(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JULY 21, 2021) — Linda Tyer has checked out of the Hotel California. No one knows for sure where she’s been or is — Colorado? El Dorado, Bag-o-Doritos, gated mansion?
Doesn’t matter. What matters is that Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski live under the thumbs of two unelected “mayors” — Boss Deanna Ruffer and Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood.
The first’s lust for power has compromised whatever talents she may have brought with her on her second go-round in Pittsfield after she bombed out in Chatham then Truro on the Cape. Ruffer left because of ill health: The towns got sick of her. No problem. She placed a call to the 413 area code. Next thing you know Ol’ Jed’s a millionaire with Ruffer back on the gravy train.
The second epitomizes the Peter Principle, and we’re not talking about Marchetti or “Houseless” White. We mean the business truism that talent rises to its highest level of incompetency. Kufflinks, mediocrity’s stepchild, cares only about staying out of the Dreaded Private Sector, where he might quality as a toilet attendant at the Big E. They might even let him use a brush. He’s that good.

From left, Deanna Ruffer, Linda Tyer, and Matt Kerwood presiding over “vibrant, dynamic” Pittsfield.
———- ooo ———-
Tyer doesn’t care?
Take a look at these photos, sent to THE PLANET by one of our crack Z-Agents.
We start with two shots of the PHS steps:
Now we’re going to take a little stroll southwest for more pictures:

South Street just past the museum looking North. This is what visitors from South County see when they enter the city.

More of South Street by the First Congregational Church. Who would want to sit there? Had enough yet?

Good friend Steven Valenti, owner of Steven Valenti’s Clothing for Men, commented on Rufo’s post: “We are not very happy with the current state of affairs!!! The city asked us nothing for imput!! Therefore, we are done with helping the city! We are going to take this effort and only help ourselves!! My wife and I went out to dinner this evening and all we heard was what a shit show North Street is now! What happens in November thru April, when the bikes are put away? Downtown Pittsfield Inc had lost a major player!!! SVAsk the professional bicyclists!! They do not use North Street!!”
———- ooo ———-
Another downtown anchor who got fed up is Rick Stohr, owner of R.J. Stohr Jewelers. Rick has announced the move of his shop to East Street. Bravo, Rick and Norm.
Question for The Invisible Woman, Tyer: Are you happy you have allowed a cancerous rot to kill downtown?
THE PLANET leaves with this fitting comment from Outfox:
———- ooo ———-
“Curious what the master plan means by ” identify by demographics.”
Which socioeconomic group does that refer to — the mostly low income locals, who would really benefit from usable, well maintained bike lanes, or does it refer to the algorithms, the data generated by out-of-towners to justify colonizing Pittsfield with their mostly bullshit projects and developments?
Make no mistake, those new apartment buildings going up on Tyler Street are the beginning of sprawl, planned sprawl.
With the Lantern and Mission being the exceptions, go figure, every single business on North Street either wants to leave or is talking about leaving.
Familiar Trees, the independent bookstore, couldn’t get out of here fast enough after the murder on the street near their shop. I think they made it a full 11 months before they beat feet.
Blockbusting is a real thing and we’re seeing it happening right here on North Street.
Putting the re-entry program for drug-addicted mentally ill juvenile criminals directly behind Dotty’s for example.
Allowing human feces and used, uncapped needles, and the people responsible, to live behind the dumpsters behind Dottie’s. Although now that Milltown has taken over Mission that problem miraculously fixed itself.
And check this one out: the homeless who used to congregate at the bus stop in front of 510 now congregating on the benches on the corner of North and Maplewood and in the middle of the month, well past the day that checks come, they all have full packs of store-bought cigarettes. Huh??? This is on a good day. They got rollies on most days, the asking-you-if-you-can-spare-a-cigarette crowd. Deliberately devalue a property and a neighborhood to displace the people currently living there so that you can bring in new tenants at higher rent.
We are under siege and nobody’s paying attention.”
“Vibrant is to Dynamic what Tyer is to Ruffer. You figure it out.“ — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
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What do cows do? They get poked and prodded, and they go, mooooo. They also graze on grass, don’t they? So why is it so surprising that the ranchers are providing good tall grass for the cows to eat? Why complain?
When human beings get reduced to moo cow status, how do they get their human status back? If the first step isn’t admitting that they are acting like cows, then, what is the first step?
Maybe if the cows spontaneously find their backbone, kind of like magic, and in one accord they belt out, thanks but no thanks, when the wanna be ranchers mandate masks again, perhaps that would do the trick. Or, the moo cow could just say, moooo, ok, moooo, but can I get some of that tasty grass?
Kids love the new bike lanes.

Poor boy was late for school!!!
Those pictures just scream: vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive.
Minimal vehicle/foot traffic, over grown shrubs (traffic islands, side of streets), only bike I see is somebody riding wrong way (eastbound in w/b travel lanes) and not using bike lanes.
An absolute disgrace.
I’ve been in law enforcement for 23 years, worked accident reconstruction for 18. The north street layout is as dangerous as it gets.
You have cars making right hand turns from the left lane, crossing across a bike lane.
These are called “right hooks” making a right hand turn, into a bike lane. EVERY intersection on north street has the crossing lane and forces cars and truck to make hard right hooks at intersections, it makes it extremely difficult for any delivery driver because it puts the bike lane in their blind spot.
I think what you mean is, you’ve been in statute enforcement for 23 years. In times like these I think it’s best to call things what they are. Playing make believe has gotten us all into quite the jam, If you haven’t noticed
Do you have any idea who might have been consulted on this layout? Anyone with actual knowledge about such things? Did anyone at the state level chime in? And could the city be liable or at the very least involved in some long protracted expensive lawsuits? I swear every third car in Pittsfield has an out of state plate on it and are they all expected to understand what all those lines mean? Is this common practice?
Who were the experts who signed off on this? Surely people with knowledge of such things were involved???
I don’t know who came up with this but it can’t be do one that knows traffic cars have to constantly cross the bike lane to turn or to park. I saw a truck use the bike lane as a turning lane because it’s natural to assume that’s what it is. This is one of the most dangerous layouts I’ve seen. The correct way to make a bike lane is to move it as far to the right as possible and put a barrier. You want to keep bikes away from traffic not have them get hit from the left and the right.
Given the work completed so far, it was the aimlessly wandering confused sheep; The border collie was never consulted.
A good border collie would have improved things rather then made the bad, MUCH worse.
The sheep are pleased with the bums on the overgrown median strips too, when the bums pee, the grass/weeds on the median strips grow faster.
The sheep are real happy as they will have more forage on the median strips, as they spend hours in utter confusion, trying to navigate through the vibrant and dynamic traffic maze.
Was does it mean that you’re in “law enforcement”? Does that mean that you’re one of the good guys? How so?
It’s a big misconception, in my opinion, that law enforcement is synonymous with good. Overall good? Maybe, but maybe not, because, that’s a philosophical discussion. But you appear to be touting the idea that law enforcement is good, by mentioning it in your opening sentence. Does it qualify you as being more cognizant of nonsensical motorway arrangements?
