(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, JAN. 14, 2016) — Tonight on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION welcomes Pittsfield new mayor, The Lovely Linda Tyer. Tune in at 7 p.m., channel 16, for the grilling.
Yesterday, city councilor Chris Connell announced his bid to run for Pittsfield state representative, the seat is now held by Tricia Farley-Bouvier. Kettle calling the pot black or a sincere call for a sea change?
Today, as a follow up to yesterday’s column, THE PLANET presents this guest post from the website comedyhype.com.
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As Bill Cosby continues to face charges of sexual assault. We ask the question what if Cosby is innocent? Comedy Hype writer OsameBinJokin examines 5 things about the Cosby allegations that may prove his innocents.
Disclaimer: This piece does have several comedic elements to it. We are not looking to make light of serious charges such as rape.
1. JUSTICE OR $ — Rape is very serious, and when people actually do commit any form of sexual assault they should be punished to the full extent. Because the victim is traumatized from the whole situation. Bill Cosby’s wife, Camille Cosby, wrote “None of us will ever want to be in the position of attacking a victim, but the question should be asked- who is the victim?“ Right now I am feeling like Cosby is the victim, because in most rape situations the goal is justice and to have the rapist sentenced for the crime. But in this situation I feel as if some of these accusers are not going after justice. One of the accusers, I don’t want to say any names (cough Judy Huth cough), basically attempted to extort Cosby. She asked for several six-figure pay days to stay quiet about her allegations.
2. PLAYBOY — Several of these accusers lifestyles at the accused time made me not believe them. Now I’m not saying they are lying, but I am saying I don’t believe them. Many of the accusers were Playboy bunnies that Cosby met at the mansion. Now I don’t know about you all but I if I meet a girl half naked at the Playboy mansion we’re not about to sit there and talk about her career plans. I’d most likely use the words from the wise Lil Duval, “Wat Dat Mouf Do? No offense to any victims of rape but if you’re naked or half naked and are sexually assaulted, that is like being black or half black and getting followed by the police.
3. TAKING PILLS FROM A TV DOCTOR? ” — I know Bill Cosby played Dr. Huxtable on the TV show, The Cosby Show, but ladies and gentlemen he is not a real doctor. He’s has a doctorate in education but he is not an actual medical doctor. So I do not understand why so many accusers took pills from him for headaches, flu, etc. Just because Ice Cube plays a cops in a bunch of movies, you don’t see me calling him when someone says, “Call the police!“ I know the accusers parents gave them a talk growing up on that they shouldn’t just take pills from anybody. Guess now I know when raising my kids I have to add in “Don’t take medication from just anyone even if they played a great doctor on TV.
4. ACCUSATIONS DON’T ADD UP —A lot of these these accusations aren’t adding up. Janice Dickinson said that Bill Cosby gave her a glass of red wine and a pill what she believe to be for menstrual cramps. I have three problems with that statement. Let’s go with the obvious, now what the hell would Bill Cosby be doing running around with medication for menstrual cramps? For two, I don’t know about Cosby but most n***** I know aren’t wasting alcohol on a female who’s on her period because they know sex wouldn’t be on the menu. For three, she’s on her period. Now I know they say, “A period doesn’t stop anything but a sentence,” but at that time when Cosby was on top of the world, I’m pretty sure it stopped way more than a sentence. When I read that part of Dickinson’s accusations, the scene of The Cosby Show when Cliff was talking to Theo, and said, “Thats got to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” came to my mind.
5. WHY NOW? — My question about this whole situation is, why now? If McDonald’s forgot to put the fries in my bag, I’m not going to wait till everyone is down talking McDonald’s for me to say something about them forgetting my fries. Like did someone accusing Bill Cosby remind you that he raped you, too? A couple accusers must’ve been just sitting there, then heard an accusation and thought to themselves, “Damn Cosby sholl did rape me back in 85, let me call CNN so I can pay rent this month.”
I don’t mean to belittle this situation but just like how those ladies thought he was a real doctor because of his TV show, well I thought he was really a great dad and role model because of The Cosby Show. I feel as if this whole situation is just another way to ruin another black legend’s career, so the media can strip away all what he has accomplished.”
Bill Cosby is innocent.
“As they pull you out of the oxygen tent, you ask for the latest party.” — David Bowie, “Diamond Dogs,” from the album, Diamond Dogs, (1974).
