Editor’s fair warning: This column contains content that might “offend” some people. Be advised. Open minds and engaged intellects should have no problem.
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 13, 2021) — Lots to digest this week from the doing on Capitol Hill, both sides of the aisle. Free speech, the 14th amendment, and impeachment each vied for the front burner. They are, of course, all related. Today, THE PLANET takes up the most important, free speech.
WE CAUTION YOU UP FRONT: The ENTIRE basis of a belief in free speech does not in ANY WAY imply you agree with what is expressed, only that you support the right to express it and vehemently oppose those who would suppress it.
Many will forget this caution as they read on. They can’t say THE PLANET didn’t warn them.
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Since the Founding Fathers laid the constitutional framework for the great experiment that became the United States of America, we’ve been wrestling with how much freedom can a nation allow and still provide security for its citizens. Let us not forget an obvious point: “America” is an abstraction, as all countries are. Only people exist, for only people make the decisions that lead to the formation of a country. Direction doesn’t come magically from on high. It comes from ourselves.
Early on, we placed freedom on the pedestal via the First Amendment, but it was a different world then. For better or worse, and THE PLANET votes for the latter, the U.S. made the fateful decision following World War II to become something other than what the Founders intended.
Domestically, we set in motion the apparatus that became today’s oligarchical national security state. Abroad, we set out on a course on a new form of hegemony, one that took the basics of imperialism and added them to world policing. We engaged in all manner of “foreign entanglements” and “adventurism,” and it has not turned out well. At home, we are violently divided. Elsewhere, we are hated. Every president and congress since the Roosevelt Administration — both major parties — share equal blame.
We’ve seen the poisoned and hypocritical fruits of this trend these dizzying past 10 days.
Yes, THE PLANET interprets free speech radically. Perhaps that’s why we have made our living with words, writing them, speaking them, teaching them. In July 2012, we went to court to fight an illegal judicial order of prior restraint and censorship — and prevailed — in the Nilan v. Valenti case, setting a precedent for online free speech.
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THE PLANET at a Ralph Houk news conference, Winter Haven, 1981. Ralph, right holding cigar, spoke freely let us say. From left, Peter Gammons, Bob Ryan, Dan Valenti, Dave O’Hara, Ned Martin. When Red Sox manager Houk spoke, paint would peel from the walls. No one was “offended.”
Words, those explosive manipulations of the alphabet that, formulated in the right combinations, can affect the emotions, guide thinking, change the course of mighty rivers, and bend steel in their bare hands.
THE PLANET interprets free speech in its most fundamental sense. That said, we also know that this right depends on an intelligent, involved, and informed people. Otherwise, forget it. Only totalitarianism, authoritarianism, fascism, or some other monolithic, top-down, monolithic form of government can function when people aren’t responsible enough — what we’re seeing take place all over the world, most notably in the USA.
But remember: Only you can give words their power. Words are abstract symbols with less substance than an absent breeze. They do not exist except as we accept them, employ them, and consume them. Unfortunately, ignorant people allow words to rule them. They are reactors. Not good for a country that espouses free speech.
Vlad Lenin knew what he was doing when he banned freedom of the press and free speech as his first official action. He said words were more dangerous than bullets.
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THE PLANET condemns the attacks on free speech that have taken place in the past few days, an acceleration of a trend what began in the Reagan era, when the word “liberal” became a dirty word to be replaced by “progressive.”
Cases in point from the past 10 days:
- Social media platforms bar the President of the United States.
- Cumulus Radio informs its talk show hosts they will be fired if they refer to “stolen elections.”
- Mainstream media continue to suppress unfavorable reports on Hunter Biden.
- MSNBC cuts off the President during a statement on Monday (Jan. 11).
- The hypocrisy in the situation of NBC and Twitch with hockey analyst Mike Milbury and NASCAR driver Hailie Deegan, respectively. Milbury, an excellent NHL analyst for 14 years, responded to the play-by-play announcer’s statement that the bubble in which the league plays its games because of COVID-19 “is a terrific environment … if you enjoy playing and enjoy being with your teammates for long periods of time. It’s a perfect place.” Milbury replied, “Not even any woman here to disrupt your concentration.” NBC fired Milbury. He’s white. He’s male. He’s 68 years old. The day before, Deegan, driving in a virtual race streaming on Twitch, asked of a rival, “Who’s that retard behind me?” Uproar ensued, but she faced no consequences from the network or her sponsor, Ford Motor Company, outside of an apology and “sensitivity training” (brainwashing). She’s white. She’s female. She’s pretty. She’s 19. Perfect eye candy for CNN and Ford. In THE PLANET‘s book, neither Milbury nor Deegan didn’t anything remotely controversial. They used words. That’s all.
- The continued persecution of Julian Assange for being a great investigative reporter and doing his job as the Fourth Estate.
When someone says something hateful or shameful, the words themselves indict the speaker or writer. Deegan’s use of the word “retard” reflects on her uncensored sensibilities. We know more of who she is and what she’s all about. If we can understand that, free speech, no matter how inflammatory, renders back to the wisdom of “sticks and stones may break my bones …” And please, tender s no “yelling fire in a crowded theater.” The induction on that argument was well established long ago, as common sense will tell us.
If you want some speech to ridicule (but not ban), how about CNN’s Sara Sidmer’s crying jag a couple days ago giving her report on the pandemic. Real professional. The network and its anchors rushed in with snowflake support, creating an on-air “safe room.” Can you imagine Chet Huntley switching to Nancy Dickerson for a similar report, and Dickerson bawling? NBC would have canned her in two seconds for lack of professionalism.
Here’s our contradiction: We cherish free speech, but we realize now that a majority of Americans aren’t responsible enough to handle it. Where’s Adolph when we really need him?
Do you want to censor us for that?
Think carefully!
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Folks, lay in your MREs and water. We could be in for it. You might also want to put Winston Smith on speed dial.
“No one worth possessing / Can quite be possessed” — Poet Sara Teasdale.
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information, hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of and contained in this notice. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer. Copyright (c) 2020 by Dan Valenti.
wow awesome you do have a way with words great article
Quite profound indeed.
Unforseen consequences of the webbernet. The power of the Word lies where ? The speaker or the receiver ?
Lost in translation.
“With a word she can get what she came for”….
Pat fritz sc Murrow, you guys going to the capital next week? Or park square. Trumps they’re waiting for youz.
I am Trump Supporter for Life Time!
No Dem Liberal Socialism for America!
How do you avoid socialism in America?
It’s too late for that. We’ve had a form of socialism for a while now, tracing back to LBJ’s Great Society. No president since, and no Congress, Democrat or Replublican, has wanted to reverse it because it assures a fat-cat status quo. The question is, how deeper do you or we want America to go with it.
