(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY SEPT. 28, 2020) — Today marks the 60th anniversary of Ted Williams hitting a home run at Fenway Park off Baltimore’s Jack Fisher. The day before, we sat behind the Red Sox dugout for The Kid’s penultimate game. Ted’s 521st in his final at-bat is still the greatest single achievement in modern sports history.
Speaking of Spawtz as Howard Cossell used to say, THE PLANET Saturday enjoyed the Syracuse Orange 37-20 win over Georgia Tech, christening the reopening of the

Syracuse University chancellor Kent Syverud, left, informs SU football coach Dino Babers that the start of the Orange-Georgia Tech game is being delayed to test for COVID-19.
the $118 50,000-seat Carrier Dome. The $118-miilion renovation includes one of the world’s largest video boards, redone roof and skyline, field upgrades, WiFi, updated HVAC, and every amenity. Impressive.
As a sign of the times, the game was delayed to complete COVID testing of players, coaches, and staff. That and the empty stands gave the game a surreal aspect, although to be able to hear the calls from the sidelines and field provided an exciting dimension not associated with football. THE PLANET hadn’t heard such echo-ey field arias since the last days of professional baseball at Wahconah Park.
Today, of course, we’re back to reality — at least as much as we’re allowing at the moment. A wilderness adventure still awaits!
———- ooo ———-
President Trump made good on his pledge to nominate a candidate to fill the empty Supreme Court seat, choosing Amy Coney Barrett. Barrett currently serves as a judge for the 7th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals.
“She is the perfect combination of brilliant jurist and a woman who brings the argument to the court that is potentially the contrary to the views of the sitting women justices,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion political group. Democrats are trying to make the appointment solely about abortion, a tactic that will fail. The Republicans have the votes. We predict Barrett will be sitting with The Supremes by Election Day.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham released what he called the tentative plan for Barrett’s confirmation:
- Four days of hearings beginning Oct. 12
- Nominee to clear committee vote by Oct. 26
- Full Senate vote soon after — just days before the election.
As for abortion, the U.S. Constitution says nothing about a woman’s “right.” This, of course, brings Roe. v. Wade into the bullseye. As another jurist noted, “If Roe v. Wade were coming against the court for the first time, I suspect that[Barrett] would say there is nothing in the Constitution about this, and if you want a constitutional right to an abortion, people are free to add one to the Constitution, but it is not in there. That is not the question now. We have had 45 years of abortion jurisprudence.”
Christopher Kang, the chief counsel for Demand Justice, a prominent advocacy group on the left battling Trump’s judicial nominees, said, “We believe Democrats need to demonstrate that this is an illegitimate process, and all options to do so should be on the table.” Their options basically reduce to two: either refuse to participate in hearings or jump full-in and attempt to expose Barrett’s weaknesses. The latter is their best bet though still a long shot.
Meanwhile, on a campaign note, Joe Biden’s continued absence will either be hailed as the greatest application of Rope-a-Dope since Muhammed Ali whupped George Foreman or a failure more dismal than Hilary Clinton’s choke in 2016.
Sheryl Atkinson in The Hill took Thursday as an example of Trump v. Biden on the stump.
On that day, the president
- stood aside the body of Ruth Ginsberg in the morning
- gave a major speech on healthcare in North Carolina in the afternoon
- and in the evening delivered a nearly two-hour stemwinder at the Jacksonville, Fla., airport.
From early March to late August, Biden made ZERO speeches and ZERO campaign appearances. His public calendar lists ZERO upcoming public appearances. Will he show up for the Tuesday debate?
“While Biden apparently spends quiet hours at home,” Atkinson writes, “I count 14 in-person rallies on Trump’s September schedule so far: New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Florida, Virginia, Minnesota, and multiple trips to Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. When he speaks, it’s always a stemwinder that delights attendees. He never seems to go shorter than an hour; it’s often closer to two. In between the all-out rallies, he’s stopping by other campaign events, making policy remarks, taking endless questions from the press – and running the country.”
Tortoise v. Hare or Godzilla crushing Tokyo?
“There is no sinner like a young saint” — Aphra Behn.
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In politics, abortion is nothing more than a wedge issue used to divide and rile up voters. I wish voters would realize that politicians don’t care about Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski’s reproductive healthcare decisions. If men don’t like abortion, then don’t have sex with women unless one is willing to pay for his partner and their child for the next over 2 decades. There is no form of birth control that works 100 percent of the time. As long as a man’s sperm fertilizes a woman’s egg, then you will have a fetus which will develop into a baby. It cost a lot of money to care for a family over the decades after a man impregnates his woman partner. If people don’t want abortion, then stop having sex unless you are willing to pay a lot of money and decades worth of your time to care for your family. Lastly, the U.S. Constitution was written for the formation and laws of the U.S. federal government, not anything else such as people’s sexual decisions.
The charlatan feeds on the adoration of the stupid fools who follow him. His rally’s feed his enormous ego. Maybe now that these people making 30 grand and follow him blindly are finding out they’ve paid more taxes than Trump, the veil will finally be lifted from their eyes, but I doubt it. I expect Pat to post any moment now how Trump is brilliant for working the system and you can’t blame him for it, blah, blah blah….
Anybody who votes for Hidin Biden is stupid. Trump May be a flawed phoney who games the system, but he’s done more to make America great again than Obama, Clinton and both Bishes combined!
The same politician critters complaining about unpaid taxes are the ones who wrote the laws which included loopholes for their big business buddies. Millions donated to the critters to make it happen. These same politicians use those same laws to pay less in taxes.
Loopholes! Politicians benefiting from their own creativity on the tax laws they pass.
Yes, if you consider bringing back hate, bigotry, and tearing the country apart, making America great, then sure. Maybe if he gets re-elected he can bring slavery back too! Hey, I hear Macy’s is having a sheet sale. You can catch it if you hurry!
Like I said before, I’m more concerned about how someone became rich after leaving office , not before taking office. The 30 grander’s know they have paid more in taxes than big businesses long before Trump came along. Warren Buffet stated that his secretary paid more than him in taxes.Trump used tax policies written by the politicians to do what he did. Biden,Democrats along with Republicans were part of creating those tax laws. Until the politicians change the laws and loopholes they themselves use to avoid paying up, others will always pay more.
