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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JULY 10, 2024) — THE PLANET back in town quickly for personal reasons and business, and we thought it would be the perfect time to refresh the screen and give our welcome commentators the continued opportunity for Free Speech.

After all, THE PLANET is the only game in town when it comes to that. Other local media outlets like to talk about First Amendment freedoms. We, on the other hand, are the only medium that BELIEVES in them, and we prove it by our ACTIONS.

The Army of Robots have done a fine job of regulating the board in our absence. They do the work, never call in sick, and display no weird emotionality. The AOR respects free speech, weeding out the few non-hackers who do not have the character to serve the needs of this beloved site.

After our business is addressed in a cogent and appropriate manner, we shall climb aboard to resume our desert hegira, where the oasis contains cool, refreshing, blue-green water and the trees say in time to a slow Tex Behnke number, like a cartoon from the 1930s.

Meanwhile, we watch with amusement from 30,000 feet as the POTUS continues to disintegrate before our eyes, the Commonwealth shades population and wealth while adding poverty and squalor, and the city follows suit, its idiot political leaders made oblivious to the deterioration and crumbling of its infrastructure and quality of life by satiated greed .

On that happy note, THE PLANET bids you adieu until next time.

Be kind, be safe, and may the Good Lord taking a likin’ to ya.

Here’s a think piece we think you’ll find thought inducing.

———- ooo ———-

The Lies We Have Lived Through

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” — Often attributed to Abraham Lincoln

By Victor Davis Hanson

After last Thursday’s debate, Biden himself laid to rest the Democratic lie that he was robust and in control of his faculties. In truth, he demonstrated to the nation that he is a sad, failing octogenarian who could not perform any job in America other than apparently the easy task of President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief in charge of our nuclear codes

In 2019, Democratic primary candidates often hit rival Joe Biden for his apparent senior moments and incoherence. During the 2020 campaign, Biden often became in bizarre fashion animated and nasty (“you ain’t black”/“fat”/“lying dog-faced pony soldier”/“junkie”).

His “corn pop” stories were grotesque and had a senile accentuation of his earlier “super-predator” and “clean” black riffs. As president, his mental decline progressed geometrically, in the sense that every three months, Biden became far, far worse than during the prior 90 days. His handlers long ago had determined that masking his feebleness at the expense of the security and safety of the nation was a small price to pay to retain power.

What followed was the most comprehensive deceit in presidential history, analogous to insisting that frail and dying FDR in 1944 was just fine as the November election approached or that Woodrow Wilson was expertly running the country as he lay bedridden and near comatose.

Any who questioned the vigorous Biden narrative was trashed as “ageist.” Special counsel Robert Hur was dubbed a “hack” for accurately describing Biden as so amnesiac he would win nullification acquittal from a sympathetic jury.

An array of court sycophants periodically gave interviews, insisting that the robust Biden was smarter and wiser than ever. His press secretary, Karin Jean-Pierre, helped coin a new slur, “cheap fake,” for any who collated video and audio clips demonstrating that Biden was obviously non compos mentis. Would she say the same today after the about-face CNN panelists reviewed Biden’s serial debate lapses to support their now-opportune advocacy that he not run for reelection? Would she wish to be a passenger in a car driven by Biden?

In sum, the “dynamic Biden” farce was finally laid to rest by a debate, but not before it had served the original leftist Faustian bargain. Under the guise of COVID, an enfeebled and stationary Biden outsourced his entire 2020 campaign to toady journalists and surrogate politicians.

His task was to pose from his basement as the uniter, ‘good ol’ Joe from Scranton,’ serving as the pseudo-moderate veneer for the most far left agenda in recent history. In the bargain, Joe and Jill enjoyed the privileges of power and status, while they farmed out the presidency to an array of former Obama subordinates and the hard left of what is left of the old Democratic Party.

The useful lie continued throughout his presidency, escalating in direct proportion to Joe’s mounting stumbles, brain freezes, rambling, and incomprehensible speech. When our president said something either outrageous or unfathomable, the public was to assume that it was intemperate to attribute his failures to senility.

So, the nation became acculturated to deciphering about 60 percent of what he said and writing off the rest to his never-to-be-spoken-of disability. It was the cognitive bookend to the ruse that FDR was able to stand and walk—although far worse because being wheel-chair bound is not a limitation for a president, whereas cognitive incapacity of Biden’s magnitude most certainly is.

The Biden lie was the crown jewel of a number of other left-wing/media fabrications. The more they spread, the more they seemed absurd, and the more they were refuted—so all the more others took their place and the more their promulgators never apologized but simply moved on to their next one. The common denominator was that all the lies, during their existence, were useful to the progressive project.

The Russian collusion hoax helped lose Trump the 2016 popular vote. Its resumption during his presidency ate up 22 months of his administration during the Special Counsel Robert Mueller farce.

The October surprise laptop disinformation lie may have cost Trump the 2020 election. But it was concocted so that Joe Biden could stare at the debate camera and swear to the American people that Trump was a liar, citing “51 intelligence authorities” who insisted Hunter Biden’s laptop was a likely hallmark of Russian disinformation.

We were asked to believe that clever Russian disinformationists fabricated all the sick photos and selfies of poor Hunter, knew the Biden family’s intimate tensions and fault lines as evidenced in the computer’s texts and emails, and were able to package and deposit the computer to either a Russian operative masquerading as a computer repairment or have it delivered to the supposedly useful idiot. The truth was, the FBI had the laptop during the debate and had long verified its authenticity—and thus kept mum as its brethren intelligence apparatchiks lied to the nation.

What the untruth did not fully reveal was that Biden’s campaign foreign policy guru, Anthony Blinken (the current Secretary of State), cooked up the entire ruse. He enlisted former CIA grandee Mike Morell, who then rounded up on spec the confessed lying duo of John Brennan and James Clapper, who in turn drafted still more deceivers, among them the once esteemed Leon Panetta.

And the lie worked perfectly as envisioned, far better than even Russian “collusion.” The nation

was deceived into believing that the “asset” Trump was reduced once again to colluding with Putin to enlist his former KGB soldiers to smear the upright Biden family and thus warp yet another election.

Note that all these lies were never retracted. No one ever apologizes. No one is ever punished, even when the lie is given under oath. No one ever has any regrets. And no one ever has any hesitation to lie again, given the utility of the prior untruth.

We were told by the deceitful Alejandro Mayorkas that the border was “secure” as he deliberately destroyed it and welcomed in over 10 million illegal aliens. That lie survived even the absurdity of years of nightly news clips (“cheap fakes?”) of thousands swarming an open border. And it died only when the 2024 election approached and the Biden administration read polls showing that a vast majority wanted the border closed and illegal entrants deported. Then suddenly, the lie that the border was secure transmogrified into the back-up lie that

“Republicans would not help us close the now-insecure border.” Translated into Orwellian terms, the border that was crossed by 10 million was always secure but could have been made even more secure had Republicans joined Democrats to secure what was already “secure.”

We live in an era of lies. Sometimes they are purely political, like the Charlottesville “both sides” yarn. And sometimes they change history, like the fabrications that bats and pangolins, not the communist Chinese Wuhan virology lab, birthed the COVID-19 virus, or the Anthony Fauci contortion that his offices did not fund and help out, stealthily and in circumvention of U.S. law, deadly gain-of-function virology research in communist China.

