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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 15-7, 2021) — Now that the NFL is into the divisional round of the playoffs and the world is back where it should be on Tom Brady GOAT Standard Time, we must be approaching Jan. 20. The “uh-oh” day dawns.

January 20? That’s a scant few days after Brady and the Bucs defeat Breezly Draw and the Saints, which means that America’s newest armed camp, Washington, D.C., will be inaugurating the 46th president of the United States.

  • The 20-foot security fencing is in place.
  • The razor wire is sharp and shiny.
  • 20,000 federal troops will be locked and loaded.
  • Along with another few thousand cops, troopers, and deputies in riot gear.
  • Along with the Secret Service.
  • Not to count on the hundreds who will be undercover.

What country did you say is this, again?

And all the while, the House of Representatives, with their superfluous impeachment melodrama, just gave us a clue about who will be running the show after Syracuse Joe takes the oath.

———- ooo ———-

Personally, THE PLANET prefers first downs to second impeachments.

How do we attack this subject in a thousand words when it’s worthy of War and Peace?

The president-elect, Syracuse Joe Biden, didn’t not want this second try at putting Donald Trump in the James Bond ejection seat. Temperamentally he loves it but politically, not a drop, not when the Constitution will perform the job neatly, effectively, and quietly as 45’s term of office expires in a matter of days. Donald Trump officially lost the election, remember? On Wednesday, Trump will no longer be in office.

He will no longer be in office!


He will no longer be in office!!

HE WILL no longer be in office!!!



What part of that isn’t clear, or do we need Sam Kinison to SS-CC-RR-EE-AA-MMMMMM IT-t-ttt!!????

———- ooo ———-

Syracuse Joe’s Inaugural theme is “America United.” Funny that.

Impeachment will present the opening of his presidency with the exact opposite — America dangerously divided and once again inflamed.

Do you think Joe wants that? No. Not close.

But did he have a choice? That is the question.

He’s only going to be the President of the Friggin’ United States, the most powerful person on earth, and he can’t control a tiny faction of his own party that, against all good advice, decided to pour salt brine in the country’s open wounds.

nity? o, ‘m ired,o!

THE PLANET believes Biden sincerely wants to bring about unity, if for nothing else than his ability to be an effective president. He campaigned on e pluribus unum, but he will have a much harder time if his party puts a match to the gasoline-soaked country and goes through with a Senate trial, which cannot be done prior to Jan. 20. Instead of diving into his agenda, Joe’s presidency will be dominated by the Ghost of Trump, a haunting he seriously wants to avoid and one that will not only cast a long shadow but may backfire by reanimating a corpse.

As president-elect and president, he can’t control Congress. However, you mean to say that as he takes the office, he has no sway in the Democratic caucus, not with his party controlling both houses? If not, we have Exhibit A for the case that Biden might well be a figurehead, with VP Kamala Harris as acting commander. Of course, if so, she herself will be beholding to the rogue elements controlling her and the Squad. Having watched a lot of Perry Mason, we know Exhibit A doesn’t make the case, but it should put every American on guard.

———- ooo ———-

It’s ironic. The weaponized far left, having cowed moderates and centrists of their party into submission, now want to convict Trump after he leaves office, given that they began it before he won in 2016.

What’s the point? The new Senate will be split 50-50 and stands a marginally better chance to convict than this one, but a two-thirds majority is unlikely.

This is all about the irrationality of revenge and hate, The Shrills of the Squad loving to see Trump in suspended animation with respect to a Senate trial. So what if America remains hostage to a sideshow and President Biden’s agenda becomes a weak supporting act booed off the stage. Do you think they care?

The blow-up will be felt in two years during the mid-term elections.

Can lawmakers try to remove someone from office who does not hold office?

The Constitution is silent on this point, and it’s never been adjudicated. On the face of it, the action seems absurd, but that’s where we are politically in America …

… on Bizarro World.

Go Bucs!

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“It’s wanting to know that makes us matter. Otherwise, we’re going out the way we came in” — Playwright Tom Stoppard.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

It is a classic Catch-22 situation. If the U.S. Senate holds a fair trial on the second impeachment of Donald Trump, then Trump will get to play the victim card once again that he has played throughout his troubled and very controversial presidency. But, if the U.S. Senate holds a political trial, then Trump’s alleged incitement of insurrection against U.S. Congress on January 6th, 2021 won’t be taken seriously.