Trump ran on platform of being able to drain the swamp. And that he would be able to fix the loopholes because he knew how everything was done. The swamp is overflowing. He has the most corrupt administration is history. And I don’t see him fixing the system. And if someone committed fraud to earn their money, you should darn well care, even if was before he was in office. The people at Trump’s rallies are stupid enough to think he’s like them and he cares about them. Hell, he doesn’t even want to shake their hands. He’s a draft dodging, cowardly weasel who only cares about himself, and thinks people who serve in the armed forces or pay their taxes are losers. He is by far the poorest excuse for a president we have ever had.
Well, Ya think giving a 47 year career politician and his crew a chance do really straighten things out will work? Some of the things Trump is being blamed for, have been going on for years. The same issues that politicians were going to fix election after election are still here 50 years later.
Trump paid as per the New York Times hit piece, the authors admit president Trump paid $1 million in taxes in 2016 and $4 million in taxes in 2017.
The entire premise of the article was false.
That’s more than you’ve earned in your entire life, Doe boy
Taxes, or Federal income Tax. Please clarify not obfuscate, day tripper.
Among the key findings of The Times’s investigation:
Check Joe and Hunter. Ukraine and Chi-Coms.
That’s millions and billions. Did they pay ANY taxes?
Hunter claims he is broke, and refuses to pay child support for the offspring, from his tryst with the stripper.
The Senate report reveals Hunter’s connections to white slave trade in Eastern Europe, along with money transfers. What was the money for? Strippers, hookers, or slaves?
Hunter is an embarrassment to the Biden family. Unfortunately you can’t pick your relatives.
But Sleazy Joe was involved in Hunter’s Sleazy deals in Ukranine and Chi- COM- ina
While VP for Sotero crime cartel
Joe raised him, unwell.
Joe won’t even step up to pay Hunter’s AWOL child support, for Joe’s grandkid.
Hunter is “broke” after millions of Ukraine/Chi-Com cash.
Hey Doe – I think you qualify as an example of “public ignorance.”
I was going to take this apart bit by bit, it a complete load of crap; but it’s just not worth the effort. Clearly there is nothing Trump could say or do to stop your blind allegiance. That’s the weird thing about Trump supporters; I could give you a laundry list of things I don’t like about every president I ever voted for, but Trump supporters blindly defend anything negative about Trump, no matter what. As for ignorance….if Brietbart is your go to news source, you’re practically bathing in ignorance.
I think you pretty much covered it right there jon…it is what it is
Some people are also concerned about losing their healthcare. Watch as this new justice helps the republicans rip health insurance from a huge portion of their own base. The frog still does not realize the water is getting hotter around itself.
When Trump loses the election he faces State and Federal prosecution for Bank fraud, Tax fraud, Wire fraud and Mail fraud along with his entire family. Amen!!
and he knows that, which is why he will go out kicking and screaming fraud. Not to mention all the people he compromised both in and out of office who will also go to any length to keep him in power. He has nothing to lose by turning the country inside out because the rest of his life will be spent either in court or prison.The country will not come first in this election.
No fraud. Fake news. Will Joe and his son pay back the millions from Russia and the billions from China?
Will Ivanka reveal her back channel connections with Chinese governement officials?
Will Jill Biden tell us about how she committed adultery with senile Joe, while still married to her ex-husband?
Joe and Hunter come clean on their Chi-Com ca$h?
Do you really want to do an adultery tit for tat when Trump is the guy you’re defending? Seriously!
Well, trollop Jill, has been speaking for Joe since he has been hiding in the cellar since beginning of March.
Joe can’t put two coherent sentences together, and has taken no questions from the press either
Jill seems to be involved with senile Joe’s coverup/dementia.
So, yes!
Any sluts Trump slept with are not running his presidential campaign, like Jill Biden is, while Joe hides in the cellar.
Copying your leaders playbook; belittle, deride, make fun of,-all things you do when you’re losing and grasping at straws. So petty. A complete embarrassment to the nation.
That all you can do, to defend slutty Jill and senile Joe?
I have my doubts about them paying back anything.At least they should be made to pay the taxes on the money they took just like they want Trump to do.
I hope it is made a big issue at the debates tomorrow night because it should be. That, and Joe’s radical agenda plans for the country. The Green New Deal needs to be discussed and they need to pin down Joe to why he supports the Deal and taking away private vehicles etc.
Trump has so many negatives and Joe needs to probe the Russian money loans.
Joe and Hunter have the Ukraine and Chi-Com cash, all approved by Barry Sotero, Bararry’s DOJ/State department
Repubs spent alot of time trying to take down Hunter and there new 87 page report shows nothing. Even the repubs say that there is nothing illegal or nefarious about the 3.5 million. What a waste of time.
Fake News
CNN? yup!
Will Trump identify who he owes $421 million to and which foreign governments? His son is on record as saying they don’t get their money from American banks.
False NYT hit piece.
Russian Oligarch billionaires lent him big money and he cant pay.Putin wants his money.
While Trump draws tens of thousands to his rallies, a Biden “car parade” draws 5 vehicles with Jill covering for Hidin’ Biden.
Momentum Trump!
With far left radical Kamala Harris waiting in the wings to take over if he becomes president and they will then admit that Joe has serious problems. Another trick by the socialists/Marxists/communists to get the White House.
You managed to use at least 5 of Hannitys most used buzz words in that post. You are sounding more and more like the far right inner cirlce.
Kamala is far left. LOL. What a blatant disregard for reality.
Kamala supports defunding police, the Green New Deal, she believes we have systemic racism in the country….yes, she is radical far left.
Trump supports white supremacist
Biden IS a white supremacist. Long history that supports Joe is a racist.
Most left of 100 in the Senate. Voting record proves that, that is fact AND reality, D-pends
Pee pads and Knee pads!
Biden/Harris 2020
You’re a classy guy. It’s clear why you like Trump. Birds of a feather….
Alternative is Biden. And in reality Commie-ala Harris
Think about that bird brain.
Attorneys General and Senator from California is a conservative Democrat who is not going to create chaos.She is running to bring intelligence and professionalism with class back to America.
Most left witch of all the D- Senators, that is a FACT.