Yet another lie was institutionalized: the January 6 riot was a full-fledged, carefully planned armed insurrection to overthrow the government. In contrast, the four months in 2020 of killing, assault, arson, and looting that saw over 35 dead, 1,500 injured law enforcement officers, $2 billion in damage, and a federal courthouse, a police precinct and a historic church torched were “cries of the heart” from the oppressed and victimized.

Those untruths ensured that hundreds of mostly naïve protestors who showed up in the capitol soon became convicted felons serving long sentences, while the 14,000 arrested for the 2020 mayhem were mostly released as overzealous but otherwise sympathetic activists.

These lies changed the course of the nation. They are birthed by the incestuous marriage of a Washington-New York political culture and a corrupt media.

The purveyors are Juvenal’s “who will police the police.” They are the administrative overseers in the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and the various cabinets and agencies. They feel they are exempt from any consequences for the damage they do, given that in their day jobs they operate as judges, jury and executioners.

Finally, while all governments lie, the left is far more adroit at it because, in their any-means-necessary/the-ends-justify-the-means credo, they spread supposedly good “lies” that stop the Hitlerian Trump, neuter the creepy deplorables/irredeemables/chumps/clingers or save the good people from the MAGA anti-vaxers and assorted yahoos.

Will the lies continue?

Indeed, they will thrive until the people slash the administrative state of its unaccountable and unelected “experts”; until they indict those in the future like Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, John Brennan and their brethren who lie under oath or to federal investigators; until they ostracize and utterly discredit those like Mayorkas, Fauci, and the Bidens whose deceptions took hostage an entire nation; and until they tune out a bankrupt media, the power cord of the entire Pravda enterprise.

———- ooo ———-

The Comment Line is open.


Love is the life, and the life must contain its own meaning” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



Copyright (c) 2024 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice and available to all. All users of this site — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this site. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.



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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

July 10, 2024

Donald Trump is the ultimate Moral Hypocrite and he will brazenly continue the Republican Party’s hypocritical legacy of MORAL HYPOCRISY.

In 2020, Joe Biden raised and spent more campaign MONEY than any other candidate in U.S. history. Joe Biden bought the presidency after running for the elected position since 1988.

Recently and for the first time ever, Donald Trump out-raised Joe Biden in campaign donations. Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden because the Democrats raised and spent a historically huge sum of campaign dollars.

Jon Melle

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

JM I realize you are impossible to get through to. I can only imagine you were a nightmare for your Army Sgt’s to deal with. Let me guess, always in sick call? Medical muffins was a term “guys” in my squad were deemed by the Sgt’s who were frequent flyers there.

Had you been a few years older, say my age, I’m sure some “wall to wall counseling” would have cured your “issues,” but we’re here today.

Please read what the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 was.

Now, look up HR 4310, signed into law by Hussein Obama in 2012 and what it allowed the US government due to its own citizens.

To address your post, the democRATS and RINOS (deep state) unleashed a biological weapon of mass destruction (COVID-19) on the entire planet to help steal the election.

Why? Trump’s economy was thriving. People like me, who work for a living, were seeing gains in our investments like never before, and the WORLD WAS AT PEACE. Reread that again.

COVID allowed Joe to hide in his basement and when he did debate Trump, remember the “51 intelligence agents who swore Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation.” You left that key fact out JM. But I understand facts get in the way of a horsesh!t narrative you and others on here have fallen for, hook, line, and sinker.

The FIB hid the laptop from the public during election time. Would you have still voted for Xiden had you known that and what was in it, now that it’s verified as REAL? You probably wouldn’t have cared, but many logical people wouldn’t have and THEY KNEW IT.

January 6 was a staged event by the democRATS in an attempt to divert attention away from the election THEY STOLE. Trump offered 10,000 national guard troops to protect the Capitol, but Pelosi TURNED IT DOWN.

Pelosi knew those two unexploded pipe bombs, that the FIB still hasn’t found the suspects, were there for the national guard members had they actually showed up. How do you explain the suspects still at large for two pipe bombs on 1/6, but grandmas were getting locked up for taking selfies with Capitol cops inside the Capitol? I’d love to hear one JM.

As I’ve said to you on here before, you got issues my friend if guy talk still bothers you at your age.

A person talking about your mom or other female member in your family, a bit different. But that’s not the case here.

A bit of advice I’d tell my boys if they were you, “It’s time to grow up and quit playing professional victim.”

Maybe a bit harsher to my own boys.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

What about the phony gallows? It’s legal to put one in front of the Capitol? Nobody from law enforcement noticed it was being erected?

Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

Of course “law enforcement” noticed, they were involved with it being erected. Closed circuit cameras captured the “persons” erecting it early in the morning taking a coffee break and walking 4 blocks to diner right across from the fbi headquarters. Later seen walking back to complete construction in full view for all to see. As biden would say, “come on man”.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

JM and others are as delusional as Biden is dysfunctional.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

With democrats in charge certain people can break the rules and laws all they want and be the victims at the same time.. just like you.

3 months ago

Biden can always move to Pittsfield and run for city council. He’d be perfect.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

He could bring his infrastructure project with him and paint the crosswalks so less people get run over in Pittsfield this year.

You would think the state would mandate it when they give them all that road money. Maybe they do but it gets spent on flower pots along the sides of the roads that the run over pedestrian can look up at as he or she writhes on the ground. Hopefully not kids.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

They still haven’t painted proper lines on Tamarack

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Hell Toupee
3 months ago

Milltown has requested they be painting yet. Once they make the call, done.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Dan Fox Dr. is deteriorating the the pipelines that Milltown ran under the road.

Was a bond posted on the work?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Milltown hasn’t requested they be painted yet. Once the call for the painting goes in.. Done.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

They do seem to be able to get the city to do things that benefit them don’t they? Seems to be a rather fancy crosswalk between their two Dan Fox properties.

Tyler and First street folk don’t gots that kinda clout with the Peter twins. Hope the ward councilor is not afraid to at least ask though. Seems like the right thing to do for a city about to spend 30 plus million bucks on a “ball park” that will benefit only a few special interest folk.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Meanwhile
3 months ago

When you have “a red phone” directly connected to city hall you get through and things done.

In Da Know
In Da Know
3 months ago

Danny Boy. You should write a column about all the great things Putin has done for Russia. You know, how he is just misunderstood. Did you see how nice the supermarkets are? And the Subways are so clean. Ain’t no Pansies dancing in Red Square that’s for sure. Have a swell vacation Danny Boy. Give my regards to Mrs Planet, wink wink ; )

Reply to  In Da Know
3 months ago


In Da Know
In Da Know
Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

Perhaps you should sign up for one of Danny Boys creative writing courses and come up with some new material Rube

Reply to  In Da Know
3 months ago

Oh my, did your sheep have a headache last night Hoople?

Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

Let’s see, if you can’t think of a retort, talk about them fucking sheep.

Sorry, it doesn’t work.

Mad Trappe5
Mad Trappe5
Reply to  In Da Know
3 months ago

You forgot, a Christian too. No LGBTXYZ….

