(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, JAN. 5, 2015) — You may have missed The Lovely Linda’s inaugural speech yesterday. No sweat. As a public service, THE PLANET presents our annotated version.
Mayor Tyer began by quoting Judge James Baker, who in 1891, when Pittsfield became a city, wrote: “Pittsfield is a daughter of a loved and honored and honorable Commonwealth.” First, as a rhetorical curiosity, THE PLANET looks askance at those who would eschew a serial comma and overuse coordinating conjunctions. Second, if the city is a daughter of the Commonwealth, can we say then that the way she subsequently turned out might be used as an argument for retroactive municipal birth control?
Next, TLL paid her respects to the assembled dignitaries and windbags, including judges, clergy, elected officials, state reps, and former city office holders. That’s the part where Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski held their breath and their noses. Must have been something in the air. It reached a case of possible carbon monoxide poisoning when the mayor told the fools on the Pittsfield School Committee, “Our children are counting on us, you and me, to create safe schools that give them every educational, social, and cultural advantage.” Those final eight words sent tremors deep in the underground, where what remains of the city’s dying middle class resides in fear, looming poverty, and squalor-ed dignity. Those, too, Madame Mayor,are “social and cultural” issues.
‘Mutual Respect’? It Depends
LTT called out Right Honorable Good Friends on the City Council “the people’s … representatives chosen to advocate on their behalf.” That punch line drew roars of raucous laughter.
No it didn’t.
Of course, since Tyer knows that political payback awaits as a consequence of win over the Rival Machine, she spoke of building “mutual respect” and “shared destiny.” She wishes. THE PLANET hates to say it, but there are councilors and others within and without city hall whose idea of “mutual respect” will be to pour superglue into her keyhole and sugar into her gas tank.
After all that, Tyer addressed every GOB, SIG, and Suit in the room. To illustrate how such speeches are not connected to reality to the point of delusion, the new mayor expressed her “respect and admiration for those of you that have blazed a trail of excellence.” The only thing “blazed” by these officials going back a generation, with a handful of exceptions, has been to blaze through shots at Lach‘s and Pepe‘s and set fire to their oaths (or is it “oafs”) of office. This was TLL’s cleverest bit, since she knows that hardly a soul in that room would know “excellence” if it pulled out her chair, placed a napkin in her lap, and served her a Maine baked potato with all the trimmings.
Planning the Escape Routes
Then came this: “Pittsfield is our home. Here at home we create opportunity for those who seek prosperity, we strive for economic justice, we have compassion for struggle, we celebrate success, we maximize our talent, and we build a future for this generation and the next. We read. We sing. We write. And make art and follow dreams. Our heritage of innovation, invention, and fierce determination will be our inspiration. Preserving the natural beauty of our surroundings and respecting our environment will be our legacy. Together we will make our city ready for good things to happen.”
“We write.”
That was The Lovely Linda’s only mention of THE PLANET!
One of our spies in the room later went through the mayor’s trash and found an earlier version of this passage. It read: “Pittsfield is our home. Here at home, we crush those who strive for justice, especially if they are ordinary and aren’t “Connected.” We drink. We do drugs. We walk the streets, aimlessly. We make art with taxpayer money. Together, we will plans our escape routes when the whole enchilada collapses in on itself.” On the draft, we see these words crossed out, with a handwritten note: “Hon, not too much truth on the first day. Luv ya, BC.”
To ‘We The People’
Then came her “vow” to We The People: “I will remember you when I am faced with difficult decisions.”
THE PLANET wonders. Will the new mayor will remember the unwashed masses and taxpayers come time for submitting her first budget (FY ’17), when the pigs line up at the public trough, led by the Vested Interests advocating for the city public schools? Will she let The People have a vote on the $200 million new school? Or will she do as her predecessors have done, for a generation, and cave to these money grubbers? Do we find the answer in the hidden meaning of this line: “Community activism is alive and thriving”?
Some forms of “community activism” we don’t need. The Pittsfield kind.
“I did not walk into this chamber alone,” Mayor Tyer said.
True, but if she actually means what she promised, particularly the bit about keeping We The People at the forefront when she faces tough decisions,” she’s going to walk out alone.
The Suits won’t put up with that kind of guff.
“Much Madness is divinest Sense — / To a discerning eye.” — Emily Dickinson, (1862).
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Check out the Utter Brothers at the inauguration: Utter Corruption and Utter Incompetence.
