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ADD 2, 6-14 — Just as we noted the gun murder on Fenn Street in Pittsfield, authorities report two more shootings. These took place on North Street at Bradford Street.

On late Friday afternoon (today), two individuals were shot and wounded in the area of North Street and Bradford Street. They were transferred to Berkshire Medical Center where they are being treated for their injuries. There was no further word of the seriousness of the wounds or other details surrounding the shootings.

There is an active investigation being led by the Pittsfield Police Department. Based on preliminary investigations, Pittsfield police believe this was not a random act and that there is no immediate danger to the public. However, as a suspect/s has not been identified, law enforcement encourages the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police

THE PLANET calls on the mayor to make a statement or, better yet, call a press conference to address the rising concern in the city about gun violence and other mayhem. This is especially urgent given that the long, hot summer is just around the corner.

Thus far, public safety has been a source of an egregious lack of action by the Pittsfield mayor.

The public is (and should be) justifiably outraged, especially with the PPD being denied the resources it needs.


———- ooo ———-

Based on preliminary investigations, Pittsfield Police believe this was not a random act and that there is no immediate danger to the public. However, as a suspect/s has not been identified, law enforcement encourages the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police.

ADD 1, 6-13 — The victim in the June 11 suspected homicide was Ryan P. Babcock (6/22/1985) of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, the Berkshire County District Attorney’s office announced.

At approximately 4:30 pm, Pittsfield Police responded to the 500 block of Fenn Street for a report of a male party suffering from possible gunshot wounds. Upon arrival, the officer observed an unresponsive adult male in the driver’s seat of a vehicle suffering from apparent gunshot wounds. The officer immediately called for assistance. Paramedics administered life saving measures; however, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

The investigation into the suspected homicide remains active.

The silence from the corner office has been noticeable. The mayor and his cohorts possess magical thinking when it comes to this kind of news about their city. They think if they don’t acknowledge how bad things are, it’s the same as murder not happening in the first place. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski will be relieved, however, to note that Maypo issued a proclamation regarding “Openly Gay” Electromagnetic Awareness.

What astounding cluelessness.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JUNE 10, 2024) — Shameless plug time.

THE PLANET‘s book career is in full swing. We share this in response to an inquiry about the availability of one of our past titles. Most of my books are still available online. Simply search by name or title.

Books are back in the saddle again for us. The blog has always been in the back seat.

We write this blog for several purposes. First, it serves as a daily writing exercise, much like a gym workout. Second, it’s an intellectual puzzle that keeps mind and brain in top shape. Third, it’s a public service, and it’s in that role where we–readers and THE PLANET together–meet on common ground irrespective of political positions or points of view. Agree or disagree. Both possess equal value.

Speaking of books, in 2022, we wrote a textbook on how to write,Write It Real: A Practical Guide for the Prose Writer. Its audience consisted primarily of college English departments. It’s still a kick to know that “I am taught” in various writing classrooms.

In 2023, we had two books out. This year, it will be at least two, including a college textbook titled Verse or Adverse: How to Read and Enjoy Poetry. We discovered that college textbooks for core subjects can be lucrative for authors. Textbooks go for crazy prices to a built-in and well-defined campus market. When adopted for classes, they lead to bulk sales. Royalty rates can top those in the general markets, and royalty checks come as well-earned kisses in the (e)mail.

Later this year, THE PLANET will have the third textbook in our “Communication Trilogy.” This one deal with speaking, “Fearless Public Speaking: Taming the Terror of Talk.”





Updated cover for Write It Real.

In the hopper, a book on film director Stanley Kubrick (Kubrick’s Full Metal Straightjacket: The Siege of Gunnery Sgt. Hartman) set for early 2025 publication) and a philosophical tome tentatively titled The God Who Wasn’t There.

———- ooo ———-

Before we go, a comment on the new pickle ball courts at Springside Park.

THE PLANET has no problem with them. As we understand it, pickle ball resides in the intersection of Ping Pong and tennis. Little movement is required, the ball moves slowly, and the paddles feature large faces. Who wouldn’t be able to do it? At least the city had the good sense to locate the courts near the softball complex on Benedict Road and not in heart of the park near the play area.

It’s a sport for seniors and old people (not the same), and if you’ve got the moves, you can excel. One of THE PLANET‘s besties, Jerry Packard, will probably be the city’s top 70+ pickle baller if he’s still playing. Jerry was a seriously competitive and able Ping Ponger who had THE PLANET in his pocket (though caroms was another story!), and now that he’s back in the Berkshires, it’s light out when he steps on the court.

He also has a mean Jolly Pink football!

To Jerry: Duah, Red!


What you wish to do, that do not do. What you do not wish to do, that you should do” — Lao Tse.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.






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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

June 10, 2024

Please write a book about Pittsfield politics, author and blogger Dan Valenti. I would love to read about you extensive knowledge of how generations of state and local career politicians put the once promising small city in the heart of the Berkshires into the ditch.

Chapter One. Downtown Pittsfield: From a bustling business district to Social Services Alley.

Chapter Two. From GE factories to the heavily indebted and polluted PEDA debacle.

Chapter Three. All in the Family: The Good Old Boys club of fools with the nicknames of Barstool, Aberration, Rolodex, Mayor Montello, Gated Community, and Openly-Gay and Voltron the Porkchop, along with Luciforo, GE Lobbyist Larkin, Chrome Dome, Paul Marxism, Country Buffet, The Dumpster, and so on.

Chapter Four. From the impoverished inner-city to the elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College: How the ruling elite are disconnected from the people they only do DISSERVICES to.

Chapter Five. Boston’s elitist snobs make a mockery of Pittsfield with all of their inequitable financial shell games, especially via the multi-billion-dollar state lottery SCAM that is wrong on more levels than the floors in the tallest building in the world.

