(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY SEPT. 6, 2021) — A hurricane touched down in West Stockbridge Thursday night in the town hall gym. You probably didn’t hear it. That’s how local government likes it when they commit legal larceny.
Hurricane Amy also goes by the alternate title of The Foundry vs. Truc Orient Express.
The details on Hurricane Amy:
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The Foundry refers not to a manufacturing facility that produces anything useful but to the experimental theater founded in 2002 by Amy Brentano on Merrit Way. You know the kind of “hip,” backwater venue. They bring out a houseplant, three lima beans, and a transgendered frog croaking while a woman sings to a bad translation of Alfred Jarry’s Ubu Roi.
Ars Artis Gratia and all that jazz.
Merritt Way, owned by Brentano, services both the theater and Truc Ngyuen’s Orient Express, now in its 42nd year. The problem is that, despite claims by Noe Bailey, the Foundry’s manager, Brentano shut down the road when presenting events on the outdoor stage, strangling Ngyuen’s business. Merritt Way is the only way vehicles can get to the restaurant. Noise from the venue, Nguyen says, also cost her plenty in lost business.

Noe Berry, managing director of The Foundry. With the hair and striped PJs, she rocks the Auschwitz look. (Photo: The Foundry website)
Bailey, of course, has skin in the game. She has publicly written that “there is no existing easement or right of way in the property’s deed in regards to Merritt Way. This has been publicly clarified by the Selectboard and Town Council… .”S
Correct, but if that’s the case, why does the town maintain, plow, and sand the road at taxpayer expense? Should that be Brentano’s responsibility?
It seems that the town and Brentano enjoy — how shall we put this — a “cozy” relationship.
- Not only does she gets free road maintenance but the town counsel, not Brantano’s own private attorney, wrote the application for The Foundry’s special permit, approved by the Select Board Thursday.
- Sources say The Foundry was “given plenty of free advice by the authority the Selectmen [consulted] with to make a determination [on the special permit].”
- Not only that, but Brentano never sought the special permit in the first place nor did the town require it. An innocent oversight or something far less sanguine?
To place Hurricane Amy in proper perspective, Eric Shimelonis chairs the West Stockbridge select board that approved the special permit. So what? So this: Shimelonis appears to have a massive conflict of interest but didn’t recuse himself.
Sources told THE PLANET that Shimelonis, a musician and sound technician, has on frequent occasion worked for and with Brentano and The Foundry. That didn’t stop Shimelonis and his boys from granting the special license.
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET asked Shimelonis about his relationship with Brentano. He chose not to answer, instead telling us: “In light of yet more editorials on the subject, I’ll be speaking to this at the beginning of tomorrow’s meeting.”
Brentano didn’t reply to our request with so much as a period.
Alas, our spies are everywhere.
From one of our legislative correspondents LEGAL EXPERT:

Set up for outdoor entertainment, The Foundry blocks off Merritt Way, the entrance to Truc Ngyuen’s restaurant. Is it meant as a swipe at Ngyuen because of her Asian heritage? If so, it injects an ugly racial element into the dispute. (Photo: Albany Times-Union)
“Ask [Shimelonis] specifically if he has rented, leased, sold any equipment to [Brentano or Bailey]. Ask if he has ever worked on projects for her where he was compensated, either by her or another entity. Ask if she has ever worked for him as well. Ask if they both worked on the same project and were compensated by a third party. … My understanding is that she had a [questionable] contract with a school and that she would bring Shimelonis in on projects. She didn’t pay him, the school did, but it was a quid pro quo arrangement.”
THE PLANET asked Shimelonis and Brentano about this. Both eschewed a reply.
Adding to the mess, Brentano allegedly made a video crossing the lines with insulting racial overtones regarding Ngyuen’s Asian heritage.
———- ooo ———-
Brentano had some “celebrity” friends you’ve never heard of write in support of the special permit. As GOTCHA 22 told THE PLANET: “Getting celebrities who don’t live in West Stockbridge to sign letters sure has backfired. It shows zero understanding of the unspoken rules of small towns.”
Might be, but Shimelonis and the Board granted the special license. Cute.