We had ordinance at ge with money from t he goverment to pittsfield for haveing people work there.Its just a slogan.We all live in socialism.Those social dollars buy housed and cars fellas.Clothes heat food and pay for college.How can you guys not get this.Your all self made men.No SS or Medicarestate or fed retirements…..your in denial
You Union buffoons taught GE a good lesson. Kicked them bastards right out of town.
LIFE changes and coal and number 2 oil is going to go away.We dont need it anymore.We really can have clean air and water.Just say it….your stuck with crazy thinking wanting your crummy 60s again when we were all so uninformed.The catholic church ran your life .You found out what that was all about.Move on.
Will Tricia and Linda be there dancing? I’ll bring a Richter scale and a camera with a wide angle lens.
A couple pies might be a good addition also. Hundred.
Great article again Dan!……. Planet Bulletin. Trump will be impeached tomorrow At the earliest. Baton down the hatches libs.
Does anyone know if the Capitol police officer who committed suicide was the one who shot Ashli Babbit dead?
Not him, no! He was white old officer. Ashli Babbit–white woman, Air Force Veteran, was killed by young black Police officer who is on administrative leave pending investigation.
He was not old – he was in his 50’s, and by the way, 60 is the new 40.
If you are trying to break through a window to attack members of Congress, you should expect to be shot.
That’s right. And the shooting will be ruled a justifiable homicide. But had the shoe been on the other foot, and the decedent a black female and the cop shooter a white male, the progressives and BLM folk would be apeleptic!
Not if they were breaking into the Capitol to harm congress, we’d understand completely.
Just as you understand completely when the cops shoot all those armed black men armed with dangerous weapons who refuse to comply with the cops, eh?
Who are you talking about specifically?
Why did the Cap Cop commit suicide? Feeling guilty about what he did that day? Seems like being a Cap Cop usually is the same stress level as a mall cop? Are these people well trained or do they get their jobs through GOBSIG privilege?
How did the cop know an unarmed woman was going to attack anyone? Why we’re the other cops there smart enough to fire into a crowd that included other cops?
The window she was breaking into led directly to the congressman. She was the first in and because she was killed, nobody else went through the window.
If people break into your house so they can attack you, you have every right to defend yourself with deadly force.
Not necessarily. Here are the states that have “stand your ground” protection: Alabama
New Hampshire
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Washington, D.C. has no “Stand your ground.” Laws. Neither does Massachusetts.
Dan, while there is no stand your ground law in Massachusetts, outside of your home, The Castle Doctrine, as it is known in legal circles, allows deadly force in your own domicle, in self defense, without the duty to retreat/or try to, as opposed to out in public, or even in your front yard, wherein you do have a duty to retreat. In other words, you don’t have to try to get away, if your in your own home, you can “stand your ground” and use deadly force, if your life is in danger. It is codified in Mass General Law
Thanks, JP.
I thought stand your ground was for outside of your house – not inside?
You’re mixing up laws, which makes sense because you rarely know what you’re talking about but do so with the confidence of a much smarter man. You want to look up “castle doctrine” instead. Massachusetts does have a castle doctrine:
Section 8A: Killing or injuring a person unlawfully in a dwelling; defenseSection 8A. In the prosecution of a person who is an occupant of a dwelling charged with killing or injuring one who was unlawfully in said dwelling, it shall be a defense that the occupant was in his dwelling at the time of the offense and that he acted in the reasonable belief that the person unlawfully in said dwelling was about to inflict great bodily injury or death upon said occupant or upon another person lawfully in said dwelling, and that said occupant used reasonable means to defend himself or such other person lawfully in said dwelling. There shall be no duty on said occupant to retreat from such person unlawfully in said dwelling.
Washington DC also has laws that allow for this level of self defense:
In any case you’re in a world of shit cop or otherwise if you shoot an unarmed person climbing through a window.
You’re a world of shit person for attacking the Capitol, breaking a window, and trying to enter to harm democratically elected representatives. In fact, that makes you a seditionist! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
How do you know what she was going to do once through the window. Unless you are the almighty nobody will ever know the intent
I’m amazed more people weren’t shot.
The rioters were lucky the cops didn’t open fire. Would have been totally justified if the cops were being attacked.
I completely agree. I’m really surprised they didn’t take out several when they were smashing their way through doors with the cops on one side pushing back. The cops have a duty to protect the government officials inside. For all they knew the people fighting to get inside had bombs and guns and where going to wipe out the seat of government. I believe they showed way too much restraint and you have to ask why.
And there’s ample video of Capitol Police posing for selfies with the inundate rd milling around the halls.
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
“I think that there’s a lot of grants that are on the table….,” said Pittsfield City Council President Peter Marchetti on Tuesday, January 12th, 2021.
I read on your awesome blog about Pittsfield record high municipal taxes, fees, and public debts and other liabilities are forcing local residents to sell their properties with the hope that NYC buyers will help them so that they are able to move away and live in a less burdensome area of the country with lower taxes than Pittsfield (Mass.).
On top of it all, Matt Kerwood has built a +$10 million slush fund, while senior citizens, Veterans, and low-to-middle income Pittsfield taxpayers are making financial sacrifices to pay for Pittsfield politics creative accounting schemes under the lovely Mayor Linda Tyer.
Peter Marchetti told WAMC there’s a lot of grants that are on the table. Will Pittsfield politics use all of these grants to build Matt Kerwood’s multimillion-dollar slush fund, or will they lower municipal costs to help the proverbial little guys named Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski? Are these one-time grants that will eventually add costs to city government, or are these grants for existing city government and public education programs that will provide relief to Pittsfield’s municipal budget? Where will all of the grant money go?
Lastly, Pittsfield is one of the most economically unequal regions in the state and nation because there are little to no living wage jobs for the average working class family that is not politically connected to Pittsfield politics’ incestuous, corrupt and insider’s Good Old Boys (& Girls) club. Downtown Pittsfield is called “Social Services Alley” during business hours. Will all of these grants fund “Social Services Alley” that drives away small businesses from the dozens of empty storefronts on North Street? Of course, after hours, downtown Pittsfield is a place most law-abiding people avoid for their own personal safety and well being.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
Grants are slush funds for GOBSIGs, always have been, which is why politicians love them – it’s easier to hide the unfair distribution of funds.
Should never have changed the Mayor from two to four year tenure. True,a mayor can not secure gobsif funding in two years sometimes takes longer.Nothing to do with getting things done.
At what point is it where we draw the line though?
I can’t just walk into a room that’s not on fire and yell “FIRE!” inciting a mob to rush out the doors and possibly cause personal harm to those trying to flee. That’s irresponsible.
At what point do we draw the line and say ok, enough with the lies. When the president insists the election was stolen from him (news flash, it wasn’t.) and spreads misinformation, do we have to censor it? There’s a lot of people that believe the man is saying the truth, when in private, he admits that he lost.
