lies like a rug; all the time. Will we hear about his uncle being eaten by cannibals again?

Never ever right, far left winged and wrong

OMG! The formatting toolbar reappeared….

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Why has CNN, excluded Mr Kennedy from the debate?

He is on the ballot.

Maybe Joe’s head would explode on CNN staged “debate”!

This Just In
This Just In
4 months ago

It’s been so hot that Marchetti had to call in two social workers to fan his nuts!

snark shark
snark shark
4 months ago

The water rates have been going up and up and up. Now they are talking about them doubling again.

The Petes feel as long as they themselves can easily pay any increases that there is no motivation for them to look for any budget cuts anywhere to help offset this additional hit to those not as fortunate as them.

If it has occurred to you that they do not care about you or your family you would be right. If a true money manger came in and did a forensic audit he could shave 50 million right off the top just by cutting frill spending. And another 20 million of mismanagement. But nobody wants any audits to even look for potential savings and this should be a huge red flag for anyone paying attention.

An enormous amount of Pittsfield property, both business and homes, are owned by people who do not reside locally. And they will be buying up your home as well as soon as Marchetti finishes taxing you out of it.

Get out now! Seriously! These people do not have your back no matter how many times you see them out mugging and pretending.

If you are somewhere else thinking of moving to Pittsfield, Ma. you need to look elsewhere. If you live here and have children in school you need to first opt them into a different school district and then make sure they have many other choices of where to live when they leave school. The city cannot find enough social services to take care of the human wreckage that is here now and there is more coming every day. And the bill for taking care of this human wreckage is enormous and will be added to the drain on your own personal income. This is all money that should be going towards the maintenance of your own family which is harder every day due to all the other financial drains.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
4 months ago

June 22, 2024

The Joe Biden GRAVY train:

The 2 Petes’ Pittsfield politics GRAVY train:

Tax the average Senior Citizen household over $5k per fiscal year, while the fictional family we all know and love named Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski pays their city taxes from the hard-earned working-class incomes.

Jon Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

I agree Jonathan. Biden is destroying the elderly households in this country and the working class too. The elderly are barely holding on to their homes and Biden doesn’t care. Biden wants big government to take over their homes and the elderly can be sent to large apartment buildings filled with crime, drugs, and illegal immigrants.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 months ago

PSSttttt … Dan, Snarky voted for this, over and over again……..

He is a …..Democrat!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 months ago

Good ones went extinct last millennium.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Actually I have been a registered Independent for 50 years. I do not belong to or follow either of the cults and on the rare occasion either of them comes up with a good idea or plan I support it.

Anyone who thinks Biden or Trump should be president is living in a rabbit hole. But the truth is that neither one of these two may be able to help with the dire problems coming at America anyway.

A large part of the world is slowly turning on America, forming new alliances, turning away from the dollar as the favored world currency and countries once tied to America for trade and defense are looking to China and others. We are driving them away with our insane policies and bullying.

And Americas support and defense of the genocide in the mid-east has the rest of the world baffled. All the good things that America says it stands for have been exposed as lies of convenience. Very few other countries trust America now and if you get yourself a hold of some seriously independent news sources you will see what I am talking about. Do not let the titles scare you. Quite amazing things that go on that never show up in ANY American corporate news.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

The traitors You “independently” voted for have caused all of the above.

Did you vote for Biden? Tell us why.

Name ONE thing he has done for Americans/America, rather than to Americans/America.

Bethany Trudeau
Bethany Trudeau
4 months ago

Or perhaps the police officers who find themselves on the Brady list should put down the badge & get a job as a greeter at Goodwill.

Krime Weak
Krime Weak
Reply to  Bethany Trudeau
3 months ago

Trump just need to say nothing. And he’ll win debate. Oh, and it’s please be nice to mice week. Act accordingly.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Bethany Trudeau
3 months ago

What is a “Brady list”.

Marsha and Jan were on mine……..when I was 10

The school committee
The school committee
3 months ago

FOX and repeat.Trump has goofy in his brain.His coup killed 5 and wounded 165 police defending our democracy.Bannon is Trumps brain lol and Bannon is a fellon.Ivanka has 2 billion from Saudi terrorists

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 months ago

The clock chimes in.

cookoo, cookoo, cookoo!!!…….

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
3 months ago

The Mayor, The DA, and the sheriff are a complete joke!! This city has completely gone off the rails. All those campaign promises and Nada zilch ..nothing but an ugly twin sister of Holyoke.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Larry Bird
3 months ago

June 23, 2024

The 3 Stooges – Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti, Berkshire D.A. Tim Shugrue, and Berkshire Sheriff Tom Bowler – all make 6-figure public pay plus perks for life as future public pensioners. It must be nice to be a complete joke!!

Rome is burning….up the wallets of the Pittsfield taxpayers. In full-time resident of Sunny Florida Jimmy Ruberto’s part-time Town of Lenox, Smitty Pignatelli is a double dipper who is probably juicing up his future public pension(s) plus perks for life.

Disgraced former double dipper Pittsfield State Senator Luciforo cashed in as Pittsfield’s Pot King…of lawsuits, including his ongoing lawsuit in Boston trying to bust unions representing marijuana workers in Massachusetts.

Former Massachusetts state lawmakers Peter Larkin, Dan Bosley, Stan Rosenberg, and other public pensioners are greedy lobbyists who never left the Boston Statehouse because it is PAY to PLAY in Boston.

