(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION OCT. 30-NOV. 1) — For this weekend preceding the Tuesday election, THE PLANET offers — what shall we call it? A time out? A breather? A magician’s misdirection “here” while he performs the trick “there?” A moment of sanity? A lark?
Call it what you will. THE PLANET calls it a collection of photographs, each of which tells an important story. Together, they form a post-modern puzzle. We invite you to comment of any and all of these images.

COURAGE — GIs wade into the dooming waters at Normandy, June 7, 1944. Want to talk courage? It should humble us all.

GREATER LOVE THAN THIS — Normandy, again. 6/7/44. GIs huddle in the waning moments of security — a bobbing, cold, wet Higgins boat. Half these guys were dead within 10 minutes of hitting the beach.

SNOOKERED — Why are these men smiling? For the chap in the middle, life is good. He was made possible when Stalin snookered Truman at Potsdam, Germany in 1945. It began the Cold War and possible … the end?
The Louis XVI hotel room near the ending of Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece, “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Astronaut Dave Bowman, in the final stage of his transformation, points to the mysterious monolith. He will become the Star Child, humanity’s future. At least that was Kubrick’s optimistic determination. To what monolith do we reach in our attempts at transformation? And have they caused humanity to advance or regress? Think about it.

A CLOUD OF DUST — Red Sox’ Frank Malzone slaps the tag but too late on Giants’ Willie Mays in All Star Game at Yankee Stadium, July 13, 1960. When it all made sense. Love the sort-of smile on Malzone’s face, as if he’s admiring and respecting of Willie’s other-worldly talents. Later, in my time as a baseball writer, I got to meet each of these guys. Malzie was solid in the manner that most men were back in the day, a time of masculinity that has disappeared as males have largely dropped out. Say Hey was a different type of guy. When he was on a baseball field, he was that kid who played stickball in the streets of Harlem. Off the field, he could be prickly. I’m glad all my interactions with him were on the field, in Scottsdale, AZ, where the Giants conduct spring training.
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THE PLANET invites your thoughts, comments, and rumination on this double weekend, the last of October, the first of November.
We’re open for business.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body” — Roger Corless.
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Folks, it’s time for us to come together. What our foreign enemies want is for us to dislike and mistrust each other, and to distrust our democratic political process. We need to take a deep breath and press on, and try to trust our system and our fellow citizens.
I agree we should come together, but how can we do that when half of the country is radicalized and wants to remake the country into a place like communist China with the banning of free speech, complete government control over our lives, defunding police for the protection of citizens and turning police into an organization that is meant to protect the government from citizens who will hopefully eventually wake up and not be happy with their lack of freedoms? The extremism from the left is making coming together extremely difficult if not impossible.
Pat, you are right, how can we come together when 1/2 the country wants to go back to 1950, force you to go to church, remove your rights to freedom, not allow a woman to have reproductive rights, corporal punishment for children, put the mentally ill in institutions, keep the population dumb so they can be controlled, punish people for being gay. You get the drift.
“Pat, you are right, how can we come together when 1/2 the country wants to go back to 1950, force you to go to church, remove your rights to freedom, not allow a woman to have reproductive rights, corporal punishment for children, put the mentally ill in institutions, keep the population dumb so they can be controlled, punish people for being gay. You get the drift.”
Yes, you are a brainwashed left winged moonbat, that is a tool of the globalists.
Never mind Pat. We will try to do it without you. You are obviously not in any state of mind to be helpful.
Nobody wants to do any of that Pat…nobody. You have been listening to the rantings of a bully for far too long.
They are already doing it Mr. G. Open your eyes to the situation. Information about Biden is being hidden, anything that goes against the progressive agenda is hidden, defunding the police, violence in major cities, it’s all happening in real time.
You really need to find a new shrink(s) as the ones you are seeing are not being very helpful. You must be using the same one Trump and Guiliani are using.
Seems like of plenty of people want to do it–just listen to them when they speak. No Orange Man needed.
This is Mr. G’s, Worldwide’s, Absurdo’s and Dimentia’s candidate for president – a senile swamp creature on the take from the communists – a Dem party hack who has no idea where he is, what office he’s running for, and no clue what he’s speaking about!
