(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY AUG. 11, 2021) — One of THE PLANET‘s most astute commentators, The 5th Dentist, Monday shared 11 essential questions regarding the proposed mountain-bike pump track a private developer wants to place in the middle of Springside Park.
The Suits got so nervous they asked their Californian lobbyist, who’s never set foot in Springside Park, to respond.
———- ooo ———-
The project would cover several acres with cost estimates as high as $3 million. With odd zeal and disproportionate fervor, public officials greased the skids and want to give up some of Pittsfield’s most precious land to private, for-profit interests, all to serve the thrill-crazed whims of a microscopic, selfish minority of bikers.
The gangrenous stench seems to be emanating from the Office of Community Development, where Dom Deanna Ruffer has her lackeys (public “servants” such as Jim McGrath and planner C.J. Hoss) doing the dirty work. The redolence has spread to only those branches of Pittsfield officialdom that have a say in the plan.
Just another of those “Pittsfield coincidences.”
———- ooo ———-
The 5th Dentist asks:
- Being that the property is public property, was this advertised as an RFP?
- Were there any other organizations who responded?
- If it was advertised, where can one view the RFP and any non-winning proposals?
- Being the park is a public property, what are each of the parties’ responsibilities regarding maintenance, access, liability etc.?
- Where can one view this document?
- Has a revenue stream been identified for the city in exchange for said property?
- Have access, rights of way, and other issues been resolved and reduced to writing?
- Where can they be viewed?
- Currently the entire park is open to the public; will part of the park be closed off? If so what is the compensation?
- Will the acres be removed from the open space considerations/count?
- Will there be ADA access?
Fifth writes, ” Asking the public to give up a resource is a huge ask. Without a demonstrable and documented public benefit and a methodology of measurement, [the project] it has to be a hard “no.”
———- ooo ———-
It will likely be futile, but THE PLANET will be mailing these questions to the city officials most involved. They seem painfully shy with public comments. This reticence took hold after the Best Friends of Springside Park then THE PLANET gummed up the works and began to ask questions.
As most everyone on this board knows, official Pittsfield brands asking questions not just as “negative” but calls into question your loyalty to home, hearth, and flag. You risk the firing squad, hanging, the rack, or — worse — having to sit through a meeting involving Dom Ruffer.
In THE PLANET‘s experience, when The Suits get this nervous about legitimate probative queries, they’re usually hiding something nefarious. A reasonable guess in this case would be law breaking (Open Meeting violations, conflicts of interest, even possibly bribes and kickbacks in the form of money and position?). There’s no proof yet, but that’s usually the case where public officials work not for We The People but for The Suits and Special Interests.
They’re so scared they hit speed dial to call on their lobbyist, Josh Rebennack, to “answer” The Dentist’s questions. He didn’t answer. He responded.
———- ooo ———-
The Suits secretly launched the pump-track campaign in November 2020. The linkage of a private development company (Power Horn), an industry association (the New England Mountain Bike Association), a powerful lobbyist (Rebennack), and the “right” city officials occurred swiftly and silently. It wasn’t until April, when the proponents thought the Done Deal would be too far gone for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski to have a say, did the plan begin to leak out.
The Best Friends of Springside Park, a dedicated group of volunteers that long has been tending to the park and applying balm to the wounds inflicted by a negligent city, stepped up to the plate.
The Miller Family donated approximately half the current acreage of Springside Park to Pittsfield. They specified clearly and unambiguously that the land should remain as a nature and wildlife refuge for passive enjoyment by the public. The remaining acres were purchased outright by the city, that is, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.
The stark conclusion so casually ignored by Ruffer, her stooges, and proponents is this: TAXPAYERS OWN SPRINGSIDE PARK. Not Ruffer and her hooligans. Not Powder Horn. Not mountain bikers. Not anyone else but the Kapanskis.
Bottom line is that Mary Jane and Joe DO NOT WANT Springside to be a rape victim yet again.
Unless we speak up for nature, the land, and the animals–who lack human voice–we are complicit in evil — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
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Dan, did you see the beagle tomorrow? School district in Great Barrington mandating vaccines for teachers. Will consider and vet if you can get a medical exemption. I say again will consider and vet if you get a religious exemption.