How cognizant are you of the fact that you’re supposed to be a member of an institution which is in place as a matter of public good, by virtue of the fact that you’re job is to help to ensure that society stays on the up and up, not by enforcing statutes, which incidentally are mostly just ideas endorsed by multinational self serving corporations, but rather, by functioning as a moral agent.
As someone who is purported to be upholding the rule of law “justice”, or, what is just, in the name of the public good, how can you do this without a good deal of your moral agency in tact in your position as a “law enforcer”?
If you disagree, and you wish to claim that as a law enforcer, you operate with your moral agency in tact, well, state that to be the case, because, I’d like to here why you think that’s the case.
If you are not permitted to exercise moral agency in any particular position, then you must act accordingly, without exercising your own conscience. Of course, you can be polite in your day to day dealings with the people, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. Anyone in any position which must tow the line, to the extent that they must turn a blind eye, is in a precarious position, and should not be claiming that they are special, or, good.
I’m not good, for, how could I be? Good compared to what? Compared to the bad things I do, think or say. Who’s good? Who wants to present that as their image? Not me lol
“What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
He sounds like one of those guys who need the Heroin assisted clinic so that he does not overdose
(if there is still time)
Let’s just say, for example, that police officers are instructed to go out and pull people over for any and all traffic offenses for the purpose of generating revenue for the city, and in order to ensure that the officers comply, a minimum monthly quota is set.
Most reasonable people would agree that this sort of mandate for the officers has no moral or ethical basis, and given the fact that reasonable people could argue that quotas are predatory in nature, police officers should not be placed in a position to where they must comply with such unethical or immoral demands.
In fact, many police officers themselves are against quotas for this very reason, and yet, if they want to keep their job, they will fill those quotas. The police officer knows that it’s wrong, but he does it anyway, and this is an example of how the police have no moral agency.
This is not to say that they don’t have a moral compass, or a desire to do the right thing, but rather, they are barred from doing what they know is right as a matter of keeping their job.
Go away
You seem to have a lot of time on your hands now Helen. Nobody has ever come on here and attacked police officers with the nonsense like this. Only an a$$-clown like you wanted to defund the Pittsfield Police, when shootings in Pittsfield are at an all time high.
So Helen, you have questions for the police officer, I have only one for you. (1) what’s the case number to your “arrest?” I’d like to read up on it. You spun a doozy.
Oh, you got me all wrong.
I’m very direct, don’t believe in playing patty cakes. What I’m saying about the police I believe to be the truth.
When I say that the police have no moral agency, and you interpret that claim as an attack, that’s your perspective. Lots of people have a problem with truth these days and you appear to be one of those. Instead of labeling me as an attacker of the police, why don’t you use your intellect and prove that what I’m saying is not true? I can have an intelligent dialogue with you, and I won’t try to be manipulative, because, there’s no need for that sort of behavior. If you can clearly demonstrate that police officers are permitted to follow the dictates of their own conscious minds as they carry out their oath to uphold the constitution on the behalf of the people, I’ll stand down, and be better off for it. If you can’t do this, then it is you who is doing the attacking.
Sorry, I’m not buying your “progressive” non-sense about cops being the bogey man. Are there bad cops? Of course there are. What job doesn’t have problem employees? You would know this Helen.
To address your issues with the police, if the police are so bad and corrupt, why is violent crime out of control in Atlanta, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, NYC, LA, San Francisco….and on and on. I’ll give you one guess who runs these cities? And if your going to come back with “systemic racism,” I’ll come back to that original question. Who has been in control of those cities of recent years? Why didn’t they do anything when the anti-cop President Barry Sotero was in office? I know a lot of those pols became much wealthier during this time. Not their constituents, but they certainly did.
Explain to me black on black violence? What’s your answer to that? It’s definitely not the police. People of your ilk didn’t want them and guess what? Like my mother used to tell me, “Be careful what you wish for.” The police avoid those areas and are simply reactionary now. Can’t blame them.
Why actively patrol only to have a situation go bad and have a$$ clowns like DA Wrong Way or you (Helen Moon), judge them with absolutely ZERO law enforcement training. Or have DA Wrong Way make some poor officer her “political experiment,” to try and impress the likes of Rachel Road Rage Rollins?
No thanks.
Could you have found a republican led city with crime out of control if you really wanted to?
Sure, go ahead. Where?
Trouble with your fake truths. Your “truths” are flimsy opinions.
Once November arrives I’m hoping for winter pickle leagues to pop up in the bike lanes.
I don’t think you’ll have to wait that long. From the pictures of the last two posts, it looks like Mayor Tyer is already giving the pickle to the taxpayers.
Vibrant, dynamic, inclusive, and now reclusive, thanks to Linda. Should the Pittsfield Police put out a BOLO for her?
You might find her at her hair stylist?
Or having Tea with the Queen.
No Way Josê
For the most part I avoid Pittsfield’s vibrant, dynamic, inclusive downtown up-street cultural Metropolis of a schitthole, AKA, Notorious North on North. I wouldn’t step foot inside Meth’s on North, AKA Pepe’s reincarnate on North, as I wouldn’t degrade myself to socialize with liquored up bar top booty bumpers and the pistol packing lotharios cheering them on, or the other way around. And with that filthy mob of vagabonds loitering around Dottie’s all day long. I’m surprised that she does any business.
Like a flesh eating bacteria, the corrupt juvenile halls of injustice has spread from the corner of North/Eagle, down North, on its way to infecting the entire block up to the corner of Fenn/North. Tyler St. is just as bad, and only going to get worse. But at least notorious habitual offender Meth’s on North has probably had a positive impact on Zen’s reputation. Even with my very limited exposure to notorious North On North, two days ago I witnessed three grown males riding bicycles, ON THE SIDEWALKS on NORTH ON NORTH.
On the issue of corrupt courts and the inept, if not outright criminal, DA nipples, so far she’s antagonized judge Agostino, judge Vrabel, and Tyne, who never should have been appointed a judgeship in the first place. Nipples and handgun Moon deserve each other. Citizens, however, don’t deserve either of them, or any of the allegedly elected/appointed officially corrupt illustrious deviants attracted to the taxpayer funded schittpile of municipal dysfunction.
Meanwhile, there are at least two round-a bouts planned for the city. One at the intersection of Tyler/Dalton Ave/Woodlawn and one near North st/Stoddard and BHS. The stated purpose is to ease congestion and improve traffic flow as well as reduce accidents.
At the same time a TACO BELL is being built at the intersection of Hubbard and Dalton Ave which will recreate the same hazardous situation the roundabouts are purported to eliminate elsewhere. Namely, too many vehicles coming from too many directions into the same area. Not to mention crosswalks through the middle of it.
I feel like I need therapy just trying to understand the thought processes of Pittsfield leadership.