Also, his words caused the events on January 6th. His words and his words alone. You can argue against it all you want, but Trump is ultimately responsible for all of this.
At what point? That is the question we’ve been wrestling with since the establishment of the First Amendment. As to your question about censoring the president, my vote is “no.”
Nice non-answer.
The danger here is that when Trump and his supporters repeat the word steal it is a lie.Media is to question the lie and ask for evidence that proves what he says is the Truth. When 50 states independently certify that Trumps word steal is not True inspite of the overwhelming evidence against the accusation he repeats the lie and tries to weaken the press and their aggitation of his power.Putin/Hitler/Trump and all strongmen dictatorships must weaken the press.
Come on Man! But it was okay for Nutty Nancy to declare the election was Hijacked in 2016 and she herself said 25th amendment should be science and fact based. And Twitter is lecturing Uganda on free speech after co sparing to steal election by silencing Teump
Totalitarian parties like the far left are the ones who have taken over and now own the media. Add shutting down voices from the opposing political party and we have become Russia and China. The Democrats have become the dictator and thanks to the mail-in ballots and last minutes changes to the voting laws mainly in the swing states, the presidential election results were very fishy.
It may have all been technically legal but in a practical sense the election was absolutely stolen from Trump. It was an unfair election, made more so by a media that conspired to keep the Kapanskis in the dark by refusing to adequately cover Biden and his sons’ dirty dealings.
Yes, like the Nazi take over was “technically legal,” or the death camps were “technically legal,” or the Nazi medical experiments were “technically legal.”
You get the idea.
“Waaaa! It’s unfair because my guy lost! Waaaah!”
Keep crying.
The virus changed everything. Once mail-in, early voting, and postal extension for ballots were allowed, all bets were off.
Problem is the virus, judges AGs etc can’t change election laws only elected legislators can. Any election that had rules altered by anyone except state legislators should be null and void
These statements pass on the lie.You weaken the already weakened press
Well, which is it. You first say Brietbart is the reason for the chaos in America (like many have blamed THE PLANET for all the problems in Pittsfield!). Now you say the “already weekend” press is further weakened. Just a tad of inconsistency in your logic, TSC — though THE PLANET does appreciate your participation in this forum. Truly.
Banon is the creator of the tear it all down philosophy of Brietbart that wanted Trump as President.Brietbart is not the press agitating power.
Dem/Liberal policies in general are lies over lies and covered by
another lie about everything many times over. Russian collision —proved to be a Big Lie organized by Obama, Hilary and FBI. That alone is a criminal offence done by Dem/Liberals on Federal level! Hunter Biden getting paid about $2M by Ukrainian Energy company Burista for using his name on Board of directors while he has neither experience, nor education in energy! Joe Biden getting $1.5 Billion from China discovered by Rudy Juliani –all facts! Joe Biden being accused of sexual harassment by fellow Democrat! All facts!
We can write you off as a conspiracy guy.
Not logical.
I am up at six thirty watching the show on p c t v about how to lower water rates by tens of millions collectively for family and property owners in the city. The gentleman on pct has got my ear thus far and his presentation has me on hold.
I cannot pay the current water rates, no matter how the city staggers the payment. We need to hold our city officials accountable if they dismiss ways to lower the cost of projects that can be lowered reflecting in,Lower Rates. We shouldn’t leave it up to Presenter to Out the City Council. We the taxpayer should tell our officials enough is enough.
Michelle Obama went immediately to big tech to ask them to shut down the social media account of President Trump. Michelle knows that big tech and the Democrats are working together to shut down any voice that doesn’t agree with their agenda. Everyone must now think the same. No diversity of opinion will be allowed in the Biden/Harris administration. No criticism of their plans for our country will be allowed.
What a lie.
Your into Q nothing going on here but your conspiracy underground stuff
I agree with TSC — Trump’s free speech is a big lie. Let him speak it, but let us recognize that it is a big lie.
Exactly. That is my point. The listener (reader) must be responsible for the credibility he or she give to the words spoken (written). The Founders thought that truth would win our over lies. The big “however” in this plan is that it is predicated on an involved, relatively enlightened population. When the “demos” in “democracy” becomes uninvolved and lazy, or too busy keeping their heads above water with strenuous effort, we are vulnerable.
You’re 100% wrong. It’s the responsibility of the speaker, especially the president, NOT to lie about the results of an election.
Answer this plainly: Was the election rigged or is Biden the fairly elected president? Stop straddling the fence and take a side.
The election was legally rigged, and therefore Biden is the legally but unfairly elected president.
Explain “legally rigged.” I am willing to bet you can’t.
Actually I agree with you when you say it’s the responsibility of the press to ask questions and follow leads. As you know that takes time and effort. You have to dig and work for the story. When many people file affidavits of unlawful behavior why didn’t the press go ask these people and then ask the other side for their point of view. When there is videos of shenanigans why not explore the story. In such a close election where things were strange it seems the press did not do their job. So the question now should be who will investigate the media? My understanding is the Democrats received a lot of money from big tech and the media, can they fairly present the news
Fox is propaganda
The video in Georgia was investigated by Georgia Trump supporting Sec of State and it was found to be a false claim of adding ballots.That did not stop Trump and Rudy from repeating it as evidence of fraud to 75 million voters.
Again let’s have experts review and tell us how they came to their conclusion in the court of law under oath. Let’s also have eyewitness accounts in the court of law and why not televise it for the whole nation.Although as can be seen by Trumps speech it depends on what side of the argument you are on as to what you hear, peace means violence to some
As if those running crooked elections would admit it.
ask any gobsig in pittsfield and they will tell you elections are on the up and up.
I found it ironic that Angela Merkel was teaching America about free speech. How strange things are today. TSC the only way to change the narrative of the stolen election would be an actual independent audit, make valid ids mandatory when you vote in person which would be the only way to vote. Until that happens there is always suspicion
Germany hasn’t forgotten the lessons of the past and hasn’t hidden their history like American schools are doing. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over. The radical Democrats in this country have the potential to make the actions of Nazi Germany look like child’s play. Germany wanted the hatred of their people focused on the Jews. In this country, the radicals want to make white people who think differently from them, the enemy.
Mark Steyn was hilarious today filling in for Rush talking about Macron: “Goldman Sachs . . . little dinky boy.”
But I like what ol’ sparkly eyes Manu said in June: “We’re not apologizing for our history, we’re not tearing down statues, and we’re supporting our police.”
Cheese-eating surrender monkeys got more balls than we do?
Trump is loved by the Nazi party,Kkk,White supremacist, Skinheads plus the fantasy Qanon and trump teaches all summer if he does not win the cheat was in.
