Second of Three Parts
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 1, 2021) — That the white-washed story of the Alamo (literally, white washed) on March 6, 1936 turned out to be farcical and a presage to America’s present culture wars doesn’t suggest that the nineteenth century ethos translates in meaningfully to 2021.
It doesn’t, not for THE PLANET or anyone else.
It’s a mistake to plunk historical events out of context and judge by today’s standards. Forays into history teach that proper historical conveyance can only be accomplished relying on fact, as much as can be obtained. Context is key. It’s fantasy to take the cultural standards of one society and apply them to another or superimpose a different phase of the same society to a different chronological point. Attitudes towards race, capitalism, and land speculation — major drivers in the 1936 battle — bear little resemblance to 2021 America.
Yes, there’s racism. Yes, capitalism is still under attack, and the greed that drove Americans into Texas on a land grab exists today. However, cultural attitudes toward race have improved dramatically. Capitalism remains the best way to manage an economy. Moreover, it’s the only economic system that fully accounts for greed and as such is the most pragmatic
As this series has explored, the Alamo’s revisionist history stems not so much from ideologues attempting to impose 2021 wokeness on 1836 cultural realities. That history was put together by scholars who spent countless hours of tedious research in the fortress’ archives. Records include Col. William Travis’ personal diary in which he delineates his sexual conquests and an ongoing battle with syphilis. It contains Jim Bowie’s bragging about the bargains he drove purchasing Negro slaves. Contemporaneous accounts of the legendary Davy Crockett show him to be extraordinary primarily in his personal foibles.
———- ooo ———-
Crockett, called by the authors of Forget the Alamo “the most famous man in America” outside of President Andy Jackson, was a frontiersman with a genius for self promotion based on “tall tales” of his backwoods exploits. Much like today’s politicians, Crockett’s lies got him elected to Congress. He wasn’t an “office type,” however, and the restless Davy, 49, after three terms needed a different challenge. Mountain bikes hadn’t yet been invented.
Crockett’s journeyed to Texas on a government handout of 4,500 acres. Crockett never did establish a cotton plantation, of course, having met Travis in a chance encounter near San Antonio.
Travis lured Crockett and his small band into the Alamo walls on false pretexts. The Tennesseans found themselves trapped, hopelessly outnumbered, and in a death trap. The rest, as they say, is history … or myth, depending on your stomach for historical truth.
———- ooo ———-
What about the two other two big names at the Alamo? Bowie, 39, was an angry, raging drunk whose claim to fame was supplying musician David Jones with his last name (the-then unknown rock star wanted a new last name to avoid confusion with David Jones of the Monkees. He became David Bowie). Travis, 26, was an ambitious but clueless officer. He made a series of blundering decisions that led nearly 200 men to certain death.
The slaughter should never have happened. Sam Houston ignored Travis’ desperate plea for reinforcement because he knew the Alamo had no strategic importance, because it wouldn’t hamper Santa Anna’s ruthless attempts to crush the American rebellion, and because he judged Travis to be incompetent. Houston didn’t want to needlessly doom any of his troops.

John Wayne’s Alamo, built with meticulous detail in Bracketville, Texas, stands as one of the greatest movie sets ever built.
The Alamo’s myth making occurred more than a century after the hour-long battle, primarily through film depictions. Travis did not draw a line in the sand. He did send many appeals for reinforcements, being outmanned 15-to-1. He received no help because the citizens of southern Texas, including Houston and Col. Jim Fannon in Goliad, realized the Alamo was a death trap.
———- ooo ———-
Travis chose to defend crumbling mission with a quarter-mile perimeter. To defend this ramshackle pile of adobe, he had an undisciplined band of slightly more than 180 ruffians, roustabouts, and rounders. Against a force of 2,500 of Mexico’s best troops, they had no chance for an adequate defense.