Finally, THE PLANET heard this: “What Amy doesn’t tell anyone except her close friends is that she hopes to put Ngyuen out of business because she wants that building, too [meaning the restaurant]. Amy doesn’t care that Trucs has been there for decades. Amy is the epitome of the Berkshire liberal that only follows the rules when they are convenient. Amy made a video making fun of Trucs and it was clearly founded in racist language.”
But as The Bard would say, all’s well that ends well. The Foundry got their Special Permit and Heather Bellow of the Eagle reports that the Ngyuens has invited Brenano to have a meal on the house.
Might a rousing chorus of “Kumbaya” be next?
“Contemporary art and theater are pretentious. There’s nothing more pretentious than contemporary art and theater” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
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You can be sure if the foundry was a conservative think tank establishment the Berkshire eagle, cnn and Rachael Maddow would be camped out demanding answers
No doubt. BLM would be there along with the Pussyhats and Deanna Ruffer.
There is Joe Biden’s troubled 51 year old son, Hunter Biden. He published a book this year of 2021 about how he used to smoke crack cocaine every 15 minutes, drown himself in alcohol, pay for sex from strippers and sex workers, and ran an alleged money laundering business operation where he took in $224 million in revenues from China, and millions of dollars from Russia and Ukraine, respectively. Of course, both China and Russia are the U.S.A.’s adversaries. An official U.S. Senate report said that Hunter Biden hired sex workers in Russia who may have been sex trafficked. The Biden “Crime” Family are all worth tens of millions of dollars each without reasonable and/or legal explanation. Joe Biden has grandchildren from multiple women Hunter Biden slept with, including a young woman stripper he tried to weasel his way out of paying child support to by Hunter Biden lying to a Judge by saying he wasn’t the father of the stripper’s baby. The Judge ordered a paternity test, and Hunter Biden was the father of the stripper’s baby. Hunter Biden has at least 5 children by at least 3 different women. Joe and Jill Biden should step down from the White House and take care of all of their grandchildren that Hunter Biden has neglected over the years. But instead, Joe Biden is busy tanking our country, while saying he is proud of his last surviving son, Hunter Biden. What a SAD JOKE! I am disgusted with politics!
Biden can’t take care of himself! How do you suppose he can take care of his family now?
2 words. Adult diapers
Wonder if they have them made special with the presidential seal on the front of them? Taxpayers funded I’m sure.
I literally spit my Coca Cola out. Hahaha
Stop the whining!
You voted for him!
Many people who voted for Joe are more angry that Joe will probably cost them the midterms rather than anything else he has done so far. They just won’t admit it.
You voted for his Dad, Traitor Joseph Stolin
Dan, what does this “special permit” entail? It don’t seem to be spelled out here.
Concerning the Truc Orient Express.
Is 41 years correct?
Types of Implied Easements in MA
Easement By Prescription – An easement by prescription may be acquired by demonstrating a continued, uninterrupted use of the land over which the easement is claimed for a period of twenty years. Under Massachusetts law, there is a presumption that the uninterrupted and continuous use of an easement for the prescriptive period is under claim of right and adverse to the true owner of the land.
That thing in the Zebra suit is down right scary looking! Looks like they don’t let it out in daylight. Is that what they need the special permit for?
The Foundry can still do outdoor events, limited to five a season. They must keep the road open. Not sure how they do both. Also, I don’t think the town addressed why, when Brentano owns Merritt Way (a private road), taxpayers have to maintain it.
The way the town is maintaining the road seems to be illegal.
I’m also surprised they have a liquor permit.
The town government seems as crooked as the corner office in the Pitt.
Depends on what you mean by is, is…
Cut the baby in half and build a Chunnel.
Berkshire County’s version of Alice’s Restaurant.
Funny! We’ll get Arlo to write a song about it.
Hey, I’ve heard of that verse in the book,King Fizz 1:19 Such wisdom.
You’re channeling the great Solomon!
& a parking L O TTT.
Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope everyone who has been working gets the day off and everyone who hasn’t been working through the pandemic finds employment. On the topic of Hurricane Amy didn’t the town also close off a pathway to Truc from the town parking lot?
Thanks SHIRL. I love the positivity. You too have a good one, ya hear?
The idea of the Foundry making a play for the Tuc building to expand is plausible. Wondering if Tuc was approached with an offer and refused and that led to closing the access at times? Usually people are approached first about any interest of selling and then the games begin if refused. Only both parties would know if a deal was proposed to buy and sell.