You ignore the 50 independent certified result.The real truth is in the audit
Send out a link. I would love to see the whole audit and who ran the audit. Don’t forget Enron and MCI were audited for years with clean audits until the floor fell.
Just read the Eagle….yeah it doesn’t take long and again it is filled with one sided hate speech. How do we make a complaint to the Facebook and Twitter censorship committee
Call Michelle Obama. She has a direct line to high tech and she and Obama are likely pulling the strings to shut down free speech.
Trump republicans have 1 goal and that goal is to be able to lie without agitation from the press.Free speech is great when perfectly matched with a press that can question your statements.Putin and Trump know their power lies in destroying the press
Borking again TSC
The Mayor says we are a high risk Covid transmission community? The highest numbers yet? Well maybe if you and a fellow City Council member who owns a bar weren’t so pompous with your dancing in public and maskless serving, a better example of protocol would have been followed by your hypocritical examples for being Vigilant.
I guess if you own a Restaurant in Pittsfield and didn’t participate in the petty jabs and the slandering of other Businesses you can thank your fellow owners that did. The Optics of restaurants are terrible why would anyone want to dine in? fighting against each other has left a huge stain on the local industry all to prove one did or didn’t have a mask on. Meanwhile the grocery stores and online has scooped up your customers.
Awesome article Dan things are happening quickly, seems like just last week Nancy was voted in again by a narrow margin and Ga. Senators were elected. Think we lost our unum ( E pluribus unum – Latin for“Out of many, one“ )
Thanks, RK. Great point about “unum.”
Good old Nancy Pelosi was tweeting in 2016 that the election was hijacked and Dems and the media were so proud of her. Nobody kicked her off social media for her unproven claims and then using the next 4 years of the Trump presidency to take revenge for her false claims. Pelosi and the Democrats are guilty of such hypocrisy and these frightening people are now in power.
Gee I don’t know what to do now that the President has been muted?
Trump has the most powerful podium in the word.He choose not to use it.
I’m sure you often admired his podium
Pat fritz and company,what are you going to do when he’s Impeached today? Are you going to the Capital with all the other Trumpers? Or are you all fluff? (Lazy)
When you follow a racist like Trump your screwed
As you have been shown before Trump wasn’t a racist he hired the most talented didn’t matter who you were but as also has been shown here you are a racist
Yes. I believe I posted something a while ago saying that the Dimorats challenged the electoral college votes in 2000 and 2004 also.
1969 also.
Thanks to the Planet today for summarizing what some of us have been saying in here for a while.
“That said”?! No serious writer uses this formulation. Only certain people are allowed to use it, such as #MeToo’d Tavis Smiley.
A letter in today’s paper from a Cheshire writer suggests using our mall as a “command center” for distributing the virus vaccine.
It makes sense to me as other locations are doing just that with their vacant malls.
The Field House at BCC (which as been proposed) is hardly the most convenient location.
They looked at using the mall but it’s not structurally safe anymore.
Interesting! Wouldn’t that apply to Target, as well. It’s part of the mall, built at the same time.
I’m not sure.
Not true. Target was an add on after the fact. They gutted what was there and redid the entire shell. It is owned by target corporation and is entirely it’s own property, including the parking.
The mall is not structurally unsound. Whatever idiot said that doesn’t know wtf the are talking about. So many assholes posting lies.
If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport – I read that in a bar once.
That makes TSC a jumbo jet
Not an asshole. Not lying. They looked at the mall as a venue for mass vaccinations and it was deemed unsafe. I stand by that.
Where are the “journalists” on an investigation of the Reichstag “riot”?
Yup, definitely a BLMPOSANTIFAPOS setup.
A must-see video that I saw just checking out Gab and linked here to the source:
Media Hypocrisy Out of Control
A guy who was at the January 6 rally does a nice job of putting it all in perspective. He does more “journalism” in 50 minutes than the lamestream has done in 30 years.
He shows video of people just walking right into the Capitol, but the thugs break windows for the cameras. And the actors, literally, are right there for their video and photo ops.
Search for “Antifa Comrade flyer.”
Ya think?
How about the cop who was killed, or the other cop who was crushed between the doors, or the crowd working in unison to ramrod through a door. I guess the lady who was shot and killed was acting too? Get a clue and stop spamming your crap everyday.
Thank you for your intelligent commentary, as ever.
Happy to oblige.
How did a cop get crushed by people trying to open a door?
Facts dont have meaning.
True Clinton follower it all hinges on the definition of is
Are the joint chiefs the weak woke too? This is indeed all very distasteful. I read Trump’s speech and it was vile. He will be out by 5pm though so so be it. The county will have to work out how to re program the faithful revolutionaries, like they had to do with the ISIS fighters.
Out by 5 pm?–like the other 147 times he was to be gone, by Friday, by Monday, by today, by tomorrow. Pathetic libtards.
Had to steal the election to get him out.
I think it’s plausible that the media doesn’t cover news properly – and entirely missed voter irregularity. But on each voter legal case they made zero supportable factual assertions of fraud – in one they agreed facts with the other side. They couldn’t prove anything. I have been reading the National Review, which has been one of the most conservative news outlets in the country and they saw no case. Bill Barr resigned as there was no case. Now Trump is contesting not just swing states but all 50? This is nutso territory. The way people have been radicalized is very disturbing and companies are making money off the misinformation. I thought he sounded unhinged in his speech. It’s like trying to have a reasonable conversation with an anti-vaxer – facts don’t matter and it’s just some kind of weird tribalism.
The point of education is to develop an independent mind, a critical faculty.
Just citing a Republican or “conservative” doesn’t do it.
You have to look at things yourself.
Anyone who has looked into the evidence at all thinks the election was stolen.
And, no, the courts refused evidentiary hearings, so they did not examine the evidence.
Don’t forget to factor in TDS, Never Trumpers, and Deep Staters whose careers have been hindered by Trump.
Try this to start:
Little old Indian woman, been here for 35 years, worked for the city of Detroit for 34. No problems. Loves her co-workers, always treated well.
But volunteer to help out with the vote counting? And raise questions about the fraud taking place right in front of her?
And she gets what?
Threats. Insults. Intimidation. Ejected.
Same story–over and over and over and over and over in at least six states.
No judge determined there was evidence of fraud. No evidence has been provided. You’re being lied to and gullibly following along like some puppet.
It’s just sad how stupid some people are. Especially when they think they’re actually smart!
Not so. Evidence was provided. It was deemed insufficient to support the case for a legal ruling the other way.
So in other words, there was no legally valid evidence. That’s a neat way of saying there was no evidence.
NR is a deep state rino publication
Commit deep state fact checkers!
Man, conservatives are truly a bunch of whiny snowflakes. They whine about wearing masks during a pandemic, they whine about not being able to tweet their lies and bull, they don’t like anyone to challenge them on the truth that this election was fair.
