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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JULY 17, 2024) — THE PLANET here, checking in from the high desert and giving our beloved readers another fresh slate for The Comment Line.

Not much to add to the national discussion about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The Republican convention ongoing will nominate Trump, he will accept after coming within a literal inch of a fatal head shot, and he will once more win the presidency.

THE PLANET called it. We predicted if “They” couldn’t beat him with a rigged vote, and “They” can’t beat him with criminalized “justice,” “They” will try to kill him. This is not to say that the dweeb who fired the shots was part of a leftist conspiracy. It’s also not to say that there weren’t conspiratorial elements at deadly play.

For us, the key question is not why but how. How did the young fuck manage to (a) get into the event (b) with a loaded assault rifle (c) climb to the roof of an adjacent building, and squeeze off a round at Trump? He had an elevated position not 150 yards away. How?? The Secret Service failed in its core mission. The answers may prove ominous. Also, did he or the SS kill the dead and wounded?

Meanwhile, Trump is on a roll.

  • He’s now a martyr.
  • Has a Photo Op for the Ages.
  • Selected the perfect running mate in J.D. Vance.
  • A federal judge tossed the classified-documents case against him.
  • Tomorrow he makes his acceptance speech.
  • The assassination attempt has muted the Dems’ inflammatory strategy.
  • The Dems remain stuck in place with the weakest presidential ticket of all time.

Hail to the chief!

———- ooo ———-

While we’re at it, it occurred to us that THE PLANET has been unappreciative of the clarity, wisdom, and “vibrant, dynamic” transformation of Bitchfield provided by Two-Pete Government. In consultation with The Kapanskis, we haven approval for appropriate symbols. The Commonwealth has a state bird (chickadee), state flower (mayflower), state tree (elm), and so forth. Now, the city has:

  • Municipal flower: poison ivy.
  • Muni tree: petrified elm.
  • Muni bird: Daffy Duck.
  • Muni beverage: arsenic.
  • Muni horse: Glue Factory.
  • Official gasbag: Alisa Costa
  • Muni Fish: piranha.
  • Official pet: the Pothole
  • Official motto: “Openly Gay.”
  • Official fruit: Peter White
  • Muni gem: Fool’s gold.
  • Muni fossil: Cliff Nilan.
  • Official song: “She acting single, so I’m drinking doubles.”
  • Muni poem: “There once was a loose girl from Bitchfield.
  • Muni hero: Sir Chaz Kronick
  • Muni heroine: heroin.
  • Ceremonial march: “The Road to the Dump” by John Philip Soapsuds.
  • Patriotic song: “Up Against the Wall, Motherfucker.”
  • Muni bean: Len Bean.
  • Official Dinosaur: kenesaurus warrenkensis assanthopholis.
  • Official “How Can You Go If You Never Leave”?: Linda Tyer.
  • Official sport: pocket pool.
  • Official trough licker: Kufflinks Kerwood
  • Sacred Spot: Cumby’s First Street parking lot at 3 a.m.
  • Official High Priest of the Sacred Spot: Barry Clairmont.
  • Official Bad Memory: Gerry Doyle.
  • Official Empty Suit: Dan Bianchi.
  • Official Roll Over and Play Dead media outlet: Berkshire Eagle.
  • Official Special Interest Lackey: Alison McGee.

Of course, this is only a partial list. There are many more official symbols, and we invite our ever-astute readers to list any that come to mind.

———- ooo ———-

Meanwhile, you may have missed the recent CNBC report, “America’s Top States for Business 2024.” The Massachusetts Miracle ranks 49 out of 50 states in the cost of doing business. It’s business- friendliness came in at 40, with infrastructure at 44.

Meanwhile, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation released its own study. Guess what, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Massachusetts is losing population at historically high levels. Office-building vacancies are also off the charts, as any trip to downtown Bitchfield will tell you.

And the highest tax rate for business and homeowners in the state? Yup.

Two-Pete Government: The Road to Doom!

Til next time.


Live the question” — Ranier Maria Rilke.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.

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3 months ago

Official Slogan: GET OUT IF YOU CAN!!!!!!

3 months ago

Still wondering if the Trump family will sue the hate rag and all the media outlets that continually stated lies that Trump is Hitler or wants to be a dictator or of course Biden’s statement put a bullseye on Trump,hmmmm, he could use all his earnings to pay his lawyers fees for all the false accusations. He should also go after the NY City court system that showed how corrupt it is during the election of the AG and the trial. Funny how almost all jurors were NY Times subscribers!
As for a title how about the Offial daily ass swab receiver – The Kapanski’s of course who take this daily Keystone Kop type of government daily always believing that things will improve even though they know after 60 years of Democrat control of the city has only brought despair and the houseless,,,,,oh and don’t forget the illegals they just dumped off at the old Rosewood Assisted Living facility on Onota St

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Guess there are no local vets needing housing huh? Or elderly needing assisted living arrangements, which usually costs ginormous money.

Still waiting for the data on how many of the immigrants arriving in the last three years are gainfully employed and supporting themselves. But I guess you cannot keep track of people when you do not know who or where they are. Census data is given as with a plus or minus 60 percent of possible unaccounted for peeps.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

Public housing in pittsfield is first come first for Boston. Vacancies, there are plenty, are waiting for ‘right of first refusal’ from those on Boston’s list before anyone nearby can even pray for a call.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Say what?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

Subsidized housing, such as Rose Manor, are first refusal for those on Bostons list. It’s the cost of doing business with Beacon Hill and accepting their money.

3 months ago

Check out this quote from Kevin Moran, Berkshire Eagle, “Therefore, we have the responsibility to keep an eye on government. There is no question that Trump has rearranged truth, and has done a really remarkable job at that.”

Official Democrat Lie Machine – the Berkshire Eagle!

Keeping an eye on government? Where the hell have they been the past four years?!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Lenny
3 months ago

These are the same types of people that want you to believe that all Joe Biden needs to “get better” is an afternoon nap and an 8 o’clock bedtime and still be able to run our country. Talk about rearranging the truth.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Lenny
3 months ago

What Pittsfield has is not officially considered a government so they turn a blind eye to that outfit. They are in favor of due diligence when it is convenient for them.

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Not just Pittsfield but all areas run by Democrats aren’t considered government by the hate rag, they consider them benevolent dictators who know better than the little guy

Reply to  Lenny
3 months ago

Just listened to the Berkshire Eagle add on the radio. Almost threw up in my mouth. Voice of reason, please. You only get one side of the story, there side. They’re not journalists, they’re activists for left wing Progressives. Will never buy there rag until that changes. Why are they afraid of opposing views?

