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ADD 1 10/12 AFTERNOON — This just in from the Pittsfield Police:

A 2015 Chevrolet Colorado operated by Mr. Edward Ladouceur of Pittsfield (DOB: 03/05/36) was traveling east bound on West St approaching the area of 777 West St.  The east bound lane was closed to traffic for construction and vehicles were being directed into the west bound lane by a flagger.  The Chevy Colorado operated by Mr. Ladoucuer entered into the construction zone and struck Mr. Shane Cassavant of Lanesboro (04/17/74) who was working in the roadway.  Mr. Cassavant was transported to BMC where he later died as a result of his injuries.

Any witnesses or individuals who drove through the construction zone prior to 7:50 AM are asked to contact Ofc Hallas at 413-448-9700 ext. 560.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 13-5, 2023) — ARPA, ARPA, wherefore art thou?

THE PLANET has obtained a copy of heretofore secret audit that suggests some mighty peculiar events have been underfoot.

ARPA = Funny money? Only another audit will tell.

On March 28, the Picklefield auditor Scanlon and Associates of S. Deerfield issued a report on the city’s ARPA giveaways in FY2023. It found “significant deficiency” in the accounts. Scanlon found that the city’s ARPA report “did not accurately reflect the expenditures on the City’s general ledger.” City books showed one number. Cash windfalls to eager recipients showed another. That’s called “two sets of books.”

Scanlon said $255,053.08 handed out was missing from Picklefield’s general ledger.

The discrepancy emerged in the first $1.8 million in ARPA funds issued as late Christmas presents by the Tyer Administration to the connected. At that rate, the 14+% financial error rate translates to a $6.3 million discrepancy once the bonanza ends — all taxpayer money.

And none of this questions the wisdom of ARPA handouts such as $750,000 to the front-store facade of the Berkshire Black Economic Council. The BBEC has created two jobs, a con job and a snow job.


The report also shows that mayoral candidate John Krol was and is spot-on about the ARPA fund. One of his first acts as mayor, he says, will be to order audits of ARPA and the city’s general ledgers. In addition, Krol pledges to replace Matt Kerwood as finance director and install a full-time, in-house city auditor, independent of the mayor and the administration.

Here’s the report:

Pittsfield Single Audit Report 2022

———- ooo ———-

Scanlon said the books show “no reconciliation back to the City’s accounting records of cumulative expenditures.” It said the administration simply relied on “[unverified] reports provided to them.”

Krol jumped on the disclosure, asking why council president and mayoral rival Peter Marchetti said not a word about the report that’s been hidden for almost seven months.

THE PLANET contacted Marchetti for comment, who sent us the following:

First this audit has never been presented to the Council.  After questioning the finance director he was under the impression that the Council had been sent the audit. It was sent to all of us on Wednesday morning.

After reading the significant deficiency of which I have copied the language below – it says that many items were double reported by being reported in 2 different quarterly reports – It does not say that money was paid out – it says recoded and the quarterly reports have been corrected – I have concerns with the internal controls and it appears that the City has implemented controls to mitigate this issue going forward.

The City of Pittsfield did submit quarterly Project and Expenditure Reports. However, we noted that the June 2022 report did not accurately reflect the expenditures on the City’s general ledger. Cumulative Expenditures reported were $2,098,712.98, but the City’s general ledger had only $1,843,659.90 total expenditures, with the reported expenditures $255,053.08 higher than the general ledger expenditures. We noted there was one invoice for the Ashley Water Treatment Facility for $235,017.58 that was paid on April 21, 2022 that appears to have been reported twice. The amount was included on the January-March 2022 report and also on the April-June 2022 report. The personnel in charge of administering the program have identified six other expenditures that were reported twice for a total of $18,607.30, leaving an unidentified variance of $1,428.20, which may be a difference in reporting salaries charged to the program.

I am currently working with Mr. Scanlon to set up a meeting to discuss the audit and will be happy to share that date with you once set.

I would say this about the audit – It proves that the audit process works – The most important aspect of an audit is to ensure that recommendations are put into place when a deficiency occurs. When the FY 23 audit is completed we should be looking at the reports to verify the situation has been rectified and not a systemic issue.

———- ooo ———-

Marchetti not knowing about the report’s existence raises a troubling set of questions. How come he didn’t know? Why didn’t the Administration share this audit with him. As chairman of the finance committee, isn’t he copied in as a “first recipient” on such reports?

In his statement to THE PLANET, Krol called for stronger, independent oversight of city finances, including the ARPA funds. Krol also blasted mayor Linda Tyer and Marchetti for “[failing] to convene the city charter-mandated annual hearing for the auditor’s report prior to the budget process.” 

Krol said: “There are serious red flags in all of this. It is disturbing that an external auditor found errors in our internal process in the accounting of ARPA funds. But what’s far more disturbing is that city leadership has not done the very basics to bring this to light. First and foremost, the administration did not share this audit with the city council back in March when the report was completed. If that’s not bad enough, Mayor Tyer, Council President Marchetti and the school committee failed to follow the simple mandate of the city charter and hold the annual joint meeting to review this audit. This shows a serious lack of transparency, which is exactly the concern so many residents in our city have with the status quo in city hall.”

Krol added, “The recent discovery of the financial deficiencies, and lack of transparency regarding the ARPA expenditures, is the latest concern about the oversight of these historic federal funds in Pittsfield.”

Have a great weekend, everybody.

When the phone ‘don’t ring,’ you know they’re hiding something” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2023 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

What is this Dan, the 9th pro-Krol column? Sickening. He’s got serious business credibility issues. Guy can’t manage his own finances. Trying to make headlines for himself by grasping at any & all city issues. I lived in the Pitt when he was on the council, and he was just a rubber stamper for Tyer and Harrington. What did he accomplish in his terms on the council?

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

All the while I was trying to save city residents between 60 and 80 million dollars at the sewer plant I was rebuffed every time by krol and guiel two members of the group of 6 rubber stamps who consistently denied me from giving a presentation that would show where the monies could be saved.also Marchetti was part of the gang of six who denied me also. I have a bad taste in my mouth towards these 3 mentioned rubber stamps and I strongly suggest that all three not be elected again as they do not support the wishes of the city’s tax and rate payers. For mayor vote for anyone whose last name isn’t krol or maRchetti. For ward 6 please consider me as your ward 6 councilor. I assure you I will NOT be a rubber stamp for anyone and my allegiance will be toward the tax and ratepayers of this city.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Mr. WW, aka-Dirty Barry, is not used to action Dan. Talk is much easier.

