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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, JAN. 2-4, 2021) — As we transitioned from last year to this, THE PLANET heard a lot of talk about what a bad year it’s been. And yes it has, if that’s the object of your focus. Our gaze, as we into MMXXI, shall be upon the many positives in our life.

Those we shall keep to ourselves, as befits the manner of reflection. We only urge you to do the same. You have many reasons for gratitude. Let that be the lone thought we give you as we venture together into nouveau anno domini, to mix our languages.

From THE PLANET and our to you and yours. Happy New Year!


“There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind” — C.S. Lewis, The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Happy New Year EVERYONE! I hope our new Prez Joe Biden will do great things for our great country over the next 4 years in the Oval Office. I also hope that the lovely Linda Tyer will lead Pittsfield politics to a better 2021 in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and 2020 “K shaped” (the wealthy gained, while the rest of us lost ground) economic recession. The Boston Globe reported that our career politicians on Beacon Hill’s state Legislature are going to receive 3 pay raises on January 1, 2021. While Pittsfield State Senator Adam Hinds, Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley Bouvier, Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli, and Berkshire area State Representative Paul Mark all voted themselves a 40 percent legislative pay raise in early-2017, I wonder if Hinds, Farley Bouvier, Pignatelli, and Mark will elect to take their 3 legislative pay raises on January 1, 2021, while the people they supposedly represent are struggling to stay afloat financially? Also, I wonder if North Adams State Representative John Barrett III will elect to take the aforementioned 3 legislative pay raises? In closing, our ruling elites are well taken care of, while the people they supposedly represent are not.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Sadly Jonathan, all the people you mention, who really are bad politicians, are also big Biden and Progressive cause supporters and will do very well during the Biden years. They may even get promoted farther up the food chain. They are all incompetent, but it doesn’t matter because they all are brainwashed properly to the far left Progressive cause.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Today (January 1st, 2021) is the day the 200 Beacon Hill State Legislators receive not 1, not 2, but THREE taxpayer-funded pay raises. Let me set the scene. Over one million Massachusetts workers lost their jobs and health insurance over the past year during the 2020 “K shaped” economic recession (recovery for Wall Street with record high stock indices) caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Pittsfield State Senantor Adam Hinds and Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley Bouvier are on the public record supporting state tax increases to fund and balance the fiscal year 2022 Massachusetts State Budget, which begins six months from now on July 1, 2021. Beacon Hill took over 3 months off from “work” paid for by state taxpayers by not holding even one single formal legislative session after July 31, 2020. It took Beacon Hill 5 months and 11 days after July 1, 2020 to pass the very belated fiscal year 2021 state budget. Beacon Hill got nearly nothing done all year long during 2020. Former Speaker Bob DeLeo is cashing in on a $135,000 per year taxpayer-funded state pension. Holyoke Soldiers Home had 77 Veterans death from COVID-19 in 2020. Everything went wrong on Beacon Hill in 2020! In closing, the 200 Beacon Hill State Legislators are WRONG to receive THREE taxpayer-funded pay raises today.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I would like to not only to give him three months off I would like to give them the rest of their life off and get them out of office

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

In 20 days we can move on from hate if our ignorant fear will release its hold on our hearts.Faith Hope and Love is the message of God and the greatest of these is love.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Why wait 20 days to move on from hate , when you could have started yesterday or today? Sounds like there might be something else going on?

Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

True. They wanted to hate throughout the Trump presidency because they believed the lies of the media that Trump was a racist though he helped more people of all races to get jobs than ever before. People do not think for themselves and need to be better educated in this country. People who believe in God do not watch our elderly die while denying them lifesaving medications. Such hypocrisy from the Democrats.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

President Trump fanned the flames of hatred in the country like no other President in my lifetime. As for people not thinking for themselves, you constantly spew propaganda from far right media sources. If you really think Democrats plotted to let the elderly die you are delusional and if you are going to keep making that statement it’s time to put up or shut up.

Your hero President Trump caused thousands of needless deaths by downplaying masks and not taking the virus seriously. Even now, we were supposed to have 20 million doses of the vaccine completed and it’s closer to two million. Of course, I’m sure that’s the Democrats fault as well, right?

Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

The lifesaving monoclonal antibodies weren’t released by the FDA until days after the presidential election. That is clear indication of how little the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and others care about the American people. The lifesaving benefits of these antibodies were known in October. Dr. Fauci consistently gave misleading information about masks and the vaccines always with excuses for why he did so which the media believed completely, but President Trump was always the villain. Without President Trump, we wouldn’t even have a vaccine to distribute AT ALL. Why wouldn’t the FDA slow down distribution of the vaccine just like they did with the antibodies until Biden is in office and everything will be hidden and all of us told that everything is now perfect. Sorry, but the Democrats have shown they will stop at nothing in their quest for power including not caring who lives or dies.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

When was the last time Faucci was in a research lab? When did he last see a patient? He’s to medicine was Harrington is to the law.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Hey Pat, when you can actually prove something and not spew wingnut theories, I will be happy to listen to you.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

All her talking points come right out of Hannitys mouth. Except when they come from Tucker Carlson. The last thing those people want is unity in America. Is that because they, like Trump, work for Putin?

I often wonder if any of these people have children or family in America because I do not understand why they are working so hard to destroy it.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Trump treason

Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

You can easily look up the dates of when these antibodies were approved. It wasn’t in September or October when they warned us the 2nd wave of the virus would hit.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Yes, feel free to show me proof that Democrats conspired to delay treatments so the virus would spread and people would get sick and die. The President could have taken the lead on this, but he decided to stick his head in the sand and pray it would magically disappear. What a moron.

Last edited 4 years ago by jon doe
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump commited treason

Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

Oh Johnny you surely are as confused, Trumpster was the one trying to stop people coming to America because of the Wuhan Flu but the Dems all yelled racist. Even the Democrats in charge of state governments told people to come out and celebrate Mardi Gras and the Chinese New Year…sounds like it was a set up. They knew the pandemic would be the only way to disguise how the stolen election. Someone needs to go back and get reconditioned, I hear that is what China is doing to their true journalist

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago


Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Trump said the virus would be gone by April. It is unbeleivable how often he is right. But the big question right now is, will he bomb the shit out of Iran as he promised Israel he would do? American needs a war right now and only Donald can make that happen. MAGA

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Fauci and the CDC warned everyone of a second wave of the virus, but what did they do to prepare for it? Did they have these lifesaving therapeutics approved and ready in hospitals for a second wave of the virus? No they waited until AFTER the election which was way past the predicted time of the 2nd wave which was September and October. Even CDC Deborah Birx ignored her own advice and had a giant family gathering while telling others to avoid these same events. She promised to retire for ignoring her own advice, but she was probably getting ready to do that anyway so no punishment there.

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Once Biden is in, the media will try to do a total block of any true news and information, just like in their hero country of China. It was absolutely a setup. Everything from holding back lifesaving therapeutics to keep the death numbers high to shaming President Trump for shutting down travel by calling him a racist and then using the mail-in ballots to steal the election. They needed the high death toll. We are up against evil in this country by several groups of people…the globalists and Marxists.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Bidens people have already been to my house and confiscated all my books and pencils Pat. We never had to worry about this tuff when Trump was president cuz he can’t read nor write and has no interest in learning how.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

Actually that would be 0bama. 0biden will do the same.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Trump needs to be remove today for treason

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

TSC spews hate constantly. Now he’s going to change? I doubt it.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

TSC is a one horse pony.

Hell’n Moon
Hell’n Moon
Reply to  Dementia Joe
4 years ago

Probably a hobby horse too

4 years ago

Happy New Year people of the planet. Let the Love of all prevail but continue to trust but verify

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

What is wrong with people around here intimidating drivers,fight after fight,crazy and who do you go to? Cops can’t control it. These cops have been going non stop. Gotta start punishing these offenders and make them responsible when they are stupid.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  Bluhbah
4 years ago

BB: It’s not just happening in Pissfield; it’s happening all over the world. I spoke w/a friend who is in the Mets in London….same thing. In Arizona…..same thing. The common thread is people being deprived of their rights and acting out. Florida? An armed camp!
Laying on the horn in AZ for a distracted driver will get your car all banged up!!! Bear spray, an impact weapon and a firearm are required additions out here. Look at what just happened in lower Manhattan! A guy and his Mother were surrounded a mob of teen aged bicyclists and they destroyed his BMW suvfor no reason! In Portland they are fire bombing the Police; THAT is aggravated assault and should be met with fatal force!!! It’s everyone for themselves right now, can’t wait for the tension to end………….I’ll probably be dead by then!

Reply to  Ghost Rider
4 years ago

It’s these globalists and marxists now working together for worldwide totalitarian rule over the planet. Democrats are all for it because they want the same thing.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Saw a guy failed to use his turn signal the other day. You just know the son of a bitch was a democrat right Pat?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Mr. Fritz: “Senator Markey, alias Mr. Frosty, a guy who could never hold a job in the public sector……”

You mean in the “private sector,” I’m sure–except his Mr. Frosty gig, of course.