Commie-ala is fine with Burn Loot Murder/Antifa riots, defund LEO, and slutting her way to the top.
Ask former SF Mayor Joe Brown, what she did for him. Joe was in his 60s and married, that didn’t bother her!!!
Mike Pence is a blowup doll.
How many do You have ,TSC?
Trump was selling them and my Trump friend bought 5
You know quite a bit about blowup dolls.
Run, run, the sky is falling, the Libs are coming, the world will end, Ahgggg!!!!
Get a grip man!
The go backwards party has Trump to lead them.Trump wishes he could go back and have the 400 million of Daddys money that he lost
Everyone loves Jill Biden
Her ex-husband don’t. She cheated with Joe
D-Family values…..
Yup. She worked on his campaign and cheated on her husband with Sleepy Joe, but Joe says it was a blind date. That makes Joe a liar or senile.
Could make you a liar
Trumps ex wives dont like him either. His ex gfs hate him.
A few guys have lived her since marrying joe. Once a cheater always a cheater.
D-VP choice is a trollop so I bet they get along well.
That only proves you actually can fool most of the people some of the time.
And even the fools don’t believe in Biden/Harris
And yet they’re leading in all the polls….oh my!
Just like the H-beast did! ROFL!!!
Will, you and ilk, explode in November?
If Trump wins, yes!
deja vu!!!
Your out of gas.Back to Trump
While hundreds participate in boat parades & tractor parades for Trump, Jill Biden draws 8 people to a rally in Nebraska while China Joe rests in his basement.
Momentum Trump!
Trump will be doing his rallies from prison in about another year.
Yup,they dont want anyone to make the virus spread furthef because of ignorance
You couldn’t get a puppy to play with Jill even if you hung a pork chop on her neck.
Boat parades lol
Amy Barrett would not be allowed to serve if she is a strict constitutionalist.So Im sure she is smart enough to see settled law concerning womens right to confidential medical procedures
Nothing about killing babies in the US Constitution.
BTW, it takes a MAN and a woman. To conceive a baby. Father’s rights begin at conception. If not, there would be no child support.
Ask Hunter Biden about the child he fathered with the stripper
Amy Coney Barrett won’t be engaging in a battle of wits with the unarmed.
She has the right and ability to remain silent. Allowing her feeble adversaries, to completely expose them selves as Entitled elitists.
Very much like RGB, at her Own confirmation.Delay, Deny and deflect.
Frustrating and fragmenting her adversaries effortlessly. While looking like the victim, of the attempted smears.
Gaining women voters for republicans, all the way down ballot.
Dan correctly forecasts “rope a dope” just erred on , who will be employing the tactic.
Problem with opening school buildings.The roof air handling units are not 100% working and will not pull air out of classrooms as designed.Curtus,Behnkeand safety officer know this and are opening anyway.This is very important for air exchange in classrooms.A simple call to Administration and they will play dumb.Parents need to know they are all working before putting students in the rooms.Filters need to be changed every week….School committee does not want you to know this .This is a huge problem in public building everywhere.
Yah, so in almost every community in the country that opened they did random testing of the students and teachers and found lots of the virus. I am going to guess Pittsfied will just skip the testing and hope nobody notices anything. Too bad there was not some independant testing operation we could bring in to cover ourselves.
You have not noticed anything.The America outside of Tucker Fox entertainment have been getting news about the virus everyday.The numbers are 7,000,000 positive 205,000 have died.We are now spiking in Willismstown Stockbridge and Great Barrington….Pittsfield is doing great and should not jeopardize it because air handling roof units are broken. Curtis needs t o let the Public know how many school building units are not working….A certain group of people say students get the virus and there are no consequences
I agree. Congratulations you did NOT mention the Donald once.
I’m sure Trump considers people who pays taxes losers and suckers, just like people who got killed defending our country. What will it take to shake people of their delusions?!!
Yes he does.
Joe calling our military “stupid b***ards” and a dull bunch was just passed over by the liberal media.
and it was passed over because it was just more Trump/Putin campaign desparation fake news. Did you try to cooberate it outside the trump alternative world cirlce?
More news being ignored by the far left media. Obama making Joe Biden his point man in China and then Hunter Biden taking in billions of dollars from China shortly thereafter.
Joe and Hunter still havn’t stepped up to support Hunter’s basturd child he fathered with a stripper.
This was while Hunter, was married to his dead brother’s ex-wife.
Biden family values………….
At the debate, I want to see Wallace ask Joe how many, and how, his grandchildren are doing? That will stump Joe for sure
Fox,where there is no expectation of the truth
Trump has never lied to Pat
Where can I find that?
What DEMENTIA Joe Biden called USA service Men/Women ” Clap for that, YOU Stupid bastards”, a direct quote
Rumor is Biden will come down with Covid-19 so he can ditch the debates and continue hiding in his cellar
Where did you hear that rumor? Bet you made it up you old josher. If you want to see someone who lives in a cellar you should look in the mirror. Thumbs down now.
If Hiden Biden shows up, think he’ll be coherent?
90 minutes is a long time for Joe, even with Wallace asking him staged/rehearsed questions.
You are MORE moronic than I first thought, if possible….
A rumor is just that. Will Joe show for a D-isaster?
FACT is ole Joe Biden didn’t come out for 6 months of his cellar, except for incoherent ramblings where he is rushed away, quickly by his handlers. Want some live videos to show that? One he thought he was running for the Senate!
His concubine , Jill covers for him.
that;s the rumor
If Trump invested here Deanna could give him tax breaks and the Mayor could send him some Covid and cpa cash. Does Trump get protection in the hundreds of millions when he becomes a civilian or does all that fold up if he goes to prison. Seventy two million in tax refunds? Time to unleash the A G in NY Agny (agony) come January.
Trump doesn’t pay his taxes. Just like our District Attorney.
James, Please tell us you don’t have pictures of her all over your room? women issues you need help fella
I think James has problems with elected Chief Law enforcers who think the laws don’t apply to them. Two strikes for her. What happens on strike three?
Joe is ready for the debates. His proctologist gave him the go ahead after a full brain exam.
Trump is also ready with his patented clown show where he never answers the question asked but rather sidesteps and talks about his Space Force or his marble collection. He also likes to call everyone names like a third grade class bully. His base is actually impressed by this which says a lot about them as well.
