(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 5, 2016) — One of the many unanswered questions on the decision by outside interests to locate 50 Syrian refugees in Pittsfield relates to vetting. How well do officials check out the backgrounds of those wanting to come to America, in this case your home town?
The Department of Homeland Security says applicants are interviewed and they fill out an application. Essentially, that’s it. Asking more gets the questioner into a legal gray area, since federal law can go after anyone who discriminates based on national origin.
Welcome to America, Pittsfield.
Hardly a Foolproof Process
THE PLANET doesn’t know what the interviews are like, but you’re dealing with people who will say anything to get passage here. As for the application, we are asked to take their word that the answers they furnish are truthful and complete. It hardly sounds like a foolproof process.
Syrian refugees also do not fit the profile of the typical refugee family, according to a report in Breitbart News: “Syrian refugees are young, single males, as opposed to family members.” In fact, at the propagandized “informational” meeting last week at the library, an alphabet soup of organizers and agencies from Springfield, who obviously know what Pittsfield needs more than Pittsfield does, admits that about 40% of the 50 people targeted for Shire City will fit that profile. The Mother Teresas from Springfield also admitted the process is uncertain and contains a genuine security risk. Tell us, what rational person take that wager?
Meanwhile, the FBI and Homeland Security have testified they do not have the resources to conduct proper background checks or properly screen Syrian refugees. ISIS has publicly stated it will try to infiltrate the refugee program, especially in small-town America. Cities such as Pittsfield and Rutland, Vt., do not have the security personnel, techniques, or equipment found in larger population centers, let alone the FBI or Homeland Security. There’s every reason to believe the smaller locations will become secondary and tertiary targets as a response to increased security measures in big cities.
Perhaps a quote from congressman Lamar Smith (R-Tx) fits here: “The president’s insistence that we move forward with his refugee plans is irresponsible, tone-deaf to the reality of security threats and out-of-touch with the American people.” That’s wise direction.
In contrast, the refugee situation illustrates a shocking lack of leadership on the part of Pittsfield’s elected officials. THE PLANET asked mayor Linda Tyer if she supported the refugee program, yes or no and why.
“Thank you for asking about the Syrian refugee resettlement that is being proposed by the Jewish Family Services for Pittsfield,” Tyer told THE PLANET. “First, I have a deep regard for the trauma experienced by the refugees and I am inclined towards humanitarian efforts to bring relief to the refugees who are desperately trying to flee the brutality of their leaders. Second, time and again I have encouraged Jewish Family Services, other Pittsfield clergy, and immigration activists to fully engage with the community to answer questions and respond to concerns. Resettlement will only work if citizens understand the impacts this may or may not have on our community. Speculation thrives when our citizens are uninformed. Indeed, we owe it to injured, starving, and inconsolable refugees to not further traumatize them if their arrival is not welcome. Here is a link for the Jewish Family Services resettlement program. I hope this helps your readers. I encourage them to contact JFS directly with their questions or to share their thoughts.”
Here is the link referred to by the mayor:
Avoiding the Questions
The mayor’s statement doesn’t address our question. She didn’t come right out and say, “yes.” Instead, she shifted the responsibility to Jewish Family Services, an agency out of Springfield. It still isn’t clear how Pittsfield was selected as a destination, who decided that, where, why, and when? Tyer says JFS “proposed [it] for Pittsfield.” “For” is a telling word, confirming Pittsfield had no say. Right about now,
THE PLANET‘s wondering why not one Pittsfield politician is throwing a nutty over this blatant usurpation of local control asking the questions that need asking and demanding answers — before this goes any further.
Five hundred people, mostly seniors, don’t show up in a 200-seat auditorium for a poorly publicized meeting because they’re in favor.
“I am a man who does not exist for others.” — Ayn Rand, from The Fountainhead
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Its a pretty large stretch to call legitimate journalism.
You bring up a non-sequitur, SHH. Address the information. The source of the information is irrelevant in this case. Is the info good or not? Simple as that.
Liberals only accept information from pre-approved politically correct sources.
You are only allowed to use the Obama/Hillary/Shakes His Head approved new sources. You know the ones millions of US citizens are tuning OUT by the millions because nobody no longer believes a word they say.
I’m surprised he didn’t use the tin foil hat/conspiracy theory shilling technique on you.
By asking some additional questions,you can learn much.Why they don’t ask, is beyond me. This information can be found on many different sites.