I think it is humorous that they called Trump’s supporters breach of and riot in Capitol Hill “The Beer Belly Putsch”, which is a sarcastic play on words referencing Hitler’s November 8th -9th, 1923 Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, Germany. Trump is a buffoon!

I compare the fall of Trump on November 3rd, 2020 to the rise of Hitler in the 1920s through the early-1930s. Hitler openly incited insurrection against Germany’s new democracy where Hitler said and wrote that Germany was the victim of the June 1919’s Treaty of Versailles where Hitler alleged the Jews sold out Germany to the monied industrialized democracies who defeated Germany in World War I. For over one decade in the 1920s through the early-1930s, Germany could have stopped Hitler from becoming Nazi Germany’s fascist dictator, but instead of people taking Hitler’s racist and violent ideology of hate seriously, some people agreed and sympathized with Hitler’s criminal cause in a very politically divided Germany. We must not make the same mistake with Trump. I hope that we will take Trump seriously in 2021 by the U.S. Senate holding a fair impeachment trial in the coming weeks ahead.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Melle, Trump’s as done as Your honey Tyer, Neither could be elected dog catcher at this point. The only people acting like Hitler are AOC and her ilk. Impeachment was just a totally unnecessary act for a crime that didn’t happen, committed by a vengeful progressive left led by Nutty Nancy, Numbskull Nadler, and Schmucky Schumer, who all finally got a taste of what the depolicing they ordered tastes like.

Reply to  JoeKapanski
4 years ago

Chiquita Khrushchev has a vastly over inflated sense of self worth.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  JoeKapanski
4 years ago

Trump/Putin now that can no longer be ignored.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Jonathan use your investigative skills and ask yourself why the DC police stated they didn’t want support? Then how there were earlier reports about artifacts mixing in with Trump supporters during the peaceful protests. Is it a comedy of errors or a planned political trap? Then ask yourself how a President can be impeached twice for nothing? Does it seem strange? Also ask how can our own Richie Neal vote after what he did to Alex Morse? There are more questions but hopefully this will give you food for thought.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

He cant be impeached twice for nothing.You know but deny the truth.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Show the proof of anything he did to be impeached. Open your eyes and stop borking

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Blackmail Ukraine President.Lost election to Biden and sent his soldiers to attack the United States Capital to kill Mike Pence and intimidate the Republican lawmakers in his Quest to be president for life.You guys are destroying democracy.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Not sure if you are young and naive or old and senile. China Joe has been caught on tape stating he blackmailed Ukraine over Hunters legal issues and it has been shown by CNN that antifa was causing the storming of the Capital with inside help. It is the Democrats destroying freedoms by shutting down free speech and barricading the Capital. I pray that someday you learn to investigate things on your own and not just repeat the lies of the left

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

The school committee–I was born in Ukraine, so I know better than you: Joe Biden was present in Kiev, Ukraine supporting rioters, when Ukrainians violently forced president Yanukevich to resign. Oligarch Poroshenko came to power –connected to American Dem/Liberals who immediately asked him to have LGBT Pride parade in Kiev, Capital of Ukraine offering several $Million loan for that. Loan offer was accepted despite 50 000 Ukrainians marching against LGBT Pride which had never happened before. Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden sold his name to Ukrainian Burista Energy Co to be on their board of directors for about $2Mills! That was Federal Criminal Offence, since he had neither education, nor experience in Energy sector with OK from his father!
Joe Biden him-self got $1.5B from China which will be subject to his impeachment right after his inauguration!
Rudi Juliani got all confirmation documents ready!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Village Knight
4 years ago

That is Q Nonsense. Lin Wood,Rudy,and my Pillow guy and now you.Is anyone else waiting for this to be revealed.Trump wanted an announcement of a Ukrainian investigation.That’s it. No investigation was expected,just the announcement.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Antifa not artifacts dang spell check

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

I must say that the word artifacts got my mind analyzing and after some thought, I realized that in some ways it is an accurate and descriptive word

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago


U.S. Senate holding a fair impeachment trial?

Nothing in Washington is fair and on the up and up. The only time they can get together is when they want pork filled legislation and pay raises.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Trump owns your mind and the tiny mind of TSC.

Last edited 4 years ago by Agent 86
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

From day 1 he was just that ahole from NY that we all read about in the Post everyday.Sent by God to fight the Pediphiles in the Democratis is insane and thats how I see the Law and Order Trumpers.Which one of your lives does not touch tax dollars.I guess nobody here retired.