Also gauranteed he shows up late cuz he thinks that really cool. Can the man discuss an issue seriously? Hell no. So look for the blithering blathering nonsense from Trump whose base just loves him no matter what depths he decends to.
Member of D- “The squad” exposed for voter frauds.
The latest video exposé from Project Veritas reveals a ballot harvesting scheme involving political allies and associates of Rep. Ilhan Omar,” according to the organization.In undercover footage released on Sunday, the investigative journalists at Project Veritas found that Omar’s campaign manager Ali Isse Gainey is a key player in the ballot harvesting scheme.
How D-s get the vote out……….
Two weeks ago on Monday two Lacy Johnson aides were shot standing outside a convenience store. The two staffers for Lacy Johnson were victims of a targeted drive-by shooting. The 17-year-old staffer, Andre Conley, died in the parking lot lying face down.
Republican Lacy Johnson is running against radical Democrat Ilhan Omar in Minnesota.
Everybody needs to vote in person and those who cannot can get an absentee ballot. The mail-in ballots are very dangerous and President Trump’s votes have been found in streams and in fields and those are the ones they have found. Who knows how many are being harvested.
Trumps in deep shit. And his daughter. This is serious IRS stuff. Trust me. BYEDON
Yes.mail in votes required .for. BYEDON
Why did Trump jam this Dr Atlas into the virus oversight job? He has no background in infectious disease whatsoever. What he does have is the ability to regurditate Trumps lies about the virus being a hoax and not something to worry about.
I would rather have a president who cared enough to get an expert to oversee something as serious as a worldwide pandemic not some sycophant buffoon. Even the CDC (who Trump has also compromised) is alarmed at the misinformation this dude is passing to the public even further endangering their lives.
Didja know absentee ballots are mailed in Pat?
Democrats mail in several.
Regressive Republicans wont deliver a mailed vote.Sick
Yes, Absentee ballots are mailed in with the appropriate identification. Stop pretending that mail-in ballots have the proper ID. Anybody can send them in. Mail-in ballots are NOT the same.
“Michelle Malkin: Minnesota Rep. Seeing Ilhan Omar Voter Fraud Went to FBI But Due to Languid Response Contacted Project Veritas (VIDEO)
Is it time to begin plans to shut down the FBI and move the work they should be doing to the US Marshals? The current FBI cannot be trusted to perform their duties. It seems the only work they focus on is efforts to remove the President through an illegitimate coup, harass and indict his Administration and then the cover up their related crimes.”
The day Trump chokes to death on a Big Mac is the day he will finally have made America great again. And “hidin’ Biden” seems to be certainly smackin’ old Don the Con around in key polls. Too bad Don is really a poor bullshit artist and not a real billionaire.
I will vote for:
– A rational Federal policy concerning COVID-19
– Adeptly managing the Federal Government by filling, at a minimum, its statutory offices with qualified individuals in regular order and with Senate advice and consent, instead of employing a revolving inexperienced and dysfunctional White House staff, Cabinet, and Subcabinet that violates the Vacancies Reform Act, advice and consent, common sense, and conflict principles
– A person who will not benefit financially from official acts beyond Presidential salary
– A budget that responsibly strengthens the social safety net and longstanding Government functions
– Increasing economic growth ON MAIN STREET
– Ensuring adequate health care for all Americans, instead of creating uncertainty in the nation’s health care system by sending inconsistent administrative signals and supporting legislation and lawsuits that are likely to deprive millions of people health insurance coverage and undermine Medicaid health support for lower income Americans
– Rejecting Government programs and enforcement that put little kids in cages and adopts family separation (often permanent, as a practical matter) as a species of immigration enforcement
-Lessening racial and other divisions by reaffirming and extending governmental civil rights guarantees and promoting protections and programs that work to counter invidious discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, and religion
– Reinstituting a rational program for asylees and refugees, including a rational and economic policy of enforcement that starts by first deporting dangerous criminal aliens, and, thereafter, employing, so far as possible, a policy of forbearance to those migrants with no or minimal criminal records and with US military service, long-term residence, stable jobs, and American families
– Promoting the joint defense concerns of our NATO allies without exacting additional or protection payments
– Telling the truth and renouncing demonstrable falsehoods, even where they might promote base political ends
– Telling the truth about American economic, social, and political conditions (instead of painting unrealistically rosey pictures of America, exaggerating the President’s own contribution to positive news)
– Diminishing domestic social divisions (and remedying the unprecedented global disdain and embarrassment of this country)
– Respecting executive self-checking mechanisms, such as IGs, ethics officers, and special counsels (as opposed to firing them for doing their jobs)
– Not committing impeachable offenses, such as obstructing justice
– Showing due respect to the families of fallen US soldiers
– Showing due respect towards present and former American POWs
– Affirming the unacceptability of sexually assaulting women (irrespective of one’s celebrity status)
– Not stealing information from, and breaking into, private informations systems of domestic political adversaries by foreign proxies and rogue organizations (On multiple occasions, members and surrogates of the Trump Campaign promoted—typically by linking, retweeting, or similar methods of reposting—pro-Trump or anti-Clinton (stolen) content published by Russia’s Internet Research Agency through IRA-controlled social media accounts. Both sides then lied about the meetings and other contacts, which were designed to help Trump win the election.)
– Treating the handicapped as I would wish to be treated
– Showing aplomb in the face political opponents at campaign rallies and elsewhere
– Promising to release tax returns in the spirit of sunlight necessary for public officeholders (and not reneging on the promise)
– News conferences free of media hecklers sent by the President
– Appointing qualified persons to Federal agencies, who fundamentally agree with, and will promote, the missions of those agencies
– Shielding public office from those who traffic in wild conspiracy theories
– Renouncing and resisting foreign despots known for seizing neighboring countries territory by force and murdering their domestic political adversaries
– Acknowledging the public value of news sources that truthfully report information, even if that reportage is critical or inconvenient (and not waging vendettas against news outlets and reporters that subject the Administration to scrutiny, calling the mainstream media the “enemy of the American people,” and denouncing unfavorable stories as “fake news”)
– White House press institutions intended to facilitate dialogue between the President and the public.