From the book: “[N]one of this [i.e., the slaughter] needed to happen — none of the Alamo’s defenders needed to die — and they only did so because Travis and Bowie ignored every warning of Santa Anna’s approach and inexplicably remained in San Antonio to defend an indefensible outpost. … how anything that happened after Santa Anna’s approach on Feb. 23 [1936] can be held up as ‘bravery’ is beyond us. … Travis and his men were trapped. Despite the legend, there was never any vote in which the defenders elected to stay and fight. They simply had lingered too long, and now they were trapped. Every one was a dead man walking.”
While there was still time to escape, Travis withheld news to the men that no reinforcements were on the way, robbing them of choice. The book calls Travis’ one of U.S. history’s greatest military embarrassments. It also revealed the fact that many of the defenders tried to run away during the battle. Some were sensibly pulling tail; others chose to die “in the open” rather than penned inside the compound.
For about a century, Texas and the rest of America showed little interest in wanting to remember this military disaster. The Battle of the Alamo would probably have have been forgotten until popular culture perpetuated the lies that made the bloody stump into a crown and scepter. Books were first in the 1900s; then came the puritanic, prim, and proper Daughters of the Republic of Texas, who to this day praise the purity of Aryan cultural superiority over Latinos and blacks.
The myths weren’t put over the top, however, until Walt Disney then John Wayne got involved.
THE PLANET‘s Weekend Edition concludes this series.
“The Alamo’s [Wayne’s movie] place in history will probably be that of the most lavish B picture ever made … B for banal” — Newsweek.
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Truth is red states are creating barriers to vote in minority districts.That is racism plain and simple.Now the racist will come in to tell us why its not racist.
1 American, 1 vote
Explain these “barriers” TSC. Just don’t post a democRAT talking point and leave it there. What are these “barriers?”
The dead democrats aren’t allowed to vote. This is racist.
The atrocities that are happening in Afghanistan are only getting worse and with Beijing Biden in charge, they will only get worse. Between Americans being stranded in a war zone, service dogs being abandoned in the Kabul airport to starve to death, the Taliban wearing American gear, the Taliban using our military weapons, our men and women dying after horrific attacks there is another atrocity taking place.
As if none of that was bad enough, right?
New reports revealed that seven busses holding American women were taken by the Taliban and guess what?….
GOOO TSC!!!!!!!
“We’re dealing with Kabul. There’s 7 buses of female American citizens. The CG refused to open the gate. We have a congressman with us and he had the state department reach out. MG Donahue refused. 10 minutes ago the females were taken by the Taliban. They are likely dead now.”……………
The mainstream media and the Biden administration are completely silent………..
If these reports are true, and the mainstream media is deliberately ignoring them, this is a debacle of the first rank.
Just like NOV 3-4TH, 2020
You are seeing results
YOU VOTE, not a MACHINE for him?
Where is TSC on this?
Sleeping on a Mike Lyndall pillow?? ROFL!!!!!
Trump negotiated the withdraw from Afghanistans democracy our troops were defending with the Taliban.He undermined our mission giving the country effectively to the Taliban.This will not be acknowledged by FOX viewers…..Biden choice was to go to war again with the Talaban that Trump empowered or leave.We are working 24/7 cleaning up for the traitor of democracy Trump.He is running a parallel goverment right now using states to dived our vountry further….your blind to what hes doing.We are in the midst of a civil war in America and you picked the confederate side.
“Oh, and not just CNN, MSN, and the other alphabet channels we hear so much about, but also Fox News.
Why aren’t any of them covering what is happening now?”
Traitotr Joe Sleeping in Delaware now?
Nov 3rd-4th 2020 was a debacle on the UTMOST STANK!!!
Dan,using the famouse phrase coined by heavy duty Fox watchers mainstream media to descibe the conspiracy outside of FOX is very telling of how trigger words work in brainwashing people.Only Fox reports real true news and then you and Trapper decide. LOL
The end of the war in Afghanistan has been reported everywhere 24/7 for many weeks.Turn the channel instead of FOX telling you the war is NOT being reported.
Good thing Jesse Owens wasn’t at the Alamo in March 1936, he never would have made it to Berlin Olympics……..