It’s so much easier to patrol the Cumby’s parking lot at 3AM for 5 minutes on a cold Monday morning, and then post a video and declaring the city “safe.”

I asked him to do the same video, but at Columbus Avenue and Bradford Street.

He declined. He needed to work on his PPP loan paperwork.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I agree; Craig’s da man.

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Thanks Dan. I hope I can win the confidence of the planets posters also. I will study every vote very carefully and I will only vote for those things thaT benefit the tax and rate payers of our dear city. I have been working hard in this campaign and I am disappointed that there will only be one half hour debate between me and guiel.
I am willing to have many debates with her. All she has to do is give me a time and place of her choosing and we will have a debate. We can go one on one with a moderator who will only keep time of response only and a audience who can ask questions also. What the media calls debates are an exercise in futility. A good debate would be a hour exchange between me and guiel with no bars held.As the incumbent she will give short answers with no specifics I relish the extra time to be able to give spefic answers

This post serves as notice to guiel that I desire more debate time. Specific answers are what the public needs to make intelligent choices between political adversaries. The ball is in your court now Mrs guiel

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

Craig, you know, or better know, she’s going to try and paint you as an obstructionist.

An evil, older, white male, who wants to stop the advancement of this fine, inclusive city.

Translation-you’re a concerned citizen and taxpayer who will put an end to unnecessary projects and wasteful spending:

Bike lanes, mountain bike trails, more Rickey Rumpus Roundabouts, and with everything going on in the country and state currently, a $30,000,000 Wahconah Park project.

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

She hates the word puppet because it shows her tight bond to the head puppet who has abandoned his constituency time and time again.

Muck Job
Muck Job
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I would endorse a popsicle against her.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Muck Job
10 months ago

The popsicle stick would get you the same results as Dina-Horton-Xi-Alvarez-Guiel does.

Absolutely nothing.

Unless of course you are a GOBSIG and/or race hustler. Then YOUR tax money is THEIR oyster.

Last edited 10 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I was watching the traffic Commission tonight. I wasn’t very excited about the counselor giggling the whole night looking out at Warren. I wish they would’ve been a little bit more sensitive after the incident on West Street today and at least have the appearance of taking their job seriously.

Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

Who ever hits the dislike is an idiot

Tony B
Tony B
Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

Give it up, man!

Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

Nice billboard I saw yesterday by the railroad bridge on West Street. You have my vote.

Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

Best of luck Mr. G. Defeat Dina DaDunce.

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

How about it. Like someone else said I’d vote for a used rubber before her.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

I agree w/ Fritz. Planet says Krol good, Marchetti bad.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

Both are losers. $#!t and a turd, take your pick.

The Ghost of Paul Brindle
The Ghost of Paul Brindle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
10 months ago

Oh my, Peter is the financially responsible choice, he will make sure all the necessary financialistic, fiscalastic, moneyfied managerialistic processes are properly adhered to. Yes, he’s so *responsible*.
Ooops. He didn’t know about the city’s audit? He didn’t schedule the meeting he’s supposed to under the charter? But he was “under the impression” that his buddy Kufflinks delivered the audit to the council. Oh, wait, maybe he forgot, but it was *maybe* on the website, so, you know (nothing to see here…)…. What else is in that audit that they don’t want anyone to see? Everyone knows that the real mayor, Kufflinks and Peter huddle up in Kufflinks’ office and canoodle orchestrating shady shit with the city finances. Did the auditor pick up on some of that? Why didn’t they want to the council to have an opportunity to question the auditor publicly?
Peter, no one believes you didn’t know there was audit. You pushed Scanlon to stay as the auditor. When other councilors wanted to bring in a new auditor (which offered to do the work at a lower cost in the bid), you forced Scanlon back with your three-person committee (the committee: Peter, Kufflinks and the submission city accountant).
Something smells like shit, and it’s all over Peter and the trio that is running the city.

John Dutton
John Dutton
10 months ago


I went backed and watched your video of Krol and Marchetti on youtube.

The question was posed to both candidates. Would you release your tax return?

It was literally like Krol saw a ghost just about froze.

Last edited 10 months ago by John Dutton
Reply to  John Dutton
10 months ago

Someone taxes is no ones business. I am sick of people always pulling this crap. Release your taxes.

Reply to  John Dutton
10 months ago

Krol got caught with his paw in the kitty jar and now he’s demanding fiscal transparency. Now that’s chutzpah.

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  earlperl
10 months ago

And hippocracy in most neighborhoods

snark shark
snark shark
10 months ago

Wow Dan. You scooped the Eagle on this but they will probably now do a deep dive and give us all the details. Prolly pouring over the books as we speak much like they did to the mayoral candidate they did not want elected.

But yah, Marchetti, the banker that is against a city forensic audit…now we understand that stance better huh? One can only imagine what might surface if this onion gets peeled. Hope he gets grilled about it at the next very soon interivew.

But if he was not responding to you before Dan you can absolutely forget it now. How bout da mayor. Maybe she can offer a comment to clear things up. Isn’t that what a real mayor would do in this situation? Is she a real mayor?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

I can actually see why Marchettti supporters would be giving thumbs down for any suggestion of an audit. It is OK. I understand. You are just doing your part to run cover. It is what puppets do.

10 months ago

This is so sad, start retesting people after 75. If you can not pass your off the road.

Muck Job
Muck Job
Reply to  Tt2
10 months ago

Bottom line Planet indirectly first to report this.

Empty set
Empty set
Reply to  Muck Job
10 months ago

Maybe, but really, how important was it to scoop this particular story?

Muck Job
Muck Job
Reply to  Tt2
10 months ago

The guy was working in the road which had to be NARROWED.Where was the traffic detail for safety?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Muck Job
10 months ago

A flagger was present. You will not be able to understand what happened without first hand witness.

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

Shouldn’t have a cop have been there? Busy bus laden morning near a school and the college in between.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

I went past the flagger today. It was a pretty loose setup.

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

Someone’s going to get sued.

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

I’m not understanding why a police officer wouldn’t be present given the time and area of traffic volume. I am well aware that police aren’t required to do traffic. So your right let’s wait.

Reply to  Emma Jean
10 months ago

So why do we have police drinking coffee and on their phones at work sites?? Should be college kids during the summer

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

That fuxing Rick Miller aka Berkshire Rooter refuses to hire police details. I’m bet there wasn’t a flagger but he’d probably lie about it. Hopefully he gets sued and doesn’t get out of it like he did his rape charge earlier this year.