Bunch of snowflakes who need their safe spaces. It’s pathetic.
Is the B for buffoon?
Yup,the Karen party
You are so confused. It’s the liberals wanting their safe spaces on college campuses across the country. Questioning the results of an election as being unfair is not a crime. Democrats put the country through 4 years of misery questioning the results of the 2016 election and that was stupid because they had zero evidence. Conservatives have plenty of evidence. The media and Democrats want to bury it. Unless Americans start using their brain power, we will all be forced to bow down to big government.
Its best you deliver a letter of resignation to the planet.Pat you got nothing.
Just whining and lying. I know this is a safe space for you conservative snowflakes. But facts before feelings, and the fact is that Biden was legally elected president. Get over it.
Stop borkin borker
Investigation & conversation ( long abandoned- replaced by insinuation and manipulation) was superior to indoctrination and vilification we are now experiencing.
Lost with common core was critical thinking, replaced by critical race. Use your own mind.
All men are created equal,and most have the same opportunity to better themselves. Will beats talent, talent without drive flounders taken for granted.
Tom Brady is a very good example, while a slow poor athlete, he became the goat,and will remain goat for some time.
Mind over matter
If you don’t mind work ,what you start with won’t matter.
I am willing to bet all the money in my pockets that you don’t have the slightest clue what Common Core is.
This column should make it to the National level. Well thought out and full of Truth. It is shameful where so called progressives have taken this Great Country. For all the self-righteous stone throwers from your glass houses who have bombarded the Trump administration for 4 years wake up. It is Country first not your false Ideologies. Freedom is not something to play party games with. I can’t go on Parler right now is that right? Biden has hired 14 executives from the 3 Big Tech Monopoly Companies so far, do you Lefty Loonies agree with that? I just got gas $2.40 and you know that is only headed north. Biden and Pelosi are not competent enough to run the bingo game at the home but the Libs picked them to run the greatest Country in the history of the world. For the people who are just getting by hold onto your checkbooks because these Leftists as they’re peeing on your leg are reaching into your pocket. So long to a President who had the peoples best interests as his main priority,
Release the documents and let the sunshine in!
Breitbart is what got us this world class liar
Will you be watching when Dementia Joe takes the oaf of office?
The “oaf of office.” Good one. I would like to see that new phrase for EVERY politician and office holder for EVERY swearing in ceremony from this point forward.
Perhaps, but methinks you give the media far too much credit … or are you making my very point, that we have reached the tipping point in America where people are THAT easily led. If so, what does that say about the electorate who put Syracuse Joe and Kamala in office?
Sadly, it says that many Americans are just not that smart and don’t know how to handle freedom. They want to throw it away for false promises made by a political power that wants to lord it over the people by giving them some freebies in exchange for their total loyalty to a totalitarian government.
Dan, the electorate did not put China Joe & Commie-ala in office. Fraudulent election!
That may be, but Joe and Kam will be in the Oval Office. However they got there, once they are there, that’s the operative reality.
Dan,Please tell me you didn’t buy into that nonsense about the vote.You are a smart seasoned journalist.Been there ,if you listen to conservative radio thats always on in the background in your car or home they will get you.They just pound it home hour after hour.Beck,Limbaugh,Hannity are worth over a billion dollars becausr they are so good at what they do.
He refuses to answer.
Another really good answer
A certain percent of the people are always easily led. It’s how dictators come in to power. If you look at the Trump rally attendees, it doesn’t look like they’re sending their best and their brightest. They may need to import some intelligent ones from Norway.
Dan,people are not easily led as it takes 45 hours of daytime talk radio and 30 plus hours of Fox media to make people on this board beleave some stupid shit.Im saying the press d xpects nothing more than an answer to a question so you may go see if what they are telling the voters is true.
Or reading the Eagle everyday with a closed mind
One can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre.
One shouldn’t be allowed in in site riots.
You yourself have deleted posts that went over the line.
You talk about the President banned from social media, you have threatened to ban posters and said it was your site, your rules. Doesn’t social media platforms have the same right as you Dan Valenti?
I won a bet because of you! I told some colleagues that, “Watch, if I don’t mention the ‘fire in a crowded theater’ bit, someone will remind me.” I deliberately left that out because I didn’t want to make a point that is so obvious, so well-worn, that it would risk turning my column into a cliche, at least the sentence or paragraph that contained ‘You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater.'” Well, actually, you can. No one can stop you. They can only arrest you for incitement. At that point, you’re still considered innocent. Yes, social media has the right to ban anyone they want. It doesn’t mean they are correct in doing so, via the First Amendment. As you point out, we have banned people here. But the stuff we banned bears no resemblance — zero — to the case of social media and Trump. The president posted on Twitter words to the effect of “We will continue to fight for this country” or something of that nature. The material that we ban? It would shrivel your timbers. Any reasonable person would not allow it. THE PLANET took the effort and expense to install sophisticated software to provide security for the site and my readers. That software filters out filth and insanity daily. We won’t allow it. But political discourse, even the most objectionable: Every day of the week. Thanks for the push back.
The who runs Gab.com, Andrew Torba, has recovered Trump’s entire Twitter account.
Gab growing . . .
What’s the $ damage up to now for Twitter, Amazon et al.? Let ’em sink.
Just because somebody joins a new website, doesn’t mean they left the other. Twitter will be fine.
Objectionable posts should be banned, but not the person, but that is not what social media is doing now. They are getting rid of any people they don’t like….not their bad posts. Conveniently for the Democrats, it’s conservatives they are getting rid of even one entire site just for conservatives although parlor does allow anyone on their site.
Do the Uganda…pull the plug on them, hit them where it will be understood (I would have said where it hurts them but did not want to get cancelled for inciting violence)
Parlor refused to delete the posts.
Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil”
Pelosi is putting Eric Swalwell on her impeachment panel. You know, the lawmaker who has been shagging a Chinese spy. And he still holds his seat on the Intelligence Committee with access to highly confidential info.
Just a matter of time before the ChiComs take over our beloved country!
I like “ChiCom” as a designation. It reminds me of sportswriters and headline writers who used to refer to the White Sox as the Chisox and the Red Sox as the Bosox.
Pretty sure “ChiCom” is a Limbaugh coinage; he certainly popularized it.
The term ChiCom way preexists Limbaugh. It was popularized by US forces during the VN war, and was used by the US even earlier than 1949 when they took over.
Good thing there aren’t any elected officials in the Berkshires with a history of municipal liens or inflated resumes!
Now some repubs want a truce. JOKE. Trump for murder.
Rob and Dana still a item ? did they ever replace the couch? she still running through those married men down South? asking for a friend.
Dana? Last initial?
You think anyone who doesn’t watch soaps all day cares about cheating and lying unless it involves elected officials? They are supposed to be the best of us and held to higher standards. Now the people who lied for Trump and are going down that is fun to watch.
