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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 22, 2017) — THE PLANET‘s commercial plug yesterday for the evening’s showing of PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION should win an Emmy. It was so good that the explosive episode of which we boasted was not, for reasons unknown, broadcast.

Did Someone place a call to a jellyfish? Will the brass at PCTV cite sunspots, subterranean waters, swamp gas, or earth tremors for the failure? We can’t say, and until we find out, THE PLANET shall keep our powder dry. If there’s a good reason for the non-showing, fine. If we get excuses and find censorship, especially for political reasons, THE PLANET shall end up owing the station.

On the show, taped Monday afternoon for prime broadcast at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday (last) night, THE PLANET and Supercitizen Terry Kinnas discussed the recent city audit and, more to point, the letter Pittsfield school supt. Jake “JIV” McCandless sent to parents and such regarding immigration. THE PLANET published JIV’s letter in full yesterday.

PCTV (ch 16) is not broadcasting the show,” Kinnas, PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION producer, said last night. “I believe it is a political move. I have made phone calls [to PCTV brass] and have not received a response.”

Meanwhile back in Windy City, many asked about our libel label (we’ve long been wanting to employ that phrase) regarding JIV’s letter. Why did we call it libelous?

JIVE wrote: “Like most of you, the first generation of my family to live and be educated in American public schools were immigrant students. Our connection to newly immigrated families, regardless of status, is clear and strong. These students are owed the same opportunities that our families were given.”

‘Libel’ Label

This statement libels every American whose ancestors came to this country seeking a better way of life and did so legally. THE PLANET‘s grandparents, for example, came from Austria and Italy, disembarked at Ellis Island, went through a rigorous vetting process, and lived with family and friends who had already made the journey. They came determined to become independent, assimilate, sublimate their cultural heritage, and become Americans. They learned the language. They took the most difficult jobs. They worked hard then worked more and harder. They raised their children with the insistence that they speak English first and work to become self-supporting. Our ancestors built the city of Pittsfield.

When JIV lumps these saintly people in with the illegals who cheated their way here, he libels the the good, decent people who came here the right way. JIV’s phrase, “regardless of status,” shows he’s talking about the criminals. They come to America illegally and make a beeline to Pittsfield, Massachusetts, where, unlike our immigrant ancestors, demand to be taken care of on the taxpayers’ dime. They receive “free” housing, “free” walking-around money, “free” education, “free” birth control, “free” prenatal care, “free” employment benefits, “free” legal assistance, “free” translators (because they often refuse to learn English). “free” health insurance, and a host of other “free” benefits.

“Press 1 for English”

In return, data show that illegals give back at a disproportionate rate increased child molestation, disrespect for American laws, increased incidence of gang activity, drugs, violence, unreported rapes, crime, theft, gender inequity, and untaxed wages. For this, tolerant, “diverse” government types such as JIV dump on citizen taxpayers, who must support the freeloaders while being shut out of the debate, as has happened in Pittsfield.

JIV’s letter has this line: ” … every single child deserves and has a right to a free, appropriate public education.”


This sentence, more than any other, reveals the “real” JIV.

PLANET Earth to JIV: There is no “free” education. Your department eats up 75 cents of every city dollar, $150 million+, to run Pittsfield into the ground. You only think the dough is “free” because you make $200K a year without having to show results and with no accountability. “Free?” Check with your assistant superintendent for finance and business, the gal who gave herself a huge raise not too long ago, Kristen Behnke,  and the nine full-time staffers she has in her hen house.

THE PLANET has only begun the autopsy of JIV’s epistle. Tomorrow, we continue the dissection. We shall also report on what we learn about the mysterious disappearance of last night’s stem-winding episode of PV-TV.

Was it the Show That Was Too Politically Explosive to Air?

Tune into tomorrow.


“If you call your opponent a politician, it’s ground for libel.” Mark Russell



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