Muck Job
Muck Job
Reply to  Muck Job
10 months ago

Tomorrows Friday the 13.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Muck Job
10 months ago

Always comes after Thursday the 12th.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

I have seen this with my own eyes. Happened in Pittsburgh just last year.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

MIT may have research on this phenomenon. The ‘Thursday the 12th’ moment?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Muck Job
10 months ago

“Paint thy doorframe with BACON GREASE, that the Friday the 13th jihad may pass your home by……..”

Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Hamas is calling for a Jihad today. So many of these Hamas supporters are in this country now.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

So if we are at war can we treat them as enemy combatants?

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Not much so far?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I”m having BLTs for lunch.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Time might fly but the flys will stop for the bacon grease

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
10 months ago

John Krol’s tagline: Audits….
Did he use it when he worked for Mayor Rolodex? Did he use it when he was a City Councilor? Will he use it as the next would-be Mayor?
Please be careful of taglines!
The fact is that predictable Pittsfield politics always increases municipal spending by 5 percent per fiscal year going back 40 years after Proposition 2.5 became the state law in the early-1980s. It is all a financial shell game to the career politicians on every level of government. The record profits the state lottery bragged about this past Summer 2023 are regressive taxation, while state lawmakers in Boston said that they had over $7.22 billion in surplus state cash. They are playing games on the common people, while the elites are only enriching themselves at your expense. John Krol’s tagline won’t solve the politicians’ games! Nothing will, of course. Please educate yourselves about how the games are played in City Hall, Beacon Hill, the Swamp, and beyond. John Krol is NOT nobody’s fool. John Krol is a dupe who does NOT know what he is doing.

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  Jon Melle
10 months ago

Well the first vote Adam Hinds was a few years ago was to give himself a raise. That’s should kind of tell you what best practices for relations to taxpayers are. He did bring kool aid with Joe Kennedy one time to the homeless at Springside park.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

I recall the photo of Adam Hinds carrying milk. Wasn’t one of them also carrying what looked to be like a jar of motor oil, or something similar?

Was DA Wrong Way’s shirt see through?

Progressive liberals see no issue in adults sexually grooming juveniles.

Hell, Kindergarden even stated in his last post that Joe Xiden has brought back “respect” to the US with his policies, versus Trump.

Don’t seem to remember scantily clad, leather wearing, adults sexually gyrating and dancing in front of elementary aged children during the Trump era.

But it’s just art, right Professor?

Or is that the “respect” that you claim Joe Xiden brought back to the US?

Last edited 10 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Or it reminded me of a line a comedian I once saw said, “If you’re at a party and see a girl dancing by herself at 9PM, someone’s getting lucky tonight.”

Back in the day when we could laugh at each other.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

“Kindergarden even stated in his last post that Joe Xiden has brought back “respect” to the US with his policies, versus Trump.”

That’s correct.

“…scantily clad, leather wearing, adults sexually gyrating and dancing in front of elementary aged children…”

No one wants that crap.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

But yet you can’t state a single thing Xiden has done to help the American taxpayer.

Go ahead…..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

America LAST leftist policy his puppeteers are implementing. Joe don’t know what year it is…..

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

Mark, I’ve already done it TWICE for you. Go look.

Tony B
Tony B
10 months ago

Pete brings up a valid point, in that this does show the audit process works. Concerning that this wasn’t made public. If I was Pete I would be fairly pissed at the Mayor and Kerwood. Does Pete intend on rehiring Kerwood if elected?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Tony B
10 months ago

It is all about the 6-figure city public pensions plus perks. Kufflinks could retire in early-2024 too, along with the lovely Linda, and both of them will each collect 6-figure city public pensions plus perks for life. What do you think Peter Marchetti is doing here? He would serve one or two terms as the would-be next Mayor of Pittsfield politics, and then he would join Kufflinks and the lovely Linda in the land of 6-figure city public pensions plus perks for life, which along with his monthly Social Security checks would put him on “Easy Street” in his Golden Years. If only I – the Have Not known as Jon Melle – could have been so fortunate as Matt Kerwood, Linda Tyer, and possibly Peter Marchetti, then I would be “Lucky for Life”, too. Of course, the trade-off is that the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski have to pay for these buffoons’ lives of luxury….in return for (you know the term) a Shit Sandwich.

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  Tony B
10 months ago

Disagree. Kufflinks has been doing his Jackie Gleason hummina act for years while Marchetti did nothing. The only time Marchetti said anything was when the water plant didn’t have enough to cover expenses, even that was said in low tone of voice. Marchetti is or was the compliance officer at his bank. Where’s it been on the council?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Eddie Murphy describes the state of Picklefield politics in this stand-up routine.

If you listen, substitute Ralph as the Picklefield taxpayer and Ed Norton as the Flat Tyer/Pete Marchetti administration, and their feeling towards the Picklefield taxpayer.

Eddie Murphy “Ralph Kramden & Ed Norton Gay” – YouTube

Reply to  Emma Jean
10 months ago

How many Black employees doe’s Matchetti’s bank have?

Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

or women in positions of power?

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  Tony B
10 months ago

Him and Peter have been friends for decades.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Emma Jean
10 months ago

Kerwood was a city councilor back when the special interests tried to form what they called a CIVIC AUTHORITY which was to essentially limit the power of the people. Kerwood, Massery, Lee, Grunin and others were staunch supporters of it.

Having failed that, they since have changed the City Charter to achieve most of those goals. It is called democracy but sure does not seem that way.

Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

It is funny yet sad that they circumvented the wishes of the voting public. I would disagree with democracy being used because the charter was pushed through when no one was looking, thank Sherman and Barbalunga for that one

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Tony B
10 months ago

What it shows is that the next mayor, whoever the hell that may be, needs to be held accountable in real time, for letting the taxpayers know what is going on. Tyer is the most closeted of all mayors in the history of Pittsfield. And Dan, has any one of these political types come forward yet with a good reason NOt to do a forensic audit? It is just good business practice as Barry well knows and probably advocates for his own clients.

Would also be awesome if some news source (non affiliated, related or benefiting from) kept an eye on local government for the benefit of its own advertisers, readers, and customers. That actually happens in some places, so I hear.

Reply to  Tony B
10 months ago

Question is why didn’t Marchetti push for an investigation/audit into where the money went in March? He is part of the ARPA board so where was he when the report was returned to the secret board????

10 months ago

The Democrat party has an anti-semitic problem. They have called all Americans racists for years now, but they are the real racists. American colleges are supporting what Hamas has done and have no sympathy for the Jewish people. Hamas is preventing the Palestinians from leaving Gaza as Israel is telling the people to move South in the next 24 hours.

Last edited 10 months ago by Pat
Star Power
Star Power
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago
Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Star Power
10 months ago

Egyptians have a hard time getting taken seriously.