Chapter Six. Why the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski hate FREE CASH and Kufflink’s Slush Funds, along with his cooked books when they fork over their hard-earned tax dollars to Pittsfield City Hall.

Chapter Seven. Pittsfield’s Level 5 public school district eats up most of the excessively high city operating budget, but it is really all about the annual tens of millions of dollars the city receives in state aid funding instead of quality public education for the city’s youth.

Chapter Eight. The two political factions in Pittsfield politics serve the same Democratic Party bosses in Boston, which is the worst of both worlds.

Chapter Nine. Cancer cluster neighborhoods, Allendale Elementary School abutting Hill 78’s capped “leaky” landfill, and 21st Century Pittsfield is GE’s toxic waste dump with Lee (Massachusetts) next in line in return for 30 pieces of silver.

Chapter Ten. Over 50 years of huge losses in population and living wage jobs in Pittsfield, while city spending has excessively increased because city taxpayers don’t matter to the Suits, who are enriching themselves at the city’s public trough, while little old ladies pay an average of over $5,000 per fiscal year each in property taxes and fees.

Chapter Eleven. Since at least 1980, violent crime in Pittsfield has more than doubled the statewide average, along with the recent occurrences of daily shootings, over 1,000 gang members living in Pittsfield’s distressed inner-city, and the only economic growth in Pittsfield is in the city’s large underclass population.

Chapter Twelve. The two-Petes city government: A story of the 90-day grace period openly-gay Mayor and Voltron the Porkchop City Council President leading Pittsfield’s downward spiral..

Jon Melle

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jon Melle
8 months ago

Thank you democrats who overwhelmingly have led Massachusetts forever. Also thanks to the voters who keep it a democrat led state and it is obvious you haven’t had enough of one party rule.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

You write the book, Jon! With the right pitch you could sell a million of ‘em.

9 months ago

A happy good morning to all after a nice Celtics victory last night. The pickle ball field was put in the only spot in Springside that I personally would agree with, however the ARPA money should not have been used!! The ARPA money should have been used only for the water/sewer department!
I hope everyone is feeling very prideful here in bitchfield after the weekend events. One question that know one can answer for me is when is the mayor getting b-slapped by the courts?

Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Is it true that the FEDs will audit and review all ARPA expenditures?

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

I hope so

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
9 months ago

There will be NO forensic audit of any accounts in Pittsfield for the last 25 years per order of the mayor and city council president. Everything is just fine and there is no reason to even look for possible better ways to do things. As long as they take in more money from the taxpayers than they give away to millionaires everything is cool. As a once revered president says, “losers and suckers”. If you choose to stay you are agreeing to be fleeced. Your choice.

Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

Never in liberal looney land…the big guy has your back as long as he gets his 10%

Reply to  Gobsig
8 months ago

Only in states run by Republicans, the looney limousine left of the B(G)ay State will be left alone

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Gobsig
8 months ago

We have a better chance of JM becoming Andy’s best friend before an audit happens whether federal or locally.

9 months ago

Meanwhile, this is what they teach at the vaunted elite Williams College:

Can the good professor tell us wtf this even means?

“Rank open professor in Queer of Color Critique, additional interest in Disability Studies/Crip Theory, and/or Feminist Technoscience Studies, and/or Migration”

Reference –

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  SmartGuy
9 months ago

With a degree in Women’s Studies, with a focus on Queer of Color Critique, one saying comes to mind from the movie Caddyshack, “The world needs ditch diggers too,” Judge Smails.

If the person is black, it’s possible for them to get hired into a (D)idn’t (E)arn (I)t Office, with a worthless degree like that.

Reply to  SmartGuy
9 months ago

It means they will hire an LGBTQXYZ person who checks the right boxes, to teach these kids a bunch of bull shit, kind of like the language justice bull shit.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  SmartGuy
9 months ago

Williams went woke, now It’s a joke.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Legacy Alumni and Donors don’t like it, maybe they’ll go broke!!!

Reply to  SmartGuy
8 months ago

I mean, those are all words
Strung together like that they must be like some kind of postmodern, post industrial poem? No way that’s a real job listing….except, it really IS a job listing
The kids are not all right.

Arap Pahoe
Arap Pahoe
9 months ago

On the pickle ball. We have to be real as One Pittsfield. Hundreds of thousands for these Courts and do you think the majority will use these courts? Ninety Five percent of the population won’t use them. Good Luck on the Books !

Reply to  Arap Pahoe
9 months ago

Right on target, Arap. Just one miscalculation. You mentioned 95% of the population will not use these courts. In my opinion it will be 99.9% of the population that will not use these courts. The courts and the money are designed for the overweight elderly. In the meantime, we ruin parks that were willed and designed for healthy children play.

Reply to  AWAY
9 months ago

Dear Mr AWAY: Young man, you have a very poor understanding of pickle ball! The sport was designed in the 1960’s for families with teens and preteens. Also, if any overweight people play pickle ball they don’t stay overweight for long! That $$ was well-spent stewarding a portion of the city’s elderly population as they ride slowly into the sunset over Honwee Mt.

Pickle Elbowistis
Pickle Elbowistis
Reply to  Granny
9 months ago

Why are all the best T times already all booked up?

Reply to  Pickle Elbowistis
8 months ago

There’s plenty of court time available.

Simplee Closer
Simplee Closer
Reply to  AWAY
9 months ago

Maybe they’ll bus kids in summer or housing elderly to play. Stay with the five percent.

Shakes Their Head
Shakes Their Head
Reply to  Arap Pahoe
8 months ago

95% of the population won’t use the jail. Should it close?

Reply to  Shakes Their Head
8 months ago

This is a most stupid and irrelevant comment.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes Their Head
8 months ago

Where would You stay then?

