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This is the first of a four-part series on the Berkshire Museum’s proposed sale of artwork. Also a program note: PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION comes back tonight at 6:30 p.m. with all new episodes. PV-TV’s shush kabob tonight skewers trash cans, gymnasiums at city hall, and the museum. Hope you can join us.


Is the ultimate goal of the effete baboons running Pittsfield to send the bedraggled city into the trash? If so, THE PLANET knows of the perfect receptacles. You can find them on Tyler Street. Look for the ugliest, flimsiest, cheapest Trashcans [capital “T” and bold face in all usage, mate!] imaginable, the ones that the mayor thinks are “hip,” the ones designed and manufactured by Lewis Lent.

That can be the only explanation for a recent series of events that have taken what little quality and class may still be there out of Benigno Numine, resigning it and them to the stocks. There it is now receiving mockery, ridicule, and scorn on an international scale not seen since Peter White last posted a picture of ham and eggs on Facebook.

The latest and most ongoing of the insanity concerns the Berkshire Museum‘s (BM) abhorrent plan to sell 40 pieces from its collection, including its marquee work, “Shuffleton’s Barbershop,” a spectacular 1950 oil painting by Norman Rockwell. The rape of the museum by executive director Van Shields and his board of directors also includes another Rockwell as well as works by Alexander Calder, Albert Bierstadt, Frederic Edwin Church, George Inness, Rembrandt Peale, and a couple dozen other heavyweights. ‘Tis a nihilistic act caused by financial panic.

Newspapers, art journals, critics, and anyone whose anybody have roundly condemned the move, one made necessary by a decade of financial mismanagement and ineptitude bordering on criminal. Articles of outrage have appeared in media across the country and throughout the art world, making Pittsfield a laughingstock and the BM into an aesthete’s pariah. The majority of those 10 years have come under the reign of error brought in by yet another ringer, a cracker barrel with a Darren haircut named Van Shields.

Prior to running the BM into the ground, Shields fell flat on his fat wallet trying to push through a similar “New Vision” plan at a museum down in sunny South Carolina. The $60 million boondoggle failed. In the bitter wake, charges of bad management swirled. Shields escaped that clown whirlpool and found refuge in what has to be the only city in America dumb enough to see missed deadlines, conflicts of interest, violation of accounting standards, lawsuits, loose spending, and probes by SC’s attorney general as qualifications for hire, an endorsement so ringing it made Quasimodo deaf.

At the time of the hire, Mary Huth, the president of the BM’s Board of Trustees, wept prose poems over the hire. The cascade included bullshit about “the extensive nationwide search” and, of course, the obligatory “strategic initiatives.” Turns out the rhetorical wetting of panties over the hire of Shields was all Pittsfield-speak for “We don’t know what the f**k we’re doing.”

In trying to explain the museum’s inexplicable move, current BM board president Elizabeth “Buzz” McGraw out-Huthed Huth. THE PLANET shall mercifully spare you the verbiage. Suffice it to say that Buzz’s clueless rationalization for destroying a large chunk of the city’s soul makes urine in the panties appear as golden ambrosia from the gods. Buzz expects the unwashed taxpayers of Pittsfield to drink this bitter cup as she ordains it. Fat chance, sister.

Fact is, Shields, McGraw, the board, and the entire BM staff have just signed their own professional death warrants. After the wave of global scorn subsides over their unjustifiable actions, donors, funds, and support will dry up. They will lose their gig. They’ll go on to cast their poisons elsewhere. Pittsfield, however, will lose its Self, not that these rat-bastids care.

Speaking of which, Pittsfield state rep. Tricia Faraway Boola-baise (D-Country Buffet), in between stuffing her bovine jaws with fried butter helicoptered in from the Big E, defended the BM board (aside: wait ’till you hear the story on THAT one). The Fat One also blasted critics of the rape of Rockwell and company, deploring what she said were ad hominem attacks.

This legislative wide body obviously hadn’t been reading THE PLANET.

Tommorow on THE PLANET: Pt. 2, a closer look at the BM’s finances.


“Not a word was spoken, but many things were said”Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



The Usual Disclaimer.


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7 years ago

Before the comments get started, the BB reports that Ernie Jordans hot dogs will serve it’s last dog this Friday. Cites no foot traffic anymore and the new parking fees has put the nail in the coffin. Fodder for a future column.

Diet Red
Diet Red
Reply to  EddieP
7 years ago

Tyer can buy his hot dog wagon when she gets voted out in two years.

Reply to  Diet Red
7 years ago

hasn’t she already hit the jackpot for a $4 or 5 million pension?

