(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 28, 2016) — Fifty refugees showed up tired, hungry, and broke but otherwise in good health. They were driven out of their homes by war, politics, and the totalitarian actions of a government not interested in their concerns.
The fifty were former Pittsfield residents who sought asylum at the Fortress of Solitude. They had been driven from their homes by punishing taxes, lack of an economy, and a surplus of services for the “gimme gang.” The refugees who came to the Fortress gates were members of what used to be called “the middle class.” The mayor’s office, city council, and school committee of Pittsfield didn’t have as much as an ice cube for them. The officials are “progressives.” They volunteer Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski to give until it hurts but do nothing themselves from their gated enclaves.
In the Fortress, THE PLANET treated the refugees from Pittsfield to bon mots and the witticisms that ensue from much good wine.
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On Monday night, the city of Pittsfield allowed Jewish Family Services of Western Massashusetts (JFS), the Pittfield Area Council of Congregations (PACC), the Berkshire Immigrant Centers (BIC), the New American Program (NAP), Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), and City Officials that Understand Government Hubris (COUGH) to violate every fire law in existence by cramming close to 500 people, sardine style, into the 200-capacity Berkshire Athenaeum auditorium. You try that and see how far you get. Question: How could that happen? Perhaps our Right Honorable Good Friend John (“You Don’t Have to Live Like a Refugee”) Krol can inform us. Krol, sources say, signed off on the room.
JFS, PACC, BIC, and NAP told COUGH they would require a space for a public meeting. Told. As in ordered. This alphabet soup of “budinsky” do-gooders let it be known at a 60-minute “informational” briefing that the city would be hosting 50 Syrian refugees. Period. Like it or Not. As in, “Dya’ fallah?”
The Dreaded ‘Public-Private Partnership’
Want to know everything about this deal? THE PLANET summons JFS’s NAP Deidre Griffin, who let the TOOB (the terrorist out of the bag) when she called “a public-private partnership.” Griffin is from Springfield. She knows what’s best for the hicks in Pittsfield.
“Egads, no!,” said the retiree to the taxpayers. “Not the dreaded public-private partnership.”
You know how those deals work out. The “public” (taxpayers) takes the financial risk while the “private” (everybody else, especially those whose jobs depend on it) make out. How else do you think the JAF president/CEO and treasurer pull down about $300,000 a year in total compensation? Incidentally, JAF CEO is Maxine Stein. Stein was at the meeting measuring the minutes in C-notes.
Griffin claimed without evidence that the refugee program is “very structured” and that each refugee is “thoroughly checked out.” This from a group that couldn’t even organize a simple meeting, or hadn’t you heard how chaotic and unplanned everything was? Griffin admitted that “we are saying yes to something that has a level of unpredictably to it.That is just a reality. There is no way around it.”
THE PLANET begs to differ. There is a simple way around it: Just say no. Why is this not a local decision? Griffen said many refugees become business owners. Just what Pittsfield needs, “Terror R Us” setting up shop at the old KFC on East Street.
‘Meeting Was a Propaganda Session’
Here are some thoughts sent to THE PLANET on this topic:
“That refugee meeting was a joke. It is scary how manipulated things are in Pittsfield. Are we becoming North Korea with all information and public opinion stifled?” — heh heh
“Last night’s meeting was really a propaganda session” — Really?
“I knew in the first few minutes we were being hosed with kool aid. I though I was attending a public meeting in a public building. If I wanted a prayer meeting I would go to a church.” — Paul
“I knew it was a sham when I saw TFB yucking it up with Griffin before the meeting even started.” — LoneGunMan
“The meeting was nothing more than a set-up.” — Spider
“The organizers of the meeting know a whole lot more information than they conveyed. I wonder how many locals are in on the lie.” — 12 Gauge
“FBI Director James Comey announced again that a successful campaign against ISIS will produce a ‘terrorist diaspora.’ The communities with Islam refugees will be natural targets for this network. See
I hope Pittsfield and Bloomington avoid the risk. I am angry at the moral dictators in both places who have decided that helping the refugees is a superior moral position to protecting Americans. We need to shut these people down.” — Charles Trzcinka
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Meanwhile, those who read the story at The Boring Broadsheet were unable to post comments. Isn’t free speech wonderful?
