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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY DEC. 16, 2020) — Time for THE PLANET to clean out the notebook.

In Orbit — Nominees so far for THE PLANET‘s Coveted Orbit Award (COA) are Chuck Garivaltis, Tony Maffuccio, Dina Lampiasi, and Chris Connell. We will take COA nominees until the day after Christmas (assuming there will be a Christmas this year).

Vaccine, Not Heard — It’s one thing to develop a vaccine. It’s another to properly distribute hundreds of millions of doses with a product that must be kept super cold in a supply chain that will have many weak links, not just those of science and Mother Nature but especially criminals. We do have those in America. With commercial carriers involved, you know it’s only a matter of when and not if for fake vaccine to be introduced by the same machine that keeps the drug cartels in business. Caveat emptor.

Breaking the Budget — Slipped through the cracks widened by COVID-1984, the agonizing post-election disputes, and the problems of Kim and Kayne — voila! — the Department of Defense budget request. The Pentagon prims are asking for $740 billion this year to properly slop down the war machine, a near doubling in 10 years. For a country technically not at war. Technically. As we have previously explored, the U.S. economy has been premised upon perpetual war since World War II.

Beyond the Electors — Now that Syracuse Joe Biden and president-elect Kamala Harris have enough electors to be officially declared the winners, it’s over, right? Not quite. Without quoting Yogi Berra, the final date between full, official, triple-double-dog victory is Jan. 6. That is the day Congress certifies the winner. Until then, the lawsuits, no-counts, and conspiracy theories will continue. Trump will go down fighting. And losing.

Looks Like America — Syracuse Joe said he wants his cabinet to “like like America.” In other words, “inclusion,” “diversity,” and the rest of that fetid heap. Will his cabinet will have the collective IQ of a toaster, be 70 pounds overweight, and be addicted to Love After Lockup?

Glendora and “Satellite Six” — Just because.

There’s No Place Like Homeless — Ward 7 city councilor Tony Maffuccio not only has been at the forefront of the Methuselah-Licensing Board mess, but he’s been no great advocate for the the homeless, specifically the appalling conditions at the (apparently) reopened St. Joseph’s facility. Our Right Honorable Good Friend has heard the horror stories, so have we, and has been trying to get the matter out in the open, particularly why and how ServiceNet can continue to run SJHS after closing without notice this summer and according to the councilor reopening with conditions that make the previous iteration look like a 5-star hotel. Just another sign that official Pittsfield, which is to say Pittsfield officials have given up. THE PLANET senses desperation in the corridors of local power. our “leaders” have given up, which means if human nature doesn’t miraculously change, a grab for everything that’s not bolted to the floors and ceilings.

Roof, Roof, Roof — No, that isn’t Lassie barking to June Lockhart that Timmy has fallen down the well. It’s the $500,000 coming out of taxpayers’ pockets to fix 25 roofs for 25 city homeowners. A couple points: First, we were brought up to believe that if you owned a home or property, it was on YOU to keep it in good repair. Second, the original request was $250,000. Do the math.

Flat Flop — The verdict is in. The bike lanes on North Street have been a flat-tire bust. The insanity that has further messed up the city’s main thoroughfare doesn’t stop with the unused pedal-your-ass alleys. THE PLANET‘s favorite? When North Street shrinks without warning from two lanes to one past the destroyed Melville Street. You get zebra stripes instead of driving lanes. And we thought the Bizarros existed only in Superman comics.

Moon Challenge — Ward 1 city councilor Helen mooned her colleagues, the Administration, Andrea Harrington, and every person in Pittsfield when she claimed she was pulled at gunpoint from her car, arrested, and jailed in Boston by Hub cops during a traffic stop because she’s a minority, non-white, female. Moon loves pulling the race and gender cards, but her two deuces haven’t stood up to the full house held by THE PLANET and every other media outlet who tried and failed to come up with proof of her claim. Moon hasn’t produce a dick of evidence. Until she does, we have no qualms in pronouncing her a liar and unfit for public (or private) office. Our challenge: Prove us wrong, Helen. Make THE PLANET eat these words. We love Humble Pie.


“Anyone can squander money, and anyone can hoard it. But the most difficult thing in the world is to know how to spend it” — Writer Emlyn Williams.



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Bikepath Barry
Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

Hey boys and girls, hope you had a fabulous Tuesday. Boy what a week, am I right?
Yuki is a good friend but she can’t get out of her own way sometimes. The big craft paper signs in the front window sort of help, Imitate, innovate” it’s catchy but she forgot to cover the other windows. Whoopsies!
I’m proud that she’s playing all her cards, I’m sure she got all those passes on violations because she’s a city councilor, a minority, best friends with my girl, a supporter of Andrea.
Wait, don’t read that, forget you read that.
She was TARGETED! Because she’s an Asian single mom who has a lazy eye and is “defenseless”. Sorry I was reading off the wrong script earlier.
I wanted to update you on the bike lane and parklets. It’s so vibrant and dynamic!
We had four people use the bike lanes so far in December. It doesn’t sound like much but it’s a 300% increase from November.
One biker was riding in the street and got pushed into a bike lane by a confused driver.
One guy accidentally used the bike lane while he did curb jumps. One pedestrian used it to get out of the way of the people biking on the sidewalk and one person used it to park their hoveround scooter.
The homeless and junkies have stopped using the parklets for toilets, I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie A Christmas Story and that part where the kid gets his tongue frozen to the pole? Well it’s like that for your genitals. That put a quick stop to those shenanigans.
The other nice part is Yuki got to use her parklet as a bottle service for cars. She made quite a bit of Covid cash selling full bottles at her parklet!
That’s vibrant and dynamic innovation!
For those worried she’ll leave, she won’t. No other Town would treat her as favorably, as she’s treated in Pittsfield.
If anyone is interested I have a cute little Santa’s helper outfit, I’ll be at Cumbois at 3AM.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

funny stuff and I imagine largely accurate

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

If I run over someone because I am not paying attention can I claim discrimination or racism when I get in trouble? They didn’t allow me to do what I wanted!!