War Pigs
War Pigs
Reply to  Diet Red
7 years ago

DR, why can’t she buy it now and turn it into a hip trashcan for Tyler St.?

War Pigs
War Pigs
Reply to  EddieP
7 years ago

If he ran a needle exchange program from his hot dog cart he’d do just fine. You have to change with the times and ‘cater’ to the demographics.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  War Pigs
7 years ago

It would be a true economic engine.

That girl
That girl
7 years ago

This topic has become a source of frustration for me. I can’t believe that we have elected such close minded non-intellectuals. And they all get their photo ops with their stupid, underhanded smiles knowing whatever kick backs are coming their way. Stuff that we, as their electors, will never know about.
If the museum leaders want a Chuck E Cheese, why don’t they just propose one?

War Pigs
War Pigs
Reply to  That girl
7 years ago

But when it comes to making themselves money they are very open minded.

Reply to  War Pigs
7 years ago

I can’t wait to see how Tricia is filling her personal trough with the art sale

Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Secret Tapes From Baltimore
Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

Are there paintings of LHS there? Or paintings of her 40% raise?

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
7 years ago

We can’t do much about the antics at the BM but we can vote new people on the council.

Reply to  Benigno Numine
7 years ago

Ah, but when has voting “new” people (same as the old people) changed anything? All we ever wind up with is the parallel spawn of the people already on there.

Reply to  dusty
7 years ago

Pittsfield has a tight circle, and this has created the cesspool of downward spiral for many many many years. Zero leadership across the board, zero vision.
Greed and graft raping the taxpayers, while putting on the false front that everything is good in this seedy little town.

Reply to  dusty
7 years ago

Helen Moon is a “new voice” , you know a typical, activist minority progressive that claims she was repressed because of the shape of her eyes on a daily basis and all white men need to pay restitution or something of that sort. You have to stop listening to her high pitched whine at some point or your head explodes

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

She came to my house and thought GE left only 10 years ago…..and her mailer is SJW nonsense.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  dusty
7 years ago

Don’t vote for Persip or Carmel. Peter, Peter and Melissa will win just because this election will be a popularity contest.

Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

Persip is just as connected and corrupt as the rest of them. I wonder what his buddies at Lenco will get out of his election win. I wonder what committee his wife Jowls McButtkiss will end up on

War Pigs
War Pigs
Reply to  Benigno Numine
7 years ago

Helen Moon will likely win Ward 1 and she’ll be more ‘progressive’ than Tully ever was. Even her flyer kisses the arse of the school system and indicates she’ll be seeking every which way to raise taxes. In Pittsfield the more things change the more they get worse.

Reply to  War Pigs
7 years ago

If he subservient man partner didnt stumble upon his sisters fortunes Helen Moon would just be another whiny nurse living in $70k poverty

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

Who is she married to?

Reply to  Benigno Numine
7 years ago

The family that owns Fire Cider. Without those connections she’d just be wiping geriatrics instead of schmoozing the women’s caucous

Arial Black
Arial Black
Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

jealous much?

Len X Abhorant
Len X Abhorant
7 years ago

Who exactly comes up with Kiosk and can ideas?

Reply to  Len X Abhorant
7 years ago

The higher ups in Boston told Tyer to use them to increase revenue when she whined about getting reduced state funds. Apparently Bianchi purchased them years ago and they’ve been sitting in a warehouse collecting dust.


7 years ago

That girl, best line ever “If the museum leaders want Chucky E Cheese, why don’t they just propos one?”
LMAO, that’s exactly what they seem to want.

7 years ago

This has been a Burt Baccarat Production,gawd.

7 years ago

The intention of the Museum board appears to abandon the museum mission and join other pursuits. Maybe they will become a CFL light disposal. Who knows?

Still wondering
Still wondering
7 years ago

What is happening at the BM is just plain robbery. The art vultures who scan the planet for ripe targets focused on the Pit long ago.
The oligarchs are a patient lot. They will hang the art on their penthouse walls come hell or high water because they know that everyone has a price.

War Pigs
War Pigs
7 years ago

What? You mean Pittsfield hired someone who was ill qualified for the job but had connections? C’mon, that never happens.

7 years ago

Must read article on the subject in the Sept 10 Sunday issue of the Eagle. Real eye opener and ground zero look at the situation.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
7 years ago

I hear Ernie will be serving commerative hot dogs on Friday. He’s looking for suggestions who should be honored by a hot dog and why.

Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

I nominate Trump. Biggest Hot Dog on the planet earth.

Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

He should make one that is dipped in the toilet and sprinkled with corn. It would be the Caccamo because it’s full of sh*t

The Dynamic Vibrator
The Dynamic Vibrator
Reply to  LoneGunMan
7 years ago

That sounds about right.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

I think the Pittsfield tax-payer should get the “honorary hot-dog.”

Lord knows, every year when the city raises taxes, the tax-payer gets to bend over and enjoy the City of Pittsfield’s hot dog, right where the sun don’t shine.

7 years ago

Drive down Tyler near the old st Mary’s, trash in the roads already.

7 years ago

Trump Dog.All bun no weener,with saurkraut.

Reply to  mi
7 years ago


Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

It took a U.S. Constitutional Amendment to stop politicians from selling people into slavery!
It will take a court case to stop the Berkshire Museum from selling its historical pieces of art.
Tricia Farley-Bouvier is defending the indefensible!

7 years ago

Trish is taking the low road and marching orders. Remeber when they got the copper roof?

7 years ago

Jimmie Ruberto wrote a letter to the editor today supporting the sell of the assets of the museum – that’s enough for me to know that it’s CROOKED and we should not be doing it –

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

Ah, Jimmy R. Meet the man who owns TFB !!

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  danvalenti
7 years ago

A pair of saints I tell you.

Reply to  Tricksie
7 years ago

I know for a fact there there is nothing funny going on here such as kickbacks or variations there of.

But then it has been said that not everything I say is true. Sometimes I just make stuff up and this could be one of those times.

7 years ago

Has Tex done anything to help his former Texacans?

7 years ago

I think the Eagle article about the hot dog guy says it all about North street. He said the parking kiosks put the nail in the coffin.
So congratulations to all the politicians that had a hand in this. You put North street out of its misery once and for all.

buh bye now…..see ya North street…would not want to be ya..or any of the business s located there who will also get sucked down the drain

Reply to  dusty
7 years ago

Don’t forget that Berkshire Bank is moving its headquarters to Boston very soon. They have 4 buildings downtown.

grier horner
grier horner
7 years ago

Hey Dan. Can’t wait to see
#2, #3 and #4.

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
7 years ago
May Hemm
May Hemm
7 years ago

Where have you gone Pam DiMaggio.

7 years ago

From the BB, “If anyone is enjoying this hot weather, don’t get used to it because a cool front is on the way”. All I can say is “hooray”. How could anyone enjoy weather this hot and oppressive? Actually this hot and humid weather has lasted for the last 2 weeks although much worse in the last 5 days. It feels like we are living in a tropical forest .I hope it ends on Thursday. Let’s hope so!!! I want the cool refreshing fall weather that we had at the end of August and the beginning of September.

7 years ago

Selections for CityCouncilor
Ward One: Moon
Ward Two: Morandi
Ward Three: Caccamo
Ward Four : Connell
Ward Five : Rivers
Ward Six : Krol
Ward Seven : Simonelli
At Large: Mazzeo,Marchetti, White, Persip

Reply to  amandaWell
7 years ago

Spot on !

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  amandaWell
7 years ago

None of the above

Reply to  amandaWell
7 years ago

No thank you to any of those candidates. They are the candidates that will be chosen by everyone associated with the schools because they are the ones who keep funneling money toward the schools.

They are all hard line progressive anti-Walmart and anti anything that is good for this city. They are the ones who reward their friends and family with jobs and all the goodies while everyone else gets ignored. They are the same types who have brought this city to its knees and ignored the struggling middle class.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

If that is prediction, then you would give her an A. There are many however who feel like J B. I don’t like the same old faces on some of these Boards, year after year.

7 years ago

These are not written in stone,Joe. After the debates there could be changes, so those that weren’t selected can move forward, no one has been endorsed yet. The Planet usually will tell us what the real Deal is. He is usually spot on.

7 years ago

Come on Joe, you have to vote someone on?

Reply to  mi
7 years ago

All of those candidates have been hand picked by Progressives to keep following the same tired policies that have brought this city to its knees. NO THANK YOU. These are the candidates that will be supported by all the school people because they will maintain the status quo. More money for the school employees and others in the in crowd while the needs of everyone else in the city are ignored!!!!

Wild in the Streets
Wild in the Streets
7 years ago

The Director used the word Perspect. Planet, is that a real word?

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  Wild in the Streets
7 years ago

Remember when Lothrop used to use the word CONVERSATE? Or should I say non word?

Bill Q
Bill Q
7 years ago

Connell, Lee and Morandi made excellent points concerning the shell game petition,

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  Bill Q
7 years ago


Bill Q
Bill Q
7 years ago

Attorney Darren Lee.