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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13, 2016) — It is political correctness run amok, and the most distressing part of it has to be the location, a university campus.

Under America’s criminal justice system, the accused shall be considered innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law. That fundamental tenet, however, doesn’t mean much to the fragile, pampered, immature, gendered, race-baiting free-stylers who now inhabit the campuses of higher learning with sickening frequency. Welcome to the university, ladies and gentlemen, where, if enough of these little roseheads are “distressed” over a debatable issue in the public forum, the administration crumbles.

Case in point, George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The school has rescinded Bill Cosby’s honorary doctorate because of allegations of sexual assault lodged against him by every other woman in America of a certain age and a certain ambitiousness.

From Reuters: “‘The Washington college’s practice has been not to pull a degree because of information that surfaced after it was awarded, but the allegations have distressed alumni and students who have been sexually assaulted,’ President Steven Knapp said. ‘I have therefore decided that the university will rescind Mr. Cosby’s honorary degree.'”

Although more than 50 women has made public claims about Cosby’s novel approach to “The Dating Game,” charges that go back decades, only one has filed in court. Cosby faces charges of felonious sexual assault, lodged by a woman who says Cosby “did her” in 2004.

Cosby has strongly denied all charges of sexual misconduct, which read eerily like a broken record: Cosby plies innocent starlet-to-be (or other form of gold digger) with drugs then takes advantage. But why would Cosby do this? He was a superstar, with a choice of groupies only too willing to sacrifice their scruples for a bit of “I, Spy.”

Cosby’s Heathcliff Huxtable earned him mega-success, leaving him as one of America’s wealthiest and most influential entertainers. That’s a magnet for a certain type of person, who would do anything and say anything for a chance at an unearned piece of the pie.

Even if a Pennsylvania jury finds Cosby guilty of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, a former student at Temple University, Cosby’s alma mater, that should not wipe out an honorary degree given for a lifetime of accomplishments, not a past full of indiscretions. Funny thing about Constand. In 2006, for an undisclosed sum of cash, she agreed to drop a civil suit filed against Cosby. This time around, Constand filed her criminal charges just before the statute of limitations ran out. The timing is, at minimum, convenient.

A couple of troubling questions hang in the air:

  • Who is the only victim so far in the Cosby case? Answer: Bill Cosby. His accusers stand to gain financially, are perceived as courageous for coming forward, and get a skate on their lifestyles.
  • Why, of all places, have college campuses bowed to the demands of a handful of spoiled brats hypnotized by political correctness? We love the statement of Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, who told his student cry-babies: “This is not day care! It’s a university.”

Learning happens when ideas can be freely shared in an unexpurgated manner. New ideas can be upsetting. You’re feelings get hurt? Tough. Come back with a better argument. Otherwise, S. T. F. Up. It’s time for colleges and universities to get back to the job of higher learning, which is to teach critical thinking. This involves discourse, debate, and discussion, much of which can be offensive, upsetting, and hurtful. These are the flints upon which minds and critical faculties are sharpened.

“Something kind of hit me today. I looked at you and wondered if you saw things my way.”David Bowie, “We Are the Dead,” from the album Diamond Dogs, (1974).

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Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Wow. I can’t back you on this. GW is a private institution. They can do whatever they want. And yes if Cosby’s accusers are being truthful, then they should expect restitution and Cosby should go to jail. For the rest of his life.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

This nonsense is happening in all colleges.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

You’re right. Colleges should unite and make sure that alleged rapists know that they have more of a right to honorary degrees that the people that pay, work at and graduate from them have the right to say who gets those honorary degrees. Rapists of the world (allegedly) we’ve got your back!

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Innocent until proven guilty which he may be proven guilty, but it does not excuse the behavior of these college students. Agree with Dan V. These are spoiled brats hypnotized by political correctness.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

My kid goes to GW. I am well pleased that they pulled the degree. The standard for criminal trial/conviction is innocent until proven guilty. The standard is much lower for conferral (and resciding) of honorary degrees. If you were on, or had kids on a college campus (not a Community College where the kids don’t live) you’d know that rape and sexual misconduct is a HUGE issue. The things that Cosby is accused of, and the things that happen on campuses, are difficult to prove and challenging to even allege. Female students especially are in danger, the numbers of sexual incidents are shockingly high. I am pleased they are making noise and shocked that someone would denigrate them for it. They are not spoiled and hypnotized. The fact is, more than a quarter of them will be sexually molested while on campus. They have every right to be loud.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

I guess that means Bill Clinton should have his degrees taken away

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Comrade Torchinsky?