Mayor Linda Tyer’s online interview about her tens of millions of Biden Buck$ dollars:
Survey On How Pittsfield Should Spend $32 Million In Federal Aid Closes Wednesday | WAMC
How will the Lovely Linda spend the direct aid stimulus funds? On housing, tourism, and public health.
I agree with the sitting Mayor of Pittsfield (Massachusetts) – Linda Tyer – that the funds should invest in the people and their success in the future. She held 4 public forums and heard from over 900 surveys that mental health and housing were the most important needs to her constituents. The Lovely Linda has not developed any plans on how to spend the funds yet, but she is going over all of the public input right now.
I believe that communities across the country are passing 5 year plans on how to spend their direct aid Biden Buck$. That means that Mayor Linda Tyer will disperse the tens of millions of dollars in the rest of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, and if reelected, in 2025, and 2026. If Mayor Linda Tyer does indeed use the stimulus funds to invest in the people of Pittsfield, then she has my support and full agreement. Her heart is in the right place!
Issues with where the mayor held her meetings (Morningside/Tyler st) and the dates and times(why do them during the vacation month). Include in this that you could vote more than once in the survey and the questions were not scientific but made to get the results she wanted. JM the money should go to water and sewer it is the only option they gave that whelp all citizens of Pittsfield
You were born – you matter. It is of 0 consequence if you pay tax. Don’t let the Turkeys get you down. Your Birth Certificate proves it; you Matter Jon. Maybe we all do ? Chop wood; carry water – sometimes all you gotta do is get by. Stop f* repeating yourself- it’s crazy & irratic. But you matter nevertheless /persist. Trying to enjoy latte, please don’t say lovely in this context- it is irrational at this point. F* that money /sun don’t shine/ got along w/o it before – get along still. She can have it all. IT don’t MATTER !
Wrong thinking. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9
The mind should lead the heart.
I’m hoping that she considers the mental health status of those working taxpayers and those homeowners who pay property taxes ,water fees etc. also as an investment in the people when it comes to housing and mental health issues.
One can hope, but the Kapanskis likely won’t get a dime PRECISELY because they work, they own, and they pay taxes and fees. The bums and deadbeats can line up, though, PRECISELY because they don’t/won’t work (I’m not talking can’t), they don’t/won’t own, and they don’t/won’t pay taxes and fees. Such is reality in a welfare state.
And they have all the free time in the world to keep their hands out begging while the Kapanski’s have to work 2 to 3 jobs to afford it all
Build a casino on the PEDA site.No brainer with 1500 jobs.Tourist would love it.Right in the middle of the great Berkshire attractions.
Love the idea.
Plus, the PCB’s underground will keep the place lit at night, without using a single volt of electricity. Heck, the people might glow after awhile too?
The same den of thieves will steal this money.The council cant handle budgets.Add on to Taconic and get to one high school.
Phony stacked surveys by political cronies. If you think these surveys are not heavily padded you have not been following Pittsfield politics very long. Do you mean to tell me only a few people care about bad roads, bad schools and garbage all over the streets. How about street signs that are bent or badly faded or leaning over? I call bullshit
All those who went to Texas or the West for that matter did so out of self interest. Isn’t that the motivation for anyone to relocate?
No historical figure is flawless.
At the time of Texas’s fight for independence about 20% of white Texans had slaves. Are we to believe that 80% of the non slaves fought for slavery? Sounds like something Kerwood would try to get someone to believe.
Good points.
Breaking news from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. According to the CDC, the majority of the Bay State is now considered high-risk for the transmission of COVID-19.
With the exception of Franklin County, the latest data from the CDC shows every other county in Massachusetts as having a high COVID transmission rate with more than 100 new cases reported per 100,000 residents. These data numbers were tallied from last week, August 22 through August 28.
Read More: CDC Says Most Of Massachusetts High-Risk For COVID Transmission |
Good information, POINT. Thanks for sharing.
Stop the fearmongering.
Any integrity left at the CDC?
NEVER got the JAB!!! Had a headache/sinus for 3 days 3 /2020, I guess I have NATURAL immunity….THANK GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!
