(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY OCT. 27, 2016) — If early voting is an indication, things may be breaking Donald Trump’s way. That shaking sound you hear are the knees knocking within Democrat circles.
A look at results compiled so far by city and county clerks, local and regional party chairs, media, and other sources shows Trump leading in several key states. These include Florida and Ohio. Democrats have an edge in Nevada and Carolina. Florida (29) and Ohio (18) combine for 47 electoral votes, almost 18% of the number needed to become president; Nevada (6) and North Carolina (15) total 21 or nearly 8%. The winner between Trump and his Democratic opponent will be the candidate who wins an absolute majority in the electoral tally. That’s 270 votes.
Another positive indicator for Trump is the turnout. Thus far, Florida, Ohio, and many other states have reported a record number of requests for early ballots. In Florida, that total topped 3.1 million as of last Friday (10/21).
Each side appears to be taking this election seriously. In Nevada, election watchers, as reported in Politico, say “a hell of a lot” of Trump backers have voted early. Democrats are working hard as well, with reports of unions busing people to the polls, providing lunches, and handing out T-shirts. In Texas, television station WFAA reported Monday that the Lone Star State set first-day records for polling in Dallas County and Tarrant County.
Also of interest, THE PLANET notes for the first time, Trump outspent Hillary Clinton in TV ads. Bloomberg Reports says for the most recent week (last week), Trump spent $14.4 million in TV spots to Clinton’s $13.9 million. Bloomberg says that projections indicate Trump will outspend Clinton on TV ads by $8 million by Nov. 8, Election Day. Trump’s stragety of keeping his powder dry until the campaign’s final stages is now looking brilliant, particularly in “must win” Florida.
Surprisingly, reports show that to this point, TV spending is about half of what is was in 2008. This year, Trump and Clinton have spent approximately $450 million. In ’08, Barack O’Bama and Mitt Romney had gone through about $900 million in TV ads. This suggests more dollars are being diverted from traditional media (newspapers, TV, radio) and being channeled elsewhere, particularly online.
Numbers Staggering on Illegal Immigration
One of the hot issues of this campaign is illegal immigration. The latest information released last week by the Department of Homeland Security shows that nearly one million illegals have entered the United States in the last 12 months. To put this in perspective, that unsupportable number would make for America’s 17th largest city. None of these people have been vetted for drugs, terrorism, disease — for anything.
As Pittsfield will soon be learning, immigrants place huge demands on the poorest communities. As it is, current Pittsfield residents and families do not have a functioning economy that will employ them or allow them to make a decent living. Nonetheless, city officials stood by and played dead while a group of outsiders from Springfield decided Pittsfield would be an ideal spot to dump 50 Syrian refugees.
Illegals consume resources while contributing little in return. They require higher than average medical, intense language and social accommodations, and stand first in line for housing, all paid for by the besieged and bedraggled Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.
In this presidential race, only one candidate will institute urgently needed immigration reform. That’s Trump. As he points out, America has a legal process to admit foreigners. It’s a wide open door. Illegals need to be deported not supported. Clinton, on the other hand, sees illegals as political support. The Democrats have made a living off of the poor, single women, minorities, blacks, and others on the margins. They crassly use them every four years then send them back to their ghettoes.
This is not good enough.
This has to stop.
There’s only one way. Elect Trump on Nov. 8.
“True information does good.” — Julian Assange
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Trumo is gaining.
This isn’t Rocet Science,but if CLINTON is pouring in Millions to CNN for instance, and the Donald not so much, then who do you think is going to get the most favorable comments from the talking heads…..that’s how these pencil neck geeks are paid, through advertising money.
There is rumor that the 33,000 emails bleached by Hillary and destroyed with hammers actually do exist. The rumor is that wiki-leaks has them and will release them to the public.
Hillary has stated under oath that there was nothing classified in them.
Comey stated under oath to the United States Congress that he not investigate emails that do not exist.
So, if they do exist and are released then there is no harm in the American people having a look see.
The biggest issue in the Trump campaign for President of the United States has been the Donald’s mental stability to handle this job.Is he emotionally stable enough to handle this responsibility and based on his actions in this campaign the answer is a resounding no.Trump is not mature enough to sit on a traffic committee in the city of Pittsfield.
Hillary is not even stable enough to stand on her feet, she’s too sick to hold any job
No, the biggest issue for the Trump campaign are fools like you who crucify and scrutinize him for things he said privately 11 years ago like it’s relevant, yet Baa like a sheep when stuff is proven about Hillary.
How are Slick Wiile’s rape victims doing?
Vinnie Foster?
The poor Hatians, and the Clinton Crime Network?
Just ask the Hatians, how much they HATE THE CLINTIONS.
Well will ya LIberal?