On the left, Evan Dobelle the guy who got fired from TWO college president jobs (the first at UHawaii, the second at Westfield State); and,
Gerald S. Doyle Jr., the guy who gave away Pittsfield’s legal rights to collect from GE literally BILLIONS for environmental damage sustained by the City.
The more times one looks at all of these pictures the funnier it gets.. The best images are of Farley, Jody Phillips, Dennis Guyer, Krol, Connell and of course Dobelle. It didn’t take Jody long to figure out that we ain’t got it so great in the private sector. She didn’t miss a meal tho. Krol knew where the camera was at all times.
Tom you’re right about Jody. We suckers in the private sector have to schlep for a living content with a wage freeze (where I work anyway). While the hacks Live Large on my money. I heard why there was a rush to get over to the museum after the inaug. People wanted to get there before Jody to make sure there wre a few crumbs left.
Whats Jody and her beau chief wynn pulling down? Gotta be at least $200 grand.
Best post of the day. Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good bitch session. Take that, Jody Wynn!
But what about that cess-mountain Mt. Doyle behind the middle school?
Can’t some city swindler make it into skiing attraction?
Dobelle belongs in prison. So does Jack Welch.
“I did not walk into this chamber alone.”
The people know that she did not walk into that chamber alone and that is what has them nervous as hell. Like it or not she will be judged by the company she keeps (not referring to Barry) and unless she can keep any special interest activity completely behind doors the people will lose faith quickly and she will join the pariah group of ex mayors.
It’s a New Year…. a New Face….Let’s hope for a Spark for Change!! Best Wishes Mayor Tyer…the balls in your court.
Seventy percent living in poverty in Pittsfield is a social and cultural issue that will not be solved by throwing more money at the schools. This will not stop the greedy school system from demanding more money, however, all in the name of the children. We have been down this road before and it only leads to more poverty for Pittsfield residents. If Linda Tyer wants to begin her term as mayor showing she cares for all the people and not just the special interests, she should give we the people a vote on a new Taconic.
Pittsfield and North Adams are among the welfare capitals of Western Massachusetts! It makes the average middle class family and small business move away. People don’t want to tolerate the underclass who live in poverty and live off of welfare and social services, where there are violent crimes, shootings, and murders! Would you want your child to go to poorly performing public schools with disadvantaged and disturbed youth? That is why over 650 Pittsfield students per year choice out of Pittsfield public schools.
All the Good Old Boys attended the lovely Linda Tyer’s inauguration yesterday, 1/4/2016. Her high profile supporters, Peter Marchetti and John Krol, were unanimously elected to City Council Prez and Veep, respectively. The lovely Linda Tyer has her stars lined up for whatever her political agenda really is.
Each and every year, Pittsfield politics increases taxes by about 5 percent. When the financing for the new Taconic High School begins, that will add another 1 to 2 percent to the tax increase. When Sabic Plastics leaves Pittsfield, between 300 to 500 good jobs will be lost in Pittsfield, and Pittsfield’s tax base will shrink again.
It is not a pretty picture for the lovely Linda Tyer!
Mr. Melle,
There were photos showing Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. and other Pittsfield GOB’s — was anyone there not a Democrat? — present at Monday’s inaugural ceremony with hands outstretched, fingers on each hand spread wide.
Proof positive that for a brief moment — probably the first in years — Pittsfield’s taxpayers were safe from having their pockets picked.
Nuciforo’s attendance at the lovely Linda Tyer’s inauguration is not a good sign of things to come for Pittsfield politics!
GE still owns the property where Sabic is located. Therefore the city is not losing tax revenue. GE still has to pay the taxes on property they own.
Pat Time to give it a rest. Your crying about Taconic will not get you a vote on the school. If you hate this city and its politics then its time to move to a town who has town meeting votes.
Yes Pat, if you don’t like what the good ole boys and girls are feeding you leave town. Pittsfield is not a democracy. It’s a Gobocracy.
The cliché’s are difficult listening.
I am not sure how this 70% poverty number keeps surfacing when the 2014 census figure is 14.1% percent with a +/- 2.3% error.
It must just be there are over 50% of people living beyond their means. They seem poor because they lack individual accountability and economic discipline.
Please explain why all K – 6 Pittsfield students receive free school lunches.
Please explain all of the thousands of lost jobs in Pittsfield over the past generation.
Please explain all of the thousands of people who have moved out of Pittsfield over the past generation.
Please explain Pittsfield politics’ shrinking tax base.
Please explain all of the violent crime, including murders, in Pittsfield.
Please explain the blatant political corruption in Pittsfield politics.