Ha ha – hee hee!
the uneducated hourly worker here from the mills or G E created wealth for the uneducated making them bitter when jobs were lost. Now you have a second breed of malcontents with jobs like Union deliveryjobs,painters,wall hangers, pizza makers etc. What Trump has done is bring companies back and given new life to our rednecks here. Don’t let Sleepy Joe spoil what we have? Get the Red Wave Out and vote for Putin.
Unfortunately it is also from within our own government run by politicians who have been helping our enemies succeed in dividing our country.
The Say Hey Kid.
That would be Willie.
Vote like the freedoms those courageous souls fought for on D Day are in jeopardy, because they are. Truth, justice, and The American way are at stake. Think about it.
Agreed. So be sure to vote for Biden. When I saw the D Day photo the first thing I thought of was Trump calling soldiers suckers and losers. The photo of Kim Jong un made me think of Trump being snookered, not Truman,
Biden family is up to their ears in crime and scandals. MSM is putting a squelch on all this Biden family dirt. Their dealings with Communist China has been going on for years. That’s besides all the Hunter Biden drug, pedophlia and porn perversions.
If Joe wins, you can count on Harris being president sooner than later.
Quid Pro Joe Biden in Ukraine. NY Post published this, MSM hiding it.
“Pozharsky thanked Hunter Biden for inviting him to DC and giving him an opportunity to meet Hunter’s father, and to spend time together. The email decimates Joe Biden’s claims that he knew nothing about Hunter’s business activities with Burisma. When it was published by the New York Post, legacy media pundits parroted Rep. Adam Schiff’s claim that it was “Russian disinformation” and that the authenticity of the laptop hadn’t been established, even though the Biden camp never disputed the laptop’s authenticity.”
Another lie by the Marxist media. Several days later real footage emerged of Joe being very disrespectful to the military. Joe thought it was a joke I think, but several soldiers looked like they thought it was disrespectful. Imagine if President Trump had said this same remark.
The Chinese own Joe ,Jim and Hunter’s souls. Most likely Jill’s too.
Well I sure hope Joe does not invite Putin and his aides into the Oval office like Mr Trump did. That told Putin all he needed to know about how much he owned the Donald.
Hunter took a load of cash already from Moscow. 3.5 Million.
Another idiot who believes the lie about what Trump said. Pay attention–there’s no evidence for the statement.
Has anyone in Trumps family ever served in the military? Not counting his grandfathers in Germany who served under Nazi rule
Johnny, Biden has been giving military technology to the Chi-Coms. Slick Willie Clinton laid the pipe for the pipeline to China
Did anyone in Obama’s family serve in the military?
Did Bill Clinton serve in the military?!?
Did Joe Biden? No he took student deferments then developed Asthma when those ran out.
What difference does it make, serving in the military is not required to be President.
Vote Trump and make America Great Again!
Sounds wunnerful. How many years do you think it might take though? Is there a timeline or do we just hang in there until we die of the virus?
Let it snow
It just started here John ~ 6:30 AM
Now that is valuable information. It started snowing at MTs house at 6:30 AM.
Nobody gives schidt what time it started snowing at your house you dingaling. Maybe that would be important info to Rush or Hannity as they like to be on top of stuff but see if you can’t do a better job of filtering out the garbage OK?
thanks ahead of time
You’re such a nice little guy. Now go play in your sandbox.
A list of our President’s major accomplishments.
Vote for American sovereignty – vote Trump!
My post hasn’t made it in and I’m on topic. Oh well? And to Jerry. Do you really think people will n Pittsfield like each other? Drive around and feel the misery.
I’m so sorry.
I don’t read propaganda links but is there anything in there about how much money the Mexicans have paid towards Donalds wall yet?
Dan can you do a rundown on the ballot questions in MA and what they mean to voters?
Vote yes on question 1, right to repair.
Vote no on question 2, ranked choice voting.
I have it just the opposite. No on 1 because it makes yet even more data available to networks = further erosion of privacy, this regarding auto repairs. Yes on 2 = More choice for voters.
Bad call on #1 Dan. No gives a monopoly to car dealers repairing new cars/trucks.
Remember when there used to be gas stations, which were also repair shops?
Car manufacturers have have made it increasingly difficult to repair cars for years now. They want a dealer monopoly on repairs, and in fact don’t want ANY repairs, just for you to but throw away cars.
I own old cars, trucks, and tractors that I can repair with simple inexpensive tools. I gave up on new BS made after ~1995.