Cut the cable, you don’t need to watch any comedies just follow what the city is doing! I keep waiting for the 3 stooges or Seinfeld to come out and thank us for allowing them to use the city for new materials!! I must admit whenever I have people visiting from out of the area I bring them down North St before we share an adult beverage because if you drove down after one drink you would definitely think someone put something in your drink because the lines make no sense. It also helps give us a topics of conversation for most of the evening, ha,ha.
Hang in there Annul,the plan is to get everyone committed, to leaving the community.. At the last City Council meeting the Mayors presentations were quite frankly, embarrassing.
the mayor is an embarrassment to our city and to women.
I’m never leaving
Well just don’t run against Kavey again.
Doesn’t the traffic commission have any say in these types of projects?
They might as well park an ambulance right in the area of the new Taco Bell being built because with the heavy traffic and lack of some drivers concerns for abiding the driving laws, it is going to be a cluster fudge.
Roundabout at Tyler/Dalton is just going to screw up traffic flow, same as the one on North St.
It starts at Pittsfield Country Club, ends in North Lanesboro
Starts in Dalton, ends at HSV
I want to know why some of these people, or more people haven’t spoken up sooner as this city has been spiraling out of control for sometime now? Maybe some have, but maybe not loud enough to get a serious response from the leadership.
It’s all done in backrooms where the light of sun never shines.
I get your post, but when investment(s) and your very own livelihood and others who are employed is at stake, they should have been yelling from the rooftops about the direction leadership was allowing to bring down the destruction of the businesses even in the back rooms.
It was no accident that the special interest brought about the four year term for mayor in Pittsfield. They have an agenda and you are seeing the tail of the dragon swinging back around right now.
Why don’t you people mount a campaign to have the city charter amended? 2 year term for mayor instead of the current 4 year term?
People spoke up about the Mountain bike thingy at Springside. The mayor responded by sending hordes of bikers to the scene which was actually her way of saying, FFFFFFF YYYOOOUUUUU!!!! People.
A LOUD AND CLEAR FFFFFFFFFYYYYYYOOOOUUUU! You can’t fight schitty hall. Its a cesspool of CORRUPTION! Christ, I thought Tyer was going to have an aneurysm when some of the city clowncilors staged an insurrection/standoff over using TAXPAYERS TAX $$$$$$$$$$$/FREE CASH, $$$$$$$$$$$ the taxpayers were overtaxed, to offset her new bogus bloated tax rate. To end the standoff, HOSTILE Tyer finally agreed to use more of the TAXPAYERS money the taxpayers were OVERTAXED. But yet, tyer has taxpayer $$$$$$$$$ to burn, TAXPAYER $$$$$$$$$$$$ that in no way benefits the OVERTAXED taxpayers, when it comes to her specious pet projects, e.g. pickleball, flora and fauna habitat destroying bike parks, the roof on the church she attends, useless roadside parklets, the three $230,000, missing, “DINING PODS” and now the dilapidated Tyler Street fire station. The same dilapidated neglected abandoned death trap of a fire station an actual honest guy/mayoral challenger tried to purchased, with his OWN $$$$$$, but was denied. Well, I guess there’s always hope for a retirement aneurysm.
It almost seems like hard earned taxpayer money is going in one door and out the back door in the direction of special interests. Instead of stopping the frivolous spending which benefits only a few connected people and lowering taxes by tens of millions of dollars this administration keeps raising taxes and spending like crazy on things that are hardly necessary. A true “kid in a candy store” mentality with absolutely no regard for the people who elected them.
An honest forensic audit would highlight just how nutso this budget process is. If anyone knows just how extremely nutso it is it is Barry who would be screaming at the top of his lungs if he lived in another city and was paying taxes.
You forgot one C….The Tyler Street garbage Cans….just sayin….
It’s shameful to see so much unattended greenery in the Pitt.
The only greenery getting any attention are at the marijuana shops.
Not a tough problem to solve.
Why not have the supervised inmates from the county jail do some weeding? I believe one year the inmates cleaned the snow off of a school roof.
Or use some of the millions of dollars lying around and hire someone to deal with it. I guarantee you if this grass in any way was upsetting to the bike crowd the mayor would move heaven and earth to get it cut down and then she would apologize on her knees.
Personally, I could give a shit. Not so long ago I witnessed city crews mowing the grass on the islands on Dalton ave. They chewed up all the trash that was lying in the grass and it looked like hell. But since Tyer came along I have come to expect this sort of thing.
Apparently no one on the city council or anyone in charge of the business community that has leverage gives a shit either. Are they just afraid to speak up or they just don’t care?/ I dunno.
But I assure you, if I were younger and raising a family in Pittsfield, Ma. I would do everything I could to get away from here. And many others who have seen the dark writing on the wall have already left and more are leaving every day. Join them if you can. You and your family deserve better.
Northampton did something similar and ended up switching things back. They’re still planning on developing/implementing bike lanes, parklets, etc. but it appears that residents and businesses are more vocal about their concerns and what they’d like to see. Maybe not a fair comparison; Northampton appears to have a busier downtown than Pittsfield but the concerns appear to be the same.
Main St For Everyone (
Group proposes alternative to Northampton mayor’s Main Street plan (
On The Weekend Edition, THE PLANET shall air or the “North on North” disaster. As today’s column illustrates, what’s the excuse for letting the weeds get so out of hand? Laziness? Incompetence? Don’t Care? All three?
Dan, while you are at it.
years ago, did the redesign of the the rotary at north/south/east/west streets , make things better?
IMHO it just slows down the flow of traffic and wastes peoples fuel at red lights.
I love how photos have become people’s exhibit A in illustrating how this city has gone to seed..almost literally! Maybe this blog can start a photo project called something like… Pittsfield incompetence-Truth in Pictures. And have citizens of the planet submit photos of the worst cases of blight and neglect. Everyone has some not far from where they live or work and the supply of material would be endless. If photos say a thousand words…then voters will have lots to think about during the next mayoral election
Excellent idea. Anyone with photos can send them to in PDF format.
I remember a photo of grinning Mayor Tyer with her feet propped up on Stanleys new theater seating. (right before he dumped the place and screwed the hell out of the taxpayers)
She’s no good anymore as a mayor.
Anymore??/ Did she have a good day in there somewhere?
Close Pittsfield High plan.
Maintain what you own everyday day.Ask yourself if we add to our city or house can I take care of it then if I can then can I afford it……Tyer is a complete failure.Every storm grate in town is blocked by dead grass sand litter and broken asphalt.Bike lanes are being built for 15 leople who actually bike.Its been 33 hours since I have seen a bker anywhere in Pittsfield….The mayor shoul apologize for not working like Mayor Mazzeo
Good advice, TSC.
And when you see all the road trash it just seems like she is not even trying. Like she does not even care unless it is something her buddies want and then she comes alive and drags out the taxpayer funded pocketbook.
Someone alerted me to Egremont Elementary, you should see the things they are throwing away. Tables and chairs still in decent condition. I understand replacing things over time but can’t they donate the items to the social service programs helping the poor?