Please explain the poorly performing public schools in Pittsfield.
Please explain why most of Pittsfield’s young adults have to leave Pittsfield to find a living wage job.
Please explain Pittsfield politics high taxes, big spending, and huge debts.
Please explain Pittsfield politics nearing its tax levy ceiling with no new growth.
If you, “Shakes His Heads”, can explain all of these sad realities facing Pittsfield politics, then I will believe your belief against the 70 percent poverty number in Pittsfield!
I am not disagreeing with your perceptions. I am stating that available data does not support the 70% figure you use. Again, find the data, find the comparable communities, research, find out what works and what doesn’t.
* 70% of Pittsfield residents live in poverty and rely on welfare and social services
* 80% of North Adams residents live in poverty and rely on welfare and social services
* 90% of Holyoke residents live in poverty and rely on welfare and social services
* 90% of Lawrence residents live in poverty and rely on welfare and social services
There are very poor communities throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, including Pittsfield!
When I want something, I file a Petition.
I know it won’t be approved, but I feel good about it:))
My first Petition was to revoke mandatory Registration of “non-owner occupied properties” which they refused to approve, but instead they cut 60% of obvious nonsense in the original City Ordinance Chapter 3.5
Funny thing is none of you know that now in Pittsfield, if you leave your house let’s say to travel around the World–you must pay them $10 and register in Health Department ,cause your house becomes non-owner occupied and you must let them know your destination and future address where you stay!!! Seriously!
Dear Shakes His head! I own 2 houses and all my tenants are low income people. In one house everybody is on disability–all tenants. In second house, only One man works, the rest are either disabled or applied for it, waiting.
so, in my case it is not 70% poverty, but 90%–really.
“42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.”
– Steven Wright
70% does seem a bit high. 14.1% seems too low. Nobody trust government stats anymore. In order for people to collect food stamps or Obamacare, you have to be in poverty. How many Pittsfield residents collect these benefits?
Many are working poor. In the not too distant past, a man could raise a family on $9.00 an hour working at GE. Today, that is not a livable wage. Obamacare has created permanent part-time jobs. Once a person gets Medicaid and food stamps ebt card, they would be foolish to take full-time work as when they do, they lose those benefits and have to pay for them, making them worse off than working part-time.
A fertile young woman knows all she has to is get pregnant and the gov’t gravy train ride begins. Then make the guy pay child support, welfare, ebt and free healthcare…… there is no incentive to go and get a job.
This world has been brought to you by progressive liberal democrats. Its a far cry from “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”.
The way things are being done is not sustainable. It will reach a breaking point. $20 trillion dollars in debt. A country that is $20 trillion dollars in debt is not a wealthy country. In fact it is a country that is in poverty.
This system is constantly being propped up with money printed out of thin air. It will fail. Its only a matter of time.
“$20 trillion dollars in debt”– even this amount is not the whole picture, cause there is unfunded liability, meaning
Government’s promise to pay for something they simply have no funds, like future Social Security pensions and Medicare.
Kudos to the Planet on phase one of the new administration reality check.
Can this city government relate to Pittsfield’s average senior on social security ? Time will tell.
Based on the council and new mayor’s cadre of advisors, one may have to be skeptical.
Barry Clairmont is a CPA and a partner in his own firm.
Tom Sakshaug is a dentist.
Jonathon Lothrop is a Simon Rock educated rich kid with a state job, beholden to Jimmie Ruberto, whose wife is employed in academia.
6 of the 11 city councilors have been municipal employees, ie; teachers, principals, solicitors, mayor’s go-fers. 1 is highly paid by a non profit. 1 is a bank officer. 1 lives the life of the Beverly Hillbillies,” swimming pools, Mercedes Benz,” a high roller. 1 is a tenement landlord with considerable holdings.That leaves only Kevin Morandi a barber.
Mayor Tyer; Remember the fixed income seniors. They earned their place in the city.
The dog and and pony is a tradition and a must – words mean nothing – the tone for the next 4 years will be set this month…come on down Yon and Dohoney your political payback (at the taxpayers expense) is waiting for you…
The Eagle has 150 photos of the inauguration of her honor and the after reception at the museum. It is truly a must see. The images of the three former mayors should be preserved in wax and kept on display.
Must we wait, can these characters be placed in the hot wax right now?
How much did the honesty-challenged Evan Dobelle’s shenanigans cost UHawaii and Westfield State?