Check out facts instead of propaganda, Point.
Custer s Last Stand is but one more example of how things can go horribly wrong in battle. Many times you do not know what is going to happen until it does. And then it is too late. Except for the blame game of course, where the empty talking heads pontificate like the morons they are.
There really should be a rule regarding combat. “If you were not there, shut the fuck up.”
I can dig that response. History, nonetheless, will be told by those who weren’t there.
Then Traitor Joe should shut the @#%! UP!
Trumps lie is causing you a lot of anger.Hoping the Planet makes a case for the Trump lie or against it.The facts speak for themselves if you let them.
You and Biden very smart. Two genius.
The shit is coming out your ears…………
You have until 4pm today to let the mayor know what you think she should spend millions of dollars on. Make sure you do it on her official format and on time because she wants to get this spending spree started and did not really want to hear from you in the first place. If ideas come from anywhere else, and it is not something she wanted to do anyway, FORGETTABOUTITTT.
The official project list was probably made up some time ago and the survey will show, quite coincidentally, that the people want the same things she and her special interest friends want. Imagine that!
And what the people do NOT want is a forensic audit that would detail where all the taxpayer money has gone for the last ten years and could any of this money been spent more wisely. The people do not want to know this and in fact will get really pissed off if a forensic audit is done. Check the survey. Says right there. Please mayor, no forensic audit.
They also do not want any of it spent on the water and sewer upgrades or anything else that might actually benefit most of the people who actually pay taxes. I, myself, have actually requested that all those folk getting lucrative tax breaks (made up for by everyone else) get 10 year extensions or have their current and all future taxes waived completely.
And the taxpayers definitely do NOT want to know who is getting all these tax breaks, how much they are or how many taxed properties they themselves are subsidizing. Please retain this secret forever and ever.
POINT has probably nailed the procedure. Miracle of miracle: The “survey” results exactly will match the “official project list.”
Racist Amy
I don’t get this pic?
That’s Amy Brentano seated in the black mask. She lives in Richmond. She opened up a business in West Stockbridge. She has some sort of low budget theater. She “owns” the property that has a road on it that acts as the road for her business and Trucs. She closed off access to the road so she had outdoor stage space. That RUINED people access to Trucs.
Truc’s complained and their lawyer realized Amy skipped a couple steps in the application process. She needed a special permit.
Amy is angry because now she has to follow the rules, but only part way, West Stockbridge is letter her use town counsel to help prepare her special permit that will be heard by the board and referred to Town council.
Amy also had friends and out of Town celebrities write in support of her special permit and that she should be able to continue to close the road.
What Amy doesn’t tell anyone except her close friends is, she hopes to put Trucs out of business because she wants that building too.
Amy doesn’t care that Trucs has been there for decades. Amy is the epitome of the Berkshire liberal that only follows the rules when they are convenient.
Amy made a video making fun of Trucs and it was clearly founded in racist language.
Don’t be like Amy Brentano.
Oh yeah when the weather was bad Amy moved indoors at full Covid capacity. She didn’t let covid or her concern for patrons impact her profits.
Don’t be like Amy.
This is a really easy one.
Give the applicant the special permit.
Include the condition that she grant a permanent easement to the Town and any abutters to have full and complete access as a traveled way.
In return the Town will continue to plow, salt, and sand the road.
The other option is for the Town to take back the road or take by eminent domain.
Trucs already have a case for adverse possession on that road.
If their access and frontage disappear due to the closing of the Towns road, they have a claim against West Stockbridge and the Foundry owner.
From what I’ve been able to gather, Truc has been wronged both by the law and by moral right. The Foundry appears to have been given lots of “curious” leeway. This looks like it’s about to get “good.” We’ve got feelers out. No verdict yet at this address, since we are just beginning our due diligence. Much we don’t know. Much in need of answers. Tongues wagging, barkers barking at this point. Our experience tells us a lot of smoke usually means one of two things: A screen for some hidden activity or a fire. Sometimes it’s both. Sometimes neither. Right now, it appears (stressing the provisional nature of the word) to be the former.