Excuse me? Did I miss when we moved to Nazi Germany? You need to look into this my friend
That’s it, I’m outta here
Comparing vaccination requirements, which have been required for decades, to Nazi Germany is an insult to all those who suffered from Nazi barbarism.
Incorrect. It is not a vaccine. A vaccine prevents you from getting something. The long term effects are unknown.
Yes, it is a vaccine. You’re confusing vaccination with immunization.
No it is not
Tell me, where do you come by your medical expertise?
Dr. Google is not a medical professional. Neither is Tucker Carlson.
Vaccine (noun): a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the diseas
it is NOT a vaccine. Try harder
That’s exactly what the COVID vaccine does. Think harder.
Why are you opposed to teachers getting vaccinated?
I am opposed to mandated directives for something that is not a vaccine. And who is the superintendent to determine if you religious exemption is valid or not
In my view, religious exemptions are pure idiocy. They should be outlawed. Period.
Spoken like a true socialist. Sad.
Matt you are showing your true colors.
Stop with the “Matt” stuff. It makes no sense and detracts from anything you say.
Sorry Dan. Won’t happen again.
So, now you’re posting under two names.
It won’t be allowed. It was stupid even to entertain this BS. It just shows that Peter Dillon is a special kind of stupid.
Only the legislature can mandate vaccines in public schools.
They’ll just get sued, as did Baker and the MA DPH when they tried to mandate flu vaccines last year.
Local school boards lack the legal authority to do things like that.
Economic Development in Pittsfield, Massachusetts = An ever growing Underclass, Social Services Alley on North Street, Welfare Caseloads, Level 5 (or Failing) Public Schools, and Matt Kerwood’s multimillion dollar $lu$h Fund$.
Pittsfield politics = Mayor Linda Tyer living in a millionaires-only gated community within a few feet of Pittsfield’s border with Hancock, Wealthy Ward 4 running the show while everyone else loses, high local taxes with a long-term shrinking tax base and severe economic inequality (or the Ring of Poverty around North Street), and RETRIBUTION against Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski and anyone who advocates for them.
Berkshire delegation = Chrome Dome Adam Hinds, Trippy Country Buffet, Shitty Pignatelli, Paul Marx, and the Mayor John Barrett III who are currently on their over one-month August vacation and won’t return to so-called “work” in Boston until after Labor Day. Beacon Hill is still sitting on over $5 billion in Biden Buck$, while the de facto part-time/vacationing Lawmakers do nothing for over one month.
In closing, I hope the proverbial Kapanskis of my native hometown of Pittsfield (Mass.) will stop Deanna Ruffer from her latest boondoggle in Springside Park.
Pittsfields biggest problem is sweeping streets and painting lines.Storm drains are backing up because every storm grate in town is blocked.The mayor has a no show job weeks before kids return to school….On Dodge ave the is a Trump supporter fly the confederate flag of human trafficing…..If your nostalgic for Trumps good old days you can see these flags flying from what look like City owned trees.More Trump crazy…..Never forget the overthrow on 1/6/2021 by xxx prez Trump
Hey Dan another SU alumni will be in charge of New York state Kathy Hochul, go Orange!
She’s as liberal as they come.
Hopefully one of the Republicans planning a run for NY guv will limit the damage she does.
New York like CA has been seriously damaged by the Dem control.
New York is the crown jewel for Democrat destruction. Any of the far left radicals they get in there will take the state down completely.
Mexifornia might rival New Dork.
Basstun mASSholes are in the running, D-berk included
3 D-crooks in row now…..
Name something a Republican know how to do besides whine ?
Froth more now TSC!!!!!
Untill it wets your undies!!!!
Don’t know the incoming new Guv, except that she’s a graduate of Syracuse University. So of course, I’m in love with her. But all seriousness aside, as Steve Allen used to say, my guess is that she will be a transitional figure and nothing more. The next gubernatorial election is going to be interesting to say the least. It looked like Cuomo was unbeatable, and then this. Now it’s wide open.
Indeed! Kathy dates back from my time in the city.