Jerry Packard
Jerry Packard
9 months ago

Thanks, Dan. Yes, I’ll be playing in a seniors mixed doubles tournament at the Benedict Rd pickleball complex in July. It’s a great sport for seniors who have slowed down but want to stay active as the years pass. A lot of broken wrists due to falls, though.

Reply to  danvalenti
9 months ago

Any chance of you playing a match against lumpy Marchetti? Donations going to charity could be solicited.

Reply to  Gobsig
9 months ago

Dan, you and Tony take on Pete White and Marchetti. I will donate 500 to the prize pool for starters, winning team picks the charity.

Reply to  Jerry Packard
9 months ago

That’s why Pete White won’t play. He needs nimble wrists.

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  Jerry Packard
9 months ago

We used to play Pickleball in P.E. at the middle school level. There was nothing slow about the pace either. Maybe compared to tennis, and there is less grunting, but it’s actually a pretty fun game. At least the space didn’t go to rainbows and bums.

Reply to  Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
9 months ago

Real men don’t play pickleball.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
9 months ago

Real men, have a “pickle”

Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

Silly boy. And I do mean ‘boy.’

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
9 months ago

Tat’s wacist!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
9 months ago

And which of the 33 LGBTXYZ…..”genders”, do You think you are? What’s Your “pronoun”, so we won’t offend you.

As a leftist, maybe You identify as a Jackass!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
8 months ago


Simplee Closer
Simplee Closer
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

There’s no brine ing in pickle ball.

Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Ghost of Pearl Bergoff
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
9 months ago

Love the implication

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
9 months ago

Well<I> you </I> don’t play, that’s for sure.

The Melting Tarmac
The Melting Tarmac
Reply to  Jerry Packard
9 months ago

Is it fair now if the west side does not have pickle ball courts? Better get on it before Shirley and other folk bring it up first. Kinda racists if ya ask me. Blatant even.

I heard that the five year plan is to have pickle ball courts in what is now the middle of North street. (which is going to be changed to Condo city as soon as the rest of all those old brick buildings on both sides get their taxpayer funded moneys and are converted to “affordable housing” aka “condominiums for the well to do.) The whole center is going to be a green-space with parks and brick walkways. Kinda like they do in Europe ya know.

Oh yah, I did hear that. Read it as well. Why would anyone make that up out of whole cloth?

Reply to  The Melting Tarmac
8 months ago

You have to be careful about what you share because now you have the city thinking of moving the carousel and the new baseball field down NON. Of course our taxes will have to be increased by 10% to pay for all of it

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
9 months ago

Here’s a comment on the story today in the Eagle: I ran a crane in the steel yard of the “Tank Shop” from Sept 1973 to Aug 1974. It was a well-paying, somewhat dangerous and very-cold-in-the-winter job. My Dad worked in building 42 for most of his work life. I am surprised it has taken this long to knock it down and my sympathies are with the guys in the article. The selling of GE transformer in 1987 was a terrible decision by Jack Welch who refocused GE on finance. We know now this was a step in the direction of destroying a core competency of GE and trying to compete in finance which is dominated by much more competent players. When Welch shut GE transformer down, there were only three competitors in the world. GE could have easily competed with robotics and better systems. Instead, the idiot became bewitched by finance — which I know is bewitching. I’m a senior finance professor at IU and we have 5,400 finance majors here. But GE couldn’t stand up to Goldman, Morgan, Deutchesbank, etc. Pittsfield was crushed by this decision which we now know -and should have known in 1987- was a bad one. Robotics probably would have reduced employment from the 10,000 it was back then but the jobs would have paid very well. Jack Welch destroyed Pittsfield and needs to be remembered for doing so. Capitalism is better than all other ways of allocating resources but it still has huge costs for the places that lose.
I spent 20 yrs in Buffalo which is another, similar story…

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  C. Trzcinka
9 months ago

June 10, 2024

America’s RUST BELT; America’s Trailer Parks; America’s Strip Malls; America’s Economic Inequality; America’s Financial, Corporate, and Ruling Elites (and GREEDY lobbyists); America’s Offshoring of factories; America’s military industrial complex; America’s Coastal Elites supporting Joe Biden; Middle America supporting Donald Trump; America Politically Divided regions are the worst since The Civil War; America’s impoverished inner-cities; Rural America’s Poverty; America’s Strip Clubs, Casinos, Lotteries, Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana; America’s War on Drugs; America’s War on Poverty; America’s Supply Side Economics; America’s income gains go the the super wealthy while the average working-class employee makes a whole $5 per week more than their grandparents did 50 years ago; and America’s 1990’s to early-2000’s CEO “Neutron” Jack Welch who made GE a financial company that collapsed into excessive debt less than one decade after he retired in 2001.

I would like to know what C. Trzcinka thinks of Joe Biden’s job growth numbers that include one-half of new jobs going to illegal immigrants in America, please.

I believe that job growth with a growing underclass defeats the purpose.

I would like to know if C. Trzcinka believes that the mid-2020’s U.S. economy is similar to the mid- to late-late 1970’s economy, please, specifically STAGFLATION.

I see that Gold prices are at an all time high similar to what happened 45 to 50 years ago in the U.S.A.

Jon Melle

Reply to  C. Trzcinka
8 months ago

Yeah, Jack Welch screwed this city and Schenectady NY too.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  C. Trzcinka
8 months ago

Mt Welch is behind Morningside School.

Mts Devillars and Doyle will be erupting in Lee Ma soon…..

Downtown Dweller
Downtown Dweller
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

I thought MT Welch was behind Allendale

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Downtown Dweller
8 months ago

One of the schools…….