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

The media folk do agree that the city is in a dire financial position but still feel the taxpayers should pony up for a super expensive ballpark/multiuse venue that would benefit 3 percent of the population. I assume they also agree that this 30 million dollar expense should NOT go to a referendum so that the people paying for it could weigh in. Some cities and towns, those that have governments of and by the people, do allow a referendum but Pittsfield does not operate that way. In Pittsfield, a specially selected few, representing special interest investors, control whose voice is listened to in the end.

Beware the smiling faces pretending to be your friend or advocate.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

Good comment, M. Referenda are the law of the State, but you will never get your CC to call for one.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Pagnotta lotta help will pick it apart if it isn’t approved by the buffoons on the council and the fat guy in the corner office.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Term limit debate at city council.

Councilor: I want you to approve my referendum for term limits.

Councilor Phineas Phreak: we must get approval from Judge Pagnotta.

Councilor: No we don’t.

Councilor PP: Through Prez to Judge Pagnotta. Your Honor. Is it legal to mandate lobotomies?

Pag: No, it is not.


Last edited 2 months ago by Charles Kronick
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

Rather than a referendum being allowed on certain projects leadership uses the “majority of people they have heard from or spoken to” want what we leadership are pushing in place of a referendum to get certain projects through.

Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

Vote them all out!

Fred Rutherford
Fred Rutherford
Reply to  Lenny
3 months ago

All the fake news fit to print

Reply to  Fred Rutherford
3 months ago

How’s your son Lumpy Marchetti?

Reply to  Lenny
2 months ago

That there is the lying hate rag itself, continually lying so much that they wouldn’t know the truth if St. Peter told them at the pearly gates, though we believe they will be welcomed in the other place. Still waiting for the government’s misinformation department to shut them down permanently.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

Yeah, let’s censor and close down that liberal rag.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Actually preferably they would become open minded and have articles from ALL perspectives. They would take out THEIR opinions and just report facts, I know this is a difficult concept for the wealthy class of liberals that feel they shouldn’t have to debate their bankrupt opinions

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Actually, someone already did that about 10 years back.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago

The good people getting out of /fleeing D-shithole mASSachusetts, are being gleefully replaced with the backing of the D-jackasses, by CRIMINAL ALIENS.

Frits Cakes
Frits Cakes
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Did Trump have life insurance?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Frits Cakes
2 months ago

Probably made out to himself in case he is reincarnated

Frits Cakes
Frits Cakes
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Vance and Harris are buffoons. As well as fritz as the planet puppets.

Festus Feeney
Festus Feeney
Reply to  Frits Cakes
3 months ago


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

I was reading on Twitter (X), that it’s now being reported that Thomas Crooks carried a 12-foot ladder, 50 rounds of ammo, secured AR-15, and walked a mile before he set up to try an assassinate President Trump.

Have you seen pictures of that kid? Have you ever carried a 12-foot ladder before? They are approximately 40-50 pounds and not exactly the easiest thing to carry, and the US Government wants me/us to believe this kid did all that undetected?

Oh, and Trump’s regular security detail had been told to stand down for the day. They were replaced by DHS agents and (D)idn’t (E)arn (I)t fat and out of shape female agents. One who couldn’t even holster her own weapon after multiple attempts.

If you don’t believe this was another deep state/CIA Kennedy assassination attempt, I’ve got some awesome ocean-front property in Nebraska for sale. It’s even “climate change” safe.

To change topics to the Bitchfield symbols, I wanted to add a couple and change a few of yours Dan. Here they are:

*Beverage- MD20/20 or Boones Farm Ripple (toss up, each equally as rotgut as the other)

*Plant- the weed. Weeds are on the medians, sidewalks, houses, businesses.

*Gem- empty nip bottle or a used, uncapped, needle.

*Vigilante- Dirty Barry Clairmont

*Bitchfield’s Playboy- our own JM. You have to give the man his props when it comes to local political women. Even though his choice in “women” and definition of the term “the lovely” are polar opposites of most normal people, he keeps trying and trying.

He first went for “the lovely” Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens). She blocked all forms of communications from him. Then he went for “the lovely” Linda “Flat Tyer” Clairmont. She too blocked all forms of communications from him and abandoned the “Flat Tyer” last name. And lastly, the disgraced former Berkshire DA Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington, made her way onto JM’s radar. Her infamous photo in the Eagle, in which her nipples were hardened, only fermented that infatuation with her. Much like the other two, she blocked all form of communications with him and moved out of state.

D-RAT MA Gov Maura “Illegal Aliens Take Priority Over US Vets” Healey, seems to be his latest interest.

Stay tuned…

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

I heard that Mr. Crooks drove an M1 tank right up the main street and behind the building and then threw a camo tarp over it so no one would see it. It was his back up in case his weapon jammed. Secret service was so embarrassed they are hiding it until the dust settles down. I would ask that you also keep this under your hat until they decide what to do with it OK?


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

I noticed you stopped posting your inflammatory rhetoric you use to Snark. Why?

Does “Trump’s the next Hitler,” or “Trump will destroy democracy,” ring any bells?

I forgot add TDS as a “symbol” in Dan’s post.

*TDS-you and TSC tied for having Bitchfield’s worst case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). No two ways about it.

As a result of becoming a Bitchfield Symbol, you two can now enjoy a few bud lights, some drag porn, and then read Gender Queer to each other.

Oh, and silly me, talk about how Trump staged the assassination attempt, 1/6, colluded with Russians, the usual TDS topics.


Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

He’s too busy looking for sloped roofs, ladders and rifles.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

I’m protecting my home from government thugs. Buying the new Slope 1000 ramp to replace the front door stairs.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Never said such things. But I do feel that he is a draft dodging scam artist with low or no morals that would walk all over any of his cult members if they hesitated for one second to bow before him no matter how much of their hard earned money they sent him in the past.

This charlatan owns you sir. He has taken your very soul. He has convinced you to worship him. And I find that quite sad. Quite sad indeed.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Snarky have you gotten your tickets yet for the Cacklin’ Kamala Dem fundraiser?

Who the hell but Snarky & JM would pay money to hear that dingbat dish out her word salads?!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

the cheap seats going for $500.00. I wouldn’t go if they gave me $5000.00.

