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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016) — Today, as a respite from the inevitable deadline pressures of a working writer’s life, THE PLANET gets to talk Kubrick for OLLI. Should be fun. Meanwhile, in our continuing effort to keep folks informed and up-to-date on various city matters, we present this continuation of  airport discussion.

THE PLANET received an e-mail from Tom Sakshaug, who chairs the panel Mayor Linda Tyer put together to investigate operations at the Pittsfield Municipal Airport (PMA). Here it is, in full:

——– 000 ——–
Yes, I did respond to Councilor Connell’s initial response to my agenda email [ED NOTE: THE PLANET published that e-mail yesterday]. In view of the Open Meeting Law, we can’t debate through email but we can decide on agenda items.
I always send out an email asking for additional agenda items before I submit it. As I had said to him, I’m happy to add items, and I will.
Much has been made about changing the management, operations, and/or ownership of the Airport. At this point I need the members who want to see a change to give us some examples or models so we have something to work with.
Our initial deadline was May 15. Mayor Tyer has granted an extension, but I really think that with some effort we can be finished with our task fairly soon. I don’t see a great need to keep talking about the same things repeatedly, nor to drag this out all year. I do want everyone to have answers to their questions, if they can be answered. We will continue on the task as long as needed.
The leases are strange, as anyone can see. I understand the two $1 per year leases were used as incentive to get the first two businesses into Westwood. I believe the 40 year spans were to give greater incentive to build on the leased land. As for the rent split between the airport and PERC, that is up to the City, PERC, Airport, FAA and MassDOT to figure out. In my opinion, it is well beyond the scope of our group. However, we will be looking at the Westwood leases further at our April 27 meeting to be held at the Airport at 7pm.
All Westwood businesses pay real estate taxes on the buildings and personal property taxes on the contents. They pay for water and sewer as well. By my own survey, Westwood Park hosts about 125 Full-Time Equivalent jobs (I called all businesses for employee numbers, promising to consolidate all of them, as most of the business owners did not want their individual employee numbers to be made public. One business was impossible to contact, even in person, so I counted the cars in the parking lot and estimated.)

One thing to consider is that if even all Westwood rent goes directly to the Airport, the amount the City contributes each year will most likely simply decrease by the same amount, and most likely PERC will be funded in some other way to make up the difference. This is my opinion as a volunteer group member, not an official statement by the Mayor or the City. Money may move around but the net result will be the same.

All revenues and expenses for the Airport are on the table. Our recommendations are yet to be voted upon. Items such as Fuel Flowage Fees, Landing Fees, hangar space, etc, are under the purview of the Airport Commission, but we will make recommendations through the Mayor and Council. Should the Airport succeed in installing a solar facility, they should become financially self-sufficient.

Some questions that are asked by many: Who is flying in and out, where are they going, what does Pittsfield get out of these people coming in and going out. The simple answer to all is we don’t know and likely never will. The airport has no control tower and is unmanned at night. Nobody is required to tell us what they are doing here, any more than drivers on Rt. 20 or people parking in the First St. lot are required to give that information. If someone lands after hours and takes off before hours, we will likely miss the landing fee. The only way to fix that is to have an employee there at all hours just in case someone comes in or have a camera system to record tail numbers, both of which would cost more than they bring in.
In short, there are some things that may have solutions, and some things that may not. It is up to the Mayor and Council to decide how we address these things after we are done making our recommendations.
If you have any further questions, please let me know.
——– 000 ——–

THE PLANET appreciates the thoughtful response. We will add, however, that the questions that have been raised need to be directly addressed by the panel. These include the missing paperwork for the PMA-Westwood Business Park “sweetheart” leases, the relationship between Lyon Aviation and the city, and the unaccounted activity that takes place after hours. The latter appears to be an open invitation for mayhem such as criminal or terrorist activity.

It would be, for example, ridiculously easy to land a plane loaded with drugs or weapons. They could then be offloaded into waiting vehicles, and carted off for their no-good use. THE PLANET has reason to suspect that such activity has, in fact, happened, and is happening now. Question is: After the expansion and upgrade to accommodate more and larger aircraft, is this acceptable? The consequences could be fatal, if not catastrophic.