I love how the only business owner to get a front page opportunity in the only daily newspapers to plug her nonsense with no contradicting feedback or hard questions is boo hooing about discrimination and/or misogyny.

Hit the bricks with your bs lady and see the smallest violin playing such a sad song.

I am showing my age and bias but find it amusing after Do the Right Thing that oppressed class now includes wealthy Korean business owners with political connections.

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

The “oppressed class,” is any class of people a white man has a disagreement with. Then that white man is “misogynist,” “racist,” or any other “ist,” that person can think of.

Yuki is just taking a page out of Tonto Warren’s playbook. Disagree with her, your a…..

Just take a look on Helen Moon’s social media pages. She blames everything on the white man. She gladly posts that dribble too.

I’ll be the first to post it here, when Helen Moon loses the next election, she will sue based on discrimination.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

The people who are donating to her gofundme must be real suckers.

Simon Says Huh
Simon Says Huh
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Will she be using the overage she raised from those she is now indebted to for something else, like helping families in need? Apparently her contributors believe she was wrongfully fined, otherwise why would they help? I see Krol’s girlfriend is a contributor. Is this an access contribution? This stuff stinks for sure.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Simon Says Huh
4 years ago

I hadn’t even though of that! It must be improper for a councilor to take money like this. Wow. The DAs biddies are like the gang that can’t shoot (drive, run a business) straight.

Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

It is a business that is producing power and money and a way to keep it going .

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Wealthy Korean business owners? How do you know the first thing about her finances?

I agree that attributing the backlash to racism, etc. was silly, but I’m amazed at the indifference of people like you to the suffering of small business owners. And your failure to see the interconnectedness of it all. You’re probably the same guy who complains about an $8 salad because “I could make this myself for less than a buck.”

4 years ago

Just remember the tax paying citizens get the government and leaders they vote in to office every year. To be the change, if that’s what you want, you must get out and use your voice, time and energy

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Not so easy to get decent reps. Decent reps usually cannot compete with the cabal financing. Some have huge money behind them. (see Rubertos record breaking campaing fund in his first run for mayor) This discourages good people to even try.
And then look what has happened to decent ones we did have. i.e. Terry Kinnas. The cabal can make your life miserable if you ask too many questions, and they do. They will go far out of their way to make sure no question askers get near that city council. Only ass kissers need apply.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Truth instead of lies, and some integrity is what I meant to vote for.

Thomas More
Thomas More
4 years ago

If the Planet loves humble pie that much he’ll be happy to eat this one from December 12, 2019
“The whole clown show will end in November 2020, when Donald John Trump wins re-election.”

Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

The real clown show will begin when mentally fading Biden and giggling Harris are in charge of the country, or pretending to be in charge, since many people will actually be running the country behind the scenes. Obama in his 3rd term, Marxists and globalists will be running the show in this country.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Harris will be a good vice president if given a chance. But the giggling is quite annoying I agree. Knock if off Kamala!

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

But he sure was right about the “clown show” part.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

I guess they don’t like what was posted last December Dan. They’re teeing right and left on that prediction.

Shitty Smitty
Shitty Smitty
4 years ago

Anyone else notice Smitty posted a meme about hairdresser and a restaurant owner a planning wedding? How many people would be allowed to attended?
It was basically a meme making fun of all the people out of work because of the shutdowns.
What a loser.

Reply to  Shitty Smitty
4 years ago

I think slowly owners are starting to fight back, you are seeing it across the country. Democrat lockdowns have led to shuttering of thousands of small businesses and record profits for the large big box stores. They tell us to follow the data and science, but then want to close limited indoor dining or salons.. give me a break.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Hendrix
4 years ago

Would not have had to shut down if the white house had done its job in the begginning. Totally let it get out of control so someone has to try something. Help not coming from the feds.

4 years ago

Who had Yuki starts a GoFundMe on their 2020 bingo card?

Henny Youngman
Henny Youngman
Reply to  Outfox
4 years ago

Looks like she’s raking in the cash

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Henny Youngman
4 years ago

Begging used to be a thing for the truly down and out. But now it has become the cool thing to do.

That girl
That girl
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

Well….sociopaths don’t really care.

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

And lucrative!

That girl
That girl
Reply to  Outfox
4 years ago

Can anyone get more unethical or transparent? That’s what drives me crazy about people in the Pits. Is there something in the water??? Is it a cult? What is it???? If you got a speeding ticket or a DUI, do you think starting a go fund me to pay for your wrong doing is a good idea? Isn’t that YOUR responsibility to take care of YOUR punishment? And what if you killed someone? Which she may have inadvertently done by not giving a sh*t about masks! So we should go ahead and pay for her repercussions?

This reminds me of a recent news article. A mother knowingly had sex with (raped) a 14 year old boy. She received no punishment, but instead started an “only fans” page. Some of you know what that is. If you don’t receive a punishment for wrong doing, especially when you KNOW you are in the wrong, you do the wrong thing with it. She won’t learn, like Yuki won’t learn.

And more people will die because she thinks she’s above following the rules.

