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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JULY 20, 2020) — In The Weekend Edition, THE PLANET picked up the story of the sudden ouster of up to 80 homeless people from the former St. Joseph’s High School building on Maplewood Avenue in downtown Pittsfield. ServiceNet’s alarming move was done without notice to city councilors and apparently without notice to anyone. It’s not clear if the agency informed the mayor, the Office of Community Development, or anyone else.

Today, we continue the story, doing the follow-up that the Boring Broadsheet and the sad excuse for other local “news” outlets have ignored.

To bring you up to speed, we present background you probably haven’t heard or read.

First, Amanda Burke’s paint-by-numbers story in the Friday edition of The BB on the SJHS closing failed to asked the important questions or do any meaningful followup. It’s a great example of how the newspaper’s timid approach continues to rip-off the community. When the mayor responded to THE PLANET (she did not make herself available to The BB), she praised the current homeless shelter, Barton’s Crossing, on outer North Street, as well as ServiceNet. She implied that the release of that number of homeless would not pose a problem. We subsequently learned that because of the pandemic, there are currently no shelter beds available. THE PLANET also learned of the dilapidated, prison-like atmosphere of Barton’s along with numerous rumblings about the facility on the verge of closing for unspecified violations.

There’s a giant problem brewing, and the city’s “leaders” don’t want to touch it.

Late Friday, THE PLANET contacted each of the 11 city councilors. Our inquiry asked the following questions:

  • 1. How many people were evicted. The numbers are all over the place, from 40 to 80. What’s the real number?
  • 2. Where have they gone? Any track on this?
  • 3. Were they COVID-clean? Is there certification to that effect?
  • 4. The VP of ServiceNet talked of “money” problems? Was there theft? Embezzlement? The rumors are out there.
  • 5. Who was keeping the books? Are the books available for inspection?
  • 6. What was the extent of the city’s involvement in running the facility?
  • 7. Do you intend to address this at a council meeting? Bring people in for questioning?
  • 8. What has the city heard from the Diocese of Springfield?
  • 9. Were any of you notified of the closing of the facility before it happened?
  • 10. Who was the city’s liaison with ServiceNet?

As of today’s posting, we heard from six of them: council president Peter Marchetti, at-large Earl Persip, Ward 5 councilor Patrick Kavey, Peter White at large, Ward 4 councilor Chris Connell, and Kevin Morandi of Ward 2.

  1. MARCHETTI: I spoke with [ServiceNet’s VP] Jay Sachetti. He told me there were about five without a place to go … PERSIP, same answer.
  2. MARCHETTI: I don’t know. … PERSIP, same answer.
  3. MARCHETTI: I don’t know. … PERSIP, same answer.
  4. MARCHETTI: I’m not aware of any. PERSIP: “Rumors are Just that, rumors. I haven’t heard of this. Service Net is well run Organization and I assume they have protocols to show how money is spent. I also believe they have reporting requirements.”
  5. MARCHETTI: I don’t know. … PERSIP: “That’s a question for service net. I don’t have an answer.”
  6. MARCHETTI: It is my understanding that we cleaned up and made some repairs. The facility was run by service net. … PERSIP: “I was told the city was the one who did repairs to the building and cleaned up to be used. Service net ran the day to day.”
  7. MARCHETTI: Still trying to get her information so not sure at the moment. The next meeting is 8/11. … PERSIP: “I was told the city was the one who did repairs to the building and cleaned up to be used. Service net ran the day to day.”
  8. MARCHETTI: I was not made aware of any recent conversations with diocese. … PERSIP, same answer.
  9. MARCHETTI: I was not made aware of closing … PERSIP: “Not that I was told.”
  10. MARCHETTI: I am unaware. I would assume Health Dept and community Development office. … PERSIP, same answer.


The sudden closing of the homeless shelter at St. Joe High School was just as much of a shock to the council as it was to the public. I was not informed by the city that the shelter would be closing. I also have heard nothing out of the Diocese of Springfield. My colleagues, I spoke with were also not informed. The information I have received about the closing of St. Joe has come directly from my local homelessness advocate contacts within the community.

The question of eviction is more complex than it should be. Since I am going off information from our local advocates, my numbers are all over the place as well. The official statement in the Eagle was that the numbers had fallen. The city has said that there are 71 homeless individuals in the county. That the number was as low as 18 individuals at St. Joe, when the facility was closed and that four were displaced without anywhere to go. However, the one of the local activists I spoke with had said she has been tracking upwards of 100 homeless in the city and has a list of names she has complied that include St. Joe, Soldier On and Bartons Crossing. She was able to track some of those who have been displaced to local parks, where they have been camping but since the population is a transient one, it is hard to track the whereabouts of most. 

I have no information at this time what the status of whether they were positive or not for COVID. I hopefully will gain more information on any contact tracing that has happened with our homeless members of our community, once I hear from the current administration. I also have no information on the financial aspects of ServiceNet or who was keeping the books. Any funding that came through the city from the federal government should be able to be tracked by our Director of Finance. 