The town counsel for West Stockbridge helped craft the special permit application for the Foundry. They were given plenty of free advice by the authority the Selectmen will consult with to make a determination.
It went from bad to worse by doing that.
The Town Counsel has a conflict of interest, a town funds were used for a private citizen.
Another curious conflict, Shimelonis the selectman has worked for Brentano on a number of occasions in and outside of Town. He can not be impartial in anyway because it impacts his business as a sound engineer. Many have said she has rented equipment from him.
I saw the video in question, it was in very poor taste. It did veer close to, and even crossed, the line as far as racial undertones.
The town is going to be on the hook for some money to Truc’s when this is all done.
THE PLANET has inquiries, officially and unofficially, into the key players in this soap opera. We heard briefly from Shimelonis tonight, asking him several questions about his relationship with the Foundry and Ms.Bentano. He didn’t answer my questions and said, “In light of yet more editorials on the subject, I’ll be speaking to this at the beginning of tomorrow’s meeting.”
Ask him specifically if he has rented, leased, sold any equipment to her.
If he has ever worked on projects for her where he was compensated, either by her or another entity. If she has ever worked for her as well. If they both worked on the same project and were compensated by a third party.
Someone had pictures of him working on a play with her, he was running a sound and maybe a light board. My understanding is that she had an improper contract with a school and that she would bring him in on projects. She didn’t pay him, the school did, but it was a quid pro quo arrangement.
Amy’s a out of state @6N! that should be gone!
Getting celebrities who don’t live in West Stockbridge to sign letters sure has backfired . It shows zero understanding of the unspoken rules of small towns.
West Stockbridge, yup. Stockbridge? 50-50.
I think give all the 32 million to Dan. The one upholding free speech.
It would mean a cut in pay for me, but I appreciate the thought!
Trump hates the agitation of journalist He acted like a rookie and took advice from Putin and Saudi Arabia…..The press has one job and that is to dig for truth.Sometimes its easy and sometimes its a big sick lie.
Dig unto Silver Lake , TSC Manure hole!!!
Dwell there, don’t come back!!!!
We should all be seeking asylum; for this County is decrepid. Legit we need that money to relocate – shove Berkshire up your ash hole.
driver’s license it’s the reason ppl don’t trade sex for rides
You have to be an illegal alien to get a free DL. Haven’t you heard, Tricia Farley Country-Buffet (D), has championed this cause. She could careless that they drive a car with a DL, but no insurance. If they hit you and you’re not fully covered, you know where to send your thank you card. But in reality, it only counts as possible D-votes……err, I mean to help people support their families.
A serious question, Tricia has been in office over a decade, what bill or piece of legislation has she ever gotten passed to help the tax-payers of Berkshire County? You know, her constituents.
Immigrants cannot vote. Stop lying.
You vote and you are a felon
Cortez the Killer
rust never sleeps…..
Cortez, Pizzaro, and the rest of the Conquistadors were the shock troops of Spain. Conquer by any means. The missionaries functioned much in the same ideological way, using religion instead of armor.
I was in Northern California a few years ago.what were all those garrisons for near the ocean near Santa Cruz?
My guess: Defensive works.
Off to the east a bit, another Spanish explorer, Ponce de Leon “discovered” and named Florida. De Leon was named governor of Florida around 1513. He was eventually killed by native Americans but the white man did eventually take over the land.
Fast forward 600 years and Florida has another Governor of Spanish decent. Ron DeSantis and he is an even bigger idiot than the Ponce guy if that is even possible. Deja vu all over again only worser
Yes, and to update the legend. In 2020, another middle-aged white man came to FLA and Brough with him the Fountain of Youth he discovered up North. See, he was a generous man. Some dude named tom “Seven Rings” Brady.
042….did you win another bet?
Ron De PiZZ on de Fizze!!!! God Bless Him and take faith!!!
Fizze is but Satans work!!!!
Ill take him over AOC.
Where has been Sandy?