– Showing respect towards one’s political opponent by refraining from trafficking in wild conspiracy theories about them
– Renouncing autocratic and despotic actions, such as those engaged in by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, and Egypt
– Reestablishing longtime U.S leadership in seeking to enhance democracy and human rights
– Holding safe our allies’ intelligence sources
– Reestablishing U.S. global leadership on climate change by joining the Paris agreement
-Reinstituting decades of bipartisan cooperation in extending the preservation of national landmarks, parks, and wildlife preserves
– Restoring our commitment to free trade (without the impediment of costly tariff wars, without ceding trade leadership in Asia to the PRC, and while insisting on labor equity commitments of trading partners)
– Forsaking gifts of massive tax cuts to the uberwealthy (to be paid by our children)
– Accepting the available evidence that no widespread voter fraud exists in the United States, including the tacit results of the Trump commission created to investigate such allegations
– Supporting the courts by not denouncing judges’ decisions based on assumed prejudices attributable to their ethnic origin
– Not accusing political adversaries of crimes without adequate evidence
– Accurately characterizing public policies and treating with respect those who disagree with them
-A biding statutory, regulatory, and self-imposed ethics rules, including any disallowing officials to deal with issues affecting their former employers
In fact, what I am seeking in a President, and the person for whom I voted is, so far as possible — the anti-Trump. Trump — a man with no prior political experience, never mind Governmental executive experience; who went bankrupt 6 times and has many failed businesses; paid off porn stars to keep them quiet; has over 24 sexual harassment allegations made against him; has had 2 articles of impeachment drafted against him; illegally sought help from the Ukraine to help him win re-election though disparaging his likely opponent’s son; has done nothing to help our dying climate; botched the coronavirus response because he called it a Democratic hoax instead of acting quicker; who thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax; told POC to go back to where they came from; throws meltdowns on Twitter; constantly retweets himself agreeing with himself; has tweets routinely flagged for misinformation; significantly increased our debt; used George Floyd as an excuse to brag about job numbers; used violence against peaceful protestors; said he would date his own daughter; talked about fake treatments during a corona press conference; altered an official weather map with a fucking sharpie; said that COVID cases would disappear if testing stopped; loves himself but has little empathy for others; the “grab by the pussy” thing; wanted to nuke a hurricane; thinks windmills cause cancer; called the coronavirus the Kung Flu; and has done nothing to help the average American.
All of this should have been expected from a lying, unqualified, gold star family disrespecting, POW attacking, US General insulting, racist, sexist, vulgar, confirmed sexual assaulting, trillion dollars to the rich tax cutting, own daughter creeping, wife cheating with a pornstar after birth of son and paying her off to influence a presidential election, $413 million dollar inheritance squandering, teen pageant dressing room invading, baby and mother separating, breast feeding mother shaming, fat-shaming while being fat, 24 women accusing him of sexual assaulting, accusers are not attractive enough for him to assault implying, university student defrauding, bankrupt casino causing, kids cancer charity stealing, popular vote losing, anti-vaxxing, Christianity-faking, publicist impersonating, tax dodging, friends’ wives pursuing, impeached, foreign aid bribing, 1/3 of the presidency golf playing, free press assaulting, Hannity coordinating, Cambridge Analytica using, Ivanka is a “piece of ass” approving, loan application asset inflating, historically low polling, college achievement faking, unqualified judge appointing, unqualified cabinet member appointing, foreign influence on our election welcoming, tax release avoiding, birther conspiracy spreading, Ukraine ambassador targeting, Russian money taking, Kurdish ally abandoning, soldier brain injury downplaying, full morning “executive time” taking, Epstein befriending, Putin bowing, Kim Jong Un praising, North Korean general saluting, US intelligence denying, tallest building in lower Manhattan after 9/11 boasting, Congress obstructing, nuclear non-proliferation deal ending, Justice obstructing, unqualified daughter and son-in-law employing, healthcare cut targeting, pedophile candidate supporting, trump tower Moscow denying, mail-bomber inspiring, 4 out of top 5 largest protests in US history causing, green energy stifling, clean water regulation destroying, healthy school lunch ending, climate change denying, congressional and judicial branch attacking, economy does better under Democrats saying, food stamp removing, emissions standards lowering, press conference avoiding, emoluments clause breaking, longest govt shutdown record holding, Saudi Arabia nuclear tech selling, golf cheating, time magazine cover faking, El Paso mass shooter inspiring, paying legal bills for roughing up protestors promising, killed soldier “knew what he signed up for” saying, pardon abusing, scumbag.
My vote is for Biden, but that is inseparable from the fact that it is also against Trump, the man whose brand is cruelty. One need not gaze upon the endless parade of horribles recounted above to know that the man is unsuited to be President. One could stop with the ridiculous before even reaching the sublime reasons not to vote for Trump and to vote for Biden. Nevertheless, I think it would be fair enough to conclude that one should not vote for a person who: can’t pronounce Yosemite (yo-SEMITE) or Thailand (Thighland); doesn’t know the difference between WWI and WWII; thinks there were airports in America in 1775; doesn’t realize Frederick Douglass is an historical figure; believes windmills cause cancer; is convinced that F-35 fighter jets are invisible (nobody can see ’em, how anybody built ’em without seein’ ’em is beyond me); and wants Americans to explore injecting Clorox and sticking sun lamps up their ass to cure the coronavirus.
Thank you. Amen.
Trump is done. Wait for the debate tomorrow night for the first of many daggers.
Waste of space
Could have saved time, just stated you’re nuts, and voting for Harris.
who cares who you vote for
Oh Tommy boi……..TDS acting up again?
Maybe yourself and TSC could start a support group.
you know as much trivia about Trump as a teenage girl knows about movie stars. No doubt you are sick of hearing about him, but instead of putting down the Fake News you need the Studio to bring in a different leading man to change the story. Biden is not trading up!
Now we know you’ve lost it!
Hope you all read all of these comments, This is the voice of the ‘little guy’.
The little guy is a little trumpet. Trump could do one thing,resign have ami,e Pence pardon him. He’s in very serious trouble here. I know a little bit about tax laws. First question is,who does he owe the 300 million to? I’ve said it here-earlier, in the Presidency, his charge was to give Corporation tax breaks otherwise Wall Street is dead meat.