They can donate but choose not to.Blame Superintendent angry Behenke…..she runs the school donations and cant be bothered.
So if it is going in the trash, and our trash company charges mucho buckos, how much is it costing the taxpyers to junk this stuff? Not to mention adding to the pollution
Guess it was just easier huh?.
Other schools are doing it as well. They were told to shoot out furniture so classrooms can be more socially distant, extra desks, small group tables, bookcases, etc. it is a disgrace, total waste of money. Post pandemic they will need to buy replacement items.
I say we turn the PEDA land into a tourist destination by building the largets fountain in the world .Light it up and they will come.Lets be done with companies coming here.Stockbridge is nice but no new jobs are going to Stockbridge….same with Great Barrington……Build the fountain but make sure the Casino comes with it…….PEDA needs a CASINO……Teddy Hatin was Right
City hall is our casino. And as usual everyone is losing their shirt.
Didn’t you ride a unicycle for Barnum & Bailey. Bring it to North Street.
You’re the best Planet
I thought the post that was created by Jess before the one posted here said even more about the current state of affairs. Here it is:
“I am so tired of the mayhem on North St. People peeing around my business, stumbling through planters, getting wasted in front of my business and hollering at my customers… none of the planters and city property around my building being maintained…. Hard to stay positive right now. I think I’d leave this city if I could. So disappointing. So much extra effort being put towards bike lanes when the basics aren’t even being done.”
In what other city/town in Berkshire county would you need to band together as restaurant owners and knock on the door of city hall during a PANDEMIC to get basic operating questions answered? Then during the Zoom meeting that they ask for not be apologetic or sympathetic, but rather ask “So what do you want help with?” Absolutely fuckin clueless.
Other towns and cities did everything they could to support businesses during the pandemic. Not Pittsfield. We tightened down enforcement, allowed special breaks to councilors violating COVID rules, got the meter maids back on the street as soon as humanly possible, and shut down restaurants without any notice despite the entire rest of the state allowing dining. Then to top it off as we are beginning to get out of the pandemic and people willing to frequent restaurants more, they put these ridiculous bike lanes and other traffic obstacles in making what should be a 5 minute trip to get a coffee and sandwich a 1/2 hr event.
Is the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission around for any of this? What role do they serve in this other then eating up taxpayer money.
Thanks for sharing Jess’s previous post. Says it all.
The mayor and others seem to care and cater to only about a few select entities that are well off and can weather just about anything that would be negative to their adventures. It almost seems like the mayor and others are willing to burn everything down to start from scratch again for what they envision the way things should be.
Cry me a river. Ruffo was tight with Pukie and the bike squad, probably 2/3 of them have worked for her at some point. Funny how when a lot of these same people were pulling strings for her she wasn’t complaining. Ruberto and Tyer turned a blind eye when Jess was doing renovations illegally and she got health department “passes” when her place was a pigsty, she was serving beverages she wasn’t supposed to, she had entertainment and outdoor seating without a license. Also what’s her problem with junkies, she was an Andrea Harrington supporter.
It’s just like Krol now saying the city needs new leadership. Hey dimwit, you were and are part of the problem.
When Krol opens his mouth about how bad the city is, just remember this
Krol you don’t like Pittsfield please move away again.
That guy is a walking train wreck!
Bye, bye
Those Boots are Made for Walking, and they will walk right OVER YOUUUUU!!!!
Nancy Sinatra/Lynda Tyer
Jess is t wrong but it’s taken her 20 years to figure it out and now she’s just pissed because she’s not on the receiving end of the goods.
What Berkshire women in business inspire you and why?
“The block that Methuselah resides in is full of amazing women! Jessie Rufo from Dottie’s, Jenny Benson from Mission, Gillian Gorman from Radiance Yoga. All incredibly strong women whose strength seems to come from their big, open hearts, bravery, resilience, and perseverance. Also making my list is Kristen Van Ginhoven from WAM, Molly Lyon from Frankie’s.”
At least she is speaking out now. We need more business people to come forward as they have clout we do not
They have zero “clout” the only “clout” they have is when they are in line with the mayor, once their on the outside, not going to host fundraisers, they are just like you and me.
Do you see the Eagle doing any hard hitting reporting on the bike lanes or the MTB pump track? No. It’s just rewritten press releases from the corner office.
She’s ONLY speaking out now because she’s not on the receiving end of the handouts. When she was getting handouts she was silent
Here’s our petition to the mayor and city council to put north back to 2 lanes. Let’s show them just how many of us DO NOT WANT north st bike lanes.
I’m on board
Excellent petition. If you get it out there, you’ll find overwhelming support. It’s also probably time to seriously start considering a recall petition to oust the present occupant of the cut-corner office.
Is there a provision in the city charter for recalls?
Tyer is the pozer Woman for the 1st
Sign me up!
Maybe post this in some of the Pittsfield groups on Facebook. There are a lot of people who’ve posted how much they hate the North St. changes.
She is the definition of NO SHOW JOB…..lets also add that when she talks she says nothing.The 15 million dollar bio tech startup facility has only 9 cars there.Fix the roads you have,paint the roads then sweep the roads.Dont add anything until you take care of what you have……RUFO gave Hancock Village 500,000 to creat jobs.Ruffo gave the museum 600,000 to install a climate control system…….We need to FREEZE the 35,000,000 COVID cash because her leadership should not be trusted.I am unaware of any person out there capable of taking Pittsfield to the next phase.How this carpetbagger beat the only good political leader we had in Mellisa Mazzeo I will never know.The entire city council is a Mayor Tyer joke.Get rid of at large seats.If you dont wardc4 will continue down the path to bankrupcy of the tax payers…..Clean Pittsfield, sweep streets,stop spending,get controll ….Mayor Tyer is an elitist.Our politions are invisable when it comes to budget controll….the next time a politician runs for office ask them who does their personal budgets……Weedeat sweep paint…..And Close PHS or build a new one but that building must be taken out of the budget….250,000 square feet of problems.
I can remember sustinctly when the school paint job was way late….but, they made damn sure these dumpy recent bike and nonsense directions were on time.
There is just following the democrat script. You should be happy.
Like Trump she cant lead.Like Trump she was a no show.
Biden’s mind is shot. Even when he’s there he isn’t there.
You made it almost a whole day without expressing your TDS, TSC!
This is happening all over the US. We have politicians who are afraid of confronting “homeless” advocates who argue it is the faulty of the “system” and not the individual choice of “those who experience homelessness”. Those who are “experiencing homelessness” are usually drug addicts who do not want the constraints of shelters. They are vagrants by choice. There are others who are mentally challenged (to say the least). Until we have politicians who have the courage to arrest these people and put them in rehab centers or institutions, we will continue to see a degradation in the public spaces we used to love. North Street in Pittsfield, Seminary Square in Bloomington, Venice Beach in LA– it is the repeatedly the same story.