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Well spoken, snark-man!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Traitor Joe had more deferments than Trump, took showers with his underage daughter, and sniffs and fondles horrified children.

So You support the depends Man.

What does that make you?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

And don’t forget where creepy Joe put his uninvited fingers on Tara Read

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Biden fought cannibals in Vietnam. Him and Corn Pop.

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

I see you have the “Biden Disease” just can’t remember the things you have said or written

Brad Pittsfield
Brad Pittsfield
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago


Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

You sound more and more like the view,,,maybe you could actually get a job and become a taxpayer like the rest of us

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

July 17, 2024

It is a good thing I have an Emotional Support Animal 16-year-old dog named Chocolate after TFB (she has long blocked my political emails), Linda (she is an executive staff member at Berkshire Community College), & Andrea (Harrington) (she relocated over 1 year ago to the St. Louis area) no longer directly hear from me.

I like Gov. Maura Healey because she stands for good causes, including her support for Veterans, as well as Kelly Ayotte making Maura Healey her target in her anti-Massachusetts campaign for Governor of New Hampshire in 2024, as well as the double dipper 21.5 years in Boston Smitty Pignatelli’s excessive criticisms of Governor Maura Healey’s 1.5 years in her current elected office.

To be clear, I am a proud supporter of Linda Tyer Clairmont, Andrea Harrington, and Maura Healey in politics. As for TFB, I don’t support her in politics.

Jon Melle

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jon Melle
3 months ago

JM,I’m giving you the chance to try and convert me to Gov Maura Healey.

Here is your chance, don’t blow it.

Explain to me like I’m a 5th grader, what exactly “good causes” does Gov Healey stand for, that you repeatedly post about.

The curtain has risen JM and you’re up….

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

JM, Healey is kicking out HOMELESS VETERANS, to house CRIMINAL ALIENS.

Got that?

Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

I hope your dog didn’t start drinking because of you

Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

If I could figure out how to tie a noose with my front paws I’d hang myself. After over a decade with Jonathan I need a therapy dog.

Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

If I could figure out how to tie a noose with my front paws I’d hang myself.
After a decade with Jonathan I dream of a service dog for myself or that Jack Kevorkian adopts me.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

It Reminds me of that Big Fat slob Craig Swinson who poses as his son on various social media sites. The Eskimo vet , and the rest of the tales

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Wow..JM really does have his way with woman in power. A very strong grip as well I bet.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

JM likes, or “loves”, any woman with a D attached to her

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Joe Biden is the best gift to not only Donald Trump, but also, the Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. The Swamp will have Republican Party control of all three branches of government in 2025, thanks to the old man with dementia and other illnesses in The White House.

The only silver lining will be that the Republican Party will have to prove themselves to be effective leaders in the D.C. Beltway. The Republican Party won’t be able to blame the Democrats once they are in power in 2025.

I remember back in 1995, when Newt Gingrich was elected the Speaker of the U.S. House, the Republican Party saw Bill Clinton re-elected in 1996, impeached over receiving blow jobs from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office (also sarcastically called: “the Oral Orifice”), and Newt Gingrich stepping down for the Speaker’s post.

30 years later in 2025, I hope that history will not repeat itself with the banana republic political clown show we all witnessed in the mid-1990’s.

Frits Cakes
Frits Cakes
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

They won’t take senate. Sorry.

Reply to  Frits Cakes
2 months ago

Does not matter. Trump is going to abolish the House and senate on day one.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

Could happen. They’d need a special election to replace all the ones deserving jail time or worse.

Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

Keep your lies coming and no one will read/listen to your post. Try writing with facts and not what you heard on the view,msnbc,cnn,abc,nbc,cbs,npr,nyt,etc…Once you start digging for the facts and write with only facts people may actually read your comments and think you have a brain instead of being a brainwashed lackey

Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

Must be an Eagle reporter, or MSNBC.CNN.NPR.etc can’t help lying

Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

Anther lying view or npr watcher

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

The only silver lining will be that the Republican Party will have to prove themselves to be effective leaders in the D.C. Beltway. The Republican Party won’t be able to blame the Democrats once they are in power in

It shouldn’t be a big task to be considered effective leaders just by reversing a few policies to start with that have our country upside down will be a win. Closing the Borders, doing away with DEI ( also known as Didn’t Earn It),Putting Vets and other American citizens priorities over illegal$, Let law enforcement do their jobs. no more soft on serious crimes, way to many more to put in writing.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Good to know that you get WiFi in your van down by the river.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

I’m now parked at the homeless encampment in SS park getting my WI-Fi. Better signal. Bought a signal booster to boot.

Biden is saying that he wanted to make sure there was “affordable internet” just like there was back in “Roosevelt’s time.” 

Red State

3 months ago

17 Jul 2024

Wall Street’s semiconductor index lost over $480bn in stock market value on Wednesday and headed for its worst session since 2022 after a report said Washington was mulling tighter curbs on exports of advanced semiconductor technology to China.

Remarks from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump saying key production hub Taiwan should pay the United States for its defence deepened selling in chip stocks.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Meanwhile
2 months ago

Shouldn’t they? I certainly don’t want to pay that bill.

Alliances are not agreements to take on the partners debt.

Last edited 2 months ago by Charles Kronick
3 months ago

Don’t forget the official city hall video

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
3 months ago

A local woman wished for two big boobs and Rutberg and Kevin Moran showed up.

Reply to  Hell Toupee
2 months ago

And then two guys named Pete showed up and stepped in front of them. The woman had to go out and buy a triple M bra with leather reinforced strapping.

3 months ago
12 Gauge
12 Gauge
3 months ago

When it comes to government and a conspiracy is suspected more likely it’s gross incompetence in full democrat bloom.

Reply to  12 Gauge
2 months ago

So why was the FBI hosing down the roof???

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

Probably destroying evidence that could be used to convict the guy posthumously. Hillary was seen lurking nearby gnawing on a bagel.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

Coverups follow F~ups.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

They did that to JFK’s limo too.

Reply to  12 Gauge
3 months ago

The female head of the Secret Service actually said that it was too dangerous to put a sniper on the roof of the building directly across from President Trump because it has a sloped room, but other agents were on similar sloped roofs of other buildings. It seems they always put the most unintelligent women in these positions of authority. Lots of women are extremely intelligent, but the Democrats don’t want to hire them.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Isn’t the problem that the roof was technically covered but left open?. At 100 yards, its 100% visible and point blank range for even iron sights with rifle.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

That’s what makes Cheatle’s excuses sound so weird. She wants you to believe the SS did not control that roof.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Completely BS. As I stated on a post over the weekend, I worked at a business in the early 90’s when Prez Clinton came and gave a speech to the local democRATS.