It is my understanding that a lot of businesses were complaining about “unwanted individuals” in the downtown business district, which could have had an impact on the decision to close St. Joe. Right now, our short-term goal should be to give these folks immediate housing and give them the support to navigate that opportunity in a positive way, especially the ones that are unwell. Homelessness, mental health and addiction all collide. Not all of those folks are in that boat but some of them are and those are the folks that are the challenging ones but also the folks that need our help the most. Long term, we need to update and expand Bartons Crossing so that we can handle higher levels of homelessness that we may experience due to COVID and the onset of a global recession. 

United Methodist has been seen as an alternative solution. Many downtown businesses have opposed that move, siting it will hurt their businesses. According to a local advocate, the amount of beds would not be a significant improvement over our current situation. With that being said, I think we should be mindful of what this pandemic and the onset of this recession is already doing to our community and what it is going to do to our community in the future. This is not the time for less beds. With 15% of our population in poverty, our unemployment rate soaring and the spread of a deadly virus, it is important to ensure shelter and the space for proper sanitation for our homeless. This is the time for additional space and resources to be allocated towards the homeless. At this point in time, my main focus is gaining more information on the current situation. I have spoken with my colleagues about a petition that would request this information in our next council meeting. Until then, I plan on continuing to work with local activists to track the movements of our homeless population and try and get them the aid they need in these trying times. Once we have more information, then my colleagues and I can come up with a more complete plan on how to address the situation. 

Given Tyer’s sun-shiny answer, the responses of THE PLANET’s two Right Honorable Good Friends, and the silence of the other 10, it appears the city had no involvement or oversight on what was happening inside of SJHS. That’s problem enough, but when ServiceNet locked the doors like thieves in the night, you have a problem of magnitude.

THE PLANET: Kavey hits a perfect tone here with his reference to locking “the doors like thieves in the night” and with his realization that this is “a problem of magnitude.” He would make the perfect noise-maker on a council desperately in need of someone to rain thunder on this issue and others, especially given the callousness of the response from the Office of Community Development given below by Peter Lafayette.


From speaking with Jay Sachetti at ServiceNet about 4 or 5 people had no where to go when the shelter closed. In the weeks leading up to the closure numbers were declining and they had been getting 15-18 people per night.

As far as where they have gone I do not have that answer. Barton’s Crossing was offered to the most vulnerable but the offer was not taken.

I do not know of any Covid-19 testing before they left. If symptoms were reported they could have gone for testing if ordered by a physician.

I do not have any insight on the money issues beyond knowing from serving on the Human Services Advisory Council that Barton’s Crossing often operates on a deficit. I have no reason to believe anything illegal was going on.

Any “books” I would think ServiceNet operating the shelter would track numbers and then submit them for reimbursements. You would need to contact ServiceNet or Finance Director Kerwood in regards to any inspections request.

The extent of the City’s involvement was to clean the former high school and make repairs to allow it to act as a temporary shelter.

If answers do not come before the next scheduled meeting in August then requesting answers there could be an option. However I have rarely seen the need to put in a petition for answers that can be asked for and received. Homelessness is a problem in ours and many other regions. Under usually conditions any over flow shelters would have closed months ago.

I have heard nothing from the Diocese of Springfield, nor as a City Councilor am I involved in those conversations.

I was not made aware of the closing. I learned of the closings through the Berkshire Eagle article and Facebook postings.

I am not sure who the liaison was but I would expect it would be the Community Development Office following Board of Health/ Health Department guidelines.


Thanks for the questions. Unfortunately I have few answers but the same questions that you have asked. 

I have been told that as many as 80 individuals were there at the start. I have also been told but can’t verify that 30 individuals may have been displaced due to the abrupt closing. Some ended up at Barton’s crossing but some ended up in Springside park. Again, hard to verify and get a clear number. 
I have no idea at the present time if there were COVID clean or tested. As far as “money” problems, no answers just questions. I am assuming that this was being monitored by the housing specialist in the community development office at city hall. 
I have not heard anything coming from the Springfield Diocese as of yet but I am still waiting for a reply to an individual that has reached out to them. 
My plan is to submit a petition for the next meeting on August 11th requesting that the Mayor gives answers to the abrupt closing, answers to some of the above questions, and ask what steps she plans to take to help these individuals displaced either on a temporary or permanent basis. 
The last answer that I can give you is NO I was not notified about the closure. I would have asked for an action plan if I had. 
I feel the need to weigh in especially since this temporary shelter is in my ward. I will do my best to answer them but I received no communication why the temporary shelter was closed on July 13.
1)- I don’t know 
2)- I don’t know 
3)- I don’t know 
4)- I don’t know 
5)- I don’t know 
6)- I believe it was an agreement between the city, Diocese of Springfield and ServiceNet and the city prepared and cleaned the building when it opened.
7)- I feel there needs to be a conversation between the Mayor,  City Council and ServiceNet out in the open. The public has a right to know and should be a part of that discussion.
8)- I don’t know 
9)- I reached out to the Mayor and Chief Wynn on July 8 after receiving emails and phone calls from constituents wanting to know if there was a time-line in place for the discontinued use of St.Joe’s as a temporary shelter and the concern of increased calls to the shelter and suspicious and illegal activities from individuals around and connected to the shelter. I requested the data on the number of calls to St.Joe’s since the temporary shelter opened in April and Capt. Grady responded back to me on July 8 with information that from April 1 thru July 7 of this year there has been 42 calls for service to 22 Maplewood Avenue including nine different call types with 13 calls for an unwanted subject creating the most call volume. That is the only way I found out about  the closing.
10)- I don’t know. 
Sorry I couldn’t given you more definitive answers but we as councilors weren’t kept apprised on the operation of the temporary shelter or what the plan was for its operation. Thank You.