9 months ago

The Cuban missile crisis reenactment of the Cold War era is happening again as Russia is sending combat vessels including a nuclear-powered submarine to Cuba in the next few days. The Battle cruiser is carrying 160 hypersonic missiles and is meant to intimidate the United States. Putin is doing this after Biden is having Ukraine shooting American missiles into Russia. Biden says not to worry because the missiles aren’t aiming for Moscow or the interior of Russia, but only just over the border. Is anyone feeling confident about what Biden is doing?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

“Is anyone feeling confident about what Biden is doing?”

I’m confident he crapped his pants in France. First American bomb dropped there in 80 years.

Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

Is anyone feeling confident about what Putin is doing?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Natterjack
8 months ago

He knows Biden and Zelensky are crooks.

He don’t crap his pants, can communicate coherently, and carry on a conversation.

Joe Biden? Nope!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Oh, and he knows Trump can be flattered and bought.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
9 months ago

Congratulations and best of luck on your latest book project. I like the topic too, “Fearless of Public Speaking: Taming the Terror of Talk.” I was always lucky to be able to conquer that fear.

This topic has many meanings in today’s world. The one you right about Dan and the other one that occurs on a daily basis. The fear of speaking out and getting cancelled by the woke left.

Speak out about the democRATS trying like hell to normalize mental health issues and/or abnormal sexual behaviors, and you get called a “homophobe,” “racist,” or my favorite, “he has toxic masculinity,” translation: he’s a normal, red-blooded, heterosexual, white male.

I’ll leave my pontificating on this subject alone and leave you two exhibits to prove my point.

From Bitchfield’s PRIDE fest, I present you:

Vuronika Baked – Berkshire Pride parade Saturday, June 8, 2024 – Berkshire Eagle (

Echo Phoenix – Berkshire Pride parade Saturday, June 8, 2024 – Berkshire Eagle (

****Keep in mind, these are the type of people Snark, Azzhatter, TSC, JM, and Mr. Worldwide, keep in good company.

In other words, they are all China Joe Xiden’s Ukraine and Illegal Aliens First supporters!! democRATS

9 months ago

We just took a ride down Downing industrial Park to look around, the B bus has least 75 sitting there during working hours. How many drivers drive at any given time during the day? Why on earth would there be so many buses at the hub crazy

Reply to  Pothole
9 months ago

A total waste of tax dollars, multipy that across all 50 states, and therein lies the problem with government, in a nut shell.

Lifting all Boats
Lifting all Boats
Reply to  Pothole
9 months ago

Being used to house homeless folk. Kind of a woke folk trailer park because the hotel contracts are up. They are only allowed to drive them during the day to go for free food and medical and they must remove all drug paraphernalia at the end of each day.

Reply to  Pothole
9 months ago

Lack of drivers. Routes being cut or eliminated. I drove transit for 30 years and we most always had a need for drivers.

9 months ago

How come the nations’ capital has completely gone to shit, with carjackings, murders, rapes, robberies, through the roof, and now Layfayette Square and its’ statue is desecrated and the government let the left wing terrorist sympathizers do it. Why?

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
9 months ago

They’re just tourists visiting the capital, just like Jan 6 Rube

Reply to  ComeOnMan!
9 months ago

Trump and MAGA did it, just ask the TDS crowd, TSC,Snark,etc. If he didn’t do it he was still responsible

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
9 months ago

Because leftist protestors are “mostly peaceful”.

Remember the summer of love 2020, and the BLM/Antifa riots, er protests……….

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trapper
9 months ago

It has been that way ever since Jan 6th when it went all MAGA.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Guess you missed this bit of news yesterday. I’m sure it wasn’t covered on MSDNC or any other MSM outlets.

For your entertainment and in the hopes, you’ll stop the “insurrection” nonsense.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

She is now admitting that she felt strongly that Donald Trump would try to overthrow democracy in America. She was hoping he wouldn’t do it but she was wrong.

And the national guard better be ready the next time because he will have a better plan. He is pretty much telling the whole world he plans to pull a Putin in America. He is not playing around this time. And I don’t know why you think this will be good for you. But you can’t fix stupid. People have tried but to no avail.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

I think with this foolish post, you have now OVERTAKEN TSC for having the worst case of TDS on The Planet.

TDS = A$$clown

Seeing as you are now the numero uno TDS sufferer here, this means you are now the number one A$$clown.

Congrats Snark. You have really lowered the bar this time.

Now, go put on your makeup, thong, wig, dress, and down a few Budlights, you are ready for the PRIDE parade.

**Snark really out did himself. Check out his photo:

Echo Phoenix – Berkshire Pride parade Saturday, June 8, 2024 – Berkshire Eagle (

BTW-Snark’s PRIDE name is “Echo Phoenix.”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

The TDS is strong in this one!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

Mz Pelousey planned the J6 chaos. She needs a gibbet with her cohorts.

9 months ago

The God Who Wasn’t There sounds intriguing and the book on Stanley Kubrick. Can’t wait to read both of those books!

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

And you will not be finding God in Gaza these days either. Pretty sure he is not ever going back to his place of birth either. Satan lives there now.

Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

I have no idea what Dan’s book is about. Just that it’s about God. Titles don’t always give away the content of a book so I’ll wait until I read it until I can say I know what it’s about. If Jerusalem is housing Satan as you claim, Satan must also live in Gaza because that is where Hamas is located.

In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

His new book is about how Great Hitler was, how he was just misunderstood. He wrote a preview column on Memorial day weekend.

Reply to  In Da Know
8 months ago

Yes. God help us.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
9 months ago

Evil lurks everywhere to tempt Man. But God will always be with you too. Your choice who to follow.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

You follow the evil path much more often than you follow the path of goodness WWJD

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Natterjack
8 months ago

You’re on the highway to Hell. Biden’s building it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Natterjack
8 months ago

Leftists are Evil.