I had a post concerning MGL and right of ways, the robot ate it last night.
If Truc Ngyuen’s Orient Express has been using the road 41 years, the Foundry and the Zebra don’t have a leg to stand on in court.
Concerning the town plowing the road:
A municipality may plow and make minor repairs to private ways only if they are “open to the public” and if the municipality has adopted M.G.L. c. 40 sec. 6C, 6D and 6N. Allowing the public to use a private way does not make it public – that would require a layout according to statute and an acceptance by the municipality.
Concerning Truc’s use of the easement:
A prescriptive easement is acquired by adverse use continuously for the prescriptive period (in MA, 20 years). Unlike adverse possession, on which prescription is based, it need not be exclusive. So you could use the easement for 20 years and others, including the owner of the land or the owner of land benefited by the easement, and still acquire the right to continue to use the easement in the manner that you used it for the 20 year period.
These are both correct. Truc’s has the right of continued use due to “adverse use”.
Truc’s also has a claim under adverse possession.
The nice thing about the special permit, if The Foundry violates it, and interested party may petition to open the special permit and seek amendments. I’m unsure why they didn’t include a penalty clause or a mandatory review.
The Town Administrator in West Stockbridge clearly shouldn’t have that job. Both Richmond and West Stockbridge got the short end of the stick on Town Admins.
My sources are telling me this feud isn’t over, comparing it to the “truce” to halt but not end the Korean War, which is still going on technically, certainly, and you could argue otherwise. Stay tuned. This might just be getting “interestinger and interestinger.”
Brentano lacks some of the basic elements of good judgement. My source tells me she once wrote a play for some middleschoolers that featured them stealing and snorting cocaine.
She also likes to sprinkle in transgender and LGBT issues, like buggery. She’s ok with gays, she just makes fun of POC.
Looks like someone you want your son to bring home. Not
I think the special permit is lipstick on a pig, so to speak. It was issued in order to give the presentation of oversight. The entire process along the way has been dodgy. Btw, was Ryan booted from Stockbridge? Or do I remember wrong? I feel like they keep recycling the same garbage for town admins because they are malleable.
ROFL ROFL ROFL…”They bring out a houseplant, three lima beans, and a transgendered frog croaking while a woman sings to a bad translation of Alfred Jarry’s Ubu Roi.” This, Dan is why we need to pay you the big bucks!
Many thanks! I had a good laugh at that one myself.
Now that’s sarcasm mr. melley
PLEASE READ this LETTER in The Berkshire Eagle today!
Letter: “Pittsfield’s downtown struggles show mayor’s leadership struggles”
The Berkshire Eagle, September 6, 2021
To the editor: The city seems to be once again heading for troubling times, especially in its downtown.
The mayor, who many claim makes few if any trips into businesses and never seems to take the pulse from downtown merchants, took a walk and it was front-page news in this paper. (“Pittsfield’s North Street retailers want answers. Mayor Tyer says, ‘It’s a work in progress,'” Eagle, Aug. 21.) She heard many negative things about what has been happening, and the answers were bland and generic and, from what some have told me, uninterested and lacking in empathy.
But the answer that got me was that a hate crime, actually many hate crimes occur against one business, and the mayor claims she did not know they had occurred. In a city as small as ours, I cannot fathom that when a business is being attacked on a routine basis that no one is informing her of this. She isn’t offering stepped-up patrols, assistance in cleaning up the human waste being left behind, a mobile surveillance unit to catch the perpetrator on film — nothing. Just “I didn’t know.” It’s either a lie or it is a massive failure on her part to be engaged with a part of the community we spend a lot of resources to make healthy.
That one statement undid any efforts by the Red-Carpet Team, Downtown Inc. or any landlords in an effort to recruit business to this city. That statement implies the police are not being asked to double down on these quality-of-life issues in general, or on the perpetrators of a hate crime in particular. There have been vigils and marches supporting the Four Freedoms, diversity and other things to show we are a welcoming community. That stuff is window dressing. Showing our colors as a community is how we address actual incidents and how we respond, and the response from the corner office on Allen Street shows that the mayor is disinterested and disengaged.
I voted for a modern charter that granted a four-year term to the mayor. Now I see that was an error. Running for office is what keeps politicians engaged. Let’s hope she learns how to be a leader in these next two years. We need solutions and we need actions — and we need results. Downtown is not safe. If it were safe, it would have good people on it instead of those who drive good people (and businesses) away.