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET thanks the five councilors for talking directly to the people through this board. As for Moon (who has NEVER once responded to any of our press inquiries), Morandi, Caccamo, Lampiasi, Maffuccio, and Cohen, they must not care. Maybe they were all mask-less at Methuselah, social distancing at 12 inches.

At this point, THE PLANET gives you a relevant set of exchanges on Facebook involving Regina White; Rev. Ralph Howe of the First United Methodist Church; councilor Connell; Peter Lafayette, president of Downtown Pittsfield Inc.; and the city’s homeless advocate Edward Carmel.


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From Rev. Ralph Howe of First United Methodist Church on Fenn Street in Pittsfield :
“Hello Berkshire County folks,
Our church has entered into a lease for a service agency with a long history of serving the needy to move its homeless shelter from a decrepit facility a mile out of town to a wing of our building. It can be accomplished with minimal costs.
It is good for the church and good for the community.
It will allow them to provide much more services during the day to those who are living with homelessness or housing insecurity.
While I went and talked with the local merchant’s group, Downtown Pittsfield Inc in February to let them know that we were making headway toward this project, they waited until a few days ago to send us a letter complaining about this project.
Our hearing is on Tuesday, July 21st at 6pm.
They oppose the location of the shelter on Pearl Street, a street with an industrial plant and a wholesale restaurant company.”

⭐️ When pressed for details, they simply don’t want the homeless near their establishments.

There are issues with people acting in antisocial ways around downtown, but we know that many if not most of them are actually not guests at the homeless shelter.
So the legitimate concerns and the location of the shelter are really not connected.
We have offered to partner with them to address the actual issues, but they seem less than committed to that.

We need good folks to let the board of Downtown Pittsfield know that you support this project.
The website is ( )
Board members include:
• Wendy Allegrone
• Gloria Beraldi
• Timothy Burke
• Michelle Butler
• Jess Cook-Dubin
• Nick Dargi
• Sen. Adam Hinds
• David Irwin
• Chuck Leach
• Gary Levant
• Joseph Lotano
• Victoria May
• Gerry Miller
• Ricardo Morales
• Steve Oakes
• Tim O’Donnell
• Nick Paleologos
• Eric Pratt
• Jessie Rumlow
• Nick Russo
• Sam Russo
• Lindsey Schmidt
• Elizabeth Tully
• Dan Zimmer.

Thank you for anything


The shelter did not close. With a lower census, it simply moved temporarily back to its original location at Barton Crossing on upper North Street. It has been looking for a new central location.


Peter, it seems no one was notified. During a national emergency with covid-19, steps should have been made to not only inform the public but to wait until this epidemic was completely under control. Based on world wide numbers, we should expect a second wave thereby increasing the need for facilities like this.


Peter u r wrong wrong wrong.If u have true information bring it if it’s false imfor don’t put it out there and b.s. anybody else. What census would that b with a full house at St Jos. This is unconstitutional to treat people like animals. The findings by the appropriate people will come out and u will see that our leaders not do not want to deal with the homeless. THIS WILL CHANGE.

———- ooo ———-

The objection that allowing a homeless facility on Fenn Street would spoil the commercial environment of the downtown and add to public concerns about safety can be dismissed out-of-hand. Pittsfield’s “leaders” decided both questions for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski decades ago. They put Ad Lib downtown. They put Juvenile Court downtown. They put the meth clinic downtown. They allowed social-service agencies downtown and zoned away private businesses.

It would appear that a coverup is in the works. How else can one explain the incredible lack of knowledge (ignorance?) over this situation?

  • There’s no agreement on the number without housing.
  • The mayor says 40. Sachetti claims 5. A lawyer with familiarity on the local housing situation puts the number of homeless in the city “in excess of 120.”
  • No one knows how many of the evicted or homeless have COVID-19 or have been tested.
  • No one knows where they are.
  • Off the record, we have heard of serious questions involving “the money” with respect to at least the SJHS situation. We have seen no hard evidence of this. That said, it’s hardly reassuring that when the VP of ServiceNet talks about funding for the homeless, he speaks of money “materializing then disappearing.” What money? Where? By whom? From whom?
  • Who holds the books? Will they be made available for public inspection?

No one other than THE PLANET, Connell, and Kavey seems to be pressing to find  answers. The SJHS facility CLEARLY CLOSED, but Lafayette has the temerity to write: “The shelter did not close.” Kudos to Carmel for calling out Lafayette. It’s a lie, Carmel says. It would appear that he’s correct. Lafayette did not respond to Carmel’s accusation on Facebook.

We’ve known Peter Lafayette for a generation. He talks a good game and presents a comforting public figure. He’s clean, articulate, and wears the professorial scrub of a policy wonk. However, bounding from one public trough job after another, don’t you get the sense that this guy just couldn’t hack it in The Dreaded Private Sector? Come to think of it, isn’t that a great qualification for the offices of Downtown Inc.?