Simplee Closer
Simplee Closer
Reply to  snark shark
9 months ago

There was a City Councilor who didn’t know Casella didn’t charge for yard waste distribution,so on the new contract why aren’t they continuing free yard waste disposal,so much for the 80 thousand in savings if we have to pay for yard waste removal ?

A clearly nervous speaker being rushed along at the open Mike portion at city council. Rattling a couple comments in between against the Council and chiding Mar- Chetti on his savings on the toters as the only thing he could save taxpayers and very seriously doubt that will-be a savings at all in the end.

Reply to  Simplee Closer
8 months ago

They probably didn’t know Casella still owes the city $80,000.00 in back taxes as well

The school committee
The school committee
9 months ago

You are a liberal if you are left of Hitler now.Trump is a crazy old man.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

You’ve been left of Chairman Mao since Dan started The Planet.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Sounds like you have trained your entire life to be stupid. It’s the only thing you seem good at.
I imagine you listen to Rachel mad cow for your talking points.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Stupid can be fixed.

Moron> imbecile> idiot…….then TSC

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
9 months ago

Predictable Pittsfield politics always increases its municipal budget annual spending level by at least 5 percent every fiscal year going back over 40 years now.

Poor fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family who pays Pittsfield City Hall their hard-earned tax dollars in return for….

Jon Melle

9 months ago

Dan, as a professional writer you should better than to cover subjects that you know nothing about. That subject is pickleball. Your take on this sport is not even close to being true.

Simplee Closer
Simplee Closer
Reply to  Paul
9 months ago

Jerry West dead at 86. A true legend and great gentleman.

Whome Feeled
Whome Feeled
Reply to  Paul
9 months ago

Congrats to Mayor Marchetti’s proclamation Electromagnet Sensitivity Day at the Meeting last night.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Paul
9 months ago

Well let’s hope you do not take on professional writing. And get a proof reader.

Basic Bizness
Basic Bizness
Reply to  Paul
9 months ago

If he Kliff plays Dan then they’ll have to lower the net. Winner gets a box of Grecian and some Geretil.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Bidens legacy
8 months ago

Study history. Islam has has a history since it’s inception of ; pedophilia ( “The Prophet”), intolerance, enslavement, and racial cleansing.

Vivat Jan Sobieski!!!, Vienna 1683. How many slaves would Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa have taken, and Christians raped and murdered?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

Study the recent History of the catholic church

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

I know the Pope is a Communist

A Child Cries in the Darkness
A Child Cries in the Darkness
Reply to  Bidens legacy
8 months ago


Over 3000 children with amputations…many without anesthesia …thousands with burns….thousands still buried in the rubble of bombed buildings…food aid being blocked by Israel causing mass starvation…

They cannot ever talk about the Nazi holocaust again….they are perpetrating their own

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

HamASS Barbarians still running the show and hiding behind children.

Yes that is sad and true.

More Christians fell to Islamic tortures than Jews to Nazis. Still happening TODAY!

A Child Cries in the Darkness
A Child Cries in the Darkness
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

If there were ever a recipe to create and foment a terrorist organization it would be to go into a country and kill and maim thousands of its innocent children in the most barbaric ways you could think of.

Not sure how Israel thinks this will make their future safer. There are pictures and videos of these horrific events being shared all over the world. There will be memorials built to shame the perpetrators. Museums as well. Murals with bloody children’s terrorized faces everywhere. It will be very hard to whitewash it everywhere although a great job is being done currently with American corporate media and others afraid of being targeted by the dark powers.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  A Child Cries in the Darkness
8 months ago

There is a memorial to woman beater and drug addict George Floyd too.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  A Child Cries in the Darkness
8 months ago

That is the history of Islam.

Deal with it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  A Child Cries in the Darkness
8 months ago

“If there were ever a recipe to create and foment a terrorist organization it would be to go into a country and kill and maim thousands of its innocent children in the most barbaric ways you could think of.”

  • A Child Cries in the Darkness

It’s called abortion

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Bidens legacy
8 months ago

Concerning the link, one of those Al Jazeera “reporters” ,was among those found holding the 4 hostages recently released.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Bidens legacy
8 months ago

Breaking news!

Chicago Mayor has called for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Maybe he should start in Chicago? ……and PITTSfield….

8 months ago

Unfortunately Dan, as you are busy taking care of your business, he snakes of bitchfield continue to slither and strangle the Kapanski’s. Seems $216 million is not enough and they are crying over a measly $200,000 that wasn’t granted to them. I found it maddening that on iberkshires just under the bitchfield’s article of “cutting” $200,000 and having a total budget of $216 million for 40,000 citizens, was North Adams $49 million dollar budget for 20,000 citizens. Does anyone else see an issue?

Krime Izup
Krime Izup
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Check out the procedure with the toters that was ventured at city clowncil. They want to educate you while the contract is already approved. Kudos to Deb at open Mike. Straight Shooter saying same old council and Mayor. Pittsfield? It’s all about volume and numbers which like we hand the distribution of salt? Who is privy to the tonnage by the way? YOU will not save anything with the new system. Mar chetti did have a proclamation making Electromagnetic Sensitivity Day official.

8 months ago

I have all Dan’s books, but this one I may pass on. I love it when Dan writes about sports and past jocks. Dan is in the rarified company of Roger O’Gara and Howard Herman in his knowledge and writings about Pittsfield sports. It was a different Pittsfield era. Now tennis and ping pong are as popular as football and basketball was in the past. It is hard to understand how the latest nonsense called pickle ball is popular to some people. My goodness, pickle ball, of all the nonsense. this one takes the cake.

Reply to  AWAY
8 months ago

Try it you’ll like it!