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This is unbelievable, but Pittsfield politics City Councilors unanimously sent the lovely Linda Tyer a petition to reduce municipal taxes by having an outside consultant (or a task force) to find ways to efficiently restructure city and school departments through an independent review of the municipal budget. The link to this news story is found on iBerkshires:
Usually, Pittsfield politics adds about 5% more to the next fiscal year budget to satisfy the vested interests: Police, Fire, and School Unions.
What will the lovely Linda Tyer do with this petition that her predecessor Dan Bianchi ignored over the past year? Will she reduce, level fund, or increase municipal taxes by about 5%?
This is a good question for Dan Valenti to ask the lovely Linda Tyer on his local, live TV show tonight!
As for Tricia Farley-Bouvier facing opposition from Christopher Connell, I hope they have a healthy and positive public discussion on the important issues facing Pittsfield. The rub on Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier is that she is a do-nothing, political hack (like the rest of the Berkshire delegation) who is supported by the local power-brokers or establishment. The iron rule of Pittsfield politics is that you have to be a registered Democrat to win local, state, and federal elected office. The real election in Pittsfield politics is decided on the primary election instead of the general election. Pittsfield voters get to choose from unopposed or G.O.B. elections. There is no real democracy in Pittsfield politics!
If one person could break that “iron rule” of county policts (you’re right Jonathan, you have to be a Democrat loyalist) it would be Dan Valenti. Dan how bout running in 4th district for Smittys seat? Man Id run through a wall for you if you did!!!!! Anyone else agree??
William “Smitty” Pignatelli is a career political hack who will run for his 8th consecutive term for Lenox State Representative this year of 2016. He is a classic Good Old Boy who serves the vested interests or establishment that is screwing over most of Berkshire County’s local economy. As the “ship” continues to sink, “Smitty” Pignatelli is doing better than ever. I wonder if “Smitty” Pignatelli will die in political office 3 to 4 decades from now?
He doesn’t even answer his e-mails.
Could we stop with the lovely linda stuff ,it’s sophomoric. ….she has 4 years now and the teacher vote came into play every year with school budget with a 2 year term,this is the first time a 5 year school dept plan will work……if you don’t stop a new taconic before a real plan is in place will be a mistake…..there are only 1700 high school students and that number is going down…1 high school is the future
Glad Chris is running,she does not respond to questions,the state just gave 125 million to general Electric to get them to move headquarters to South boston.yes planet pittsfield has.died so stop rubbing it in……125 million is more than ge has.spent on a.15 year clean up all the way to fred garner park and boat launch
The pittsfield school committee is the equivalent of the stepford wives saying yes to everything,it’s not their fault.they can all ask the 1st question and the 2nd question,they end up looking at another micrograph of stats and pretty colored lines and they.smile as if they understand what curtis is showing them.not their fault.
Look at the requests principles asked for,they live in a bubble.tyer is the only thing between bankruptcy and common sense. ….if she does not start correctly .the state will do it for us….if you gave them everything the would be back for more ,this presentation is a p r ploy to show tax payers how much they do without…..school budget needs a 10 percent cut now
Chris will make no difference. The sheep vote the way they are told. Look at the past gazettes that have the State House voting records. Not to many free thinker’s, should cut State Government in half.
As I’ve written before… When Dan is wrong, he is spectacularly wrong.
Chris Connell never disclosed that he would go after TFB’s seat before the last CC election (although the rumors were going around that he would). If he had, I am sure some good candidates would have gone for the Ward 4 seat.
And if he loses to TFB, he still retains his seat on the CC. However, if he wins, the city is faced with another expensive special election to fill his seat on the CC.
Purely selfish…..not thinking of the cost to the taxpayers.
That’s sneaky politics
Chris has owned many buildings in Pittsfield that have contributed to the continued blight in many neighborhoods. He’s good with using out of town vendors to save three nickels – and put locals out of work. Do you think Chris ever thinks about anyone but himself?
TFB is no prize and is probably as corrupt as anyone else in Boston – but trading her for Chris is like driving a blue car instead of a silver one.
A 4.9 percent budget increase for the Pittsfield schools is not sustainable. Shame on Linda Tyer for even considering such an amount. They made the proper noises about making some terrible sacrifices by cutting some items, but the end result will be the same…more unneeded money going to the schools. When they were giving the big salary increases to teachers and administrators just a few months ago they should have been thinking about their pressing needs then.