THE PLANET of course will be glad to publish any comment or clarification he wishes to send us.

When the phone doesn’t ring, we’ll know it’s Peter Lafayette not getting back to us.


“Self realization has ceased to be looked upon as self-fortification”Henry Burton Sharman.



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Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
4 years ago

Well i can tell you first hand the havoc around the downtown with these homeless folks. I absolutely believe we need to so what we can for them but they don’t enhance the quality of life downtown. Since they have been at St Joe all we have had to deal with in our parking lot and building is sleeping people in our doorways, piss filled bottles and piles of human dung.

BTW is there a translation device for Ed Carmel posts?

4 years ago

The city should be demanding answers regarding the shelter’s closing in the midst of a national emergency. I know from my frequent “sanity” bicycle rides and walks around the north end of Pittsfield that there are at least a couple of homeless living along the Housatonic River on Wahconah Street and quite a few tents are currently pitched in Springside Park. No doubt other parts of the city are seeing the same.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Hello Dan Valenti, It is well known fact that Matt Kerwood is sitting on a slush fund worth over $10 million in cold hard Kapan$ki Ka$h. Why doesn’t the lovely Linda Tyer use some of the +ten million dollars to help the 120 homeless residents of inner city Pittsfield have a roof over their heads at night? Also, it is a known fact the Governor Charlie Baker is sitting on a slush fund of over $3.5 billion in cold hard Kapan$ki Ka$h. Why doesn’t Tricia Farley Bouvier and Adam Hinds use some of the +$3.5 billion to help the 120 homeless residents of inner city Pittsfield have a roof over their heads at night? What are all of these slush funds for if politicians don’t spend the millions or billions of dollars to help the most needy and vulnerable residents of Pittsfield, Massachusetts? If I were in the proverbial shoes of Matt Kerwood, the lovely Linda Tyer, Tricia Farley Bouvier, Adam Hinds, or Charlie Baker, I would use the slush funds to help the homeless people! Best wishes, Jonathan Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

The BLM thugs are attacking church goers in Troy NY

The conservative blogosphere was appalled when video showed Black Lives Matter activists assaulting parishioners at Grace Baptist Church and then moving inside bristling for a fight.
Protesters screamed at a woman holding a child and two others in tow. At least one man was pulled aside and punched repeatedly. “This is no House of God,” a man chanted into a bullhorn.

“We are an old-fashioned hellfire and damnation church,” Mr. Koletas told The Washington Times. “We’re not backing down, and we’re not apologizing.”
Protesters also said Mr. Koletas‘ preaching was racist.
He insisted that is not the case and said people of color comprise nearly one-third of Grace Baptist’s congregation.
Indeed, Black church officials are among those trying to keep the peace in the shocking video.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Where is the story?

4 years ago

Only 70 shot, 10 fatally, in Chicago this weekend. What races mostly? Black Lives Matter? Where is the outrage?

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  BlackLivesMatter?
4 years ago

Look over here, not over there.

Reply to  BlackLivesMatter?
4 years ago

Listen, we have bigger fish to fry here! Do you not realize there is a racist on the Pittsfield city council? He shared an article about Irish slavery, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!!! I really found the letter to the editor about this hilarious with Earl saying he was trying to educate instead of labeling Chris a racist. How about picking up the phone or sending an email? No, you shared it with thousands of people on social media not to try and educate, but rather to accuse him of racism and let the public mob attack him like a middle school child would. As someone with a middle school child, she is more responsible on social media then the majority of city council. Thank god I don’t live in Pittsfield anymore, this rhetoric is a joke and a waste of time.

Moa Storositee
Moa Storositee
Reply to  Hendrix
4 years ago

Mele had it correct. The gene pool and special interest and gob rule the roost.

Reply to  BlackLivesMatter?
4 years ago

The media and activists have it locked up in the do not report on black on black crimes ,no outrage allowed vault.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
4 years ago

What is the white collar on white peopler crime nobody reports on.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Here’s your White “Heros” TSM the pedophiles,……. Clintons, British Royals, …

“Keep That Bitch Alive!” – Protesters Gather Outside Ghislaine Maxwell’s Prison, Chanting, “No Justice, No Peace, Fk Those Ped*phile Elites!”

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

I agree white collar crime is terrible. Money can be recouped or some of it at times, but trying to recoup someone who has been murdered isn’t happening.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  BlackLivesMatter?
4 years ago

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot blames Trump, the NRA, racisim, guns, police, conservatives………..not the hood rats, thugs, gangs.

Black on Black crimes seems to be O.K., maybe more than tolerated even encouraged, in Chicago and other US cities ran by democrats.

Recently this tolerance for lawlessness has been extended to rioters/looters of all colors and creeds. These mayors are just being inclusive.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Trump will send in his secret police and you guys in the Berkshires will throw desperately wounded Don a vote

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  BlackLivesMatter?
4 years ago

white on white crime has not been getting attention

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Dan ,excellent interest in tracking people for the virus.Wish Trump administration was this interested.We need answers to the tracking and the testing.Pittsfield has handled the virus at a very high level.Hoping we dont get complacent in this issue.You have kept the city on course.We need to stay vigilant.