A week prior to his arrival, the Secret Service’s advance scout team was there a week ahead of time. They combed every inch of that place for threat vulnerabilities and that also included us-the employees.

This was an inside job, much like JFK.

Don’t take it from me, take it from the late-great George Carlin. Enjoy this 90-second “assassination clip.” He nails it to a T.

George Carlin on Assassination (

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

I’m not contradicting anything though. I’m wondering why Cheatle claims SS could or would or should not ‘control’ that roof when in fact they had full fire control if it all along. People on the ground from an even lower position called the first warning well before any shots were fired.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Had I been in charge I would have sprayed all sloped roofs withing a half mile with Pam. That is how they do it in Pakistan and nobody has been able to attain a stable proper shooting stance from a roof in that country in the last twelve years.

It is in the sniper deterrence manual 101 page 19 para. three. Not rocket science fer gawds sake.

Reply to  meanwhile
2 months ago

What? No KY jelly on the roofs?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

What are you caling BS?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Cheatle’s excuse that the SS doesn’t secure the roof. The SS is in command of everything during an event like this.

This is the reason I’m calling BS on her.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago


Got it.

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Ok Jason Bourne blah blah blah, tin hat guy get some fresh air man.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

Snark, can I give you a hint about posting under different names?

Use different phrases, terminology, etc, so it takes a Sherlock Holmes-type of person to figure it out.

With you? Hell, Larry Holmes figured this out.

You used the Jason Bourne reference in a post under your “Snark” name.

Either you are a mental midget and can’t think of quips on your own, so you steal other people’s idea. Jason Bourne, really?? Couldn’t come up with anything better or newer?

Or you are a mental midget suffering from TDS so much, that you forget what you post under your different screen names on here.

If I were a betting man, I’d go with option #2.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Markus, I am calling on you to help bring unity and civility to this blog. Please stop with the divisive rhetoric and let’s all try to get along and make America great again. Wealthy, Safe and Free

Please give thanks for all that god has given you and that knuckleheads are not banned from this site.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

This after Leftist/Liberals get caught trying to assassinate POTUS Trump.

Crooke was just their patsy/fall guy.​​​

Sen. Johnson: Secret Service Blew Off Meeting with Local Law Enforcement the Morning of the Attempted Assassination – Secret Service Took Photos of Crooks One Hour Before Shooting

Sen. Johnson: “I’ve Seen Evidence that “There May Have Been TWO SHOOTERS” – “We Can’t Trust the FBI and Secret Service to Do an Honest and Open Investigation””We’ve also reached out to the Secret Service agents in charge on the ground. All we’re getting there is the runaround. We are getting information from local law enforcement, and we appreciate that. But unfortunately, federal law enforcement agent, they’re just saying, Well, go through your congressional liaison. Again, that’s going to be unacceptable. I wish I could rely and have faith in the FBI and the Secret Service to do a truthful accounting of this. But that’s not been my experience with the Russian collusion hoax and for years dealing with federal law enforcement. We need completely separate and independent investigations, and it has to start now.”

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Nice try Snark in trying to shift the blame my way.

Taken right out of the DNC playbook. Create a problem and then blame others and offer peace to wash your hands clean of said offense.

Unlike you and others (Azzhatter, TSC, Mr. WW, and JM), NONE of us MAGA posters have ever called Xiden a “threat to democracy” or the second coming of “Hitler.”

We’ve only called him and other democRATS/RINOS/DeepState members out on their criminal activities. EVERY bit since verified as AUTHENTIC. That means REAL Snark. Not “MAGA conspiracy theories.”

We’ve given you hundreds of chances to give examples of ANYTHING Xiden has done to help the American taxpayer.

All of you dodge that, but immediately go into a TDS tirade of something Trump allegedly did or didn’t do if it helped people.

We had a 4-year Trump presidency, despite Crossfire Hurricane, with WORKERS pensions seeing great gains, gas/grocery prices low, extremely low illegal aliens crossing, low crime, pre-George Floyd (Soros and DNC funded), and WORLD PEACE. Reread that last one. WORLD PEACE.

No dictator. No mass exterminations of non-whites. None of that.

I don’t shake hands with traitors like you Snark.

You’re a democRAT. You believe in Ukraine and Illegal Aliens first.

I/we believe in MAGA.

Trump 2024

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

She’s a DEI hack recommended by Jill.

Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

A congressman just posted a video of the roof that isn’t sloped. A 70+ year old man was having no difficulty walking the roof and taking pictures, The second floor window from a building right next to the roof offered a perfect view of the roof. So what was really going on in PA?

Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Yeah, those Dems…can’t have those intelligent women hanging around…

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Usually though, it’s under the desk of the male democRAT leaders while in office.

You know Azzhatter, they like to put these intelligent women “to the test,” sort of speak. See if they have the “oral dictation skills,” it takes to get the job down.

Monica Lewinsky (Clinton) and Kamala Harris (Willie Brown).

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

If you gave Kamala a penny for her thoughts, you’d get change back.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

She’s a DIE appointment, by Jill Biden, who answers to DHS/Mayorkus. The guy who has “secured the border”. He answers to the entities/puppeteers pulling Biden’s string.

Her qualifications were having a pair of teats and being a fellow Leftist.

Any questions?

Last edited 2 months ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

The Secret Service could have gotten stunt doubles. They will jump right off a sloped roof it you put it in their contract. Hollywood does it all the time.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  12 Gauge
2 months ago

Too funny.

Reply to  Free Bird
3 months ago

Check what Nancy Pelosi was investing in because she always has the inside scoop on what is going to happen before it happens.

Reply to  Pat
3 months ago

Stanley tool company. Hammer division.

Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Real funny there, Gobsmack.

Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Nancy Pelosi – probably the most intelligent and effective Speaker of the House our republic has ever seen. And Dems don’t like intelligent women?

I don’t think so.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Intelligent with strong ethics….that’s not Pelosi. She will sink as low as she needs to in order to keep money and power. Pelosi stopped looking out for Americans a long time ago, especially working class Americans. The same can be said of the current Democrat party. They do not represent the working people of this country.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Nope, she was just the drunkest Speaker ever.