It was a presentation of the wish lists from the principals. No one, including the school committee, has agreed to anything yet. Please re-read the article.
I understand, but that was the time to voice disgust with the anticipated amount of the school budget. I appreciate them making the whole event public rather than in secretive meetings and that is a positive step in the right direction, but it doesn’t change the fact that decreases and not increases need to be made in the Pittsfield school budget.
Barry, think having them talk about there wish list was a good idea. But why not also talk about what they can do to save money. Using that savings to make there dreams come true.
Talking about a “wish list” for the schools is flat out irresponsible given the city finances. The wish list talks should have been scrapped in favor of a “cut list”…
Barry that is true. But it is like the old rumor mill at GE. Sometimes the company would put out the rumor to see how it flew.
Notice, they did not say they were 650 kids shy, have 2X the staff as any other district, and our teachers are better paid than other districts – so we can stand a 4.9% cut.
Nope I did not hear that berceuse I am being prepped (already bent over) for the request…
My wish is that they would fire the individual that had the balls to even present a wish list. Bye Bye…see ya. take your wish list to Gt Barrington and see how it plays there big fella
A plow just went by my house scraping the 1/100th of an inch of snow that fell over night off the road. I guess Linda is determined to do a better job of clearing snow than Bianchi but this could get expensive.
Especially when there is that little snow the plows tend to tear up they roads even more than they already are which leads to expensive road repairs. Common sense is needed people.
Same here, they also destroyed torn up the front lawn at my house.
this was a salt it away storm….
nothing to plow and too much to leave. but a bit of salt would do wonders.
cuz salt is cheap huh? The sun has already melted what was on my driveway
Kathleen Yon crying out, “I am overwhelmed with pride” during the school budget meeting yesterday was the ultimate ridiculous behavior even coming from her. Overwhelmed with pride that the Pittsfield school system can continue to put Pittsfield in a precarious financial position with their outrageous demands for money. Do they have no shame?
thay have no shame. Laby Goots er Lady Boots your slip is showing. Yuk.
If tyer does not address cuts ,she is gone….my taxes went up 300 bucks …she is not a teacher so she is not programed to spend …..private Corp consolidate and start new
Planet,stop with the bill Cosby stuff. …remember the victims of the Catholic priest,nobody believed them in the beginning……most waited until their parents died before they came forward, most in their 40 s
Got a good chuckle, when I heard about hiring a consultant to look into dept cuts. Pretty simple open up a newspaper, look at what other communities are doing. Stream line recycling, merge 911 with county dispatch at jail, have one principal for 2 schools (where enrollment is low) close a elementary school, close a fire station, have a Berk co alternate school
L T has more problems than just 10 robberies the drug problem is out of control. And while small business are impotent we need manufacturing jobs that pay well. I think the city council should be able to get legal advice at any time and the best way for that to happen is for a lawyer to be at city hall and available.
Make 1700 hundred high school.kids share the same roof,boilers,electric,parking lots councilors principle,kitchen, cafeteria. …just the way it is,deal with it…….tyer was voted in because Dan did not cut…if she does what Dan did then what’s the point
Totally agree with you!
Dan, maybe we can get her commit to level fund this year and next. In Government speak, that is like a cut anyway. We can add 10 cops, we can buy another fire truck – it’s just that if we do, the addition to department A comes from department b. The biggest department probably can sustain the biggest cut in most of our opinions..
Unfortunately that’s not possible, with the new Taconic being so small. Plan B is to keep both high schools grades 8- 12, middle 5-7, elementary pk-4. By doing this will be able to close 2-3 elementary school’s. Also eliminate one athletic field at new Taconic site, and keep south side of old Taconic. There are 6 garages in that section that the City could definitely use.
Agree with those statements,must stop taconic, it s on the worst land in pittsfield 10 teachers is 700.000 .20 is 1,400,000….pittsfield high can house 1700 students,just close taconic….sears is closing,your watching what is.called the tornado effect….1 business after another are going to close. ..educators don’t read the newspapers …that principle show was embarrassing to watch
Because no action was taken on the petition to block construction of a new Taconic High School the presenter of the petition has decided to take the issue directly to the voters. Gaetani’s group which will be called citizens4sanity will need help with getting signatures. If you would like to help and be part of the group to obtain signatures to demand a halt to the construction of an unneeded new high school the group needs your help. Citizens4sanity may be forced to use the same process to address other issues within the city of Pittsfield. Perhaps this is the only mechanism to restore our city to sanity. The paragraph below details part of what we have to do. The committee leadership will handle the red tape, but we will need some help with signatures.
