Nearing soon-to-be-gone Dotties, we see a biker going the wrong way North on North, eschewing the fancy new lanes made just for him. Note how empty the sidewalks are of foot traffic. Why? NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WANTS THE HASSLE. Motorists don’t stop. They’re just passing through.
Good news: We actually saw bikers on North Street downtown.
Bad news: Not one was using the “vibrant, dynamic” bike lanes.
Our random sampling underscores what we know to be true: Bikers won’t use the lanes because they are too close to motorists, with the opposite being true. Result: Fewer people daring to risk life and limb going downtown. That’s why North on North is losing R.J. Stohr’s Jewelers and Dotties, two up-anchors sure to set the S.S. Tyer even more adrift. Can Steven Valenti’s and Paul Rich be far behind?
———- ooo ———-
On Tuesday, going the length north on North Street, THE PLANET saw four bikers.
- One was pumping on the sidewalk.
- One was pedaling in the middle of the road.
- One wasn’t using the bike lane and going unlawfully against traffic.
- The fourth rolled in the right direction but in the vehicle parking lanes.
The four horsemen had the sagging auras of down-and-outers who can’t afford a car, urban poor or worse. They weren’t the young, selfish sharpshooters who drive their $48,000 trucks and $55,000 SUVs to Springside Park each Tuesday to break law and limb on their $4,000 mountain bikes. The four were the tired and unwashed that make up 95% of what little human traffic North on North sees during these drug- and gang-infested times.
There are many to thank for this wonderful state of urban decay: Helen “Half” Moon, Nick “Crack” Caccamo, Dina “Conflict” Lampiasi, Peter “Pee Pee” Marchetti, Pete “Houseless” White, Yuki “Dancing on the Bar” Cohen, “Dumpster” Earl Persip, Kathy “Lady Boots” Yon, Alison “Conflict Too” McGee, the entire Parks Commission, Boss Deanna Ruffer, “Green Light” McGrath, “Kufflinks” Kerwood … we could go on and on. But among these names one stands tall — The Lovely Linda Tyer.
Wow! What a “vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive” success Pittsfield’s fabulous mayor has inflicted on Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Suffer the demise of your city while your taxes shoot through the leaky roof (they couldn’t afford repairs after paying for groceries, meds, utilities, and rendering to Caesar).
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET‘s shotgun rider took pictures. They show the new downtown traffic patterns in all their splendor, a cornucopia of confusion, corrupt politics, bureaucracy, indifference, incompetence, and weedy abandonment.
Public opinion runs against the North on North installation 20-to-1, the result of THE PLANET‘s unscientific but representative survey compiled from interviews, online comments, social-media, and public statements. In sum, Tyer doesn’t give a “F” about Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.
Enjoy the photos:

Heading North on North. The fun begins for the helpless motorist. Double yellow lines, dotted single yellow lines, solid whites, no man’s land of green stripes, bump outs, weeds … and hardly any people. Welcome to Tyertown.

Look at how wide North Street is. Measure that against the width of the lone driving lane. And look at the sidewalks. Not a soul. Remember that with the fact that the photo was taken mid-afternoon, July 20 — the height of tourist season in the Berkshires. Now you get why the indie bookstore closed, RJ Stohr is moving, Dottie’s will soon be elsewhere, with Steven Valenti fed up to here.

Moving toward the Miller Building. More confusion, more weeds and blight, more empty storefronts, and still no people. Rumor has it that Panchos will soon be renamed Pathos in honor of Tyertown’s new “vibrant and dynamic” vibe.

Try making sense of this fish-mosh of stripes, lines, and traffic cones. Still no people on the sidewalks in Tyertown.

Adding to the confusion, reverse-pointing triangles. Actually, they are tire shredders added because of Tyer acceding to the biker’s wish to make it even more difficult for saps behind the wheel needing to come downtown. Still no pedestrians. Have a great weekend, everybody. “How many light bulbs does it take to screw in Deann Ruffer?“ — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
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What happened to North Street since the 1980s is a very sad story. There was once England Brothers, bookstores, shops, restaurants, and a bustling business district in the 1950s and 1960s, but for a long time now North Street is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” during business hours, and the place in Pittsfield to avoid after hours. In the 1970s and 1980s, the mentally ill were deinstitutionalized and placed in distressed cities like Pittsfield, then GE pulled out of Pittsfield, and then Gerry Doyle, Sara Hathaway, Jimmy Ruberto, Dan Bianchi, and the Lovely Linda Tyer came along to make Pittsfield politics into the land of excessively high municipal taxes, fees, and debts/liabilities with diminishing and lousy public services. Everything that could have went wrong did go wrong in Pittsfield, especially with the aforementioned failed Pittsfield politicians who sold snake oil to the proverbial Kapanski family. We now live in the Summer of 2021, and Pittsfield is struggling to recover from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, along with decades of failed state and local leadership, and a perpetual distressed economy. It must be said over and over again that a lot of Pittsfield politicians do not live in the real Pittsfield where the working class and underclass live. Mayor Linda Tyer and her millionaire Accountant husband Barry Clairmont live in a wealthy gated community close to the Pittsfield/Hancock border. Jimmy Ruberto lives in Naples, Florida and has a Summer condo in upscale Lenox. Chrome Dome Adam Hinds recently purchased a $690,000 home in Amherst, Massachusetts, which is well outside of his legislative district. Trippy Country Buffet lives near the Pittsfield/Lenox border and sent her children to the Lenox public school district. PAC Man Richie Neal lives on K Street in Washington, D.C. where he takes in millions of dollars from well heeled corporate lobbyists in return for favorable legislation. Ed Markey lives in Chevy Chase Maryland where he promised that he will save the world from global warming….and put wings on Pigs so they can fly around in the sky in the Markeyverse world of hot air and make believe.