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Bill Clinton and Melendez are pedos

4 years ago

Oh the irony eh Dan? Great column, I especially like your paragraph calling out the irony. Speaking of which, after AOC pissed her pants hiding under her desk with other squad members, she is now praising the police and is okay with walls and weapons protecting her, rather than demanding police be defunded. And if Biden really wanted unity Dan, he would stop with his racist ways, and grow a pair! Come on Man!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ComeOnMan
4 years ago

Racist are the reason Trump was President.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Yu gut riter. Pleeze rite mo.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Reply to School committee. Are you saying 50% of Americans are racists?
So, what is your solution? Are you going to “re-educate” them in camps?
Or may be deport them or what?
Or just may be your assumption is wrong?
May be you simply hate Conservative people and can’t tolerate other opinions?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Village Knight
4 years ago

Conservatives are fearful of change.And its that fear that the strong armed dictators of the world tap to suck out reasoned thinking.It really is ok to tax great wealth and regulate out of control powerful corporations.You guys are constantly calling for this from tech.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

TSC you really have to read all history and see what economy brings out the most benefits for the most people. You are definitely brainwashed or brain dead. The market economy is by far the best system.Yes as can be seen in human nature there needs to be some rules and regulations but not so much that it limits innovation and people’s desire to improve. I would suggest for an easy read our Pilgrims who came over and tried a communist society

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

The market economy is great.It is anout how the profits are shared.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

How do you suggest the start up risks should be shared. And why do you use the share. Market economy suggest risk and reward. Now taxes are needed for government services but people need to motivated somehow to work and be productive citizens. People also need to be involved in their government and their voices need to be heard.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

How was the banking scandle in the late 80s shared.How was the mortgage crisis shared.How is the virus shutdown shared?

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  ComeOnMan
4 years ago


Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Come On Man
4 years ago

You’re a good writer, please write more.

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago


The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  ComeOnMan
4 years ago

AOC is against police abuse as all of you are

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

TSC, I heard your blood type is vodka.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
4 years ago

Good one.

4 years ago

Evil Haman built a 75-foot gallows which he intended to hang his political enemy Mordecai on. After the evidence was revealed about evil Haman’s true intentions and vile plot, the gallows was used to hang Haman.

For those with ears to hear.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
4 years ago

Think the real goal is to beat Wm Henry Harrison’s 30 day tenure and have Kamala take the reins.

Nancy The Nazi
Nancy The Nazi
4 years ago

They are already operating around Biden. Harris is marking her time behind the scenes.
Biden won’t make it a year in office. The original discussions about the 25th a few months back were about him.

This is a picture both staged and released by the Speaker’s office. She has zero authority over troops. She is not part of the National Command Authority, the National or the National Chain of Command. She is third in line to the President but enjoys none of those benefits or authority unless there is no President or Vice President.
The only coup here is Nancy the Nazi’s coup.

Biden will be pushed out, Harris will be President.
comment image

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Nancy The Nazi
4 years ago

Let’s sing the “Internationale,” comrades.

A-one an’ a-two . . .

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

It will never sink in with some.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

With you for damn sure.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Nancy The Nazi
4 years ago

Republicans desperate to change the truth.

4 years ago

The blow-up may not be felt in 2 years especially if the radical Dems continue to change state elections laws, keep mail-in ballots, get rid of the electoral college, and make Washington D.C. a state, all things they are trying to do to make sure they never lose another election.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat,why do you resist electric cars and solar power.The fossil fuel companies are far ahead of you in change

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Einstein, what makes the electricity?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
4 years ago

And you would remove the pollution from the car.The exhaust from burning gasoline results in pollution from your exhaust pipes…Twelve just went to six on that statement

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Burning fossil fuel to produce electricity for electric cars could only make sense to democrats.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

I guess you just love your gadoline driven engine.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

gadoline be 5 buck for gallon…biden bonus

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Feel free to use solar power for winter heating:))

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Village Knight
4 years ago

So you dont believe in the development of solar.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Put a solar panel on your electric car and see how far you get.