The few surviving repair shops are struggling with the BS put out by auto manufacturers.
This is also a big problem for farmers owning John Deere equipment. All their tractors and tow behinds are now computer operated and John Deere will not allow the farmers access to the code readers. If a farmer is trying to bring in his crop and his baler breaks down he may have to haul it a hundred miles to a John Deere dealer to be repaired. In the meantime his crop may rot in the field.
Definite YES on question 1!
Has nothing to do with farm equipment. This is ONLY for passenger cars.
I am well aware of that. The JD reference is an example of where this is going and how a no vote can be problematic.
If I buy a Hyundi from a local dealership I do not want to be forced to have them do all the repairs at their dealership. I want to be able to go to my personal mechanic who I know and trust.
What JD did (and what car manufacturers want to do) is claim proprietary ownership of the code reading aspect of diagnosing problems. And if you can’t access that info then you cannot fix many car problems and would be forced to take it to your dealership. And there is good reason why many people don’t like that option.
Johnny, not often but I’ll agree with you on this one and a thumbs up.
I run a 1940s Ford tractor. You can fix most things with tools that fit in a lunchbox size toolbox. It’s still 6V + ground electric, starts right up all winter, and runs all day on 5-gal of gas. Only problem is quality replacement parts are drying up. The Chi-Coms make all sorts of parts, problem is the “chinesium” they are made of don’t last and they have no quality control. I really miss Pete and Dalton Tractor.
How many of today’s new tractors will be running 80 years from now? Who will have the computer support to fix one?
And all the “quality” chinesiseum parts are thanks to last Democrat Administrations: Clinton, Sotero/BIDEN
Ranked choice voting has been a disaster in Maine. Mainers are trying to overturn it.
True. Vote against Ranked Choice Voting.
I’ll add to this Dan.
It restricts car owners working on their own cars
Ready to eat Crow on #1, Dan?
Um..??? Dan?
Dan Valeneti????
It restricts car owners working on their own cars
Ready to eat Crow on #1, Dan?
Agree, Mr. Fritz!
I’ll actually answer the Planet’s query this morning.
–First D-Day photo looks like a later wave that morning. Danger very much still there, of course, until the Allies took control of the beach that evening.
Omaha had more casualties than the other four beaches combined. I’ve had the honor to stand on that beach, stroll Pointe du Hoc, and walk the cemetery.
–Second D-Day photo hard to tell when it was taken, but possibly the first wave but far from the beach, because photos would be dicey the closer they got.
But Robert Capa did take something like 90+ photos that morning. Sadly, only about 10(?) survived because the dark room tech in his overexcitement exposed most of them.
–Uncle Joe had the troops in place by Potsdam; simple as that. The postwar map was based on that–for 45 years. The only option was to continue the fight against the Soviets, and who wanted that? Except the Birchers, of course.
–Who knows what Kubrick was smoking.
–Willie gets my vote for best player of all time. Five tools: hit, hit with power, run, throw, field.
I like his story about the four-HR game. “I felt lousy that day. Thought I’d sit it out. But in batting practice, everything I hit was going out of the ball park, out of the ball park. I sez, I got-ta play.”
The Mad Trapper blog.
Seething hate from a leftist!
America first
The numbers of dead and wounded at Normandy were horrific. Ten times that many have already died from the Covid pandemic just in America alone. The dead at Normandy at least had a valid cause while most of those dying from the pandemic in America died needlessly. No cause, no valor, no honor. But all just as sad.
Normandy is over and will offer up no more heroes. Americas pandemic however could go on indefinitely. There is no help on the horizon, no leadership to give hope.
Don’t you mean that discussing D-Day is racist? That would actually make more sense here.
Some of the really stupid responses in here . . .
Some Jack azz gave a million to Barrington stage. While the homeless is still….ready? Homeless.
You are free to mamboo dog-face to the banana patch.
Real Clear Politics moved Michigan to tossup from the Biden column.
Cross-checking with Trafalgar (the most accurate in 2016), I still got Orange Man at 295, Don Giuseppe 243.
ERMI looked at the Trafalgar analysis today. It was the nearly the only independent source that had Trump winning in 2016 (THE PLANET called it for Trump, also, that year). It’s seeing an electoral win for Donald.