In the animal kingdom nature weeds out the weak and those who cannot take care of themselves. Humans now seem to want to keep everyone alive as long as possible no matter what the quality of their lives may be. It is a very narrow minded mindset.
Social Darwinism.
The drug addiction was caused by corporate pharmaceuticals.Almost impossible to get off these meds.You would not believe who these addicted victims are.
In the very near future, one of two scenarios will play out….
The first possible scenario, is, the greatest american hero Trump will return, just in time to save the day, and the people will let out a big cheer, as their fate is sealed, and they enter into the generation of full scale enslavement with modern technology being their undoing.
The second scenario is, the ranchers will poke and prod the cows again by insisting that the masks go back on, and at that point, if the cows put them on, let us put to bed this notion that the cows are in a position to tell the ranchers that they need to manicure the farm.
The first scenario, from a certain perspective, is by far the worse of the two, for the cows, because, it’ll lull the cows into a much deeper level of animalistic behavior with the false sense of security it gives them. It also buys the oligarchs much more time in order to continue rolling out their agenda.
The second scenario will serve to inflame already hot tensions and further divide, which is also bad, depending on who you ask, but the reason why these two options are on the table, is because, they both serve an evil purpose, and, we laymen don’t know which will happen because we don’t fully know their intentions and what they are willing to do in order to accomplish their goals.
As far as the long grass is concerned, it’s a sign that you better wake up, and quick, if for no other reason than to be prepared to survive the full impact of what will shortly come to pass. Play time is over, and refusing to heed the ranchers demands is the first step in reclaiming the birthright title of, flesh and blood soul. And when the flesh and blood soul arrives on the scene, the only ones panicking will be the cows, and many of the lower rung ranchers who don’t have underground bunkers to retreat into, because, they didn’t realize that they were getting played for animals too, and that’s just the way these things have always played out.
You are totally full of BS
Is that your real name, Hoyt Clagwell?
Is your real name “Nut?” Clearly, you don’t want to publicly own your words. I get it.
Geez Dan. I’m just trying to fit in here, and nobody seems to like me. You know my name though, and that’s good enough for me
I could own my words though. I’d clean up my language and delivery a good deal, but I wouldn’t be any more well received, no matter how tactful I was.
People don’t like what I say, and it’s not because I’m wrong, it’s because they just don’t like it. So, no reason to tell the world who I am, because, I don’t want to be tactful, because, I’d rather beat people over the head with the ugly truth, because, that’s what they deserve, and I don’t mind having that character flaw. I’d rather have that character flaw, then to be such a coward as to not be able to accept simple ugly truths because they are threatening to me and my identity.
Yeah, that’s it you’re never wrong. Drop some more acid.
I’m no troll, Dan. It may appear that way to some people, but I think you know that I don’t qualify as a troll. I’m actually very serious about the things that I say and believe in, and while I may get a little over the top sometimes, I’m more than prepared to go the intellectual route with regards to anything that I’ve brought up on your planet. I’m also more than prepared to admit if I’m wrong on something, but in order for that to happen, someone would have to take the time in order to lead me to those waters, and I’ll drink, if it’s for the best.
Google my name
Maybe you could help me, because, I don’t want to be full of BS. Where have I erred? What’s BS about what I’ve written?
I thought this edition of the Planet might make it with no mention of national politics. But you had to crap the bed on that.
Try eating more fiber. That should help.
Do you do LSD everyday or just during the week?
I’m definitely right at home here on planet Valenti, because there’s lots of people here that like to make jokes, and that’s what it’s all about, right fellas, having a good time? Mooo
Ok, i’ll drop the acid and you guys munch on the tall grass downtown lol
Are you one of these guys that believes Trump is gonna save the day, or, are you a mask wearing, tall grass munching moo cow?
If you’re a Mr. T guy, then maybe you’re a traditional Christian, afraid you might burn in hell if you don’t fly straight, and since you’re motivated by fear, you’re probably quick to put a mask on as well, am I right? So, maybe you go both ways? When your hero comes back, you’ll cheer, and then when he tells you that he’s with the high command and to put the mask on, you’ll say to yourself, it’s for the best. I get that, I really do, faith
Can I get a load of your BS for my garden? I’ll give you a zucchini.
Is your first name Numb?
Numb Nuts. It fits.
They don’t like you because of the group you belong to. Also, your posts are often hard to parse.
I think my posts are difficult to parse, for some, because my i.q. test indicated 136. Definitely not setting any records with that score, and besides, what’s that number really mean anyway? It’s a test which was developed inside a cultural bubble, and as such, it’s only a measure of what’s inside that bubble. But what about what’s outside the bubble, beyond the limit of its scope? See, inside the bubble, you get an A+ for knowing that the supersonic spinning wet ball tilts at 23 1/2 degrees, or whatever degrees they came up with, but on the outside of the bubble, there are demons laughing at you for acting like a dumb animal, in fact, they’re encouraging you to descend even deeper into the depths of ignorance.
I believe that when the kids are little, they get vaccinated, for the purpose of knocking their conscious mind down a peg or two. I was vaccinated as a child, but the vaccines didn’t take, for whatever reason. Or, maybe they did take and that’s why I test in the bubble at 136, and not, 153.
If you test at 136 you should be able to make yourself understood to the readers of this blog if you try.
Yes, at 136, clarity, staying on topic, and focus should be attainable.
The 1/6/2021 investigation begins the 27 of July. The cheat conspiracy ended for all rationale Americans and you stragglers will continue reading the super hero comics and watch MEDIA GIANT FOX news LOL
Oh, you got me there lol
Fox news will tape it and only play back selected sections. Trump just admitted he is all about fake news and his supporters went, yup, yup, me too.
For all the fake news fit to print pick up a copy of the Berkshire Eagle
They allow very hateful fake news as well. I think they would be kicked off of social media with all the hate they spew….wait a second they allow Democrat hate speech everywhere….what was I thinking
It’s not news, it’s entertainment just like Rachael Madcow
Pittsfield was a mess long before 2016 when the Lovely Linda Tyer became Mayor. Give me a break everyone posting on Planet Valenti’s blog. Blaming Mayor Linda Tyer for Pittsfield’s decaying downtown and everything else is not fair. GE killed Pittsfield over 30 years ago. Gerry Doyle and Peter Larkin, et al, made Pittsfield into GE’s dump. Smitty Pignatelli and the like are trying to do the same to Lee (Massachusetts). Linda hasn’t delivered on making Pittsfield a “vibrant and dynamic” city, but what else would you have expected from Pittsfield politics? She and Barry Clairmont live in a wealthy gated community near the Pittsfield/Hancock border far away from the underclass and working class families. She did well for herself, while Pittsfield is falling to new lows with no bottom in sight. People tell me that there a lot of “Pittsfields” out there in post industrial 21st Century America. We all know about our Pittsfield, but other decaying cities are actually worse than Pittsfield, Massachusetts. I feel bad for the local taxpayers who are paying more and more taxes for less and less from all of the lousy state and local career politicians. The WORST Mayor of Pittsfield by far was Jimmy Ruberto and his useless Rolodex! He didn’t even believe his own snake oil sales pitch for Pittsfield, as he lives in Naples, Florida and has a second home condo unit in upscale Lenox.