I think it is incredibly stupid to be welcoming into our arms Syrian refugees as I do not trust the vetting process at all. There are too many and no one could get at any birth certificates or criminal records as Syria is a bombed out mess. So on this I am in complete agreement with Donald Trump.
But I also find Trumps persona very scary. He speaks and acts without thinking. He has a massive superiority complex as suggested by his saying he alone can fix things. The fact that he aligns himself with Chris Christie, who comes across as a mafia don, also bothers me. When he first started campaigning he said he was going to go after the one per-centers and make them pay there fair share of taxes. Now he says he will cut their taxes. He is purposely hiding his tax returns. He does not believe in climate change. He wants to abolish NATO.
I think Hillary is a bad option but I have to, in good conscience, vote for her to keep Trump out. Everyone sees it different and has to follow their own mind. But I did not let the media make my choice for me. I listened and watched and sorted out what I thought was accurate and then made up my own mind.
Sort of like voting the lesser of two ev,eh dusty? Here we go again.
You feel Trump’s attitude is scary, but Hillary’s policies to import 100s of thousands of radical Muslims, open the border to 100s of millions if not billions of foreign looters, to shoot down Russian planes in Syria, order police to stand back and let Black Lives Matter riot, and maybe even start a civil war by suspending the Constitution and stopping sales of firearms to American citizens are moderate…
Of course your concern with “climate change” outs you as liberal idealist who would always have voted Democrat.
Outs me? I am an independent. I think for myself. Do not have my mindset co opted by talk radio. Not pushing for anyone to vote either way. Just explaining my thought process.
Pretty sure some republicans acknowledge climate change.
By the way, will you be joining in the civil war if after the election because I want to be somewhere else that day.
Trump wants to be President and never paid a penny towards anything like military or veterans hospitals….GE does not either and you will give him your vote so he in turn will help GE…..not 1 penny to help our country.You believe your life in Pittsfield won’t suck 1 year after hes elected.
As Pittsfield gets ready to welcome the refugee, in less than 6 years, this is what happened to Dearborn, Michigan. This short video is a real eye-opener. Please take a few minutes to watch it.
Thank you LIALW, that video is what I have been telling people all along. There are places in CA where the same thing is happening.
Just the opposite of what the liars from Springfield told us at the so called meeting at the library.
Dearborn has the largest concentration of middle eastern immigrants in the country. They are warm and welcoming. By that video I see the enjoy dancing and flu shots and takeout food.
Ford world headquarters are in Dearborn, along with tons of other companies.
This video is ridiculous and asinine. I would walk though any street in Dearborn anytime of day or night.
Dearborn Michigan is why I’m proud of America. It is a tolerant and inclusive community where character is important, not how you look, dress, and pray.
On two issues alone, immigration and Obamacare, Trump needs to be the winner of this election. Both of these issues are extremely serious. Out of control immigration in today’s world is dangerous. We don’t want to find out too late that we have the same serious problems that Europe has now. We need to use common sense when it comes to immigrants and refugees from these dangerous areas of the world. The Democrats want a welcoming open door policy. Trump wants to use more caution. We need to err on the side of caution on this issue.
Obamacare is out of control. It needs to be repealed and replaced with something better. The burden of Obamacare is falling on hard working people who can’t afford huge increases in their healthcare. The Democrats knew this would happen and many predicted that this is what they wanted to happen so they could get a single payer system. The Democrats are using the hard working people of this country to fund and ultimately use as an excuse to go to a single payer system which has its own share of problems. Obamacare needs to go. Trump has said he would do this.
Keep in mind Pat that When Obama was putting his health care program together he begged for republican input. It took years to put together. They would neither help or come up with a plan of their own that made any sense. They were too obsessed with destroying him and refused to work with him on anything. One wonders where the country might be now if they had all worked together instead of dividing the country.
All Obama was trying to do with the Republicans was to get their fingerprints on Obamacare so he could shift some of the blame to them when it failed.
Is that what Rush told you?
I don’t listen to talk radio. I have a job.
You are TOTALLY WRONG. Repubs wanted to help with Obamacare policy, but were told by Obama to butt out with the now famous line that “elections have consequences”. They sure do which is why Hillary and Obama type people need to be voted out.
Progressives really think that people have short memories.
When facing a difficult choice, always chose the right one.
Move to a gated community until it all blows over.
Whats wrong with you people. Hillary on Benghazi alone should disqualify her from being President!
I completely agree. Hillary and Bill are poison for this country.
Heard a rumor that Bill Clinton is John Wayne’s illegitimate son. Waki leeks reported.
Thank you City Council for helping me make up my mind on question 2. Clear choice is YES, after all it is for the children, they deserve to have as many options as possible.
I’m considering Mr. More’s arguments.
Operations, locations, building schools are questions Pittsfield residents have been excluded from the table. The assumption driving ed. policy is that policy-wonks from beyond set the best standards and are able to dictate effectivevpilcies across a broad geography.