So Dan are you calling Tuesdays election for Trump? I mean in the first round. If he defaults to malfeasance and it goes to his court then no credit for picking it.
I haven’t called anything yet, and I don’t know if I will. Stay tuned for Monday’s PLANET.
Yes you have. Trump now a shoe-in Nov. 3. 8/14/20
In 2016, I went to bed early–why watch the networks have an orgasm in calling states after 3% of the precincts are in?
I thought that despite all, Trump had a chance to win, but I just did not think he could win ALL the states he needed to. Florida AND North Carolina AND Iowa AND Wisconsin AND Michigan AND Ohio AND Pennsylvania.
I got up, checked Drudge, and I actually went to my knees in thanksgiving to the Lord or God or whatever you want. I’m not kidding.
Then I sang “Ding-Dong the Witch Is Dead” the rest of the day and for many days thereafter.
I’m pretty sure Trump himself didn’t expect to win.
but Putin knew who would win
Yes, he read the urine pattern that the Russian prostitutes left on the hotel bed.
I’m moving Michigan to the Orange Man. But Nevada back to Biden.
Makes it 305 Orange Man to 233 Don Giuseppe.
Trump takes Ohio and Florida
Biden takes Michigan
Sorry, wrong. Biden up by 6.5 in Michigan by Real Clear
Biden 50.0
Trump 43.5
Biden +6.5
My call:
Biden: 272
Trump: 266
Let me guess… 2016 you put your money on Hillary!
Yes, and I lost.
Thanks to politicians and the money involved to get elected,
by and large the truth is becoming extinct. We can only survive on falsehoods all politicians offer to the people for so long!!
Put Country over party. The choice is simple. After a summer into fall of looting and violence in major Democratic cities there is only one way to vote. Do you really want the Country to become California? Fuel + Taxes will go up dramatically under the Left. Attempts at changing the Supreme Court-Electoral College and the filibuster will occur. You would have to dislike our way of life to support any of this. Your candidate is suffering from Dementia and there is obviously nothing good to say about Kamala. You don’t have to like DJT but is there anyone whose life has gotten worse in the last 4 years because of him? His administration has handled the Covid crisis more than adequately. They bailed out many Left states that were ill prepared. The deaths attributed to this are dishonest. What is real is the economic hardship that has affected so many Americans. This President has tried very hard to walk the fine line of keeping America open + safe. The people who disagree were not affected financially by this much easier to bark from that spot. Elizabeth Warren Secretary of Treasury, AOC, Shifty Schiff,Schumer.Pelosi, and Bernie Sanders sitting in the wings. Hopefully America Wakes Up
Our country has been divided intentionally so that a very dangerous group of people can get power. They know they could never fight a united America so they started with gender and then race and of course money to convince people that our country is a terrible place that needs to be destroyed and rebuilt in the image that they envision. We can’t buy into the lies we are being fed by these far left Marxist groups.
Is that dangerous group you are talking about the Russians? The ones that Donald opened the door wide for?
Well said.
I hate to burst the Mayor’s bubble, but…………………………….
Can you imagine how hard it must be to clean the pigeon shit off those things?
Trump. The Great American Comeback. I like it. Also…Red Wave,letsmakeanerica Great again, it’s Chynuhs fault,the stock market is doing well, we are turning the corner,.why am I here,it’s cold,no it’s hot?
Wait until the bums start camping in them and using them for outhouses
Covid incubators!
So who’s the brainiac who ordered them for the city of Pittsfield?
Great article Ghost Rider!
Pandemic is over. Lift the lockdowns! Open everything up! Let the kids back in school! BMC has ONE covid patient, Fairview ZERO – the hospitals have not been overwhelmed!
Time to get back to LIVING as NORMAL!
Biden/Harris still hawking a national mask mandate, in order to scare the general populace and have people wear masks as a sign of submission. Vote Trump! Vote R!
Exactly. Why are the liberal, marxists, globalists, demorats faking 1000 funerals a day when there is no pandemic?
It’d be fun if the Planet could host on Monday in this space a friendly prediction contest on the election, you know, for bragging rights.
Just two names and two numbers (must equal 538).
Instead of just scoffing at others, why not grow a pair and give it your best shot?
If it goes to the supreme court I predict Trump 538 and Biden 0
Bydone reminds me of Pat Paulson and Trump reminds me of Steve Martin in the movie,The Jerk. Therefore I’m writing in Dan Valenti.