Moa Storositee
Moa Storositee
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Accident on Merrill Rd area last night. Perp left scene with airbag deployed. Good job ppd. Don’t know any details other than they caught him.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Call the CDC for the correct data . Oh, never mind. Just guessing might be better.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You are some kind of special needs idiot.
The CDC is provided data by the state, the state is provided data by state authorized testing centers.
So it starts locally.
Just so you know BHS has completely failed in all aspects of testing and tracing. Also the local board of health in Pittsfield has failed to send out notices to about a third of those confirmed with COVID.
The contact tracers in Berkshire county are not reaching even the first patient, let alone those that have had direct contact. They are upwards of 7 weeks behind in contact tracing. The incubation is two weeks.

Dina Krol Jr
Dina Krol Jr
4 years ago

Downtown Pittsfield INC costs the city 30k per year. If it’s a truly viable non-profit then it should run without taxpayer funding.

Also look at their 2018 tax filings here :

Reply to  Dina Krol Jr
4 years ago

Love Your Name. Dina, don’t forget she is “NOT EVEN FROM HERE” and lives in the Town of Washington or at least on Washington Mountain Road in the Town of Dalton or the Town of Hinsdale depending on where the town line is. Follow the Money. She knows nothing of our culture or history. No threat to “THE OLD BOYS”. Eating from the Pittsfield Public Trough.

Dina Krol Jr
Dina Krol Jr
Reply to  juicylucy
4 years ago

Can’t speak on her past but She and her wife bought a house across the street from her mentor John on Trova Ter. right before he split town. 300k single family far away from the crime and poverty she represents. I also love how people with no qualifications just breezed into DA’s office jobs after the election.

Johnny Absurds Accountant
Johnny Absurds Accountant
Reply to  Dina Krol Jr
4 years ago

I believe they also got money from the Paycheck Protection program over 150,000 bucks????

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Johnny Absurds Accountant
4 years ago

Total racket.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Dina Krol Jr
4 years ago

I have more faith in the homeless Methodists than in Downtown Pittsfield. Downtown Pittsfield is a money laundering enterprise for funneling GE cash into the hands of its ‘lifetime’ members or directors. Carver? Check. Scarafoni? Check? Allgerone? Check? Who else? How many pocketed from the museum rape. It’s ok people sell drugs at Methuselah but housing homeless must stop!
Patrick Cavey should run to unseat TFB. I like that the kid is curious.

4 years ago

Cover up is what they all do. I don’t care if it’s local, statewide, or national. Something goes off the rails, you hide it. You lie about it. You insert your political narrative into it.

How refreshing would it be if someone stood up, went to the podium, and simply said in plain down in the dirt English: “Well, I guess I f***ed up big time on this one. Here’s what happened…”

I think we’d all get along better, not be so polarized, and have more faith in both government and each other if we simply told it like it really is.

Reply to  Truthsayer
4 years ago

My Dad told me the Eagle used to post traffic stops in the paper and Court results and fines.I listen to the scanner on my job. You wouldn’t believe the people that get pulled over and let go outright, no charges, and I’m not talking speeding, serious Offenses.I Know this personally. That accident last night is a relative of a prominent figure here locally.

That’s why these Advisory Boards are no good,to many connected people on them and many conflicts of interest on both sides. How do I get a hold of you Dan? This is why police don’t give citations, a perp might be a connected person.,so why give them at all?

Johnny Absurds Accountant
Johnny Absurds Accountant
4 years ago

Speaking of curious things there was an article in the July 12 Sunday Eagle page A3 which listed local business receiving forgivable loans from the PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM. These are just the ones getting OVER $150,000 bucks. Shocking how many on the list and looks like every business and entity in the city. Some worth millions and have done very well through the virus. Would be great if someone could copy and paste the list here. PETRICCA, GUIDOS, CARR HDWR, PITTSFIELD LAWN AND TRACTOR, BERKSHIRE MUSEUM////WTF YA GOTTA SEE IT

Apparently the Eagle did not see fit to list the smaller ones in Pittsfield but surely many of them advertise with them so there ya go.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Democrats have asked the same of Trump to provide who hot the money.We have alot in common Dan

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Johnny Absurds Accountant
4 years ago
Last edited 4 years ago by Be The Change
Johnny Absurds Accountant
Johnny Absurds Accountant
Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Good link but only a fraction of the ones listed in the actual Eagle of Sunday July 12 page A3.

Free Bird
Free Bird
4 years ago

It’s amazing how difficult it is to get reliable data about anything anymore. I’m not familiar with how a homeless shelter functions but it seems someone should have been logging the people coming and going there. The way covid deaths are recorded is another disaster. If someone dies in a traffic accident it shouldn’t matter if they have covid, the seasonal flu, or anything else if the accident was the primary cause of death. Some states are now lumping antibody tests together with the virul tests which make it look like cases are skyrocketing. I’m sure a lot of people had the virus already without knowing it.