Just read the hate rag again and guess what is missing from the front page? Yup nothing on the theft of Springside Park nor cheeky Cuomo’s resignation, they put that in the back. Even in the editorial section nothing. They just keep pounding Republican bad, Democrat good. Why can’t the LOCAL paper investigate LOCAL news? Why is it a propaganda paper? Can’t they see with their declining numbers it doesn’t work? This city tries to call itself a green community yet is willing to destroy a natural resource…does it make sense? Currently there is only one person who I will vote for because he is the only brave enough to put in writing his beliefs!
I think the only value Berkshire Co has for the state is delivering democratic votes. Beacon Hill do not care what mafiosos run the local politics and how many construction companies or other friendly businesses infiltrate agendas for their own gain.
It’s crazy in south county how much pressure is on to build a new monument mountain school. In NYS they are often happily using schools built in 1960s or 1930s. Older buildings are generally better anyway – well see Taconic HS. Total racket.
And in the Pitts councilors like Buffet and Yuki send their kids to Lenox and private. But the dumbies keep voting for these crooks.
And you have SC who is like Jaffar from Alladin trying to hypnotize people with Trump nonsense. Opium for the greenie, want to feel better than others Berkshire Co democrats who really do not give a hoot about the poor or lower working class. This is what purpose the hate rag fulls. Opium and distraction. Funnily enough the okd owners had to sell the Beacon after getting fleeced by a construction company.
I never watch science fiction.
There must be cartoons on at that time.
You just write science fiction though! Your work can be read daily on here.
Jack Nicholson beat out Mike Lindell for the lead part in ONe Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. But Mike signed on with Trump and still mad a ton of money playing a psycho selling pillows to other psychos.
You are still in running for Little Dick Head. Get TSC to polish it, won’t cost you a thong !
thanks again for giving us all a reality check on springside park. if i may. i would like to post this comment yesterday by legal expert. it describes exactly what wreckreational industries, allied national and local fronts/associations, local advocates and pliable officials all conspire in effeft to play 3-card molly with the environment, natural parks, and the public trust:
Legal Expert
Reply to the 5th Dentist
15 minutes ago
So here’s the deal.
The purposefully did not bid it out because it’s being paid for by a not for profit (NEMBA) but it’s not really. It will be funded by donations, but those donations will come, in large part, from a few donors with a vested interest in securing the property and rights without bidding.
It’s a scam. Let’s say a fictitious company, Pill Town Capital, wants that property but can’t secure it due to bidding requirements etc. They also know the city will eventually have to have a public/private partnership to make sure it’s run efficiently.
So what they do is find a willing not for profit, like NEMBA or NAMBLA or whatever they are called.
The NFP acts as their proxy, since cities and towns in MA can directly sell or lease property to NFPs without going through normal bidding.
Remember Pill Town showed a specific interest in this property a while back, they realized the recreational potential of the land, but knew they couldn’t secure the property outright. So this is the fruition of their long game approach.
NEMBA gets exclusive access to the property, Pilltown finances the construction, a place like Berkshire Money Mismanagement acts as the bagman.
So once it’s all built, and since being built by a not for profit it’s not subject to bidding nor is it subject to prevailing wage, the city realizes it lacks expertise in the area of running mountain biking facilities. They then look for a company/NFP to contract with to run it. They may contract with NEMBA who in turn may subcontract to PillTown, a large company that has expertise in outdoor recreation. NEMBA might get a 10% skim, Pilltown gets a entertainment/management contract and a fat maintenance contract which well exceeds the initial cost of their investment.
Also know that Pilltown will write off any donations to NEMBA. It also will look good for pilltowns books because their capital outlay is minimized and they are secured against future revenue. Also NEMBA being a NFP can secure grant funding not open to for profits, so that partnership give Pilltown an extra revenue stream. This is just a form of money laundering.
This is the same move that they pulled with the movie theater and the seats.
They loaned them the money, allowed Stanley to take the profits, and then forgave the outstanding loan. Stanley walked away with more than he put into it with little or no risk to himself.
It’s the museum scam as well. Cry poverty full well knowing you planned to sell those paintings 7 years prior to the public knowing. Knowing that you planned to sell the museum still asked for public handouts and money from the city all along the way.