Bye-BYE Trump and Pence-Now to local election. Bouvier and Connell. Dumb and Dumber Take a chance with write in candidate. Any suggestions? Do tell. Anyone but either of these two idiots .How about eliminating this position completely. Either one of them is like having a no-bodY in office. Let’S write in No-Body at the polls ON NOV 8TH FOR THIS POSITION
Captain CAPS, is this you?
Pence did an excellent job in the debate. I was very impressed.
I thought Pence did an excellent job in the debate. I was very impressed.
Pence was much more composed in the debate.
I agree. I went into the debate purposely knowing little about either VP candidate. I thought to myself, who would I vote for had this been a presidential debate/vote.
Easily Mike Pence. Tim Kaine came off as the lunatic fringe candidate and made even Donald Trump seem professional in his demeanor. With Hillary possibly ill, I’d never vote with the chance that he would run the country.
Trump/Pence 2016
Are there two Pats?
I watched the VP debate with this question: One of these men might be president.
Went in knowing very little about either. Came out ready to endorse Pence. Kaine’s entire demeanor was troubling. Pence is by far the better man. He performed in a calm, steady way even despite the awful job done by the moderator.
He also gave the better answer when it came to the questions DV raises today–immigration and refugees.
Having two Pats would be a bonus. We could use more of what Pat offers daily on here. Pat brings great conversation to articles and responses posted on the site.
She’s a brilliant woman
I agree with you 100% ! Pat and others on here have a good grasp on many issues that need to be discussed. Even if posters agree to disagree on many stances taken on those issues.
These resources do not suggest that there is a significant majority of ‘young single males, as opposed to family members.’ That quotes statement is meaningless because these human beings didn’t simply hatch out in the yard. It is worded to denigrate and dehumanize people.
However, as I suggested in previous posts, the Syrians are probably safer resettling in Mosul than they are in Pittsfield.
So how many are Christian? That is 10% of the population and the sect most persecuted by “the religion of peace”?
So far Soretro has admitted nearly 99% Muslims, to the exclusion of Christians, Jews and Kurds.
Why is that Shakey? Maybe Barry is a racist bigot? Naaa…….it’s just that hopey dopey changy thing he promised for America.
Hope you still have some change left, when Barry’s done!
The US admits hundreds of thousands of legal immigrants each year. American citizens are by far the mass murdering criminals that immigrants are not. Next thing you’ll clamor for a blood test to prove Muslim race.
The problem comes back to the progressive ideology which wants to spread these refugees across the country. There is zero concern for the safety of citizens in this plan. They act like these are regular immigrants coming here when we know they are not. They are coming from a dangerous part of the world and a completely different culture and religion. Assimilation, if it happens, will be difficult. Hillary wants to continue Obama’s policy and bring in even more refugees from Syria. The more that are brought in as we have seen in Europe, the more the danger increases.
Will the newcomers, be able to vote in PIttsfield elections? Will they be eligible for gun permits after ninety days and if so where can they get the best deal on an assault rifle?
Forbes reported today Trump wealth dropped from 10 billion to 3.7 billion.His business ventures have failed so bad that his banks would go under.His creditors found that his only leftover value was as a self promotor.hence Trump branding…he was selling his name not his accomplishment..
Trump will overturn healthcare…Trump will build a wall…..Trump will make changes in tax code…Trump will charge women for private choices…..Trump who is fat….will probably go after fat women because they are not pleasing to him…Trump will pay down our debt…..How does he get jobs to Pittsfield ma to help his supporters
If Trump will overturn healthcare. GOOD.
Dig your head out of the sand
Will he change the same tax code that allowed him and Hillary (and the NYT) to pay zero to piddle in taxes? GOOD
You are either delusional or obtuse
To me,Jewish Family Services have already proven themselves to be liars. Their claim that they would contact me with answers proved false. I did as they asked, wrote down my questions, provided my full name, phone number and cell number. Nothing yet. My biggest question was: Will this be it or is this only the 1st wave of refugees? There are cities that have been receiving wave after wave in CA. My second question was: will their housing be section 8? My 3rd question was: how much public assistance will they get? EBT cards, WIC, food pantry, cell phones, Salvation Army? After all we were told that they would not be in competition with existing people for services.
If Hillary is elected, expect wave after wave of more of these Syrian refugees.
you don’t need them to answer that question. Yes the refugees get subsidized housing. Yes, they get snap benefits, yes, they get any cash assistance that is offered. yes, they get free healthcare.
the real question is: for how long?