Trump fans please regress. Times allegations is very serious stuff. Give up while you can otherwise well see you as fools from the beginning on here. He’s no damn good.
Richmond and West Stockbridge shaping up to be a new Covid cluster.
Another death in Berkshire county and probably two more on the way
Schools in Richmond?
Did they even open in person yet?
Ugh. Just cut the crap already. The data is in. Fear-mongering imbeciles have cost us dearly. Kids and the poor. Always the undeserving victims in any human-directed calamity. Anything involving violence or stupidity. Including the irrational response to a virus that demonstrably only poses a material risk to the elderly or the really unhealthy.
Dan, you should provide for people to upload photos and files. We are at a point where Fauci and Redfield are openly lying to the American people every day. Unequivocal lies, with unequivocally terrible consequences. An accurate presentation of the data makes it all plain as day. But there are literally zero MSM outlets without vested interests in maintaining the status quo and preventing the real truth from being known since it would change everything. Which is a patently absurd goal given the one-sided nature of the facts and the reality that we are causing suffering for irrational reasons. But such is life. These are insane times.
Maybe help push back against this madness. This is the most profoundly impactful fraud…possibly…in history. Rage against the dying of the light, Dan. Here are a few recent articles for inspiration.
The Dem meltdown is great entertainment, especially on this blog!
Poor Jill Biden – no one seems interested in what she’s selling!
Judge Barrett will overturn AAHCA and wont cover pre existing health problems
Fake news
The virus is still in charge of this election
There was a party at Wnadu for krist sakes.
Here is the voice of one of the women of this country.
I will vote for:
Honoring and respecting our police and not accepting that our country suffers from systemic racism. Our CDC insisting on teaching a 13 week course on critical race theory even when told not to by the president and even when we are fighting a pandemic. The CDC should have been concentrating on creating the rapid response tests that we finally had approved today to spread across the country. The CDC is also part of the swamp in many ways and we should question their mixed messages and slow response during the pandemic and NOT blame any of that on President Trump.
Law and order. I do not accept violent mobs roaming the streets to take the place of police or calling a social worker if being attacked or waiting 2 days for a police response in a serious situation or violent rioters looting, burning and terrorizing citizens while far left district attorneys and Democratic governors and mayors refuse to prosecute them and set them free the next day.
Freedom. President Trump wants citizens to retain their rights to free speech in all situations, honors the 2nd Amendment, and doesn’t want big government lording it over everyone. Government run healthcare means government will be involved in EVERY aspect of our lives since big government is footing the bill and they will be making the final decisions on how we live our lives and even on end of life health issues. Some people may like government telling them what to do, but I am not one of those people. It may start out promising and full of hope and idealism in the beginning, but socialism/communism/Marxism ALWAYS ends in tyranny.
Our economy. President Trump created the greatest economy this country has ever known. The greatest gains in income were for lower and middle income people. This speaks volumes of just how President Trump can work magic with our economy and he WILL do it again. Not dependence on big government, but the ability to make our own success.
A strong leader. Joe Biden is NOT a strong leader. He is a 47 year career politician and has shown no strong leadership in all of those years. While serving as a politician, Joe Biden has enriched his own family by various questionable business dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine. He was part of the group trying to take down President Trump in one attempt after another, all of them abusing their government power to ignore the will of the people who elected President Trump. Joe Biden shouldn’t even be running for president with his record of thinking he knows what is right for the American people, that he knows better than we do just like all of Washington seems to think. This is why President Trump being elected was so important for this country because he exposed just how much CORRUPTION exists in Washington politics and he has had to fight against this corruption every single day he has been in office. This is why he isn’t liked in Washington and why they have done everything to try to destroy his presidency.
Needless to say, I will be voting for President Trump. He is the best choice and the best hope for moving this country in a positive direction and not down a dark path of government corruption and tyranny.
D-rats and voting
[Minneapolis – Sept 29, 2020] In part two of an explosive exposé, a Minnesota-based source tells Project Veritas that the mastermind behind the rampant voter fraud scheme is Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) herself and her extensive political machine.
remember D-Omar on 9/11?
“Oh, somebody did something..”
And Omar is a CRIMINAL ALIEN!!!
She obtained citizenship as a fraud, then proceeded to marry her brother, to get the brother citizenship.
Deport her back to Somalia!!!!!
Get the vote out D-s !!!!
A source told Project Veritas election judges also participated in the pay-to-vote
A former campaign worker told a Project Veritas journalist that the pay-for-vote scheme is a vertically integrated operation.
Journalist: So, the people that work for [Ilhan Omar] are actually counting the ballots,
counting the vote?
Former Campaign Worker: And they become a manager, in the precinct too.
Journalist: And manage the precinct.
Former Campaign Worker: Yes. Progressives yes.
Journalist: So, they do all of it?
Former Campaign Worker: They do all of it. They do it all. They do all of it.
Jamal said Americans must fix all voter corruption before it is too late. “If the American people don’t pay attention to what’s happening, it is going to soon – the country will collapse,” he said. The regulations, if you ignore that and you let corruption and fraud become a daily business then tough luck, the country will not exist as they know it.”
Fake news
It’s not CNN TSC!!!
James O’Keefe is the same journalist who brought down, Barry Sotero’s “ACORN”. Cracked his “nuts” so to speak!
Sorry the truth hurts you so much : (
From NYT link above
“Acorn has been battered by criticism from the right and has lost federal money and private donations since a video sting was publicized last fall. Acorn employees were shown in the videos advising two young conservative activists — posing as a pimp and a prostitute — how to conceal their criminal activities.
In reaction to the videos, the Census Bureau ended its partnership with the organization for this year’s census, the Internal Revenue Service dropped the group from its Voluntary Income Tax Assistance program, and Congress voted to cut off all grants to the organization.
In recent years, the group has also been dogged by mismanagement and criticism — mostly from conservatives — for its handling of voter registration drives.”
Sleepy Joe the Swamp Creature refuses to take drug tests before & after the debate. Gee I wonder why?
This is gonna be entertaining tonight!