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  In Da Know
3 months ago

You forgot, Putin is a Christian too. No LGBTXYZ….

Reply to  In Da Know
3 months ago

I guess Pittsfield could use Putin. Our infrastructure not winning.

3 months ago

Great article for us to read seeing that we are 2 months away from being able to vote, you know the election that the Democrats don’t want safeguarded to make sure only Americans vote and that they only vote once! The Democrats continue the lie that drop boxes help the disenfranchised because they can’t possibly get to the voting booth in their precinct but can make to the church, which is usually next to the place the voting booths are, to drop their votes in “early and often”!
Even though the TDS crowd on here find it hard to fathom, because of their brainwashed peanuts in their skull, the Democrats have been the “Orwellian actors/writers” since their start, always sabotaging words to fit their definitions so they can get elected. To them it is all about the power. As you noted above since Wilson the Democrats have always been lying about the President. Saw a great clip about Biden. Someone posted his 2012 debate with Paul Ryan against his most recent debate, the change is dramatic, in 2012 Biden acted like Trump in the debate and this year he acted like poor old Uncle Ed in the dementia ward, yet Massachusetts Democrats will continue to vote for Biden, although it may be all the dead people who are voting seeing how it recently came out that the voting registers have no way of knowing actually who is legal to vote and where,,,,definitely living in Bizarro land

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Fascinating that when it comes to banking the institutions can account to the exact penny at any moment of what is deposited, withdrawn and who does it is absolutely iron clad. Banks have been doing this for a very long time. When to it comes to vote tally our government just does not have a handle on the process (by design) and as citizens all of us should be very very concerned and upset that they don’t. Something is in the air and
it stinks real bad…

Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

What I don’t comprehend is that people continue to elect people who don’t care about them nor their welfare. Who in their right mind would write a letter and sign it stating that everyone should get behind a dementia president and vote for him?? I think everyone from VP, to Cabinet Leaders(?) to the White House Physician should be fired and tried for dereliction of duty.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

That’s just it! Rational thinking and common sense isn’t in great demand these days thanks to the dumbing down of society by the power structure.The same voting people keep buying into their own demise every election because they believe this is finally the election politicians will deliver what they are told will be delivered.Just sign on once again and don’t ask yourselves any questions on why things are still the same old.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

You cannot vote in good people if good people do not run. And I use Pittsfield as a prime example. Pittsfield’s political cadre has long been one with nested doll syndrome where when one is plucked out, another very similar but even smaller in mental capacity comes front and center.
Set up to fail the general population every time.

Get out while you can!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Democrats have been the “Orwellian actors/writers” since their start, always sabotaging words to fit their definitions so they can get elected. To them it is all about the power.

Not only do Liberals love to change the meanings of words, they make words up, in addition to subsituting one word for another.The examples are too numerous to list, but some of the more clever. Some over the last decade are worth mentioning:
Biological sex = gender
Climate warming = climate change
Birthing person = a person with a uterus
Chest feeding person = a person with breasts
Social justice = redistribution of wealth
CRT = White skin = racist (by default)
DEI = affirmative action on steroids
American patriot = far right extremist
Extreme weather = (see climate change)
Non-binary = denial of biological sex
Ze/zer/zit = substition pronouns for he, her and it

Feel free to expand the list.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
3 months ago

Biden will be replaced by the Dome is my prediction. It’s the only way the Dems get to keep the money raised so far.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
3 months ago

That’s right.

Joe Dementchuh
Joe Dementchuh
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
3 months ago

Wahconah Park equals……Big Dig

Reply to  Joe Dementchuh
3 months ago

They’ve been working on a scheme to build a new baseball park for over 30 years. What is it about this baseball crowd? Currently whenever another sport gets a field the baseball crowd takes it over similar to what happened at Belanger, Clapp,etc. They haven’t even put plans in to move the fields direction so the sun isn’t an issue

Joe Dementchuh
Joe Dementchuh
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
3 months ago

At your expense. They don’t even have a money raising idea. Or individual.

Mad Trappe5
Mad Trappe5
3 months ago

Dan, glad to hear from you. Hope vacation is peaceful and restful.

You forgot the part of the most corrupted Selectrion in our nations history 2020. 2022 was no cleaner and 2024 will be worse with Democrats letting the criminal alien hordes they imported vote.

And treason is a hanging crime. A good many in DC should be swinging

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trappe5
3 months ago

I thought you said Trump was innocent of treason but now you want to hang him? Make up your mind.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

The Russian collusion and J6 hoaxers. Start with The HBeast. I’ve got a tree and rope. Pay per view or free broadcast?

Mad Trappe5
Mad Trappe5
3 months ago

The Cackaling Indian Kamala #2 is polling worse than Traitor Joe.

Will be hard to get anyone else, LEGALLY on the ballot in most states. Joe is already off a few states ballots, DNC screwed up.

But that won’t stop DemocRATS/Leftists from trying /doing so.

Get ready for SHTF November.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

I would like Snark, JM, TSC, Mr. Worldwide, and Azzhatter, to read a quote from the late, great, Ronald Regan.

“Keep voting democRAT. One day they will restrict your freedoms, restrict your history, and restrict your safety. All in the name of professional victims that don’t understand the consequences of their ignorance.”

As you (whatever you ID as) read this, let it sink that Regan stated this almost 40 years ago and it currently describes the democRAT party of today and your beliefs. Sad…

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Something tells me Trump would be the last person Reagan would vote for when he was discussing freedoms. Regan would have rounded up the whole Trump family and sent them to Guantanamo right after he made them pay back all the people he ripped off all his life.

You know he would too.

Yes you do!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Joe ain’t leaving
unless, of course, they blackmail him with all the evidence that they have on him and his 50 year grift funded by the taxpayers that he and family benefited from. Wondering if Joe and family of criminals will be locked up at some point? One family made millions as private citizens, while the other family made millions with being connected selling from political office.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Snark, how about posting some facts to back your claim up.

Like I said to JM above, I understand facts get in the way of your horsesh!t narrative, but facts mean a lot to me.

Who left the pipe bombs on 1/6? You know Snark, actual weapons of mass destruction. Do ever question that?

Mad Trappe5
Mad Trappe5
3 months ago


NASCAR fans chanting FJB? And the MSM saying it as “let’s go Brandon?”

Be very aware of what MSM is still selliing you. They are 100% evil liars.

America hangs in the balance.

Mad Trappe5
Mad Trappe5
3 months ago


NASCAR fans chanting FJB? And the MSM saying it as “let’s go Brandon?”

Be very aware of what MSM is still selling you. They are 100% evil liars.

America hangs in the balance.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  danvalenti
3 months ago

I think they want to pull Biden out. But they cannot find anyone who wants the job now that everyone knows that AIPAC is the real government and the American presidency is one of being a puppet under their control.
Bidens legacy will be one of aiding and abetting the killing thousands of innocent woman and children in Gaza. The next president, whichever side he comes from, has the choice of also participating in the slaughter, or going against that powerful lobby. Most people do not want participating in genocide to be attached to their family history. It will be a heavy cross for any descendant to carry as this may never be forgotten.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Thanks for your comments Adolf

Reply to  danvalenti
3 months ago

Fictional character wise, I’d say Joe’s comparable to Jim on the Taxi sitcom.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
3 months ago

Dan, not sure if you saw this article?