Maybe your slag could leave the cougar cubs in cpac alone.
You think Swalwell is bad, try Nanzi herself, and her father, and her POS brother.
The Gateway Pundit has become the go-to source these days:
The President has asked for Calm-Pat….Moderation-Murrow….and Grace-fritz. I don’t think so.
Oh, OK, let’s clarify it a bit on freedom of speech.
First Amendment says “CONGRESS shall make no law . . .”
So the whole Bill of Rights applies to CONGRESS, not to your boss, or to your aunt, or to your blog host, or your social media twerp CEO.
And then through “incorporation” doctrine of the Fourteenth Amendment, just about every provision in the Bill of Rights also applies to the state governments.
So your freedom of speech cannot be infringed upon by GOVERNMENT or a public entity.
No one says anything about a private entity protecting free speech.
Yep. Planet Valenti has censored people in the past. He’s a hypocrite when it comes to this.
It is his site. Dan has no obligation to post anything, allow anything.
BUT, are the Euros going to show us the way?
Poland plans to make censoring of social media accounts illegal
Exactly! It’s Twitter’s site and they have no obligation to allow people on their site. Amazon has no obligation to host websites on their cloud servers.
It’s the free market, which conservatives love.
You are incorrect. It’s been proven in court hundreds of not thousands of times.
Please STFU about things you have no understanding about. By extension of the NLRB, specifically Section 7, First Amendment rights are protected for employees and certain forms of speech. The “entities do not have to be public or government, they can be private employers.
You are a complete idiot spouting your conspiracy theories, you tarnish the name you usurp as you are so stupid.
TSC thank you for tuning me in to talk radio. As I was driving home tonight I wanted to see what you were complaining about (not being a Karen, I know). Well the person talking was stating the whole California caucus was infiltrated by Chinese spies, either sleeping with them, driving them or being on their staff. This was very scary stuff, even the guy on the intelligence committee who was managing the impeachment. Now I have a couple of questions that I think only you can answer, is it sedition if you are doing business for a foreign country in congress and do you think that’s why Richie Neal got the Chinese company here to build rail cars that no one wants?
You just got a participation trophy
How come you didn’t attempt to have a conversation on these topics. It seems like it is kind of important if our leaders are compromised by a foreign country
We did.We e impeached him then the KKK party found him innocent
Biden is already impeached? Byrd isn’t alive to vote still is he?
Democrat senate president Robert Byrd was big time KKK. When he died the Clintons, Obama and Biden all gave boot licking speeches at his funeral.
So if the city is so flush with grant money, why are my taxes going higher, shouldn’t they get lowered if the feds are giving us this money
You better hope water rates get reduced by the G man. Otherwise be leaving to……16 toilets? Raise the rent won’t help,no one will occupy,and a third are having a hard time paying now.
Said many times on here. There are terrorist right here in our own country. And man they showed us who they were Wednesday. You have fifty states. We won’t be able to curb the mayhem we are about to see going forward. We are no longer a Country of one,we are now divided.
Pray for our Troops and Police. What gets me is the president loves police and military but weren’t they in harms way Wednesday?
Republicans are the party of slogans.Nothin else.
Party of hooligans. Starting at the top.
The answer is that Matt Kerwood uses creative accounting schemes to build his +$10 million slush fund so that the lovely Mayor Linda Tyer can giveaway Kapanski Ka$h to her special interest supporters. Pittsfield’s long diminishing taxpayers are getting screwed over by Pittsfield politics!
You are very lucky to be living in a two party state. You should make sure it stays that way. Hearing others opinions helps everyone grow and society better
Smitty Pignatelli is terrified of climate change and wants Baker to quickly sign a climate change bill. Smitty compares tackling climate change to putting a man on the moon. Smitty also signed the abortion bill to allow very late term abortions and kill a baby alive outside of the womb, so can we really trust his judgment on anything?
In a word, no. And the same applies to Tyer, Bouveir, Hinds, et al. And therein lies the problem.
I was skeptical of Fakebook from day 1.
Apropos of totalitarian suppression of speech:
GAB CEO: “I had very close relationships with Facebook and Twitter…” I got to see the evils of their business model for many years”… “What we’re seeing in America right now is the rise of Communism”
Tech(ibm) and media (New York times) were the facilitators of Hitlers rein of terror. Same story different decade.
In Nazi Germany, it was IBM who facilitated that reign of terror.
Joe Biden is putting in all of these cabinet picks who want to make big tech, finance, and of course the media all in bed with big government.
It’s “reign”
The reign in Spain fell mainly on Franco.
It’s the plane boss
How soon we forget.
Ya couldn’t make it up.
Trump was impeached for a second time today, but this is still the most delicious news of the day:
“Trump has instructed aides not to pay Giuliani’s legal fees.”
It’s beyond poetic that Trump is refusing to pay Giuliani’s legal fees. Can’t script this stuff any better.https://t.co/y7
Thats Trump,cant use him anymore and Rudy dyed his hair for him.
Who was Strom Thurmond
If the lamestream says it, it must be true. Just like every day for the last 50 years.
This impeachment is to also make a big distraction for the Democrats for their cabinet picks on January 20th, the same day Congress is set to grill their cabinet picks. They don’t want their picks grilled too closely because then we would discover their plans for the country involving the Green New Deal, finance and big tech in bed with the Democrats and other government control over the population plans.
Must see tv about water rates Gaetani News Hour.
Big tech fed the Obamas and what llfeed the Bidens. Unlimited cash. You know I know what,we know..
What a difference a week makes. On Wednesday, we discovered that House Democrats actually support police. They are against mob violence. They believe in law and order. They believe in harsh punishment for rule breakers. They believe in accountability.
They care deeply about civility. They believe words matter. They abhor intemperate rhetoric. They are against coarse language. Fancy that.
They believe in a peaceful transition of power, at least this time, as opposed to 2016. They believe in the Electoral College. They believe in the legitimacy of the people’s vote.
They believe in walls, at least when it comes to protecting their own place of work. They even believe in bringing in the National Guard to quell civil unrest, at least when it comes to preserving their own peace.
They believe in guns, at least when their own safety is at risk.
They revere American history and institutional norms. They honor the Founding Fathers. Hah!
This is what we learned while watching the Democrats in the House impeach President Trump for the second pointless time in 13 months.
We learned that they, almost to a man and a woman, suffer from an acute case of hypocrite-itis.
Where have they been the past four years with these noble ideas that conservatives have been begging them to defend?
Perhaps if Democrats had not normalized and encouraged violence when organized BLM-Antifa mobs began rampaging through our cities, the tragic events of Jan. 6 at the Capitol would not have occurred.