What is the one common theme with all your listed politicians? Yup you got it right JM, all Democrats. The citizens in this area gave all their power to the Democrats and this is what you get. Keep voting D
One-party rule invites hegemony … other names for it: authoritarian, dictatorship, totalitarian, fascist. All involve lock-step marching orders and, for public officials in the Berkshires, obeying those orders.
What is the attraction to the conservative Trump republican party that supports zero.That party gives wealthy people tax cuts.Beyond that it full of racist and conspiracies. You guyss dont see it or you agree with it.You need to sell more than that nonsense…..LOL…
You can sell that stuff in Mississippi but not in Massachusetts, hello minority white Qs….you think Trump won…WTF…of course there is a one party system whats the option?
You make too many unwarranted assumptions in this message as it pertains to me. I’m not any “you guyss” or “you agree” or “You can sell …” I’m not “You.” In fact, you don’t know who I am.
Republicans are Trumps and Trump has a political hate tent.It was not personal to you as you posed the statement.I simply stated that that what is the option.Democrats do support the American culture and Republicans are just out of ideas but hating on minorities is really a bad choice in Ma…..Trumpers own the south
Thanks for the clarification.
Yeah, clear as mud.
For one you need to show where the Democrats are for the constitution and country because from what I have witnessed in my life this is a false statement! Unfortunately that means you seem to be a biased person who has been brainwashed and should be disregarded. You also forget for 50 years Trump was a Democrat, so are his ideas Republican or Democrat or a combination of all? TSC the only hate I read is from your statements, hopefully at some point in your life you will free yourself from it
Good call. One Party Rule yields efficient and undebated decison making that will not suffer challenges or redress (due to lack of transparency in the benign state). The result is Corruption (fascism/authoritarian), often in all ranks of the community.
The people who believe redress happens are ignorant
The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving.
The government gives & TAKES!!!!!
Great comment, J.
You heard about malls JM and thats what happened in every city.Mr. Valenti greatly distorts people who use dowtown.We are an urban city with Berkshire county’s social services.I would recomend moving them to lenox or stockbridge.
On the subject of all things notorious, another of PPD’s most toxic cops has gotten away with murder (in this case, in the idiom sense of the word). There certainly wasn’t a down side for the cop’s egregious felony conduct. Its not as if he faced charges of recklessly engaging in conduct that created a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to a child, and he didn’t loose his pension, and, just as importantly, he isn’t suffering any criminal punishment for his egregious felony criminal conduct. That’s obviously an important perk of the PPD. So, when I couldn’t find a downside I grasped for an upside, and all I could come up with was that at least it was the cop’s own child/daughter who failed at her alleged violent attempt at suicide with her father’s taxpayer funded unsecured service weapon. So, on the bright side, at least she’ll get a chance to get it right.
Harrington tried to railroad the guy
No study will ever be able to make common sense intelligence out of Harrington’s decision process.
Harrington is trying to explain the DATA that what you do now in the courts simy does not work.
New York Jets assistant coach Greg Knapp dies after bicycling accidentMichael Middlehurst-Schwartz
Saw that. Knapp was with seven franchises and had a positive influence on a ton of players. Great loss for both the Jets and the NFL.
We need pics of all the cars parked on North st over night. Are they the condo owners living in the upper floors of the buildings? Was the whole bike lane fiasco really a way to make parking spaces for condo owners? Well, it’s Pittsfield and nobody really knows what is going on especially the people in charge.
But could we run these photos by some traffic experts in other cities and get their comments?
If there cars are parked overnight then clearly it’s people living in and around the area.
The only other thing it could be is a call center located somewhere on the central block.
Also, I noticed that the city removed their derelict attracting benches which were provided by this schitty city for the unwashed derelicts, aka, Tyer’s houseless downtown ambassadors. I’m referring to the ones congregating/panhandling in front of Dottie’s outdoor dining courtyard. With the benches gone, Dottie had her empty sherbet coloured bistro chairs and tables set out in the bum free courtyard today.