And how much did Gerald S. Doyle, Jr. cost Pittsfield’s residents? What’s $100 Billion (which GE could have been held liable for) minus $10 Million (the amount paid to the City and placed into a special ‘development’ account)?
Gee, that’s only $990 Million that Gerry’s bungling cost residents.
Excuse me: $100 Billion minus $10 Million is $99 Billion 990 Million.
Thanks, Gerry!
Don’t know how many times the Planet has reminded us about payback to the suits, and don’t forget Lovelace was an employee of the City, also.
I’m relatively new to this site, having moved to the area after Thanksgiving. Glad to have discovered this “voice crying in the wilderness.” I am impressed at the writing and the sophistication of it.
Going through many back issues to try to get up to speed with city issues, The Planet has been invaluable.
I am sorry for your loss.
Welcome to The Planet.
Yes, GORE. Welcome aboard.
I wonder how many of the ideas that L T comes up with are hers or are they B C . No wonder he gave up the council seat how would he have time for anything else.
I doubt that Linda or Barry get to come up with many ideas.
Look up figurehead or puppet or facade
Not many idea’s come out of Pittsfield politicians. Just feed the machine, keep doing the same old same. The same sitcom, just different cast members.
Hey Dan…Kind of a cheap shot at Barry I thought with your “editing scenario,” Funny, but a bit cheap and frankly a little beneath you.
Please explain. What “cheap shot?” I don’t see one.
I wonder now that the spotlight has shifted from Barry’s hated rival Bianchi to LT, will he still frequent the site and comment ? 4 years of relentless criticism will wear anyone down – he can dish it out, but can he take it ?????
I’ve taken it on the chin many, many times on this site. Four years ago Dan Valenti crucified me three days straight. You , and others have hit me hard many times.
I can take it.
Did anyone see BC at the last council meeting he wasn’t just trying to make a point he was very angry it showed on his face
I watched that meeting. I disagree with your assessment.
I felt calm and it appeared that way to me on TV as well.
Why do you think I was angry?
Maybe because Lothrop wouldn’t conversate with you?????
Barry, weren’t you trying to get more into the free cash account? How will that play out?
I figure BC attempted to leave more money in the free cash account in order to have more $ available for LT’s first budget. Remember her campaign pledge to “stabilize taxes”.
Maybe we need to move on. On this blog, no one liked Bianchi. He’s gone. Now you are bashing LT before her first real day on the job is over. Several hated the old council, and the same group hates the new council. You hated the school committee – and since they were all re-elected, you still hate them.
I hate paying taxes. But Government is in place to tax and spend money on things that the private sector won’t or cannot do without the powers of government. Several of you seem to think that until we cut taxes and spending to zero, we are screwing it up.
The schools need to improve – and with all the good ideas out here, no one ran for SC and tried to push a different agenda forward in the one venue that counts, the SC.
Last year, precious few took out papers to run for any office. that means we need to work with who ran. there are at least 50 regular posters to this site, and if the opinions expressed were representative of the majority, you would have won. Or were you afraid of the “oh crap” moment that occurs when you win – and now need to produce? Sort of like the dog running after the car, desperately hoping that he will not actually catch it…
I will bet that more than the average number of posters to this site vote, yet still the folks who ran for office either won or lost, and based on the posting – very few voted for anyone who won their race – yet races were in fact won. It does not seem unreasonable to give the folks in office just a few months to show us what they want to do.
My taxes fro what I have in Pittsfield are roughly 2/3 what they would be in Dalton, 1/2 of what they would be in Lenox and 1/2 of what they would be in Lanseborough. So I am not over taxed. I will not be moving to another town with its own brand of politics that actually costs me MORE money to live in. I see there is waste – but if I went to those three towns, I bet I would see a similar amount of waste (or more). Yes LT will spend tax money to promote her agenda – just like they do in every other City and Town in this Country.
If I disagree so vehemently with how my money is spent though, I need to run for office. I haven’t run. One reason is that I imagine that if I won, I would have the same 49% representing those who voted against me calling me a crook, idiot, or whatever. I also might find that unlike when posting to a blog – once up on the dais, the choices and solutions are not so cut and dried.
And then of course there are those who will always be unhappy. They take no responsibility for their own lives instead blaming their fate and circumstances on what someone has “done to them”. They then go on to take an outsized interest in a community they left. Well JM and the others who left, your energies would be better spent improving your own lives and current communities. Me, I go to work each day, I volunteer for several community groups and I try to push forward so that tomorrow is better than today. My life is imperfect, I am imperfect, and keep up trying to improve the 3/4 of an acre on this earth I own and hope my place in it does less harm than good.