If Pittsfield wanted to have an “adult” airport, does it not require adult management? While we’re on the topic, exactly what does the airport manager do? Perhaps the panel can spell that out — the Readers’ Digest version, please — in its report.


In the chilly hours of uncertainty, I want to be, I long to be, in the warm heart of your loving mind.”Donovan, “Catch the Wind.”



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Donna M
Donna M
8 years ago

HAVING PROBLEMS POSTING–i WILL TRY AGAIN, Dan- good article as always- Gaetani announces at CC Meeting that he is filing suit against city to halt the THS Project and THE BwB- BOOTLICKING dews BULLSHITERS AND I-B- Incompetent-Buffoons-Make no mention of this, in their BORING NEWS ORGANIZATIONS. They are as GOBSIG as the THE REGULAR IN TOWN GOBSIGS. All GOBSIGS MUST GO. you read about Mr. G’S PLANS RIGHT HERE ON THE pLANET. where else of course.

Red Armstrong
Red Armstrong
Reply to  Donna M
8 years ago

Stay on your meds Donna!

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Red Armstrong
8 years ago

Red -You are beyond hope. You have never been able- even once- to string together a single sentence that makes any sense. But- do not give up posting as you are a good definition as to what an idiot is, and you are definetly the PLANET’S resident idiot. No doubt about it. No one even comes close to you. You have just one your first award in your

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Red Armstrong
8 years ago

I Think there may be something wrong on the site. I have also seen other duplicate comments.

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
Reply to  Donna M
8 years ago

With all due respect, Mr. Gaetani. I think you will find it difficult to materialize any significant litigation against a municipality for an approved capital project.
However, you say you have already done so and I’ll take you at your word. Can you please advise any specifics, such as your attorney, what court you filed in, and date filed. Many taxpayers will support your suit and even supply you with pertinent criteria, but you should share your law suit’s public information. Thank you and we look forward to your informational release.

Reply to  Ed McClelland
8 years ago

Donna stated he “is filing suit”. This may take awhile.

Donna M
Donna M
Reply to  Ed McClelland
8 years ago

Mr. ED. I spoke to the Wiz about this and he is moving forward with the paperwork. There is questions as to where best to file the suit. The sticking point is what court to file it in which will provide an injunction as quickly as possible to put a temporary halt to the project while the suit is being ADJUDICATED. I don’t really know much about his type of thing but the Wiz has a lot of experience in the courts with these type of things, especially contract negotiation which he is well versed in. Do not think that there will be a lot of help from people- especially people on this site. Only the Wiz showed up at the CC and SC MEETINGS TO FIGHT FOR THE TAXPAYER. However if you would like to call the WIZ and give him your ideas Iam sure he will be pleased to talk to you. If you are not a doer- forget about it. Besides the WIZ DOES HIS BEST WORKING ALONE. jUST LOOK AT WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR THIS CITY ALR

Troll Patrol
Troll Patrol
Reply to  Ed McClelland
8 years ago

call 413-442-5466. Your input is welcome.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Troll Patrol
8 years ago

A court is not going to stop this project.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
8 years ago

“One business was impossible to contact, even in person, so I counted the cars in the parking lot and estimated.)”

So the business has a $ 1 /yr lease and can’t be bothered to talk to the city?? If that isn’t a big FU I’m not sure what is.

Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
Reply to  Flogging Molly
8 years ago

Molly, this business does not have a $1 a year lease.
I tried to contact them but there is no local number. I knocked on the door and even walked in but couldn’t find anyone.
Keep in mind, I am not “the city”, just a volunteer. No one was obligated to answer my questions.
I think my estimate by counting vehicles for one business, combined with actual numbers, is close enough.
The total at Westwood is between 120 and 130, so I went with about 125.
I hope this helps.

Reply to  Tom Sakshaug
8 years ago

There were cars yet no one around? Isn’t that a little weird?

Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
Reply to  acheshirecat
8 years ago

In the case of this business, I would expect most of the employees to be out doing their work. Perhaps the office person was, um, indisposed.

Reply to  Tom Sakshaug
8 years ago

Hey Tom, thank you for being so forthcoming and responsive and thank you also for your work as a volunteer on this project. These committees can often be endless amounts of relatively thankless work, so thank you.

Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago

I echo Mr G. Thanks Tom for your hard work, dedication and sincerity. You provide a model.