Speaking of downtown ambassadors, I’m referring to the the ones in the orange shirts, I’m dead serious, shouldn’t they be provided with armored vests.
Except for Tyer’s unwashed houseless panhandling derelicts from Tyer’s Pittsfield Panhandling Greeters Program, which are stationed on EVERY CORNER/intersection, the unprotected orange shirt ambassadors, and some VERY SCARY PEOPLE, I have not seen another soul on Notorious North on North. I can only imagine that if a traveler/tourist were to accidentally find themselves lost on Pittsfield’s Notorious North on North, the only question they’d have is which way is the fastest way OUT of this schitthole.
and that would NOT be by using North street.
Apparently all the wacky line paint caught Jeff Bezos eye from the edge of space and he thought it perhaps he was looking at a landing site for UFOs. And when he zoomed in with his camera and saw some of the people he determined he was probably right.
North St is most definitely a cluster. Great pics Dan. Love the name “Tyertown” – what a mess she has created.
Most telling was yesterday’s post by EMT who spoke of the difficulty ambulances were having getting to & from the hospital, and just navigating through the obstacle course that Tyer’s minions have created. Her first big mistake was installing the mothballed parking kiosks in decaying downtown. Feel bad for the few good merchants who have persevered only to now have to deal with the confusing lanes of traffic/bike paths.
Dennis Quaid a well known actor will be doing a show- docmentary of the better side of Pittsfield. I know Dennis from my family in Texas,don’t know him personally though,but is a great guy and my son in law says he’s also a pretty good actor and plays a great game of golf. I think he was married to a actress Meg Ryan.
From AB @ the B.E.
Pittsfield to be featured on ‘Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid’ for cost of $27K
PITTSFIELD — The city will appear in a short-form documentary called “Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid,” according to the office of Mayor Linda Tyer.
“I am absolutely thrilled that the City of Pittsfield has been chosen for this extraordinary nationwide profile,” Tyer said in a press release on Thursday.
Scouts for “Viewpoint” reached out to Tyer’s office in April after reading a New York Times article that identified Pittsfield as among the top metro area draws for movers in 2020, said Roberta McCulloch-Dews, director of administrative services and public information officer for Tyer’s office. The city will pay $3,400 toward an underwriting fee of $27,900, with other sponsors picking up the balance. “Viewpoint” decided to feature Pittsfield in a series called “Discovering America — Great Places to Live, Work, & Visit” segment after discussions with the mayor’s office, McCulloch-Dews said.
“Based on the conversations, they said yes,” she said, referring to the “Viewpoint” team.
The city of Greenfield has also agreed to be featured in a “Discovering America” segment, which will be filmed in September. According to the Greenfield Recorder, that city is also paying an underwriting fee of $27,900 to participate.
“Viewpoint,” which describes itself as an educational short-form documentary series, is hosted by the actor known for his roles in movies like the 1998 remake of “The Parent Trap” and “The Rookie.”
It produces documentaries on a variety of topics that air on public television stations across the country. Pittsfield’s segment will be about four to five minutes long, McCulloch-Dews said, and will be filmed in October. In addition to the short-form documentary, “Viewpoint” will produce an “educational commercial segment” that will air on major television networks such as CNBC, CNN, Learning Channel and Discovery Channel, according to the press release. McCulloch-Dews said the city will have rights to the segment to use it to promote the city.
The Pittsfield Cooperative Bank has agreed to contribute $10,000 toward the underwriting fee, and the Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation is contributing $14,500.
“We already know that Pittsfield, the heart of Berkshire County, is a great place to live, work, and visit. In the wake of the pandemic, we continue to see a growing demand among people of all ages who are seeking communities that will allow them to enjoy a thriving quality of life,” Tyer said in the release. “This documentary will showcase our city to a vast audience, highlighting our many wonderful attributes, including our growing innovation and technology, and
local success stories.”
It’s nothing. It’s like paying for an infomercial. Won’t be taken seriously.
PeePee Petie’s employer is kicking in $10,000 of that money. He evidently has them baffled also. This Tyer clique get more outrageous by the day.
Sham Wow!
Perhaps it is time for the Generalissamo to dust off his uniform and provide a real life counter balance to this propaganda piece.
Wouldn’t it be funny if the film crew got in an accident on North street involving a bunch of bicycles?
And does this mean tyer will be forced to pick up all the street garbage and do some weed wacking? Any chance they will be interviewing random people to get their opinions or will the mayor trot out her best bullshitters. (Of course she will)
Will they talk to Jess? Will the panhandlers be picked up and taken to Onota lake for a picnic that day?
Great questions. The Generalissimo is in Honduras presently, but we have been in regular touch. Don’t tell the mayor or anyone else, but we are working the back alleys at city hall to come up with a bribe sufficient enough to get The Generalissimo back to Pittsfield for a visit. It’s going to come out of the Kovid Kash — that is if there’s any left after the vultures get down with their already committed bribes and kickbacks.