“Don’t be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn’t do what you want or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today.” — Malcolm X
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Dan Valenti’s blog sounds similar to Donald Trump’s hateful words against immigrants!
I support President Obama’s policies on immigration! Give families a chance to live peaceful lives in the USA.
Yeah, just like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
It is interesting that Saudi Arabia will not take Syrian refugees. Also, last Sunday night on 60 minutes, it looks like Jordan built
a fence with military guarding the border to keep out Syrian refugees. Even our own government states terrorists are coming through. If Middle East countries do not feel they can properly screen these people, how can we?
I will take Mr. Trump with his candor over the traitor Hillary Clinton any day.
You have zero understanding of the middle east conflict. While I am not an advocate of unilaterally accepting all refugees, the situation is extremely complex.
Then enlighten us Torch on the Middle East conflict.
I see these “refugees,” AKA-terrorists, blowing up and ravaging Europe and now even America. Ad don’t give me the Timothy McVeigh story either. I’m talking 21st century terrorists. Seems to me they are all of Middle Eastern decent.
Because the Middle East is in turmoil, we should just allow these unvetted people in America? Me says no way, Jose.
By the way Torch, how many are you welcoming in your apartment?
You folks are not nearly as smart as you think you are. You certainly did not bother reading my comment. I don’t have a J in my name, and I don’t live in an apartment in Pittsfield.
Honestly, there are much more suitable places than Pittsfield to settle displaced foreigners. The school system is atrocious, the soils polluted, the residents are bigoted and close minded, the employment scene ain’t exactly hoppin’, the infrastructure is borderline failing, and the region is embroiled in a heroin epidemic. If Hillary and the industrial war complex republicans would stop arming the Kurds and slightly less awful than ISIS rebels, Syria would probably be a safer place to live. Pittsfield fails it seniors, its veterans, and its children. Why the hell would a refugee want to live there, let alone an American?
Jordan has taken over 1 million refugees already out of the kindness of their hearts. Bless them. However the sheer number of them has overwhelmed their education system, their health care system, and their ability to feed their own people.
So yes they are now trying to keep any more from coming in, though their King feels it may be to late to save their own country,
Lets send the criminal aliens (yes the CRIMINALS Barry and Clinton wants here) already in Pittsfield now, to YOUR house.
When they are all cozy and warm and cuddley then we can send you a batch of unvetted Muslims from the middle east. Some might have TB or other diseases, but “what difference does it make now?” H-Beast
It is a shame that someone that claims to be so educated and enlightened hates women and minorities as much as you do. Which diploma factory did you buy your fake credentials from?
Well if you are so “enlightened” get out the burkas and veils, marry 3 or 4 women, beat them up and keep them out of sight. Mutilate all the girls genitals as is the custom. That shows YOUR love of women.
Push Shira law on all us “infidels’ and be a good Dhimmi. Pay a tax to not be discriminated against and/or beheaded.
I don’t hate anyone who does not try to screw me over, that includes local state and federal politicians, and other officials. Some of those seem to be happy with the pillage and looting of America, yes I hate them.
Immigrants are fine, LEGAL immigrants, NOT Crimminal Aliens, got that? Do you comprehend LEGAL vs ILLEGAL?
The Crimminals are active carriers of disease such as TB, leprosey, and AIDS. It’s a fact and Barry has dispersed them throughout our nation.
I seriously doubt ANY of the “refugees” are screened for disease either. If so show us how? The crooks at the FBI/DHS just stated there ARE also terrorists amongst them they cannot possibly weed out.
So bring in violence to women, diseases, and terror. That can be the legacy to our children.
As I said in my post above, I believe in the process for legal immigration. I can also spell criminal.
Gee, I hit the m twice, give me a B for spelling. That is the new educational standard, you get a “B” for being there
Mad Trapper: You feel the refugees are already here? Is that correct? Because I have had a gut feeling since it was announced, that they were probably already here. Nothing would surprise me. I have no trust in our city.
What do you know?
Barry had imported > 100,000 2015 and his goal is more than that this year. His goals have near been met now. That is criminal aliens
No town nor city has a say as to what illegals are sent where nor what past or diseases they harbor. That is JUST the CRIMINAL aliens.
Refugees , not Christian, from who knows where, diseased, criminals, has about the same goals.
Look at PITTSfield. Ass wipes from beacon hill only let those criminals have firearms. Feel safe?