PAC Man Richie Neal rakes in millions of dollars per year from the Swamp’s K Street corporate lobbyist firms, especially insurance companies. Joe Biden raised and spent more campaign money than any other politician in U.S. history, but this past week, his challenger, former U.S. President Donald Trump, surpassed Joe Biden in campaign donations for the first time ever as the November election is fast approaching.

The Golden Rule is politics is that those with the Gold get to rule, while the rest of us pay taxes and pound sand.

Jon Melle

The old timer
The old timer
Reply to  Larry Bird
3 months ago

The MAYOR is a joke! The Sheriff, not so much!! The DA…. the jury is still out on him!! Please explain in detail your reason(s) for saying what you said. Please don’t say “the shootings” bc no one can stop every shooting before it takes place, let’s be real…. Love to hear your educated explanation on your above statement!!

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  The old timer
3 months ago

Where to start hmm, without ranting and losing the audience for time and space I will try to make this short. As you stated the Mayor is a joke we definitely are in total ageement on that. I will point out he is just a total mess from his physical appearance to his policies and platform. You want and demand leaders, I will give it to Shagrue and Bowler they are properly dressed for the Occasions.“In today’s world, the sheriff must reach out to law-enforcement professionals in Berkshire County and collaborate with them to increase public confidence and develop a true community-based approach to criminal justice,” Bowler said. “As a Pittsfield Police detective, I experienced the devastating and costly impact that crime has on families and community. As sheriff, I’ll work with passion and dedication to make Berkshire County a safer place to live. By working together, we can produce far more positive outcomes.” This is a campaign quote from Bowler, has he done this? absolutely not! Anybody even here from him? Surely not the general Public.“As your next district attorney, I also value to try to improve your quality of life by making Berkshire County safe for citizens who obey the law and do not deserve to be victims of crime,” he said. “I’ll do that by aggressively prosecuting career violent criminals, while at the same time connecting youthful and nonviolent offenders to community for better outcomes.” Tim Shagrue has this happened A BIG FAT NO!The DA’s office is woefully understaffed and has an abysmal record in both Superior court as well as in district court. Just recently a top Attorney quit or gave her notice wink wink. You can’t attract new talent if the city you want them to work in is a cesspool of crime and walking meth heads.Are the streets safer? I’ll let the reader decide that.Now, I could go on and on that’s just a snippet. I don’t just blame these 3 however have you seen any press conferences together about the crime and lawlessness going on in Pittsfield? NO! It’s just business as usual in the city Friend’s Family, golfing buddies get the Cush jobs and everybody checks out at 5:00 pm in all 3 offices.Just drive around Pittsfield any construction site 3 Police officers guarding the hole and making big$$ Meanwhile as Bob Seger sung down on Main st is a complete disaster. Is there any real police work being done? You have a Sheriffs office, DA’s office and the Mayors office. It should be all hands on deck! Instead the people in this city settle for the status quo and the good ole boy network remains fully intact.That’s the best I can give you without rambling on. Side note: we also have a Senator and state reps that bring Ziltch to the Berkshires unless you consider the new Taco Bell and the like a win for the area.The Beat goes Brother.

Last edited 3 months ago by Larry Bird
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
3 months ago


Break up your posts, into paragraphs, so we can read them easier.

aka Don’t post like Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Larry Bird
3 months ago


Break up your posts, into paragraphs, so we can read them easier.

I’m not an English/grammar/writing/teacher, Mr/Dr? Valenti is…..

I just did math and sciences….so I’ll still screw up writing it out too.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mad Trapper
The old timer
The old timer
Reply to  Larry Bird
3 months ago

Well said, to be honest, I did not expect that!! You’re absolutely right on almost everything…. However, the sheriff can only “offer” support to the chief of police, but bc there is always a power play, the police (Chief) politely declines the assistance. The sheriff has many capable bodies to patrol the streets etc, but the police don’t want it bc they fear that it will make a real difference and reflect negatively on the police dept!! Sheriff Bowler, who has many faults, has tried to allow his deputies to “police” the city but politics get in the way!! We have NO COLLABORATION in this city, all bc of politics!! It’s BS but I don’t see that changing no matter who is in ANY political office!!!

As stated earlier, the mayor is a JOKE, Shugrue, time will truly tell, however, he isn’t doing what he could be, but Bowler has tried however he is locked in a political battle! He wants men on the streets but again, the police fight him on it! He has the most man power in the county but if things go well the chief fears that the Sheriff will become the “Commissioner of public Safety” and put all the county’s chiefs out of a job. The chiefs deff don’t want that regardless of how unsafe the citizens of the county are!! It’s BS, but it’s political!!
Thanks for the response! Much respect to you for not being bitter but explaining your position!!

Reply to  The old timer
3 months ago

The Sheriff Departments all over the state have expanded there own powers, equipment, and budgets. They have no powers by the state to be out on patrol. Give it time Bowler will be trying the same crap that goes on with the Hampden Ct Sheriffs Dept. If you want to be a cop go be a cop or stay in the jails like you where hired for. As for the DA Clown Shoes if his office would win once and a while there be people in the jails. The office of the DA is short handed and is staffed with his friends

Celtics Fan
Celtics Fan
Reply to  Larry Bird
3 months ago

Another Three Pointer Larry Bird! You nailed it again!

Reply to  Larry Bird
3 months ago

The sheriffs have no right being involved in any law enforcement. They all though all over the state have expanded there own budgets, equipment and powers. Look at Hampden County. Give it time Bowler will be doing the same. If you want to be a cop go be a cop if not stay in the Jail.