Bruno Hakalugi
Bruno Hakalugi
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

If you don’t heat your house with solar it’s you who doesn’t believe in it. Harbor Freight will sell you all the solar panels you want.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Bruno Hakalugi
4 years ago

I like you believed in 65 INCH led tvs but 15 years ago a 24 inch one cost 4500 bucks

Word Salad
Word Salad
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago


4 years ago

Not sure if people paid attention to Illegitimate China Joe but he wants to increase our national debt by 10% before he even gets in office. And people don’t have to pay their legally obligated debt even though the government is handling out the money

4 years ago

The radical Dems are trying to egg on more violence from extremist groups on election day so they can portray all Trump supporters as Nazis as Don Lemon has been doing and he refuses to take back his words that he spoke just the other day. An Antifa agitator was arrested just yesterday for having been egging on people to violence during the Capital unrest. He was caught. How many other Antifa members were in the crowd that day? Violence on election day or any day is something to be avoided by everyone because the far left will use any violence to implement draconian laws that take away freedom in this country, especially for conservatives in the two justice system they are creating in this country.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
4 years ago

I think you got scoped Dan – Dina claims ‘slander’ and ‘obsession’ – front page of Beagle.
They must get in their two words!!! It’s like a telenovela with the fake outage … whadya know?

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Councilor Maffucio is correct on everything he has stated in my opinion. And did you see the board members advocating for the defendant? Is that not supposed to be they’re pervue? Does the picture show a woman who looks an awful like the Councilor in questions wife? Did we hear the sitting license board member say that wasn’t her partner in the photo?

When they submitted the alleged sales receipt to find the actual time that the serving to the sitting City Councilor was there, how do we know that the receipt wasn’t printed before the drinks and anything else was served?

Bottom line is the bar owner has a history of violations and didn’t comply with requested data from the city sanitarian.

With all that being said I say let her stay open and forge forward. Her next violation will be her last.

Peach Meant
Peach Meant
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Did you see License board members Powell and Dick smirk when they asked the restaurant owner who’s failure to fix the sprinkler system was. Cavalier management? Very Unprofessional. The restaurant owner hadn’t payed his license fee was supposed to be the inquiry,not who owns the building. Totally separate.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Peach Meant
4 years ago

It never ends.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

I really don’t want to share chats with people who label themselves Nazi. I think I’m out. Good luck people. Pat, stay warm.

Trumpers drubbing
Trumpers drubbing
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Your talking to yourself. Clear sign of of a possible psychotic disorder. But agree on the Nazi thought.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Trumpers drubbing
4 years ago

I mean the person labeling themselves as a Nazi above makes me uncomfortable. I guess I am weak.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Hey Karen, I think it was meant to insult Pelosi.

Joan Jett
Joan Jett
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

All of this in fighting is done a horrible service to the restaurant industry. The large majority of people don’t want to be anywhere near the inside of a eatery. Taking grainy pictures of people and mask shaming the business is really pathetic at best. Watching Chris C the other night on the city council meeting eating showing his backside when he got up was really horrifying among other things. Remember when this is all over you did it to yourselves.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Joan Jett
4 years ago

No one else has had under age drinkers shot outside their places. It’s been a long slog of Yuki breaking rules. My friends who own a restaurant were doing ok with takeaway and saving money on staff – they aren’t in the political clique and give no thoughts to whatever happens to Yuki. They don’t care and it doesn’t effect them. What do you mean by – ‘you did it to yourselves’? Is the councilor threatening other businesses retribution because the public expected her – this councilor – to follow the law? F the noise of the spoiled north street entitled. Your hobby business is not the public’s economic responsibility. Please, shut it down and move away to a place where you have to follow the laws. please, don’t let the door hit you.

Yuki Covid
Yuki Covid
Reply to  Joan Jett
4 years ago

Since restaurants were the cause of the massive outbreaks in Pittsfield it is important to track down those who were at the heart of the problem.

Yuki was it. It’s a shame a city councilor would be so selfish, she killed two people because of her actions.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

We can follow the left’s lie in real time now.

British Biased Canard and National Propaganda Radio and, surprise, the BB all perpetuating the “riot,” “sedition,” and “insurrection” lie about the Capitol breach conducted by “pro-Trump extremists.”

It was not a riot, it was not sedition, it was not insurrection. Check the dictionary, lefties, again.

And most likely not many “pro-Trump” extremists either.

But ignore the other 99.9% of the nice folks also in the area that day.

As I called on only my second take on this, more and more is coming out about the BLMPOSANTIFAPOS instigators in the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

If you haven’t heard of POS John Sullivan, who has now been arrested but still gloating that he incited the thing, take a look.

And just as the Russia hoax was/is a smokescreen for Obummer, Joke, and Heilary, the impeachment farce (again) is a smokescreen for Nanzi et al.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Hey Ed, Here’s something for you and Pat.

