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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015) — THE PLANET, and THE PLANET alone, reported on the damage done to the roof at Taconic High School last week when the city hired the sheriff’s department to clear the school’s roof of snow. They brought in two guards and a bunch of prisoners (reports vary from five to seven cons).

Our coverage brought a distressed retraction in the form of a puff piece run in The Boring Broadsheet, wherein The BB did no investigating of its own but merely took the administration’s word that “there’s nothing to see there, so move along.”

Well, turns out now that the damaged roof is leaking. We heard from reliable sources that “water is pouring through the roof at Taconic today [March 11] as a result of the roof damage.”

PLANET Coverage (Yet Again) Foiled a Coverup

The Bumstead Administration admitted nothing except to slight damage. Julia Sabourin of the corner office totally downplayed the harm as insignificant, not even worth nothing. You know if they admit that much, there was much more distress done to that roof. THS principal, our good friend John Vosburgh, followed the strict company line. He worded his statement carefully, saying words to the effect of “no report of damage had been filed.” That’s not the same thing as saying there was no extensive damage.

Of course there was no report filed. That’s was part of the coverup. After the destruction, sources say orders were given to all who witnessed what happened not to breath a word of it to anyone. What they didn’t count on was THE PLANET‘s Secret Squadron and our Z Agents. They are everywhere — yes, even on the rooftops!

What are the odds, ladies and gentlemen, that The Administration has counted on We The People not knowing about the damage caused by the cons and will cite the damaged condition of the roof as yet another justification to spend $150 million needlessly on a new school? The pretensions of this Administration know no bounds.

More Names to the Mayoral Mix

Our column on potential mayoral candidates stirred up a most interesting community discussion, which tell us two things: (a) that there may be heightened interest and therefore heightened participation/turnout in this year’s election and (b) politics in Pittsfield is a blood sport. There is no “political football” in the city. In that town, it’s full-tilt-boogie rugby.

THE PLANET said in the column that we didn’t include all of the possible names, and indeed readers came up with a few others that we shall now include on our official unofficial list: Barry Clairmont, Linda Tyer, Dennis Guyer, and Dan Valenti.

CLAIRMONT — Earned massive streeet cred this year for playing the role of recalcitant, his yin to Mayor Daniel Bumstead‘s yang. Of course, there’s no guarantee of translation. If you’ll recall, Bumstead loved to play the same role during the Doyle and Ruberto Administrations, and look what happened when he got into office. He crossed over to the dark side. Clairmont is intelligent, does his homework, and speaks well, but is he “likable” enough? Plus, he likely won’t run. He’s partners in a business, and his professional “spouses” would have to agree. Don’t know if they would sign off.

TYER — If you will recall, THE PLANET first broachedher name as “mayoral timber” some time ago. We heard then that she was considering a run then the talk backed off and so, presumably,  did her interest in the thankless corner job. As city clerk, Tyer has excellent, indeed superior, preparation for the bureaucratic end of the job. As a former city councilor, she has ward experience. If she decided on it, Tyer would be a serious candidate.

GUYERTHE PLANET meant to include him yesterday. He’s a former state rep. He moved from Dalton to Pittsfield, which started mayoral speculation at the time. He’s a former state rep. Of course, if you’re from Berkshire County, being a state rep means relegation to the back bench in terms of influence and little to do but collect your handsome per diems from the state. Nonetheless, Guyer has about him a direct, incisive approach to issues, as evidence, for example, by his takes on issues on his Facebook page. He’d make a good administrator. Drawbacks: He has a good job at the Jane Iredale Cosmetics, a growing, global business HQd in Great Barrington, and he is a devoted dad to his three young lads. Would his wife and sons not want him to “stay put?” Those are the kind of “drawbacks” we wish for everyone.

VALENTITHE PLANET deliberately left his name out of it, since Valenti himself addressed the question last week. For those who missed it, he said he had not made that decision yet. If he were to pull the trigger, and odds are he won’t, he would be a formidable candidate. He would be well financed, organized, and campaign relentlessly. Modesty prohibits the details, but ask yourself: Would you relish a high-stakes debate with him? Didn’t think so.