As Republican Rep. Pat Fallon of Texas said Wednesday:
“Last summer the Antifa and BLM riots swept across our country. Businesses were destroyed, cities burned. It was not like the horrible hours we had on January 6. But rather, they went on for weeks and in some cases months.
Democrats have seemingly forgotten how many businesses and communities were burned amid the ‘peaceful’ George Floyd protests last summer.
Democrats have seemingly forgotten how many businesses and communities were burned amid the “peaceful” George Floyd protests last summer.
Star Tribune via Getty Images
“So if there’s any silver lining in this dark cloud, it’s that our friends across the aisle have come to realize that riots are bad. We conservatives have known this all along.”
Perhaps if Democrats had not weaponized the intelligence agencies to spy on Trump’s campaign, perhaps if they had not used the Steele dossier to undermine the legitimacy of his presidency and accuse him of colluding with Russia to rig the 2016 election, perhaps if they had not hobbled his administration with the three-year Mueller investigation, perhaps more Trump voters would have been willing to accept the legitimacy of a Biden presidency.
Perhaps if Dems had not already launched a spiteful partisan impeachment last year, their efforts to highlight the president’s shortcomings would have fallen on fewer deaf ears this time.
Nancy Pelosi and the left suffer from an acute case of hypocrite-itis.
Nancy Pelosi and the left suffer from an acute case of hypocrite-itis.
Jim Jordan slams Dems’ ‘double standards’ at Trump impeachment vote
As Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio said, it took just 19 minutes into Trump’s presidency for the Washington Post to trumpet: “Campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.”
“And now with just one week left,” Jordan said Wednesday, “they’re still trying.”
Perhaps if Dems had reflected on their own culpability in the attempted assassination of Republican Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana by a Bernie Sanders supporter, their sanctimonious lectures Wednesday would be more credible.
“I’ve seen the evil of political violence firsthand and it needs to stop,” Scalise said Wednesday. “But all of us need to be unequivocal calling it out when we see it, not just when it comes from the other side of the aisle.”
Perhaps if Joe Biden had not spent two years muscling up to Trump, with threats like “I’d smack him in the mouth” and “I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him,” Biden’s pitch for civility might be more palatable.
Perhaps if Democrats had not spent the last four years calling Trump a dictator, authoritarian, Nazi, Hitler, white supremacist, anti-Semite, bigot, racist, hater, dangerous, demented and insane, then the hyperbole they used against him Wednesday might have been more effective.
The Aesop’s fable of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” comes to mind. Democrats and their media handmaidens have spent four years demonizing Trump, using the most outlandish hyperbole their fevered imaginations could dream up.
So when finally, at the bitter end, when he behaves in a way that angers even his most loyal supporters, there is nowhere left to go in the demonization department.
Hence the absurdity of Wednesday’s rhetoric in the House, as Democrats overreached yet again, traducing the president as a “white supremacist” — or “racist in chief,” as Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan called him.
Steve Scalise calls for House to hail Capitol Police in impeachment closing
Instead of impeaching the president, the House could have censured him and gathered a lot more Republican votes.
His refrain since November about having won in a “landslide” was reckless and deluded but it had nothing to do with racism, and his speech at the Ellipse in DC on Jan. 6 explicitly called for the crowd to “peacefully” protest.
How was he to know that the Capitol would not be adequately guarded, and the mob would so easily smash their way inside?
Capitol Police had been left like lambs to the slaughter in part because the cop-hating mayor of DC, Muriel Bowser, wrote to the Department of Justice the day before the protests specifically to reject federal reinforcements.
The flexible morality and selective outrage of the Democrats and their media boosters is so dishonest, it makes your head spin.
Why wasn’t BLM probed like this?
At a thunderous press conference Tuesday, acting US Attorney for DC Michael Sherwin said law enforcement officials are treating last week’s Capitol riot “like an international counterterrorism investigation. We’re looking at everything — money, travel records. No resource will be unchecked.”
It is reportedly one of the “most expansive criminal investigations in the history of the Justice Department,” with all 56 FBI field offices involved.
Great, but where was that kind of gravitas when BLM-Antifa rioters locked Seattle police in a building and tried to burn them alive?
Or when police were attacked with bricks and Molotov cocktails, whole blocks were looted and set ablaze at a cost of billions of dollars, and parts of some US cities were turned into lawless autonomous zones inside which people were murdered? For months.
There now are at least twice as many troops guarding the nation’s capital than the total number of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.
Maybe it’s not overkill, but the optics also serve the purpose of further demonizing President Trump and his supporters to a worldwide audience.
That’s why Nancy Pelosi posed merrily for photos outside the Capitol in front of rows of uniforms yesterday. All class, and subtle as a sledgehammer.
The left’s bare-faced hypocrisy: By Miranda Devine, January 13, 2021 | 10:56pm |
Good stuff, but always be sure to cite your source with a link.
Nancy is a sledgehammer and not in a good way, not in fighting for what people want, at least not what the majority of the people want, which is COVID relief money and freedom from big government.
I agree with everything you said Truth. Very well written.
Sigh. You should thank Miranda Devine, the author:
That’s a great piece of work right there Truth. And so true.
More like a reign of terror.
The hate you give will be the hate you get.
Mark Levin on fire.
Preach on, brother.
“On his last day in office, President Clinton ceded to Jerrold Nadler’s request to commute the sentences of both Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg. Who were they?
“Evans, arrested with 740 pounds of dynamite intended for, among other targets, the Capitol building, had 24 years left in her 40-year sentence when Clinton pardoned her at Jerrold Nadler’s request. Rosenberg, arrested for weapons possession, had 42 years yet to serve on her 58-year sentence.
“Now, it is a sick irony to watch Jerrold Nadler stand there and everyone pat him on his rather substantial head about him going forward with the impeachment of an innocent man who didn’t incite anything.”
How would Carlin categorize the Nadler fart?
The fizz, the fazz, the fizz-fazz, or the rip-shit? I forget the other possibilities.
How about L.B.D. — loud but …
This is why most cops support Trump and most of the military goes too. 15000 national guard troops in DC mean 10,000 Trump supporters bussed in via the govt.
“New York Attorney General Letitia James will file a lawsuit Thursday calling for federal oversight of the NYPD in the wake of the department’s use of “excessive enforcement” during the recent Black Lives Matter protests.
James’ office has been probing the NYPD’s response to the rampant demonstrations over the summer, concluding in a preliminary report in July that the department should be overhauled.”
Planet Bulletin. License Board Meeting Channel 1303 at 4 p m
List of people who need to be killed, by George Carlin.
Love GC.
Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.
Noam Chomsky
Apropos, another guy steals my stuff.
I’ve spoken often of the Left’s degradation of the English language, twisting meanings, making words mean whatever they want them to mean, such as “racist,” “fascist,” “justice,” “gender,” etc.