Let the families stay somewhere near our Defense Plant, just in case.
Obama is doing NOTHING while children are being slaughtered in huge numbers as we speak in Syria with Russia helping. This is a humanitarian crisis and this will be the legacy that Obama is leaving for himself. ANYONE who votes to continue the policies of this president is delusional.
For the U.S. to get more involved in Syria would be insane. Things would only get worse, much worse as the war would spread all over the mid east. Not to mention we have enough dead and wounded we can’t care for as it is. Did I mention the psychologically damaged soldiers? Did I mention that 30 veterans commit suicide every day? Did I mention the brokenhearted families?
This whole area of the world has been fighting since the first man came out of his sand cave. There are too many religions and ethnicity s that hate each others guts and always will. The only thing that will solve this problem is a massive plague that wipes out the whole area and we would be wise to wait for that.
Woman and children are dying as they do in any war. It is a terrible thing for sure but for the U.S. to pile on would be like throwing gasoline on a fire. And I guarantee you that the war would then come to our mainland as home grown terrorist would come out of the woodwork by the thousands.
I know you hate Obama, but in this case he is absolutely right in keeping our presence restricted.
Why will straightening out Syria be insane when the USA facilitated the carnage? It is as bad a the Swiss holding the Nazi fortunes
I totally disagree. This is watching people die and if you think Russia will stop there, you are wrong.
I don’t hate Obama as a person, but I sure do hate his politics. He is endangering this country and the world.
I saw on one TV report that each Syrian refugee will get $1200 for starters and then will get SS, EBT cards, Sec. 8…..all the entitlement programs available to help them assimilate.
The do-gooders in this city will rue the day they didn’t stand up and oppose this. This move will bring trouble to our city, just as it has in other places, including other American cities.
Just wait and see!
Flooding the country with military aged Syrian is a setup. Local and State Police will not be able to control the terrorism and violence that will start in as little as a year from now.
Federalization of the police, possible martial law, is coming. Blaming Obama/Hillary after the fact will do little in stopping this Police State that is being set up. These are not refugee familys in need of a better life in America. (As the propaganda is promoting). These are military aged men who hate this country. The ISIS fighers getting wiped out in Syria by Russia and these men are one in the same.
Its clearly a setup to usher in a Police State that will change forever everyday life in the United States. Trump will stop this nonsense. No matter what you think of Trump this is reason enough alone to elect him.
Aisle 8:
Tinfoil Hats
Bottled Water
Dehydrated Ice Cream
And there it is….
The tin foil hat shilling technique.
Go back to chewing on a windowsill. Now you just make up words. Just deport all the morons. With global warming Antarctica should be habitable soon.
Full Definition of shilling
1a : a former monetary unit of the United Kingdom equal to 12 pence or 1⁄20 pound
b : a former monetary unit equal to 1⁄20 pound of any of various countries in or formerly in the Commonwealth of Nations
2 : a coin representing one shilling
3 : any of several early American coins
Definition of shill/shilling:
A plant: persons/people planted all over the internet in an attempt to “debunk” the peoples comments and promote the progressive democrat liberal agenda.
A poser.
Some are paid some are not.
Most are trained in Israel.
They are all over this country.
Of which you are one of many.
Why are you so anti-American?
I am not anti-American. I am anti-idiot. Your English is horrid, your mental capacity would rule you unfit for the court of law, and your upper lip smells like rotten polecat.
If you are “American” then I am embarrassed for you.
If you are anti-idiot, you must be self loathing
Here are some common shilling techniques to watch for exposing the poser:
Discredit the source as not approved. Throw in some really wacky ideas as space aliens and lizards.
Use tin foil hat or conspiracy theory words to try and make the poster look silly.
Draw attention away from what the poster posted by correcting his spelling or use of words.
Try and find out the real identity of the poster. Then you can really do some damage. Looking up and finding any dirt on them in real life. Things like calling the social security and reporting them as frauds. Even of its not true. Don’t worry about libel as long as you never post your real name. This method has made stop posting altogether.
Keep a database on all your victims. Copy their posts, putting info together.
When all else fails, resort to name calling. Always make it look as if you have authority over them.
Post counter arguements using main stream sources even if you know they are not true.