!!BULLETIN!! Clairmont Won’t Seek re-Election

This just in, from the offices of Lombardi, Clairmont, and Keegan:

I will not be seeking reelection for the office of city councilor at-large. My accounting practice is experiencing strong and steady growth.  I have assessed the demands on my time and the ability to manage many competing priorities. While I am dedicated to my work as a city councilor my first commitment must be to my partners and our clients. My experience as a member of the Pittsfield City Council has been challenging and engaging. It is a privilege to represent the citizens of Pittsfield and I will finish the remainder of my term with the same enthusiasm people have come to expect from me. — Barry Clairmont.

THE PLANET literally got this release a minute ago. Three quick reactions: First, he doesn’t rule out a run for mayor. Second, he did say on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION that he would probably be running for office but “not necessarily” for council.  Third, he will not run for mayor. In any case, we wish our Right Honorable Good Friend all the best.

Oh yeah, and see you on the telly tonight, live, beginning at 7 p.m.


“So passes, in the passing of a day, / Of mortal life the leaf, the bud, the flower, / No more does flourish after first decay.”Edmund Spenser, Stanza 75, “The Bower of Bliss,” from The Fairy Queen, Book II, Canto xii, (1590).




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9 years ago

What happened on the roof at Taconic amounts to sabatoge.
Is this how the city takes care of the property its entrusted to?
Its woefully incompetent.

So just ruin the school so you can get a new one.
Is that the game being played here?

The city is unable to properly care for the two High schools it already owns. What makes you think it will care for a new one?

Unfunded liabilities. Huge amount of debt. New High school costing millions. Sky high taxes. Who would want to take on the job of mayor? Pittsfield is forcing people to move out. There is no fixing it. It really does not make any difference who gets in because irreparable damage has already been done.

Its only going to get worse.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  poorboy
9 years ago

I agree completely, there is a culture of corruption in this city and state.

9 years ago

Please strongly consider running for Mayor. This corrupt City Government needs someone who the Citizens can place their trust in. Thankyou, for your unwavering tenacity. You, sir, stand alone.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

Sad news for sure hopefully he will consider a run for mayor. A message to Planet followers get out of your comfort zone and run for at large. This is being looked at by the GOB’s as a seat to fill for sure.

Are We Dreaming?
Are We Dreaming?
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

Right you are. They would love nothing more. Hope lots of “outsiders” run for all seats including corner office.

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

Door is wide open now for Joe Nichols, who is planning on running at large.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
Reply to  Ed McClelland
9 years ago

Does anyone have any thoughts who will run for Ward 1

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
9 years ago

Why is that of all the schools in the city that have flat style roofs Taconic is the one that causes trouble? Is there something different about the Taconic roof? Did someone direct that it not be maintained?

Oxygen Man
Oxygen Man
9 years ago

Some kid gets into that ridiculous sand trap over at Clapp and it collapses, look out! Who was the brain trust behind that idea?

Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
Reply to  Oxygen Man
9 years ago

That filthy snow should never have been put in the wetland bordering the river. It should all have been on the other side of the parking lot. There is no excuse for it.
Now the city will be on the hook to clean out the sand and trash, by hand, after it melts. Just when we will need all hands on deck for pothole filling.

9 years ago

Let’s see now. Who should I believe about roof damage at Taconic High School. Dan Valenti and his reliable spy network or the mayor with the shadowy non transparent behind the scenes operation?

Gee I gotta think about this one.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Anyway you look at it, it was a Con Job.

9 years ago

It’s deplorable what happened to the roof at Taconic. Contacts in sheriff’s dept confirm DV reporting. Way off the record of course.

Reply to  Gene
9 years ago

Of course. Sabourin is the seat warmer for the Shady ,Coward Bumstead. Everyone else is in compliance with Bumstead… Fear Factor.

Mr. X
Mr. X
9 years ago

My guess is BC will not run for anything next time…for 2 reasons…1 is I believe him when he says his real job is getting bigger and better…2 is he will help run the mayorial campaign of his main squeeze LT…I myself would vote for her

Reply to  Mr. X
9 years ago

I would never vote for LT- she bailed out once on her ward seat and cost the city money for a special election. Of course it was only a few thousand! Yeah that’s the same old song and dance and we need something different!