Agree Ed, all participants must use their own name. See how many you would get.
No. Use your usual moniker.
Very simple folks: Trump XXX Biden YYY (XXX + YYY = 538).
Comment/methodology optional.
Monday’s the day. I’m just previewing.
BB has the list of states and polls in their fabulous Weekender edition today.
Only thing is that they still have Real Clear Politics with Michigan in Biden column. RCP has moved it to tossup, as I’ve indicated, or last I saw on their site.
Nope. RCP has Biden up in Michigan by 6.5.
Politics has always been a divisive topic, but at least you could reasonably differ and move on. Now not so much.
More people would use their own names if they didn’t fear retaliation. This cancel culture crap has caused this.
If you stated your opinion without the name calling, there would be no retaliation. Nobody pays attaention to nameless pot shots.
Have to agree, THOM. Good one.
My prediction – landslide for Trump!
Another racist ex-athlete for Trump: Brett Favre. Just a southern hick white supremacist.
“My Vote is for what makes this country great, freedom of speech & religion, 2nd Amnd, hard working tax paying citizens, police & military. In this election, we have freedom of choice, which all should respect. For me & these principles, my Vote is for @RealDonaldTrump.”
He joins those other famous racists and white supremacists: Kanye, Lil Wayne, Ice Cube, Herschel Walker . . .
Mr. Black Vote risin’,
gotta keep on risin’
Risin’, risin’ . . .
Trump to get 30%???
Eddie. Could Joe actually be the reincarnation of…..are you ready? Pat Paulson.Trumps gaining momentum.
One more: Bobby Orr
“The attacks on our President have been unrelenting since the day he took office. Despite that, President Trump has delivered for all the American people, regardless of race, gender, or station in life.”
“That’s the kind of teammate I want.”
“Some of you may still be undecided at this point. Your vote for President Trump would help keep America moving forward in the years ahead. So please, join Peggy and me in supporting President Donald J. Trump for re-election in this important election.”
E M. I’m very blunt here. The winner of this election will have major social problems. And if Trump wins, it will be very very ugly. More so than if Biden wins. But I think the nation is screwed either way because both candidates Suc.
Sleepy Joe was endorsed by happy Gilmore.
I think I’ll get a nose job if Bydone wins.
There is not one person who reads this blog is undecided.
Buckshot or birdshot?
Jason Whitlock. You got to hear what he’s saying in the last five minutes of Tucker tonight. Find the video of the show and listen to what he’s saying.
Jason, you’re talking about the ol’ concept of the LIBERAL PLANTATION.
Skank Chelsea Handler says she had to remind 50 Cent that he’s black and can’t vote for Trump.
Says it all.
Mr. Black Vote risin’
Gotta keep on risin’
Risin’, risin’.
Trump gets 30% of black vote? and 50% of Latino vote????
Here it is. Must-see, must-listen stuff from Jason Whitlock:
Truman was snookered big time because his state department was full of those spying for Soviet Russia. God bless Joe McCarthy.
The National Education Association not only vehemently supports the murder of unborn children, they also are supporting the abortionist candidates Biden/Harris, and refuse to get their fat asses back in class. No teacher should remain in that organization and no Christian should even consider voting for Biden.
There is a great book by Studs Terkel about the Spanish Civil War, if I remember it’s called The Passionate War. America is also tearing itself apart. I wish I could take every anti-public health person to visit a Canadian hospital and for a chat with Warren Buffett to show why it’s economically in our benefit. (And he is one of the richest man in the world from insurance – a business that doesn’t really want you to lose its middle man status.) I wish I could make young progressives realize that teacher’s unions are destroying education. That there has to be a better way to support workers protections that don’t become a malicious force. I wish I could make progressives see that the support for illegal instances in terms of driving licenses and benefits is truly under fair to the citizen working class who struggle every day. We have to support our own citizens first and that is not bigotry. It’s what every other country does, Israel, Switzerland, Britain, France, and Denmark and China.
As in most bitter arguments everyone is a bit wrong and a bit right. I am holding my nose and voting for Biden. I don’t want the EPA ransacked. I wish Trump wasn’t his own worst enemy. I wish he could have kept off the Twitter.
Excellent article about the ACA.