8 months ago

Another shooting, another homicide, not a peep from Pete, just as Dan wrote. And just a week or so after the chief’s coronation, and all the talk about how safe Pittsfied is. Going to get hot next week going into summer. Get ready.

Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
8 months ago

Maybe he will stand on the street and make a statement like Tyer did about how this won’t be tolerated in Pittsfield. And then it got worse, for the next 8 years. Only in Shittsfield

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Shittsfield
8 months ago

The 2 Petes Pittsfield politics is going to be a long number of years!

Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
8 months ago

Hats off to the PPD detectives for locking up one of the perps.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
8 months ago

This guy is a frequent customer in the court system. Here is some of his life accomplishments.
From the local news print.

Stanton’s involvement with the adult court system goes back to 2002, according to court records, and includes at least 19 adult criminal arraignments. His arrest Wednesday initially was on an open warrant related to charges that he attacked a man in a car the evening of June 2.

In a police report regarding that incident, a man reported he was sitting in his Hyundai on Daniels Avenue in Pittsfield when Stanton allegedly approached with a large knife and swung it at him. The victim told police he rolled up the window, but Stanton kicked and shattered it, and chased the man — still wielding the knife — as he drove away.

In 2011, Stanton was sentenced to five to eight years in state prison after pleading guilty to multiple felonies after police raids turned up 2,000 painkillers, 600 ecstasy pills, 48 grams of cocaine, two pot plants and three handguns.

And he remains on probation after serving a one-year prison term in connection with a February 2023 guilty plea for threatening two people with a gun. He was also ordered to complete a program at Keenan House North, which offers addiction treatment services. He is due back in court July 22.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Who decided it was ok to let this guy back on the streets?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Sebastian
8 months ago

Most likely View watchers in the woke justice system. That’s where brain cells go to die.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Sebastian
8 months ago

DA’s a Democrat!!! Bingo!!!

snark shark
snark shark
8 months ago

Toter rollout is a go. The mayor and even lesser Pete are thrilled. All the benefits have been pumped up at council meetings and the friendly press. What they have not addressed in any detail is how much it will cost the average resident for each item they cannot fit into the relatively small opening 48 gallon toter. This is where the average taxpayer, without access to a city dumpster, gets blindsided. And where Casella has created a windfall with the help of the mayor and lesser Pete.

Anything a homeowner cannot fit into that toter opening must be brought or picked up, one way or the other, to the Casella transfer station on Hubbard Ave. It may cost you to get it there and it will certainly cost you to leave it there. Let’s say you have a big plastic child’s toy, a couch cushion that the dog crapped on, or a plastic lawn chair . Not only do you have to make the time out of your day to get to the transfer station but you will need a $120.00 ANNUAL FEE to get in the gate and then who knows how much for each individual item. How many inconvenient trips will every homeowner need to make each year? Will you need to rent a roll off when you do your spring cleaning?

These are a few questions the Petes tried to hide behind their backs until it was approved. but the bottom line is that the end result is one more gut punch delivered to the taxpayer by politicians who all have a convenient work around for themselves due to their access to city paid for dumpsters and trash receptacles.

The wise homeowner is getting rid of this stuff TODAY before it is too late.

I know both Petes read this blog as soon as they get out of bed in the morning and I would love for them to point out any misunderstanding I may have. If they do not then there ya go.

Get out if you can. There is no help coming over the hill. The parasites are upon you and feasting like at a never ending picnic.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

I am actually not totally against the toters. Just think that having to pay out of pocket for everything that does not fit into one is a piss-in-the face move by the Petes. They had to know that side of it would be a mega blow to the taxpayers and they swept it under the rug until the deal was done. Super sneaky pea and shell game.

Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

The only advantage is laying off garbagemen, who are amongst the few who actually earn the money they get from taxes. Huge reduction in service and employment and the taxpayers are getting a “deal” paying the same.

Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

I completely agree with you about the toters. This will be a disaster for Pittsfield. The elderly and disabled will have a terrible time with this and large families will be forced to pay for an extra toter. Working people don’t have time to keep visiting garbage drop off sites. We know local politicians don’t care a bit about the working people in this city.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Pat
8 months ago

June 14, 2024

Neither does “Luciforo” care a bit about the working-class people in Pittsfield with his $341,000 cash pot settlement from the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, along with Nuciforo’s 2nd pot lawsuit in Suffolk (Boston) Superior Court that is trying to bust unions in Massachusetts who represent and advocate for marijuana workers.

I wonder if the 90 day grace period, openly gay Mayor Peter Marchetti, Voltron Pete While the Porkchop, and others in City Hall didn’t collude with Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior’s “Berkshire Roots” marijuana business to pay him a “FREE CASH” city settlement of $341,000?

Nuciforo made many millions of dollars from his Pittsfield Pot Kingdom with his second marijuana dispensary in East Boston, but the 2 Petes who run Pittsfield politics voted to give “Luciforo” $341,000, while they cut $200,000 from the (Level 5) Pittsfield Public School District’s fiscal year 2025 budget.

That is Pittsfield politics in a NUTS-HELL!

Jon Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

Pssttt…. Snarky…they are ALL DEMOCRATS YOU VOTE FOR!!!


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

Explain this one to us Snark, or are you now known by Echo Phoenix, and would like to be addressed as such?

It seems every week another democRAT is being arrested and charged with ballot fraud from the 2020 stolen election.

Snark/Echo Phoenix, I’ll await the story with link of ANY MAGA members being arrested and charged with ballot fraud from the 2020 (s)election.