If the Generalissimo makes a side trip to Haiti he could get all the bribes and kickbacks he wants. That is if the line in Pittsfield is too long.
Good point. The long is pretty big outside of certain doors inside city hall.
Corporate poisoning and terrible GE leadership led to the demise of the biggest corporation in the world.Pittsfield has survived very well losing 12,000 jobs.It was left with a legacy of GE poison.The whole cleanup in South Berkshire is a very sick joke.Pittsfield had 1 mile of river cleaned by 4 guys in 25 years.This is just more Corporate lying.GE in fact will NEVER clean up anything.
So what
Quaid documentaryis getting 27000 from the city and others? And what does QUAID KNOW ABOUT THIIS city? By the way,Quaid has been married Four Times.
Can we bump that EMTs post up to today because it came in late and I think many missed it.
Hey Lazy – go back & look it up at the end of yesterday’s blog. That’s why Dan has an archive.
You can even go back months/years and read all of Marxist Melle’s comments fawning over Antifa and Karl Marx, if you so desire.
I did do that. But I assume a bunch of others don’t go back and read the late last day posts. And I thought it was quite important.
That’s it, then FRITZ. THE PLANET dubs the city that used to be known as “Pittsfield” TYERTOWN. Proper reference to downtown North Street shall henceforth be “North on North in Tyertown.”
Love it!
You do recognize that Pittsfield is essentially a lost cause, don’t you? Sure, Beacon Hill will toss some money Pittsfield’s way to keep it from completely falling apart, but once GE left, Pittsfield’s goose was cooked. No sane person would have their kids go to the Pittsfield public schools. They’re terrible. Harrington is an idiot. Tyer doesn’t know what she’s doing and neither does the City Council.
Pittsfield is a zombie City. It doesn’t know it’s dead.
You live in Stockbridge for a reason.
But you are here,ugh.
I’m not dumb enough to choose to live in Pittsfield.
Nipples Harrington screwing up yet again.
This guy sucks as a cop, how he was allowed to retiree I don’t know BUT 4-5 years in jail. Talk about hating white males and police!
PITTSFIELD — The criminal case against a former Pittsfield Police officer whose teenage daughter used his service weapon to shoot herself will be dismissed if he stays out of trouble for two years.
Miles Barber, 58, admitted last week to improperly storing his large-capacity firearm near a minor by leaving it on top of a bureau in his home in July 2018.
Judge John Agostini rejected a recommendation by the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office to sentence Barber to four to five years in state prison, calling the request “quite unusual.” Instead, he adopted the defense’s recommendation to continue the case without a finding for two years.“
Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington recommended that Barber receive a sentence of four to five years in state prison, Yorlano said. The offense carried a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison.
“In the commonwealth, or the district attorney’s opinion, this matter was worthy of jail, your honor,” he told Agostini. “It was a large-capacity firearm, there was a minor, really everything that possibly could have culminated bad happened in this.”
But Agostini accepted the defense’s recommendation to continue the case without a finding for two years. Brennan had cited as precedent a case involving a Springfield police officer whose improper storage case was continued without a finding for one year after her service weapon was used in her partner’s suicide.
Yorlano said as a prosecutor he worked with Barber on multiple criminal cases before the officer was indicted by a Berkshire County grand jury in November 2018, and he praised Barber as “fantastic” and responsive prosecutorial witness who “really cares about this community.”
“I certainly take no joy in this case at all,” he said.
“I haven’t been able to figure out the district attorney’s approach to things, and when I saw four to five years in state prison, I had to get some oxygen because it seems quite unusual,” Agostini said. “I don’t believe police officers should be punished because they’re police officers. I think they should be treated just like anyone else when they come in here. Yes we hold them to a higher standard; we hold doctors to a higher standard. But that was just something that was difficult to deal with.”
DONT FEEL BAD JUDGE, she doesn’t know what she’s doing so it’s impossible to figure out her approach to things.
The best way to try and figure it, pretend you are a DA with ZERO experience, no understanding of the law, no ethical center, as dishonest as they come, who’s both narcissistic and as dumb as can be but overwhelmed with entitlement and political ambition.
If you make all decisions with that mindset, you will have Andrea Nipples Harrington.
Thank God for Judges standing between citizens and DA Harrington. To borrow a quote from Mr. Fauci:
Andrea Harringon:
“You do not know what you are talkig about, quite frankly I would like to say that officially. You do not know what you are talking about.”
So let’s get this straight…Harrington actually CAUSED a cop to walk away free by incurring the wrath of a judge so outraged he pratically needed oxygen? Do I have that right?
I feel sorry for ADA Yorlano having to represent Harrington’s ridiculous requests in court. He sounds pretty knowledgable not to mention classy. Maybe he should run against her?