If MA law made some changes, none of this would happen. If projects on city or town land, irrespective of who may be paying for it, we’re subject to MA procurement laws, these kid of structure/deferred payment scams would dry up.
this sounds like a criminal bank job, except it is pittsfield that is being robbed. and the proposal so far is likely only the tip of the iceberg. let’s hope pittsfield isn’t the civic titanic.
The argument all falls apart at the exclusive access. This will be open to all the public all the time.
It will not. It will be closed for public access for events, competitions, and classes. There are fees for the events, classes, and other events.
The first year alone the expect to run 12 events.
What is NOT said is also news, a reminder to journalists everywhere.
And – nothing is free (except for Nothing (wince))
The “science behind wearing masks”
So keeping you respiratory spray is not helping in the fight against finding a new host.Mask up and keep your spit.
Your diapers work keeping your pee and turds from running down your leg as well as your masks keeps your drivel in your mouth
M Cuomo-
Well I’m ruuning down the road trying to loosen my load, got 7 women on my mind…….
4 that wanna sue me
2 that wouldn’t do me
1 hopes I do major time
Take it sleazy , take it sleazy……….don’t let your morals dive you crazy
Creepy lyrics and a very creepy former Governor.
Well done
Too funny.
He and Trump have both been tossed to the curb.The pillow guy is just a evangelical believer that was told that Trump was sent by God….Not much you can do about him.Hes lucky but very much a political rookie wannabe.
Are you still a coumosexual? Or did the conversion therapy work?
I think you loosen your load every time you post on here. And you might want to invest in some senior diapers if ya know what I mean.
Every time, I crap I think of YOU fondly !! Wizzers too!!!!
Daipers are for old folks, like D-Mario kills off and you support
just wondering????
If YOU have ANY Morales or SCUPLES
I just looked and I have two morales and four scupels left. Not too many of those around these days.
You lose.
Oh yes! Grammy-worthy.
Great questions. City of Tyerville officials will not respond to these questions. If they are questioned they become very angry and defiant, acting like a little child getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar, How dare anyone question their so called authority. Viewed this behavior from Beastie Deanna last night on the City Clownsil meeting. The topic was brought up by Kevin Morandi pertaining to the back handed sell of the Tyler Street Fire House. As soon as Kevin started asking questions about other potential buyers, especially the buyer that tried to purchase it to make it into a first responder pub. almost two years ago. Deanna became angry, fidgety and down right bitchy towards Kevin. She basically came down to calling Kevin and other potential buyers liars. When Chris Connell asked a few more questions she did the same to him. Her body language alone proved she is lying through her teeth and after each question she had to look back at her cohort beastie Linda. She was so nervous she could not stand still. Was pleasantly surprised that Dina even spoke up and asked to see copies of previous RFP’s. Beastie Deanna said it was not her department, it was the Purchasing Department?! Blame game at it’s best. When asked if the original potential buyers would have been offered $100,000 grant she said yes and then immediately stuttered and corrected herself and said NO. Get your story straight Deanna.
Another topic showed how stagnant the City of Tyerville is. Lee Bank had a presentation on their new building on South Street that will also house four large apartments. The Zoning Board only requires one parking space per apartment. These new apartments will either be two or three bedrooms. How many residential homes only have one car. What does this create, a major parking issues on the already congested Reed Street. This parking issue will hurt other businesses that have been in the City for decades. The City is basically saying to them, up yours. After viewing this exchange, wondered where the residents of the Tyler Street Fire Station are going to park, in the Dairy Cone? Pathetic Pittsfield once again!
You deserve combat pay for having the bark to watch a CC meeting, especially with Deanna speaking!
Ha! Ha! You have great timing Dan, just opened my City of Tyerville Water & Sewer bill, that’s after paying my Real Estate taxes last week. My Real Estate taxes that have almost doubled since I bought my home 10 years ago. I could use some combat pay. Will just keep wondering where my monies are being spent in this City.
And with an “in your face” move the mayor just gave the guy making apartments out of the fire station $100,000 dollars of CPA taxpayer money to fix up the place so he can make a fortune renting out apartments.
She will probably make every effort to distribute that 31 million as quickly as possible. No one can reign her in now. She is out of control. I hope she is happy now. Material things seem to be enough for some people.