Reply to  That girl
4 years ago

Over the last 30-40 years society has made it ok not to be held for responsibility of one’s actions. You know the,”trophy for everyone crowd”. I remember kicking off my shoes once and mom was in the room. She saw the shoe hit the wall. Next day I get home from school everything in the room was in the center of the room with a bucket of warm water and rags. I was made to wash every wall in the room. It stuck with me knowing it was all about learning about responsibility and respect for the hard work it took my parents to buy that brand new home. Respect and responsibility starts with the little thing’s she said, while I was scrubbing.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

You had shoes? When I was a kid we…………

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

I was blessed to have more than I probably deserved. Dad worked 2 full time jobs as a welder for a period and Mom part time. So I didn’t have to walk in the snow for two miles to school.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

What did she say J?

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

She said I did a good job washing the walls and bet you would not make that mistake again. She was right I never kicked off the shoes so they would hit the wall again in front of my bed.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

I would subscribe to a Yuki OnlyFans page

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

When receive Curbside Service at Pittsfield City Hall, I am going to turn over my paycheck to Matt Kerwood’s +$10 million slush fund, my savings to the lovely Linda Tyer’s sky high property taxes and very high fees, and my blood, sweat and tears to the vested interests and special interests groups who keep the lovely Linda and her staff employed in the public sector.

Curbside service available at Pittsfield City Hall | WWLP

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

What paycheck, Melle?
Did you get a job or win a lawsuit against an employer?

Bikepath Barry
Bikepath Barry
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago


Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

My imaginary job is being “A Citizen Defending the People” against Oligarchies. I won an imaginary lawsuit against federal government bailouts for the Billionaires who run Wall Street. I said that Uncle Sam should not be giving trillions of dollars to Wall Street’s financial institutions and even foreign banks. The underclass, working poor, and retired workers who got screwed out of their hard earned savings and pensions all agreed with me. But in the end, Wall Street, the Billionaires, and the ruling Oligarchy in the White House, U.S. Congress, and court system defeated my lofty argument. The “Iron Rule of Oligarchy” always wins throughout World history because they “Have” all of the money and power. In closing, when the economy grows, the rich get richer, but when the economy tanks, the rich receives bailouts from the “Have Nots” in the form government bailouts, which grows the huge U.S. national debt (+$27.44-trillion and counting higher). No matter what happens, the Oligarchy always wins, while the proverbial little guy is lucky to survive another year under a rigged, inequitable, and totally unfair economic system that used to be called capitalism.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Kinda like the Robin Hood thing? A new super hero is born! “A Citizen Defending the People” against Oligarchies. Now all you need is a costume and start bringing them to justice. What would be your super power and weakness?

4 years ago

How can Berkshire County mess up the vaccination distribution? Let me count the ways. The same way they didn’t have any effective therapeutics at BMC to fight the virus in the elderly which is why so many ended up tragically and painfully dying of pneumonia.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

will you be taking the vaccine if offered Pat?

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

US has surplus of monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid-19, Azar saysFrom CNN’s Shelby Lin Erdman
Not enough Covid-19 patients are asking for or receiving monoclonal antibody treatment, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said on Tuesday.
“We have a surplus of these monoclonal antibodies right now, the Regeneron and Lilly antibodies, and what’s happening is people are waiting too long to seek out the treatments until they show up at the hospital and, by then, it may be too late in order to get the benefit of these antibody treatments that beat back the spread of the virus,” Azar told CNBC in an interview.

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

I asked for my relative. BMC hospitalist said “not available” for the antibodies for my relative.

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

But, so, no vaccine for you unless Trump says you can do it? Are you waiting for his permission like 74 million others?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Have your lawyer call the hospitalist and find out why she is being denied this option.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

I sincerely hope your relative will make a full recovery, Pat.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Unfortunately the relative died from pneumonia. I don’t have a lawyer yet.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

My condolences Pat. Sounds like you were really close with your relative.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Asshats at the AMA still fighting distributing hydroxychloroquine Dr Faicci and the Chi-Coms have medicine, from China, that costs big $$$. Maybe Hunter and Joe are in on it?

Hydroxychloroquine is cheap, effective and readily available.

“American Medical Association Votes on Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order, Keeps it in Place — How Many People Have Died Because of These Soulless Hacks?”

4 years ago

Just finished watching the news where they said 15 states are trying to go away from the electoral college. After all the fraud documented in this election why would you go to popular voting? Schools really have to go back and teach Civics and Colonial American history so the next generation understands why America was designed the way it was and why immigrants wanted to come here. I know a person with dual citizenship who is flabbergasted because they are thinking of retiring in their other country because it’s more like America than America is now!

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

China is working furiously to turn our country socialist/communist. They have infiltrated our companies, our schools, and our media. This is why we have such a China friendly media and such an anti-American media. It’s all due to infiltration by China like we have seen with the Chinese spy trying to get American intelligence secrets by using a honey trap.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Didja know Mitch McConnels wife is Chinese? Trump knows and he hired her and gave her a high position in his cabintet. Now he OWNS Mitch and controls him like a puppet. And if you control Mitch you control the whole republican side of the senate. So there you go.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

Trump doesn’t own Mitch. Perhaps you missed the news – Mitch has acknowledged Dimentia Joe as the prez-elect, and he’s trying to ward off GOP senators challenging the Electoral College vote on Jan. 6. Mitch would like nothing more than to welcome China Joe into the WH.

Yes Mitch’s wife is Chinese – with strong connections to family biz in China. Many Dems such as Cuomo, Swalwell, Schumer, DiFi, Pelosi etc. have Chinese biz connections which should be concerning to all patriotic Americans. Did you know there are Chinese military training in Canada “for winter warfare tactics” near our northern border? If you truly love our country – you should be hoping that Trump retains his office for four more years.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

I know the Chinese govt. hates Canada so doubt they are training there. Is the propaganda ever going to die down a little bit?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

You can’t handle the truth? This fact about the Chinese military has even been in the lamestream news. Just another story you must have missed.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Well I will give Trump credit for not inviting the Chinese leader into the Oval office like he did with Putin.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

The only constitutionally mandated date is January 20.