Conservative blog American Thinker has issued an apology in response to Dominion Voting Systems’ lawyers accusing them and others of defamation for pushing claims their technology helped rig the presidential election
In a Friday statement written by editor and publisher Thomas Lifson, American Thinker admitted their stories on conspiracy theories surrounding Dominion machines being rigged in Joe Biden’s favor were based on “discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.”
Lifson called the statements “completely false” and added that “Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately.”
The company went on to apologize for any “harm” their stories caused the company and their employees. “We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error,” they added. 

Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

I also saw where the American Thinker was forced to shutdown comments section on any articles they release daily by big tech . Big tech upset they can’t control comments in real-time.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

Fox commentators have been told to stop saying the election was stolen or be fired.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

The  Ministry of Truth in action.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Yup, the New Stalinism–talk about bizarro world!


“Anybody Can Put on a MAGA Hat” – FL Teacher Fired for Telling Students Antifa Was Involved in DC Riots — Which We Now Know Is True

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

TSC am learn grammar at Bizarro U.

Kuman Gettesum
Kuman Gettesum
Reply to  12 Gauge
4 years ago

B U formerly. Trump U

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Kuman Gettesum
4 years ago

B O currently Biden U

4 years ago

Only now is the FBI warning of explosive devices and dangers in a memo sent out ahead of the inauguration.

Problem is they sat on this memo for over a week.
They also mention explosives found as far back as eight months ago.

“ The bulletin from the agency includes a list of devices found over the last eight months targeting the public and law enforcement, noting that infrastructure was also threatened.”

Who was targeting public and law enforcement these last 8 months? Who was shooting cops, execution style and in cold blood, while they sat in their cars?

While riots raged on for months, the FBI did nothing. Now some uppity whites get angry and the label terrorist is the first word out of their mouth.

Branch Covidian
Branch Covidian
4 years ago

Twenty-three people died in Norway within days of receiving their first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, with 13 of those deaths — all nursing home patients — apparently related to the side effects of the shots, health officials said.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
4 years ago

Slight problem with snap impeachment, John Sullivan in his second successful attempt to inciting a riot. While facing charges for same in provo Utah, them pesky facts ….
Why did capital police provide ladders ( bike racks ) to the rioters rioters? Only assault Trump supporters? How Sullivan was allowed to leave Utah, while facing felony murder and incitement of a riot charges. How did famous but incompetent miss all the signs he was organizing a insurrection?

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  Thomas Betit
4 years ago

And the best part…..Anderson Cooper interviews him as an independent journalist.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
4 years ago

Censorship at the planet?

4 years ago

Choices is an illusion created by those who have power for those who have no power. Local, State and federal government provides the only choices you can pick from ,not your own.

Krol’s Left Ball
Krol’s Left Ball
4 years ago


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Undocumented Joe
Undocumented Joe
Reply to  Krol’s Left Ball
4 years ago

Qual es su problema senior?

Biden The Dim
Biden The Dim
4 years ago

All hail Biden the Dim gone in 60 days Article 25’d out

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Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  Biden The Dim
4 years ago

Walls don’t work.

4 years ago

The problem with the left currently in America is the ridiculous amount of hypocrisy. You can blame Trump and other republicans all you want for the awful federal response to COVID and the increased surges, but at least they aren’t hypocrites. You have businesses (largely in Democrat heavy states) that were told they have to shut down, but with no plan of how to survive that shutdown. You can’t just shut down businesses and peoples livelihoods with no plan on how they are supposed to meet their financial obligations.

At the same time you have people like Tyer, TFB, and others who sit on top of the mountain telling everyone else what they can and can’t do while sitting home and collecting an even fatter paycheck then they did last year. Then you have tons of Dems who have ordered shutdowns and proceed to dine out, take trips, get their hair did, and attend parties.

Thank god the inmates are starting their vaccinations next week. Them dying would really spoil the Berkshire economy.

4 years ago

Impeachment #2 not superfluous. Trump no pension, no second term, no pardon. Trump add gasoline to put out fire. Trump deliver garbage to House. Droo Breeze wash TB jockstrap. TB NO, TB by 20. US am being invaded by Limbaugh-Carlson-Hannity-Trump cabal… buy House, Senate – sell pillows, security systems. Trump Shop Related Products. Trump tribalism Trump no ethics.