It could be a key reason Hussein Obama has backed off on the ouster of China Joe Xiden.

Xiden’s inner party threatened to out Bathhouse Barry and his homosexual proclivities.

The funny part is people still believe Big Mike is a woman. I believe they fear Big Mike’s eventual outing, and this is why the trans-movement is getting stuffed down our throats.

Mad Trappe5
Mad Trappe5
3 months ago

What., are the the democRATS going to pull now?

Last edited 3 months ago by Mad Trappe5
snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trappe5
3 months ago

George Clooney is going to run with Oprah as his VP. They have name recognition and neither one of them has 91 felonies on their record or dodged the draft or treated vets like crap.

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Biden doesn’t need a cognitive test but those who vote for him do.

Mad Trappe5
Mad Trappe5
3 months ago

Trump Challenges Biden To Round Of Golf: I Will Give Him A 20 Stroke Handicap, $1 Million To A Charity

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  Mad Trappe5
3 months ago

Jill will kiss his balls before the match

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Mad Trappe5
3 months ago

Trump has a well documented history of cheating at golf, especially on his own courses. He knows no one is going to call him on it so he takes full advantage of their fear of what he may do to their lives.

You know it is true!

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

What a nitwit you are. If such a match did take place there would be tons of eyeballs on both candidates. Pull your head out before you injure yourself.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Hell Toupee
3 months ago

There were tons of eyeballs on his insurrection including national television. But he went right ahead in full view of the whole world, directing them to the capitol building where he ordered them to take over and destroy democracy.

You saw it too. Then Fox news told you not to believe what you just saw with your own eyes and now you are a full fledged member of the tower of babble society.

You know it is true!

Yes you do!

Do too!

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

You must have been smoking dope when you were watching or your just a moron.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Staged so they could certify the votes without a legal challenge as provided in The Constitution.

They still have people locked up in the DC Gulag that were invited inside by the Capitol police.

Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

I saw one of Pelosi’s goons murder a woman

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Who was charged with insurrection?

Reply to  snark shark
2 months ago

Go get your meds Snark everyone knows it was Pelosi and the FBI who planned and carried out J6. Over 500 FBI agents in the crowd and the one person on camera saying get into and raid the capital is still out and never convicted, please explain

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Hell Toupee
3 months ago

Sportswriter and author Rick Reilly is breaking down Donald Trump’s golf game after the former president boasted on Sunday that he was awarded two championships by his own golf club.

The So Help Me Golf author appeared on Deadline White House with Nicolle Wallace to share firsthand observations from when he’s golfed with Trump.

“I’ve always said golf is like bicycle shorts. It reveals a lot about a guy,” Reilly joked during his appearance. “And what it reveals about this guy is that he cannot lose. He has to win and he will do anything to cheat.”

“And I know because I played golf with him and he took seven mulligans. He took a ‘give me chip-in.’ I’ve never even heard of a ‘give me chip-in,'” he added.

A spokesperson for Trump denied Reilly’s claims of cheating when reached by PEOPLE on Wednesday.

Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

I love it. Even worse than Bill Clinton.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

All time worst golfing foursome:

Monica- she’s a hooker

OJ- he’s a slicer

Ted Kennedy- can’t drive over water

Slick Willie- can’t remember which hole he played last

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Hell Toupee
3 months ago

Reilly claimed during the segment that he has seen Trump win tournaments even though he wasn’t “in the state when the tournament’s played,” and he also won a tournament in North Korea when he was talking to leader Kim Jong Un. Reilly claimed he also witnessed this happen during a two-day tournament this year.

“What he does [is] he just calls in and goes, ‘I usually beat that guy, give me the trophy,’” Reilly alleged.

“And I know this because when I play with him, he goes, ‘You know what I do to win these championships, don’t ya?’ and I go, ‘Please tell me. Give it to me.’ And he goes, ‘Anytime I buy a new course, I play the first round all by myself and then I declare myself the club champion,’” Reilly continued. “So that’s what kind of guy this is.”

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Sorry Snark, but when SI puts a dude in drag in their famous swimsuit issue, it’s when they lost all credibility.

Just another liberal rag trying to push the far-left movement.

Leyna Bloom (

**Remember these words of advice when it comes to shemales, “if it has an apple, it has a banana.”

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Who gives a shit what some sports writer thinks?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Traitor Joe Won’t make it, to the first hole.

Gereez Palace
Gereez Palace
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Pat looks fantastic for late seventies.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

If it were a completely fair match, Biden would win handily.

If you want to gauge a person’s character, play golf with them.

golf is like bicycle shorts. It reveals a lot about a guy”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Come on man! Joe would toss the wrong bag over his shoulder.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Biden’s shorts carry a heavy load.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Spoken like a true liberal suffering from a severe case of TDS, like you have Azzhatter.

First and foremost, I don’t look or stare at men in bicycle shorts.

Never have, never will. I’m not sure what it reveals about a man, other than the size of his junk. I guess it’s another reason I don’t care to bike and prefer to use other methods to exercise to keep myself healthy.

I’ll take a nice looking woman in yoga pants at the gym, store, anywhere, basically over a guy in biker shorts 8-days a week. But that’s me.

I’ll leave the judging a man’s character by what’s in his bicycle shorts to you.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

That’s what Jill said

Jazzy Mudder
Jazzy Mudder
Reply to  Mad Trappe5
3 months ago

Wow. PCTV Pat Gormalley show had entertainer Brontë Roman as his guest this afternoon. Nice job by Pat.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
3 months ago

From Mrs. Prime:

Great article!  Journalism, like science, should be born out of a curiosity to reveal the truth.  Too many times in journalism (and we now know about science) the conclusion is drawn and the truth is perverted to support a small minorities view.  When we get rid of critical thinking, in the home, in the public schools and universities, you are left with nothing but zombies ready to lap up every morsel of the Woke BS going around today. We need to get back to the practice of meritocracy—-not everyone gets a trophy!  Hire the best people—even if they are purple, and be prepared to be butt hurt in your life!  As my mother always said “life isn’t fair”; but it can be a lot more fair if people would stick to the facts and not spread their ideology as truth.  

Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Journalism, like science, should be born out of a curiosity to reveal the truth.”

Unfortunately, many believe that truth plays second fiddle to sensationalism. Ask Pat or Dan.

Reply to  Oxenhatter
2 months ago

Or you who can never seem to back up your opinions with any facts

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Letter: “Mountain bike proposal for Springside Park deserves more scrutiny”
The Berkshire Eagle, July 10, 2024

To the editor: It seems that New England Mountain Bike Association and local advocates for the proposed Springside Park mountain bike complex are showing their true intent. (“The Pittsfield Parks Commission continues to support a proposed mountain bike course at Springside Park. When will it be built?” Eagle, Jan. 18.)

Their request at the June 18 Parks Commission meeting is a 180-degree reversal from their past promises. The current plea for city assistance and funding defies credulity.

Since it is clear they can’t raise the necessary funding, they are now desperate and trying to change or even (re)move the goalposts previously established.