***Read that again Snark/Echo, MAGA members arrested for ballot fraud. Not the “insurrection” or any other TDS horsesh!t you come up with.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

Explain this one to me Markus. Why does your fourth grade teacher make you sit in the back of the room wearing that dunce cap all day, everyday while the other kids are learning stuff?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

That took five seconds:

But honestly this red team / blue team is boring AF. A large percentage of Americans are done with it.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sebastian
8 months ago

We’ll see how that turns out. I also remember Gretchen was “kidnapped” by MAGA members too. It wound up being an inside job too by Xiden’s Stormtroopers, aka-FIB Agents, if memory serves me.

I agree, most Americans are fed up with the “red team vs blue team,” translation, democRATS and RINOS.

Make America Great Again!!

F**k China Joe Xiden and his Ukraine and Illegal Aliens first policy and everyone who supports it!!

No middle of the road for me Sebastian.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago

It’s not even left, right, center. Our government is now ineffective because no one there wants to see a win on the board for the other color team. Americans have tuned out by the millions and the partisans are left to fight it out on blogs like this one. Have at it, man.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Sebastian
8 months ago

Not sure how long you’ve been on this blog, but I use other sources beyond this.

Usually if I’m making a point, I’ll add a link for reference. This way it’s not just my opinion.

With that Sebastian, I wish you the best and look forward to your future posts.

I will ask though, if you are a Xiden supporter, please tell me 3 things his administration has done to help the American people.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
8 months ago
  1. Xiden is not trump
  2. Xiden is not trump
  3. Xiden is not trump

This is what research is showing as where most Biden votes will be coming from. Republicans could put up almost anyone else and win in a landslide against biden this time. But for whatever reason they are willing to risk it all. Ask yourself why.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

Echo, I see you followed the TSC plan of getting many Budlights in you and posting something ridiculous like the post above.

I do have to ask you; I see you are wearing a “Boy Clit Clique” pin on your jacket, are you and TSC starting a “gang?”

Maybe you two “guys” could convince Bitchfield’s most dangerous vigilante, Dirty Barry Clairmont, to join your gang and toughen it up a bit.

I hear he makes a mean mixed slushy, and you damn well know he is a parking lot enforcer. Drug addicts, hookers, and the houseless, have zero chance against Dirty Barry.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
8 months ago

A must see for all who claim getting an ID is difficult and shouldn’t be a requirement to vote.

The school committee
The school committee
8 months ago

The story of 1/6/2021must be told in a courtroom under oath.The greatest conspiracy in American history.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Unless the democRATS get us into WWIII before November, when Trump wins the election in a LANDSLIDE, don’t worry TSC, those responsible will see their day in court.

Hopefully, the real TRAITORS are brought to justice first. You remember when Hussein ILLEGALLY spied on an incoming American President and American citizens.

The democRATS broke the seal on this.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Does that mean you want to include getting under oath the ones who put the trial on also ? The ones who shredded and deleted material relating to 1/6 that were supposed to save all materials about it.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Optimus Prime
8 months ago

Don’t need no shredded material. It was on live TV for hours and the whole world watched it.

Sadly, some cult members were told not to believe what they were seeing with their own eyes and so they obeyed and now sway side to side as they walk behind their Mesiah like helpless ducklings.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

What was on tv was what they wanted you to see and hear. What wasn’t on tv for all to see and hear is the rest of what is being buried. Why is that?

Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

Oooiooooo, I did not know that.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
8 months ago

And Pelousey et al hanging on a gibbet!!!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

June 14, 2024

I wish my old friend Joe Kelly Levasseur (R – Manchester, NH) the best of luck in his 2024 campaign for U.S. Congress. It is a free country, and while I will never support Donald Trump in politics, it is Joe Kelly Levasseur’s right to do so.

Many years ago now, I used to ask Joe Kelly Levasseur to run for U.S. Congress. I believe that he has what it takes in the Swamp to change things for the better. It is not about partisanship for me. It is about electing new politicians who will work to change the broken system for the better.

I did not want either the over 51-years in the Swamp career politician Joe Biden or the ultimate moral hypocrite Donald Trump to run for U.S. President in 2024. I wanted two new candidates for U.S. President in 2024. But we are stuck with old Joe Biden saying how proud he is of his son, Hunter, who is a scoundrel, as well as Donald Trump saying that he is a White Christian Nationalist, while we all know about his scandalous past.

Joe Kelly Levasseur endorsed Kelly Ayotte for Governor of New Hampshire in 2024. I would like to know how he feels about then U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte being the only U.S. Senator in the entire northeastern region of our country who voted against gun reform legislation after the mid-December, 2012, mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that claimed the lives of many innocent children and several adult victims. Over one decade later, the U.S. Congress has not passed gun control legislation through mid-2024.

I cannot forgive Kelly Ayotte for her vote. I believe that the U.S. Congress has failed on gun reform legislation. Children should not be the victims of mass shootings in public schools.

I believe that our system of government is broken. If Joe Kelly Levasseur is elected to the U.S. Congress, I hope that he will bring positive change to the Swamp. Also, I hope that he will be a strong advocate for Veterans.

Jonathan A. Melle

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

The first two years of the Biden nightmare administration the democrats had control of everything and didn’t pass any legislation concerning guns. They talked a good game to score political points (especially during election seasons) they talk about that while leaving out the part of not doing anything about the issue while in full control for a time. I wish they were as concerned about the illegal gun use and the criminals using them to kill people across America everyday.

8 months ago

3 people shot in one week, downtown. Not to mention the murder on South Pearl Street earlier this year. Don’t fret Pittsfield, according to Mayor Pete, downtown is safe. People are only having uncomfortable interactions. Unfortunately those interactions are lead based. Stay away if you can.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
8 months ago

I would feel safer if Barry would do another video.