I don’t doubt that ACA is a mess. I think Medicare for all and a corporate tax (in lieu of what they pay now for plans) would be an effective transition. The billing systems alone are so convoluted.
You’re voting for a senile socialist swamp creature who has been busy for his entire 47 years in politics enriching his family? What are you thinking?! Sad!
I liked the comment that someone made about Trump never sending Troops to war. That is kinda true. The military response ok. The ISIS response was well handled at the beginning of the administration.
America temporarily kicked ISIS ass while Trump was president. But the Kurds, our strongest ally against ISIS, did most of the ground combat for us. Towards the end we abandoned them when they needed our help in return. Many were slaughtered which made Mr Putin quite happy.
It was Trumps decision to abandon them. Will any ountry ever help us fight a war again? Probably not.
I agree with you as well. The withdrawal of troops everywhere is risky. And the NATO baiting is too. We can be the world’s policeman with troops or we can chose not to be and take the troops out. I don’t know if it’s a conscious plan for the US to walk away from that role in the Middle East or it’s just a result of temperamental outbursts. That is Trump’s biggest and most important fault – the erratic temperament – that makes him seems like a despotic lord. Any other good he might do is eroded away.
Shame on you Frog!
I’m sure you’ve heard the story of the frog in the pot of water – the water temp was gradually turned up, the frog didn’t notice, and then before long he was cooked!
That’s you, Frog.
A vote for Biden is a vote against freedom and liberty.
And in addition, Frog, just to hit on one of your points -illegal immigration – Biden wants to open the floodgates – who do you think will be paying for all of them – YOU! Study Biden’s policies – you apparently are unaware of many of them!
What is weirdest to me is that almost everyone in Western MA is on the gov dole: the teachers, the doctors (many whom aren’t even competent enough to have a US medical degree) who get all their patients from public assistance payments, the hospitals (repeat the previous) the businesses that are funded by tax grants (Yuki and all of North St), all the foundations that are paid by tax dollars, the horrifically corrupt cadre of law firms that suck on the teat of any economic plan to make sure they get theirs. There is no freedom, no economic growth, just an ongoing suck of tax money to the thieving influential. Pittsfield is Naples.
Oh man. It’s like the first Muppet movie with the baddies who want to serve my legs in a French restaurant. Cook me?
I want small govt, less debt, less religion in gov, more respect for privacy. I really hate Trumo’s instability. He doesn’t even have an administration, just a revolving door of sycophants. With this new level of US debt and his Fed Reserve candidate – a woman who believes in the gold standard (Wtf?)—- he would send us back to the dark ages. It will already take decades to get out of this debt. His economic policy is bipolar. There is no freedom in crazy.
I don’t get all the Trump fans in Western Ma. Who do you like locally? They are just tax and spend?
Correction – The Passionate War is written by Peter Wyden.
You win a cookie. And an excellent read if you believe it. Not Valenti quality but still a good book.
I would have edited myself but the Cookie Monster ate my comment. The Good War by Terkel is about WW2, good but different.
Biden announcement:
“Joe Biden Announces He Will Lead an Effective Strategy to Mobilize ‘Trunalimunumaprzure’”WTF JOE!!!! ROFL!!!
“The hilarious gaffe came during a campaign stop earlier this week, but began making the social media rounds on Friday afternoon.
People have attempted to figure out what the heck he was trying to say, but it remains unclear.”
Ask Biden.
I don’t think he knows/remembers a bit of the last few hours……
Ask Biden about that Tom
Joe has a new words ? I held it up in the mirror to decode it and nothing. Webster’s nothing.
Brain Freeze: Joe Biden Says Americans Have a Right to ‘Badakathcare’
I thought the Poor Boys took the cake. Let’s hope he pronounces the right Country if we ever nuke someone.
Maybe we should all write in “Trunalimunumaprzure” for president.
Just read the editorial in the Eagle supporting the Mayor’s plan to give away $500,000 of the GE Economic Development fund for home repairs. They basically said, “There’s 8 million more coming, so why not”. Ridiculous. I can’t even name the things offhand they pissed the money away on and have nothing to show for it. But if they had just left it alone and invested it in an S&P 500 index fund which averaged a 10% rate of return, it would now be worth $48 million dollars.
What’s scarier are those doling it out. That’s my Halloween Coment.
Are the already spending the river cleanup money? How disgraceful.