So how do you explain for others who ran for mayor in other similar communities across the country that inherited and suffered as Pittsfield did from a different era and turned things around for the better? No one blames her for the things that happened prior, they blame her for not doing much to improve upon the prior, the prior she ran on making better which is well documented.
Correct. And she has to shoulder the blame for making things worse since she first took the oath … because she has.
She has a budget several times larger and yet the community has spiraled downhill exponentially. What has happened to Pittsfield in the last several years is either intentional or the result of gross ineptitude. Only someone clueless would make excuses for this woman.
Correct. is just fine.It has survived but can not find leadership.Money is being siphoned off.Tyer is a Ruebero carpetbagger.Its all about the cocktails
Wouldn’t you actually need to work to be impoverished by a tax code?
Guess what? She wanted the job.
I know everyone is pissed but has anyone actually checked on the health/status of Linda Tyer? Her absolute withdrawal from the public is really quite troubling. Is she in fact okay?
If it’s discovered she is in fact of sound mind and healthy body but just decided to stop participating in her municipal role thus further, what is the course of action needed to have her removed? What does the city charter say? Clearly she no longer has interest or control over city affairs. I think it may be time to terminate her term as mayor.
Four year terms have proven a disaster.
“Weekend at Linda’s”….
Anybody seen Barry?
He and his half wit side kick can be seen at 3 am.
He’s still with her? Thought she was a blight candidate.
First,I don’t and wouldn’t believe if she was having a health issue anyone here wouldn’t have sympathy to a health issue.I also believe there is protocols in place for the city business to continue. She or a spokesperson should come out and inform the public about needing to step back for a period until further notice if a health issue is the cause of lack of leadership. Reasonable to wonder like you posted about her absence though.
She’s not having health issues, she was at a house party just this last weekend.
She is having some financial trouble, there’s a pending judgement against her worse half.
Maybe the half wit sidekick can let him borrow a few bucks.
Oh dear, did Mrs. & Mr. Mayor’s law suit backfire on them? I am sure there is some way that Bare Bare and Kerwood can finagle the Biden Bucks around to take care of this creepy sneaky couple’s financial troubles. In over five years Pittsfield’s hard working taxpayers have yet to be told anything as to where our taxes are being spent. These funds are definitely not being spent to maintain the City. We have a totally useless, strangely silent City Council, none of them even question where monies are going. Honestly, I don’t even know why we have a City Council under this Mayor. Could someone name just one thing this Mayor and City Council have done to help the taxpayers. Time for a Town Manager!
Backup quarterback is Marchetti. He is obviously a huge part of the problem as he has not led the council as per the charter. No one told him but he is in charge of the other branch of city government and cannot operate as such with his whole head up Tyers ass. If only special interest candidates run for office this is what you get. Vote if you want but in Pittsfield you are quite often voting for a wolf in sheep’s clothing. As Tyer has well proven, campaign rhetoric is 99 percent bullshit.
She’s avoiding the public because of ill health. Pittsfield are sick of her.
Yes it are.
Auto correct is deadly
Tyered is just fine and in fact took a tour of the area between Dotties and St. Joes where the creatures of the night hang from the trees, along with police yesterday. Basically a photo op for social media and campaign materials. What I don’t know is if she had a discussion with Jess, who is likely persona non grata in the Tyer camp now
JESS showed us a lot when conveying she had reached her limit. What’s taking place on a nightly basis in the “downtown corridor” between St. Joe’s and Cumby’s is the human equivalent of a hair-lip, polio, staphylococcus, raw sewage, and Deanna Ruffer. Bravo for JESS and Dotties.
Mazzeo would be out at night.Tyer needs to reinvent her job as a night job.Mayor Flynn was out every night in Boston and people loved it .Menino was out on every big problem and Boston lived it……I want my mayor out on the weekend and report to us.Slacker Mayor
Just look east to Springfield ! Mayor Sarno is a mayoral role model ! He is ever present and holds constant press conferences to keep constituents in the loop. When an incident occurs, that man is on the spot and procuring the correct remedies needed @ that particular time & event.
Here’s the DA again, this time she is cooing over her media coverage in Commonwealth, a fake “magazine” self described like this: the intellectual rigor of a think tank with the vigorous civic activism of an advocacy campaign.” Doesn’t sound like journalism, does it?
Some questions for the DA and her “opening up.”
If 95% of cases never make it to trial why does Berkshire County have a backlog of over 2,000 cases while simultaneously blaming Covid for lack of jury trials?
What is it that the DA is going going to be comparing these plea deals to since they weren’t being tracked before?
Is the DA claiming that there has been an improper process in the past?
Does opening the office mean the DA will violate confidentialty of these cases? Or was she unaware of that obligation?
These are the questions a real journalist would ask.
DA Andrea Harrington
Great @ShiraSchoenberg
piece in @CommonWealthMag
on our Plea Tracker Project. We are opening up our office to dig deeper into the question of who our justice system affords mercy to and who it does not.
Berkshire district attorney aims to open ‘black box’ of plea negotiations – CommonWealth Magazine
MOST CRIMINAL CASES never make it to trial. Nationally, around 90 to 95 percent of cases are resolved through a guilty plea, where the prosecutor and defendant reach a negotiated agreement. While…
Obviously, it offers mercy to herself. Get a mirror girl.
So, are you an attorney who worked under David or Paul?
Weeds are the new broken windows.
These weeds remind me of some city councilors. Just sucking up nutrients but giving nothing back in return.
Wetlands are an issue, they tried to skip that and they plan on putting all the pressure they can on ConCom to let it slide. There’s two board members already in the bag.
Parks commission telegraphing the vote and telegraphing that a private entity will run it.
If you, as a municipality, can run the park, on your own, then don’t have the park or the facility. You are basically giving this small group of people a $2.5 million asset.
They will in turn make money off if it by charging for access and paying salaries/stipends to McGee
Commissioner Simon Muil said he believed a private-public partnership between the city and bike association would be absolutely vital for the success of the course and the park as a whole.
You can bet at some point the Milltown/Bousquet group will land a no bid contract to run it.
“My feeling with parks in general is, the way for parks to survive is with the community taking ownership of the park,” Muil said. “I think that the opportunity of this private-public piece could increase public participation in the park.”
Yup, the dreaded “public/private partnership.” Muil is either ignorant or naive about how they work in the City of Pittsfield. The public pays the price. The private gets the benefit, as long as the private is among the favored inner circle. Trust us, you don’t want to know how “private” gets to get in on the “in.” You can use your imagination, though.
Perhaps Friends of Springside, Mark Miller etc. may want to consider suing the city over this destructive takeover of the city park.
Will the city be liable for injuries on this track?