She even fleeced Americans by under filling her Stanky Star Fish tuna cans.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

You mean the most corrupt and unhinged?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Free Bird
2 months ago

All planned, Freebird, all planned.

Go Kamala
Go Kamala
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Fake news Fritter.

3 months ago

Local Democrats are all excited because giggling Kamala will be visiting Berkshire County soon. The Berkshire Eagle is gushing about it because they know Kamala will be easily controlled by the Washington swamp if she replaces Biden. Kamala will have the same policies as Biden.

Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Yes I saw that the Millionaire Club, or Limousine Liberals are throwing a party somewhere that will cost $100 per person. They are not saying what this event will actually be just that JT, YoYO and Axe will be the headliners, Wonder if Kamala will have a kissing booth to raise money? I thought I read where Biden/Harris has had record money grabbing months this year,where did all that money go??
I find it sickening that the poor people continually fall for the line that the Democrat Party is for them when the only ones who become rich are the politicians of the Democrat Party

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

It’s mainly the rich people going to these events or school personnel. They are the only ones benefitting from Syracuse Joe and his merry band of globalists.

Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

‘giggling Kamala’ did a sight better in her career than you did, Pat.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Because I didn’t lower my standards. I love my job thanks.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

It was just something in the air for Kamala ~ her two feet.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

I would disagree with you, Her “rise to the top” caused her to sell her soul, I don’t find that successful

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Let’s just hope she won’t be “unburdened by not being unburdened.”

Maybe she’s here to explain to the Picklefield Public Scohol’s that the “yellow buses are bright because they are yellow and allow kids to see that the yellow school bus will be bring them to school in a bus.”

Even rewriting that powerhouse speech Heels Up Harris delivered, gives me chills.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Kammy: “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically that is wrong.” Kamala
this is a fact….

This imbecile said that!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Will they snipers on the sloped roofs?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

PAC Man Richie Neal’s public radio interview:

What do K Street corporate lobbyist firms in the Swamp have to do with Neal’s mostly rural Western Massachusetts Congressional District? Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

If/when Richard E. Neal wins in 2024, he will serve at least 38 years in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is a corporate Democrat who is beholden to the financial and healthcare industry. He is inaccessible to his constituents. He goes on fancy junkets paid for by greedy lobbyists. The worst fact of all is that greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley writes countless letters to the editor kissing his….ASS!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

You didn’t answer my post above. Please tell me, like I’m a 5th grader, what “good causes” does Maura Healey stand for that you ALWAYS post about.

I do know she stands for Illegal Aliens OVER our US Veterans. When she kicked Vets out of housing in favor of illegal aliens, she showed us her hand.

Is it that she is against Donald Trump? Because other than that, I can’t find any “good causes” Healey stands for.

You do know that Healey is gay, correct?

We know, much like Donald Trump, you are the Playboy of The Planet with your political women.

I hope you realize, unlike Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal aliens), Linda “Flat” Tyer, and Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington, Maura Healey is gay. You have no shot at her JM.

And to answer your post: YOU ALWAYS VOTE democRAT QUIT COMPLAINING. Neal is a life-long democRAT.

3 months ago

My doctor said I should workout with dumbbells. Does anyone know if Pete White goes to a gym?

Freddie Freebie
Freddie Freebie
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

I have seen him at Planet fitness on pizza day.

Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

I thought the 2 Petes were the boobs from the earlier comment?

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

Porkchop Pete in a gym? Only if that gym serves up a hefty portion of slop drowning in gravy at each workout station.

If you want a couple a dumbbells, just stop by the next Bitchfield Drag-Time Story Hour on NON.

100% guaranteed you’ll bump into Snark, TSC, and/or Azzhatter, there. They might be trying to indoctrinate children into their mentally deranged world, so please be patient.

Here is Azzhatter performing on the 4th of July. He is known by his stage name, Miz Rebel.

A drag queen marches in a parade holding a paper f… – 2024 Pittsfield Fourth of July Parade – Berkshire Eagle (

Sight of Bathhouse
Sight of Bathhouse
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Kamala will be the next President. She’s ready. Don’t forget George Bush was a dumbbell and was.

Reply to  Sight of Bathhouse
2 months ago

She will BLOW UP the White House and Everyone in it , literally. That’s how she got her start in Pole A Dicks.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
2 months ago

Hopefully the Pittsfield male Democrats(is there such a thing?) will give Kamala the skin flute salute as she rides into Bitchfield, maybe she will give the “B Slap”!

Sight of Bathhouse
Sight of Bathhouse
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Civil War still looms. Don’t be naive it isn’t.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Biden to drop out of race this weekend? Big donors refuse to support him!
Cacklin’ Kamala in the wings!

Reply to  danvalenti
2 months ago

She’s got more talent than you do.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Playing the skin flute.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Biden calls his Sec. of Defense “the black man” after forgetting his name……

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

Will Dementia Joe get a show on CNN or MSNBC?

Spring Chicken
Spring Chicken
2 months ago

Alternate City Bird: The Common Loon

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Interesting that Biden is quitting, it seems, just days after the attempt you can consider that two ways.

Lhame Ducks
Lhame Ducks
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Doctors should held accountable for lying about his situation the last four years,you can clearly see he is deteriorating physically and mentally. Trump is not the answer either. Here we go again.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

I think the negotiations for a family severance, “I mean payoff” package was finally ironed out.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Just a few days ater this? Covid (I’m too I’ll to continue, brain fog, etc) and a candidate he knew he could never beat. I believe he was hoping for a chaotic Convention, which he did not get.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

*too ill to continue

Last edited 2 months ago by Charles Kronick
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

….so he is able to pardon his scoundrel son, Hunter….

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
2 months ago

Trump played the religious card. J.D. Vance played the blue collar worker card. What is wrong with this picture? Answer: Moral hypocrisy. Answer: It is no longer the post WW2 era. Yale alumni are not widely known to be factory workers in the rust belt swing states. My impression: Phony propaganda!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Did your uncle Bosey get eaten by cannibals too John?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

You would take the side of traitors and assassins??

Ticking Clock
Ticking Clock
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Seriously though. There are several existential things going on in the background that no American president is going to be able to fix any time soon.

i.e. the dollar slowly being replaced as the international currency. This will make your dollars worth much less. Also, inflation is going to get much worse going forward. Smaller banks are beginning to fail due to high interest rates and as many homeowners and vehicle purchasers cannot make payments. banks have to write this stuff off as a loss and there is a groundswell of foreclosures across the country.