Pretty much. Instead of doing a year and a day, suspended (he’d never be able to own a gun again) or a plea that includes him losing his gun rights (the main focus of this case) or looking at case law and realizing what the precedent was, this guy walks in two years, with his pension intact, and will be a firearms instructor or a cop in a town near you.
Nipples hates men, except if they are soy boys or paying her bills.
She hates white men not named Andy.
Let’s look at a sample of DA Wrong Way’s sentence recommendations:
Lonnie Durfee: white male, burned hay in which no people or property were ever in danger, sentence: 2 years in jail.
Colleen Janz, white female, embezzled over $30,000 from her employer over a couple of years, sentence (recommendation): Continued w/out a Finding (CWOF) for 30 days, and a $50 fine.
Miles Barber: white male, improper storage of a firearm, sentence (recommendation): 3-5 years in state prison. Regardless of what type of cop he was, he has ZERO criminal record.
Notice a pattern here?
Since Wrong Way asked for 3-5 for Miles Barber, she better be seeking a 20-30 year prison term for Jesus Lugo. Remember Jesus Lugo? He did a drive by shooting on the hood of a car and ultimately shot himself in the hand.
Question, can you make an offer for 18 months to two years and if rejected, demand four to five? Is it legal? Ethical? Isn’t that prosecutorial vindictiveness and a violation of due process?
In any case, I am sad to say that this was forseen. The DA will go after people she perceives it is popular to go after.
Wait, I thought the district attorney didn’t believe in the old “punishment” model? Oh, wait only for cops, riiiight? I wonder who hates Harrington more is it cops or judges?
We hear it is the other district attorneys.
The irony is this:
I honestly thought I was going to need oxygen, and CPR, when I read this. It apparently wasn’t enough that a sitting judge was so outraged, to the point of announcing his need for oxygen, which was triggered just by a recommendation of sentencing a rogue cop to prison. But THEN, the ada/PROSECUTOR went on to add further insult when he actually praised Barber as “FANTASTIC”
Good point, it appears the ADA has been driven crazy I hope he recovers.
When you finally see areas getting spruced up you will know what entities will be featured.
Pittsfield wasn’t “selected.” Pittsfield paid its way, like with any advertising. With taxpayers’ money, no less.
Is the mayor going to tell them where her schools rank in the state? Will she tell them there were 15 assaults with a deadly weapon in the city in the last month? Will she mention how she raises taxes several percent every year and then spends it on things the city does not need? Will she drive them over some of the shitty roads in nice home high tax areas? Will she tell them how many business s there were on North street when she took office and how many there are now? Will she tell them about the mass exodus of students to schools in neighboring communities? How about the mass exodus of people getting the hell out of Pittsfield in order to give their children a fighting chance at life?
And does this venue realize that their credibility is on the line if they run a highly puffed piece and someone shows the flip side? Or does anybody even care anymore?
Your last question says it all. Answer: No, at least when it comes to public officials. This “informercial” is more embarrassment for the city. Just when you think the bottom of the barrel has been scraped …
Call Dennis Quaid & send him some vibramic pics.
Seriously. Let him know the truth before he makes a fool of himself.
. the truth will come out.
Yeah ok:
What a pile of BS.
Mitchell Chapman sounds like Linda’s publicist.
North St. is a cluster. While visiting a friend in BMC, I witnessed a few bike riders on the SIDEWALK and one lone biker peddling the wrong way down the vehicle lane. Not a cop in sight, vagrants on almost every corner.
Tyer put the nail in the coffin of downtown.
North on North might actually BE Tyer’s political coffin.
Vagrant…there but for the grace of God go I…count your blessings.
Pittsfield has hired 16 more administrators on top of other administrators.This is the problem.They are going to blow every dollar in new money.Tyer should stop this now.At the same time Mrs Behnke is offering custodians and cafeteria people pennies per hour.That administrative building personnel is possibly the worst group of people ever put together to run anything.Combine that with the school committee council and Mayor……Pittsfield needs Money leadership……New political candidates need to be Money Smart…..Stop spending our money.If the pump track wants money the answer is No No No……Stop Spending Pittsfield money irresponsibly, just stop.Paint all lines in Pittsfield for safety….sweep our streets…..weedeat the grass…HIRE ONLY MAINTENANCE PEOPLE and clean up what we have done and dont add one thing to that list of responsibilities…..
The Eagle has been told what to say and do again!
They are running puff pieces about the bike lanes, the MTB track, and the little Bella’s
Of course they send out Garver who had his head so far up Roberto’s ass he could taste what Ruberto ate.
Fifty bucks says Mr Quaid will say or write that he thinks it is wonderful that Pittsfield is becoming so bike friendly and that he thinks tearing up Springside park is a great idea.
I would not take that bet. You’d surely win
McQuaid is a mercenary. Whichever company is producing this puffery must have offered him enough silver for him to sell out in such a fashion. Plus tidy comps, most likely.
Someone must know him Dan,his net worth is 45 million. Hey would he take anything lesss that what’s out there?