Same with Joke Biden, Billy Bob and Heil Hilary, and this Dem pol and that Dem pol, and all those other Dem pols, and Obummer, and . . .

Great to hear from Sen. Hawley–but we’ve heard a lot of great things.

What we need is an action, a deed. But holding your breath for any politician to grow a pair is not advised.

We’ll see what, if anything, happens on January 6 in the U.S. House chamber.

The deed I was looking for was for five state legislatures to man-up and un-cert/de-cert/not-cert the Joke electoral votes and certify them for Trump alone. But seven states have alternate electorals for Trump.

Idea was to have SCOTUS remand the matter back to the state legislatures per the US Constitution, but Chief Pussy Roberts lost a screw and declined.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Thanks for the correction.
Chief Roberts, a rabid anti-Trumper, is being accused by attorney Lin Wood of being a Jeffrey Epstein customer. The corruption runs deep.
Apparently the election fraud is to be exposed on Wed. – stay tuned.

Duhwator Rate
Duhwator Rate
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

No. Happy New Year.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

The truth is that everyone not named Trump is part of a conspiracy. The whole world is out to get trump especially the people who have kissed his ass for the last four years. That is why he needs to start riots Jan 6th (this coming Wed.) because chaos is the answer. This is where he will make sure the divisions in America will never heal.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Glad you recognize finally the Democrats created great divisions in this great country. Unfortunately it looks like the other side isn’t going to lie down anymore. They are sick of being bullied and trampled on. If the Democrats want to try and heal the nation do a complete forensic audit of every state’s elections. I think the towns of Berkshire County should start and be the leaders in this endeavor. BTW has anyone found the answer to our election voting machines?

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

We should also start with the mismanagement of the antibody treatment. The CDC and the media refused to inform people of the success of this treatment. Just in this area alone, Williamstown Common patients (25 of them) who took the treatment are alive and didn’t even need hospitalization. They would have died back in March. The antibodies have been sitting on hospital shelves with even many doctors unaware of just how successful this treatment is in fighting the virus. Democrats also tainted medical research on the antibodies by downplaying their effectiveness.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

The mismanagement of the antibody treatment which should have been ready to go for the 2nd wave of the virus which the CDC predicted would happen, but for which they were totally unprepared. The CDC did everything they could to make President Trump look bad by giving him false information about fighting the virus.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat, I’ve read this article and others similar to it. It sounds to me like hospitals didn’t want to dedicate limited resources to an experimental treatment. I agree that it could have been pushed and promoted more, but that direction could have easily come from the federal level with extra funds being awarded to hospitals to provide the services, and a public service campaign could have been run using federal funds to do it. You don’t seem to grasp that with a Republican President and a Republican senate, this is all about the failure of Republicans to lead, not Democrats. This has been the biggest health emergency on 100 years but the President told people it will be gone by Easter. It won’t even be gone by this Easter.

Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

The article clearly states:

“Meanwhile, Operation Warp Speed officials have all but begged physicians to use available doses of the monoclonal antibodies.
Moncef Slaoui, chief scientific adviser for Operation Warp Speed, said last week that the usage of monoclonal antibodies thus far is “disappointing.” His data showed that between 5 and 20 percent of the nation’s supply had been used.”

Operation Warp Speed is the same people involved in speeding up the vaccine which President Trump started. Physicians are the ones lagging in adopting this and it seems to be a combination of medical journals and the media not properly reporting on the success of the treatment and that is all political since Democrats have also taken over a lot of article writing in the medical field. The CDC, all Democrat run, are the real culprits and the media and democrats drool over every mistake made by Fauci and the CDC and there have been plenty of them.

Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

President Trump can’t tout any medications. That is up to the CDC and Fauci, all of whom have failed in their mission on so many levels. President Trump coordinated the logistics of ventilators, field hospitals, etc., but he can’t produce and promote the medications. When he spoke about hydroxychloroquine, he was skewered by the media so why should he try promoting any medications. The CDC under Fauci is a joke.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

I give up. If he murdered someone in cold blood, in broad daylight, you would make up an excuse for him. Sad!

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

Pat would absolutely have an excuse for him for cold blooded murder. He has already murdered over a quarter million people through his total neglect mishandling the corona virus but somehow Pat can twist that to be the democrats fault. It is just bizzare.
Hatred within a twisted mind alters a persons perception of reality. That is why propaganda is so effective and why Hitler was able to garner so many followers.
God bless us all. Without some kind of miracle our children and grand children are now promised a future of despair. And many adults are not even trying to prevent it.