Seven states have electors for Trump ready to go in the event that the truth about the MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD somehow penetrates the thick iron thought wall.

Perhaps more truth will hit the fan about China Joe before then. Folks will have to admit that we don’t want a Manchurian candidate just now.

Lamestreamers might decide that it’ll be more fun, and much more lucrative, to have Trump in office to attack than trying to cover up for Joke.

Murder will out.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Massive voter fraud, LOL.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  PJMH
4 years ago

No, MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, not massive voter fraud.

Mr. G
Mr. G
4 years ago

My vote for your orbit award would be for Pat. We are so diametrically opposed in our political and world views as to be comp,ete polar opposites. However, she is steadfast and unwavering both in her beliefs and posting habits and I am convinced she truly believes, deeply, all the wacky things she says. I have mostly stopped arguing with her as I believe that is futile, but I do respect her tenacity. With love from your non-commie, non-open border desiring, freedom loving, religious freedom desiring, non globalist troll Mr. G. Happy Holidays to all.

Reply to  Mr. G
4 years ago

Pete White won Ana Orbit,so all have a Chance.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Mr. G
4 years ago

Are you saying that relentless ignorance should be a requirement for this award? And I ask because that would disqualify a number of worthy people.

and Happy Holidays to all

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

LOL…I guess I’m not saying relentless ignorance is a qualifier, but neither is it a disqualifier!

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

But it wouldn’t disqualify you!

Reply to  Mr. G
4 years ago

Personally, I applaud Pat for posting what Pat feels about the issues and standing up for them. No one is right 100% of the time and no one is wrong 100% of the time. We just think and want to be right 100% of the time.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

That was exactly my original point J2S. I was being earnest in my nomination.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Well then why are we badgering yuki?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. G
4 years ago

I also enter a vote for Pat for the coveted Orbit.

Stimue Izcumin
Stimue Izcumin
Reply to  Mr. G
4 years ago

Pat has brought nothing but one side Trump to the table. You have to be diversified. Ask Peter White. I nominate the Lovely Yuki!

Reply to  Mr. G
4 years ago

How do you know “Pat” is a female?

Mr. G
Mr. G
4 years ago

Scary stuff our political sectarianism. We have been duped into believing that anyone “not with us is agin’ us” to the point of real potential violence. Forget each side crying obstruction, it is becoming literally impossible to get anything done! From today’s Times:

Political sectarianism, they argue, consists of three core ingredients: othering — the tendency to view opposing partisans as essentially different or alien to oneself; aversion — the tendency to dislike and distrust opposing partisans; and moralization — the tendency to view opposing partisans as iniquitous. It is the confluence of these ingredients that makes sectarianism so corrosive in the political sphere.

There are multiple adverse outcomes that result from political sectarianism, according to the authors. It “incentivizes politicians to adopt antidemocratic tactics when pursuing electoral or political victories” since their supporters will justify such norm violation because “the consequences of having the vile opposition win the election are catastrophic.”

See full article at

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. G
4 years ago

More crap from the NY Times and Globalist Mr. G.

Reply to  Mr. G
4 years ago

Oh here I was thinking they were talking about the all inclusive Democrat party until I read the link, hee, hee sometimes your comments are quite confusing as you talk about one party but label it the other

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

In the post-truth world created by 45 it it often hard to tell what is what. Objective truth does still exist. Trump has made a living accusing others of doing all sorts of nasty stuff that HE is actually doing.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Mr. G
4 years ago

Nice try–transference has been the M.O. of the Left for a long time.

Exhibit A: Swalwell pushing the Russia hoax lie while doing bang bang with Fang Fang.

The whole Russia hoax a smokescreen for China Joe and the rest of the traitor oligarchs, including a few RINOs.

Now State comes out with CCP a threat to us. No duh, man.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
4 years ago

i don’t know if anyone has seen Mass Live or NBC Boston’s articles on elevated depression and suicide related to covid uncertainty and the failures of remote learning in school age children. It’s heart breaking that the powers that be have prioritized bars and theatre which the teachers attend but not insisting the teachers go to school and teach the children.

The greed and selfishness of our society is amazing. If we were fighting a national enemy rather than a virus we would decimated. What a fail.

Smitty and Hinds do take a bow for your perpetual failings of anyone who isn’t a donor class. I hope the ghosts of Christmas visit you.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

What we have done to kids will go down as maybe the greatest mass human rights crime in history.

Funny, I know I have mentioned on this board several times that the increase in kid suicides will be greater than the number kid Covid deaths–by many multiples– and been dismissed as a Covid-denier every time.

Greed and selfishness are not the issues at play. Fear and control are what this is all about. And the fear has been strong everywhere, including Planet Valenti.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

Probably lots of kids being kept in cages that would like to commit suicide. And who could blame them?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

I didn’t vote for the orange man. But liberating the cage held doesn’t seem high on Biden’s talking points.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

One has nothing to do with the other. And nice to see such flippancy. You must be a great guy in real life.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

Perhaps I misunderstood you but the impression I had of your feud with RN was that Covid wasn’t dangerous. I read your comments as similar to the anti-vaxer who says measles isn’t dangerous. And your comments miss the point – we do the protections for the most vulnerable.
29 people died in nursing homes apparently. When you star it’s not dangerous it’s dissembling as it’s not dangerous to you. The anti science nonsense is appalling.
I also disagree with your comment that greed and selfishness aren’t at play and the rest of what you say after.
We make the protections for the vulnerable the same way you don’t visit someone in chemo when you have a cold. There is a lot of ignorance and that is defiantly at play.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

I have never said Covid is not dangerous across the board. I have actually been very explicit about the fact that it is VERY dangerous to the very old and people with serious health issues.