He does a bisexual Esurance ad, why not do a bicycle Pittsfield ad.
Ha ha, that’s a good one!!
The bike lanes are a national push.Stockbridge has bike lanes and angle parking and are getting a round abkut and it all works
True dat, but you don’t mention one important factor: Stockbridge isn’t Pittsfield!
Do your visitors angle park better than Pittsfield citizens?
Better politicians and a town that cares about itself.
If Stockbridge cared, Elm St would be like it was 50 years ago.
Well, we know people ride on hoods of cars shooting up the place better in Pittsfield. We have the best panhandlers and more of them here in Pittsfield. We have so much more going for us that, DQ is being paid to to tell everyone about it. If things were so good then people being the the best advertisement you can get would be telling all what a wonderful place it is here.
So the bottom line is that tyer has hired someone to come in and apply lipstick to her pig. Do I have that right?
What’s weird is Dennis Quaid is fabulously wealthy but never have seen one movie of his. Randy his brother is more popular and have seen him in the vacation movies,Kingpin,Midnight Express,many others. He is minus one million dollars in net worth, and is known as a conspiracy theorist and has disappeared from acting and the map? Maybe it should be Randy doing the documentary?
You need to get out more.
Revlon doesn’t have or make enough lipstick to cover her pig.
Was up on North on North in Tyertown this afternoon and what did I see? One biker in the biker lane using it right then moves over onto the sidewalk, one guy in the middle of the street then cuts across all lanes of traffic to ride up the sidewalk on park square, a lady on the other side of the street riding the wrong way on the sidewalk and last but not least one almost getting rammed by a truck trying to parallel park in front of the beacon. The only problem I had with this 5 minutes of my life is I wasn’t able to film it! I am sure it would have been the hit of this comedy coming our way!
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard stories similar to yours. It’s an outright out-of-control disaster. Proof that the city is run by idiots and infested with vermin is that people like the Kapanskis have realized the entire officialdom of Tyertown, including and maybe especially North on North, has rigged the system against them. They are utterly screwed, getting it from the bottom-feeding dregs and the Top-Down Suits.
If there are any accidents of any kind on North street for the rest of this summer do you think any reports will be written up that the public would ever see?
J Lows phone apparently wasn’t ringing off the hook this election cycle?
While visiting family I also noticed there are surveillance cameras on the top of almost every traffic light, even in the Allendale area.
Felt like I was in the old show “Person of Interest.”
The surveillance state, right here in Tyertown.
I don’t think there are this many cameras in Springfield!
The cameras may be how the parking police lady gets on car parkers so quickly. It is not normal that she can land on a spot so quickly.
She is one with the force….it is strong in her…unfortunately she isn’t able to pull over all the cars and trucks running red lights everywhere, especially east st. Imagine the money she could be pulling in for the city…our own little Nassau
Too funny that they are going after parked cars and pretty much ignoring those blowing through red lights at 50 mph endangering everyone on the road. Pittsfield is truly a cartoon and the mayor is head of Looney Toon productions.
Funny how they monitor traffic, but enforcement is way down. Funny how they have cameras on every light but didn’t thing to put any where all the shooting happens.
They should put them in strategic locations. But for the meter maid? Who monitors the camera the dispatcher?
Paronoia runs deep. Into the heart it will creep.
Tyertown. Bootifll.
North Street never looked better! Was surprised to see the Christmas decorations finally down. Sorry old school holiday decorations. Looks like they meaning the maintenance crews did some work around PHS though. Coincidence, I don’t think so.
Only after THE PLANET fingered it, RK!
There’s a rally at Park Square today re: voting.
Is Linda there, with her bullhorn?
One place she is not — North on North in Tyertown.
She loaned it to All Sharpton.
No just her mouth and clenched fist salute of some kind in her one zipper dress.
Smooth move. Same buyer or no ?
I am glad god gave me a curiosity bone but man sometimes it is very hard to listen or read everything out there. Currently in Pittsfield there seems to be conflicting reports about this bike park proposed for Springside. Is it 1,2 or 3 acres? Is it just dirt or is pavement and cement involved? It seems like the information is all over the place. Nationally did Hunter and Joe conspire with Russia or China? Is Joe going to get in trouble for extortion with Ukraine? Is Pelosi a mob boss? What happened to the 70,000 votes in Arizona? The 7 million mail in vote requests in GA when that is all the registered voters? Guess there should not have been lines anywhere? Why won’t the media investigate the President? At this point the last President was under investigation illegally ie FISA? Well off to read and listen hope all have a good weekend
They are purposefully being sneaky about the pump track.
My sources inside the city (and some MTB friends of mine) say it’s a 3 acre park for active use. It will have a paved track. It will also have about half an acre dedicated to grandstands, lights, paved or improved parking, and a concession stand. The total cost is $2.5-$2.8 million
What McGee and Curtis are trying to do is do a no bid, give the money to NEMBA, try or of thing. That way they can get around municipal and state purchasing laws.