Initiative procedures shall be started by the filing of a proposed initiative petition with the city clerk or the secretary of the school committee. The petition shall be addressed to the city council or to the school committee, shall contain a request for the passage of a particular measure which shall be set forth in full in the petition and shall be signed by at least 250 voters. At least 25 signatures must be certified from each ward. The petition shall be accompanied by an affidavit signed by 10 voters and containing their residential address stating those voters will constitute the petitioners committee and be responsible for circulating the petition and filing it in proper form.
We are grateful to Shakes His Head for helping with researching the City Charter.
If you would like to help send an email to citizens4sanity@aol.com or call us at 413-442-5466
it really wasn’t much to research. I have no problem with discourse as long as you can do it in a civil manner.
Because no action was taken on the petition to block construction of a new Taconic High School the presenter of the petition has decided to take the issue directly to the voters. Gaetani’s group which will be called citizens4sanity will need help with getting signatures. If you would like to help and be part of the group to obtain signatures to demand a halt to the construction of an unneeded new high school the group needs your help. Citizens4sanity may be forced to use the same process to address other issues within the city of Pittsfield. Perhaps this is the only mechanism to restore our city to sanity. The paragraph below details part of what we have to do. The committee leadership will handle the red tape, but we will need some help with signatures.
Initiative procedures shall be started by the filing of a proposed initiative petition with the city clerk or the secretary of the school committee. The petition shall be addressed to the city council or to the school committee, shall contain a request for the passage of a particular measure which shall be set forth in full in the petition and shall be signed by at least 250 voters. At least 25 signatures must be certified from each ward. The petition shall be accompanied by an affidavit signed by 10 voters and containing their residential address stating those voters will constitute the petitioners committee and be responsible for circulating the petition and filing it in proper form.
We are grateful to Shakes His Head for helping with researching the City Charter.
If you would like to help send an email to citizens4sanity@aol.com or call us at 413-442-5466
Geemers, looks like someone posted the exact same thing twice?
The Power Ball odds are better.
You may think so my friend but I invite you to stay tuned. We already have several members on the committee who are very dissatisfied with the direction which Pittsfield is headed.
I liked Roberto’s post
Posting the exact same thing 1 minute later. Huh. silence, you’re either really fast at the refresh,cut,paste,post sequence or are posting under two names. Hilarious conversation with yourself below on the repost.
i also post as No plan Dan
Posting the exact same thing 1 minute later. Huh. silence, you’re either really fast at the refresh,cut,paste,post sequence or are posting under two names. Hilarious conversation with yourself below on the repost.
Agreed do good. Sometimes you have to reinforce our thoughts.
Dogood, I appreciate your help but I do not need word for word posts. However send an email or call the number.
Sin Lugar a duds!
Cos….Yo diria..
Mi Yamo es
No español por favor
Mr Valenti.your letting these clowns turn your blog into a laughing stock. I’ve always enjoyed your wit but these nucleheads are ruining your hard work. I hope you can regain control of your blog. Thanks Carl
“Isn’t it rich.
Aren’t we a pair.
You from the nail of a toe,
Me from a hair.” — from “Send in the Clones.”
Educators don’t like the subject matter, they like rumor and unsubstantiated statements not.numbers
How the fishin going C W?
The blog is fine C W You’re the one who turned fishing into a farce, chumming the waters thirty 40 yrs. ago by dumping canned corn in the Lake, then snagging the bottom feeders….guess nothin changes?
The Planet is in a no win situation tonight. Essentially this isn’t the new Mayor’s Budget. Hard questions will determine whether or not she’ll give him another interview.
Question was, would THE PLANET grant the mayor another spot. Based on her performance, the answer is yes.
We’ll see what hard questions will be asked tonight, better yet, what will the answers reveal?
B clairmont,it is much more than a wish list.it’s future positioning to sell his budget in the next 90 days.if taconic gets built the whole thing is over before linda starts,ask Obama what its like to lead when you inherit financial problems, she was voted in to stop the bleeding…..my taxes jump 300 dollars…9 percent in 12 months….higher next year,and the next and.her 4 year .don’t make her explain to those that elected her that she did this to support education….she needs to do this for the.older poor home owners who put her there
Obama bad example, he made a bad situation worse.