I would say, though, since you are a mayoral appointee with powers, that you have an official status beyond citizen.

I do think DV raises a good question about security at the PMA.

She Lunches at DelGallo's
She Lunches at DelGallo's
Reply to  Gene
8 years ago

Isn’t Saks on every commission?

Sax Hog
Sax Hog
Reply to  Gene
8 years ago

Sure looks that way!

Clara Baremont
Clara Baremont
Reply to  MrG1188
8 years ago


Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
Reply to  Clara Baremont
8 years ago

Thank you all for the thanks.
I am on two commissions, Animal Control, something like 12 years, and Conservation, about 6 years. I’m not sure without checking.
I volunteered for the Airport Study Group (or Committee, take your pick, but not Commission) when the Council voted to ask the mayor to bring it into existence.
The mayor appointed me as Chair because of my familiarity with the airport based on my work on Citizens for a Sensible Airport Plan (CSAP) with Jonathan Lothrop, which came up with the compromise plan that was built as the safety and expansion project.
I’m doing the best I can with it. It’s a good group.

8 years ago

I always look forward to your thoughts on what is going on in Pittsfield.
I wish the city officials had wanted until they did a full investigation as to what had a occurred with the 88 year old. woman before they realest there names and if they have already done that they should realest a report to the public. I don’t believe in releasing peoples names until they are sure of there guilt.
The dispatcher has to get his or her information right before sending it out to the patrol cars. There mind set has to be as close to right as possible before they arrived on the seen. I can speak from experience.

Reply to  painter
8 years ago

Painter, they are police officers. Public servants. This is an example of freedom of information. If they refused to release the names, it’d be like living in the old USSR, see what I mean?

Reply to  Romen
8 years ago

I respect how you feel but I don’t thank-anyone accused of a crime should have there names released until they are proven to be guilty and not just police everyone who is accused of something illegal or wrong doing. My reason is if they are found innocent there reputation has been damage for ever and in a lot of cases it can’t be repaired. You don’t half to I agree with me it just how I feel.

8 years ago

Mr Sakshaug, in some ways I agree with you. The situation that exists, exists. It would be hard to go back and re-negotiate a lease, unless someone such as the Attorney General said we would be within our rights to cancel the existing leases. We don’t need to make a killing – but we should make something more than a pack of gum on the leases.

As for taxes on the improvements and personal property – well that would be paid no matter where the businesses locate, so that is a wash.

What a report should show, in a nice table form: name of business, if they are the lessee, annual rent to Westwood, whether they supplied information about the number of employees – if not, the answer is 1 (the lessee). Cars in a parking lot don’t mean anything. and finally, the expiration date of the lease.

That way, we at least know – in simple terms – what we have.

As far as capturing revenue, that is not so hard. A high speed camera could be mounted at the appropriate height is not more than it’s worth. The North Adams Housing Authority recently installed license plate scanners (essentially high speed cameras) at a few housing developments. These cameras can store the images, and they can be reviewed daily. Bills can be sent out. The bills can be sent to collections and the person who lands can be notified with signs saying their plane and tail # was photographed and if we bill them the fee is 2X the fee if they just leave a check or credit card # on file.

The same goes for different management options. A fast google search (sorry SHH) indicates there are a ton of management companies out there. We could lease it to someone who would have an incentive to maximize revenue.

The incumbent FBO does not seem to care if the City is bankrupted by this operation – maybe we need an RFP for a new FBO, a new fuel provider, and allow them to keep everything, just pay us rent so we cover our costs. If the Canyon Ranch, Tanglewood, and 2nd home traffic is as valuable as folks say – then the traffic is worth pursuing. Like the Water Group that recently met, the committee’s job may not be to SOLVE the problem – but the committee’s job is surely to provide options, which seem like they are readily available.

Getting done fast and doing just enough to whitewash us all is not going to score you any points. Another 5-6 meetings may turn you into local heroes.

Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

Southeast, you might be surprised how much a camera system would cost. Other airports have tried such a system and removed it, as the revenues were lower than the cost.
I believe that most heavier planes here pay the landing and parking fees. The study group will get into this further.
Small planes don’t pay landing fees. General aviation airports don’t charge landing fees for this kind of airplane. I’m sure there are rare exceptions.
Also, I’m sure we will continue our meetings until all questions that can be answered, are answered. I don’t want to beat dead horses, however. If we can’t find answers to some questions, so be it. Raising the questions may be good enough.
Our charge was to be done by May 15. This won’t happen, but I can’t see going another year. I’m all for getting it done!

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

Don’t apologize. I’m glad you used web searching! Good info!

Donna M
Donna M
8 years ago

Southeast– Good post well thought out. go to next meeting and sell your ideas. Water/Wastewater study- Privatization would be a disaster. My friend will explain another time. Gaetani-Forestell option is the only sane option.

Reply to  Donna M
8 years ago

Donna, I listened to the meeting. no where did anyone give any props to Gaetani. I did not hear his name mentioned once, because they interviewed communities who investigated and maybe went through with privatization Mr Forestall made some excellent points and is an extremely intelligent man – and needed zero guidance from a man who is nuttier than a holiday peanut brittle.

I too would not support privatization on the surface because in fact Pittsfield’s water and sewer rates, even after capital improvements – will still be some of the lowest in the County. Unlike Lenox, Lee or a few other communities with huge rates (5 and 6X Pittsfield’s average meter rate), the low hanging fruit won’t yield enough to significantly impact our rate.

Plus, most communities that privatize still pay rates similar to what we pay. our guys are not the highest paid in the County, so again, a private operator will have a cost structure similar to ours.

s for the wizard’s “tweaks”, I’d sooner drink Flint Michigan’s water before I drank anything he “tweaked”. The Airport Study Group has a pre-planned outcome. CC can make all the pleas he wants – we will continue to own and operate an airport which benefits almost no county residents (not to mention Pittsfield’s). before we discount the revenue potential and overstate the cost of a camera system – I would like to see an airport that may have installed one and with one runway – what would it cost.

Like the PPD claims on the cost of a back up for their booking systems – I believe these are inflated. I would prefer to see real numbers. the cost of technology has decline considerably to the point that plate scanners are operated by parking ticket enforcers, two companies who do repos, and small Housing Authorities like North Adams. if Mr. Sakshaug is correct, a company like Lee Audio could verify that. Remember, at some point the plane is stationary, the speed of the camera may not need to be the same as used on plate scanners.

Don’t beat a dead horse – but it would be appreciated if you Investigated the real value of the airport and how do we stop subsidizing the top 1% so they can get out of Tanglewood 45 minutes earlier than if they landed at Albany. The old “we need it to keep Company X” is a story long past it’s accuracy claims. Every company we were supposed to keep – left. and the airport would not have made KB any stronger, Sabic and more likely to stay, or kept GE from selling off their assets.

The folks paying for the airport are pretty skeptical of its value – and the committee has done nothing to reassure them that they are correct in their thinking.

Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

Bravo!!! Prove to the taxpayers that the committee is not just more of Pittsfield’s penchant lip service to the status quo. Move along…nothing to see here!

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  Romen
8 years ago

Romen, did you read the recommendations of the committee? For the most part they used a lot of words to say nothing. Maybe if they had Warren Dews and Tricia Farley Bouvier working with them they could get somewhere.

Does the Pacheco law apply to cities and towns?

Reply to  Already Tyred
8 years ago

Already Tyred, I did not attend the meeting but read the agenda to find the “recommendations” beforehand and you’re right, what a bunch of hooey. I’m relatively a neophyte here but you asked, so here’s what I think.

I think Collingwood would love nothing more than to farm this out. Lots of problems out the window for him if he succeeds. He’s known for years this was coming; the Bianchi administration deliberately stalled the state. My guess is that he didn’t want this to be part of an already dubious legacy.

I know people in water who say that $165 million is only about half of what Pittsfield really needs in upgrades. Nice of the committee to keep it under the $175 mil the feds will loan though Maybe keep taxpayer panic down a bit?

Pacheco covers cities and towns, sure, for State owned services. Maybe TFB can convince the State to buy? I’m certain she and Dews will be brought into this if necessary. Someone’s gotta put the proper spin on it for we, the people…one on the committee (Forestell maybe?) urged them to inform the public about these options. We’ll see how *that* goes.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  Already Tyred
8 years ago

Who is saying we need double the 165 mil?