8 years ago

Yet Obama wants to send more people to these terrible colleges free of charge where all they are learning is how to be not so nice human beings, but they will have a degree and supposedly be able to get a good job and in this world isn’t that all that matters?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

Good point, close BCC.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Colleges and Entertainment alike – It is all about MONEY!
An accused person is always innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law. Bill Cosby should come clean to all who have alleged his sexual misconduct against them. If he is truly innocent then the truth will set him free. He should become an advocate against sexual misconduct!

8 years ago

I agree with Dan. To many times people are convicted in the press long before they see the inside of a court room.
Dan’s statements about the whiney PC correct students at our colleges could not ring truer. As hard to believe is it is, we actually have students and professors that do not understand free speech. They don’t even seem to remember the old saying, I may not agree with what to have to say but I will defend your right to say it”.
Most students entering college today can’t even name the branches of government let alone what they do. We can thank a failing educational system for that. Somewhere along the way the teaching of civics fell by the wayside.

8 years ago

Funny how the white guy with same initials gets a free pass. Power trumps money.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  joetaxpayer
8 years ago

Philandering is different than raping.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

they say the truth has at least 3 sides, so in fact nothing in the press probably resembles what in fact happened. Bill Cosby took advantage of star struck women who put themselves in a position with him that they never would have with most of the rest of us. That does not make it right – and a court will decide if it’s rape.

A former President uses his power to also entice women who are not his wife. Is that rape? Maybe, but it seems as if Clinton never has been accused of drugging the women. Having rough sex and making them complaint with Quaaludes is probably one definition of consensual vs. force I might imagine.

My girls learned from me – if someone does not respect your “no” – cut their balls off, and I will bail you out if necessary. At least with a trophy in your hand, no one will question if you meant what you said. But most of the boyfriends had more reason to fear me than the courts. I cleaned my gun more than a few times in front of them.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Southeast
8 years ago

No, not in fact. not in fact at all. Cosby acknowledged that in the 1970s he obtained Quaaludes, a now-illegal sedative, to give to women he wanted to have sex with. HE did not take the drugs, he date raped women.

He took the role of public moralist.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Quaaludes were a popular party drug, until women are put in jail for having sex with intoxicated men it’s not a legitimate offense

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Southeast
8 years ago

You sound like a classy guy. Your daughters boyfriends must really be impressed when they come to your house. In a world so filled with disease and infections I hope the girls bring sterilized cutting tools when they go on dates.

Reply to  Thomas More
8 years ago

they have all learned to make good choices. no one has died or been dismembered. what we really taught them was to make good choices, be aware of what situations they are in – and be strong enough to stand up for themselves, knowing we will be there for them.

me – I am not so classy. but the kids did better.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

You call it philandering, I call it sexual assault. Bill has long history of this dating back to late 60’s. Must be good to be King.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  joetaxpayer
8 years ago

Then maybe Slick Willie does deserve punishment for his actions. Just because somebody gets away with robbing a bank doesn’t mean I will.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

The important point is why liberals gave a pass to Clinton and want to Lynch Cosby?

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

I’m sure that Juanita Brodrick would agree with you troll boy.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Irvin Corey
8 years ago

Objecting to violent crimes committed against young women makes me a troll. I can live with that.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

I take that back. I don’ t want to insult other trolls

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Clinton has been accused of rape as well. Be consistent

8 years ago

America is broken down. Caused by the division from the top down. Morals ethics, corruption…..double standards……. decency, compassion, doing the right thing, believing you can advance through the efforts of hard honest work….all deteriorated….. and the anger is gathering speed. There is no Moral Compass in America thanks to the BIGS. Government, Big Business and Power!!

Reply to  spagirl
8 years ago

Shakespeare said it best…..