Jocko Willink on Communism: ‘It Starts with Banning Words’
“It happens slowly,” Willink said of manipulation of language, “and you can see this, like in the Soviet Union. … Part of it starts with speech. It starts with banning words. It starts with changing the meaning of words, and that’s what happens in the book, Nineteen Eighty-Four.”
Manipulation, corruption, and narrowing of language drive commensurate damage to people’s capacities to comprehend the world, observed Willink. He noted the centrality of language to human cognition.
“We’re talking about removing the ability for human beings to express themselves properly,” Willink remarked. “We’re removing that ability, and when we remove words from the language, we’re removing the ability for humans to to express themselves, and therefore we are removing the ability to think, and that is a scary thing.”
1000% accurate. A person cannot say he or she believes in free speech if it refuses to acknowledge, let along allow, it.
I hear AOC is forming a Minisitry of Truth, to police the internet. Now thaat Biden “won”, she doesn’t want the lies to be told anymore.
Apologies for the length of this post. If true, Harrington’s progressive mentor has violated several laws, told multiple lies and called her constituents drug addicts and emotionally disturbed. Ironically, she claims the other driver was driving the wrong way.
Maura Healey launching review of road rage complaint involving DA Rachael Rollins
Attorney General Maura Healey has launched a review of an alleged Christmas Eve road rage incident involving Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins, according to two people with direct knowledge.
Healey is looking into allegations that Rollins threatened a woman, and inappropriately flashed her blue lights, as they were both trying to exit the South Bay Shopping Center on the afternoon of Dec. 24, the two people said.
In a complaint filed first with the Boston Police Department, the woman, Katie Lawson of Dorchester, described her encounter with Rollins. Lawson declined a request for comment. Lawson is believed to have had no prior relationship with Rollins.
“I had an encounter with the Suffolk County DA Rollins, one I would say was very disturbing,” wrote Lawson in her complaint. “During this encounter I asked DA Rollins to ‘just go’ several times and she did not. Apparently when she felt like she had done enough or said what she felt like, she then went right back to her (cellphone) call.“
Rollins has denied that she acted inappropriately and blamed Lawson for the encounter, but her spokesman declined to discuss the incident in detail. However, the spokesman, Matthew Brelis, expressed outrage that a producer for Boston 25 came to Rollins’s home recently to ask her about the incident.
A spokeswoman for Healey also declined to comment.
Lawson said she was trying to merge into traffic in front of a large black Chevy Tahoe when the driver, later identified as Rollins, rolled down her window and said, “You don’t want to try me today lady, you really don’t.”
Rollins then moved her car a few inches away from Lawson’s, she said.
“You want me to give you ticket? I will give you a ticket.” She then activated her blue lights and siren, Lawson said.
Lawson asked the passenger in her car, who has been identified as her fiancé, to photograph the license plate — which authorities told her was issued to the district attorney’s office.
According to Lawson, Rollins then left the parking lot, blowing through a red light.
The incident was first reported by two bloggers, Turtleboy Sports of Worcester and liveboston617.org.
Rollins has denied threatening the woman, activating her lights, or running a red light. She said the other driver was driving the wrong way and she thought she would hit her.
On Jan. 9, Rollins responded sarcastically to the allegations on the Howie Carr radio show, suggesting Lawson’s claims were ridiculous.
“I apparently spend my time patrolling the South Bay Mall with my lights and siren on. Have you ever been?” she said. “It is a haven for emotionally disturbed people and people with substance abuse disorder. I made the bad mistake of going to Stop & Shop that day.”
But when a Boston 25 television producer and photographer on Friday approached her outside her house to ask about the incident, she berated them, throwing in some expletives.
“You’re in front of my house. How do you know where I live?“ she said in the video. “That’s unbelievable. My kids are inside. … As a black woman in this moment and this country you’re going to put my (expletive) house on the screen?”
“We were just approaching you to ask you a question,” the Boston 25 producer said.
“Who do you think … get out of here. You know what I’ll do? I’ll call the police on you and make an allegation — rantings of a white woman,” Rollins said on videotape. “I swear to God — I’m dead serious. I will find your name. I will have you arrested, I swear to God. My children!”
In a statement to Boston 25 and the Globe, Brelis said, “District Attorney Rollins ran for office, was elected, and has led with unprecedented transparency and access. She has been and remains available to her constituents, colleagues, and members of the media and has never avoided a difficult conversation.”
But Brelis said the visit to Rollins’s home by the Boston 25 team was unacceptable.
“Some 48 hours after our country witnessed an attack on … elected officials, an unknown vehicle with an unknown man approached her in front of her home where she is the mother and guardian to three young girls. And she responded not as an elected official, but as a mother, an aunt, and a caregiver who believes her primary responsibility is to love and protect her family.”
In the Howie Carr interview, Rollins said that on Christmas Eve she was stuck in traffic when the woman drove toward her slowly and seemed like she was going to hit her car.
“This person apparently was driving very erratically in the parking lot, screeched to a halt, and then jerked forward and coming into the wrong way of traffic almost hit my car,” she said.
She said she beeped her horn several times but the woman didn’t respond.
“I then hit a siren … and her head snaps up and I say, ‘Stop. You’re in the wrong row of traffic’ and go back to my life.”
“That is the extent of that encounter,” she said.
She said there is “absolutely no truth” to the allegation that she activated blue lights.
The attorney general’s office is in the beginning stages of its review of the complaint, and has recently spoken to the alleged victim about the incident, a person with direct knowledge said.
According to other prosecutors, if the allegations are proven, Rollins might have violated several laws, including the state conflict of interest law, which prohibits public officials from using public resources on private business and from using their position to gain an advantage not available to other people. Making threats, impersonating a police officer, and running a red light are illegal as well.
Rollins said she has no problem with other authorities investigating the incident, though she said she has no interest in pulling video from cameras posted in the South Bay parking lot that could substantiate her claims.
She said she has more important things to do, such as solve homicides.
“What am I going to do, write myself a ticket?” she asked.
Thanks for sharing. Rollins flack reports she’s always available for the media. Just as the Berkshire County D.A. is available and responsive every time THE PLANEt contacts her. Oh wait. That was when she was running for office.
He’s doin’ it …….here comes the declassification of the Ukraine documents! Friday or Monday!
Dan, as you well know – or should know – a private platform has the right to remove comments or suspend a person from posting if said individual violates the platform’s policies. In fact, you yourself have said herein that you have the right to remove a person’s comments or block a person for inappropriateness.
If I invite you onto my property, and you scream obscenities at me or my neighbors, I have the right to toss you onto the street. There, you have the right to continue being an ass. No different for Twitter, Facebook, or The Planet. Factually, we should get off all of these platforms and go out and express free speech where it belongs. None of these platforms have improved life under our Constitution or in this country.
All true.