No, we don’t “do protections” for the most vulnerable. NPIs have made no distinction between the risk profiles of different groups, always relying on the fallacy that the only way we can protect the elderly is by protecting everyone, including those at effectively zero risk. And so we submit to measures that cause great harm while providing no tangible benefit. By trying to protect everyone, we have protected no one. And caused incalculable harm.

As for the science, maybe try this exercise. Spend a few minutes looking up the timeline of the progression of mitigation measures put in place in California. Next logical step will be a mandatory sewing of masks on faces and making it illegal to even LOOK at somebody who’s not a member of your household.

Even with all this, their cases have gone ballistic. Because it’s all about science and you know the science, right KF?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 years ago


They can’t even supply toilet paper, bleach and disinfectant

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

I’m still waiting for my government mule and free cheese.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

made me laugh out loud

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Don’t worry, they’ll get the vaccine out. By following the science. THEIR science.

If you are elderly AND in a nursing home, you will be at the front of the line. If you work in healthcare, you will also be at the front of the line.

After that, the next in line will be the remaining 50+ million seniors, right? Nope. Next come the 87 million “essential workers.”

But why is that? The median age of Covid deaths is about 78. Over 80% of deaths have been over 65. Less than 1% have been under 35. If preventing death is the goal, how could an 80 year old living at home with family possibly be in line behind a 25 year old truck driver or delivery person?

Because it’s SCIENCE. The 2020 version. Which is heavy in “ethical” analysis. In this particular case, the data pointing to greater urgency for vaccination among the elderly is offset by…other considerations. Which the CDC refers to as the “Ethical Principles” of Promoting Justice and Mitigating Health Inequities.

These lines speak to the issue that won the day for essential workers:

-“Racial and ethnic minority groups disproportionately represented in many essential industries.”

-“Racial and ethnic minority groups under-represented among adults >65″

Fascinating report. In the first third there’s a chart showing the crazy lopsided age-specific mortality of Covid. The fact that such overwhelming data is secondary to ethnic/racial issues is…well, we’re getting what we deserve for turning the keys to public health over to life-long bureaucrats.

4 years ago

I nominate Kevin Morandi for the Orbit. He’s not trying to be a front man or set a record on petitions but he returns your calls. He represents his ward the way they want not the other way around.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Van
4 years ago

How about a dual award for Morandi and Connell since they both work hard for the taxpayers of Pittsfield. Both men always respond to phone calls and emails and I have also seen them answering questions when they are out in the public in places like grocery stores. Also, they both had to endure totally unfair treatment by their so-called fellow councilors this past year. Both men stood up for themselves in a very professional manner, where most folks would have gone ballistic at the jabs given to them by some of the other totally useless elected officials.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

If Soloman can cut a baby in half to make two woman happy then this award can also be divided. So shall it be.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

That sounds too much like a participation medal. But there should be categories. Chuck G should be nominated for Lifetime Achievement. Morandi and Connell can vie for Man of the Year.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Limbaugh talking about how the Dims interrupted the electoral college vote in the Congress ELEVEN times.

Plus all sorts of other things, such as Joke’s Logan Act attempt to disqualify Trump.

And we know all about the Russia hoax lie . . .

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

“all sorts of other things”. you can say that again…. blah blah blah blah blah
Putin has told Trump to stand down for now. Trump will be doing so very soon as did Moscow Mitch who accepted Biden within hours of Putin. What does that tell ya?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

The Left will whitewash the history of 2016/2017, just like they do for anything that’s inconvenient to mention.

Sen. Rand Paul:

“The courts haven’t decided the facts. The courts never looked at the facts. The courts don’t like elections . . .stayed out of it . . . The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen and the only way it will be fixed is by in the future reinforcing the laws.”

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Good ol’ Rush, 11 times he says. Wonder what he used for the extra number to get to 11 when he ran out of fingers.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

You could look it up–and a lot more–or just carp at things you don’t understand while contributing nothing.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

I’m honored to be nominated for the Planet’s Orbit Award. Outstanding group of nominees. Wonderful group of good citizens possessing brains and guts. This is what is needed to be a Pittsfield elected official nowadays. Candy asses are a dime a dozen and we have them by the bushel. This year’s Orbit nominees are an exception. I hope I’m included, but I know the other three are exceptions and deserving. Chris Connell, Tony Maffucio, and Dina.Lampiasi are outstanding public servants worthy of this award. Tough choice.

Stimue Izcumin
Stimue Izcumin
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

Chuck,like Gambino said in the movie My Cousin Vinny to his finace’ Are you suuuuurre?

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

When I think of the people who selflessly dedicated their lives to helping people in this county – people who never receive any recognition or the recognition they deserve, be it for putting criminals where they belong or helping victims or working in the courts or other aspects of local law enforcement – and then I see Dina Lampiasi I want to f#xking vomit. What has she done anywhere let alone posted here of value? It’s criminal.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
4 years ago

I cannot believe Yuki started a GoFund me campaign to get the public to pay her Board of Health violations fines. That’s just fucking priceless!!!!

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Auto Phil
4 years ago

So it is true? Where can I see that?

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Auto Phil
4 years ago

And did Dotties have one not so long ago? How many others? It is really a riot when you think about all the taxpayer money spent on and handed to local business and then they have the unmitagated gall to beg for money? Talk about your silver spoon crowd, like holy shit man! Great example for your kids huh? If you can’t make it on your own just beg for it. Good gawd! I am embarrassed for these people and so should the people who promote North street business s.