We have had near record rainfall in Pittsfield this year and the street flooding has been significant. Much of th problem is due to storm grates blocked with grass and garbage. So with todays prediction of heavy rain I took a close gander at the drains on a trip over Tyler and Dalton Ave. Perhaps half looked totally clogged and therefore unable to perform their intended function as they have been all freakin summer.
The mayor says that North street is a “work in progress” and I guess the storm drains are as well. Perhaps if all the city workers were not focusing on the daily rearranging of cones and lines on North street they could perform an actual necessary task?
Famous lines in the movie Apocalypse Now. “Whose in charge here?” Reply, “Aren’t you?” The buck does not stop anywhere if it is all “a work in progress.”
Apparently the Pittsfield Suns had a good year. And as if there was some logic in it one of the Eagle sports writers suggests they deserve a refurbished ball park for their efforts. Is that how the world works? Did they bring in a lot of money to the city? Or did they in fact cost the city a pretty penny? So how much would it costs to paint the place and are their any special interest painting companies that would even be interested in making $250,000?
Well the mayor wanted to know what the people wanted and this one justs falls into her lap before the deadline. Another parks department expenditure worthy of awe.
(some people think Waconah is the best looking park in the league as it is) But, ya know, uh…
Biden is screwing up so bad that the democrats might have to impeach Trump again.
Is there any confidence in the Berkshire DA’s office under Andrea Harrington?
when is she
up for reelection?
I keep reading posts from DA Wrong Way about progressive DA’s refiguring the “racist” criminal justice system. That’s great, but what she fails to mention is all of those places that have progressive DA’s, crime is out of control.
Is that what “progressive DA’s” see as “fixing a broken system.” By allowing POC (people of color) to commit crimes at a record pace and continues to make excuses and “boogey man” theories about white, male, racist cops, targeting black men? And then punishing white men who commit non-serious offenses to the fullest extent of the law? Lonnie Durfee comes to mind.
I ask you, who deserves a two year prison term, a guy who burned hay bales with not a single person or piece of property ever in jeopardy, or the guy/gal who continues to go to stores and steals them blind? Who does the store owner pass that cost onto? As Dan frequently states, grab a mirror and take a good look.
Nipples is too busy with extracurricular activities to care about a pesky thing like the truth or doing her job.
Talk about a screaming need for implants !!
You don’t like little bitty titties? Just nipples? So small a ………fake bra can’t fix?
Boob jobby for the DA!…..that’s it!!! New economic stimulus from Tyer!!!!
Pittsfield will milk it !
If I am stuck having to look at her at least give me some eye candy my tax dollars are paying for. Some nice full C cups
Can’t make a , a silk piece, out of sows bust….
True but she would get more votes. Get implants and show some skin. That’s all she is good for
I doubt she could dine a table
Get her drunk flashing on video with a new rack. All she’s good for
The Taliban loves Biden and the democrats. They now call Dementia Joe Tailibaba . They will honor him on his birthday by not beheading people. They will tell us happy Tailibaba birthday.
Sleepy Joe is pathetic. It’s a disgrace. But need to wait until we retake the house. Impeach them both
Taliban pissed on Traitor Joe so hard he always stank!!!
Biden lied Americans died
This debacle rivals woodro Wilson’s withdrawal from Ww1. Which fostered and encouraged Hitler, to again bring about war.
Wilson to his credit , didnt arm and equip hitlers Nazis. He merely failed to understand the evilness of his adversaries.
Enjoy the moments of calm, the terrorists are now emboldened, equipped and excited to kill the great American satan.
The Taliban is now the largest supplier of military equipment, most being purchased by Iran/ any one give any thought about if a conflict occurs- how do we tell American soldiers from their enemies dressed in and driving the same equipment?
The 100 or so Americans left behind is indeed a disgrace. How that could happen boggles the mind. We were told that U.S. officials had secret talks with the Taliban, in which both parties agreed that any Americans left behind would get safe conduct shortly thereafter under the personal protection and guarantees of the Taliban. It appears either that the agreements were misunderstood by one or both parties, one or both were lying, or one or both bargained in bad faith.