Just how many people in our city government have their hands in the cookie jar?
The track? What about the north st. Clog?
The last time I was in Springside I was 16 and there was a Friday night drinking party where I slept it off in the woods and crawled my way home the next morning. I’d hate to see that woods disappear.
Lots of people get quiet enjoyment from the park that doesn’t involve drinking parties. That will change when bikers take over the park.
Now that you moved on to hard drugs do you still have to crawl home?
Only occasionally.
Wondering was the plan already to locate the park elsewhere in the park? Where they might have wanted it to begin with?
Kinda like semi professional baseball at Waconah Park. The taxpayers have no idea how much they subsidize this venue. But let’s not talk about that right now cuz it be a semi secret.
No secret especially after the civic authority and Mr Bouton. The issue is Wahconah Park was established over a 100 years ago for that particular sport. It is used for other events as well. The land at Springside was left so city dwellers of Pittsfield could enjoy nature in the middle of the metropolis. Now it is even more important to protect this due to climate change. The ecosystem is in trouble, at least that is what is broadcast in all the news. So why spoil this precious ecosystem when there are other available areas. Looking at the pump park PEDA would be perfect or the land that sits alongside Belanger park
The climate will change no matter what we do, but we can either hasten it along or slow it down.
The land next to Belanger Park is too flat for a pump track, not to mention what they’d find once they start digging. It’s contaminated.
Democrats can control the climate
They can build it up. Springside doesn’t have big hills especially by the softball/baseball field.
Can China and India slow it down?
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap:
So they want to determine everything environmental?
Remember when they said it was only an acre, now it’s 2.3 acres, the total when it’s all done is supposed to be at 4+ acres.
Don’t be fooled these people are looking for the city to kick in about $2 million for this, maybe even more.
McGee plans on turning this into a side job with the help of Milltown as does upstreet bike lane boi.
They create a need, then they create jobs for family and friends.
The nature of these bike developments: Promise small then once they get in, get big. Provide two trails, they will want four after the first two becoming “boring and less of a challenge.” Then four becomes six for the same reason, and six gets to 10. If this goes through, it might be the end of Springside Park as Pittsfield has known it since the donation of land by the Millers in 1910 and 1938. This is happening because of selfishness and corruption on the part of Boss Deanna Ruffer’ the no-show mayor Tyer; “Green Light” Mcgrath; school committee woman and PR flack for Power Horn, Alison McGee; Cliffy Nilan, Simon Muil, and the rest of the Parks Commission; the silence of the Conservation Committee; the powerful Biker Lobby; and the fact that citizens have not torn down the walls at city hall.
More proof that the federal government is pushing radical Marxist ideas on schoolchildren when their federal school website is pushing Marxist activist groups even as all far left liberals keep saying that Republicans are lying.
The N St. mess….. Maze of confusion Kaleidoscope. M O C K. So it is said and shall be written.
Pat you are obsessed with Marxism/Leninism. If you want to see real Marxism and socialism go visit Russia, Cuba, China or Vietnam. You’ll see that what the left proposes for this country is nowhere near the system that you are so obsessed with.
Your far left Marxist/Communist leaders are lying to YOU about their plans for this country. Shutting down voices and the cancel culture doesn’t bode well for their plans for this country.
Or go to your local school where the teachers have been “educated” by Marxists. Myself, I prefer Grouchy st all.
There is no agenda by liberal capitalist to have any form of Marxism….your narrative is false and your narrative require lies to be accepted.Marxism is a trigger word you learn on FOX NEWS MEDIA the largest in the world.
Your are right…it actually sounds more like Chinese Communism that the far left is planning for this country, but Marxism and Communism both oppress the people and give all the power to a small group of people while the majority of the people live in squalor. Some people like those not working now and collecting checks to stay home and use pot (even have it delivered to their home so they don’t have to move) will soon find out just how little they matter to the far leftists if they ever get total power, but by then it will be too late for all of us.
The last thing the left wants is Chinese Communism. What a horrible life. Why would the left want that? We don’t.
The real threat comes from the selfish ultra-rich and the MAGA 30-percenters who want to follow Trump and take away our democracy.
All of the ultra-rich are now Democrats. The same ultra rich far left Democrats who have been pushing all of this “white people are racist” nonsense on us while we were all either suffering from COVID or having someone we love die from COVID. All to get power for themselves by dividing us using racism and climate change as excuses to take power from the American people. Too many Americans have believed their horrible lies.
I’m sorry you feel that way, Pat. While there are certainly a lot of rich Democrats, I would be willing to wager that the ultra-rich are mostly Republicans.
Contrary to what you say, Democrats want to unite the country rather than divide it. Who wants to divide the country? Trump, Hannity, Carlson and Limbaugh’s handlers, who incessantly push the falsehood that Democrats hate Republicans.
Who wants to take power unfairly? Trump and the Republicans in the senate and the house.
Yeah, they want to destroy our country by insisting we follow the constitution.
Are you that gullible?
Ask Joe and Hunter
Stop reading Mark Levin and barfing up his bile here.
TSC is right, there is no agenda by liberals to implement Marxism, or even socialism.
What we want is for the very rich (> $50 million) to give up some of that obscene wealth to help the lower and lower-middle classes in the US have a better life.
Hannity, Carlson and the Limbaugh handlers do not want to give up any of their $$.
SCHOOLS Educate. Republicans watch fox to see what the dumbass tv says
Ever notice when there’s serious topics, a bunch of non-sensical posters come in and post page long screeds with just ramblings about nothing? It’s like they are trying to distract from the actual serious information going on
Duly Noted.
Curious who the buyer was/is
Should have had his wife set the fires, the DA would give her a CWOF and probably a medal
Just really curious- anyone else notice the difficulty that ambulances are having getting through North st? I’ve definitely seen some confusion these last two days with ambulances getting held up trying to get through traffic. Also, what are plans for disabled parking? The marked spaces are currently filled with cement barriers and flowers. Where are folks parking if they have a placard?
I would imagine ambulance drivers could tell a story or two. But if the mayor gave them Covid money and or tax breaks they may be reluctant to speak like some others who have received Christmas gifts and would rather not rock the boat in case there are more goodies in the pipeline.
I agree with Glenn Beck who stated today on his radio show (which has been banned in local radio by the far left here for some time) that the only way to save our country is for Republicans and moderate Democrats to come together to fight against the radical far left and their agenda for totalitarian government in this country. The far left no longer cares about Republicans, but is just now focusing on pulling the moderate Dems and even Independent voters to their insane agenda. If people value freedom, we need to band together against the far left agenda so we do not turn into Cuba.
You have been radicalized Pat. Like many others and it is all very sad for families and the country. I also have a loved one who is probably gone forever as no one seems to know how to break the Trumpspell. And I am not trying to be cute here. I do believe it.
You need to ask yourself, Pat, which party is interested in totalitarian government.
Trump is clearly in favor of totalitarian rule, with him and only him calling the shots. The Republicans in the house and senate have thrown their support to him.