Milltown is the preferred vendor along with powder horn.
Basically they want to build this, not bid it out, then have NEMBA and Milltown run it.
Yes. Nearly the entire process has been on the city side sneaky.
What are the odds a bucket load of Covid money gets laundered through this white elephant? Anyone remember how the Colonial theaters original cost was to be 2 million but final cost was around $23 million? Seem to remember the same sort of process with the airport. And Beacon.
But please, no forensic audits in Pittsfield. What possible good could one do and plus everything is just fine as it is. It is just stupid when a business checks back to see if there are any inefficiency’s in the system that they could improve on and make the things run better. Who even does that sort of thing anymore? It’s like, so passe.
Mail in voting works.It has always worked and will continue to work.
It will work even better with adjustments that verifies for certain whom ever sent in said ballot.
Yeah for the people that get 5 ballots and those stealing mail for people who moved.
TSC, lets do that for the jab!!!
Mail people the jab, they jab themselves, then send Gooberment the paperwork!!!
More simple than mail in voting!!!
COPS are tormentors!
Call BLM or Antifa next time you need help.
Or call the Qanon republican party who dont like supporting police with tax dollars.
I see you have bought into Democrats have never wanted to defund the police manta and they know data shows they are losing on DFP. (Election Time) Let’s see these cowards of politicians vote straight up and down on a bill that has who wants to DFP. Attached to a huge budget breaking bs infrastructure bill which is a money give away and very little to do with infrastructure is how they now say others don’t want to fund law enforcement.
Most of the local police budget comes from property taxes. Put away your drugs/alcohol before yo II post.
Call the DemocRATS, they will have “peaceful protests’ by BLM and Antifa. When they Burn Loot and Murder, which is their modus operandi, DA Harrington will let them off with no bail, and court date with nothing whatsoever.
Dial 1-800-MARAJUNA to get in touch with TSC.
You say that as if there’s any difference between Mau Maus, Antifa, and the fantastic sadistic cops. I wonder how many times Barber’s minor daughter didn’t call the cops on her “fantastic” father.
To the Planet, on a side note you obviously approved of “Notorious North On North” so much so that you adopted it as your own. Not so much with other truths you reject. But it is your dirty little sandbox. So you obviously get to decide what schitt stay, and what truths are much to close to the truth, and are thus sentenced to the axe of censorship.
I said what I said and I didn’t say what I didn’t say.
We need to contact Quaid and for the good of his pride tell him to skip this gig.
If someone could email his outfit and clue them to the reality? Just inform him that no one is going to take his show seriously anymore if he follows tyer around her designated path and writes from her own pre-written script.
Surely all Berkshire county people will find it hysterical and take anything else he says in the future with a grain of salt. Wouldn’t a serious show send someone out front to do their own intel?
He only cars about the coin
Say hello to the Cleveland Fukawi Guardians
I have noticed the complete lack of bums begging on North St traffic islands, and in Dan’s posted pictures.
Recently traveling Rt 7, there was at least 1 bum at EVERY traffic light from the corner of 1st and East, to the intersection of South with W. Housatonic streets.
How do bike paths somehow repel begging bums?
They go where the money is. They have realized that with the bike lanes downtown is devoid of useful traffic.
There’s normally one right at park square, one at the island at deirdre’s and the DA’s office.
But they’ve adjusted to the traffic patterns.
Far leftist George Soros is continuing his evil plan to defund police in our country. He is giving one million dollars to an activist group to defund police so the money can go toward helping the poor in communities. The problem is that the poor may be dead without police in their community once the criminals take over, but that doesn’t faze these Marxists who believe that social workers can do double duty as police officers. The poor want their police because they know what happens without them, but George Soros and his far left liberal crusaders are trying to destabilize our country. He is responsible for all of the far left district attorneys that are now spread across the country including our own here in Berkshire County.
Just wow. “Policing is a violent institution that must end,” the group’s president wrote.
This is starting to look left of far left and around in a complete circle to libertarian.
I can’t believe I’m quoting something from Fox and now below posting from a republican. But that’s how far this particular portion of the democratic party has driven us.
Prosecutorial nulliffication, “criminal’s” justice system. The only good Soros prosecutor is a defeated prosecutor.
I completely agree with this comment from one of the readers of my attached article above. They don’t even believe that criminals exist. To these lunatics, criminals are victims of a system. These people are blind to human nature and think that people will all be good if police do not exist. They live in a fantasy world.:
“Much as I agree with TC and believe his heart is in the right place, I think he and nearly everyone in government who call themselves conservative are still unaware how much danger this country is in. Prosecutors who don’t want to prosecute are the tip of an iceberg. Of course they don’t want to prosecute anyone, because there are no criminals and there never were. There are only victims and oppressors who are the real criminals, who steal and hoard a bounty which belongs to everyone.