And once again, they are betraying a public commitment since fall 2020 to fully fund the planning, design, construction, maintenance and removal of the structures and their donation to the people of Pittsfield. This guarantee, out of an altruistic dedication to the well-being of our community, especially for “economically depressed” residents of the Morningside area (of course, at thousands of dollars per bike plus gear) appears false. They pretend to love nature while, in my opinion, proposing to destroy plant and animal habitat, demolishing roots, the land and all forms of environmental well-being.

After three-plus years of committing to fully funding all aspects of the complex with NEMBA, the bike advocates are now looking for an off-ramp, asking for a taxpayer-funded handout, despite our city being in the midst of numerous financial crises. Could this have been a well-positioned strategy instigated by corporate NEMBA promoters to initially influence local officials on a “free” donation to the city, but without success now seeking help at the end? An analysis of Parks Commission meeting minutes over the years and all memoranda of understanding generated from the discussions with the city since 2021 demonstrate that the city only accepted the proposal on the condition of no cost to the city. As the old adage goes, when things seem too good to be true, they aren’t.

This charade needs to be aired publicly so that everyone — the public, city officials and media — can see what a deception it is at the expense of the people, true local democracy and the natural essence of Springside park that we all love.

Royal Hartigan, Pittsfield

The writer is co-founder of the Friends of Springside Park and a member of the Vincent J. Hebert Arboretum at Springside Park.

3 months ago

I love Victor David Hanson. He is so intelligent
The Hollywood elites are calling for Biden to step aside from running, but they offer no choices of who they want to run. The elites were responsible for putting Biden in office and now want to remove him from having 4 more years. I agree that Biden doesn’t have 4 more years in him and shouldn’t be running. Biden has been barely present for the last 4 years. George Clooney says he loves Biden, but wants him gone from the ticket. The Hollywood elites giveth and then taketh away. They are completely out of touch with the working people in this country and really have no business being in politics at all except that they have lots of money and live like kings and queens and donate very generously to the politicians, mostly those on the left. There will be very little time to vet another candidate for the left and they surely hope that plays in their favor. Will this next candidate be for open borders and all of the rest of the far left Biden agenda? If the candidate is Kamala or Gavin Newsom or anyone on the far left, it will be the same policies as Biden. Kamala is already saying it’s racist and misogynist if she isn’t the one to replace Biden.

Last edited 3 months ago by Pat
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 months ago

The democrats have no one else qualified for the ballot, nada. They are stuck with Traitor Joe. Even Joe is out of several states, MSM don’t cover that, DNC screwed the pooch in those states.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Can’t remember the last Democrat who could really claim to be qualified to be President

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Running against Trump so any democrats qualifications can be pretty weak. Consider, even now, many of them think they can run an obviously senile octogenarian war criminal against him and have a good shot at winning. So what does that say about Trumps appeal to the masses? Huh?

Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

I think it says far more about the people in this country than it does about Trump that Americans would rather have two clearly unqualified people in office, Biden and Kamala, because too many Americans want one world globalist government which means open borders and lots of government control. That is what Joe, Kamala, and the far left are trying to achieve and Trump is standing in their way. When people give up on their own country like that, it spells doom for the survival of America.

Reply to  Pat
3 months ago

Pat needs to consult with her ‘better half’ (wink, wink) about the real nature of Truth.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

If the masters behind the scenes can’t get rid of Joe and are stuck with him, they and media will regroup and tell the people how great Joe is once again. Even if he poop’s his pants more often than before.

Reply to  Pat
3 months ago

Ha ha ha. Another Pat sensational fiction. Kamala has never and is not saying that.

Pat is comfortable passing off her sensational fiction as truth.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Pat was able to translate Kamala’s word salad and present exactly what Kamala said. You just didn’t understand what was said.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Harris, in interview the Dem primaries said, “I am a socialist”. Socialism (communism) is an expansionist ideology that is driven to operate globally. That is the evidence that she is committed to globalist policies.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Kamala called Biden a racist during the primaries.

3 months ago

Every taxpayer in the City of Pittsfield agrees School Department is over funded. Except for those working in the School Department. Unfortunately that’s a lot of folks. We need cuts, instead they add a frivolous position, Assistant Superintendent for Transformation and Accountability. WTF! You can’t make this shit up. On top of that they want a new Elementary School. We’re domed. Where is our Superintendent of Taxpayers Accountable!

MittI Disaster
MittI Disaster
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

Sleepy Joe called Zelinsky President Putin.

Reply to  MittI Disaster
3 months ago

You mean Sloppy Joe? This guy is a disgrace to the nation.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
3 months ago

Is that as in Transitioning children?

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Biden’s first solo presser since 2022 tonight was a doozy. It may have been good enough to keep him in the running though. Joe
gave answers to questions
coming journalists from a scripted list of whom to call on. Kamala isn’t happy to find out DJT is really Joe’s Vice President. Joe’s visiting angels visit to the White House was canceled for tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Bethany Trudeau
Bethany Trudeau
3 months ago
Bethany Trudeau
Bethany Trudeau
Reply to  Bethany Trudeau
3 months ago

But there’s 0 news outta Egremont in Fred’s paper…. Pittsfield though, and deleted evidence. Only the names will change, everyday… seems were wasting away…. he retired ok, get it through your heads. It wasn’t misconduct.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago

So who is actually running the country? It isn’t Joe.

Bathhouse Barry?

The people who rigged 2020 need to swing, all of them.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago

So who is actually running the country? It isn’t Joe.
Bathhouse Barry?
The people who rigged 2020 need to swing, all of them.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Hunter and Jill.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Sad to say it, but time to invoke 25th amendment.

Even Heels up Harris is not that demented.

P.S. only traitors help invaders, Harris is the border Czar

Last edited 3 months ago by Mad Trapper
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Bugs: Ah, what a maroon.

Ludwig Van
Ludwig Van
3 months ago

Is there any expectation that ALL Pittsfield crosswalks should be painted by a certain date? They get off to a good start but they can’t seem to push through and finish the damn job. It’s the same thing every year.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Ludwig Van
3 months ago

They need to repave the roads before painting them.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Ludwig Van
3 months ago

As long as they are done by Christmas for the shoppers. Don’t set the bar too high for these Petes though, as they only have a combined 20 years in city government. Studies show that visible crosswalk markings are highly overrated as there really aren’t THAT many people killed. I means sure numbers can be subjective but generally if a city can keep it under a bakers dozen annually they are considered to be doing OK.

3 months ago

Anyone see the Steven Valenti quote on how north street “looks like a million bucks”? Only north streets number one self serving cheerleader would be proud of a street that looks like a million bucks while the city has spent tens of millions on it. Good store for sure but come on folks north street looks like a homeless shelters’ recess area for most of the day.