What became of the State’s, muchnless the city’s, right to define our schools? This bill could grant undue influence to external interests. Voting Yes may not result in reducing the PHS budget, and may well result in greater taxes. Meanwhile, why is it more desirable for an out of state institution to drive educational policy than for the Dept. Of Education, which is largely responsible for the chaos defining education nationwide?
Dan, your offering today is complete BS. Not a single early vote has been counted. You imply that Trump is, “in the lead.” There is no way to know that. Even if you base your statement of Trump’s supposed lead on party affiliation, which is not supportable as many Republicans find the party’s nominee reprehensible and unsupportable, states such as Ohio do not even have registration by party affiliation. And xenophobia tarted up as immigration reform is not a primary reason to vote for anyone.
Exactly. All one can glean from early voting is party registration. It is fallacious to claim any candidate is ahead in the early vote because early vote results aren’t released until November 8th.
Hillary’s potty mouth makes Trump look like a saint using a bad word 11 years ago. Here are some examples. Vetted:
“Where is the G-damn f**king flag? I want the G-damn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise.”
(From the book “Inside The White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 – Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day, 1991)
“You sold out, you mother f**ker! You sold out!”
From the book “Inside” by Joseph Califano, p. 213 – Hillary yelling at Democrat lawyer.
“Son of a b*tch!”
(From the book “American Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p. 259 – Hillary’s opinion of President George W. Bush when she found out he secretly visited Iraq on Thanksgiving just days before her highly publicized trip.)
F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.”
(From the book “American Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 – Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good morning.”
“You f**king idiot.”
(From the book “Crossfire” p. 84 – Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.)
“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king ass over here and grab those bags!”
(From the book “The First Partner” p. 259 – Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.)
“Get f**ked! Get the f**k out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!”(From the book “Hillary’s Scheme” p. 89 – Hillary’s various comments to her Secret Service detail agents.)
“Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I s ay, Okay!!!?”
(From the book “Unlimited Access”, by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrige, p. 139 – Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail.)
“Why do I have to keep proving to people that I am not a liar?!”(From the book “The Survivor,” by John Harris, p. 382 – Hillary in her 2000 Senate campaign)
“Where’s the miserable c*ck sucker?”
(From the book “The Truth About Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5 – Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer)
“Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those sunglasses. We need to go back!”
(From the book “Dereliction of Duty” p. 71-72 – Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.)
“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t f**k her here!!”
(From the book “Inside The White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 243 – Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female at an Arkansas political rally)
“You know, I’m going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I’m going to start thinking of her as a human being”
-Hillary Clinton
(From the book “The Case Against Hillary Clinton” by Peggy Noonan, p. 55)
“The only way to make a difference is to acquire power”
(From the book “I’ve Always Been A Yankee Fan” by Thomas D. Kuiper, p 68 – Hillary to a friend before starting law school.)
Trump talks smack with men.
Hillary Clinton abuses people.
Excellent points from the great THOR.
Thor plaigarized this “list” from the Gateway Pundit, a notoriously inaccurate alt-right website that traffics in antisemitism, misogyny, and hate.
Guilt by association is not a logical argument, even though it is frequently used by higher irder fascists.
This is a “consider the source” argument. You’d do well the remember the saying “he who lies down with dogs, will rise up with fleas.”
Relying on source from the gutter of the internet renders one’s opinion meaningless.
Here the shill attacks the source. Its very damaging to Hillary Clinton. All vetted. You can look up each quote. Shakes his Head/Rusty…. its all Praxis33. He posts as at least 4 other people on here. Seeding this blog.
Perhaps you should belief Brian Williams the self made hero who wasn’t shot down. Or maybe Katie might tell you the truth. Or maybe Dan Rather. I’d rather have Dan. Valenti that is.
Its a common shilling technique to attack the messenger to try and draw attention away from whats being said.
Rusty…argument by proverbs and metaphor is not logical either. If it suits you, however, you may call your paper bag a pot, just don’t stick it in the oven.
The quotes Thor cited have are as credible as rheir source, which is the Secret Service agent who claimed to experience them. I agree, I’d rater hear from rhe horse herself, but given her propensity to lie, she opens herself up to second-parties.
The Secret Service has discredited this agent as his assignment would have permitted him to hear these alleged statements.
Thor, you cannot wrap you head around that you aren’t correct.
Didn’t see anywhere in that cut and paste where she wanted to grab a guys nuts against his will just because she was powerful enough to do so. WTF
Hillary leaves that job to her husband. In fact Hillary enables her husband to continue abusing women because he is so powerful that he gets away with it.
Pat’s a paid blogger. It’s all rigged. Believe me.
“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t f**k her here!!”