No LEGITIMATE money manager following international money markets is recommending city’s make any dubious large expenditures. Most city treasurers are begging city leaders NOT to go over that cliff. High interest and high and going higher inflation are sending up red flags across the globe. Fear is that a money crisis in America could cause a global meltdown.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

I am your side, Charles Ivar Kronick!

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

I’d rather you would be on the side of the Good.

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

You were certainly trying to get on the backside of that hot muscular Latino at the casino when he dropped his quarters and you rushed over to help him grab them off the floor.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

As long as they have a D in front of their name.

Eric Swansin
Eric Swansin
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Jonathan is nervous he and his cousin Mayor Pete would lose funding for their soon to open PRIDE friendly clothing and accessories store on North Street if Trump and Vance win. They might be honoring Jonathan’s naval career by naming the store The Rear Admiral. I think Mayor Pete might like the name Head Hunters to honor his mayoral career. It’s a toss up.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

The card you left out was JD’s military card. He first enlisted into the marines serving his commitment in combat. Then used his GI bill afforded to him for serving then entering Ohio State and then onto Yale.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Vance sevred America , not like YOU MELLE.

2 months ago

Condolences to the family of the Herberg school student who drowned on a SCHOOL FIELD TRIP to Beartown State Forest.
Why were the students taken to a swimming hole without lifeguards vs. Onota Beach?
Who was supervising the students?
Is the school district going to be sued?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 months ago

In case you are wondering who this is, its Stevie Wonder.

comment image

Roof Fuss
Roof Fuss
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Isn’t he lovely. I noticed the shooter looks eerily like Lizzie Warren

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Roof Fuss
2 months ago

Lizzie Warren Adds a whole new meaning to the old blonde joke – “I can’t be broke! I still have checks!”

Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

What about cousin Kenny?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Roof Fuss
2 months ago

That is Jimmy Walker from the Good Times comedy show. Not often you will see people snitching like that. It is frowned upon.

Roof Fuss
Roof Fuss
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

That’s an earful.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Biden on Trump getting shot. It’s no big deal! I’ve gotten shot a few times “No Joke”. Trump was shot once ! I get shot in the ass all the time before I go to the podium to speak to people ,”anyway “.
Don’t believe me? Want to see
my bandage’s from my wounds? Dr. Jill attends to my wounds after
I get shot. I better stop now.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

TSC has been known to take a shot or two.

The school committee
The school committee
2 months ago

The billionaire party will outlaw unions.They will make Medicare a private for profit system deny most of the free health services seniors get for free.Billionaires are getting ready to become trillionaires and republican FOX watchers will never in a million years know what happened.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

The cuckoo clock chimes

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

His cornbread ain’t quite done in the middle.

Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

A great observation from a man who lives in a van down by the river

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

He has a life jacket made out of empty nip bottles.

Reply to  The school committee
2 months ago

Yet you keep voting for those Democrats! Vote for smaller government and personal responsibility! Capitalism and Freedom, not a slave to big brother aka Democrats, I know you are brainwashed but you can break free vote Libertarian!

2 months ago

Trump said in his rally yesterday that Biden will raise the retirement age if elected because social security money is being used for the illegal immigrants. Any far left politician will have to do that because of our open borders. Voting for any far left Democrat for president will guarantee 4 more years of open borders which is unsustainable.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

This goes right back to The White House.​​​

Sen. Johnson: Secret Service Blew Off Meeting with Local Law Enforcement the Morning of the Attempted Assassination – Secret Service Took Photos of Crooks One Hour Before Shooting

Sen. Johnson: “I’ve Seen Evidence that “There May Have Been TWO SHOOTERS” – “We Can’t Trust the FBI and Secret Service to Do an Honest and Open Investigation””We’ve also reached out to the Secret Service agents in charge on the ground. All we’re getting there is the runaround. We are getting information from local law enforcement, and we appreciate that. But unfortunately, federal law enforcement agent, they’re just saying, Well, go through your congressional liaison. Again, that’s going to be unacceptable. I wish I could rely and have faith in the FBI and the Secret Service to do a truthful accounting of this. But that’s not been my experience with the Russian collusion hoax and for years dealing with federal law enforcement. We need completely separate and independent investigations, and it has to start now.”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago




They did not process the assassination scene, they whitewashed it.

Moon Equipped
Moon Equipped
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago


Moon Equipped
Moon Equipped
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Well Kamala. Good Luck.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Moon Equipped
2 months ago

During their professional careers, who took more balls to the chin?

1) Babe Ruth

2) Mickey Mantle

3) Kamala Harris

Go Kamala
Go Kamala
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Stormy Daniels.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Go Kamala
2 months ago

nope . Cumswalla Harris

Moon Equipped
Moon Equipped
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

There is mention by some Early vote for her V P is Whoopee Goldberg.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Moon Equipped
2 months ago

It is easy to discount The View as a bunch of TDS spewing idiots but to do so is at our own peril,they speak for many people with the same TDS who haven’t much of a clue and will vote accordingly.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Some more on the coverup.

“Bartiromo told Pete Hegseth of Fox and Friends Weekends, “The local officers went up to that roof and started taking pictures of the dead body, of the shooter’s body. So suddenly a guy in a gray suit walks up the ladder and goes up to the roof.”

This man, who did not appear to have credentials, was initially assumed to be from the Secret Service. He instructed one of the local law enforcement officers to send photos to a particular cell phone number. Later, it was revealed that this individual was not from the Secret Service at all.

“We’re going to tell you exactly who that person was and what agency the local enforcement sent the pictures to,” Bartiromo promised. She also mentioned that they would dig deeper into this investigation of what she called a “massive security failure.”

During her interview with Johnson, he revealed that the authorities were instructed to send their investigation photos to an “ATF agent.”

“We called up that ATF agent. That individual said that he was with the ATF, and now he’s gone dark,” Johnson told Bartiromo.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 months ago

A line from Biden’s handlers stepping down as presidential nominee press release.
“I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down.”

Notice Biden put the word “party first” and then country. Sounds like JM wrote this line. 

Best Interests
Best Interests
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Harris knew he was deteriorating yet supported him one hundred percent? What does that say about her integrity? Trump in a landslide.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

The MONEY dried up, and then the Democrats bailed on Joe Biden in favor of Kamala Harris.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 months ago

Wrong! Biden’s brain dried first and then the money dried up. Then democrats bailed .