Biden is not going to get a drug test because the desperate failure of a man Trump demanded to plant the seed that this failed leader of white supremacist, Qanon and flat earthers adore and follow.The con artist has lost his mind.He has twice had 400 million once from Dads success and one from his TV show.This moron lost all of it as a businessman.So he turned to the media his greatest asset even though he says they treat him unfair..lol….his money now is the name Trump.There is a cult of Trumper who are tied to his name.Media built his trademark.He is nothing without the media……When you watch him you see success as sold by him to you folks or you see a very failed human being.He talks you buy .
So do you guys a weekly stipend from Trump for pushing this stuff? Please tell me it is not because you really believe all this crap.
Johnny, move to Minneapolis .
Omar is buying votes there, you can vote as much as you want.
Joe might be so amped up his ticker or brain cell explodes, live on Fox!
I will vote for:
Honoring and respecting our police and not accepting that our country suffers from systemic racism. Our CDC insisting on teaching a 13 week course on critical race theory even when told not to by the president and even when we are fighting a pandemic. The CDC should have been concentrating on creating the rapid response tests that we finally had approved today to spread across the country. The CDC is also part of the swamp in many ways and we should question their mixed messages and slow response during the pandemic and NOT blame any of that on President Trump.
Law and order. I do not accept violent mobs roaming the streets to take the place of police or calling a social worker if being attacked or waiting 2 days for a police response in a serious situation or violent rioters looting, burning and terrorizing citizens while far left district attorneys and Democratic governors and mayors refuse to prosecute them and set them free the next day.
Freedom. President Trump wants citizens to retain their rights to free speech in all situations, honors the 2nd Amendment, and doesn’t want big government lording it over everyone. Government run healthcare means government will be involved in EVERY aspect of our lives since big government is footing the bill and they will be making the final decisions on how we live our lives and even on end of life health issues. Some people may like government telling them what to do, but I am not one of those people. It may start out promising and full of hope and idealism in the beginning, but socialism/communism/Marxism ALWAYS ends in tyranny.
And no one is going to try to stop you from voting. I hope the liberal, far left, marxists, globalists demorats you despise so much get an equal opportunity to choose and that the country remains a democracy.
Johnny, our country is a republic.
If democrats, marxists, communists, liberals, progressives want to change that, do so with new constitutional laws.
Given the chaos in liberal cities last 6 months, I have little confidence they can maintain order, let alone hold an election. Time will tell.
Dark times are upon America come November, no matter the results of the election. Stock up your larder and get ready to hunker down.
You do realize that Medicare is government run healthcare, right? Do you think that should be scrapped??
It should be reimagined.
Government run healthcare is not Medicare because they do not force people to eat certain foods and only live a certain lifestyle. When big government is paying all the healthcare bills for the entire country, everyone will be forced to eat boring food and do everything that big government demands.
God, you’re deluded!
I love how Mr G got people writing it down. This is fun., I don’t agree with everything you wrote Pat but I like and understand a lot. I don’t think Trump wants to help people against big business but he has tried to stream line things with reduced legislations which is appreciated. The Russian conspiracy agenda against Trump is really along the lines of an Obama birth certificate level of factual mystery. It’s intentional to never focus on anything good he might do.
The “Russian conspiracy agenda” is not a factual mystery – it’s being investigated on a criminal level.
Here’s the info…..breaking news out today.
I will vote for:
Our economy. President Trump created the greatest economy this country has ever known. The greatest gains in income were for lower and middle income people. This speaks volumes of just how President Trump can work magic with our economy and he WILL do it again. Not dependence on big government, but the ability to make our own success.
A strong leader. Joe Biden is NOT a strong leader. He is a 47 year career politician and has shown no strong leadership in all of those years. While serving as a politician, Joe Biden has enriched his own family by various questionable business dealings with China, Russia and Ukraine. He was part of the group trying to take down President Trump in one attempt after another, all of them abusing their government power to ignore the will of the people who elected President Trump. Joe Biden shouldn’t even be running for president with his record of thinking he knows what is right for the American people, that he knows better than we do just like all of Washington seems to think. This is why President Trump being elected was so important for this country because he exposed just how much CORRUPTION exists in Washington politics and he has had to fight against this corruption every single day he has been in office. This is why he isn’t liked in Washington and why they have done everything to try to destroy his presidency.
Needless to say, I will be voting for President Trump. He is the best choice and the best hope for moving this country in a positive direction and not down a dark path of government corruption and tyranny.
Fake News and delusional. Biden’s a Syracuse Professional.
DiFi pulls a Pelosi!
Mandatory masks for thee but not for me!
However, on that same gateway page we see amy coney barrett leaving her home with her 7 children, none with masks. You only see what you want to see, mr. fritz, the coward of hampden county.
Oh Tommy boi…….
Do as I say, not as I do……….
Sept 18 2020
“A maskless Joe Biden (D) spoke to firefighters following CNN’s town hall in Pennsylvania on Thursday evening after touting mask mandates and criticizing the president for supposedly thinking that masks “don’t matter very much.”
“As we have now repeatedly seen, Democrats don’t seem to take social distancing and mask-wearing all that seriously when they think no one is watching.
During a CNN town hall event with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden Thursday night, the former vice president, who made a point of staying far away from Anderson Cooper during the event, walked over to the host and whispered something in his ear as soon as he thought the cameras were off.”
Let me ‘splain it to you since you are slow on the draw.
The pic of DiFi maskless in the airport shows her hypocrisy, as she is calling for a mask mandate yet she does not wear one in a public airport surrounded by airport employees.
The pic of Mrs. Barrett leaving her home with HER IMMEDIATE FAMILY is not an issue. Do YOU wear a mask with your immediate family? Maybe you are one of those dimwits I see driving ALONE in a car wearing a mask! Also, Mrs. Barrett is not the one lobbying for a mask mandate.
Take some Focus Factor, it might help.
Do you have any positive comments to add to the discussion? All your comments are negative!
You poor piece of shit. the little guy. Mr. Fritz, the coward of Hampden County Thanks for splain it to me.
You are welcome!
I aim to please!
Oh Tommy boi….
D-witch of CA Maskless in airport
It’s the far left pushing mandatory mask wearing not the Republicans so they have the burden or practicing what they preach. In fact if Joe is elected beginning after his inauguration everyone will be forced to wear masks because big government will have total control over our every move and big government knows best.