Everyone is trying to get the support and vote of those in the middle. I notice that whenever you refer to the left you say ‘far left’ in your criticisms. You may be right about the FAR left. I would say those people are on the LEFT FRINGE and are outliers.
The majority of liberal democrats have no such agenda and are just looking for a way to spread the wealth from the top 1% to the rest of us.
Mayor Linda Tyer’s radio interview on Pittsfield’s Biden Buck$:
With $32 Million In Federal Relief Funds, Pittsfield Has A Lot To Decide | WAMC
Wow, the Mayor seems to have stopped saying Vibrant & Dynamic and replaced those words with “You Know”. Almost every comment she said started with “You Know”. NO MAYOR we don’t know what the hell you are doing or trying to accomplish!
Ask yourselves, with regards to the arrangement on north street….
Is a society which revolves around gas guzzling automobiles more or less sustainable than one which revolves around bicycles as a main mode of transportation?
Forget about what you’ve become accustomed to, and answer the question, after having actually thought about it. Sustainability is the question, and if you wanna chime in and say that we can go to electric vehicles as an answer to the gas guzzlers, again, we’re talking about big industry and everything required to make that system work, with all of it’s pitfalls.
More importantly though, ask yourselves who’s really pushing this bicycles in the name of sustainability thing. You’ll discover that it’s the same dregs who have profited the most from the present unsustainable paradigm.
You’ll never discover that locals are responsible for the mess on north street. The people have never been the drivers of so called progress, and never will they be the drivers, except maybe the back seat drivers
Dan you gotta start $hit canning posts like this
Numb Nuts, try thinking before posting. Please!
Another day…another tweet during work house from your TV DA. This “innocence” convict in Texas has been denied 9 post convictions motions and refused for review by the supereme court 4 times. But Andrea Harrington who has defended 7 oui cases knows better. She knows he didn’t receive justice. Why? Because he is a black man. All criminal justice in Berkshire County is about black men in jail elsewhere. That is her focus and it’s why Andrea Harrington, not weeds and bike paths, is the biggest danger to your public safety.
DA Andrea Harrington
A painfully familiar story. A Black man in America sent to death by an all-white jury despite mounting evidence of his innocence. Rodney Reed deserves the justice that has eluded him for over two decades.
The Innocence Project @innocence
Rodney Reed has maintained his innocence for more than 23 years.
10:59am · 21 Jul 2021 · Twitter Web App
Hey Biker Boi you should really credit the photographer here, AND give the story that goes with them.
According to the photographer they were taken early in the morning, before sunrise, and the cones were upright when the photographer went out to walk the dog.
When she came back to North St a few minutes later a cones were strewn everywhere.
So even when there are no other drivers or cyclists, people still can’t figure out which lane is for driving.
That’s a problem.
I work for a local ambulance service, I’m a paramedic. The north street cluster is going to cost lives, it almost did already, it was just by the grace of god that a person didn’t OD or code out due to cardiac arrest.
We had just finished lunch and we’re heading to our garage, we were by the RMV and got a call for a 901L, an overdose near the parking lot by st stephens.
Normally the fastest route is east street and bang a right onto Allen st.
Not anymore, Allen St is now one way with a freaking barrier blocking the lane. So we had to try and navigate north street. Traffic was backed up, no one could move or get out of the way because they couldn’t navigate or wouldn’t breach the bike lane. There were cones and two barriers do they couldn’t unless they wanted to run them over. It’s an absolute mess.
With the traffics and the new patterns, it took us an extra 4 minutes to navigate one block. That’s not acceptable. The bike lane is as stupid as it is dangerous.
I hope all our elected officials take heed of this!
Tyer just can’t not spend money. Every damn thing that comes down the pike that feeds her ego, she wastes money on.
I suggest that as a counter protest, people show up at any and all of the filming locations and scream at the top of their lungs. Scream out about the dangers, the mismanagement, the failed schools, the corrupt police, the broaden roads and promises.
PITTSFIELD — The city will appear in a short-form documentary called “Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid,” according to the office of Mayor Linda Tyer.
“I am absolutely thrilled that the City of Pittsfield has been chosen for this extraordinary nationwide profile,” Tyer said in a press release on Thursday.
Scouts for “Viewpoint” reached out to Tyer’s office in April after reading a New York Times article that identified Pittsfield as among the top metro area draws for movers in 2020, said Roberta McCulloch-Dews, director of administrative services and public information officer for Tyer’s office. The city will pay $3,400 toward an underwriting fee of $27,900, with other sponsors picking up the balance.
“Viewpoint” decided to feature Pittsfield in a series called “Discovering America — Great Places to Live, Work, & Visit” segment after discussions with the mayor’s office, McCulloch-Dews said.
“Based on the conversations, they said yes,” she said, referring to the “Viewpoint” team.
The city of Greenfield has also agreed to be featured in a “Discovering America” segment, which will be filmed in September. According to the Greenfield Recorder, that city is also paying an underwriting fee of $27,900 to participate.
“Viewpoint,” which describes itself as an educational short-form documentary series, is hosted by the actor known for his roles in movies like the 1998 remake of “The Parent Trap” and “The Rookie.”
It produces documentaries on a variety of topics that air on public television stations across the country. Pittsfield’s segment will be about four to five minutes long, McCulloch-Dews said, and will be filmed in October.
In addition to the short-form documentary, “Viewpoint” will produce an “educational commercial segment” that will air on major television networks such as CNBC, CNN, Learning Channel and Discovery Channel, according to the press release. McCulloch-Dews said the city will have rights to the segment to use it to promote the city.
The Pittsfield Cooperative Bank has agreed to contribute $10,000 toward the underwriting fee, and the Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation is contributing $14,500.
“We already know that Pittsfield, the heart of Berkshire County, is a great place to live, work, and visit. In the wake of the pandemic, we continue to see a growing demand among people of all ages who are seeking communities that will allow them to enjoy a thriving quality of life,” Tyer said in the release. “This documentary will showcase our city to a vast audience, highlighting our many wonderful attributes, including our growing innovation and technology, and local success stories.”
Amanda Burke can be reached at
Don’t Barry and Linda drive by the weed islands everyday when traveling to and from work?
He’s an embarrassment
Cognitive test!!
It’s all part of the skit man, so, if you’re taking it serious then the jokes on you
It would be very easy to do the same thing with Trump that Breitbart has done with Biden, making Trump appear to be just as big an embarrassment.
Your people truly don’t get it, do you? The life that you knew before is gone, it’s not coming back. It was completely unsustainable. Even if good moral people were at the helm, it’s not coming back, in fact, that would be all the more reason why it’s not coming back. Exciting times, very exciting! The old order is gonna be dumped onto it’s head. The new world order is gonna be run by good people, and things are gonna get better, quickly.
But there’s going to be this one last little dark winter, to give each individual the opportunity to forge their character, so that they can stand, or fall, at will. Every man for himself lol
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall stand, and fear no man, and no evil