2 months ago

For all of us who have parented a parent with dementia these lines from two of the greatest poets of my generation foretold today:
Most of all, you’ve got to hide it from the kids.
Sitting on the sofa on a Sunday afternoon,
Going to the candidate debate today’s the day
Laugh about it, shout about it anyway you choose.
Anyway you look at it, you lose.
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation’s turns its lonely eyes to you.
What’s that you say, Mrs robinson?
Joltin’ Joe has left and gone away
—-Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel, ” Mrs. Robinson, 1973

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Outfox
2 months ago

Sorry OF, but it’s more like the decrepit President Hindenburg placidly handing over the reigns of Power to newly elected Chancellor Adolf Hitler, stand in the balcony smiling as the triumphant gangsters led military style marches through the streets of Berlin. He signed off on terminating the German’s brief experiment with democracy and civil government.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
2 months ago

Speaking of Holocausts, have you been following the sequel going on in Gaza as we speak. It is Deja Vue all over again I tell ya. Only this time they are blowing them up and starving them to death. They are getting some great war film footage for future movies. All about the money and ethnic cleansing.

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Don’t forget the government of Palestine invaded and attacked Israel. If a country or government did that to America I would expect the same response

2 months ago

Biden drops out! Shock. Nope, planned. Of course Trump was also planned, by the Democrats to be dead. Thankfully they missed that shot. Unless they cheat again, Trump wins. Stay tuned.

Free Bird
Free Bird
2 months ago

Since the Biden/Harris ticket no longer exists, will the Pittsfield fundraiser on the 27th be canceled?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Free Bird
2 months ago

Hobama is still running

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

For now, he is, but you know Killary smells blood in the water. She knows “Heels Up Harris” is a worse public speaker than Xiden is/was at the last debate.

While Killary is sharpening her knives, I believe Bathhouse Barry is getting Big Mike “taped up” and ready to make his political debut on the big stage.

Nothing screams “Democracy,” like the liberal elites ignoring the 81,000,000 voters who “voted” for Xiden, by REPLACING HIM WITH THEIR CHOICE.

Snark, Azzhatter, JM, TSC (if sober and somewhat coherent), how do you explain this?

All of you, including all my dead relatives in MA, were part of the 81,000,000 people who voted for Xiden. You agree with your party elites picking the leader and NOT YOU, THE VOTER?

Seems, I don’t know, COMMUNIST to me.

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Hobama (Kamala) v. HoTrump (Donald) = The pot calling the kettle black!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Johnny , Trump loves America, You don’t.

Crawl back under Flat Tyer’s dress and stay there.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

Paternity results are in for you JM .. Trump is your daddy! 

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jon Melle
2 months ago

The Planets Playboy HoMelle (Jon) calling fellow playboy HoTrump (Donald) is the pot calling the kettle black.

You both love your women with some differences.

HoTrump likes them young, pretty, and sexy.

HoMelle seems to like them older, uneasy on the eyes, and married.

Pot meet Kettle. Kettle meet Pot.

Reply to  Free Bird
2 months ago

It all depends on how many cognitively challenged democrats are willing to throw big bucks away.

Fortunato S
Fortunato S
Reply to  Gobsig
2 months ago

So it will be Ellie Ness vs Al Capone.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Free Bird
2 months ago

Cumswalla Harris 2024!!! ROFL!!!

2 months ago

Now that the Democrats screwed over the voters(their own voters this time) by backstabbing their winner of the primary election who will they have as the “selected one”? Will it be Kacklin Kamala who as czar of the border allowed an invasion of undesirables? Or Whitmar from MI who used the FBI employees to fake a kidnapping attempt to sway the voters in 2020? (Interesting aside the FBI Director from that staged event was immediately brought to DC to be the head of that division….does J6 seem a bit similar?) Or will the put Newsome in as their choice,,,you know the guy who has bankrupted CA and told everyone to stay home during the pandemic so he could take his family out to dinner without seeing the little guys and gals that pay his salary?
I have no idea how anyone with a brain could vote Democrat! How do these D supporters look at themselves when realizing that their party is the exact image of the Nazis and Commies? Let’s hope they can’t rig the system again but for some reason I think they already have the brainwashed idiots doing their dirty work and screwing over the American way of freedom and capitalism, you know the things that made America the greatest and strongest country in the world, that other countries looked to for help whenever they needed it.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
2 months ago

Yep. They sure are defending democracy!

Reply to  Two Cents
2 months ago

Hope you are talking about Republicans because executive order Biden showed dictator style of governing, especially jailing and trying to kill his opponents

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
2 months ago

Trump is toast!

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 months ago

And cue Markus Aurelius the ex cia / navy seal/ police detective / doctor etc. I’m sure I forgot some of the other titles.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Larry Bird
2 months ago

Your TDS is shinning through with this post Snark.

How about responding above, you Bitchfield Symbol, you.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

Trump has filed suit against the US government and all its people for negligence and is asking 50 billion dollars and a new right ear.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 months ago

Did ya see Mayorkas ignorant/lying SS bitch under questions today? “I don’t know nutin” all day long…….

Mayorkus taught her well. He belongs on a gibbet, with HIS handlers for TREASON.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 months ago

It is true.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
2 months ago

Harris is in a jam

2 months ago

The SEIU labor union is endorsing Kamala Harris, but what has the Biden/Harris administration done for working people? The answer is nothing. Biden/Harris have poured illegal immigrants into our country to put them in competition for jobs with American workers. They will be forced to raise the retirement age due to raiding social security to pay for illegal immigrants so hard working Americans will have to work until they are ready to drop. Inflation has eaten away at workers salaries and most are unable to even think of achieving the American Dream. Kamala Harris will continue to do nothing for working people if elected.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

They are“Yellow Dog Democrat Rats” who would vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for a conservative! The “DemonRats” want a government run by democrats no matter what others may offer policy wise that is beneficial for

Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

The danger with Kamala is that women will go weak in the knees because they have a female candidate for president and completely lose their common sense just like they did with Hillary. Kamala is extremely far left just like Hillary. Kamala wants open borders just like Biden and proved in her role as border tsar that she was unable and/or unwilling to do the job. Kamala is in with the globalists and the far left radicals. Women commentators were gushing all over the far left news media today that they have a woman candidate for president. These women had no interest in her agenda for the country.