Dan, if you believe Traitor Joe, You are a moron or Democrat, could be BOTH!
More than “100” left behind. More like thousands.
To trust the Taliban for anything is ludicrous!
Can I get me an M4 or do I have to join the Taliban before Joe will give me one?
I fancy an Army Humvee, mee-self. Will signing up with the Mr. Ts get me one, you think?
An A 80 would be more to your liking.
The Phony DA doesn’t care about progressive anything. It’s a political tit to latch onto on a cow she is milking. Defendants who don’t fit Harrington’s narrative (police officer improperly storing weapon, haybale protester) are bound to be prosecuted too aggressively and those she does (Simons Rock black female fake hate crime, woman embezzler) given a pass. When you combine Harrington’s blind ambition with incompetence and lack of leadership you get the current s&h*tshow of sh*ttery. What more is there to say?
I hope some good things come out of Mayor Linda Tyer’s 5 year plan on how to spend over $40 million in direct aid stimulus Biden Buck$. I have criticized the Lovely Linda on this awesome blog many times before, but I have to give her credit for seeking public input on how to spend the money from the Swamp. That she said she will invest in the people of Pittsfield (Massachusetts) shows that she means well with her upcoming 5 year spending plan. On the other hand, Beacon Hill is still sitting on over $5 billion in Biden Buck$, and no one knows what Boston’s state career politicians’ 5 year plan is because nothing has been done yet. When I compare Mayor Linda Tyer to Governor Charlie Baker and Boston-based state lawmakers, I give the Lovely Linda an A+, and I give Baker & state lawmakers an F-! Mayor Linda Tyer is doing everything she should be doing, while Boston’s state elected officials have done NOTHING AT ALL so far. The only criticism I have of Mayor Linda Tyer is that she should be using some of her over $20 million on Pittsfield’s immediate needs, such as finding housing for the homeless population. But, I hope she is using other city funds to help Pittsfield most disadvantaged residents. Lastly, I will wait to see what Mayor Linda Tyer’s 5 year spending plan will be before I make any further praises or criticisms.
Two people from the Pittsfield Board of health have resigned. Would love to know the real story behind that but I doubt anyone is going to get it for public consumption.
But I have read that in some parts of the country people have resigned because they have been asked to fudge the real numbers and they wee uncomfortable with that.
What is also funny about the resignation is they already had a person to replace one. How does that work? Seems to be discussions outside of meetings… unethical/illegal in Pittsfield….nah
More on Traitor Joe and the installed DC terrorists…..
YOU voted for this TSC!!!!
“REPORT: DoD had Foreknowledge of Kabul Airport Bomber – Denied Permission to Fire Predator Drone that had Lock on Him – 13 US Heroes Dead”
“The US Department of Defense allowed the bomber to murder 13 Americans.
Life means nothing to these people.”
More Traitor Joe news…..
Joe Biden Assures Country that Remaining Americans Stranded in Afghanistan Will Be Able to Leave Because UN Passed a Resolution (VIDEO)
and Hunter’s going to quit crack………
The U.S. leaders responsible for the Afghanistan disaster. China will soon control one of the most strategic airports in the world in Afghanistan.
Zoom t v at PCTV should be eliminated. It has bias and discriminating programming. All shows should be Zoom available, if even one is. Also, underwriting should be illegal. It circumvents the shows and discriminates certain show-shows because of the unavailability of funds and general help for those that aren’t helped in that way.
Also,a certain host is getting comped for certain events from the interviews he does? That is totally illegal in my opinion.
You think you got problems? I just finished doing a load of laundry and every freakin sock and tee shirt was inside out. Every one Pat. And the socks at least were made in China so I do blame them for that as well.
Be honest. It’s Trump’s fault.
Let’s impeach him again!
I’ve heard of tragedy, but socks-inside-out? Hamlet and McBeth worthy.
Thank you Dan. Not everyone gets the emotional impact such an experience can cause. I have been pacing the house all morning asking god just what in the holy hell did I do to deserve that? And it is not even the first time! And just to pour salt into the wound I get six thumbs down? Really people? I pray this never happens to you.