Dave Pill, Pittsfield
Dave Dave Dave. Her initial pledge while running her campaign years ago was a walk through of. Neighborhoods and her outing of blighted properties which were her number one criteria if elected. Dave Dave Dave. HESS STILL STANDS.
Hello, Mr. Pill. There’s an election this year. Where are you?
Mr. Pill is obviously NOT living in Linda Tyer and Barry Clairmont’s millionaires-only gated community near the Hancock border. Mr. Pill is obviously not scheming with Matt Kerwood to sit on over $20 million in direct aid Biden Buck$, and piling Kapan$ki Ka$h into Matt Kerwood’s multimillion dollar $lu$h Fund$ that should belong in the pockets of the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Mr. Pill is obviously not helping Peter Marchetti win reelection so that Peter Marchetti can dish out retribution to any City Councilor(s) who opposes Mayor Linda Tyer’s out-of-touch, costly, and failed leadership in Pittsfield politics. Mr. Pill is obviously not supporting Pittsfield’s “Level 5” School Committee. To answer your statement that there’s an election this year of 2021 in Pittsfield politics, and your question where are you, Mr. Pill, I would say that Mr. Pill is somewhere other than with Linda, Barry, Matt Kerwood, Peter Marchetti, and the “Level 5” School Committee. Kudos to Mr. Pill for speaking out against Mayor Linda Tyer’s failed leadership.
I must say that is a hard pill to swallow.
Well, at least his heart is in the right place.
Great letter. He’s correct on all counts. According to the business owners, the Mayor very well knew. Pretty shameful the she blatantly lied about this and now it’s in black and white. What happened to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Mayor?
I agree completely.
Doesn’t Shirley Edgerton have that market cornered?
I’ll save everybody reading time of her teachings. (1) play the victim card. Gullible white liberals, who you know secretly dislike you, but kiss your a$$ for votes (Tyer, Wrong Way, Houseless White) will give you everything but the kitchen sink. Of course, they’ll keep that, (2) if that fails, claim racism and blame a white male. It saved a black female (POC) at Simons Rock College from getting indicted on multiple felony counts, because, see #1.
Does this about cover it?
I’m sure there’s nothing on (1) black on black violence, (2) don’t glamorize criminal activity, a mostly unattainable celebrity/athletic lifestyle, (3) and don’t discourage those POC who want to succeed academically, by other POC.
You forgot it pays well for the coach.
She meant Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for her inner circle and friends when she was spouting that b$ line. Some voters need to learn to take these lines with a grain of salt from most who run for elected positions.
For those not paying attention, Tom Brady and the Bucaneers are playing Dallas this THURSDAY night at 8:20 on NBC.
Interviews,shows and guests should be made to attend in person at pctv. Aren’t there f c c laws that prohibit airings on zoom., Covid s over. It doesn’t seem fair at minimum,to make shows at the studio while others have to go to the studio’ while especially politicalitians can zoom it ?
Bucs by 9
Bucs are loaded.
Agree. Plus they have the GOAT.
I don’t watch the “woke” National Fruitcake League anymore.
Or the Rud Sux and Stankies
New chant at college games: FJB!!!! FJB!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,
warning strong language !
Carolina –
And Texas! –
Re: Trump’s White Nationalists (Nazis) plan Hate March on Capitol Hill on 18Sept2021
Donald Trump’s White Nationalists (Nazis) plan a Hate March on Capitol Hill on 18-September-2021. A little over 4 years after the White Nationalists (Nazis) had their Hate March in Charlottesville, Virginia where an innocent young woman was killed for standing up to the Nazis there, and after the January 6th, 2021 Hate March insurrection on Capitol Hill where 5 innocent people were killed, including a Capitol Hill Police Officer, Donald Trump’s White Nationalists (Nazis) plan to Hate March on Capitol Hill on Saturday, September 18th, 2021.
Don’t the White Nationalists (Nazis) know that Adolf Hitler was EVIL and the Nazis administered the Holocaust during World War 2 where over 6 million Jewish People and millions upon millions of other people and Peoples were systematically murdered in the WORST genocide in human history? The U.S.A.’s finest hour was the defeat of Hitler, Nazi Germany, Fascism, and stopping the Holocaust. The U.S.A. fought against the Nazis. It is unbelievable that in 2021, Trump’s White Nationalists (Nazis) are targeting Capitol Hill twice in one year. I HATE Trump, I HATE White Nationalists (Nazis), and I HATE that innocent people are getting killed in their Hate Marches!