Reply to  spagirl
8 years ago

I couldn’t agree more Spagirl.

8 years ago

Principles meet school committee to tell them they need more money, morningside school in trouble, curtis wants more money. ..he and eberwien messed this system up….school committee has no clue except more money. ..they will get this money from the clerk s.secretary s,kitchen cooks,and paraproffesioals and those that clean toilets

Reply to  Change
8 years ago

in the school world if you don’t get what you think you should have gotten plus 15% more on top of that – you have been CUT. And as we all know, the children will suffer.

Reply to  Southeast
8 years ago

No one believes that the money almost never gets to the children.

Norm Fernordner
Norm Fernordner
8 years ago

Off topic but after watching last night’s CC meeting no one should be surprised that the new CC filed all three citizen submitted petitions. The petitions were to kill the THS Project, Have all City telephone lines be recorded lines and give citizens speaking in the public session 7 minutes to speak. It should be crystal clear that this new mayor and council, is as bad as the last mayor and council. The citizen has no say what-so -ever. Everyone has to realize that if a doer citizen with a track record of saving the city multiple millions can’t receive the time of day from the council, then there is no hope for any ordinary citizen to be heard and taken seriously. Probably the only way to return the city to its rightful owners, the taxpayer, is through citizen initiative. The mechanism as to how to go about it is being studied and will be announced through print, social media and local public access television (PCTV). All the posting on the planet is futile. It is time for the citizens of this city to unite and put an end to this corrupt city govt. which is destroying this city. Each and every person on this site has to unite and do whatever it takes to wrestle control back to the taxpayer. At the present, the citizen has no representation and will be taxed into oblivion by this new mayor and council. One can only hope that Dan Valenti will put hard questions to MayorTyer on the TV Show and hold her feet to the fire. I predict he will fail. All that we will get is talk and talk is cheap. Action is what is needed and quickly.1

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Norm Fernordner
8 years ago

Norm, I disagree about the posting being futile. It’s always good to bring issues to light any way we can. I am hoping that Dan has a good interview with the mayor. I hope she doesn’t throw around words like collaborate, vibrant and dynamic. Government by buzzphrase and tired cliche never works out .

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  Irvin Corey
8 years ago

When I hear a politician use words like that I feel that they are trying to baffle us with bull spit.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Norm Fernordner
8 years ago

Here’s the link. Good luck getting 250 signatures, although it is less than the votes three of the candidates got for mayor in the last primary election.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

That’s a pretty low bar for motivated citizens?

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Troll boy posts useful information at last

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
8 years ago

So far I give the 2016 council a passing grade……the marks would be higher if Amuso, Krol and Tully weren’t on the council.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Irvin Corey
8 years ago

How could I forget Cacomo….he’s just there to occupy space.

Reply to  Irvin Corey
8 years ago

I have personally met and chatted/saw him chatting with a friend. Caccamo has about as much personality as my left toe. Probably has as many brains as well. He is only there because he is uncontested. Hopefully that changes next time around because he literally has done nothing, if not the minimum to represent the ward. He got bike lanes on Elm Street, big whoop. Why can’t they use the sidewalks like everyone else has for the past 50 years. Meanwhile, the lines at the end of Elm approaching East st. (outside of Georges) still haven’t been painted in accordance with the actual city plans and there are accidents almost weekly.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

Maybe Marchetti should buy coloring books and crayons for Cacomo, Krol and Tully so they look busy during meetings.

8 years ago

Granting an honorary degree is just as silly as rescinding one.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  danvalenti
8 years ago


Reply to  Major
8 years ago

There are too many people who have been made honorary knights as well. I like Elton John but I can’t see him in battle.

Reply to  Dusty
8 years ago

Boom goes the dynamite! I think Dusty just topped the Major!

Reply to  Major
8 years ago

Receiving an honorary degree from a college or university is the equivalent of being “appointed” an honorary police officer.

The receipent should (and probably does) feel embarrassed. Those with authentic degrees and credentials just wink at each other.

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
8 years ago

Hate to go off subject here but I think this is important.