Ya basterds
It’s now up to eight thumbs. Oh, the horror.
Tuff crowd today. Normally I stay away from the gin joints
Put a sock in it!
China pulled a fast one. Telling the Taliban will be a partner going forward. Code for unleash on whats left of us there. Watch. A political and deadly exercise consequence by them. Chi as no effing good anymore.
Interesting article in the hate rag today about citizens petitions possibly making it onto the ballot, I believe 16 of them. My biggest question is where are our paid legislators that the citizens have to present legislative bills via elections? Don’t they get paid for this exact reason? If this is what has happened why not get rid of the rot in Boston?
MORE Traitor Joe……
“We Are F*cking Abandoning American Citizens” – Angry Army Colonel Wrote in Frantic Leaked Texts of Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal
The Biden Effect: US Military Vehicles Left by Joe Biden and Captured by Taliban Spotted Inside Iran
Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments.Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden decided to leave the nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.
Joe Biden to Spend the Weekend at His Delaware Basement While Americans are Still Stranded in Afghanistan
Two great headlines going into the weekend :
1: Jim Cervone (owner of Crust & Ayelada) and Dalton resident put up a stink to prevent a fundraiser event near his property under the risk of the Pittsfield riff-raff coming to Dalton and Gang activity. See Iberkshires facebook for some splendid comments.
2: “Pittsfield Conservation Commission has ruled that the proposed youth pump track does not infringe wetlands, as claimed by its opponents” – Time to try another angle boys & girls. If you really want to preserve the park (that you never visit, and has been full of homeless for years) Time to make some more outlandish claims.
I think Jim has every right to be concerned. Why do you think the mayor lives 2 inches from the city line with forests and pastureland on three sides? No one knows better than her and her police friends about Pittsfield riff raff. And she sent that message loud and clear when she packed up her stuff and headed for the mountain on day one.
Think she wants To park a Lexus in the hood?
Exactly. The NIMBY crowd will lose this one.
As usual you are wrong
For all you college football fans Ohio State is playing Minnesota on FOX tonight at 8pm. College football on Thurdsay night. Fine with me
A local kid Jake Hescock team U C F will be on also at 7 espn channel 24. Jake is listed at Six Seven and is the tight end for Central Florida. Hope he gets his number called a lot tonight. Trivia for Dan or Chuck if he’s out there. Has there ever been a bonified N F L player from Pittsfield? I knew Paul Metallo had a shot back in the sixties.
Great question. I don’t know of one. Maybe Chuck does. Metallo, a UMass alum, had a shot as a DB with the Packers but didn’t make it. Pauls was also a Mt. Carmel alum.
I believe the only player out of Berkshire county was an all po named deacon Jones. Well that’s what I used to hear on the radio now and then.
To the best of my knowledge (and my research), The Deacon never sniffed Berkshire County. He was born in Fla., went to college in Miss., and played primarily for the Rams on the West Coast. Incidentally, in the off-season he sang blues and funk backed by a group called Nightshift. That band later became War (“Cisco Kid,” “Spill the Wine,” “The World is a Ghetto”).
NE Patriots star lineman Brian Holloway lived in the Berkshires but wasn’t born here.
Brain Piccolo was born in Pittsfield. Although he didn’t stay in the area very long.
SU plays Ohio on Saturday.
Ohio wins game Dan. My nephew plays for Ohio.
Yeah. What name and position. I’ll look out for him. Hope to be in a box with the chancellor and company.
Been a state fan all my life. This will be a great year,loaded on offense
Sports Illustrated has State beating Alabama in the championship.
One of Los Angeles’ major injection centers saw fewer than 1% of its program participants voluntarily enter into a free drug rehabilitation program in 2019, indicating the safe injection sites would help little when it comes to converting drug users into rehabilitated ones.
With no supporting evicdence, Andrea Harrington keeps pushing for injection sites in Berkshire County. Why? My guess is the photo opp.