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Is President Trump also responsible for the deaths in Europe? I know you’ll let China off the hook for all of the nearly 1 million deaths across the planet and find a way to blame President Trump. While the Dems were locking everyone down and destroying businesses, they were lying about effective therapeutics in the media. The Democrats in this country are the real murderers.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump treason

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

I’m saying that I’m skeptical of “staying tuned”–this week, next week, the next week, etc. etc.

Let me know when something actually happens.

What I can see happening is long about July 2021 or so, the other half of the country will wake up to Senile Joe and Kommie, and say WTF?

Then all kinds of election fraud will start coming out in the lamestream–oops, too late. darn.

I think it is Wood and others asking, “Are you the John Roberts listed on Epstein’s flight logs?”

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

May I suggest reading the book “The Trump Prophecy.”
Trump will appoint FIVE Supreme Court Justices.
Year-to-date: THREE.
Just sayin…..

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Being accused means he’s guilty, right Fritzie?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

Roberts’ name is on court-released documents of the private flight logs of Jeffrey Epstein.
Perhaps Roberts was just enjoying a leisurely airplane ride with his buddy.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

He was a good guy in everybody’s eyes ’til he ruled against Trump.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

Your ignorance is mind-blowing.
Roberts re-wrote sections of ObamaCare. He is a Chief Justice, not a legislator.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Sort of an action, anyway.

“At that quadrennial joint session, there is long precedent of Democratic Members of Congress raising objections to presidential election results, as they did in 1969, 2001, 2005, and 2017. And, in both 1969 and 2005, a Democratic Senator joined with a Democratic House Member in forcing votes in both houses on whether to accept the presidential electors being challenged.”

“In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy. Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission—consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices—to consider and resolve the disputed returns.”

“We should follow that precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.”

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

What’s with all the “executive directors” around here? Must be 50 of them in Berkshire County and featured in the Eagle.

The Planet should take a look into these people.

Do they actually direct anything at all?

How do they get these sinecures?

Author Rize
Author Rize
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

My water rates not happy. If the builder of the plant can’t help me,who Can? I’d like to know. I’m being drowned.

Fritters Limehouse
Fritters Limehouse
Reply to  Author Rize
4 years ago

Why can’t Kufflinks take some free cash on the sewer to pay for the damn thing.

Aintlong Fortnum
Aintlong Fortnum
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Mike Pence Operation WARP speed. WARP Without A Real Plan!

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Aintlong Fortnum
4 years ago

The total mishandling of the corona virus by this adminstration is sooooo bad that it has to be by design. No other country on the planet screwed things up as bad as America. I am saying that it was mishandled intentionally to wreak havoc within the country. Within a year from now there will be an official revelation of how and why this happened and who benefitted from it. Mark my words.
Part of the story will involve who had early investments in theraputics and vaccines and PPE. And yes, many of them are politcians with inside information and whom would benefit the more this got out of control.

Reply to  Aintlong Fortnum
4 years ago

Without President Trump, there wouldn’t even be a vaccine right now and millions would have died as the Dems cried “racist” for shutting off travel from China. The Democrats are telling so many lies as they rush to get their vaccines before the frail and elderly.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Your statement implies that only Trump was smart enough to work with vaccine companies to give funding to help them produce a vaccine. So if Trump wasn’t President no other President would have done it?? God, you keeping spouting Trump’s own crap. I’m quite confident that no matter who was president it would have made sense to help fund the drug company’s research. And by the way, Pfizer took no US money.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Historians have long hidden the fact that democrats are the ones who nailed Jesus to the cross. Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden have been trying to keep the lid on this forever and ever. And you are right about the unfair way the vacine roll out is being handled as most democrats have already been vaccinated and have been working overtime to prevent republicans from getting it. Fox news is the only one telling these very true stories because they care.
Also, the FBI has just uncovered a plot by the libtards to train Rhesus monkeys to sneak into voting booths and change republican votes to democrats in the next election. This is a new low guys.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

I should warn you Mr Dimentia that many Trump supporters will take your statements as gospel truth since you mentioned Fox news. Pat is probably forwarding your post to all her friends as we speak.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Yeah they direct! They Direct Deposit!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