Go Kamala
Go Kamala
Reply to  Pat
2 months ago

Look. Trump wins on the Border. That’s it. He’s next President if the election is on the up and up. Many are looking for a Civil War. And THAT will happen if D J loses.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Go Kamala
2 months ago

Let’s pretend for a minute that you are one of the MAGA soldiers making plans for your civil war. Who will you start shooting first being that democrats are not wearing democrat uniforms. How will you know who to kill and not kill? And if your family pediatrician or dentist is a democrat will you take them down too? How about your plumber or electrician or cousin Bob that helped you build your new deck?

Just trying to get a handle on how your civil war is going to play out.

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

I thought you were looking to be civil and compromise with MAGA voters? Why are you talking about shooting or killing them? Although that seems to be the liberal playbook, expect Antifa and BLM to start their riots again

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Go Kamala
2 months ago

The only place Kamala is going is back to CA with all the other fruits & nuts.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Does anyone else think that Pete Buttigieg might try to get into the White House through the “back door” to become president instead
of Kamala?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

If he does he will have to get in line behind Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green, Ted Cruz, Steve Bannon, Bill O’Reilly and Kelly Anne Conway. (Kelly Anne has been a back door for Trump for years by the way)

Free Bird
Free Bird
2 months ago

From Dr. Robert Malone…

“ya just gotta admit that this whole shizashow demonstrates that the Democrat party is not very committed to democracy.

All of this yap about saving democracy is just projection, gaslighting, and #PsyWar propaganda. First jamming through Biden by excluding Kennedy, then tossing out Biden when he became unelectable. And all this on top of how they handled Bernie and his voters. Democracy Now? Please. Give me a break. The Democrat party has become just a front for the partnership of oligarchy and deep state. But they do control the media, and are really good at PsyWar on citizens.”

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Free Bird
2 months ago

You know what is not democratic? Insurrections like the one you watched on your TV a few years ago. Or Trumps Project 2025. You really need to read up on that before you say much more on the subject.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Snarky wake up… can you have an “insurrection” without guns?! Ashley Babbitt was killed by a nutjob on the Capitol Police! The police were the only ones with weapons, you moron!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Spoken like the true Bitchfield Symbol, that you are Larry Bir….oh, I see you’re posting under the Snark name now. My bad.

I think you either drank a little too much waste water in your days, or it seeped into your brain.

You are the true definition of sh!t for brains Snark.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 months ago

You are talking with a demented man. A guy hollering at hallucinations and wearing a tin hat. Why do that?! Just cross the street and pass him by.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Trump is lagging far behind the Dems in a planned destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Clay Travis:
Anyone still arguing Trump is a threat to democracy is a joke. Democrats just wiped out their entire primary system to replace their candidate with roughly 3,000 party elites voting. The will of their primary voters didn’t matter at all. They staged an actual insurrection.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
2 months ago

Nobody should vote Democrat again until this party cleans up its corruption.

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Again a Pelosi/Schumer plan as the documents the J6 “Committee” conveniently hid. This was directed by the FBI

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Did anyone watch the obstruction of justice by the SS head today?

Mz Cheatie? She “don’t now nutin”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

SS bitch/lying POS was a great asset to liberals today.

She “don’t know nutin”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Reeks of Democrats/Liberal Assassination attempt.

And many of them called for it. Many Liberals are/were sorry sniper was not a better shot.

Now false calls for “unity”, from the un-Americans/Liberals

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
2 months ago

Bravo Trap, spot on.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
2 months ago

About 3:40 is a good point to See Mayoykus Spox at the SS go “ignorant”

2 months ago

Here’s a question to anyone thinking of voting for BIG government, aka Democrats, why, when mosquito carrying diseases such as dengue fever, eee, west nile virus, malaria, etc our Democrat run government (aka one party rulers) don’t care about exterminating the threat all because of some looney small groups opposing the spraying for the good of the citizens? What else isn’t being done for the Kapanski’s? Look around and you will see the only ones the Democrats care about are the ones that keep them in power and give them money and gifts.

2 months ago

Where’s Biden?
Hasn’t been seen in 6 days. Even media is asking if he’s still alive or had a stroke.
Hillary gonna make another run for office?

snark shark
snark shark
2 months ago

The city of Pittsfield is very much aware that it has a housing crisis. Longtime senior residents are being priced out of both their apartments and homes as well. If Marchetti and Pete White do manage to raise your taxes so high you have to leave your birth home, good luck finding anywhere else to live. Apartments have been sold off to investment groups who are strictly profit driven as most of them have no connection to the community. (not that that really makes a difference as local investors are just as greedy)

At one time Pittsfield had hundreds of units in senior housing projects and one had to get on a waiting list to get. But if you were patient it would happen in time. People I know now who reside in such places say that they are no longer for just seniors but rather pretty much anyone who comes along that meets lower income guidelines. One told me that there are at least two people in his project who say they have been released from jail and were set up there. More and more people with language barriers. People who have moved their misfit children in with them (against the rules but happening) One who has a job and has been there off and on for three years. The atmosphere has been deteriorating into that of the scary type projects with fights and loud disturbances. Seniors once had a clean well maintained safe place to live but that is no longer guaranteed in Pittsfield. Maybe all of MaSS.

I have been watching the special interest mayors at city hall raise taxes on seniors clawing to hang onto their home while giving tax breaks to millionaire business owners who do not even need them.

These are not people who really care about the city or the people who live here and have paid taxes all their lives. They are people looking to line their own pockets. These are people who chuckle as they sip their wine when they read in the paper about the struggles of the lesser haves.

Bethany Trudeau
Bethany Trudeau
Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Well then someone deserves an award.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

The Biden presidency is over….when will the Republicans wake up & take action?

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 months ago

He agreed to quit, so yeah….

2 months ago

Kamala Harris wasted no time hitting the rally circuit and is out there slamming Donald Trump. “I know his type” she cackles. No mention of the issues except for abortion because she knows she has no issues to run on since the Biden/Harris policies have been disastrous for the country. All of the Kamala/Biden policies have been failures especially for the working people of this country who will continue to get slammed if, God forbid, Kamala is elected. She has no skills when it comes to foreign policy and I can’t imagine the damage she will do in dealing with world leaders. Kamala and Biden are refusing to be present when Netanyahu speaks showing how in sync their anti-Israel policies are and the rest of their policies including open borders. Kamala intentionally did nothing as border czar to help the situation except watch the illegal immigrants pour into our country.