Troll Patrol
Troll Patrol
Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

Southeast for a full explanation of this issue call 413-442-5466. Your call will be well received.

Reply to  Troll Patrol
8 years ago

I have heard how Mr. Gaetani treats folks on the phone!! I don’t need my house burned down just yet.

Troll Patroll
Troll Patroll
Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

Apparently you are unwilling to engage in a discussion and just wish to be silly

Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

no – I see no need to engage in discussion with someone whose credibility I have severe doubts on. I feel there are countless others in this community who can better evaluate and recommend solutions to the problems at hand.

I also doubt privatization is the best course for our water and sewer since our rates are nearly the lowest in the state. the profit would only be an extra to be paid by rate payers. Also our cost structure is not so out of whack that there is savings to be had there.

the airport however – is a money suck benefitting almost no one locally. that I can see being sold, privatized, leased or whatever to end the cash drain on the taxpayers. I also would like to see if the AG could investigate whether the leases could be nullified and renegotiated to at least provide enough funds to extinguish some of the airport costs.

As for being silly – if you lose your ability to be silly, is life worth living?

Troll Patrol
Troll Patrol
Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

” I feel there are countless others in this community who can better evaluate and recommend solutions to the problems at hand.”

Well—-the last several mayors, city councils, state reps and state senators have failed Pittsfield and the Berkshires miserably. So you can see that I don’t share your blind in your countless others. If we keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results what you get is Pittsfield Mass. 2016.

Troll Patrol
Troll Patrol
Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

What you need to be careful of southeast is when baking pies make sure that you put down your paring knife before letting the cops in your house. To my knowledge no one has burned anybodies house down around here but it can quite dangerous to bake pies.

Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

Funny, though, that no one was charged with a thing in the paring knife incident but some one *was* charged with threatening to burn a house down.

Troll Patrol
Troll Patrol
Reply to  southeast
8 years ago

one has bruises the other an imagination

Donna M
Donna M
8 years ago

Dear Planet commenters-as you are well aware- I am a pro-Gaetani contributor and was going to put up a post about Mr. GAETANI’S exemplary performance in speaking up for the taxpayers at last nights School Committee Meeting. Like most who comment on this site, I generally look at the posts several times a day and I skip right to the most recent comments. I opened up my computer and I saw a post by ALREADY TIRED that said pretty much what I was going to say- so I didn’t bother with my post. About an hour latter-I looked at the planet again- and all of the posts had been reshuffled. The post from Already Tired was pushed way back- to posts from earlier in the day. It became evident to me, by looking at the most recent posts, that many had missed the post from Already Tired. The reason I am commenting now- is to call your attention to Already Tired’s post from yesterday. Please go back and read it. After reading today’s posts- i think that many may have missed it. I watch the Planet and Gaetani shows faithfully. MR. GAETANI IS THE TRUE CHAMPION OF THE TAXPAYER AND BECOMING ONE OF THE THE MOST BELOVED INDIVIDUALS BY THE CITY’S TAXPAYERS AS A DOER EXTRODINAIRE. He has always told me to post whatever I want with one caveat -that being that my posts be totally honest and in good taste. I have tried to do this- but when I see that you allow an individual such as shakes his head– who has factually posted- showing no regard for the Mentally ill, the Elderly and Veterans– to continue to post- it shows poor character on your part. I have seen you redact individuals for doing far less tastefull things than this –it– When GAETANI SEES THIS –YOU PROBABLY WILL NOT BE HEARING FROM ME AGAIN AS HE WILL BE LIVID- BUT I WILL TAKE THE CONSEQUENCES. I HOPE THAT OTHERS ON THIS SITE FEEL AS I DO ABOUT THIS CRUEL INDIVIDUAL SHAKES. LETS SEE IF YOU CAN TAKE THIS CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM AND DO SOMETHING WITH IT TO MAKE THE Planet a more fair forum where- HATE SPEWERS DO NOT FEEL AT HOME. I will now address you brave planet posters who didn’t show up at the SC Meeting- even though DAN PRETTY MUCH BEGGED YOU TO–IT LOOKS LIKE HE IS BANGING HIS HEAD AGAINST THE WALL AS MUCH AS THE WIZ is– in trying to get you people to take real action IF WE ALL BAN TOGETHER WE CAN TAKE BACK OUR CITY FROM THESE SOB’S. What is it going to take to get you off your a—s and act? Lets get with the program and fast- before the city is destroyed by these SOB’S- WHO ARE RUNING IT. Dan and the WIZ can only accomplish so much. We need all of you- who are not disabled in any way and can act– to do so and do so asap. This is youR pep talk. Start acting or bye bye Pittsfield- as we will all have to leave because no one will be able to afford to live here except the 4 major SIG GROUPS and you all know who they are.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Donna M
8 years ago