In Truth!
Jonathan A. Melle
The only one killed at the protest on 1-6 was Ashli Babbit. She was murdered by the Capitol police. No Capitol police officer was killed that day.
With all your fake information you could work for the Eagle.
I know lot of people will skewer me for this post, but someone has to call the baby ugly when one sees one. No point in being
politically correct.
Ashley sure got killed alright. They should pass a new law that whenever a raging mob takes over a congressional building the police must hand out ice cream cones and teddy bears. I know for a fact that the rioters were going to give Mike Pence an ice cream cone if they found him.
There we’re cops right behind Babbit. The idiot is lucky he didn’t kill more innocent people. I guess it’s ok for cops to kill unarmed white women.
You’ve a total nitwit if you think you know what Rabbit had in mind.
Oh look, another troll post by the same person who is starved for attention everyday.
I thought you claimed you had a “good heart?”
You are a hate-filled Marxist!
You wouldn’t know truth if it bit you in the keyster.
Gives all the Antfia , BLM and low life’s a pass all the time along with all the lazy bums who won’t work and live off the taxpayers contributions. Even the disabled ones with a broken fingernail.
Swinging from the poles today I see JM! Why do you on one hand complain about how the Democrats run things but in the next breath spew the Democrats lies? Hope you find your calm you seek JM because it seems in your writing you have a great internal strife going on inside your head.
We all know what went on here, a local town bent over backwards for the privileged few.
They ignored the needs of of the long standing resident and business owner. When they got caught they did everything in their power to make sure the deck was stacked in her favor.
It’s like almost every other Town in the Berkshires. If you are part of the favored class, you get your way.
The selectman with the huge conflicts of interest probably didn’t file the necessary disclosures prior to hearing the first issue, so they can always continue the legal battle on that front. I am sure there will be a civil case against the Town and the dirty laundry will be aired.
It’s no different in any other Town or City, look at Pittsfield or Richmond.
Incompetent city councilmen or selectmen and under qualified mayors or Town Admins.
One curious thing to consider, when they talk about needing more women in public office just consider how poorly most local women have done their job in office.
Sources tell THE PLANET that there will be legal action. Haven’t confirmed this, but it sounds like this is where it might be going. Great point in your final sentence. They’re as bad as or worse than the guys.
The term morally bankrupt comes to mind. The days when woman were looked up to as the moral standard have left this burg in a hurry. We have use Doyle as the marker for sinking Pittsfield into the depths but these girls have taken it to a whole new level. And they are smirking all the way.
They just cant’t understand normal thinking.
Just another great advertisement for the doings in “vibrant, dynamic” Tyertown, courtesy of Lt. Gary Traversa of the PPD: The Pittsfield Police Department Detective Bureau is currently investigating an Unarmed Robbery and an Attempted Unarmed Robbery, both of which occurred yesterday, Monday September 6, 2021.
Patrol Units responded to Lipton Mart, located at 320 West Housatonic Street, at 6:10 AM. The initial investigation revealed that an individual entered the store and demanded money, escaping with an amount of cash.
At 4:45 PM that afternoon, Patrol Units responded to Vong’s Restaurant, located at 157 Seymour Street. The initial investigation at this location determined that an individual entered the restaurant and demanded money. None was turned over, and the individual fled on foot.
No weapons were displayed, and no one was injured during the commission of either crime.
Anyone who may have witnessed, or who may have information about this incident, is asked to contact the Pittsfield Police Department Detective Bureau at 413-448-9705. Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).
Local business owners should be aware of these incidents and educate their staff that the safety of workers and public are a priority during such occurrences. 911 should be called as soon as possible. Properly functioning security and camera systems are also hugely beneficial.
Sam Cunningham dead at seventy one.
Aw, man. Sam Bam. RIP.
They should call the 1911A 45 ACP
Have not seen this mentioned here, Harry’s Supermarket is changing hands tomorrow.
I hope it don’t change, You can’t beat Harry’s meat!
Dr Falsey…….lying to Congress and Americans. He needs a tree and a rope