Reply to  Free Bird
4 years ago

It’s all to make President Trump look bad. The media is targeting suburban women to make them hate President Trump and sadly women are not using their heads, but are allowing the far left media to manipulate their emotions. It is so obvious that President Trump is miles above Joe Biden in intelligence. Women fought so hard for the right to vote and then allow themselves to be manipulated by a lying media. Women used to care about safety as a priority for their families, but now all they care about is whether they like somebody’s personality. Seems like a really shallow reason to vote for somebody and no better than voting for the most handsome candidate as women used to be accused of in the past. Joe Biden is all charm on the outside, but a typical power mad politician on the inside who looks out for money and power for himself and his family as when he and his son took so much money from Ukraine and China when Joe was VP. Joe Biden shifts with the wind and will say or do whatever it takes to be popular.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump has ruined America. Are we better off now than 42 months ago?We are a mess.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Marxists sent the virus to America and the rest of the world to weaken us. The Marxists want control of our country and will do anything to get it including making people sick and trying to ruin our economy.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Stop blaming democrats for this virus.

Reply to  Free Bird
4 years ago

The media wants to make the election about personality and is targeting suburban women. Suburban women feel safe in their police protected suburbs and even safe from the virus so the media makes the election about the personality of President Trump. Meanwhile, African American women in these lawless cities are crying out for police protection. It’s mostly younger people who are getting COVID-19 because they are on beaches, partying, going to COVID-19 parties and acting totally irresponsible. That is not the fault of President Trump. Older people are being very careful.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Yes it is.Trump said they only get sniffles.Hes a moron Pat

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

These young people are all Bernie or Biden supporters. They know the potential danger of this virus and are not being careful. Some are intentionally helping the cause in many cases so more people test positive for the virus because they think it makes President Trump look bad. The far left/Marxists are devious.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump has created the chaos he needs.You love Don

4 years ago

I’m waiting for the,

E-Mail to self: All involved in this homeless shelter wanted everything done by the book.

Roitors Badgd
Roitors Badgd
4 years ago

I guess boating accidents and hit and runs aren’t media worthy. Unless someone has been seriously injured.

Q Teepye
Q Teepye
Reply to  Roitors Badgd
4 years ago

Being connected helps. WWG1wgA. Vote Trump

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Rather strange or maybe just an unusual coincidence that the owner of Dottie’s collected all her donated money and free payouts from the City. She finally open’s her business after almost 4 months of playing the poor business victim from the pandemic, even though there was no reason she could not have provided curbside pickup, and within a few days of her opening, the homeless shelter is closed. Pittsfield behind the scenes antics again?

L lafunbakor
L lafunbakor
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Can’t wait for the debates. Poor Joe,his brain is three seconds behind his sentences. And Trump well? He deteriorating also. I always thought most people did not like self plaudits. I am the smartest,I know more than you? What is that?

Reply to  L lafunbakor
4 years ago

There will be no debates. The Democrats want to hide the fact that Joe Biden is not capable of being president of this country. Suburban women are voting for personality only in this election and don’t care about the mental deterioration of Joe Biden. Women are using no brain power and might as well vote for candidates based on how handsome they are which is what women were once accused of doing. Voting for someone based on personality isn’t much better.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

On the other hand the republicans are NOT hiding the fact that Trump is and has always been incapable of being president of anything. Much of the rest of the world is distancing itself from America as we have become poison. Tourism to America is going to be slashed crippling many business s. Conversely, Americans are not going to be very welcome in many countries around the world. We are going to find out how isolationism really works whether we want to or not.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Your arguments sound like far left Rachel Maddow talking points and none are true. China is the country that everyone hates right now thanks to the virus that they willingly sent to the entire world while trying to protect their own country. It’s isolation for every country right now thanks to the China virus. Nobody will be traveling courtesy of the China virus. You see it all comes back to China. China wants to rule the world and what better way to get started with that goal than to weaken every country, financially and otherwise, with their nasty virus.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

China is the country that everyone hates right now thanks to the virus that they willingly sent to the entire world while trying to protect their own country. It’s isolation for every country right now thanks to the China virus. Nobody will be traveling courtesy of the China virus. You see it all comes back to China. China wants to rule the world and what better way to get started with that goal than to weaken every country, financially and otherwise, with their nasty virus.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

China is the country responsible for nobody being able to travel and having to stay isolated in their own country. We are finding out how isolation works courtesy of China. China is the poison thanks to exporting the virus to the world.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

I think you got a hold of some bad acid Pat. You need to find a more respectable dealer.

Good God!

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Like I said months ago, the commie bastards unleashed the virus on purpose.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Voting for a business failure and now a national failure is insane

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

What is the connection though ?