First Trade Towers bombing (’93), FBI had an Egyptian officer who infiltrated the group planning the bombing. FBI agents working the case disliked him, prejudiced probably. Yes, they took themselves mighty seriously, so much so they couldn’t infiltrate themselves.

Just before the attack was launched, he called the FBI and said they needed to make arrests immediately – the bombing was imminent. FBI laughed him off, called him ‘hysterical’.

Bombs went off, NJ PATH station was wrecked, 6 people perished. Uhaul lost a truck not covered by terrorism and acts of god. FBI claimed a success in arresting them the next day.

Flash forward 20 years…

Last edited 10 months ago by Charles Kronick
Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  Charles Kronick
10 months ago

FBI = Fools, Buffoons and Idiots. Too busy harassing parents at school board meetings.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Ben Dover
10 months ago

THE FIB, as in liars

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Pat, why don’t you point that finger at your own party?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

Look at what the left has done too, not for America , under Sotero and TraItor Joe.

Are You oblivious?

Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

You are starting to sound defensive…are you finally starting to see the Democrats are all crooks, liars and unfit? The Dems are in control of the Senate and Presidency so the hyperinflation, increase in crime and total decay of the American society are theirs alone for blame. Did you watch 60 minutes last night and the interview with illegitimate?? The interviewer was giving the answers to him and he only had to say yes. They even stated he is 81 and was very tired as you could see!! This person does not belong in charge of anything, he needs to get to a retirement home

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

So now we find out the ARPA funds are light in the wallet. Color me shocked.

I’m still curious how the Cultural Competency Coach was able to take family and friends on an all-expense paid African vacation on taxpayer money (ARPA funds).

**Take a look at a couple of the last names of some of the ROPES mentors and/or students. No conflict of interest here, move along.

Pittsfield travelers return from a transformative 5,000-mile journey to Africa | Central Berkshires |

According to the GFOA, family and friend’s African vacations doesn’t seem to be an approved use of ARPA funds.

American Rescue Plan Spending: Recommended Guiding Principles (

Better have those receipts, Shirl. Ignorance of the law isn’t a valid defense.

Last edited 10 months ago by Markus Aurelius
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

When a person grabs the flag at the front of the parade, watch who they hand it to… Often, there’s
an intent.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

that 5,000 mile journey changed them all right. Moved them up a couple of tax brackets

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

Some needs to go to jail for this abuse and fraud of tax dollars

Reply to  Tt2
10 months ago

This is Pittsfield,,,aka standard practice, fleece the taxpayer

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Just don’t get it. How are voters supposed to have any trust?

It takes years for Stacey Carter and Allen Harris to come forward with Krol’s so called bookkeeping error with their now famous kitty kat non-profit.

Now almost 7 months later we find out there is missing ARPA funds. Thankfully this report was leaked to Dan. How much more funds are missing under this Administration? Is this why the same audit company has been utilized for years and the CC voted not to change? Why do we have a Finance Committee under the leadership of Marchetti if financial issues are just being hidden? Answers and honest ones are needed all around!

On another topic. How much money are taxpayers paying for orange cones and barrels that now decorate the whole city? Bike Lane Morales has ruined the roadways, and the Administration just allows him to keep going. His latest brainiac idea of narrowing streets for safety is NOT working. Not only has his idea caused flooding of taxpayer’s driveways it has ruined taxpayer’s lawns. Every time it rains the sod and seeding just washes away and people’s yards and driveways flood. Just wait until winter when this flooding freezes, talk about safety, he is removing it.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

So this is the kind of information Marchetti does not feel the taxpayers should know about?? What else is he hiding? Scary to think about especially since he is not in favor of anyone else looking at the books. And why is that Pete?

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago
Last edited 10 months ago by Ben Dover
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

I know it’s hard for some of you Krol prols to wrap your pickle-sized brains around it but they came forward with the theft because they feared Krol could become mayor and people need the truth.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  earlperl
10 months ago

Well earleperl, I will ask you then. What has Marchetti done for the taxpayers? I am on two and 1/2 months trying to get an answer.

Bottom line neither one deserves the position of Mayor.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

He sat on over twenty boards including the Charter Commission, 4th of July parade, downtown inc, United Way, fiancé committee to name some. He also Coaches youth bowling. He also has supported every school budget since elected. He also voted to use 7 and half million of free cash to fix roads and sidewalks. There are hundreds of more examples if your interested they are all public knowledge. I hope this helps! His resumes trounces his opponents.

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  Elisabeth
10 months ago

Does he have any bad habits?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Elisabeth
10 months ago

So now sitting on a board is a huge achievement?

Supporting a grossly over sized school budget with the schools getting worse by the year is something to be proud of?

He supported using taxpayer money to finally fix long neglected roads is something special??? What???

And in all the hundreds of examples you speak of…why was not one of them oversight of the mayors insane spending spree burying taxpayers deeper into the black hole of debt he has helped get us into?

And please right now can you tell us why he is so against a forensic audit that the taxpayers have been long clamoring for? And if not tells us please WHY he is against it?

thank you ahead of time Mr White

Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

No I don’t think sitting on a board is an achievement. But it very time consuming and how things get accomplished. I’m not sure why Peter is for or against anything. I was just pointing out that he has giving over 30 years to the city.I’m not sure who Mr White is. But I sure hope that this helps Mr Warren.

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  Elisabeth
10 months ago

He sits on those boards and the only thing he has to show for it is splinters in his ass.

Reply to  Elisabeth
10 months ago

Thumbs up! Thumbs up!

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  Elisabeth
10 months ago

Check your upcoming real estate tax bill and water/sewer bill. He’s been screwing tax payers. Especially those on fixed incomes.

Reply to  Elisabeth
10 months ago

Elisabeth you should check your list and spelling before posting. I would love to see the list of boards because it seems if it is true he needs to be controlling everything and not allowing others to serve and participate in the peoples government. This would lead one to think what is he trying to hide? or control? Why isn’t he out there telling the ARPA committee to be transparent? Why doesn’t he allow people to talk at City Council meetings? Why does he allow for the disrespect shown by councilors at the council meetings?? And if he was part of all these committees and the city is in complete disrepair and disarray why does this make him a good candidate for mayor??

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

Awesome post.
Awesome questions..sadly, ones that we will never get answers to in the Tyer/Marchetti lock box authoritarian form of government.

Reply to  Elisabeth
10 months ago

Thanks for answering Merry & Bright’s question, Elisabeth.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Elisabeth
10 months ago

So, he sits on the “fiance'” committee, is he looking for another husband there?

Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

And you were told.Didn’t bankrupt the city like Krol did his business. He didn’t steal money or borrow a lot and neglect to pay it back. Didn’t blow off taxes. Pretty sure he didn’t finger somebody else’s spouse. Don’t ask a question if you don’t want the answer.

Reply to  Truthfully
10 months ago

The city is bankrupt and stolen tax dollars could be found if investigated

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

Could we please at least see how much moolah Marchetti takes in from parade donations and where it is allocated? Any trail of the expenditures?

How about the parking meter money? Any books kept on that and where does it wind up?

Reply to  Empty Set
10 months ago

Don’t forget the pot money and the bird money

Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

He was at the city hall gym doing diddley squats

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  earlperl
10 months ago

Coming forth is only the beginning step Earl.

Until there are criminal investigations and/or indictments, it means nada.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
10 months ago

False. It happened whether it gets proven legally or not. He’s not denying it. Only the intent.

Reply to  Truthfully
10 months ago

And he’s lying about the intent.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Truthfully
10 months ago

Don’t you have a meal “on the comp” to review?

Or are you still working on your 5+ year “houseless” project Pete?

You were quiet about the “houseless” body found at Wahconah Park. Aren’t you the “houseless” tzar?

Or are those just campaign “promises?”

Reply to  earlperl
10 months ago

If that was the case they should have come out when he first announced. This sounds like a jilted lover. I still think that whole nonprofit for cats needs to be investigated. It sounds bizarre that someone not even invested with it is on the board and given a credit card???? Sounds crazy or a set up

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

I think any nonprofit serving feral cats ought to be investigated.

It’s either performance art or a fraud.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

There is a large orange sign on my friends street that says something like SLOW DOWN FOR CONTRUCTION…FINES DOUBLED. Something like that. And there actually WAS construction about three years ago….but none since. Those signs look like they might cost a penny or two but apparently no one is inventorying them or cares if they ever get back to the barn.

Is the whole city run like this? No oversight? Nobody cares? Nobody really in charge anymore?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

Yes, the whole city is run like this Just spent this beautiful afternoon trying to “fight City Hall”. Since Bike Lane decided to narrow my street, I have lost 4 feet of my new driveway that I paid a private contractor big buck to pave correctly. Now I have flooding in my driveway and lawn. They also had to re-sod and seed almost 8 feet of my previous nicely manicured lawn. They had to come back yesterday to re-dig my neighbor across the streets driveway because her front yard was flooded. Today they came back to repave her driveway and proceeded to keep backing into my front yard and leaving 9-inch ruts in my front yard. Called my councilor, no answer, mailbox full, called a councilor at large, mailbox full. Called the Public Works, told wrong department, they switched me to another department, no one answered, no way to leave a message. Finally drove to City Hall, walked through mushed crab apples all over the walkway to get into City Hall, Of course the Mayor was not in, was able to speak with one of her assistants. Now I am supposed to wait for a phone call. Pittsfield at its finest, and how was your day?

Charles Ivar Kronick
Charles Ivar Kronick
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago


Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

I’m coming by tomorrow. Take pictures.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

There is a guy running for mayor, scraggly beard, looks homeless, that is out and about all day making a fool of himself looking for votes. If you call Peter White he can get you in touch with this guy and maybe he can help you. Maybe not cuz he sits on a lot of boards and is quite busy so I hear. Worth a try. Let us know how that works out for you.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

MB: It’s like living out Heller’s Catch-22. Milo Minderbinder.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Totally agree with the mess down around Newell and Meadow Lane. Yesterday went to park across the street from St. Joe’s Church on vibrant and dynamic North Street. Pulled into the space and the roof of my small suv got wacked by a tree limb from one of the trees they planted on the “sidewalk”. Only in Pittsfield would they plant trees that are going to grow large in the middle of the sidewalk. You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried. There is not an ounce of oversight.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Yes please audit all botanical adornment accounts at once. Trees, bushes, flowers and all sorts of planters etc probably costing north of $40,000 and still showing up in new places by the week. You mean to tell me the taxpayers cannot even catch a break in this area? Who makes decisions on what plant material to buy, how much to buy and where it goes? SERIOUSLY WHO IS THIS PERSON??
And who is the vendor providing all this stuff? Betcha Marchetti would dodge these questions and be unable to provide accounting paperwork to address it.

But worth a try just to see how he reacts.

Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

The city if created special parking spots for the village beautiful people like the one on the bridge on Elm St near George’s. Still waiting for Sherman, who promised to get rid of it. to finally fulfill his promise. Almost got rammed by a truck this week when taking a left after the bridge.

Reply to  snark shark
10 months ago

We used to have a tree committee, don’t know that we still do because you never hear anything about it.

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  Outfox
10 months ago

Ask Marchetti…he probably sits on that committee

Holden Caulfield
Holden Caulfield
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

If your troubled by all of this, I have an idea. Stay in Dalton where you live,

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

They’re fixing the road there. I drove over a fixed section on Wednesday and they got pissed at me. By the car wash.

Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

not fixing digging it up and putting poor patches over their work

Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago

Did animal dreams accept wayward snakes named Allan?

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  Merry & Bright
10 months ago
Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  Ben Dover
10 months ago

Marchetti/Tyer U

tax slayer
tax slayer
10 months ago

Those quotes are presented to make it look as if they were made by Scanlon & Associates. I don’t know who those misleading quotes (or if they were just made up), but they do not exist in any official report. Go ahead and post the document here; they’re public. Here’s one. Show the document you don’t actually have and are lying about.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  tax slayer
10 months ago

Your looking at 2021, not 2022.

tax slayer
tax slayer
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

You did not read my comments with adequate reading comprehension. I shall help you. I am challenging the author to present the fiscal year 2023 document (which he doesn’t have) and I am calling him a liar for presenting those falsified quotations as if they came from the document.

Charles Ivar Kronick
Charles Ivar Kronick
Reply to  tax slayer
10 months ago

Good luck finding a 2023 audit. Even Scanlon will require some time repopulating the ’22 forms.

Reply to  Charles Ivar Kronick
10 months ago

The fiscal year for the city starts July 1st so I would not expect there to be an audit just for this first quarter.

tax slayer
tax slayer
Reply to  Outfox
10 months ago

The author changed his blog to take out “fiscal year 2023. Perhaps it was a typographical error, and he corrected it. Still, he has not shown the 2022 audit, which he implicitly claims to have reviewed and is explicitly making up quotations from it. This blog is fake news.