How many child molestors did the Catholic Church hide? How many mormons excused polygamists? Don’t act suddenly moral because people are brown.
Look at what is going on in Syria , Iraq , Somalia, and even now EUROPE.
Christians Kurds Jews ANY non-Muslims are killed raped robbed beheaded and that is business as usual, just another day at work.
In Sweden muslim rapists consider it fine to rape any infidels. Want that in Pittsfield too?
If you believe in LEGAL immigration, then you must abor the Obama and Clinton policies of open borders. Whoops, not You, as Barry and H-Beast are your heros.
The crooks whom flaunt our laws.
You need to stop eating the fish you catch out of Silver Lake.
Like our opinions matter,nothing more than a phony bologna plastic banana good time rock and roller technique to perpetuate their scheme of illusion, delusional lying.
Anyone know Jerry Seinfeld and Steve Jobs from Syrian Decent.
They have done nothing for me, but they have not hurt me either.
There is George cLOONEY, he I’m not found of.
Perhaps this will be the issue that gets the people of Pittsfield out of the closet and on to the public stage. And once we get together for this we may have a framework of organization to rebel against other heavy handed city issues.
So if they insist on pushing this let us hope it backfires big time. Perhaps tragedy in the mid-east will light a fire under us so we can work on the tragedy that is Pittsfield city government.
Hey Melle, you are misinformed as usual, to put it gently. Neither Dan nor The Donald have hateful hearts nor words for immigrants, legal or not. They both believe in giving families a chance to live peaceful lives in the USA, but that would be American families not every family on the Earth that wants to come here. They also believe in transparency, which both Obama and Tyer campaigned on. Obama turned out to be about as transparent as Nixon. And where is Transparency Tyer on this? She is the citys defacto leader and she is quiet as a church mouse on a Sunday morning!
Where are the studies showing that church mice are quiet on Sunday mornings?
I doubt you know either Dan or The Donald intimately enough to make the claim.
Good point. Where the heck is Ms. Transparent the mayor on this. She was at the meeting hiding out in the back. Another phony out for a big paycheck.
I watched the debate,Donald Trump is the single dumbest candidate to run for any office at any level .He is a completely uniformed on every subject.Anyone could see he has no self control and no passion except his intolerance that he is on stage with a woman who is his superior.
I thought, as did many others, that Trump did very well against the “Clinton machine”. Hillary is a slick politician who can lie to your face without blinking an eye. She has done this repeatedly on one issue after another. I thought she came off as cold and unfriendly. Trump seemed more human which appealed to many people who are sick of political hacks which definitely describes Hillary Clinton. Trump is not a politician which is a large part of his appeal, but it also makes him not as smooth in his delivery.
Trump was fact checked by the moderator, but Hillary was allowed to get away with lying about crime going down in New York under Mayor Bloomberg. In fact the murder rate has increased under the much more relaxed attitude of Mayor Bloomberg as compared to his predecessor.
Trump looked ill. If he’s going to get a sprayed-on tan, he should include his eyelids. (sniff)
Heavy on the makeup. Pancake batter.
NPR did a really amazing real-time fact checking thing with both candidates online. Responses were transcribed verbatim then annotated where fact checking was called for. As one might imagine, Drumpf tells many more untruths…he just tells them louder, more insistently and repeatedly to make him sound passionate and like he knows of which he speaks. Read it here. Really well done:
Maybe NPR deserves a little public money where the Commission on Presidential Debates shouldn’t get a dime?
I meant to say De Blasio. Nobody fact checked me as I was running out the door late on my way to work. Shame on you guys.
We’ll getcha next time Pat!
Studies by scholars at Columbia University and elsewhere say the widespread use of stop-and-frisk resulted in relatively few arrests or illegal gun recoveries. New York’s homicide numbers remain very low, at 352 in 2015 and a projected 359 this year, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. New York Police Department spokesman Peter Donald said stop-and-frisk has declined nearly 97 percent since 2011 and crime, murders and shootings have “decreased significantly during the same period.”
Carrie Johnson
Justice Correspondent
Doesn’t it seem a bit bizarre that we take the time to “project” how many murders there may be in a certain area?
Does Vegas have odds for such things? Let’s see, the line this weekend for Chicago is plus 14 and Baltimore should go off at plus 11.