Peter Midas
Peter Midas
8 months ago

More thugs popping caps on vibrant North street last night. I know, let’s spend another 8 million dollars and change it all up and make it look less dangerous to the tourists. Is it even safe to take kids to a parade there these days with all the gang stuff going on? Might a body get hisself mugged on the Pittsfield main street? And if so would you ever see anything about it in local media? If so,. please donate all your extra cash to the city to pay for the clowns and bands and fire truck gas cuz the mayor done went and gave all the tax money and CPA monies to his bushiness friends and now needs to be begging fer parade money from the tax payers again. He gots bottomless pocketed taxpayers ya know. He can raise the taxes as high as he wants and there is not one effing thing the dumbo citizens can do about it. So he does. Easier than making cuts to bloated budgets or looking for waste. Who does that stuff anymore anyway? When you are lucky enough to have a council president who chuckles in his sleep when he dreams about that oath of office he took, you got yourself a free ride over the peeps. What honest, diligent caring mayor would not take advantage of that?

snark shark
snark shark
8 months ago

WATCH: Israeli forces destroy all water wells in North Gaza

Israeli forces have destroyed all the water wells in northern Gaza.

The lack of water is making the near-famine conditions across the Strip worse, and most children and adults there don’t have access to clean drinking water as Al Jazeera’s Osama Bin Javaid reports.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

Then turn over the hostages, and the Hamas Barbarians.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago

Whatever you say Adolph,

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
8 months ago


Let HamASS Barbarians surrender and/or F those harboring them.

Al Jeezera reporter was one of those in complicity.

Leaping Lanny Poffo
Leaping Lanny Poffo
8 months ago

**”Bitchfield Blues”**

In Bitchfield town, where shadows creep,
Mayor Markey Maypo ruled with a grip so deep.
His pockets lined with silver, heart encased in ice,
He danced on the edge of virtue, heedless of advice.

Voltron the porkchop, council president stout,
A nickname earned from feasting without a doubt.
His eyes squinted like pickles, his conscience a sieve,
Together they thrived, their souls adrift, naive.

Crime whispered through alleys, gunshots in the night,
Yet Markey and Voltron turned a blind eye to the fight.
Their coffers overflowed, while hope dwindled away,
Taxes squeezed the poor, leaving dreams in disarray.

Darla, the little rescue dog, watched from the curb,
Her eyes wide with sorrow, her spirit undisturbed.
She barked at injustice, a tiny rebel’s plea,
“Where’s compassion, Mayor Maypo? Where’s humanity?”

But the mayor just smirked, counting coins in his lair,
While Voltron chewed on pork rinds, without a care.
Hopelessness settled like fog, thick and gray,
In Bitchfield, where justice faltered, day by day.

So Darla howled at the moon, a lone sentinel’s cry,
For a town lost in shadows, where truth dared not fly.
And the citizens whispered, “Enough is enough!”
As they plotted a rebellion, fueled by love.

Blood Damage
Blood Damage
Reply to  Leaping Lanny Poffo
8 months ago

Yet curious no shot spotter during the fright of night?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
8 months ago

June 16, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Population of Pittsfield (MA) is a little over 43,000 residents

Population of Westfield (MA) is a little over 40,500 residents

Pittsfield’s operating budget: $216 million

Westfield’s operating budget: $ 178 million

Net difference between Pittsfield versus Westfield’s budgets: $38 million

The fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family who lives in and PAYS their hard-earned tax dollars to Pittsfield politics would love to see Pittsfield’s budget NOT be nearly $40 million more than Westfield’s budget.

Jon Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
8 months ago

The first Liberals:

We really need to ban fire, before someone gets hurt…”

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
8 months ago

Shootings have actually been relatively quiet here for some time but, its not surprising you jumped at the chance to question why the Mayor didn’t come running out to make a statement.
PPD did great job solving the murder very quickly. The double shooting will take a little longer as I’m sure the gang bangers will refuse to cooperate. North St is safe and the Mayor was smart to leave the statements to the PD and not give your zombie squad an opportunity to misrepresent what he might have said. Fact is the little blip in the violence radar will not stop President Voltron Porkchop from eating or drinking downtown or attending Pride events.
On a separate note, where does Jon Melle get the energy to post these diatribes of his, especially since Pittsfield is not his home and has no bearing on him? I suppose sitting home in NH collecting free benefits while surfing gay porn isn’t very labor intensive. Answered my own question.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
8 months ago

Sarcastic Humor: How does flogging molly know my secrets?

Reply to  Flogging Molly
8 months ago

Moll, “a little blip in the violence radar”! Seriously? That line is right up there with Hathaway’s statement about shootings on North Street being an aberration. There have been a shitload. Ask me how I know.

Marsh Mellows
Marsh Mellows
8 months ago

Don’t blame the new chief on the shootings he lives out of town. With all this uptick in violent crime he’ll be traveling day and night and wish he did live here.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Marsh Mellows
8 months ago

Wait until all the CRIMINAL ALIENS, er “migrants”, the Democrats/Liberals/Lefists have imported, don’t have free: housing, medical, food, transportation, dirvers licenses ,etc…….

SHTF, maybe in time for fall Selections….

Blood Damage
Blood Damage
Reply to  Mad Trapper
8 months ago

It never ends.And these clowns don’t have the driving nor criminal-records for where they came from. That’s a SIN. What Hell is wrong with the State? Wait till the summer is really here. Crime highest all time.

Gang bangers ain’t afraid of Female Mayors or Gay Mayors. And certainly when the Chief Enforcement Officer lives out of town. They will tear this place up this summer.

Reply to  Marsh Mellows
8 months ago

Bullshit. The chief has lived in Shittsfield for many years.

Jen Bergeron
Jen Bergeron
8 months ago

When the police stop the drug dealing out of Meth Bar the shootings will go down.
It’s not a coincidence that it’s Meth Bar and it’s not a coincidence the shootings happened on Bradford street. The police should be looking into doctors who act as drug dealers.