Reply to  Pothole
3 months ago

Money bags Marchetti to the rescue with our money.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Please Google: Pittsfield is offering a course for people to learn about their local government

Pittsfield politics 101: Mayor Peter Marchetti requested a 90 day Grace Period free from criticism, and he publicly stated that he is NOT a fan of social media and blogs that allow FREE SPEECH

Pot politics 101: Pittsfield’s Pot King Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior received a city FREE CASH settlement in the amount of $341,000, while he stinks up nearby residential neighborhoods with his unpleasant largest in the region pot growing odors, while Luciforo lives in a mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College

PEDA politics 101: The 28-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in always increasing unfunded liabilities (public debts) that will never be paid for

Public “Scohols” 101: Charge taxpayers an excessive amount of dollars in return for Level 5 public “scohols”, including Allendale Elementary School that abuts Hill 78 that is a capped “leaky” landfill full of GE’s PCBs that cause cancer and brain damage

Pittsfield poverty 101: North Street’s Social Services Alley and the surrounding inner-city neighborhoods known as the Ring of Poverty

Pittsfield politics scandal 101: (Former Bank Manager) Peter Marchetti is named in Victoria May’s federal sex discrimination and sexual harassment lawsuit whereby he allegedly called her a BITCH

Pittsfield’s cooked books 101: Kufflinks secretive Slush Funds, Creative Accounting schemes, and Financial Shell Games

Pittsfield’s mayoral nicknames 101: Bar-stool, Aberration, Rolodex, Mayor Montello, Gated Community, and Openly Gay

Pittsfield budgeting 101: Similarly sized postindustrial small cities’ operating municipal budgets cost $30 million to $40 million less than Pittsfield’s bloated $216 million operating budget

Pittsfield SCAMS 101: Pittsfield plays financial shell games with the state government in Boston that has nothing to do with the people and taxpayers that have been paying for 5% or higher annual spending increases for over the past 40 years, but it is really about the city receiving as much state administered federal aid funds as possible

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

July 13, 2024

Please Google: Pittsfield is offering a course for people to learn about their local government

Pittsfield politics 101: Mayor Peter Marchetti requested a 90 day Grace Period free from criticism, and he publicly stated that he is NOT a fan of social media and blogs that allow FREE SPEECH

Pot politics 101: Pittsfield’s Pot King Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior received a city FREE CASH settlement in the amount of $341,000, while he stinks up nearby residential neighborhoods with his unpleasant largest in the region pot growing odors, while Luciforo lives in a mansion in Pittsfield’s elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College

PEDA politics 101: The 28-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in always increasing unfunded liabilities (public debts) that will never be paid for

Public “Scohols” 101: Charge taxpayers an excessive amount of dollars in return for Level 5 public “scohols”, including Allendale Elementary School that abuts Hill 78 that is a capped “leaky” landfill full of GE’s PCBs that cause cancer and brain damage

Pittsfield poverty 101: North Street’s Social Services Alley and the surrounding inner-city neighborhoods known as the Ring of Poverty

Pittsfield politics scandal 101: (Former Bank Manager) Peter Marchetti is named in Victoria May’s federal sex discrimination and sexual harassment lawsuit whereby he allegedly called her a BITCH

Pittsfield’s cooked books 101: Kufflinks secretive Slush Funds, Creative Accounting schemes, and Financial Shell Games

Pittsfield’s mayoral nicknames 101: Bar-stool, Aberration, Rolodex, Mayor Montello, Gated Community, and Openly Gay

Pittsfield budgeting 101: Similarly sized postindustrial small cities’ operating municipal budgets cost $30 million to $40 million less than Pittsfield’s bloated $216 million operating budget

Pittsfield SCAMS 101: Pittsfield plays financial shell games with the state government in Boston that has nothing to do with the people and taxpayers that have been paying for 5% or higher annual spending increases for over the past 40 years, but it is really about the city receiving as much state administered federal aid funds as possible

Jon Melle

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
3 months ago


I’ll take you at your word that you are out of town. But you certainly are not away from this board. You have commented everyday that you have been “away”. I don’t buy that the bots are running things.

Funny A Whole
Funny A Whole
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
3 months ago

That’s reasonably true. If you posted as many times as mad trapper you’d have been banished.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
3 months ago

Blogger Dan Valenti is ahead of his time with the AI revolution.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
3 months ago

Whether or not Dan is hiding in his basement like Sloppy Joe did, or sipping pina colada’s on Gillian’s Island and teaching Ginger and Mary Ann the finer point of writing, what’s it to you? It’s and honor and a privilege to post here, regardless of the whereabouts of the man behind the curtain.

Reply to  Mr. Worldwide
3 months ago

Dan was in the library with professor Plum who had a lead pipe.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  Gobsig
3 months ago

Not a relative of mine

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Holy shit! Shots fired at Trump during his rally in PA.

Summer Krime
Summer Krime
Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

He moved like he got hit. But didn’t.

12 Guage
12 Guage
Reply to  Summer Krime
3 months ago

Very fake information

Summer Krime
Summer Krime
Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

He has blood maybe he did.

Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

As I have said he better watch out or the deep state will get ‘em.

3 months ago

President Trump is doing fine after the assassination attempt that came within centimeters of killing him. Sadly, many in the crowd were injured and one was killed. Two people are critically injured and fighting for their lives. The shooter was killed and his identity is still unknown. Pray for America.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Trump’s blood is on EVERY democRAT and democRAT supporters hands after today.

What a massive letdown in security by the secret service.

I’ve been apart of a business when Prez Clinton came through and SS scouted that place AND US a week in advance before his arrival.

Mistakes like this DON’T HAPPEN without intent.

If you are still voting democRAT after the attempted assassination of President Trump,

So there’s no misunderstanding of my part. You are a traitor.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

The gunman: The FBI identified him as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, who lived in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, about 35 miles south of the rally location. He was killed at the scene by Secret Service agents. Public records show he was registered to vote as a Republican, but made a small donation to a Democratic-aligned group in 2021.

Ammo vending machines are coming to 3 Southern states. See how they work

Vending machines selling ammunition will now be in grocery stores in Alabama, Texas and Oklahoma. According to the American Rounds’ website, the distributor of the machines, AI technology scans the customers’ identification and facial recognition software to verify a customer’s identity.
03:05 – Source: CNN

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Meanwhile
3 months ago

As I replied to Azzhatter in another post, please read what I read about what the Smith-Mundt Act (1948) prevented, but what Hussein overturned in HR4310
(2012) and it allowed it to do.

Maybe this guy was a republican (RINO), but he was not a MAGA member.

Take a look on Twitter (X) of some of his video posts. They certainly aren’t conservative. Looks like an unemployed, scrawny, gamer, aka-today’s white male liberal.

This was a deep state assassination attempt on President Trump.

The SS, especially the President Protection Detail, DOES NOT make mistakes like that.

Broad daylight, on top of a roof 150-200 yards out WITH A CLEAR SHOT, people alerting the cops and them sitting on the info..,,

No drones, thermal imaging, air support, yeah right….

C’mon man. You can’t be that brainwashed.

Watch an older YouTube video of the training the SS do, and then come back and answer.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

The current theory is that he switched party affiliation to vote against trump in the primary. I know several people who did that here.

12 Guage
12 Guage
Reply to  Meanwhile
3 months ago

Sounds like it’ll work out ok if democrats or those who contributed to democrats are excluded.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

That’s it, blame democrats. Blaming democrats does nothing to help our country’s situation.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

“It’s time to put Trump in the BULLSEYE” – FJB 7/2024

That is a direct threat .