Call the webmaster of the site and see if you can get their comments removed/redacted, thus minimizing the time their posts are up on the internet. Tell the webmaster you are offened by what they posted.
Calm down Torch……consider you blood pressure.
Reply to poorboy: Bravo! Nicely said! Bravo!
How does Shakes know what your upper lip smells like? You need to sleep with one eye open from now on.
Since when are threats allowed on here, Dan?
CITY OF PITTSFIELD PURCHASING DEPARTMENT INVITATION FOR BID The City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, acting through its Mayor and its Purchasing Agent, will receive sealed bids for: IFB #17-018 Tax Office Counter Replacement Estimated Cost: $60,000.00
Once again government has to scrape by because taxpayers are so stingy.
What – $60,000 for a counter is it gold
Check and see who gets the contract and it will probably all make sense.
gotta be a payback or a pay ahead but either way nobody gives two shits about the taxpayers
probably going to be like a bank counter that is ADA compliant, probably needs to be done off hours so as not to disrupt the operations of City Hall, probably at prevailing wage, and there is most likely lead paint and asbestos near by – after all the building was built in the early 1900’s.
Add to that fact that the vendor for the counter itself complies with every executive order and the materials are green, non-carbon, and net zero emissions or landfill – I am surprised it’s only $60,000!!
A year from now….
When the USA is embroiled in terrorists attacks all across the fruited plain, when the Federal government has to bring the military out on the streets to try and stop it and you lose what is left of your Contitutional rights…
Will it matter what Shakes His Head or poorboy or Dan Valenti posted on a blog a year prior to?
Think about this…
In WWII, it took over 100 million people to bring down one man.
If you spread 100’s of 1000’s of Syrian ISIS in small communities all over the United States what chance will you stand?
At the same time, Queen Hillary seeks to take your guns out of your hands.
God help us.
Quite the show of strong leadership by our Mayor. Have an opinion for once, even it hurts others feeling. 3 more years of waffling…..What do you want to hear ?
Mayor Tyer could if she wanted to put a stop to this.
That would put her in direct conflict with the Obama Administration.
She lives in luxury in a gated community.
She will need those gates.
Let’s pray that one of these Syrian ISIS fighters being imported to Pittsfield does not target her. The Mayor of the city would be a high target of terrorists.
I wonder what Mayor Ruberto would have done?
“Not in my city?”
I’m outta here!
My hometown has gone to shit & now refugees?
Charity begins at home.
House for sale, warmth and God fearing Conservatives for me!
And Barack is gay, Michelle is really a man, and their children were kidnapped.
Please seek help, for your loved ones if not for you.
And the shilling goes on……..
Shakes His Head…. I think your mom shook your head when you were only two.
He can’t top you heh-heh. Shakes can’t top a buried mole. poorboy nails it too on pitiable Shakes.
This column and all the stories on this refugees topi c on this board have been the only ones to reflect what I think the will of the people is. There are too many unanswered questions for this to go forward yet when we try to ask we get stonewalled. I’m sick of it.
I can’t tell you the nerve the refugee issue has hit. For me more for the way this is being done, all in secret, than the issue itself. Krol, White, Tyer and all the rest stand by while some outside agency decides our city is the location. We have no say in it??
I do thank the Planet & DV for this service. It’s the last outpost for free speech in gulag Pittsfield. And for the local press the last and only place where we can find honest coverage.
Fortunately, synagogues have police protection during High Holidays. I hope they won’t be needed in 2017.
What about Catholic and Protestant churches? Will they need protection? ISIS is persecuting Christians in their own countries.
Another question……Are the refugees coming here Muslims under Sharia law or are they Christians?
My guess is Muslims!
If that is the case, God help us all. Especially the women in our families.
Terrorist in recent times targeted Jewish institutions, though as you imply, now Christian churches are targets. My suggestion is we had best extend police guards for Chritian services as well. Good observation on your part.
Again- Bye -Bye- Trump and Pence. We have very serious problems right here in the city of Pittsfield with our own upcoming local elections. We have to choose between two idiots.. Bouvier and Connell for State Rep. We have to insure that Canning gets the support to defeat a Gob-Sig candidate- Adam Hinds for State Senate. Does anyone know who this idiot Shakes His Head is?? and how about a Mr. Andrews. i consider these two wanna be’s as polutting the Planet Valenti site. Anyone with any info on these jerks -do tell. I agree with Dusty’s comments. We are in serious problems with the ass- holes who are runing this city. God help us.