Trumpers drubbing
Trumpers drubbing
Reply to  kltpzyxm
4 years ago

Donate to private Trump pension fund and vote the anarchy party write in ballots only 2004

Trumpers drubbing
Trumpers drubbing
Reply to  kltpzyxm
4 years ago

At least the chief brainwashed got his award. Rush guffaw.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Ba-ba-ra Duah Red.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Swawell do bang, bang with Fang, Fang

Reply to  kltpzyxm
4 years ago

If you can read he speech and then report back with what was said that made the antifa guy and cnn storm into the capital building and of course you can also add on what he said that made others go in….or was that the antifa person working the crowd

Reply to  kltpzyxm
4 years ago

We understand why they want to impeach him just saying it’s illegal to keep charging someone for something they didn’t do

4 years ago

25,000 troops have D.C. locked down.
Creepy Joe’s inauguration rehearsal postponed. Creepy Joe’s train trip from Wilmington to Washington cancelled.

Von Trumpet
Von Trumpet
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

Will Baron be there…..just sayin

Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

Hunger games begin

Ken Tanemeant
Ken Tanemeant
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Look for shit to happen today where Guard won’t be. Sorta like Mel Gibson movie.Then of course mayhem the next four years like a Nashville. Trump will hook onto some type of media ala Russians and Chinese underground networks. Joe won’t be able to handle it. He’s just to damn old. Kamala will be in charge of the new world order. Which is Socialism.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Ken Tanemeant
4 years ago

Joe is 3 years older than our birther in chief Trump

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

This is the fossil fuel board.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

With Trump gone are you going to rent space in your head? How much will you charge? Security deposit?

Kooki Yuki
Kooki Yuki
4 years ago

Talk about bizzaro

PITTSFIELD — Methuselah Bar & Lounge has received a third citation for allegedly violating COVID-19 safety regulations, and a city health official is seeking to have its license suspended.

Andy Cambi, the city’s senior sanitarian told the Licensing Board on Thursday that owner Yuki Cohen has not cooperated fully with inquiries about the incidents surrounding the citations.

“I want to make a strong recommendation that the board … understand that we’re not moving forward and that we need to suspend this license,” Cambi said.

Cohen, a city councilor, maintains that she’s defending herself against “frivolous” complaints, which she said were initiated by a colleague on the council.

Methuselah already has been cited for violations on Aug. 22 and Dec. 11, both of which Cohen is challenging. She was issued two $500 fines for the Dec. 11 violations, which she said she has not paid pending an appeal with the city’s hearing officer.

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12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Kooki Yuki
4 years ago

Let’s hope Pittsfield has enough sense to vote out this dipstick along with lazy eye and moon shot.

Reply to  Kooki Yuki
4 years ago

It seems Stockwell doesn’t believe a grainy picture is worth a thousand words. How about a grainy picture be worth 500 words hundred then?

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

“Pure and simple, this case is about justice, truth, accountability, poisoned children, lost lives, shattered families that are still not whole, and simply giving a damn about all of humanity,” said Kym Worthy, a leader of the team that investigated a catastrophe that has been described as an example of environmental injustice and racism.

Lead & Racism & Leading by Example.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Perhaps she is referring to all the BLM arsons, murders, and lootings and shootings and violence against police all summer long in the name of racial justice.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Peaceful Protestors

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Das righ!

Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
4 years ago

Sure thing. And if were two white thugs who gunned down a young black male walking his dog, on 13 Jan, in cold blood, the BLM folk would be rioting again. Because the victim is a white male, BLM folk don’t give a damn. Unfortunately, this is the real problem – young black male violent crime rate out of control and has been for years. That is the problem, not racist cops.

4 years ago

Whew baby……Trump’s latest executive order banning holdings of securities of companies designated by the Defense Dept. as owned or controlled by the Chinese military…..must have the rats scrambling! Pelosi, Bidens, McConnell……watch ’em run for cover!

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

Let’s see if Dementia Joe tries to rescind. Trump painted him into a corner.

4 years ago

So much news, so little time.

Italy’s government falling apart, as Obama’s buddy former Premier Renzi resigned. Italy played a major role in the manipulation of the 2020 U.S. presidential election results.

The rats are scurrying!

Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

Obamagate started in Italy. Obama and his cronies who think they are so morally superior to so many people, decided to use their power to try to take down a president and now Obama and Michelle think their 3rd term has started with Biden in the White House. Michelle is running to the tech companies to shut down voices she doesn’t like and Obama is pushing for more government control using climate change and the virus as the excuse.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Thanks Pat

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Re: Open letter to Smitty Pignatelli

Hello Honorable Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli,

As you are beginning your 19th year on Beacon Hill, I wondered how many legislative pay raises you have taken and voted for since early-2003? In the Dirty Bird’s (Berkshire Eagle’s) news article, entitled “With veto feared, Rep. Smitty Pignatelli urges Gov. Baker to sign climate bill”, it states that you chair the state House side of the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, which means you collected 3 legislative pay raises earlier this month on January 1, 2021. Your future state pension will be worth 6-figures after your multiple decades as a career politician doing disservices against the people and taxpayers of Massachusetts.