The Planet looks to be in his charm mode.
The Planet is a real snooze fest tonight Zzzzzz
Dan has done nothing but kiss the Mayors butt.
I wish the Mayor could start a sentence with another word besides “so”.
They hoped that she would kiss him,
and she did kiss my mouth,
But I am the stricken flier
That cannot reach the south.
For, yes, I know she loves me.
Tonight my heart is glad.
Her kiss was not so wonderful
as all the dreams she had.
Just saw your interview with our new mayor.
Regarding her thoughts and body language response to your question on whether she likes being referred to as “The Lovely Linda”…..I would suggest you refrain from using that name going forward.
She doesn’t really think it’s an apt label. Although she was kind about it.
The bastard comment was inappropriate, but she didn’t seem to mind it, and agree, it was an not an information seeking interview and very little substance in the form of questions or answers.
In the Connell interview, watch it on rerun if you didn’t see it, as the interview continues Chris is turning purple,almost.
Right after he didn’t give the answer to the question about school cuts. Chris and Trish? Linda and Dan? No choice, no voice!
What is the rumor about TFB? Is she stepping down so Chris can slide in?
TFB would never slide out. She would need a big job to slide into, and I doubt Charlie Baker would do that. Deval would have, but he didn’t either. People like TFB could never make it working for a living in the “dreaded private sector”
Rumorville: Ben Downing has a big gig lined up somewhere to the east. His North Street condo is reportedly up for sale. Under this scenario, TFB runs for Downing’s seat. CC runs for the open Pittsfield rep seat. If the Senate seat opens up, Smitty might go for it. In that case TFB has no chance. The other version is that TFB has something lined up for being the good little loyal lap-dog Democrat and obeying faithfully the Party Bosses’ orders. Pitttsfield seat opens up, CC runs.
Our State Government is a joke. The voting is pretty much the same, D- a lot R- a little. Who ever gets in or doesn’t really means nothing.
Mayor tyer was hired to get control of the school dept.they have added 95 positions in the 4 year budget book….no 1 don’t add 1 new position ,start with that …I believe the mayor should allow the school committee to listen to only home owners for 1 day about how school budgets effect their lives …..let them hear how they can’t give them more because they are living on 20,000 and taxes are now 3400 ,electric is 1600,heat is 2000,car is 4000……school committee in general needs to stop thanking each other,and stop praising educators….we use to have a school committee chairperson who was charmed by a superintendent
Everyone should learn their way around the school website ,it takes a while but it is where you will find the budget line items,look for business dept on the site and explore…also you will find teachers contract in the heading human resource. ..then look for contracts when open. …it’s all there but it will take hours ….pittsfield is a huge school system in brick at mortar but only 5600 kids
Agree, 100%.
What did you think of the interview hange?
Connell, a candidate for State Rep from Pittsfield to Boston,was talking about ways to alleviate robberies. Tyer, who is going to Boston Tommorow, had no relevant answers to the robberies other than, they are unacceptable.
It was fine,I am glad someone is running against her…she would vote for every thing and send her kids to.another town for school…..I was with a group of ex pittsfield men who felt like this about the stuff going on here now in terms of out of town gangsters…the violent nature being brought here should be handled first and foremost at any price take back the city and drive them into lenox ,dalton,richmond,Lee you name the town do this first and build a reputation that don’t mess with pittsfield and word on the street travels fast….millions if that’s what it takes,get that done and reorganize and consolidate…rebuild and start growing again. …stop going down this path…..it’s silly to believe 4 councilors will change anything
Did anyone get the first question to the Mayor? Did you wear this outfit to work today?
I watched Consider This today on chan 16. These two guys don’t believe that there is a GOB thing going on in Pittsfield. Look in the mirror guys and if I here one more dees and doos from hicky I might have my eardrums surgically removed. To watch this show is like watching two regulars at the Madison Cafe as they sip cheap whiskey.
Yes, it’s pretty embarrassing. No Clew Lew They also don’t believe the sun rises in the east and don’t believe that there is an out-of-control quality of life problem in the city about which they are so clueless. The Purple Probosis is to the TV screen what Drano-O is to soda pop … or something like that.