Reply to  tax slayer
10 months ago

how do you have the correct ones and why didn’t your beloved Marchetti catch it? is it the double book thing again?? or are we up to 3 or 4 general ledger books so no one can figure out what is going on?

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
10 months ago

I would again urge both candidates to have an audit done as of the date he takes office. This would be money well spent. Since Scanlon & Company does the annual audit another audit firm should be hired to perform this mid year audit. There is NO excuse for the CC not being informed of this finding. The CC should raise holy hell about this serious breach in financial controls.

Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
10 months ago

Yessir and thank you for chiming in. We need some voices with actual clout to come forward to take back the city.

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
10 months ago

Well it would be wise to do this Chuck just to cover their ass.

John Dutton
John Dutton
10 months ago

Driscoll says Massachusetts shelters for immigrants at capacity | News | This is the first warning shot to our beloved Berkshires.

Ask these two clowns running for Mayor what they will do when the Greyhound busses start heading West to Pittsfield. It’s not a matter of if but when. Bike lanes and Pot holes will be after thought to this immigrant dump. How say you Sticky Fingers Krol ? Beer Gut Pete?

Emma Jean
Emma Jean
Reply to  John Dutton
10 months ago

Oh I thought it was food?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  John Dutton
10 months ago

Hotel on North. The bums too.

10 months ago

Young college age students were literally bowing down on their knees and worshipping Hamas, a terrorist group. This happened today in New York City due to Hamas leaders calling for Jihad. The young people are being radicalized on college campuses. Israel is making all of that up about kids being murdered and tortured they say. They do this all the time they say. All of those bodies of young people in the field during the music concert, well they deserved it because they are Jewish. They were holding signs saying “Whatever it Takes” meaning killing and torture are just fine to supposedly free the Palestinian people. If they hate the Jewish people, they must also hate Americans and want to kill them too because Hamas has said they want to kill Americans. These young people should all be investigated by the FBI because they are the true threats to this country not MAGA people. The liberal media is telling us that we can’t blame all Palestinians for what Hamas is doing, but these young people do want to kill all Jewish people and don’t see any of them as deserving of sympathy.

Last edited 10 months ago by Pat
The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

It’s a crazy world Pat.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Pat, do you think the republican congress will ever elect a Speaker of the House? And which democrats are responsible for this particular republican problem? Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, Obama or Adam Shiff?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Snark Shark
10 months ago

The D-RATS mentioned were part of the Treason to bring down an elected President.

They need a rope and tree, or the Crowbar hotel for life.

Reply to  Snark Shark
10 months ago

Sorry that the Republicans aren’t sheep like the Democrats. They are actually doing due diligence to find the best speaker of the house and not the head of the mob.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

“the Republicans aren’t sheep like the Democrats.”

Give me a break, ShirleyKnutz. The GOP are nothing but mindless sheep.

NONE of the GOP congressmen had the guts to criticize Trump’s antics.

Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

Stop thinking about sheep. We don’t want you to start touching yourself.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gobsig
10 months ago

Liberals are turning to goats now, to show support fot Hamas.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

You got Alzhiemers? RINOS obstructed EVERYTHING POTUS Trump tried 2017-2019 when they had majority in both houses.
Paul Ryno was Speaker. These were all America first policies, not LAST like Bidens……..

Meanwhile the D-Rats, were hatching H BEASTS “colluision” hoax.

The in the pocket MSM media pushed the hoax 24/7, the Leftist Sheeple listened like they were/are mindless Zombies, or (D-) Rats hearing the Pied Piper…………they are still following the Piper down the Highway to Hell

Last edited 10 months ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

You are a true convert.

Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

None of the Democrats voted to keep McCarthy and never broke ranks with Pelosi the DON who was the most corrupt speaker of all time….Keep following the liars and you will be as responsible as your Democrats for the destruction of the USA. I bet that you still don’t think Biden took money from foreign countries? Or that he didn’t have classified information unlocked for over 2 decades all over Delaware. Penn and DC…I hear your shepard calling you, you better go start filling in the ovals on all those mail in ballots you have

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 months ago

Well let us hope it is not Jim Jordan because he was the number two guy leading the charge during the insurrection. Did early surveillance so the mob would know how to get to the chambers to kill Pelosi. He has also vowed to pardon Trump and all the violent rioters.

But there is so much hatred within the republican congress that their inability to do the job of serving the people is impossible, even in potential wartime.

A real MAGA mess if I ever saw one. I know you agree deep in your heart.

Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

You can blame the left for all this, Pat, but that doesn’t make them guilty.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

Wonder what her buzzword will be for today…has communist loving Hannity issued a new one yet?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kindergarden
10 months ago

How many Palistinian/Hamas TERRORISTS, er “refugees”, will you be taking in?

Liberals want to import at least ONE MILLION!

Republican House is drafting a bill to prevent this leftist lunacy.

10 months ago

Krol spotted lurking on the sidelines of the I stand with Israel rally at Park square on Wednesday, watching people pray, watching people mourn,watching people break down.
Didn’t hold a candle or a sign or sing any of the songs just lurked, and then was gone.
Hopefully that means he realized he was in the wrong place with the wrong m.o.
Had he shown allyship I think people would have appreciated it but it seemed like he was there just to be visible and be seen.
These are people who are negotiating the trauma of current local antisemitism (The priest at St Stan’s, local Jewish teachers leaving their jobs midterm because the students are so racist towards them are just two of our recent local headlines), as well as generational trauma.
Unless you were there as an ally, John, that wasn’t the place for you.

Reply to  Outfox
10 months ago

How do you learn anything if you don’t expose yourself to it??Unless you talked to him you really don’t know why he was there

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior’s Berkshire Roots versus Mayor Linda Tyer’s City of Pittsfield lawsuit:

Nuciforo is asking for Pittsfield to pay Berkshire Roots $440,000 plus fees and unspecified damages. Basically, Nuciforo is accusing Mayor Linda Tyer of NOT acting in good faith in the city’s HCA contract with Berkshire Roots.

I find Nuciforo’s lawsuit against Mayor Linda Tyer interesting because if anybody in Pittsfield politics has a history of NOT acting in good faith, it is Nuciforo. I have followed Nuciforo’s corrupt career over the past 27.5 years of my adult life now, and please believe me when I write to you that Nuciforo should be a Convicted Felon for allegedly illegally double dipping as a disgraced former Pittsfield State Senator who chaired the Finance Committee in Boston, while he also worked as a private Attorney for Boston’s big banks and insurance companies for the Boston Law Firm “Berman and Dowell” from 1999 – 2006.

I am on Mayor Linda Tyer’s side. Nuciforo is a disgrace to the law!