I’m sorry you hate children and brown people and teachers and police and firefighters and public servants so much.

8 years ago

That’s too bad Shakes has issues, he or she can be an effective poster and hate to do this, but am going to have to have a Secret Squadron meeting and tender an agreement on whether or not to kick his ass off of the Planet, stay tuned.

Troll Patroll
Troll Patroll
Reply to  Halo
8 years ago

Ignore Shakes and s/he will go away

8 years ago

Love the Planet. Give it hell Dan.

Dowager Hat
Dowager Hat
8 years ago

Deja Vu…Here we go again. Once more this has become “Planet Gaetani”.
Once upon a time there used to be a blogger and journalist in the Berkshires, named Valenti.
Have it Wizzy and minions, its all yours’ now.

Reply to  Dowager Hat
8 years ago

For real. Subject matter be damned!

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

If you want to see Palookaville at it’s best turn on channel 18 at 8:30 P L B.

8 years ago

The THS project will not be stopped. Once a municipal project breaks ground, it pretty much would take an act of Congress to stop it. Would be nice if it could be stopped but it’s just not realistic.

8 years ago

Great report Tom. but keep digging for info.

What I am kind of getting out of it is that IF someone wanted to fly in a plane load of drugs, and have it loaded into a car or truck to be delivered to a local dealer, no one would know the better. I find it hard to believe that some drug enforcement organization might have thought of this and want to improve the oversight. Are there airports like this all over the country? If so we might as well put out the welcome mat for El Chapos people and admit that it is thee number one economic engine in PIttsfield.

Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
Reply to  dusty
8 years ago

Ours is a typical General Aviation airport.
I think that if someone were bringing in illicit cargo in the middle of the night on any kind of regular basis, someone would notice.

8 years ago

Off Topic but… anyone catch wind of the elementary school teacher who was assaulted by her students at Morningside rather recently? Or how HR denied medical leave to a teacher diagnosed with stage 4 cancer?

Stay class PPS!

Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

Just about everyday the Police go to Herberg and/ or Morningside for disturbances. If that is not frightening.

She Lunches at DelGallo's
She Lunches at DelGallo's
Reply to  LoneGunMan
8 years ago

Doesn’t Pittsfield follow FMLA laws?

Thomas More
Thomas More
8 years ago

What or who is HR?

Donna M
Donna M
8 years ago

Human Resources I believe

Reply to  Donna M
8 years ago

Human Resources aka Harry Hayes III; allegedly he is being forced to retire this year for reasons such as stated above. Google his name… he’s a disbarred lawyer from New York State. Apparently Jakey Boy couldn’t find a single qualified candidate locally.

Troll Patroll
Troll Patroll
8 years ago

Posting here is fine. It by and large allows folks to vent. But if you want to be taken seriously you actually must do something more than sounding off with an anonymous post. Maybe some of you posters actually do things to try to make Pittsfield but I don’t see a lot of citizen participation. Maybe you’re all happy with the gob status quo. If so I would suggest you all get yourself some KY jelly

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Troll Patroll
8 years ago

Nice, another disgusting sexually deviant and homophobic post.

She Lunches at DelGallo's
She Lunches at DelGallo's
8 years ago

Here’s a question. Should the salaries of teachers, fire fighters, police and other city employees reflect the economic reality of a community or should other factors prevail?

Bill Q
Bill Q
8 years ago

When the Street Sweeper makes a bigger mess than it cleans up, then maybe it’s time to get a better system.Pecks road was spewing dust clouds an hour agp.

Student Clown
Student Clown
8 years ago

Where does the WIz stand on the Pipeline Proposal?

Dowager Hat
Dowager Hat
8 years ago

hello all