4 years ago

Question: does anyone know why all covid patients appear to be sent to BMC instead of Fairview?
Fairview has not had any covid patients since the flare-up began.
Is that the new policy?

Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago

I was wondering the same thing. Wouldn’t that be less stressful for all involved if there were fewer patients at BMC? Maybe more would have a chance at survival because the doctors could give each patient more focused attention. On the other hand, if all they have to treat these elderly is weak Remdesimir and steroids, not much will change as far as who lives or dies, but patients might be treated better in a less stressful environment. BMC is notorious for NOT having good bedside treatment of patients and I have seen that firsthand in the last few weeks from many on the medical team. Not all, mind you, but enough to be worrisome.

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Makes sense to have them all in one place does it not? Less chance for spread.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Johnny Absurds Doctor
4 years ago

I was thinking the same Johnny AD. Although it’s pretty hard to make the “hospitals are stretched to capacity” argument if one is packed and one is empty.

I also think that the nature of the patients being admitted plays a role. These are not patients in line for drastic life-saving measures…they are 80 and 90 and 100 years old… it’s a different kind of care at this point…

Reply to  Auto Phil
4 years ago

Yet we see older politicians in their late 70’s walking out of the hospital after 3 days of a “special cocktail” which obviously includes antibodies. They look great. Age doesn’t necessarily matter if you can get access to these antibodies. Democrat states are not offering the antibodies to the suffering. Will they have the antibodies for the politicians in Democratic states?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump is not helping democratic states and you know it. It is payback time for him.

Bikepath Barry
Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

I heard Matt Kerwood yelling CHA-CHING! today when he was talking about winter roads accounts and how to hide money.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

and did he yell that to a grinning mayor who was sipping champagne from a tiffany goblet?

Anyay Chin
Anyay Chin
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

So let me get this straight is there odd and even parking while plows come through during a snow emergency?

Johnny Absurds Accountant
Johnny Absurds Accountant
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

Speaking of that, has the city treasurer announced the date he is starting the forensic audit? Does anyone know which firm he has hired?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

US Senate hearing yesterday. Krebs reverses and now says Dominion machines WERE connected to the internet. Or, you can just call him a liar.

What they need to do is bring a few of the brave citizens, average, good people, who came forward and signed sworn affidavits and appeared before state legislative hearings.

Such as the little Indian woman immigrant who has worked for the city of Detroit for 34 years. Thought she’d volunteer to help out . . . only to be insulted, bullied, intimidated, mocked, and driven out of the counting center.

Trump campaign attorney Jessie Binnall on the fraud in NV:

•Over 42,000 people voted more than once.
•At least 1,500 dead people are recorded as voting
•More than 19,000 people voted even though they didn’t live in Nevada

“Binnall said there is a minimum of 130,000 instances of voter fraud.”

That’s just in that one small state.

MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD–plus foreign interference.

Oh, yeah, I feel good about China Joe, don’t you?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

CBS needs to fire Catherine Herridge immediately:

CBS Reporter: What did Ratcliffe say about election fraud and interference?

Catherine Herridge: Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January.

Bikepath Barry
Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

Yuki’s got balls

I vote for her as orbit
She brought down an entire industry, lied, and exposed hundreds if not thousands to Covid. Two people are dead that went to MethBar. When confronted she played the race card, the single mom card, the immigrant card to cover for violating the rules. Played the I’m taking my ball and going to Lenox card. Got thousand in PPP and
Then after being allowed to reopen she violated the rules again with one of the people that oversees her license and claimed woe is me.
She also exposed the Pittsfield underground swingers club, made certain people household names in swingerland. All while making bank illegally by selling bottles of booze to go.
Then she puts up a go fund me.
If that isn’t Orbit worthy I don’t know what else is.
Remember “Dark OJ” was person of the year, the obit can reflect the worst in society too.
Yuki’s got that in spades.

And if not her, Meeeeeeeeee! I look cuter in a sundress and heels!

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I did not know that. What about our fake DA? Her list of abhorrent behavior in a far more important job well eclipses this city councilor.

Yeah Right
Yeah Right
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

speaking of fake Dana she still hitting the married men ?

Reply to  Yeah Right
4 years ago

You mean DA, right?

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Wow-two excellent choices indeed. Dan, if my vote counts, Bikepath really made a strong case for Yuki. E made a strong case for Wrong-Way, but did anybody really think she could chew gum and walk? I know from listening to her, I sure didn’t.

So with that, my vote goes to Yuki. In my humble opinion, excellent post Bikepath.

And not lost on anybody should be Tricia Country Buffet’s post blaming Mazzeo’s, in a juvenile swipe at Melissa.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

Jeekers, she is going to make asians, single moms, swingers and snooty people and beggers all look bad. Hope they are not all like her.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
4 years ago

I can’t believe a sitting city council member is begging for donations online after being caught breaking the rules. WOW!!!

4 years ago

The local news is no longer saying how many patients from Hillcrest Commons have died from the virus. They now lump it together as Berkshire County deaths from COVID. 7 people died yesterday from COVID here in Berkshire County and I think we can assume that many, if not all, are from Hillcrest Commons. Is local news, in coordination with BHS, trying to protect the nursing home’s reputation as the death count rises? The public should demand the truth.

Berkshire Hills
Berkshire Hills
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

This is exactly what happened before when BMC was the start of the Covid outbreak in Berkshire County!
It was the BMC cluster then they stopped reporting it like that and said community spread and moved all the numbers together.
Somebody used to complain that the numbers were wrong and there was a coverup.
I think they were right.