Mask in a crowd mask less than feet,you dont agree pat
DiFi pulls a Pelousey!
Mandatory masks for thee but not for me!
I am as fed up with her as I am of Trump. They both need to go to the glue factory.
DiFi’s hubby now under investigation for another admissions scandal.
Pittsfield made the top 10.
North Adams made the list
Yes, #19.
This hilarious chicken on a thread on the BU prof who called Amy Coney Barrett (ACB in future) and “white colonizer” for adopting two Haitian children.
What is better?
A “colonizer”, or an “aborter”?
Breaking NEWS!!! Hiden Biden!!!!
Senile Joe needs a rest every 30 minutes!
This casts doubts on Joe Biden’s health and stamina.
Also — The Trump campaign has requested a third party entity to inspect both candidates for communication devices like an ear piece before the debate tonight.
The Biden Campaign has NOT AGREED to this.
Golly gee why?
More Hiden Biden
AND NOW THIS– The Trump campaign has requested a third party entity to inspect both candidates for communication devices like an ear piece before the debate tonight.
The Biden Campaign has NOT AGREED to this.
In fact the Biden Campaign agreed to this request several days ago but now are refusing this request!!
Via Trump Campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis and New York Post reporter Ebony Bowden.
Trump campaign also wants a pee test for drugs from each candidate.
No go says Joe.
and Trump wants someone to pee on him
D-Rats been peeing, lying and crying since Nov 2016, get over it Johnny
At the debate:
Biden “Turn it up I can’t hear you!”
What will Putin and other nasty world leaders think about Biden needing regular nap times and rest breaks? Do you think they might be tempted to take advantage of Biden’s obvious weakness?
Why don’t you ask what they think about the current president? I will tell you. They are aghast and have deep pity for America.
As far as Putin goes, he loves what Trump is doing and is actually helping him as much as he can. Putins biggest problem in the world has always been America and democracy. But soon that will no longer be the case as with Trumps help he is destroying all we ever stood for here and abroad.
Good bye constitution. Good bye rule of law. Divide the people and let them destroy themselves. A well executed KGB maneuver.
Trump supporters know Trump is a con man.They believe hes their con man.White supremacist dont care who leads them.Anon conspirators dont care who leads them.Flat earthers dont care, regressives just want to go back in time.
Trump could care less about them.Trump cares about cash,wealth,power ,corporations.
Wipe the spitle from your chin, TSC
Its so clear today what Trump knew about the people that would support him.He knew he could commit murder and they would still think it was ok.That unbelievably was the truest thing he ever said.
The Clintons Crime Cartel is still practicing the art of Arkancide.
Ask Seth Rich, and Epstien
Trumpers watching tonight are hoping Trump speaks to them about how white men can take rights away from minorities and women.That is your choice. Empower white supremacist or go foward with a country that empowers everyone.Personally I think we are a country of white supremacist and I do not think Biden can beat Trump hate.Hoping we are not a country of Mad Trappers.
No, it’s about Biden speaking to the country about taking away rights from everyone with big government.
TSC, what is your fascination with “white supremacists”?
Trump sure is not one.
Dementia Joe could be. He has a record of being a racist, good friend of Sen. Byrd of the KKK, and the Clinton Crime Cartel.
Joe don’t “sniff”, a YOUNG girls hair if they are not caucasian, why is that? Joe won’t sniff a fro!!! That’s besides his pedophillic tendencies with young women.
I’m just a proud American, who respects our Constitution, laws, and Republic.
Politicians and the tax game.
The Democrats in fact are not serious in the least about what it would take to make Trump and every other rich person pay more in taxes. If they were, they’d get rid of all the loopholes which they themselves provided, like an outstretched hand to all their billionaire donors, through the tax code they themselves wrote. Yes, of course they did, and they did it for their own billionaire buddies. There are heckuva lot more billionaires in the camp of the
Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/09/democrats_attempt_to_whip_voters_up_against_trump_over_taxes__while_plotting_to_raise_their_taxes.html#ixzz6ZR8neL00
Phony Obama says that our Democracy itself is in peril in the next election. Yes, Obama, this is why President Trump must win so the country doesn’t go Marxist and become part of one world tyrannical government. Obama and his wife are big globalists and they want one world government because they believe it will be heaven on earth. The far left is full of these type of fanatics. Some are just power mad while others actually believe the fairy tales they are being told about just how great it will be to have one world government.
The number of people who have died from COVID-19 has hit 50 for all of Berkshire County since February. That is the same number of people who die during the normal flu season and is mainly the elderly.
From the conclusion of the Senate report on Hunter Biden
“The records acquired by the Committees also show that Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, in particular, formed significant and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their time working for Burisma, and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.
Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction contracts from her husband, the then-mayor of Moscow. Moreover, Archer’s apparent receipt of money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that accelerated while Joe Biden was vice president and continued after he left office.”
This is a real connection with China unlike the fake one that the Dems tried to make between Trump and Russia. How can Biden possibly confront China or even Russia with both countries wanting to take over the United States when Biden has such close friendly ties that gave himself and his family billions of dollars from China and millions from Russia? President Trump is right that China will own our country after a Biden presidency.
Fact Checking Trump won on-honesty statement. 4-1 Biden’s kids was kicked out of Navy,another was selling ballots by postal worker. Biden scored the one point on the riots helping Trump. Trump won this debate. It’s not up to Biden to tell Trump to shut up. The moderator was totally for Biden.
Wallace allowed Biden to call President Trump a “clown” a “racist” and other names without calling him to order. What happened to the supposed professionalism of Chris Wallace? Of course President Trump will defend himself against a man who played a big part in the fake collusion charges against him.
He is a clown and a racist.
Biden sons both served. One left because of a drug addiction.
The pissing contest tonight.
A shameful display by all parties including the “moderator”, who actually “debated” himself and lost control.
I thought it was a fantastic exchange. The moderator dropped the ball,he just couldn’t enforce a fair exchange. Biden was the name caller and Trump was very factual concerning Biden’s kid getting kicked out of the service. And Biden also interrupted Trump,it just wasn’t as blatant. Biden got his points across as well. Why can’t the moderator just shut the mike off when they get out of line?