Jon Melle

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Pittsfield’s Pot King Luciforo thinks he is the ruler of the world!

Reply to  Jon Melle
10 months ago

( *´д)/(´д`、)

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

It will come from taxpayer money so I don’t think Marchetti will hesitate to give it to him if elected. Probably with interest. And good chance Nucifero knew this before even asking. This is no blindside. May have tossed a few bucks into the campaign bucket for good measure.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

“LEGAL” Maririjuana industry is another corrupt beuracray pushed upon taxpayers by the Criminals in Beacon Hill.

I could smell the stench from ROOTS all the way to RIBCO when I went to get plumbing parts.

The fact Nuciforo was fast tracked into the business/scheme is because he was one of the corrupt at one time and knows the BEACON HILL MOB well.

Absolut Pickle
Absolut Pickle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago


Last edited 10 months ago by Absolut Pickle
Ben Dover
Ben Dover
10 months ago


Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

Dan writes the following about Marchetti: “Marchetti not knowing about the report’s existence raises a troubling set of questions. How come he didn’t know? Why didn’t the Administration share this audit with him. As chairman of the finance committee, isn’t he copied in as a “first recipient” on such reports?”

To be fair, he should have written this about Krol: “Krol not knowing about the use of a non-profits funds to pay his business expenses raises a troubling set of questions. How come he didn’t know he was using someone else’s funds? Why didn’t he pay attention to the notices from the Commonwealth of MA telling him he bounced payments of his taxes? As the owner of the business, doesn’t he receive such notices as the only recipient of such notices?”

Yet Dan defended Krol and attacks Marchetti. No bias here.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

We will have to disagree on this one, Dan.

Once you put yourself out there what goes on in your business life is now open to public scrutiny.

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Don’t matter what these two do they’re not high profile or managerial quality,just like the last piece of trash.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Wow, Dan argues good.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

Well-spoken, Mr WW.

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
10 months ago

Marchetti is an empty suit. He just bloviates about nonsense.

In The know
In The know
10 months ago

Ask Krol how much he got paid in spousal support from his ex-wife.

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  In The know
10 months ago

What’s does have to do with the election?

Reply to  The Jungull
10 months ago

IT’s evidence he needed the money that he stole.

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  Truthfully
10 months ago

Krol is mandating transparency and a look into the arpa account and distribution ther-of. Whether there was hanky pamky we don’t know because there seems to have been little transparency. You ask why? Maybe if there was there would have been an out cry coming from the Kapanski’s. And That wouldnt sit well with the K’s nor would go well with candidates for the upcoming election who ok’d the set up and funds.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Truthfully
10 months ago

Do women on alimony steal too? Is that “evidence”?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Earl makes a good point if this the point: people often get ideas about how to lower assets in a divorce.For example if you had a business that was magicaly not making money.

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  In The know
10 months ago

He’s got three kids. Let’s hope is was enough.

In The know
In The know
Reply to  The Jungull
10 months ago

That would be child support.
He was getting paid by his wife because he was making no real money and she made more.

Reply to  In The know
10 months ago

Did he shutter his business to avoid alimony?

Old Drivers Are Killing Us
Old Drivers Are Killing Us
10 months ago

In three months the city of Pittsfield will be run by Marchetti, White and a council of lackeys. What kind of nonsense do you suppose they’ll introduce in their first year?

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  Old Drivers Are Killing Us
10 months ago

Hopefully you’re wrong. But it will be is a dictatorship Which will include zero say by the public.Whites chomping at the bit to get that toter-system in and absolve the Charter Objection. Especially during budget sessions. If the Voter were smart they at least rebuff the puppets in November to have at least some kinds of equal footing on these and other proposals that should be dead on arrival.

Craig C Gaetani
Craig C Gaetani
Reply to  The Jungull
10 months ago

Because it is a certainty that we will have a despicable individual for mayor after the election we all must pay very Close attention as to who is runing for office in all the ward races and the at large candidates. We must insure that the gobsig supported are sent packing. No matter what ward you live in there are good candidates you can vote for that are not interested in being rubber stamps. One rubber stamp we haven’t said to much about is Peter white. He has been a rubber stamp to Marchetti and tyer. He has towed the status quo line 100% of the time. He appears to have disdain for the tax and rate payers who have a right to have good representation as they pay all the city’s bills. He should be targeted for removal as a city council member and should by his defeat be kicked off of the many boards where he is seated. The tax and rate payers of this city will rejoice if this miscreant is voted out of office. Because we are going to have a misfit in the mayor’s office regardless who wins the mayoral race it is of critical import that we make gains on the city council by voting out every one of the 6 rubber stamps who have destroyed our beloved city of pittsfield
Go vote and bring all your family and friends with you and do a white wash of the city council. It is long past due

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

Yes yes and yes. Drain the ink and dump these Rubber Stamps.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  The Jungull
10 months ago

No one should be voting for Peter White. He is attached at the hip to Marchetti and they will work as a team just like Marchetti and Tyer worked as a team. As we see now that worked out horribly for the taxpayer. White has already been told that the other puppets will elect him council president. What a crappy backstab to the people who have zero say who the number two person will be.

The number two person (council president) is suppose to advocate for the people when the mayor goes sideways. Marchetti did the opposite and White will not let his best friend down either.

Vote against White to slow this power grab down!

Absolut Pickle
Absolut Pickle
Reply to  Craig C Gaetani
10 months ago

This is the finest of campaign speeches to be heard in the City of Pittsfield.100 Proof.

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  The Jungull
10 months ago

Chasing ghosts.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Old Drivers Are Killing Us
10 months ago

Free housing for CRIMINAL ALIENS, at the expense of homeless citizens.

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  Old Drivers Are Killing Us
10 months ago

The first order of business if the latest version of Pittsfields Silly Clowncil will be to start paying off o p e b with s & h green stamps

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

Pittsfield politics multiple choice question: What is worse?

The 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle?

Allendale Elementary School abutting Hill 78?

The 15 empty storefronts on North Street?

Pittsfield always in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for violent crime?

Pittsfield’s record spending in return for a Shit Sandwich?

Pittsfield’s Level 5 public schools?

Nuciforo’s pot lawsuit against the city?

John Krol versus Peter Marchetti?

All of the ABOVE!

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

Both candidates can not be serious about finance in Pittsfield Ma.if you don’t come out against a brand new Stadium or support a deep dive audit.Start by fixing little things like the lights in the school parking lot at PHS Appleton Ave and the lobby entrance to PHS at Appleton ave and fix the cement steps at Lobby entrance at Appleton ave.This will be a great start to fixing what we have before we spend 20 to 50 million on Wahconahs wetland ,marshland former city dump.Start paying City electricians,carpenters plumbers boiler firemen a living wage.Close Allendale school back in 2000.This problem of a poison school should never have been kicked down the road by Marchetti who said he was monitoring it.