Blaze Tweakidour
Blaze Tweakidour
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

All depends if you’re buying or selling,huh Dottie’s.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Moon and Caccamo probably could not get permission from the mayor to respond to your questions. Mr. Kavey, wow, I like this guy. Do we have a councilor who actually takes his job serious?
If Jay Sachetti has the inside info why are we not talking to him? If everything is on the up and up he should be rolling out the books for the public to see and the mayor should be encouraging him to do so. Yah, right!
Can you imagine what the homeless population will look like next year? As soon as the mayor gets Tyler street all fixed up they will be moving on up and Tyler will be the new land of opportunity for beggars and panhandlers. Not that it is exactly a safe haven now.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

I have a feeling your right about those two not answering because they do what they are told to do and seems like they were fair questions Dan asked of them. Why else would they not answer? They claim they answer to the citizens and aren’t controlled by anyone. At least when each ran they claimed that.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Johhny2Shoes
4 years ago

Very little independent thinking going on with those two. They were groomed to become councilors and accepted probably for the health insurance. Neither one of them seem to take the office seriously. But it is Pittsfield and the example is set poorly from the mayors office so no body in Pittsfield really expects too much from its representatives. The history is just bad.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 years ago

What is Wrong with Old Joe? Biden Becomes Totally Incoherent During Interview, Says His Campaign Has “Voter Registration Physicians” (VIDEO)
Is there a doctor in the house?
77-year-old Joe Biden on Monday became totally incoherent during a softball interview with MSNBC and told host Joy Reid his campaign has “voter registration physicians” in the states…to allow for voting in place.

What exactly is a voter registration physician?

“The only thing we can do about it is be prepared. We have a whole group of lawyers who are going out to every polling — every — uh, uh, uh voter registration physician in the state, the secretaries of state…to allow for voting in place.”

Blaze Tweakidour
Blaze Tweakidour
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Yeah, heard that interview also. Definitely something going on but because he’s a democrat those d-rats will vote for anyone to beat Trump. The debates will be hilarious. Some Media is saying the debates won’t matter,.come on?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Donald Trump is bragging to Chris Wallace about the big test he took. And he said it was pretty hard but people were amazed how well he did. Turns out it is a very basic test where you identify animal pictures and draw a picture of a clock. No lie. True story. He got the camel right but did not know what an elephant was even though his son had killed one recently and had the head shipped back to America.
It is not Biden you need to be worrying about during this pandemic ya know.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

“What we didn’t know before Biden announced – and what the media tried and is still trying like crazy to hide – is the man is clearly suffering from a profound and ongoing diminishment of his mental capacities.
Here is an eleven-plus minute clip of unrepeated Biden gaffes. Over and over and over again, Biden can not complete a simple thought…a simple sentence. He can’t even successfully read a teleprompter. He’s clearly very addled.
And a combination of media malpractice and legacy Democrat desperation – has made him the Democrat presidential nominee anyway……….”

” “Campaign staff plays an important role in the presidential primaries. The makeup of a candidate’s staff can signal the strength of their support from influential party activists and whether they are aligning with a particular faction or group within the party.”
And the only people with resumes in the Democrat inbox – are Communists.
And Biden, Inc must continue courting the Communists – because their general election votes are by no means assured.
Oh – and then there’s this:
Joe Biden Is Not Moderate. He’s Far, Far Left
‘Moderate’ Joe Biden Is Just as Much a Socialist as Crazy Bernie
We ran the numbers. While serving concurrently in the Senate, Biden’s voting record was actually to the Left of Vermont Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders.
So legacy Democrat voters – will not be getting the non-Communism for which they thought they voted. (Which the media is also desperately trying to keep undiscovered.)

Last edited 4 years ago by Mad Trapper
jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Please explain this. Then we can talk about Biden’s mental health.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

Snopes is an elderly far left winged couple that parrots any and everything socialist/progressive.

Sort of like Rachel Madcow, who courts said was not liable for slander, as her rants are not news, but instead “entertainment”

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Uh…yeah. The video clip is from the Trump Hannity Townhall. It is only on Snopes because Trump was so moronic, people thought it must be fake and Snopes verified that it was real. You might want to actually watch it. After all, it features your hero.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Biden is fading fast. He is merely a placesitter. Rumor has it that Kamala Harris will be his VP, as she just had major cosmetic work on her face! Two losers!!
How anyone in their right mind could vote for Biden is beyond me!

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Exactly! Test was easy so Biden should pass it?

Ballantine Stait
Ballantine Stait
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
4 years ago

Asides. Ten or so on corner of north and I think Bradford congrats no no masks,have photo,a few were in wheel chairs? That was the take downtown last night. Further down on linden st. A-State Trooper had a convertible with a black male driving pulled over. And finally we have a New name for Taconic teams…The Vagrants….

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Ballantine Stait
4 years ago

No mask,they must be Trump followers

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

I don’t think many there is Trump supporters in the areas mentioned above.

About Faces
About Faces
Reply to  Johhny2Shoes
4 years ago


4 years ago

This article states there was 20 people at the St. Joes homeless shelter the night before it closed.
The numbers don’t seem to what was first stated. Latest article below.,609588

Ballantine Stait
Ballantine Stait
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
4 years ago

Any word on those two accidents the other day Mr. Valenti? One was a boat-boats at Onota and the other a hit and run on Merrill

D Spondso
D Spondso
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

That’s the point,asstated before by someone, the driver is the Sheiffs nephew.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Rumor on 411 that the boat thing was bad

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
4 years ago

Check this out about the heartless homeless removal

4 years ago

So the mayor and the city are lying again.
There’s a few frequent flyers that come to BMC and hang out around BMC. They knew it was closing, they were told by staff at St.Joes it was closing due to the money running out but they would relocate as many as possible to the permanent shelter. Now mind you, several (at least 15) were imports who were brought here for medical care, then moved to local shelters. A number of them wouldn’t be here if not for the city and the state bringing them here.
Ive been told by a staffer that Sachetti made calls to the city and was told, the program money is “no longer”.
This is a Tyer mess. The city knows the answers, the PPP money went to companies that barely had employees or a need, Dotties took a vacation and a cash grab thanks in part to moonbeam (she used to work there ya know).