(From the book “Inside The White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 243 – Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female at an Arkansas political rally)
(Zylonite is also Shakes his Head/Rusty)
Staying away from our military machines who ramp it up every12 years.Time to pelt Trump feed a new military machine
To further drive him your point about illegal immigration, my brother is in the Air Force and stationed just outside of Phoenix, AZ (Luke AF Base). When he was home on leave, one of our ultra-liberal relatives gave him the “they just want to come to the US to work” speeches.
My brother then started to explain things to her that people here in the Northeast and Pittsfield have no idea about. He told her that the people who transport the illegals (coyotes) will take out the back seats off the car and stuff a dozen or more people in a compact car built for four maybe five people maximum. If it crashes and those illegals suffer severe injuries and require major surgery and/or long term care, not to mention if they needed to be life-flighted from the crash, guess who pays for all of this? Here’s a hint -look in the mirror.
Then my brother asked her how she would feel when she was driving her fairly new, well maintained car to the grocery store, when a car with an illegal immigrant or three, blow the red light and t-bone her. As she wipes the glass and blood from her eyes, only to see the occupants of the car that hit her are running away from the scene. Why? No driver’s license, no insurance, fear of being deported, etc. Guess who pays for that? Here’s a hint-take a look in the mirror.
Or when she goes to trade in her car, but learns her credit is shot. Why, well some illegal immigrant stole her social security number to get a job at KFC and opened up a credit card or two in the illegal’s name. So when Hillary said illegal’s paid into social security and taxes, how? Don’t you need an SS# to do both? If your an illegal immigrant, how do they have an SS#. Here’s a hint…..
Great input, KATE. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Dan.
You are a true patriot.
Keep this going for the next 2 weeks.
We need to do all we can to try and prevent evil, wicked, crooked Hillary from stealing this election.
PERFECT EXAMPLE of why we need to increase charter schools and GET RID OF UNIONIZED PUBLIC SCHOOLS!
Three million teachers in the US and one gets drunk so we should do away with unionized public schools. – Brilliant
I really like this guy. Shows that there are some good people left in government. People like him show there is hope.
“Jason Chaffetz, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, tweeted Wednesday night he will vote for Donald Trump for President. He went on to say, “Hillary IS that bad”, and he should know. He has worked on the Benghazi Committee, as well as the investigation into her use of a private email server and the deletion of more than 30,000 emails from that account.
Chaffetz is the Representative from Utah, and he is as reputable as anyone you will find in today’s corrupt government. He did find confusion as to whom he would vote for, as he was disappointed with Trump when the widely distributed “sex tape” came out. It threw him, but he simply cannot vote for Hillary, as he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt she is bad to the bone and will lead this Country into further destruction.”
Planet will get the Chief of Staff position.
He might as well. He’s writing Trumps TV spots and some of his speeches.
Let the skidding begin!!!!!
Do immigrants know how to drive in snow? I sure hope so.
Car into a tree Valentine rd
I have a tuke hat made in SYria, no lyin’.
Who’s in charge of the roads, very very slippery out there?
City caught off guard? OOOPSIE
Who is in charge again? The guy with the big salary?
so if they go out before there is accumulation to pretreat, they get crapped on. If they plowed when there isn’t much snow they get crapped on, and if they let an inch and a half that will melt tomorrow accumulate – they get crapped on.
no one on this blog could do the job better, cuz Christ himself couldn’t please anyone on here.
within an hour of the snow accumulating, they were out. within a couple of hours they had covered the main streets and bad streets and were on other streets. I saw only city trucks – so since the snow is a temporary inconvenience, maybe the key here is for folks to slow down and keep a safe distance from others.
I wish I knew where half the folks here worked so I could see how perfect they are since I have yet to be perfect or meet anyone in real life who is.
Repubs wanted to help with Obamacare policy, but were told by Obama to butt out with the now famous line that “elections have consequences”. They sure do which is why Hillary and Obama need to leave the political stage. Obama didn’t want to cooperate on anything. Obama wanted all the credit for himself on any of the success of Obamacare. Well, now he can take the blame for it going very wrong.
Progressives really think that people have short memories.
You might want to get some independent news sources Pat. You sound like you might be getting one side of the story. You do know that there are a whole bunch of people who wanted to destroy Obama from the day he got in right? Think Mitch McConnell and go from there.
May be so, but there were also others who wanted to work with him. Obama chose to be a lone wolf. This is very well documented until progressives decide to twist the truth. He even refused to meet with Republicans on a regular basis. He did not want to reach out to the other side.
I listen to all news sources which is more than I can say of most progressives.
Illegal immigrants come here to work for less money….Put business owners who hire them in jail for 1 year in their local jail.Would this not be very easy to stop if we just put Corp president in prison.
Houllary, walks to slow.
Great show tonight. I loved the song from Dino. That Cheech and Chong song had me rolling on the floor.
Dear Dan,
Done deal and the the Hilary fix is in. Hope you, and planet are ready for Shit the fan.
God bless