Calling these people Marxists is quaint and ineffectual. They may have begun their journey as Marxists, but they aren’t waiting patiently for some late stage of capitalism to pave the way for humanity’s inevitable socialistic realization. They think utopia has been here all along and just been repressed by western civilization, the only thing stopping the fantastic potentiality of the collective.
This country’s immense success has enabled an entire class of solipsistic lunatics. Their delusion is so thorough they think the freest, wealthiest most diverse country in history is somehow simultaneously a monstrous failure and bottomless treasure chest.
The left are comfortable with such cognitive dissonance, believing it to be a natural manifestation of the “contradictions” of late stage capitalism. Even after 100 million dead, they continue to believe contradiction must be a sign of ripening. The grave, relentless danger of such a mindset ought to be clear to any student of human nature and the history from which it springs.”
Multiple pilot programs currently fluid across the US where social workers – EMT are responding to 911 calls, rather than police. A quick data point is hospitalizations and arrests are down while police can concentrate on police work. To support and fund, money will have to be moved around within budgets. Is this bad?
Safe to say the US has a medical+mental health crisis, not to mention rising crime rate and some new SOPs are needed to address both.
Stop making it sound like social workers can take the place of all police calls…they can’t nor should they…and you know it. Social workers are not trained to put themselves in potentially violent situations and would rather call the police than confront a criminal. Many social workers get killed in these dangerous situations.
You lost me at “can take the place of all police calls.” Of course they can’t, and I never implied this. “Defund the police” = reallocating money from policing to other agencies funded by local municipalities. The rub is how far it should go… reform (I support) vs. abolish (I do not support).
You said rising crime rates are happening but also less arrests. How does this support your call for decreasing the amount budgeted for police? The mental illness should be caught in school and worked on to help the kids be able to manage their illness. Isn’t that what school adjustment counselor’s are for?
Crime is up, fact. Per data, arrests are down in the pilot studies where SS and /or EMT respond to said calls. Fact. I’m involved with our youth on a regular basis – catching & treating mental illness in our schools and school adjustment counselors coming to the rescue… OK.
I don’t know where you get this stuff. You and your rants are a relic of the 1950s. What you are referring to is early, hard-core Marxism/Leninism. These things that you attribute to modern-day leftists are from a much earlier time, and they are quoted from the thinking of hard-core Marxists. You attribute this stuff to modern-day liberal democrats and it’s just not true. Why don’t you take a step into the modern world and try to get it right.
Your posts show that you are the one who is thinking along Marxist/Leninist lines.
False delusional information.
Hello…they are currently trying to defund police in real time.
Tucker Carlson, a Trumps spokesperson, is trashing the Capitol police for trying to protect the American government. Why would he trash the police?
False information.
Because the DC murdered two Americans that posed no threat.
Just like they did in the Kavanaugh hearing, wait nothing happened to those insurrectionist!
Nobody’s trying to destabilize anything. Why do you keep making stuff up? Why don’t you tell us why you think liberals are trying to destabilize our country.
Cloward and Pivan you buffoon.
Dedicated bike paths make sense where a bicycling is a lifestyle and/or need. Places where there are already tons of cars and people and places in highly condensed cities.
Bike paths make sense in New York City where there is never anywhere to park, where livelihoods depend on bike expediency (deliveries, couriers, commuters, etc.). Where thousands or millions of people all live within a small square mileage.
No one is riding a bike from South Street to Taco Bell to Hancock Road to deliver UberEats. No one is riding a bike from Allendale to get to work at BCC, or Berkshire Life or Taconic High School.
Avid bike riders who ride for leisure or sport travel 30, 50, or 100 miles at a time. There was no need to give them 8 city blocks of dedicated lanes. That’s what the rail trail is for.
I see a bikini biker almost daily in coltsvile.
She actually confided in me a funny, and very disturbing story about cops.
I hope it’s not Barry in a Speedo!
Eagle says now people will be able to take their bike to go shopping. I tried it once and found it cumbersome to juggle six bags of groceries and hold on to the handle bars at the same time. But, I am sure the Eagle people do it all the time.
They meant shopping for heroin, crack, meth, and maybe some pot.
It’s easy as pie. Lumpy does it all the time.
I’m on it chief. Story will be ready tomorrow.
Planet, Would you please confirm or deny knowledge of an incident where a mother alleged that PPD Officer Miles Barber allowed her young son, an 8-year-old boy at the time, to handle his loaded large capacity service weapon? I believe the alleged incident happened while Barber was on duty, but certainly wasn’t performing the job he was getting paid to do.
Ohhh it’s true. Barber played fast and lose with his gun.
Planet, I also take issue with you classifying tyer as the S.S. Tyer when she is without a doubt in the classification of the Mobro 4000, the Gar-barge scow of Schittsfield, MA. So please correct this error to reflect her proper status as the Mobro 4000 TYER.