As for BC, he is yesterday’s news. He did what he could to help push the City into a different direction. He did some good, some not so good – but again, he ran for office, took the barbs slung at him and managed to win (though by a hair) a re-election so criticizing him for doing what he said he would do seems a bit odd. (If he helps LT understand issues better than she did before, that’s great. We all get advice from someone, and I am glad if she actually takes advice – since so many elected folks thing they know it all and listen to no one but those whop parrot their views (think TFB).
I left Pittsfield because my family moved to southern New Hampshire in the Autumn of 2003. I left Pittsfield because I was politically persecuted and blacklisted by the Good Old Boys club, especially by Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., who at one time tried to jail me, had local people associated with his political network bully me, including threatening to assault me, spread vicious rumors against me, made sure I would never find a living wage job in Pittsfield, and filed multiple “ethics” complaints against my dad to try to get him fired from his job at the Pittsfield courthouse. I know what Pittsfield politics is all about! It is about power, money, control, the Good Old Boys, and local gossip, rumors, and mudslinging. In Pittsfield you either have to be part of the inside group or you are an outsider. The lovely Linda Tyer is the new leader of the Pittsfield political insiders. She is promising to change Pittsfield from insider politics to an open municipal government, but all of her supporters are the same group of insiders that have run Pittsfield (into the proverbial ditch) for several generations. Pittsfield is in a downward spiral. There are no living wage jobs, 70% of local residents live in poverty and are dependent on welfare and social services, thousands of people have moved away, including me, from Pittsfield, thousands of jobs have been lost and they are not coming back in our lifetimes, municipal finances are tightly constrained and near insolvency with the property tax levy ceiling being reached within the next 3 to 4 fiscal years, opeb debts hover in the one-half billion dollar range and will never be paid back in our lifetimes, Pittsfield faces the possibility of future bankruptcy and another round of state government receivership, Pittsfield public schools are underperforming with over 650 students per year choicing out to neighboring communities, there are violent crimes, shootings, and murders in Pittsfield, PCBs and cancer patients are still a problem in Pittsfield, the Consent Decree is a fraudulent legal document because PCBs still pollute the community, and the like.
I live in Pittsfield, I own a home here and yes, I am overtaxed. You say we pay less than other towns. Maybe that’s so but if my money is wasted on bloated departments, salaries, etc.etc. I am overtaxed.
As far a running for office. Those in Pittsfield realize that it’s very, very difficult to run outside the good ole boy network. The G man was far from a GOB and was not well received. If we want things to change we have to find candidates to run here. I know Gaetani is trying to organize a committee to find candidates. Maybe he’ll talk about it om his TV show. I understand he was in the hospital with what turned out to be an episode of Bell’s palsy. I hope he’s ok and is able to do the show.
WFA The G man also came across as a loony tune.
Actually in the debates he had the best ideas. He was the only one who had any concern for the well being of the taxpayer.
Mr. Rosenfeld–If you followed the mayoral race you would know, that Mr. Gaetani was rhe most educated. accopplished individual to ever run for mayor of the City of Pittsfield. HE is also a decorated Viet-Nam vet. He represents the taxpayer and is out there representing them every day of the week. Your remarks acertain something about you. You are definetely Gob-SIG. No doubt about it.
Did we ever find out his CV? However thank him for his service.
Southeast Your response is the best Ive ever read! Great Job! You make total sense!
Well said, southeast.
Southeast, your post has changed my life. Thank you, I now see the error of my ways,
Sarah had her abberation, Jimmy his Rolodex, Gerry his Consent Decree, Barry his one percent, and Southeast is correct, we should move on, but make no mistake, the taxpayer has a voice because of the Planet and people like Terry Kinnas and The G Man. Our rights as Taxpayers and Citizens are at stake here! It is our
My Liberty and the pursuit of MY happiness that makes me a fan of this site, and personally don’t gives a care what anyone else does.