The City will have a wall with a turret put up at Madams Gated Community. Suckhugs and Lowthrow will man it twenty four seven, it will be paid for with free cash.
Mazzeo just voted against keeping Coventry open, which would cost us taxpayers, if I heard right $900,00 in the first year. She did this because, as she said, the 4 year savings of over $3,000,000 wasn’t enough to invest $562,000.
I’m going to email her.
We lost the battle. The Federal Appeals court (9th) ruled against Pence and the Bloomington mayor has issued a welcome. We are getting the Syrians and the mayor, city council and the local news paper do not agree that it is risky.
Here’s today’s editorial from the Herald Times in Bloomington:
” On the day before Indiana Gov. Mike Pence was going to stand in the brightest spotlight of his life — the vice presidential debate — a federal appeals court said he is wrong in his efforts to keep Syrian refugees from being resettled in Indiana.
Pence tried to prohibit state agencies from funneling federal funds to groups that help Syrian refugees with finding housing, medical care and social services, as well as job training. That included Exodus Refugee Immigration of Indianapolis, which just received approval to open a sub-office in Bloomington and relocate 20 families here in 2017.
The federal appeals court said Pence’s fears were overblown and speculative, and agreed with a previous judge’s ruling that his actions would clearly discriminate against refugees rendered homeless by the war in Syria.
The appeals court was particularly harsh on Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, who debated Democrat Tim Kaine Tuesday night.
“The governor of Indiana believes, though without evidence, that some of these persons were sent to Syria by ISIS to engage in terrorism and now wish to infiltrate the United States in order to commit terrorist acts here. No evidence of this belief has been presented, however; it is nightmare speculation,” according to the court’s decision.
Pence had pegged his position to a valid desire, which is to look out for “the safety and security” of Hoosiers. But he can no more overrule a federal program with discriminatory practices than the chief justice of Alabama can refuse to follow a Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.”
Note the clear political agenda to connect openness to Syrian refugees to gay rights. You will see this soon in Pittsfield.
Pence tried at least. We have no one. Here is an article from April 27 Newsweek on how ISIS smuggles terrorists in with refugees in Europe. Same could happen here.
My view which I’ve repeatedly stated is that the issue is that we are facing a threat that is not estimated well by statistics. This is exactly like the “Black Swan” that Nassim Taleb discusses in his books. It is what happened in 2008 when risk managers were using long time series that showed the US was very unlikely to have a housing decline around the country. They took risks they shouldn’t have and we crashed the financial system for a short time. If we admit Syrian refugees we will be making the same mistake. The supporters assume that this does not have much of an effect on terrorism and that the frear people have is “irrational”. It is not irrational to plan for a black swan with such costs. Bringing in Syrian refugees will create a magnet for ISIS and other jihadi terrorists. We are about to experience what James Comey calls a “terrorist diaspora” and we do not need these magnets. We are getting one in Bloomington, I hope Pittsfield does not.
Mayor used the phrase Asylum City, we are an asylum City. We take care of our own, we are currently taking care of unwed moms and their boyfriends and cannot let Middle East conflicts since the beginning of time, be our next free lunch for those who never have paid in or contributed anything in any city?
Locate they will,Chuck. I can see it now,Little Syria, Pittsfield.
Thanks for that info, CT. It just sickens me to watch what the globalists are doing to our country. Americans are paying for their own country to be invaded. These people do not assimilate – they want sharia law, they want special privileges, they drain our finances and want to do us harm. Our top security officials want to pause the program due to ISIS infiltration. And now the Obama administration wants to start WWIII with Russia. Time for some serious prayer for our nation!
Someone put Tyer up to running against Bianchi and I gave her my vote thinking she had plans a strong beliefs in doing things differently than he…No plan no passion,1 and out for….I still think Mazzeo or Bloomberg have something to offer retirees
Had to get rid of Bianchi. Two terms were more than enough for the little (read nothing) that he accomplished. Same standard holds for Tyer.
Mazzeo possibly. Bloomberg? Nope the kid is too green and too ambitious. Ambitious in the negative sense in this case, the political sense.
As DV hinted at let’s see what Bloomberg does next year in the muni election.
My guess. He runs proving the carpetbagging theory correct. If he wins he becomes a Peter White with a tiny dash of personality (not too much tho).
Tyer still has three more years to prove you wrong.
Three more years of tax increases.