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Security was aware of the shooter minutes before shooting began.

Two counter-snipers were aware and aiming at the assassin before shooting began. They had clear shots and we as close as the assassin was to the stage, with better weapons.

They waited until the little maggot opened fire to kill him.

Dead assassins tell no tales, he’s “conveniently” met Satan already.

Remember Dallas 1963?

12 Guage
12 Guage
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Oswald was a left wing lunatic!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Three months ago DemocRATS voted to strip POTUS Trump of SS protection.

Drama Earful
Drama Earful
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Most Americans dislike one another. And many hate when it comes to politicians.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

“It’s time we put Trump in a bullseye,” Joe Xiden, five days before the attempted assassination of President Trump.

And you ask me why I blame democRATS.

You and your ilk have only been calling Trump the second coming of Hitler and stating he’ll “end democracy if elected,” the entire failed term of Xiden’s, is why.

Before you post another idiotic reply, take a gander of what I wrote to JM about the world AT PEACE UNDER TRUMP, Smith-Mundt Act (1948), and what Bathhouse Barry signed into law in 2012 (HR4310).

I can state without issue, you have never been a leader at any point in your life. You just follow whatever you’re told to do.

I’d bet my pension you’re an older, white, NIMBY, liberal-cuckold, who’s taken multiple COVID boosters.

Amma I right Azzhatter?

Dog Inblankett
Dog Inblankett
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Does it really suprize anyone that this happed? Respond truthfully or intelligently..

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Yea, your right, Augustus Caesaris.

And you are an angry, resentful, jealous, overeducated, underachieving, GenX, pension-sucking whiteboy.

Amma I right, Mahcus?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

No, once again, you’re not correct Azzhatter.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong? Or are you so used to losing, aka-being a loser, that you’re used to it by now?

Of the list, I am a white male and fall in the Gen X category.

As far as me being angry, resentful, and jealous? Not in the least bit. Unlike you, I try and live a healthy lifestyle.

You on the other hand, a different story. Here’s a little advice to making yourself happier:

Pull up your pants, push away from tranny-porn and the cuckold-porn, shut down the computer, and take a walk outside and get some fresh air…..oh and do not forget to vote MAGA and Make America Great Again!!

Trump 2024!!

12 Guage
12 Guage
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Buffoon, but blaming Trump for everything helps?

Reply to  12 Guage
3 months ago

Go learn to spell your name, why doncha.

12 Guage
12 Guage
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Someone else took the correct spelling buffoon

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  12 Guage
3 months ago

Notice she didn’t answer the question

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Look at the last 3 1/2 years.

Yes I blame the democrats.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

What an idiot.

Hey, don’t forget to blame the RINOs.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Oxenhatter
3 months ago

Rinos are Democrats that stab Conservatives in the back, and play pretend come election time.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Trump has a lot of his own security people ya know. Maybe wait to see what really happened before you broad brush everyone as per the MAGA doctrine?

By the way, Trump seems to be lovin it. He is playing the martyr card to the max. He is already manufacturing merchandise to cash in on it I guarantee it. He is asking $50,000 for posters of him with blood on his face. Videos are twice that.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago


They tried to assassinate President Trump and you post that as a reply.

Xiden has turned down Kennedy’s request for SS protection. Why Snark?

Because he opposes Xiden. That’s why Snark. But Trump is the “dictator.”

Now, go grab a few BudLights, plop yourself down in front of your computer for some drag-porn, and let the grown-ups discuss this.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

I am trying to decide whether I am offended or complimented by you calling me an assclown. It was my moms nickname for me in grade school and I always received it as a term of endearment, even though she was usually hitting me over the head with something at the times she said it.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Yours too? I was called that many of times by my mom too, usually followed by a crack also.

We’ll call this a draw Snark.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

See any Conservatives out rioting in the streets? Like after Floyd?

Larry Bird
Larry Bird
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Ok Tough guy CS , is this where you tell the story to all the Moms that you were in the Secret Service? Please spare us your Jason Bourne stories. Pull it together.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

So many rally attendees are coming forward saying they and others saw the shooter on the roof lining up his first shot which was intended as a head shot for Trump. They were yelling at the police that were running around right near the building and telling them there is a gunman on the roof and he is getting ready to fire. Rally attendees even saw the shooter climbing up the side of the building and he clearly had a gun so it seems as though there would have been enough time to stop him since he still had to line up his shots. Then the shots rang out and President Trump was nearly killed. What was going on that there was a direct line of fire of only 300 feet from this building to Trump and nobody was watching that rooftop?

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Pat
3 months ago

What was truly revealing (and scary at the same time) was that as the shooting started and people were screaming SHOOTER the 400 people sitting directly behind Trump were watching the secret service attend to him and they just sat there clueless as to their peril. Not one of them tried to avoid the potential danger they might be in. WHY?

Is it because they were in the MAGA Trump trance that they did not even try to protect their own lives? Goes to show just how much their minds are controlled by him huh?

Ya gotta watch the video on this man. Every other place I have seen where a gunman was shooting, people were hell bent on getting out of there as fast as they could, even trampling each other. Not these peeps though. Why?

12 Guage
12 Guage
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Biden doesn’t need a cognitive test but those who vote for him do.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  12 Guage
3 months ago

They need a collar and dog muzzle.

3 months ago

Wondering if all the left leaning media outlets, including the hate rag of the Berkshires, will be charged for inciting the 20 year old who just shot at a former President? Would this mean they could also go after TSC, Snarky, JM. Mr Worlwide ect for all the hate that they have spewed towards the former President? Maybe go after all the money, just like they did with Jones after Sandy Creek….seems MANBC, CNN, NPR could be ripe to sue

12 Guage
12 Guage
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Is it true that Morales was in charge of security at the Trump event?

Drama Earful
Drama Earful
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

If your going to blame social media or media… shows like Gunsmoke there’s a shooting or two every night on that show and beatings, rape murder.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Drama Earful
3 months ago

No TDS on that show

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Drama Earful
3 months ago

And how common were beatings rape and murder back then, Drama Queen?

Drama Earful
Drama Earful
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

President Trump is blessed. Watch the footing of the video.As the bullet is in the air Trump slightly turns his head. Which saved his life. Unbelievable.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  Drama Earful
3 months ago

The slow mo camera showed it going in one ear and out the other.

Too soon????

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

No time is ‘too soon’. Cant happen in the minds of good men and women.

On top of the traitor’s act, a father is murdered and two more fight for their lives.

An act of G-d preserved Trump from evil, and as is likely the nature of miracles, truths of the the thoughts of men are completely revealed. Yours included. You cannot hide the depth of your hate. You would be best to leave off writing and find a fresh hobby.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 months ago

The guy spews hate and vitriol at every rally he has ever done and you are surprised that some people do not like him? Trump has elevated hate in America to a new level and you know it. And he does it intentionally over and over and over.

And if God was protecting trump, why did he allow the guy to get on the roof with a gun in the first place?

You might be best to leave off twisting reality and change your moniker to Charlie Clueless.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Snark Shark
3 months ago

Cowardly response.