Through the grapevine it is learned that Tyer wants a Walmart grocery store on the PCB ,Benzine, site.The students and staff of Allendale school can go to Super Walmart and buy some exposed leafy green spinach and tomatoes.Vote Trump be educated at Allendale then buy salad at PCB groceries….all seems pretty All American till you dig a little deeper…go Mayor Tyer.
Not sure what happened to that clause in the PEDA agreement that no business could be built and sell food on that site. Did somebody delete that clause in the dark of night and if so who did it? Could the mayor please explain why now it is OK or is she hoping I forget to keep asking this question?
Walmart said they need to get a waiver from GE. I hope they get it. We need the cleanup, tax revenue and an inexpensive place to shop.
Say what? Walmart can get a waiver from GE to sell food on a toxic waste area?
Well I guess if they got a waiver to put a pile of PCBs next to a grammar school they may just have that power.
Pittsfield seems to be the waiver capital of the country.
Nobody has been answering any questions about the consent decree. WHY?????
The mayor won’t explain anything. She’s turned into a hide-away.
Rifle rumored at Herbert School Yesterday
Not a rumor.
Why is Paris a police state right now? Because lots of refugees entered their country. Many are peaceful, but it only takes a few to stir up chaos in a society. We have seen what happens in Europe when the refugees come into a country. Progressives are putting Americans at risk with their refugee policies and trying to make us feel guilty if we have fears about what will happen. This is just plain wrong. People want to have a voice in what happens in our country. We aren’t getting that under Progressive rule.
The way the refugee mtg. was handled the other night was “deplorable”. Oh, Oh…..I hope Hillary will allow me to use that word.
I am still riled that an outside group determines what will happen in our city and our CC and Mayor can do nothing about it. Why bother having a city government?
Will Hias be making other decisions affecting our city in the future?
“Crawling down the alley on your hands and knees
I’m sure you’re not protected, for it’s plain to see
The diamond dogs are poachers and they hide behind trees
Hunt you to the ground they will, mannequins with kill appeal”
– David Bowie/Diamond Dogs
Anyone who watched the Presedential debate knows conclisively that Trump showed up at the debate as himself. A reality show big mouth who believes he can walk on water and pull the wool over anyones eyes. Well he couldn’t even walk on terra firma in the debate. Clinton showed she was far superior to this ignorant blowhard who has no chance of being elected President. His entire campaign has been an exercise in folly with one lie after another. Those who support Trump show lack ofgood judgement. Can anyone truly say that they would want this ass-hole to be commander in chief of the strongest military on the face of the earth? Electing Trump would make us the laughing stock of the world. I am not so keen on Clinton but electing Trump would make us the laughing stock on the world stage. I will vote for Clinton. We can not even cosider the alternative as it wold mean the loss of sanity in the U.S.
Hey Mike, Trump indeed has a pretty good chance of winning the election. Seems angry white guys with poor attitudes about women and minorities LIKE seeing another of their kind, like his anger and verbosity and will vote for him regardless of their own interests. Trickle down economics has been proven a sham over and over for more than 30 years now, but here it comes again…and that’s just the least of it. The people that support him will see zero benefit unless they are extremely wealthy which leaves most of us out.
I’m not angry (except at the progressives) and I’m not male, but I still prefer Trump over Hillary and the progressives. To me this is a referendum on getting rid of the progressives who are destroying the country.
It’s really not though Pat, it’s two wealthy gangs trying to get the big slice of pie then dole it out to their buddies who will pick the carcass clean. Apologies for the mixed metaphor, but it seems to me to be exactly the same as the Pittsfield mayoral race, but writ large and with much higher stakes. Sad.
To say that it is so very hard and takes so very long to drive around the Pitts, as MelMazz did last night, is a bit comical.
Ever live in the Boston area, for example? Not even in Boston proper, but in the suburbs–north, south, west?
I once had to drive to a job about 20 miles away through smaller towns on the south shore. I had to drive one way to work and another way back simply to avoid left turns, which were potentially life-threatening. One light every morning would have something like 50 cars backed up, and it would take at least three light changes just to get through that intersection.
So, yes, let’s try to slow the idiots down and enforce the traffic signs and laws. Would be a nice source of revenue for the city.
I’ve seen US Postal workers blow through red lights around here!