And tack on the loss of tax dollars through the TIE given also. Around $55,000 over 10 years.
With tha maudlin voice
Did we watch the same meeting? Ruffer made them both look like bumbling idiots.
The mayor will probably take the Goodwill property by eminent domain and donate it to the guy that was basically given the firehouse. He is also getting tax breaks I assume due to his deep connections with the mayors team. This guy is pulling a Stanley and the mayor is pulling a Tyer. Is there ANYONE at the state level that can force a forensic audit on Pittsfield for the good of whatever future it may or may not have?
Is this Carver related to someone here in Pittsfield?
He is a big wheel with the right connections
Carver, Scarafoni, Barnum, Tyer, Peters, Klepetar, Birdland.
The State House only knows The Berkshires for two things: Junkets to Tanglewood and the toadies — the ones who masquerade as state reps — who serve the Bosses.
So true Merry. I saw the exchange between Morandi, Connell & Ruffer – she was definitely agitated and defensive, especially when Connell called her up to the microphone. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest, very defiant and obviously not telling the whole truth. Morandi & Connell are the only two councilors standing up for the taxpayers.
Why did the council go into executive session – lititgation issue but I didn’t catch what it involved. Anyone know?
There isn’t an executive among them.
It would seem that the former bidder who was turned down must have some documentation on the whole episode? I’m wondering why he hasn’t spoken up?
We shall see.
When it comes to bidding, City Purchasing Agent Colleen Hunter-Mullett wants to see that this project is publicly bid. The professionally developed design plan can then be put out in the open marketplace for vendors to bid on.
McGrath said when it comes to the bidding and construction of this project, it is important to make sure they find a firm with experience in constructing pump tracks, as it is a niche market.
If Powder Horn designs the project, it will also be eligible to bid on it and the project would then be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder.
fizzle your gonna win!!!!
The prize a walk through downtown NON. With all the trimmings? No Ernie anymore? Forget those scrumptious doggies fizz.
Great prize. Should we enhance it by including two bodyguards to keep the winner safe and unharrassed?
& a pocket full a shells
have you had enough ruffer muffin to fill yer stuffin?
Where are all the union workers? Remember how they torpedoed the Bouton Wahconah Park plan? I just road down East St by the bike park next to PHS and I saw wonderful advertisement on all the cement ramps!! How beautiful, vibrant and dynamic! It just gave me the warm fuzzies all over!
Still haven’t gotten an answer on how the bicycle MAZE affects handicap parking? I guess that stooge on puke tv doesnt care, haven’t heard a peep out him?
And he was one of the biggest complainers of interference in the history of the city.
& the cowboys… where have all the cowboys gone
This forum is now a diversion from the Trump overthrow.Mosy of you believe Pittsfield is out to get you.
Here is how it works, “The school committee”, in good old Pittsfield, Massachusetts. You either have to kiss the dirty behinds of the incestuous Good Old Boys & Girls club who run the show, or you will face mean-spirited RETRIBUTION for participating in Pittsfield politics. Most local residents know enough to stay silent and fly below the proverbial radar in state and local government so that they can have peace of mind for themselves and their family. I have been through it for years of my life in Pittsfield politics (as my dad was a state/local politician years ago in the beautiful Berkshires), and even after I moved/relocated with my family to Southern New Hampshire (in 2003/2004), they still said very hurtful things about me, as well as mean-spirited things about my dad in the blogs. I know it sounds racist to say, but I really do believe that Pittsfield politics is ran more like a 1950s-era Mafia operation than a democratic form of state and local government. I believe in Human Rights, and I am NOT racist against Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, or any other ethnicity in Pittsfield (or elsewhere), but it doesn’t make it untrue about the “All in the Family” political networks that have ran Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch for generations on end. My brother tells me that every locality has these kind of political insiders who hold onto political power through mean-spirited retribution (or FEAR), but my response to my brother is that while he is probably right, Pittsfield has it in SPADES!!!! In closing, I wish Pittsfield would finally move on from its old school politics that belongs in one of the trash bins of history, and instead start to allow all local residents to have an equal voice in state and local government without being harassed.
I just want to know why the mayor is fighting tooth and nail to prevent a forensic audit. What is she so afraid of if the city has been doing things on the up and up. If she is proud of the way she has been running the city she should be calling for a forensic audit herself so all the city can see how well she has done.