GE is moving its corporate headquarters from Fairfield Ct. to Boston. Is there an opportunity here for a satellite office? CEO Immelt knows where we are and what we have to offer. Plastics Ave. has a facility that is modern and could be renovated for any purpose. Let’s think big and give it a shot.

We have retired corporate folks who live in this area that could be a resource. We have tax experts who speak corporate language. We have new energy in town that would handle themselves well talking with corporate executives.

Nothing ventured nothing gained. Let’s go for it.

Reply to  chuck garivaltis
8 years ago

Chuck I could be wrong on this but Pittsfield was on the shortlist
of the GE move. If you are correct about Boston I would say
Pittsfield is SOOL!

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
Reply to  Sonny
8 years ago

Sonny, We never had a shot for the big score. Administration offices for a company like GE would not be located on an isolated mountain top. But we could have a shot for something related to hi-tech, data, research, etc.

8 years ago

Chuck, you silly goose! Why would any of our politicians do anything that would make sense? They would rather give our money away to people with empty promises. For example: North St. Restaurants and guys promising to make batteries just to name a couple.

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Paul, we have a new team. It may be a team that does not think of themselves but of what is good/right needed for their community. No money up front, maybe, just maybe, a company that is fair in deciding what is right for city and company. Yahoos may argue but GE has been a wonderful company for Pittsfield. It may yet be. I have spoken of creative destruction. This may be a time of creation. Someone has to understand this. I think this team does.

8 years ago

Chuck, I hope you’re right. I’ve been disappointed by politicians so many times that I’ve learned to adapt a cautiously optimistic attitude. Go Pittsfield! 🙂

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Great, Paul. This is what we need. Nothing wrong and no money spent with the attitude of “Go Pittsfield”.

8 years ago

Welch told Immelt when he took the reigns,don’t look back, they aren’t coming back.

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
Reply to  Nota
8 years ago

Nota, This is not banking, plastics, transformers, or anything looking back. This is the future. It’s technology, digital, data communications, medical, solar, etc. GE staff working in these areas may want to live in an area where they and children can ski after work, or watch a play minutes ride from their homes, or look out their windows and see the mountains and hear birds chirping in the morning or crickets looking for fun in the evening. What’s to lose? Put a group together that won’t embarrass us and make a pitch to Immelt. I’m betting he’ll listen to us.

You may be right. Welch may have told Immelt to not look back. From what Immelt has done to the company he took the advice. GE today sure does not look like GE of yesterday. Immelt is his own man. He may listen to us. We will never know unless we try.

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
8 years ago

Wow! Wouldn’t it be wonderful? Due diligence, determination, and persistence, in Pittsfield, no less. Here’s the key thing in this endeavor: don’t be afraid of failure. The biggest failure is not trying.

8 years ago

Larry Bird is not walking through that door, and either is GE.

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
Reply to  joetaxpayer
8 years ago

Joe, Larry does not exist as a player today. GE is a big player, and they are returning to Mass. I’ll say it again, what’s to lose by giving it a shot? If we act like a loser we will be one. I’m not looking for 13,000 employees. But a few technocrats to fill the Plastics Ave. building would be a start.

Reply to  chuck garivaltis
8 years ago

contrary to what Alan Chartock always says about Pittsfield, we really do have a lot to offer. We have, Hancock Shaker Village, Barrington Stage Company, The Colonial Theater, the two most beautiful lakes around, the State Forest, Bosque ski area, great fishing and hunting, The Pittsfield Suns, great sports fields.
That is just a few highlights and yes we have Guido’s. We are located close to all the major venues north and south. What’s not to like?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Paul
8 years ago

Crime, crappy housing stock, and dilapidated schools. There are dozens of places with better taxing structures that offer those lifestyle amenities.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

You missed the point!
The point is that Pittsfield is not all gloom and doom. Negativity breeds negatively.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

There are many fantastic things in Pittsfield. Until the community gets real about the issues that drive where families want to live there wont be meaningful economic development.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

Parrish the thought joe.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
8 years ago

Now were being Cousy.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

It’d be nice to finally say G E workers Auerbach.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

Agree with Chuck, the Most we could do is try.

8 years ago

You guys aren’t Jonesing around !