I find it ironic that you are all in with your full support for the corrupt EPA and heavily indebted GE’s horrible 2020 settlement for the planned 15-year-long and unfunded billion-dollar so-called cleanup of the polluted Housatonic River that places a toxic waste industrial chemicals (PCBs) leaky landfill in Lee, Massachusetts, while you are also now urging Governor Charlie Baker to sign the climate bill. On the one hand, you are screwing over the people of your southern Berkshire-based legislative district with a so-called cleanup of the polluted Housatonic River that will put a 3rd GE toxic waste leaky landfill in the Berkshires, while on the other hand you are arguing for a climate-friendly environmental bill that sets its target dates after you retire and collecting your 6-figure taxpayer-funded state pension.

While we are at it with your public record of greed and irony, you also publish op-eds about Berkshire County’s drastic loss in living wage jobs and population without looking at yourself in the proverbial mirror as a decades-long career political hack in Massachusetts state government. You voted yourself a 40-percent legislative pay raise 4 years ago, but you also lament that Berkshire County’s shrinking tax base that is burdening local Berkshire County taxpayers with high municipal and school district taxes. What is worse, Beacon Hill’s legislative political hacks just collected up to 3 legislative pay raises, and now you and your greedy colleagues in Boston are looking to raise state taxes to balance the fiscal year 2022 Massachusetts state budget that begins in 5.5-months from now on July 1, 2021 without making any personal sacrifices yourself in your public pay and perks.

Don’t you get it, Smitty Pignatelli? You and your Beacon Hill colleagues are the worst example of state government in the human history! You do us all a better service when you are not “working” your de facto part-time “job” on Beacon Hill than when you are there greedily collecting 3 legislative pay raises earlier this month and speaking out of both sides of your mouth with ironic words of disservices that we don’t want to hear because they are totally disingenuous!

In Truth!

Jonathan A. Melle

Post Script: Perhaps Smitty Pignatelli can write another one of his out-of-touch op-eds about his support of the climate bill that will cost taxpayers a lot more of their very limited hard earned money, while stating that he is honored to have received 3 legislative pay raises this month of January 2021, while over one million Massachusetts workers have lost their jobs and health insurance during the K-shaped (Wall Street at record highs, Main Street at record lows) recovery/recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Smitty Pignatelli can write that he believes that the residents of Lee (Mass.) should take it on the chin and accept GE’s planned toxic waste leaky landfill there because while he thinks globally, he likes to stick it to the locals who protest his banal ways. Smitty can again write that Berkshire County has lost most of its living wage jobs and population numbers continue to decline, but that he is O.K. with taking home a 6-figure taxpayer-funded state government legislative salary along with many other generous taxpayer-funded public perks. Smitty can close out his new op-ed that he speaks disingenuous words out of both sides of his mouth and that if we don’t like to hear and/or read his insincere words, then we can go right ahead and pound sand. Smitty doesn’t realize that “Smitty sucks!”

Note: Governor Baker vetoed the climate bill.

Trey Tour
Trey Tour
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago


12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Even RINOs know the sky isn’t falling.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Speaking out both sides of the mouth for politicians is not a new concept. Especially for ones who are elected or running in one party rule states. They need the dough to run and remain in office and most of that money isn’t coming from the the little guys.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Believe the lamestream, or else.

Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive ListDated: January 15, 2021 by Sharyl Attkisson

Hey, wait, I think I might have found a “journ–” Nay, can’t be.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Facts are like annoying flies that the far left media wants to swat away. The Democrats defending the media are only doing so because the media is on their side and doing everything to keep the Democrats looking good and trying to destroy the Republicans and President Trump. The Dems don’t care that freedoms are being taken from conservatives because they don’t like them anyway, but once the lack of freedoms start effecting them, because the power mad Dems want total control, they will realize the monster they have created by standing by and not saying a word against it.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

How on earth can any observent, sane person look at what is happenning now and say something like what Pat says? Anyone who has half a brane can see that it is the right media (Fox news, white house press office, brightbart) that is the fake news, and the right wingers are the ones that want to ignore the facts and disrespeck the truth. It is rediculous wishfull thinking to say that the left wants freedoms removed. The left do not want the republicn party removed, they want it to be repared.