The Jungull
The Jungull
Reply to  The school committee
10 months ago

Anyone that’s for the Wahconah Park 30 or even 5 million ought to have their heads renovated.

Empty Set
Empty Set
Reply to  The Jungull
10 months ago

I honestly think that if it were torn down nobody would much remember it after a year or so. It was awesome while it lasted but it is not a marble train station. A fraction of one percent of Pittsfield ever go near the place and do not believe any coming stories saying otherwise.

The school committee
The school committee
10 months ago

This board supports Donald Trump and John Krol

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

The TSC cuckoo clock has chimed!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 months ago

Yes,and your statement is well thought out.Lol

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
10 months ago

Your opinions are easily read.You are a fantastic writer.You clearly write in support of both Trump and Krol who both have dug themselves a moral hole and you must defect the obvious.The difference between Krol and Trump are that Krol is a very decent human being not out to ruin lives with a period of mistakes he could learn from.Trump is pure deception.

10 months ago

FBI Director Christopher Wray is warning Americans about Hamas attacks right here in our country. Stay vigilant he says. If the Biden administration and Christopher Wray had been doing their job in the first place, we wouldn’t have this potential threat right now. We wouldn’t have had open borders for the last 3 years. Close the borders now!

Last edited 10 months ago by Pat
Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
Reply to  Pat
10 months ago

Yeah, and that far right wing nut Bush is responsible for 9/11.

10 months ago

This Israeli K-9 Unit helped to smoke out the terrorists hiding in the homes of those they had just murdered. The K-9 units are all heroes.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
10 months ago

October 15, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Do you understand how frustrating it is for me – Jon Melle – to read about Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior’s Berkshire Roots marijuana HCA lawsuit against Mayor Linda Tyer’s City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts? The crux of Nuciforo’s lawsuit is that he is alleging that Mayor Linda Tyer did NOT act in GOOD FAITH in charging his Pittsfield Pot Kingdom on Dalton Avenue $440,000 in HCA fees. The frustration I am experiencing here is that in the 27.5 years of me following Nuciforo’s career, I believe that Nuciforo never once in his life acted in good faith in politics, the law and in the multi-billion-dollar predatory pot industry in Massachusetts.

Since I first met Nuciforo in the Spring 1996 when I was 20 years old, and when my dad, Bob, began his campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner back then while Nuciforo started campaigning for the Berkshire-based State Senate elected position in Boston, Nuciforo conspiratorially had people who were part of his Pittsfield “All in the Family” political dynasty bully me – even threaten to physically assault me – over the past 27.5 years of my adult life – I am now 48 years old.

Nuciforo always had a vindictive vendetta against my dad, Bob, who from the Fall of 1997 – Spring 1998, Nuciforo filed multiple state “ethics” complaints against my dad to multiple state agencies from Pittsfield to Boston. On May 20th, 1998, Nuciforo made false allegations against me to the Pittsfield Police Department that I was making “veiled” threats against him, but the truth was that it was Nuciforo who was the one who was threatening me, including him harshly staring at me after Judge Francis Spina’s promotion at the lawn of the Pittsfield District Courthouse in the Summer 1997, along with Nuciforo with Sara Hathaway at his side breaking his parade route in the 1997 North Adams Fall Foliage Parade to confront me – Sara Hathaway never told Nuciforo to stop – but my Uncle from Saratoga Springs, NY and my cousin stepped in front of me, which led Nuciforo to back off of me and return to his parade route.

Nuciforo blacklisted me from employment in the Berkshires. Nuciforo’s network spread half-truth vicious rumors about me all over the Pittsfield area. Neither Nuciforo nor any of his network of bullies apologized to me and/or my family for hurting me over many years of my adult life.

From 1999 – 2006, Nuciforo was a double dipper. In the mid-2000s, Nuciforo chaired the State Senate Finance Committee. At the same time back then, Nuciforo worked for the Boston Law Firm Berman and Dowell as a private Attorney for Boston’s big banks and insurance companies. In 2006, Nuciforo got in trouble over his allegedly illegal double dipping, and he had to step down from his elected position as a Berkshire-based State Senator in Boston (1997 – 2006). Nuciforo is a disgraced politician!

In 2006, Nuciforo strong-armed two women out of a state government so-called “election” for Middle Berkshire Registrar of Deeds. The two women candidates were Sharon Henault, who worked at the aforementioned Registry of Deeds, and Sara Hathaway, who is a former one-term Mayor of Pittsfield. Nuciforo anointed himself to the sinecure from 2007 – 2012.

In early-2007, the Boston Globe published a news article alleging that Nuciforo lobbied the then newly elected Governor, Deval Patrick, to appoint him to the position of Commissioner of Insurance, but Nuciforo was passed over for the post. The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) wrote in an editorial that Nuciforo should stay at the aforementioned Registry, which he did while he spent the next 6 years of his life plotting to oust Congressman John W. Olver, who has since passed away, but due to the 2010 redistricting, Olver retired in 2012, and Nuciforo faced Congressman Richie Neal in the 2012 federal primary election. The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) wrote that Nuciforo is a FRINGE politician, and Nuciforo lost to Neal by 40 percentage points. Nuciforo’s political career was finally over in 2012.

In mid-March 2017, Nuciforo received his permit in Pittsfield to start his marijuana business that is now named “Berkshire Roots”. The Boston Globe wrote news articles and editorials about Nuciforo and other politicians who cashed in on the predatory pot industry in Massachusetts. Later on, Nuciforo received his permit in Boston to open a marijuana dispensary in East Boston. This past Summer 2023, Nuciforo purchased a mansion for $950,000 in the same Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College that Mayor Linda Tyer lives in. Their respective mansions are 0.3 miles apart, according to Google Maps.

For Nuciforo to file a lawsuit against the City of Pittsfield that basically argues that Mayor Linda Tyer did NOT act in good faith with his pot business “Berkshire Roots” is the ultimate illustration of hypocrisy by Nuciforo, who never acted in good faith in his adult life. Mayor Linda Tyer is a good Mayor of Pittsfield, and Nuciforo is bullying her with his lawsuit.

Jonathan A. Melle

Joe Kapanski
Joe Kapanski
10 months ago

Not surprised

Last edited 10 months ago by Joe Kapanski
Joe Kapanski
Joe Kapanski
10 months ago

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