Reply to  Berkshire Hills
4 years ago

RN – in a few cases where I could connect the dots, she was 100% accurate. Did she bolt?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

and that is how you protect advertising dollars. Huge buck dollars in Hillcrest advertsing in the local media and all advertisers are treated with kid gloves
(as are all special interest folk)

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Re: my response to Kelsey Dumville’s EPA email – 17December2020

The corrupt EPA is moving ahead on its plan to “cleanup” the polluted Housatonic River. GE has not made a financial commitment to this estimated billion dollar “cleanup” project that will last over one dozen years. GE has tens of billions of dollars in debts. GE’s market capitalization is between $4 billion and $5 billion dollars. Do the math, please! There is no rational way this lengthy and expensive so-called “cleanup” of the Housatonic River will be financed. If I am wrong, then please show me GE’s financial commitment to fund their cleanup project. To be clear, there is NO financial plan in place for a billion dollar “cleanup” project!

GE has already put 2 toxic waste leaky landfills full of their cancer causing industrial chemicals in Pittsfield (Mass.). Now, GE is planning on putting a 3rd toxic waste leaky landfill in Lee (Mass.). If I owned a home in Lee (Mass.), I would be upset because my property value would plummet. The average homeowner spends decades of their adult lives to put a roof over their head. Now GE is going to tank their biggest investment, which is their home.

GE’s so-called “cleanup” of Pittsfield’s polluted land cost over $500 million and took years to complete. GE capped most of Pittsfield’s polluted areas. The problem with capping GE’s industrial chemicals is that that the caps are finite. As time goes on, the caps eventually become useless and the PCBs continue to spread across the community. The polluted Housatonic River’s polluted areas will be dredged and capped. What is the use of capping when it is only a band-aid solution on a major wound.

Lastly, the people of Berkshire County (Massachusetts) do NOT want anymore so-called “cleanups”, capping, and toxic waste leaky landfills. We have witnessed thousands of our loved ones, friends and neighbors suffer from and/or die of cancer over the decades. The corrupt EPA and GE are totally disingenuous, and they are doing a great disservice to the environment.

In Truth!

Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Great strongly worded response that should get an immediate reply. Not!

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Trash pickup delayed one day. I just got up off the floor after seeing that on the city’s website. Amazed they actually informed us.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Roads really suck, though

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Has everyone had their street plowed?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

My neighborhood off Dalton Avenue is a mess as usual. Meanwhile I saw a City of Shitsville white truck with a plow on it drive by 6 times with the plow up just in the short time it took me to clean off my car. This Administration has never had checks and balances and NEVER will, such as a supervisor driving around checking on contractors and the job they are doing or NOT doing. It is all about how much overtime these folks can get. Nothing changes from year to year. Us taxpayers will just keep handing over money for the Administration to play with.

Yeah Right
Yeah Right
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Really gonna start complaining about snow removal? it’s been two hrs since the snow stopped falling. Complain complain complain get a shovel and get busy.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Yeah Right
4 years ago

At four hours after the snow stopped, I see no excuse for the mess out there. Shit job by the city this time. Shades of the Bianchi admin.

Yeah Rong
Yeah Rong
Reply to  Yeah Right
4 years ago

Well for one,what is the plow speed. This mother fucker came by at forty miles an hour just now.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Yeah Right
4 years ago

Yeah Right you jackass. I did shovel my property but now you are telling me to shovel the friggin street with the friggin taxes I pay to Shitsville.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

They have checks and balances alright .they get them from cashing weekly checks and getting their balances. Courtesy of the taxpayers.

Mayne Rhodes
Mayne Rhodes
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

No,I have pictures. Four things will happen that will lead up to a heart attack. The plow comes through,we shovel,then the wind blows the snow back and worse thanbefore the first plow then shoveling. Then the plow will come again and we’ll shovel Again. Then the state plow with the 12 foot blade will come through and take out half your driveway with it. You’ll try to shovel that but it will be higher, than ever before, and chunky and hard and heavy. At that point you have to make the ultimate decision and that is to call a local plower, or an ambulance. If there available?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Breitbart? Lol.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

This is why many are giving and ignoring our leadership in any level of government about the pandemic the Italian Salute. If leaders would only lead from example.

4 years ago

This will probably break rules of copyright, but it’s worth reading how the Adams community responded to the last pandemic. Fast forward to today: Pittsfield’s mayor allowed our homeless to be kicked out on the street and hid from meeting with restaurant owners while one city councilor started a personal fund raising campaign. Sad.