I have seen city buses, police cars, tanker semis, many loaded Petricca flat beds, oil trucks, you name it blow through red lights and sometimes 5, 6 or seven cars in a row. I would have thought it would be a serious safety issue that would demand enforcement but not in Pittsfield. You would think the mayor or police chief or some safety czar would be on this before some car load of kids gets T-boned but it looks like tax breaks and refugees are the priorities with this mayor.
It’s only reactionary in Pittsfield. They only swoop in AFTER someone gets hurt or killed. Yes, you would think enforcement would be a great revenue source.
Trump is building a great Wall to keep Mexicans out…Ford is building a new plant in Mexico.Tyer is bailing out a property owner and wants a big walmart in a vacant lot on Tyler selling veggies.Farley wants school choice and charter schools and nobody knows what Connell thinks….Chris are you looking for votes….what are your positions…trying to help you out….Walmart…Charter schools…school choice…Hello pick one or I’m voting for Trisha
Why is the MSM silent on the Mexican border wall being built now, and financed by American tax money??!!!
Yes there is a wall, being built NOW. Obama/Barry/Soetero GAVE Mexico money and they are building a wall, but on their SOUTHERN BORDER. Those racist bigoted Mexicans!!!!
But anyone wanting to protect Americans and American sovereignty gets peed on by the MSM, and liberal/democrats.
So we welcome everyone not from the area with open arms and will subsidize them but we want all others that don’t live here off all boards.
The same people who were stupid enough to elect Tyre will be the ones voting for horrid Hillary. Long live the DC GOB.
Tyer, not tyre.
Are you suggesting we should have had 4 more years of the empty suit?
ya got me there. He’s just as bad as Hillary Tyer.
I don’t think we should subsidize illegal aliens and we should stop subsidizing the old, the feeble, the lazy, the veterans, and the children. It is a cold cruel world.
Be nice Torch.
So what is this school rifle story…any legs?
Will someone explain why we (the taxpayers) need to “secure” someone else’s property? Why don’t they secure their own property?
Thanks for quoting me. To keep everyone updated, Bloomington is about to get a “sub office” for one of the main refugee resettlement agencies, Exodus Refugee International. I’ve been hollering here too and I’m hoping to get protestors out to the “sub office”. Maybe you can stop a “sub office” from forming in Pittsfield.
Keep in mind that when the “terrorist diaspora” begins, as James Comey warns, they will not disperse to Hindu communities or Evangelical Christian communities, they will go to Islamic Refugee communities.
Welcome to Pittsfield!
Of course, why follow the laws like RLUIPA and every other civil rights act?
Send the Refugees to Barton’s Crossing.
They will all work at the revitalized Berkshire Mall. They have new stores planned like Clitorectomies Are Us and Victoria’s Burkas.
With a flu shot a loaf of bread and a carton of cheese.
I’m still waiting for my call that I was promised on Monday night to answer my questions in regards to the refugees. I filled my card out, I put my full name and phone number on it and was told I would get ALL my questions answered. No call yet!
Something tells me that their pants are on fire.
Well, if they don’t call you’ll know it’s them. HA!
Trump lost so much money and has been such a failure he paid no income tax …Trump is a Reality TV host….married 3 times …this dope has hosted his show for 13 years..He must be our president …who doesn’t want a ding Donghae for president…he will save the sorry boys and gals of the herion hills….please wait for charlie baker
Trump isn’t dumb S C.Don’t forget the Billlion in free advertisemnet of his brand and name.
Wish I could have been such a failure, too. Hillary, on the other hand inspires. From the rags she wore leaving the Waffle House to her honest earned compound in Chappaqua, Senator Moynihan must rest in peace knowing that his seat was donated to a worthy cause.
Where was the outrage when Sabic took over GE Plastics in Pittsfield? Sabic is basically run by the Saudi Royal family. You know, George W’s buddies. Remember that 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi. The worst terrorist attack ever on US soil. Over the past 8 or 9 years, dozens of Saudi families and single men lived here, but no one complained or even gave it a second thought!
With religious leadership subjecting their communities to the results of their political agenda, its no ended they are having trouble paying rent on their building.
Dan, it’s good to see you stil got that truckin’ on.
By the way, you’ve gotten sharper, but the critters here need help with their gramma. (:p).