Snark Shark
Snark Shark
Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 months ago

I don’t mind being called an assclown but, “a cowardly response”? That was uncalled for dude. I am hereby asking for a public retraction and I want it in CAPS and to see some signs of remorse.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Snark Shark
3 months ago

Grow a pair.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 months ago

The party of billionaires are crying that Joe created to many job

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Snark Shark
3 months ago

You seem to have hate thing mixed up. It’s the realm of Leftists.

Look in the mirror to see it.

snark shark
snark shark
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

Speaking of spewing hate….how many people has Mad Trappazoid said should be hanged?

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

I’m sure you like well hung men

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  snark shark
3 months ago

Treason IS a hanging offense. And DC is full of traitors.

Free Bird
Free Bird
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
3 months ago

I’d start with “The View”, a rabid henhouse.

Free Bird
Free Bird
3 months ago
Reply to  Free Bird
3 months ago

Smart guy. I love law enforcement, but there were some serious problems with the response time to this shooter. Not to mention the planning for this event that allowed that rooftop to be outside the surveillance perimeter.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

July 14, 2024

The 21.5-years in Boston career politician (and double dipper Lenox Town Manager) Smitty Pignatelli has been consistently and excessively publicly criticizing Governor Maura Healey’s 1.5-year brief tenure, but on Wednesday evening, 07/17/2024, he is going to introduce her at a fundraising Gala.

I wonder which Smitty will show up? Will it be the Smitty Pignatelli who has been throwing her under the bus over and over again? Or, will it be the Smitty Pignatelli who will shower her with glowing praises?

Oh, by the way, Smitty, every time that you have blamed Governor Maura Healey in the news media, I have apprised her of your harsh words of blame instead of Smitty looking at himself in the proverbial mirror of his a little over 2 decades of failed leadership in Boston.

Jon Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 months ago

Kind of like You and Pittsfield’s Flat Tyer

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

The lovely Linda Tyer Clairmont is one of my favorite politicians, especially in Pittsfield politics. Like everyone else in politics, I have not always agreed with her decisions, such as the financial secrecy in City Hall, the record breaking municipal budgets and spending, and so on.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

JM is triple dipping with Flat Tyer, A.H.and now Maura. He’s going to have some explaining to do.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Americans just witnessed elements within our government attempt a political assassination.

The cops and SS-snipers knew where the maggot was on the roof, and the counter-snipers held fire until he got shots off at Trump. Then they killed him.

Here’s the video, they wait until TRump is shot…rc=twsrc%5Etfw

People seeing him on the roof

In Da Know
In Da Know
3 months ago

This was a school shooting done at a political rally by a pimple faced nerd who couldn’t get laid in high school, had no friends, was bullied his whole life, had a meaningless dead end job. Wasn’t a big leftist conspiracy. So all you saying arm the teachers will stop school shootings, how’s that work when the supposed greatest security force can’t stop a 20 year old with a rifle. If this kid didn’t choose this venue he probably would have shot up a classroom, concert, or grocery store. The only victim here is the fire chief who was killed. I heard tRump is cutting the suit jacket he was wearing into thousands of pieces and selling them for 5 grand a pop.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  In Da Know
3 months ago

“The only victim here is the fire chief who was killed.”

Corey Comperatore died shielding his family from gunfire and you post this?

YOU are a F***ING A$$*OLE, on behalf of myself and all of the victims’ families and friends, devastated in the deep state’s assassination attempt on President Trump.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 months ago

Absolutely despicable that post was from IDK.
I can’t fathom what the family is feeling with the loss that should have never happened. Many hearts were broken.

3 months ago

FBI investigating Assassination attempt. Similar to having Mafia investigate St Valentine Massacre. Funny stuff.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Massachusetts has the 2nd highest cost of living (behind Hawaii which has the highest) according to Forbes. Get out while you can.

Bitch Dhat
Bitch Dhat
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Florida is up there also.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Bitch Dhat
3 months ago

No it isn’t.

Babe Wiliams
Babe Wiliams
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Cost of living is.

Bitch Dhat
Bitch Dhat
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Talking to people that live there it’s skyrocketng.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Bitch Dhat
3 months ago

Didn’t make the list bonehead.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Who cares about the list? The woman was talking lately fritz. Get a life.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

And that is why Marchetti and White are building a $40 million dollar ball park so that his constituents can get some tax relief. He refused publicly to cut the budget in any meaningful fashion and that is his way of giving two middle fingers to his city. He believes in the distribution of wealth from the lesser haves to those who do not even need more.
There is a special place in hell for people who mistreat and use their power to take advantage of others.

Babe Wiliams
Babe Wiliams
Reply to  Meanwhile
3 months ago

The aesthetics don’t work and baseball is a misnomer here,it’s done. 200 people want 21,000 don’t even know what’s going on the other 20,000 don’t want it.

Babe Wiliams
Babe Wiliams
Reply to  Meanwhile
3 months ago

I don’t remember people of color ever going to Wahconah Park,for the baseball or anything else.

Reply to  Babe Wiliams
3 months ago

It is not being built for people of any color, unless they have a vested financial interest in it happening.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Babe Wiliams
3 months ago

I saw George Scott play there.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Not to mention Reggie Smith.

Babs Nickulsun
Babs Nickulsun
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Patton,cool. Loved him in the Hustler

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Bidenomics at work in the USA.

It’s too expensive to even drive a grocery cart.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

Marchetti does not think so. He just signed checks on a quarter million dollars worth of greenhouse goods. Though I heard it won’t be coming out of his own pockets. Imagine that.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 months ago
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

DC should be next to fall and should be. DC will try, I believe to somehow keep it alive. I want to see the case in Georgia torched and the two love birds pay big time.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

DOJ spokesman: We have given Jack “Boot” Smith the go ahead to appeal Judge Cannon’s decision to toss documents case.I had a feeling they would do this.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 months ago

The guy looks like a stand in for the devil or a creature of the Spanish Inquisition.

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 months ago

What about all his other victims?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 months ago

He fits in well with Inquisitor Garlands DOJ

Charles Kronick
Charles Kronick
Reply to  Free Bird
3 months ago

That’s the evidence for the argument of conspiracy. A director, with job to protect without ideological consideration is committed to a polarizing program.

Babe Wiliams
Babe Wiliams
Reply to  Charles Kronick
3 months ago

Just saw a clip on tv Biden said Trump needs a bullseye on him? W T H

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Free Bird
3 months ago

Liar liar
Joe doesn’t know his genders…..
Hey JM are you counting your man Joe’s lies?

Skim Richer
Skim Richer
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Frits go back in you hole. Way off on economy. Stop spreading fake news.

Frits Potss
Frits Potss
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Cant take Bidens slurred incomplete sentences and incoherent comments.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

Personal Responsibilities are lost on this lady .. it is always someone else’s fault and never a problem to say so. From the top to bottom of this administration it happens.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 months ago

You should retire. From here.

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
3 months ago

Anyone else been tuning into the RNC convention for a peak here and there? From what I’ve seen so far, it is impressive. The mood is positive and grateful that DJT is ok and ready to unseat the current selected occupant in the Oval Office who has our country hanging by a thread with his awful policies.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Optimus Prime
3 months ago

If you like a kinder traitor than fat Trump,92 bumbling minutes