ADAMS — On Oct. 18, 1918, 700 workers of the Berkshire Cotton Manufacturing Co. were out sick with “the grippe,” silencing a third of the Berkshire Mills’ 6,500 looms.
Three weeks earlier, the town had reported its first cases of Spanish influenza — 16 sick and one death. Now, the town had 850 recorded cases and 28 deaths from the Spanish flu or flu-related pneumonia. But, town health officials suspected the number was much higher, around 2,000 infected individuals.
And while 300 of those 850 reported cases had recovered, new cases in the town were being reported at rates higher and faster than in other communities. Over the next two days, 165 new cases (85 on Oct. 19 and 80 on Oct. 20) were recorded by the town’s two attending physicians. In the same two-day period, North Adams would report a total of 85 new cases.
The alarmingly fast increase in cases caught the attention of state and federal health officials, who sent two additional doctors and nurses, as well as representatives to help the Board of Health take corrective action that would “stamp out influenza.”
Prior to state and federal involvement, the Board of Health closed the town’s churches, schools and theaters and canceled other large pubic gatherings. Two town physicians were making house calls, each visiting up to 40 households, typically with more than one sick member, in a single day. Two nurses were also attending to the sick, often doing washing and cleaning in addition to caring for the ill during the visits. Miss Florence Boom volunteered her personal car, driving one of the nurses house to house. A high school teacher, Angie Sanderson, also volunteered her services, tending to the sick in their homes.
The women reported dire conditions in the homes they visited, where often, whole families were sick. In one report, a husband was taking care of his wife and nine children, all who were sick. The nurse reported that he was doing his best, but was now low on food and resources. Also reported was the fact the flu was spreading fastest in the Polish sections of town, where neighborhoods were thickly settled and some families only spoke Polish.
Dr. H. W. Streeter, the county’s representative to the state Department of Health, wasted no time when he arrived on Oct. 18. He immediately ordered the closure of pool halls, soda fountains, saloons and liquor stores. “Whiskey is not medicine,” he said. (Under protest, Streeter allowed saloons and liquor stores to reopen. Saloons in order to remain open had to wash all their glasses with hot water after each use.) Public funerals were also banned; with only 15 family members allowed at a burial.
He ordered a “diet kitchen” open to make gruel, broths, soups and other hot meals to be delivered to the sick and those caring for them. He ordered those with automobiles to drive the doctors and nurses, who were traveling on foot, to the homes of the ill. Streeter gathered volunteers to help care for the ill, specifically seeking out Polish-speaking volunteers to help out in the Polish neighborhoods. He ordered the town dispensary be open 24 hours a day and put the two state-provided doctors on 12-hour shifts to cover the overflow caseloads of the doctors and nurses. He enlisted the nuns of Notre Dame and St. Stanislaus to care for the healthy children of infected families.
The Berkshire Mills were sprayed with disinfectant and healthy mill workers, absent to care of their ill relatives, were encouraged to return to work and let volunteers take over their care. Volunteers were issued masks and hospital gowns to wear. And a public information campaign, on how the flu was spread and on prevention, was started. An emphasis on the importance of handwashing, as well as covering the mouth and nose during a sneeze or cough.
Restrictions remained in place until Oct. 31, when most bans were lifted. Schools, churches, the library, theaters and other public places of gathering were able to reopen, although refined rules for funerals, soda fountains and saloons remained in place. State officials also established three rules in regard to influenza: a 10-day isolation period for infected persons as determined by the Board of Health; no person other than the attending physician and necessary caretakers could enter the room of a person with influenza; all children exposed to influenza were to be excluded from attending school for five days of the last day of exposure.
When health officials began to see a steady decline in new influenza cases and greater numbers of individuals recovering without developing pneumonia, the work of the “diet kitchen” was lauded with not only helping to nourish the ill, but also with bringing together the community in helping heal the sick.
On Nov. 2, it was reported the “diet kitchen” had operated for nine days, from Oct. 21-29, serving 778 individuals, an average of 87 per day. The largest number of adults fed on any one day was 45, while the largest number of children was 89. Sanderson and Edna Hammond, who “had received the anti-influenza serum treatment” personally delivered soup, broth, custards and light meals to the homes. During the visits, they assessed the needs of the sick to prepare for the next day. As individuals were able to provide for themselves, the were dropped from the program.
But the real success for some was the interest in the kitchen, where 17 volunteers prepped food under the guidance of the Anna R. Manual, the high school’s supervisor of household arts. And some 43 residents donated money and food to the kitchen.
By Nov. 4, as new cases of influenza waned across the county, the ban on public funerals was lifted in Adams. Rules regarding the washing of glasses, plates and silverware in hot water after every use remained in place for saloons and soda fountains.
Spanish influenza and flu-related pneumonia accounted for at least 70 deaths in the town between Sept. 18 and Dec. 31. Across the state, flu deaths in Massachusetts were estimated to be 45,000 from Sept. 1, 1918 to Jan. 16, 1919, but those numbers are now considered low, according to the New England Historical Society. It is estimated 500 million people in the world were infected with Spanish influenza and that it was responsible for 50 million deaths, 675,000 in the U.S.

Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Ruffer could have made the Beacon billionaire pay his fair share. That money could have been earmarked to have each and every driveway plowed in plowed out for a season or two.

Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

And to any swinging bar owners. I don’t give two raps if you move your businesses. Ninety eight percent of the taxpayers haven’t seen the inside of any of these bars

Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Excellent! Thanks for the post that shows us how things were done and how things could still be done. Great read and informative.

4 years ago

Dear Berkshire County Elderly:

For those of you outside of nursing homes, please be patient waiting for the vaccine. We know what the data says about Covid risk being concentrated among you oldsters, but we’ve discovered a problem. Too darn many of you are white. If only we had realized that before we decided to implode our economy and ruin kids’ futures in the name of protecting you. Oh well, spilt milk.

Going forward, we have decided in the name of “ethics” to vaccinate people who are at up to 1/500th less risk from Covid before we vaccinate you. More of you will die than necessary, but please understand, it’s in equity issue that gets into some seriously deep sciencey science. Don’t question a bit of it, just repeat after us: “It’s science. We follow the science. THE SCIENCE shall set us free.”

Have a blessed holiday season, alone by yourselves. For those 2+ million elderly for whom this will be your last holiday season, we salute your willingness to surrender your humanity and culminate your experience on this planet with abject isolation and soiled memories. We are sorry we won’t be able to reward you with speedy vaccinations in the New Year if you survive. The science isn’t always fair.

With Holiday Blessings,

Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

Funny how Nantucket was able to get a big shipment of the vaccine. Trying to remember who lives there,hmmm

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Republicans are now laughingstocks of a very dangerous conspiracy backed by Q Fox propaganda and skinheads doing the work of the wealthy power elite.