Sara Hathaway worked for Nuciforo, who set her up to follow Gerry Doyle’s mayoral debacle. She was “a breath of fresh air” after Gerry Doyle lost millions of public dollars that are still unaccounted for, sent the city government into state government receivership, and signed the flawed Consent Decree. Mayor Sara Hathaway served only one 2 year term because she was ousted by Jimmy Ruberto, who moved from Texas back to his mother’s home in Pittsfield. Jimmy Ruberto put his mother, who had alzheimer’s disease, into a nursing home and thereby usurped his mother’s Pittsfield home. I believe this was a terrible act of elder abuse and showed Jimmy Ruberto’s character: A total unethical slimeball! Jimmy Ruberto sold Pittsfield as a businessman with a “rolodex” that would bring economic growth to Pittsfield. However, the opposite happened during the 4 term 8 year long Jimmy Ruberto regime! Pittsfield saw thousands of people move away along with thousands of jobs lost. Jimmy Ruberto’s rolodex turned out to be a roll of toilet paper! Jimmy Ruberto’s failed tenure brought Pittsfield 2 terms or 4 years of Dan Bianchi, who continued Pittsfield’s downward spiral, blaming everything on his predecessor, Jimmy Ruberto, and taking no accountability for his lack of leadership to solve Pittsfield politics many problems. The lovely Linda Tyer, backed by Jimmy Ruberto’s G.O.B.’s, promised to be a leader who will bring change to Pittsfield by instituting an open, fair, and inclusive municipal government. But the gag is that all of the Good Old Boys and insiders are part of the lovely Linda Tyer’s political organization. Peter Marchetti has been auditioning for Pittsfield politics Good Old Boys operations man for years now. John Krol is still paying his dues. Pittsfield politics is still on a downward spiral and things are only getting worse! Sabic Plastics is moving to Texas and Pittsfield is going to lose between 300 – 500 jobs. The financing for the new Taconic High School will begin soon. That will add millions of dollars annually to Pittsfield’s property tax bill. Pittsfield is nearing it property tax levy ceiling with no new growth. Pittsfield politics is facing tough times!
You cannot stop the Planet, this is the most powerful site in the Northeast, everywhere I go outside of Pittsfield, someone knows this site. There are literally thousands who watch this blog but don’t post, so be careful what you wish for, because many do not live here.
Appreciate it, SL!
Thats nOt far fetched Shell! Currently there are four in my immediate family and have nineteen relatives, not to mention their in laws, tune in, that would be at least twenty seven.
Outside of plain outlandish lying, mostly politicians, not this site, then you have a problem. Really haven’t seen any untruths on here, when it gets out of hand there is a complaint and the Planets Squadron takes immediate action, with either a warning or redaction. Not only is the Host the Brightest, and has Best Blog, he just happens to be a great writer, funny and entertaining,if the Gob Sigs won’t March in order for the common good, then Don’t run for office, we help pay the freight you know.
The common good…..that’s what is missing in the thinking of politicians today. They look out for certain groups, but not everybody. We need leaders who take all people into consideration and not just the loud rich people and their demands. True leaders are very rare in the world today.
The common good has always been a myth. Even our founding fathers took charge as their private interests were being threatened. they cared less for the “others” than for themselves. In the 1940’s FDR had a group called Dollar-A-Year Men. they were people from the elite who magnanimously served the country to mobilize for WW2.
While they were wealthy and had no need for the salary they did without, in fact they often remained on the payrolls of the companies they came from for the duration of the war.
But, along with their generosity – they gained rolodexes worth a fortune, inside deals on contracts which were not bid, fire sale purchase prices of assets used to produce the war’s necessary armaments – and would be valuable in the post war binge which followed.
Did the nation get the benefit of their skills? yes. di they do it for free? hell no!!
If we want to mobilize after a national disaster, we could hire wal mart to replicate their logistics. after Katrina and in other instances, wal mart was open before anyone else.
sometimes advancing the public good entails allowing folks to profit. sometimes if the folks who profit do not produce public good, we should simply hold them criminally responsible and send them to jail. but we don’t do that too well either, do we?
Pat yet you are a staunch Republican. I don’t get you.
I’m not a Republican. I’m an Independent.
It’s not the rich who are the problem….the biggest problem in Pittsfield is the bloated school dept. They are sucking up all the tax money. Why do you think there isn’t enugh money for anything else?
Totally agree. In a capsule, THE problem with the city is the engorged, phat school department. Go after that bloated beast, and perhaps citizens might have a fighting chance. The city cannot endure four more budgets of the kind its received for a generation. Seriously, unless there is RADICAL REFORM, the city’s a financial goner.
Thanks, MISS VITO. There are NO UNTRUTHS on THE PLANET. We present fact-based coverage, driven not by opinion but analysis, in which we present our views on the TRUTH of what’s happening.
If the new mayor adds 1 new job and cuts real estate taxes by 1 dollar she will be the most successful mayor pittsfield ma has had in 20 years
Thanks to the Planet for a great blog!