9 years ago

Here is how I translate Barry’s statement.
” Someone has some dirt on me and I don’t want to drag my business partners down with me so I will just go away like Terry Kinnas did from the school committee” I respect the time and effort Barry puts in even though I don’t agree with all his positions. His service is appreciated by me and I wish him well.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Grog
9 years ago

I agree grog – she ran against a good councilman, Mark Brennan and her only platform was ‘I Am Woman’. She entered with the support of the now defunct WHEN with Farley and Malumphy and like Farley she bailed out at the first opportunity and joined the GOB, Malumphy self destructed. She left the Ward she promised to help and along with the rest of the WHEN gang empowerd no neighborhoods.

9 years ago

Unfortunate for the City, He would surely get my vote. He is young enough to run at a future time.

Thomas More
Thomas More
9 years ago

Was wondering how long it would take for someone to look in the laundry bag. This morning, before the Planet was edited, the Planet alluded that Linda might not live in Pittsfield. I hope the Planet doesn’t know something that the rest of us don’t and is keeping it from us. You know, shsh, shsh, hush, hush, you’re not supposed to know this. Nah, they would never do that.

9 years ago

I’m voting for Mr. Gaetani if he runs. I like his style.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago


9 years ago

Who Inspects the school roof anyway. They are not doing the job.

Guess what
Guess what
9 years ago

It’s a shame that Councilor one of the only councilors that saw through this administration, was willing to speak without, and stood up for the tax payers is not running again. I hope that he does not go far and stay close. Councilor Clairmont, thank you for all you do.

9 years ago

I was hoping LOw will go with him.

Guess what
Guess what
9 years ago

I was hoping for Cotton, Tully, Amuso, Morandi, etc.. in other words ?

9 years ago


Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Time to cut Jake, not to build new. The ocean tide has come in. Tes said he wants to invest stratigically in education? Again, time to cut Tes, not invest.

9 years ago

The school superintendent says in the Eagle this morning that there is going to be a 1.4 million dollar shortfall in the school budget .Why the surprise ? Sherman and Yon warned that this would happen when the schools used one time stimulus money of that amount to give themselves pay raises.Yon and Sherman said you can take temporary money to give raises because the amount will have to be made up taxes. This will not go away till they make cuts of staff or services. Watch the PCTV Budget meeting when they warned of this,I guess these guys wanna live in fantasy world,I want to trust them with major financial expenditure like a new school? I don’t think so.Pittsfield better send theses guys packing ,We are still paying on old school buses.while we have new ones.

Reply to  billy
9 years ago

1.4 million short, with 3.5% increase. Now that’s funny. Strange how they talked about all the increases, in budget. No mention on savings with gas and oil.

Reply to  danvalenti
9 years ago

Not to mention the student enrolment decline. Plus the census studies that predict declines in the entire county.

9 years ago

Tully,Morandi,Connell Mazzeo are not free thinkers representing the citizens.They walk in step with the Mayor that’s not how healthy government works. That is why the city is shrinking as well as the school population.i don’t care much those councilors and the mayor talk,you can’t spin failure.

If this winter has not given you a clear understanding how the Mayor is over his head providing even basic services such as snow removal and street maintenance.People expect prompt city services not excuses from their chief executive and his department heads.Why were other Commisioners able to get things done and not this one? Why were all surrounding towns able to get the job done.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Tully is a one woman disaster and no its not bitterness talking its fact. What one councilor gets sued twice in their first term and still harasses her constiturnt instead of not getting involved in neighborhood disputes and doing a job that she was elected to do she focuses on something that is none of her business.

Yes I ran and I lost miserable but I wasn’t prepared and neither were the people ready for fresh ideas and someone with an independent mind.
Kevin Morandi just now found his voice but not until he asks for permission from Tully and the other minions. Im glad I lost because then I would not have to be apart of this sideshow but then at least I would not have to ask permission to speak my mind.