Reply to  kltpzyxm
4 years ago

Pat is totally correct Kit, and by the way, just so you know, your spell check is broken. It was all part of the vast left wing conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

Pat is complely wrong, as usual, Tellitis. And it is your ethics checker is what is broken.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  kltpzyxm
4 years ago

Fox can’t call itself news after 6pm.It Fox entertainment.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

But it can call irself ‘fake’.

Jerry Packard
Jerry Packard
4 years ago

The Click Theory of Siloed Thinking – Providers want users to click, so providers give users only content that users deem positive … repeat, do not rinse. Net effect: = silos.

4 years ago

A New York station announced that in NY state Market 32 (PC) at this moment is giving vaccine to those over 65 by appointment. Good for them!

In Mass. those 65 and older have a much longer wait. They come behind those 75 and older and they are not scheduled until sometime in Feb.

And before the 75 year olds the prisoners come first.

Don’t you love it! Good old Massachusetts!

Madein Forum
Madein Forum
Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

Again I State let Yukie continue. Call it professional courtesy. ASIDE. Time of the day for a Chuckism? What yah got Chuck?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

President Biden already is going to try to fill this huge void as Trump had no plan when thevvaccine came on board.The virus is extremely deadly and zero was done to contain it.Dopey is a failure

Community Daunt
Community Daunt
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Trumps in a bunker hiding or playing golf. ….and expects all the trumpers on here to peacefully assemble at your nearest local gathering sight to protest the swearing in of Josia Telly Biden this week.

North Street Nomad
North Street Nomad
Reply to  Community Daunt
4 years ago

He may need a sand wedge or a 7 wood for the bunker. Nancy and TSC would use Canadian Club.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Community Daunt
4 years ago

WHITE LIVES MATTER…just ask them.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Melle got excited , he thought you were talking about Betty White.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

the recovery rate is only 99.9%…..the sky is falling.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Spider
4 years ago

Do they give gas points for this?

Say No To Biden
Say No To Biden
4 years ago

There are now 15,000 national guard troops loyal to President Trump garrisoned in the Capitol.
There are an extra 20,000 police at the Capitol who remember how they were called racist and Nazi’s all summer long.
Defund The Police, 1312, ACAB.
Those are now coming home to roost.

4 years ago

In the sense of the new year I will try to help the Eagle reach out and help society heal. As Gandhi said you must be the change you seal. How about you stop printing hate speech and instead write in inclusive vernacular like you suggest our educators do, this includes all groups. Good Luck, I may even start a subscription if this were to happen

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago


4 years ago

Green Bay’s AR throws more than touchdown on his take of what is and happening in Covid World. Barstool sports has shown once again government needs to re-evaluate itself and lead, follow or GTF out of the way.

Biden’s Amerika
Biden’s Amerika
4 years ago

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Pullin Teefs
Pullin Teefs
Reply to  Biden’s Amerika
4 years ago

No that’s trump caused America. Bidens is socialism everything free.even dentists can get Covid money.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Biden’s Amerika
4 years ago

Looks just like my America – welcome to jail.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

That’s where MA leaders end up, maybe the fencing is just getting them ready for the future

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

I don’t know about the politics involving Methuselah’s (to me it is still The Sweet Shop) but I sure compliment the picture of Yuki shown on this page. She is certainly a cutie.

Pullin Teefs
Pullin Teefs
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

Yeah,she is a beauty. God Bless Yukie for trying to make a living. Pay the fine and go from there. Covid has ruined everyone.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

Before it was the Sweet Shop it was Whitakers Ice Cream Parlor. Later became Pitsfield Sporting Goods.

Pullin Teefs
Pullin Teefs
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

So? Chuck remembers the sweet shop. Are you a Bidenite?

4 years ago

Nancy Pelosi spent so much time criticizing President Trump for calling out the National Guard during the BLM and Antifa riots, but now can’t stop praising the National Guard being in Washington D.C. She is such a phony.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago


Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Long live Pete White.

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

Don’t piss on my head & tell me it’s raining. -Ghandee

Dr. No
Dr. No
4 years ago

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Not supporting the bottle, not wearing gloves.
Jesus these people are stupid

Bye Bye Biden
Bye Bye Biden
4 years ago

Remember this day? Peaceful Protesters
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Bye Bye Biden
Bye Bye Biden
4 years ago

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Mostly peaceful BLM protesters