Unless of course she is afraid of what might turn up. She seems so much more concerned with fun things, expensive fun things, and giving CPA money and tax breaks to already wealthy people than making sure the financial foundation of the city is secure. And why is that? It is a curious thing.
Pittsfield has not had a thorough, on-the-level audit since Peter Arlos was knee high to Aristotle.
And You are nuttier than a fruitcake
Seek help and move on TDS, haven’t you noticed the new President does arise and come out of his cellar bunker, just like on Groundhog Day
You mean the Biden/Harris Communist overthrow with this outrageous spending they are halfway through passing. This outrageous spending which is the Green New Deal will send American down the Venezuela/Cuba path. Biden speaking yesterday with “Build Back Better” in big letters behind him. That is the fascist/Communist slogan they are using across the world now to show solidarity with this dangerous political movement.
“Build Back Better” is probably the dumbest slogan of the 21st century, even topping “Mission Accomplished.” Definitely not in the “Tippiecanoe and Tyler, Too” category or “Fifty Four Forty or Fight.” As for the spending, you are right: $3.5 trillion in welfare, $1 trillion in infrastructure. This level of spending may prove disastrous. What we must remember is the penchant for graft and corruption when large amounts of public dough get handed out like candy.
It has to be stopped, but are Republicans up to the job of stopping it?
they can always try another insurrection but Trump needs to get them better organized next time
If your insurrection lasts more than four hours call a doctor
You’re hot tonight, YOUR.
Capable, yes. Will they? No.
Start your very own forum if you don’t like it here where you can focus on the topic of your choice. People have different opinions and views of issues and apparently you don’t like it.
Well stated, J2S. “People have different opinions and views of issues,” which, ironically, is why we allow TSC — everyone, really — to have a say. TSC is welcome here, and so are you. Now if the world at large could only grasp this simple concept …
We mostly believe that you are a moron.
50 on red
Hey GOOGLE, “what’s a few million between friends?”….. according to the free dictionary-
(spoken) used for refusing an offer by a friend to pay you for something because the amount is small: ‘I owe you €2 for that coffee. ‘ ‘Don’t be silly, Steve, what’s €2 between friends? ‘
We use to speak in terms of millions
Alan Alda
This sobbing teacher quit her job in Virginia after being told during Equity Critical Race Training that white Christian teachers are the problem in the schools because they have too much power. One of these radicalized teachers who sounds like a Valley Girl is just the kind of teacher that they want to stay in the schools. They are glad that this white woman quit because she is white and Christian. Only teachers who want to totally indoctrinate your kids with CRT need apply to the American public school system.
” Totalitarians are running wild. Senator Joseph McCarthy has finally succeeded. ” a quote from Bill O’Reilly
Joe McCarthy was anything but a totalitarian. It’s been proven that him being concerned with Soviet agents in the state Department was z100% correct. O’Reilly often puts his mouth in motion before putting his brain into gear.
Yeah, but he was a great manager. The only man who managed the Red Sox and the Yanks.
the mayor was supposed to hand out money fer reglar folk to fix up their homes. Anybody know how that turned out? Did it happen yet and do we know who made the cut? I mean, was it ALL the mayors friends and family or not quite?
There were those who blamed the failure of North street on the mall going to Lanesboro. Well the mall has been gone for several years and North street just kept of falling further into obscurity. Now, the mall may make a comeback. Not so much North street which has had its death warrant and autopsy signed, sealed and delivered by this mayor. She may not be happy until it goes back to the cow pasture it was in 1777.
And that says all you need to know about her.
the voice of the little guy
Dans not a politician.
Yes … and proud of it.
Teacher quits because a dissenting opinion is not allowed from what the far left wants to teach to vulnerable children which is a highly politicized agenda. The far left is using these children to further their political agenda. They don’t want Christian, White, able-bodied teachers. Get your children out of these public schools before your children are totally brainwashed and if you can’t do that, you have to fight against the teaching of CRT in the classrooms.
Word has it that TSC posts from one of Hunter’s lost lap tops.
Heard the Crosby Principle is leaving. To bad,heard also that he was great there.