When you talk about handouts to Dottie’s and the other businesses. Just look who, during a pandemic, got new cars.

Reply to  RN
4 years ago

Where are the Tyer Art Scape Tyler Street Trash Cans? Tyer white trash.

Stone Nhinged
Stone Nhinged
Reply to  juicylucy
4 years ago

Aside. Check out the photo of Fauci as Biden is speaking today. Mow that’s funny. Fauci is saying…this guys lost. Pittsfield politics took a nose dive Sunday night,still waiting for Dan to respond? He was given the ammo’. Biden looks like a cyborg if that isn’t to hard to explain. It’s in the eyes. Trump 2020!

Stone Nhinged
Stone Nhinged
Reply to  RN
4 years ago

The mayors playing Russian roulette with the homeless and believe me EdCar,el will not be quiet,why? He has nothing to loseAnd she knows it. Covid money is exclusively for homeless first,not businesses. Where the heck is the Health

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Tricia Farley Bouvier has an op-ed in The Boston Globe today. I will have to read it later and then post it on my “Tricia Farley Bouvier” blog page on “Jonathan Melle on Politics” blog.
I really think Beacon Hill should pass a fiscal year 2021 budget already. They are 20 days and counting late. Beacon Hill hasn’t passed a state budget yet because they face an up to $8 billion budget deficit. The Massachusetts State Legislature’s formal session ends in 11 days, and then they go on a 5 month recess from August 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020. Maybe Tricia Farley Bouvier can offer to cut some of her taxpayer-funded pay, stipends, perks, and other benefits while she takes her 5 month long vacation!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You have to be a sick individual to track someone as useless as the opt out and gasoline tax rep,really? That’s as bad as the person that watches Stooge on pctv,Why?

Hhomless cash
Hhomless cash
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Can you say, shit show?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

The longer she is away the better off we are here. Yes, it sucks these politicians get the pay and perks they get on the taxpayers dime, but we pay more with them in session wanting to raise taxes. That’s all they do.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
4 years ago

I read Tricia Farley Bouvier’s op-ed in The Boston Globe. She is basically arguing that if Beacon Hill doesn’t raise revenues (taxes & fees) and borrow money to balance the fiscal year 2020 state operating budget, then there will be big financial cuts to state and local services. She said that raising taxes and borrowing money are “significant investments in our residents and our communities”. She also wants U.S. Congress to bailout the states in the next stimulus package. She wants the Massachusetts State Legislature “to use no less than $1.5 billion” from the “Rainy Day Fund”. She points out that “Billionaires across the country have seen there wealth grow…since March alone”. She wants the wealthy to pay higher taxes. Nowhere in her op-ed does she offer to cut her own taxpayer-funded pay, stipends, perks, and other public benefits.

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
4 years ago

80 homeless people in a county with 127,000 people compares favorably to 243 homeless (i.e. “adults experiencing homelessness”) in Monroe County where I live with 145,000 people. We have multiple locations and facilities that I am told act as a magnet from elsewhere…Pre-covid the unemployment rate here was about the same, 3.5%

Reply to  C. Trzcinka
4 years ago

Some of those homeless are well undercounted and a few are living rent free with lots of benefits thanks to the taxpayer.

Ohhh look Mayor McMeatflaps put out a press release stating they knew three weeks prior that the shelter was going to close.

So I guess she’s back from vacation, that the other city councilors just don’t know WTF was going on, and the mayor thinks a press release after the fact helps in some way.

Under Powwerr
Under Powwerr
Reply to  RN
4 years ago

Right on again R N !

Under Powwerr
Under Powwerr
Reply to  RN
4 years ago

Just read the book too much and never enough. Sounds like the Donald had a healthy bring up and a good time. And then along comes Mary.

Reply to  RN
4 years ago
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
4 years ago

She posted a press release on her Facebook page

Reply to  RN
4 years ago

I’ll check that out also. Thanks.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  RN
4 years ago
Salimm Pikkings
Salimm Pikkings
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Police advisory JOKE

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Lying sack that she is – can’t seem to acknowledge that the city CHOSE a partner to use St Joe’s school, CHOSE to recruit more homeless for quick cash, and CHOSE to belch them back into the streets when the quick cash went dry. But let’s deflect with bs about racism that makes her feel like a good person.
And for the history buffs – there was white slavery – Russia had serfs until the time of the emancipation proclamation 1860s ish. They had to buy their own freedom. Connell isn’t wrong. The Commonwealth treatment of the Irish with peasant servitude is still felt to this day.
Kavey – I will send you a check next time you run. Keep it up.

Last edited 4 years ago by Kermit Frog
Under Powwerr
Under Powwerr
Reply to  C. Trzcinka
4 years ago

Do you guys have free cash,maybe not.

Biden's Brain
Biden's Brain
4 years ago

Biden’s Brain matters!