Wait till Tyred Bloviate,and friends get the green new deal,private deal. And you thought the Pick Pocket tax was bad?
The fiscal year 2021 Massachusetts State Budget was supposed to be passed by July 1, 2020. It is now November 1, 2020. 4 months – or 1/3rd of the fiscal year – has passed us by. When will Beacon Hill’s do nothing and long vacationing State Legislature get around to proposing a fiscal year 2021 state budget? Aren’t they supposed to be working on their proposal for the fiscal year 2022 state budget now? Beacon Hill is facing a multi-billion dollar state budget deficit. I believe the State Legislature should eliminate all of their pay, benefits, and compensation to lead from the front lines before they cut public services and funds to local government and public school districts. Then they should all resign from political office in disgrace for failing the common people they always do disservices to. In closing, Beacon Hill has clearly failed the people of Massachusetts.
Cahaly from Trafalgar Group on CNN (!!!) from RCP site:
“Social desirability.”
Cahaly on polling: “The more anonymous someone is, the more honest they are.”
I’m looking for my nitroglycerin pills because I’m going into myocardial infarction watching an actually balanced presentation on CNN. Cahaly’s take vs. other pollsters/critics.
Traflagar called 2016 on the nosey, 306 to 232.
Over a dozen new cases of Covid in Berkshire county and the state is reporting only one.
Some idiots had a party and infected 8 just from one pre wedding party.
In Berkshire County – 1 person with covid at BMC; zero at Fairview.
How many of those 12+ cases asymptomatic, RN?
Stop the fear-mongering!
It’s not “fear mongering” to accurately report the numbers and none of them were asymptomatic, they had symptoms, that’s why they got tested you pussy.
They fought for the right to have Americans vote count.When all the votes are counted and Trump wins so be it.America can not let the 2000 election leave votes uncounted.Tues is the final day of voting.If it takes 4 days to count citizens votes so be it.Count them all.
It’s the wealthy and red necks vs socialism. Take your pick? Either way we’re going to a civil war again. It’s inevitable.
Doctors get more money? That did it for me. He’s certifiable,no doubt.
Trump gets the Corona virus and goes to Walter Reed where he gets awesome medical care. He leaves and brags about his recovery. Now he is calling Dr Facui and other highly trained virus specialists IDIOTS.
I wonder what kind of treatment he will get if he or any of his family members has to go back into that or any other hospital.
How can a first vote State Senator vote himself a pay raise? And now you know how DemocRats breed around this state.
DemocRats….so cute…hee hee. Didja make that one up all by yourself?
When I was in the fourth grade it was just so empowering when I call other kids childish names, so I see where you are coming from.
That senator was a get a long person prior to being elected and showed it with the vote.
They didn’t fight so this shit could happen for the voters in elections though.
A little Sunday reading before football.
One scenario if Joke wins: All of sudden the Left will use this stuff to get him out and put Ms. Silicon Valley in the presidency. She’s their girl, all right.
Last page of the Senate report on Ukraine/Bidens:
“Even though almost all of the Committee’s records are from U.S. agencies and U.S. officials or persons, Democrats have repeatedly misconstrued the facts of this investigation and have smeared it as a Russian disinformation campaign. [Imagine that!] In doing so, they conveniently have ignored their own long history of meeting with Telizhenko [former Ukrainian official] and his yearlong work for a Democrat lobby shop. If Democrats are concerned that Telizhenko presents any risk of advancing disinformation, it is notable that the Ranking Members have not expressed any curiosity about his work with the Obama administration or Blue Star Strategies.
The records acquired by the Committees also show that Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, in particular, formed significant and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their time working for Burisma, and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.
Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5 million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction contracts from her husband, the then-mayor of Moscow. Moreover, Archer s apparent receipt of money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that accelerated while Joe Biden was vice president and continued after he left office.
The investigation has faced many obstacles from the minority and from
executive agencies that have failed to comply with document requests. Accordingly, there remains much work to be done.”
For thr BIden Family:
Williamstown police are investigating a threatening letter put into the mailbox of a Williams College employee last week, according to a published report. The letter specifically targeted the employee’s race, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Newest racism/gender bias hoax in the Berkshires.
It will turn out it’s the person in question, a friend of theirs, or an ex-lover. It will have zero to do with racism or gender bias.