So the hardworking taxpayers of the City of Pits had one day to celebrate Happy New Year and then wambo, our increased Real Estate Tax bills are in the mail box. Totally disgusted at this increase. The City is a total mess, businesses failing each day, no traffic enforcement, no snow plowing, pot holes everywhere, garbage all over the place, streetlight poles lying on sidewalks, bums on each corner, no warming centers for the homeless, lying to taxpayers about the cell tower, ignoring Allendale residents complaints about pot farm fumes and as usual I could go on and on. All other towns around have cut license fees for restaurants and are trying to assist businesses during the pandemic. Not the Pits! Where is the pot revenue that Tyer and Kerwood can’t seem to update the taxpayers on? As Jonathan has said so many times, what are they doing with the slush fund? Why are they hiding this information? Maybe us taxpayers should start a Go Fund Me Page like Yuki so we can get our streets repaired and plowed and maybe we can also pay the State Police to enforce traffic in the City. Tyer, Kerwood,Wynn, Morales and the WHOLE City Council should be ashamed to show their faces in public! Oh, wait a minute they haven’t stepped foot outside of their famous Hollywood Square ZOOM meetings in almost a year, many of them not even mumbling a word all year. These folks have done absolutely NOTHING for the taxpayers this past year. They need once again to be reminded that they are ELECTED by the taxpayers and that they are not there for just a paycheck and almost free health insurance.

But, on the dynamic and vibrant side, Happy Healthy New Year to all.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

I called Matt Kerwood and offered to donate my $600 stimulus check to his +$10 million slush fund, but he said it wasn’t enough money for his valuable time. I told Matt Kerwood that his creative accounting skills and financial genius is second only to the legendary investor Warren Buffett’s multi-billion-dollar holdings. Matt Kerwood sent me a pair of his silver “kufflinks” and a gold bow tie. Matt Kerwood told me that when Prez Joe Biden passes a bailout for state and local government, he is going to triple his huge slush fund to over $30 million. Matt Kerwood should be in the City Hall slush fund Hall of SHAME!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I’m surprised that Kerwood didn’t forward your call to his boss about your willingness to give up your $600 taxpayers funded loan you will be getting. Once she finds out he refused it, she will po’d because she would have no problem taking it.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

I live in a very small home in a largely elderly neighborhood. My (just real estate) taxes are a few cents shy of $3000 and my home needs several expensive repairs. I totally resent how our city goverment has all these handouts for special interests but cannot even give a tax break to low income elderly who would like to live out their remaining time in their own homes.
Did the mayor reach out to us when she offered tax breaks to the Stanley, Haddad, Bernstein crowd? Did she give us preference when she offered possibly forgivable loans for home repairs? Was helping elderly people a consideration at any point in time when she was tossing around all this money for exorbitant park upgrades, parklets, dog parks, new city vehicles or her own ever increasing pay raises?
She has effectively been wreaking her own finanicial virus on middle and low income elderly and she should reflect on that some morning as she sips her latte while watching the deer and turkeys from her picture window at the bottom of scenic West Mountain.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

You should consider a reverse mortgage. Just a thought.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

Or if you know someone connected they might be able to get you on the mayors “special” list for home repairs.

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

Bingo! That list will be made up of “special connected “ people.

Move Hans
Move Hans
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Please please move on. Bad enuff the buffoons in politics here.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

The election will decide republican fate. We’re in for a dark dark winter.
Crime is escalating as we speak. Lot of driving infractions and road rage ie crazed miserable drivers. Really crazed.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Boy that’s great news,

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

The idea here is to throw the election into the House.

As I’ve said for close to two months now, if we don’t make this right, this country is dead.

First Republic, RIP.

Fix it now–not over the next four years, with investigations and special counsels and all that mess. We’d also avoid four years of Hunter and Joke investigations.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Tyrant Cuomo, responsible for the deaths of thousands by sending elderly covid patients into NY nursing homes, seeks unconstitutional powers to forcibly detain, confine & vaccinate people he “deems” dangerous to the health of other state residents. Drunk with his own power!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

I believe this will only take effect depending on when his Bills exit the playoffs.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
4 years ago

First of all a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all. Jonathan Melle brings up a good point about the legislative pay raises. I just got back from Texas a state rep there pulls in about $650 a monthly stipend ( $7,800 yr) there was an article in the Houston Chronicle  there about a young lady debating to herself if she could make ends meet with such a low pay scale. I know how could we get such qualified people to run with such a stipend and they only meet a handful of times a year. We are living in times where the average person is very distrustful of government though. Then again if you are expecting a come to Jesus moments from the delegation, good luck with that. 

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Perfect example of lamestream leftist lies with this Trump’s call with Ratsassberger:

Find 11,780 votes? Shit, more like find 117,800 votes. Or, disqualify 500,000 Biden votes.

Listen to the four minutes released. That must be all they have or they’d release more.

Nothing wrong with a president calling a secretary of state and basically saying, “Do you job, and do it honestly.”